Composition, properties and uses of shea butter. For lips, eyelids and eyelashes

21.09.2019 Bakery

Hello dear readers. Today I want to tell you about shea butter, perhaps many people know it as shea butter. We use shea butter in the family not so long ago, but we immediately liked it. It has a soft and pleasant texture. The oil is easily absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. It is somewhat similar to cocoa butter to me, only cocoa butter is much harder than shea butter. There is an article on the cocoa butter blog. You can read more about the application, about the beneficial and healing properties of cocoa butter in the article "".

Shea butter or shea butter is obtained from the fruit of the shea tree. This tree grows in Africa and outwardly resembles our ordinary oak. Like our oaks, the shea tree is an African long-liver that lives up to 200 years.

The shea tree in Africa has several names: caret, shea, colo, si (si) is the last version that entered the English language, so the name shea for this oil is more common.

According to African traditions, shea fruit is harvested only by women. Nut kernels are crushed in mortars to a state of flour, and then all this is boiled to a butter-like state, and as a result, shea or shea butter is obtained.

Shea butter is an ideal treatment for hands, body, face and hair. This oil was used by Queen Creopatra herself. Entire caravans with clay jugs were equipped for shea butter, it was in them that shea butter was transported and stored.

Shea butter (shea). Useful, medicinal properties.

  • Due to the high content of fatty acids and natural vitamins A, D, E, F in the oil, shea butter perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  • It also accelerates the healing of wounds, abrasions, cuts, cracks.
  • Due to the presence of linoleic acid in shea butter, shea butter has a rejuvenating effect. Returns skin smoothness, elasticity, reduces wrinkles.
  • Shea butter has such healing properties as anti-inflammatory, decongestant, moisturizing, healing.
  • And also shea butter perfectly protects the skin.

In addition to the use of shea butter for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, shea butter is also used in the food industry for the production of margarine and in combination with cocoa butter for the production of chocolate.

Shea butter texture and smell.

Shea butter is not a hard butter, rather a soft butter. It kind of reminds me of melted butter. Shea butter melts on contact with the skin, making it suitable for cosmetic applications.

The smell of the oil is nutty to coconut. Of course, it smells not of sweets or flowers, it smells of a nut from which it is obtained.

The color of shea butter is from light yellow to beige.

Shea butter (shea). Application.

  • Shea butter is used for hair care, the oil nourishes, gives shine and radiance.
  • Shea butter is good for muscle pain, rheumatism, and muscle fatigue.
  • Shea butter is used for the body. Massage with shea butter relieves tension, muscle soreness, and also promotes skin regeneration. Shea butter massage improves skin circulation.
  • Shea butter is very widely used for the face, because of its ability to smooth fine wrinkles in the shortest possible time, perfectly nourish and moisturize. Plus, the oil itself is very gentle and light.
  • Shea butter protects the skin from UV rays and environmental aggressors. Due to which shea butter is used for the body, face, hands.
  • Shea butter is used for rough skin on the elbows and knees.
  • Also, this oil is used to soften the lips. Can be used in cold weather, wind before leaving the house, shea butter nourishes and protects lips with a thin film.
  • Malo shea soothes the skin after sunbathing.
  • Shea butter prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body, so it can be used for the body of pregnant women.
  • Shea butter is used for the delicate skin of children as a natural antiseptic. In Africa, after birth, the baby was given a body massage with shea butter, which protected him from difficult climatic conditions and contributed to the healing of the umbilical cord.
  • Shea butter is used for pain in the joints, with stretch marks, as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant.
  • Shea butter saves from burns and accelerates wound healing.
  • Apply shea butter to the skin around the eyes.
  • Used for hardened heels. Shea butter softens, heals, nourishes, moisturizes. By the way, we already wrote about cracked heels on our blog. Read the article "."

The oil is used in its pure form, as well as in mixtures with other oils. It is used as a base oil in compositions with essential oils. Used for applications, massage, dressings. Shea butter is used to enrich creams, balms, masks.

Many soap and cream manufacturers use shea butter as a raw material.

Application of shea butter for lips, face, hands, hair.

Shea butter due to its beneficial properties is widely used in cosmetology, oil is used in body care. Shea butter is used for massage. Shea butter is applied to the hands, upon contact with the skin of the hands, the oil melts and the shea butter is rubbed into the body with massage movements.

It is used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. The oil is also used to soften the skin, to eliminate irritation.

More scientific studies have confirmed that African peoples who use shea butter for skin almost do not suffer from skin diseases, and their skin is smooth and elastic. And also shea butter perfectly protects the skin and hair in the African climate.

Shea butter is used for the body after sunbathing, shea butter perfectly moisturizes, softens, soothes the skin, helps with sun and household burns.

Shea butter for lips.

Honestly, I have long wanted to prepare myself and my daughter a natural lip balm, which contains shea butter, cocoa butter, beeswax, sea buckthorn oil, almond or wheat germ oil. This natural lip balm nourishes, softens, heals. Especially in winter, when lips need special care.

I had all the ingredients for making the balm, I didn’t have only wax, today I bought it from a beekeeper on the market, now I will prepare a natural balm. I saw the balm recipe in a video clip, I share it with you all of a sudden and you want to cook it.

Shea butter (shea butter) for the face.

Due to its beneficial properties, shea butter is used to soften, nourish, moisturize the skin of the face, as well as in the fight against wrinkles.

