Cooking curd cookies. Simple and tasty cottage cheese cookies

23.04.2019 Healthy eating

We continue the topic of small pastries whipped up. Today we will bake delicious cottage cheese cookies, a simple recipe that has been familiar to many since childhood - it came to us from Soviet times almost unchanged (except that we now replace margarine with butter, because now it is not in short supply). If there are children in the house, be sure to involve them in the process of forming cookies from cottage cheese. I personally am not familiar with any child who would not like to cut circles out of dough, sprinkle them with sugar and put them into pads. The dough is completely non-sticky, pleasant to work with. In the process of baking, the cookies rise, are covered with an even golden crust, look so appetizing that whole baking sheets are eaten at such a speed that you do not have time to blink an eye. So if your family has a lot of cookie lovers, double the number of products, then cottage cheese cookies from the second baking sheet have a chance to reach evening tea.


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese from 9% fat content - 300 g;
  • flour - 1.5 cups (cup \u003d 250 ml);
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp

How to make delicious cottage cheese cookies

Add one egg to the curd and mix roughly.

Melt the butter in a ladle, let cool slightly, pour into the cottage cheese and quickly rub it with a spoon. Then enter the baking powder. You can replace it with soda (in this case, it does not need to be extinguished, because cottage cheese is a fermented milk product containing acid, which will act as a catalyst).

Sift flour into the curd. For such a volume of cottage cheese (300 g), an average of 1.5 cups of flour is needed. But it should be borne in mind that the humidity of the cottage cheese may vary. For example, store cottage cheese contains more whey, as opposed to homemade. And flour for store curd may need a little more. When determining the “sufficiency” of flour in the dough, you should focus on whether the dough sticks to your hands or not. This curd dough should be absolutely non-sticky.

Note that we did not add sugar to the dough. We will need it in the next stage of preparation.

Divide the dough into 4 parts, so it will be easier to work with. Each part is alternately rolled into a layer, 3-4 mm thick. The working surface on which we work with the dough should be crushed with flour. Using a glass or mug (with a diameter of about 8 cm), cut out circles from the dough.

Each circle is dipped in sugar on one side.

Fold the loan in half so that the sugar remains sealed inside. Dip the half again in sugar on one side. And again, fold in half (sugar inside).

The final action - dip the “quarter” in sugar on one side. This will be the top of the cookie.

We put the blanks with the non-sugared side on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Do not forget that the sugar side should be on top. Before sending cookies to the oven, you should perform one small action. Using a wooden spatula, press each cookie so that it is flattened slightly.

The oven is preheated to 180 degrees, and we only need to send a baking sheet with cottage cheese cookies into it and wait 25 minutes. Ready-made curd cookies should acquire a ruddy golden surface and slightly increase in size.

Immediately after baking, remove the still-cooled cookies from the parchment until it adheres tightly to it (the sugar melts and forms a caramel that could come in contact with the parchment).

The cottage cheese cookies are ready. Enjoy your meal!

Posted on April 9, 2017

Good afternoon, dear chefs. I offer you a selection of delicious recipes for making cookies from cottage cheese. For some of you, this will be a real discovery. Yes, my dear culinary specialists, not only cheesecakes can be prepared from cottage cheese, but also very tasty cookies.

The recipe is really very simple and you will soon be convinced of it yourself. In addition, cottage cheese dishes are very useful for both adults and children. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium and is very suitable as a small snack.

And so that the snack would be even tastier, we will prepare cottage cheese cookies for the preparation of which you spend a minimum of time and the same amount of products. I assure you that such a treat will not lie down even for a day, as it will scatter even after the very first tea party.


250 cottage cheese.

200 wheat flour.

130-150 butter.

1 cup sugar.

Half a glass of vegetable oil.

10 grams of baking powder.

3 eggs.

A bit of salt.

Cinnamon at will.


☑ Skip the curd through a sieve.

☑ Combine the cottage cheese with soft butter. And mix until smooth.

☑ We send 2 eggs to the curd. The third egg is divided into yolk and protein. Yolk can be used in the dough and the protein is put aside for now. Again, mix everything until smooth.

☑ Pour cooked vegetable oil and sugar to the cottage cheese. Mix everything well.

☑ Mix the baking powder with flour and sift it into a cup.

☑ Add the flour and knead the dough.

☑ Moisten hands in vegetable oil and make small balls from dough.

Now we need our protein. Dip each ball on it on one side and sprinkle sugar on the same side. This will be the bottom of the cookie.

☑ Put the cookies on a baking sheet. We pre-cover the baking sheet with baking paper.

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. A signal of readiness will be a characteristic blush.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Curd Cookies Triangles

Very tasty and simple. They are also known as (Crow's feet). These cottage cheese cookies have a very fragile structure, but at the same time remain soft and airy. Great as a snack for breakfast.


300 flour.

200 cottage cheese.

180 butter.

100 sugar.

1 teaspoon of baking powder.

Vanilla for the smell.


☑ Grate the frozen butter.

☑ Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop the meat through the meat.

☑ Mix butter and cottage cheese until smooth.

☑ Mix flour with baking powder and sift in a bowl with cottage cheese and butter.

☑ Knead the dough with your hands. Knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands. If necessary, you can add a little flour.

☑ Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

☑ We take out the dough from the refrigerator, divide it into portions and roll it into layers with a thickness of not more than 4-5 mm.

☑ Using a glass or molding ring, cut out small cakes.

☑ Each cake should be poured out in sugar, then folded in half, and in half.

Such beautiful triangles in sugar breading should turn out here.

☑ We cover the baking sheet with parchment and put our curd cookies on it.

☑ Bake at a temperature of 170-190 degrees for about 30 minutes. A sign of readiness will be a characteristic blush on cookies.