I use pure shea butter as a night cream for my face. I apply shea butter on a cleansed face and remove the excess with a napkin. The oil is very pleasant and light, softens the skin well. In the morning, the skin is tender and soft.

Toning mask for dry skin.

  • 1 yolk
  • 0.5 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon shea butter (shea butter)
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

The yolk must be mixed with lemon zest. Melt shea butter in a water bath. Mix all the components of the mask until smooth. Apply the mask on a cleansed face in a thick layer. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Shea butter for hands.

I use shea butter not only for my face, but also for my hands. Shea butter perfectly softens, moisturizes the hands. The oil is easily absorbed and leaves no greasy residue. I take a small amount of shea butter and rub it on my hands. Hands become soft and tender.

Shea butter helps with wounds, cracks on the hands, as it has a regenerating property. Softens and revitalizes. When I opened the jar of shea butter, I immediately applied a small amount to my hands.

You can apply shea butter to your hands once a day. Apply shea butter on the skin of the hands with massage movements, excess oil after 10 minutes can be removed with a napkin.

Shea butter for dry hands.

  • 1 teaspoon shea butter
  • 1 teaspoon calendula oil
  • 1 teaspoon walnut oil

Shea butter is used for dry hand skin mixed with calendula oil and walnut oil. If you do not have walnut oil, you can replace it with olive oil. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and heated in a water bath. Rub the mixture of oils into the skin of the hands and leave for 10 minutes, excess oil can be removed with a napkin.

Shea butter for cracked fingers.

  • 1 teaspoon shea butter
  • 1 teaspoon sea buckthorn oil

For cracked fingers, shea butter in equal amounts should be mixed with. Heat the oils in a water bath and rub into the skin of the hands. Shea butter and sea buckthorn oil have healing properties. Use this hand mask once a day until the cracks heal.

Shea butter for hair.

Shea butter is widely used in hair care. Use oil for dry, brittle, weakened hair, for hair with split ends.

For hair, shea butter can be used in its pure form as a hair mask. To prepare the mask, it is enough to melt a piece of shea butter in a water bath, the oil should not be hot, but warm.

Distribute the oil over the entire length of the hair, you also need to rub shea butter into the scalp, put a cap on your hair. Keep the mask on your hair for 30 minutes, then wash off the mask with shampoo.

Shea butter mask for hair growth.

  • 3 art. spoons of shea butter
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil

For hair growth, use this hair mask. We need three tablespoons of shea butter, two tablespoons of castor oil and a couple of drops of rosemary oil. Shea butter needs to be melted, mixed with castor oil and rosemary oil. A mixture of oils is applied to the hair, distributing along the entire length of the hair. Warm your head with plastic wrap and a towel, keep the mask on your hair for an hour, then rinse with shampoo. Apply this mask once a week, a course of 2-3 months.

Mask with shea butter to strengthen hair.

  • 3 art. spoons of shea butter
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E

Sometimes hair loses its natural shine and beauty. With hair loss, with dull and weakened hair, such a mask is used. We need three tablespoons of shea butter, two tablespoons of burdock oil and a teaspoon of liquid vitamin E. Melt the shea butter, mix with the rest of the ingredients and apply to the hair, wrap with a film and a towel. The mask is kept on the hair for an hour, then washed off with shampoo.

All the ingredients of the masks can be doubled, everything is curled from the length of the hair.

Shea Butter. Contraindications.

Shea butter is contraindicated in case of individual oil intolerance or allergy to it. This oil can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Shea butter is sold in our pharmacy. It can also be found in stores that sell cosmetics. I buy this oil in a pharmacy. Very happy with shea butter. I also suggest watching a video clip on how to use shea butter.

Shea butter or another name - shea - a healing substance known to many. Centuries-old experience of different nations has confirmed its unique protective, as well as significant softening properties.

Initially, such a substance began to be used in Africa, whose population is distinguished by its soft, even plus smooth skin and a small percentage of dermatological pathologies.

It perfectly protects against skin-thinning sun rays and other negative features of a hot climate.

What is shea butter and its properties

It is not only a useful cosmetic supplement. The oil is pressed from the ripe fruit of the African shea tree.

It has a beige tint, hard and granular to the touch, similar to ghee. Shea has several types: organic and artificial substance. Organic natural oil is extracted by classical methods.

This tool is valued in the field of cosmetology for its beneficial properties and a clean ecological component basis. With the help of a special solvent of hexane, chemical shea butter is made.

It is not recommended to use for aroma treatments. Unrefined and refined or refined shea butter is also isolated. In the unrefined product, more useful components remain. It smells slightly nutty with hints of coconut.

Shea butter contains 80% triglycerides and the rest is unsaponifiable fats. It is also rich

  • vitamin A, F, E;
  • triterpenes;
  • phytosterols;
  • carotenoids;
  • catechins;
  • gallic acid;
  • linoleic, arachidic, palmitic, myristic, oleic, stearic acid.

It is used without diluting in fat-free cosmetic preparations. Insufficient plasticity is usually replaced by other components. The base shea butter is well distributed on the body, equally, and evenly absorbed no worse than other cosmetic oils, leaving behind noticeable greasy marks.

Almost immediately after spreading, shea butter makes the skin pleasantly velvety and especially tender, smooth and elastic.

Useful properties of African solid oil:

  1. The phytosterols included in shea give the mass the properties of regeneration, healing, rejuvenation, and enhancing the production of natural collagen.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol) and A support the natural functioning of the skin. Vitamin F restores fat metabolism, especially in the thin layers of the epidermis.
  3. Triterpene alcohols are included in the unsaponifiable part of the mass. They contribute to its deeper absorption into the skin, and also have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  4. Shea butter is able to absorb negative solar radiation, so it is often included in sunscreen cosmetics.
  5. Linoleic acid restores damaged cells and provides good protection against negative factors for hair. With its help, acne is eliminated, since the acid has antiseptic properties. Shea butter restores the face from pockmarks and dimples, acne marks and acne.
  6. Intensively moisturizes dry skin, restores dry hair from chemical influences and coloring, restores their full nutrition.
  7. It is used for joint and muscle diseases, ligament injuries, has a decongestant quality.
  8. Heals stretch marks, wounds, scars, burns, fights dermatitis, improves capillary exchange in the skin.
  9. It is used for frostbite and against chapping of the skin.

How can sea buckthorn oil be used on the face? You will find recipes for masks, compresses and other remedies.

Applying oil to the skin

The unique healing shea butter is useful for:

  • aging and fading skin;
  • dry or rough facial skin;
  • acne;
  • for protection from the sun, frost and wind;
  • with skin itching;
  • to moisturize and protect children's sensitive skin;
  • to eliminate stretch marks;
  • to restore split ends and brittle hair.

The main property of African shea butter is softening. It also has pronounced restorative qualities, stimulates normal collagen synthesis, awakens the regeneration of the dermis, maintains a normal complexion tone, and eliminates negative ultraviolet radiation.

African tree oil perfectly suits any type of dermis, prevents its thinning and drying, fights age-related changes, as well as a slight network of wrinkles.

It is indicated for damaged epidermis and skin diseases, as well as for the care of babies.

They sell not only oil in the form of a paste, but also a water-soluble product for adding to cosmetic home remedies, for spa treatments and baths, and curl care. It has a neutral pH and does not irritate the skin.

Store African shea butter in a cool place away from the sun, preferably in a fully closed container. It is also used undiluted, hardened, added to other essential oils or melted for effective absorption.

To protect the dermis, pure shea butter is applied to the body, added to balms and homemade shampoos, all kinds of masks for the hair or body, to improve and regenerate the skin of the face and bust, soften the lips, eliminate fine wrinkles under the eyes, moisturize rough areas on the feet and elbows.

After the procedure, the oil from Africa is simply washed off with water or a damp cloth. It is added to folk and purchased creams. For sensitive, mature skin, diluted shea butter with almond oil, chamomile decoction is useful.

It is also mixed with essential rosemary oil, as well as jojoba, avocado, rosewood. Such products are effective and replace expensive cosmetics.

Weathered hands are well softened by shea butter mixed with a decoction of calendula and walnut. This mixture is rubbed into the skin of the hands at night. It also helps with thin nails with dry cuticles.

For children, massage with shea butter is useful. They eliminate diaper rash and abrasions, lubricate the umbilical cord.

African oil helps eliminate cellulite, especially when included in a homemade scrub with ground coffee or apricot beans.

Shea Butter for Hair Improvement

For the beauty of hair, oil from Africa is not used in its original form and is not spread on completely dry strands. It is recommended to combine it with almond, olive, cocoa, linseed, burdock oil, cotton extract or rosehip decoction, wheat or egg yolk. It:

  • restores tired curls;
  • softens dry strands, especially with their rigid structure;
  • strengthens the roots of dyed hair;
  • accelerates regeneration, protects from external influences;
  • stimulates saturation with oxygen and keratin.

Shea butter solves many problems with hair, ranging from loss of elasticity and shine to dryness and brittleness. But it must be used correctly.

They pre-wash their hair, then the oil with other components is well distributed over the curls with a brush with sparse teeth. Before washing off the product, the scalp is massaged a little. Then simply wash off the product with water, sometimes using a nourishing shampoo-conditioner.

How to choose quality shea butter

If bad oil has foreign additives, it has a repulsive unpleasant odor. In purchased products, shea butter should have a dominant role, that is, the largest concentration. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be blocked by other components.

In its pure form, it looks like a hardened oil of white or beige color, without impurities. Other shades in the structure of the oil indicate additional processing, as a result of which its positive properties are lost.

Any manipulation with a natural substance reduces its usefulness by reducing the amount of unsaponifiable components that are responsible for healing and regenerating qualities.


If you are allergic to latex and certain components, shea butter is not recommended. It often causes skin redness and rashes in those who cannot tolerate nuts. Store cream and other products with the addition of shea butter in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.

The topic of the article is shea butter. We will talk about its properties, application and types. You will find out in which cases it is undesirable to use the product, whether it is useful during pregnancy and where to buy it.

Shea butter (karite) is the most valuable cosmetic oil. It has a softening, nourishing, regenerating and protective effect. Its main field of application is cosmetology. The product is used for skin, hair and body care.

Shea butter is made from the fruit pulp of the Shea tree, which has been growing for several centuries, maintaining a high yield for a century. The tree grows in the countries of West and Central Africa.

Obtaining shea butter is a laborious process. Ripe and fallen fruits of the Shea tree are collected in baskets, then they are buried in the ground for 2 weeks. This procedure contributes to the decay of the fruit, followed by the production of seeds.

After 14 days, the inner seeds are boiled to prevent sprouts, and then roasted for 4 days. Thanks to this, the bones do not deteriorate for a long time.

The seeds are then subjected to a multi-stage processing process, after which they will turn into a useful oil:

  1. The upper shell is removed from the seeds, crushed, fried for a long time.
  2. After roasting, they are pushed in mortars to a state of tight paste.
  3. At this stage, several women are involved in the process due to the fact that kneading pasta is a rather laborious task for one person. A small amount of water is constantly added to the paste, kneading it thoroughly.
  4. After kneading, the paste is washed and boiled. To obtain pure oil, the thick mixture is boiled and the top layer is removed from it.

Shea butter has a pleasant and light nutty aroma, in rare cases with hints of coconut. Its consistency remains solid at temperatures up to 27 degrees. If the temperature rises, the oil begins to melt quickly. This feature makes it convenient to use in skin care. For example, you can move a piece of oil over a clean face and enrich the dermis with useful trace elements.

The product contains:

  • triglycerides;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • triterpene alcohols;
  • squalene;
  • xanthophyll;
  • phytosterols.

Now let's discuss the benefits in more detail:

  • Shea butter is actively used for face, body and hair care. The tool softens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, irritation and peeling. It can be used along with other herbal and essential oils.
  • The tool has a wound-healing effect. It effectively heals wounds, cracks and scratches without leaving scars. Many women use it in the treatment of inflammation in the dermis.
  • The oil does not cause irritation, so it can be used to care for the sensitive and delicate skin of newborns.
  • The product relieves pain from injuries and sprains, softens the dermis on the elbows, knees and heels.
  • The oil can be used to treat and treat sun and thermal burns.
  • The tool effectively copes with many dermatological diseases, acne and swelling.
  • The product strengthens the nail plate, making the nails strong, healthy, prevents and eliminates delamination.

Oil types

Shea butter comes in several varieties:

  • Butter (literally translated “creamy”) - the consistency resembles ghee. Has a creamy tint, quickly melts in the hands. Among the shortcomings, one can note the appearance of granules in the oil, which look unaesthetic.
  • Oil (literally “sunflower”) - liquid shea butter. Most of the stearic acid, which is responsible for the density of the product, is removed from it. This type of product is the most effective, because it contains only the most useful vitamins and fats.

Shea butter is classified as follows:

  1. Unrefined (class A) - contains most of the beneficial trace elements, as it undergoes minimal processing.
  2. Refined (classes B-E) - purer than an unrefined product, but at the same time contains fewer useful components. Class B and C oils are produced without chemical impurities, usually with the addition of cocoa butter (it is used in cosmetology). Class D and E products are intended for the production of household chemicals and contain synthetic additives.

You can easily determine whether the oil is refined or unrefined in front of you. The unrefined ivory color has a brown or green tint. It has a thick texture and a pleasant nutty flavor. The refined product is white in color but has no odor.

There is also shea essential oil. It is clear and has a light nutty flavor. It is used in aromatherapy, added to the composition of home cosmetic masks. Using ether in its pure form helps to heal cracks, small scratches and wounds on the skin.

Shea Butter Applications

Shea butter is allowed to be used in its pure form, added to the composition of home cosmetics for skin, hair and body care. In Africa, this product is used to protect against the scorching sun, to eliminate dry skin.

For some people, the natural product is a source of dietary fat. It is added to various dishes instead of butter, used in lamps for lighting, repelling insects from housing.

In many European countries, shea butter is used as the main component of home and factory-made cosmetic products.

According to the reviews of people who used shea butter, there is practically no difference between a refined and unrefined product. With regular use, they bring the same effect.

To achieve the maximum benefit from the use of oil, follow the rules from the instructions for use:

  1. If you plan to add shea butter to a homemade cosmetic mask, then first melt it in a water bath. If you want to apply the product directly to the skin, you can do without melting.
  2. Before applying the mask, prepare the skin - clean it, steam it or massage it.
  3. To prevent swelling, apply a night cream a couple of hours before bedtime.
  4. Depending on the composition of the mask, wash it off with warm water or remove it with paper towels.

Shea butter in cosmetology

Shea butter is actively used in cosmetology. It is one of the most popular components of skincare, anti-aging and sunscreen cosmetics.

This product is suitable for all skin and hair types. Often, the agent is added to the composition of mixtures for massage. The use of shea butter helps to cope with stretch marks during pregnancy. Regular massage with oil helps to increase the elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

For face

Shea butter nourishes, moisturizes, softens the skin of the face. It can be used for the skin around the eyes, for wrinkles. It effectively fights wrinkles on the neck, carefully cares for the décolleté area.

To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to use it together with essential and vegetable oils, for example, with. Shea butter is a good base for making homemade revitalizing, rejuvenating and moisturizing creams. Before using the product as a base, be sure to melt it in a water bath.

The product is often used as a protective agent against the sun, frost, wind. To do this, it must be applied to the skin 40 minutes before going outside. Immediately before going outside, blot your face with a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Shea butter is good to use as a night nourishing and regenerating agent. To do this, 2-3 hours before bedtime, lubricate a clean face with warm oil. Before going to bed, blot your face with a paper towel to avoid clogging your pores.

Below are recipes for homemade skin care products based on shea butter.

Cream for aging skin


  • shea butter - 10 ml;
  • almond oil - 20 ml;
  • chamomile ether - 3 drops;
  • lavender ether - 2 drops.

How to cook: Melt the main ingredient in a water bath. Add . Stir until completely cooled, gradually adding esters. Take a jar from the old cream, pour the resulting composition into it and place it in the refrigerator.

How to use: Apply the cream to clean skin twice a day. Keep the product no longer than 14 days.

Result: Nourishing dry skin, giving elasticity and firmness to the fading dermis.

Anti-aging cream


  • macadamia oil - 10 ml;
  • avocado and jojoba oil - 1 tsp each;
  • rosemary ether - 2 drops;
  • rosewood ether - 3 drops;
  • shea butter - 10 ml.

Cooking: Melt the shea butter in a water bath, add the remaining oils to it. Add esters as it cools. Transfer the mixture to a glass container. Store the cream in the refrigerator for up to 14 days.

Usage: Apply the cream twice a day.

Result: Wrinkle reduction.

For body

The tool has the following effect on the body:

  • protects from ultraviolet rays;
  • evens out skin tone;
  • helps to heal minor injuries;
  • softens rough areas;
  • relieves mild inflammation.

If there is redness or peeling on the dermis, then shea butter will effectively eliminate them. Thinned skin, covered with stretch marks, with the help of oil-based products, will partially restore elasticity, make stretch marks lighter, and relieve pain when touched.

The use of shea butter immediately after the appearance of stretch marks and other skin defects allows you to fully restore the health and original appearance of the dermis.

For hair

A natural remedy helps to restore the structure of the hair, restore the health of the dermis of the head. Regular use of products based on shea butter allows you to make hair strong, beautiful and manageable.

The product also helps:

  • protect hair from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • activate the growth of curls;
  • soothe the dermis of the head;
  • get rid of dryness.

It is advisable to apply masks based on a natural product on the head for a long time, optimally - at night. But be sure to use a shower cap and a towel so you don't stain your clothes and bedding.

Shea butter has a beneficial effect on skin cells in many diseases. The active substances bring the same benefit to the hair follicle, shaft, split ends. Curls along the entire length receive a healing effect. Shea butter is especially effective for hair that is often blow-dried or styled with a curling iron.

To get the maximum effect on curls, it is necessary to achieve the consistency of an emulsion. To do this, solid butter is heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven, then the necessary components are added to it, mixed. After that, the composition is applied to the hair. The minimum exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Revitalizing and healing masks should be done twice a week. The oil is easily washed off with shampoo.

Hair Growth Mask


  • thyme oil - 2 drops;
  • - 30 g;
  • rosemary extract - 2 drops.

Cooking: Heat the main component in a water bath, add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix.

Usage: Apply the composition to the hair roots. After 40 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Result: With regular use, hair growth is activated. The course of applying the mask is at least 12 procedures.

For lips

The product helps to effectively cope with the problem of dry lips. In the cold season, the oil protects lips from wind, frost and other negative environmental influences.

The product can be applied directly to the lips. Or make a wonderful balm out of it, designed to protect lips in autumn and winter.


  • jojoba oil - 10 g;
  • shea butter - 15 g;
  • lemon oil - 2 drops.

Cooking: Melt the mixture in a water bath, constantly stirring it with a wooden stick. Pour the finished composition into a container from under the cream, refrigerate.

Usage: Apply a nourishing lip balm before every outdoor activity.

Result: Regular use of a nourishing balm helps prevent chapping, cracking and the appearance of herpes rashes on the lips.

Shea butter during pregnancy

The use of oil during pregnancy prevents the formation of stretch marks on the body. The use of the product does not have a negative impact on the body of the expectant mother and fetus. In addition, the tool can be used even during breastfeeding.

The agent is applied to the chest, abdomen, thighs to stimulate the growth of cell regeneration, increase elasticity, and skin turgor. The use of the drug in the postpartum period helps to cope with striae that have already appeared.

The only contraindication to the use of oil during pregnancy is the presence of an allergy to it.


The oil has some contraindications. In particular, it categorically cannot be used in the presence of an allergy to latex. The composition of the product contains a small amount of latex, which can harm women who are sensitive to it.

Also, if you are allergic to the substances that make up the product, you should stop using it.

People with oily skin should not use the product often, as its oily composition can clog pores.

Where can I buy

You can buy shea butter in specialized stores, online stores and pharmacies.

The price in a pharmacy for cosmetic shea butter is about 200 rubles per 75 ml jar. The cost of an unrefined product is about 400 rubles per 100 g.

The tree, from the fruits of which shea or shea butter is extracted, grows in West Africa and Sudan. From time immemorial, it has been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The protective properties of the finished product helped the inhabitants of the hot continent protect their skin from ultraviolet radiation, moisture evaporation and dry air. Also, the unique softening and protective properties of shea came in handy in the care of hair, roughened areas of the legs and arms, nails and cuticles.

The fruits of the shea tree are distinguished by a granular shape, a firm texture and a pleasant cream color. At room temperature, they resemble ghee, so it is almost impossible to confuse a natural product with a fake. The smell of the finished oil is light nutty, close to walnut and coconut.

The shea tree is called the "tree of life" in its homeland. The first fruits appear only after 20–25 years, and the average life expectancy of a plant is 300 years. In many countries, cutting down this tree is prohibited.

According to the richness of the composition, shea butter can be refined and unrefined. The first undergoes additional purification and loses a number of healing properties. It costs much less and lasts longer.

Refined shea butter is ideal for allergy sufferers. It is odorless and colorless, and also has a softer, more gentle effect.


Shea butter or shea butter is basic in nature. The product gained fame in cosmetology and medicine due to its unique composition. More than 80% are triglycerides - fats of vegetable origin, necessary for moisturizing and repairing cells. The organic oil also contains acids:

  • oleic;
  • stearic;
  • palmitic;
  • linoleic;
  • linolenic.

The smallest share (8%) of the content in shea butter is occupied by unsaponifiable substances:

  • phenols;
  • tocopherols;
  • triterpenes;
  • steroids;
  • hydrocarbons.

In a small amount, terpene alcohols are present in the composition, which provide shea with a unique and sophisticated aroma. Often this component is extracted from the natural environment and added as a fragrance to perfumes and cosmetics.

cosmetic properties

The main properties of shea butter are softening and protection. This allows the active ingredients of cosmetic industry products to penetrate the skin faster and act on the cells. Also, the oil coating prevents the penetration of UV rays, prevents dehydration.

Shea butter is often added to anti-aging products. Its organic components contribute to the production of collagen and slow down the aging process. If you regularly use the product on the skin, it becomes more elastic, elastic and smooth.

In pregnancy cosmetics, shea butter is an effective treatment for stretch marks. Its advantage is environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity.

healing properties

Modern medicine suggests using shea butter to fight various diseases. Among them:

  • sprain;
  • dislocations and damage to the joints, muscles;
  • flu;
  • SARS;
  • cold;
  • dermatitis;
  • burns;
  • ulcers;
  • acne, etc.

Preparations on a natural basis relieve inflammation from the limbs, have a decongestant and warming effect. For antiseptic purposes, shea butter is recommended for use in the mouth and nose. This facilitates breathing, moisturizes dehydrated areas and protects against the penetration of bacteria, viruses. In the fight against psoriasis, eczema, dermatosis, cracks, acne, burns, and others, the product is prescribed in its pure form or ointments with its addition.

Video: the benefits of shea butter (shea butter)

Application for face and body care

A favorite in face and body care at any time of the year is shea butter. Due to its versatility, the organic product perfectly copes with moisturizing, nourishing and restoring the skin. In its pure form, it can be safely applied to lips, hands and elbows, knees and feet, chest, hips and many other areas. The result will not keep you waiting. Especially the effect will be noticeable on dry and aging skin.

For face

Shea butter or shea butter performs its functions both in its pure form and as a base ingredient. It is applied on the lips to protect against chapping and cracks, on the face - instead of a base for makeup or evening care. Combining the product with essential oils and plant extracts, you can prepare homemade masks, scrubs and creams. Their recipes are available to every woman.

Healing lip balm

  1. Melt 15 g shea butter.
  2. Without removing it from the water bath, add 10 g of jojoba oil.
  3. Stir ingredients, remove from heat.
  4. Inject 2 drops of lemon essential oil and 7 ml of rose water.
  5. Mix thoroughly again and pour into a suitable container.
  6. Wait for complete solidification and use the finished balm for its intended purpose.

Mask for dry skin

Natural face mask is aimed at eliminating peeling and deep moisturizing. The product is applied 2 times a week for 20-25 minutes in an even layer. The recipe is very simple:

  1. Grind the dried peel of 1 lemon in a coffee grinder.
  2. Melt 15 g of shea butter in a water bath.
  3. Mix the crushed lemon zest with 1 egg yolk.
  4. Combine egg mixture with liquid oil. Stir.
  5. Add 7 ml of rosehip oil.
  6. Remove the mask from the fire and use as directed.

Video: universal cream for dry skin

For hands

Hands are the most vulnerable part of the body, which is constantly exposed to a sharp temperature drop, detergents and other adverse factors. Creams aimed at protecting the skin should be applied to dry hands immediately before going outside or doing housework.

Hand cream with camellia

To prepare the cream you will need:

  • 4 tbsp. l. shea butter (shea);
  • 2 tbsp. l. camellia oils;
  • 7 drops of mandarin or jasmine essential oil.

First of all, the base oil is melted in a water bath. Then the rest of the ingredients are added in the specified amount. The essential oil is added last. The finished cream is thoroughly mixed and cooled. Store the cosmetic product in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Video: moisturizing hand cream

Mask for dry skin of hands

For a caring mask, you need to take natural honey, shea butter and walnut butter in the same amount. Mix all components in a water bath and distribute over the hands with massage movements. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

For body

From shea butter, you can prepare a universal body cream that is suitable for both local use and large areas. A natural cosmetic product will protect the skin from chapping, dryness, ultraviolet radiation and replenish the supply of vitamins, minerals and moisture.

Shea butter or shea butter is an excellent antiseptic, so it is suitable even for irritated, inflammation-prone skin. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the product can be applied to diaper rash, acne, burns and dermatitis.

To prepare the cream, you will need a few ingredients:

  • 80 g shea butter (shea butter);
  • 20 g grape seed oil;
  • 6 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 4 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 20 drops of vitamin A;
  • 1 tsp corn starch.

Melt the base oil in a water bath. While it is warm, add grapeseed oil to it. Beat the mixture with a mixer and place in the freezer for 3 minutes. Once set, beat for another 7 minutes. Enter all the esters and vitamin A into a white thick foam. Turn on the mixer again for 2-3 minutes and pour 1 tsp into the cream. corn starch. Stir the finished product to a homogeneous consistency and place in a convenient container. Be sure to pre-treat the cream jar with alcohol.

The distribution of the cream from the bottom up provides a lymphatic drainage effect, and additional hydration is achieved by applying the composition to a wet body.

If you are allergic to any of the essential oils, they can be replaced with a suitable one or completely excluded from the composition. Otherwise, the cream is ideal for everyday use for any skin type.

For chest and abdomen

The need for special care for the skin of the chest and abdomen occurs in a woman after childbirth, sudden weight loss or age-related changes. Shea butter fully copes with the tasks and, with regular use, allows you to restore elasticity and elasticity to problem areas. There are several simple homemade beauty recipes.

Arabic wrap for breast augmentation


  • 1 cup shea butter;
  • 5 brewer's yeast tablets or 2 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 2 tsp wheat germ oils;
  • 1 tsp ground fennel.

All components must be mixed in a water bath. First of all, melt the base oil - shea. Crush the brewer's yeast tablets beforehand.

Leave the mixture overnight to infuse. The next morning, apply half of it on the chest and wrap the body with cling film. Wash off after two hours. Repeat the procedure in the evening.

Video: cream for stretch marks on the stomach

Universal care product

Take 5 ml of melted shea butter and 3 drops of patchouli oil. Mix both ingredients until smooth and apply to the décolleté area in the morning and evening. The product has an excellent moisturizing effect, improves skin elasticity and saturates it with vitamins.

For thighs and legs

In its pure form, shea butter helps to cope with dry knees and heels. If you add essential or lighter oils, herbal extracts or salt to the base product, you can get an effective caring cream, mask, scrub.

Cooling foot balm

The most delicate balm consists of organic ingredients that are light in texture. It not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also strengthens blood vessels, tones the veins. At the end of the working day, after wearing uncomfortable shoes or a heavy load on the legs, the remedy will quickly relieve fatigue and tension.

To prepare the balm you will need:

  • 40 g shea butter (shea butter);
  • 9 g arnica oil;
  • 15 drops of lavender oil;
  • 10 drops of myrocarpus oil;
  • 10 drops of mint oil;
  • 0.5 g rosemary extract;
  • 0.5 g chestnut extract.

The cooking technology is completely suitable for home conditions. Melt shea butter in a water bath until liquid. Add arnica oil and let the mixture cool. Until it turns into a butter, start beating with a mixer. Add essential oils and extracts to a thick soufflé. Beat again with a mixer for 30 seconds and transfer the balm to a convenient container. Use as directed.

Nutritious cream

Nourishing cream is suitable for owners of callused, cracked, tired and sweaty feet. With regular use, it has a disinfecting, tonic and moisturizing effect. The composition of the product is rich in valuable components that any skin needs. The cooking technology is very simple:

  1. Melt 9 g beeswax and base oils: 70 g shea, 35 g coconut, 12 g cocoa.
  2. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool slightly.
  3. Add 9 g each of avocado, sweet almond and jojoba oils to the liquid base.
  4. Also add 1 tsp. vitamin E, 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 5 drops of mint and tea tree esters.
  5. Beat the cream in blenders until smooth.
  6. Pour the product into a glass container and place in the refrigerator to set for 24 hours.
  7. Use the foot cream as directed.

For maximum relaxation of the leg muscles, combine the procedure of applying the cream with a massage.

Application for nail and cuticle care

Drying of the skin around the nails leads to the appearance of hangnails and inflammation. Their removal reduces the protective functions of the cuticle and allows bacteria to penetrate into the growth zone of the nail plate. To protect yourself from all sorts of infections and improve the condition of nails in general, use shea butter. In its pure form, the product acts as a natural antiseptic, and also softens and nourishes the skin. In combination with other active ingredients, the effect of the basic butter is enhanced.

Video: how to make cuticle oil

Balm for cuticles and nails

For beginners, it is best to start mastering home cosmetology with balms. They have the simplest recipe and cooking technology. To prepare this remedy, you will need several ingredients:

  • 30 g of calendula macerate;
  • 25 g shea butter;
  • 15 g cocoa butter;
  • 20 g beeswax;
  • 8 g of sesame oil;
  • 20 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 20 drops of lavender essential oil.

Melt the wax, solid and liquid base oils in a stainless steel saucepan. When the ingredients become liquid, stir them with a glass rod and remove from heat. Let the balm cool for a few minutes and add the esters. Stir again and place the product in a convenient container. Wait for it to freeze. Use as directed.

The use of shea butter in medicine

Shea butter was first used in African medicine. On its basis, local residents prepared various ointments and lotions for dermatitis, ulcers, acne and burns. Modern doctors have adapted the product to combat respiratory diseases, varicose veins, cellulite and more. Some of the recipes are available for home cooking and are actively used by the people.

Wound healing ointment

Heat in a water bath 1 tsp. shea butter and add 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils. Mix the ingredients of the ointment and cool. Apply the product on cracks, wounds and ulcers. It can also be used to make masks for the most damaged areas.

For joint pain

Warm a small amount of shea butter in your palms and rub it into the affected joint for 3-5 minutes. Overlay a warming bandage for 2 hours. If the procedure is performed in the evening, you can leave it all night. This will speed up the removal of swelling and inflammation. The course of treatment is 20 days.

Important! To speed up the healing process, apply the oil twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

For dermatitis and psoriasis

Shea butter is applied to damaged skin twice a day for 10 days. It relieves itching, pain and speeds up the healing process. To enhance the effect of the butter, you can mix it with essential oils of lavender, chamomile, tea tree, rose or patchouli.

From hemorrhoids

Shea butter accelerates the healing of cracks in the anus, softens hemorrhoids and normalizes blood circulation. You can apply it in its pure form or by moistening a gauze sponge in a melted butter. As an addition to the treatment, baths from a decoction of chamomile and calendula will serve.

The use of shea butter for pregnant women

The most common problem that pregnant women face is stretch marks during pregnancy and after childbirth. Shea butter is suitable for solving it and can be used in several ways:

  • as a massage oil;
  • as a base for the preparation of scrubs and masks;
  • instead of a daily body cream.

Butter massage is famous for its greatest effect. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cleanse your skin with a gentle scrub made from coffee and honey mixed 1:1. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes.
  2. Wipe the skin of the abdomen dry.
  3. Warm a small amount of shea butter in your palms and start massaging.
  4. Within 1-2 minutes, gently rub the stomach from the periphery to the center.
  5. For 5 minutes, perform circular movements in different directions. Use two palms at the same time.
  6. For about 2-3 minutes, massage the stomach in a spiral, gradually moving towards the center.
  7. Finish the massage with light strokes.

A similar massage can be performed for the décolleté and hips. Use more active movements: patting, twisting, pressing.


Shea butter can harm the body only if it is not taken internally. The use of natural butter for cosmetic and medical purposes is absolutely harmless. Doctors often recommend it to pregnant women and children.

Advice! Those with oily skin types should use shea butter with care so as not to clog pores. You can lighten the consistency of the product by adding starches or essential oils.

Hello everyone!

I decided for myself to fully understand the properties and use of all natural components that can be part of cosmetics and used to care for the skin of the face and body.

Today, the hero of my new article is one of the most popular and frequently used oils in cosmetic production, this is shea butter or karte butter.

Let's take a closer look at the properties and uses of shea butter or shea butter, as it may also be called.

From this article you will learn:

Shea butter - useful properties and methods of application

How is shea butter obtained?

Shea butter is obtained from the nuts of the Shea tree, which grows in West Africa.

It is produced by hand, for this the nuts are broken and boiled in water until the oil rises to the surface.

Then the oil is collected in jugs and cooled, the cooled oil is turned into a thick solid butter (solid butter), packed and is a high-quality original product.

Physical Properties of Shea Butter

Depending on the different production technology and different regions, shea butter comes in various color shades, from light beige to greenish and yellow, and smells of a specific buttery-nutty smell.

Unrefined Shea Butter is a semi-solid mass, cream or yellowish in color, with a nutty flavor. Melts at t 35-42 °C.

Composition of shea butter

It contains a large number of valuable cosmetic components, such as phytosterols, triterpenes, tocopherols, catechins and gallic acid, and is rich in useful fatty acids:

  • Oleic - 42.52%
  • Palmitic - 4.43%
  • Linoleic - 5.48%
  • Stearic - 44.4%

The cosmetic benefit of shea butter is that it is a rich source of vitamins A, E and F, which are essential for the skin.

Useful properties of shea butter

What are the benefits of shea butter?

  • Phytosterols (campesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol and α-spinosterol), triterpenes (cinnamic acid ester, α- and β-amirin, parkol, butyrospermol and lupeol), which are part of shea butter, endow it with regenerating properties, enhance collagen synthesis and skin rejuvenation.
  • Vitamins A and E are very helpful in maintaining the natural healthy balance of substances in the skin. Vitamin F helps restore broken lipid cement in the upper barrier layers of the skin.
  • Shea butter contains a large amount of triterpene alcohols, which are part of its unsaponifiable fraction. They help the valuable components of the oil not only penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, but also have proven antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties!
  • Esters of cinnamic acid, which are part of shea butter, able to absorb solar radiation, thereby providing the oil with a UV protective effect, approximately SPF-6, which is why it is often included in sunscreens.
  • Linoleic acid (omega-3), which is part of shea butter, enhances the protection and repair of damaged skin and hair. It has antiseptic properties and is effectively used to combat acne. Shea butter perfectly restores the skin after damage, dimples and pockmarks remaining on the skin after healed acne pimples.
  • Natural Shea Butter is an intense moisturizing balm for dry skin, revitalizing even very dry skin on the body and scalp.

The use of shea butter in cosmetology

Shea butter is one of the most popular cosmetic oils with a wide range of applications for the skin of the face and body.

It has soothing, softening, protecting, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, sunscreen, rejuvenating, antioxidant effects.

Application of shea butter for the face

Therefore, shea butter can be successfully used:

  • for very dry skin
  • with fading and aging skin
  • for the treatment of problem skin
  • acne
  • with skin itching
  • to soften very rough skin
  • to protect the skin from frost and sun
  • for sensitive baby skin
  • to restore brittle hair
  • to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Does not close the pores of the skin, so it can suit any skin type.

For me, shea butter is just a godsend. It can replace everything for me, face and hand cream, lip balm, nail balm, heels, etc !!!

Upon contact with the skin, the oil melts easily, so it can be used in its pure form on dry areas of the skin, hands, lips, as a protective balm.

How to use shea butter in home cosmetics?

Shea butter can be added to a cosmetic product at any concentration from 10-100%.

It is used as a structurant, thickener, and active component, included in the ZhF.

Shea butter shelf life

The average shelf life of shea butter is 1 year. It is advisable to store the oil in a dark and cool place. May be stored in the refrigerator.

Precautionary measures

For those who have persistent skin problems such as eczema, please consult your doctor before use.

Where to buy shea butter?

High-quality shea butter can be found in online cream shops and organic cosmetics stores.

I buy all oils only here, here is such a high-quality shea virgin oil you can buy for only 500 rubles for 200, 0