☑ Before serving cottage cheese cookies to the table, you need to cool so as not to burn the guests.

Also, before serving, you can sprinkle a dish with cookies with powdered sugar.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Chocolate Curd Cookies

Cookies are loved not only by adults, but also by kids. And if this cookie is not only tasty but also healthy, then this is a double benefit. And as such a benefit, I present to you a recipe for chocolate-curd cookies.

If you have kids, then you can cook such cookies with them; children just love to cook. Then they will later treat the rest with great pride to the husband, and they themselves gobble up what they have prepared.


200 cottage cheese.

150 flour.

1 egg

Half a glass of sugar.

2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.


☑ Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with the egg and mix.

☑ Add sugar mix with cottage cheese.

☑ Send flour to the curd.

☑ Add cocoa and knead the dough.

☑ Let the dough rest for about 20-30 minutes.

☑ Roll the dough into a layer.We cut out cookies from special strata with special forms.

☑ We spread the blanks on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Curd Cookies in Orange Glaze

This recipe will already be a little more complicated than the previous few, but I think that if you wish, you can easily cope with it and from you step-by-step instructions and a detailed recipe will help you.


200 cottage cheese.

Orange (or rather only zest)


Dough baking powder 10-15 grams.

1 cup wheat flour.

A little bag of vanillin.

A little ground cinnamon about 1 teaspoon.

1 egg

100 grams of butter.


First of all, prepare the dough.

☑ Mix the butter with sugar and beat well with a mixer.

☑ Sift flour and mix with baking powder.

☑ Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or a fine sieve. You can just crush the cottage cheese well with an ordinary fork.

☑ All products mix add egg zest of lemon and orange, knead the dough.

☑ Wrap the finished dough in a film and let it rest for 20-30 minutes.

☑ Sprinkle a little flour on the table and put the dough on the flour.

Mix orange dye with 2 tablespoons of water and send to powdered sugar with syrup. Mix and apply to our curd cookies.

Curd cookies are a real treat not only for kids, but also for many adults. It is very convenient to take it with you for a picnic or just on the road, but it turns out to be incredibly gentle and just melts in your mouth.

Homemade Cheese Cookies Recipe


  •   - 250 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • salt is a pinch.


So, for starters, we need to knead the curd dough for cookies. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, knead well with a fork, add softened butter and mix. Sift the flour separately, pour the baking powder and salt. Next, in small portions, introduce the dry mixture into the curd and knead the dough. Sprinkle the surface with a little flour, spread our dough and roll it into a layer, about 0.5 cm thick. Now we take a faceted glass and use it to cut out even circles. Each is dipped in granulated sugar, folded in half and again dipped in sugar on all sides. We spread the obtained blanks on a baking sheet, pre-coated with baking paper. We bake cottage cheese cookies with sugar for 15-20 minutes in an oven, heated to 180 degrees.

A simple recipe for curd cookies


  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • flour - 3 tbsp .;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • butter - 250 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • baking soda - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil.


Break eggs into a bowl and add softened butter. Then pour sugar and rub everything with a fork until a homogeneous mass is formed. Now throw a pinch of soda, spread the cottage cheese and mix well. When the mass becomes more or less smooth, begin to pour the sifted flour in small portions and knead a dough that is not tight. After this, grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, and heat the oven to 200 degrees. Wet hands slightly in water, tear off a small piece from the dough, form a ball out of it, and then make a cake. We lay out the obtained blanks on a baking sheet, optionally sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake cookies for 35 minutes, until cooked. Next, carefully remove it, put it on a beautiful plate, cool and serve with warm milk or hot tea.

Very tender curd cookies with marmalade


  • low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp .;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  •   multi-colored - to taste;
  • sugar to taste.


Spread the butter in a bucket, melt over low heat and cool. Pour the cottage cheese into the bowl, pour the cooled oil into it, drive in the egg and mix thoroughly. Then toss to taste vanillin, baking powder and pour in portions sifted flour. Knead a smooth smooth dough. After that, take a small piece, put it on the table, sprinkled with sugar, and roll it into a thin layer. Using a plate, cut out an even circle, and then divide it into identical sectors. Grind multi-colored plastic marmalade into strips and spread it on the wide side of each triangle. We turn the dough with marmalade into rolls and transfer to a baking sheet covered with oiled paper. We divide the remaining dough into parts in the same way, roll it out, cut into segments and form marmalade rolls. We send the cookies to the preheated oven and bake until golden brown. That’s it, the simple curd cookie is ready! We shift it to a dish, cool and serve for a festive tea party or just for an afternoon snack.

Everyone loves cookies, both kids and adults. But, of course, eating cookies based on butter and flour constantly is not very good for the health of the body as a whole. Therefore, every housewife should look for some alternative options. Let's say you can make cookies from cottage cheese: a recipe for a very tasty dessert in the end allows you to get it.

Of course, when preparing cookies with cottage cheese, you still can’t do without flour. But, since the cottage cheese takes part of the “blow” on itself, the result will be much less flour in the dough, and you can cook this dessert without adding butter at all. By the way, this is a great dessert for children. Cookies turn out to be airy and light, but, anyway, cottage cheese is present in it.

As a rule, kids do not like cottage cheese and they don’t want to eat it in its pure form. But, in a situation with this light and airy cookie it will turn out to please

Dessert and include in the diet such a healthy cottage cheese. Which is especially necessary for children, because the curd contains calcium, which is necessary for the correct formation of the skeleton. Cookies made from cottage cheese (recipe) can be prepared very tasty in two accounts to the delight of yourself and all your family.

Cookies from cottage cheese: the recipe is very tasty at home, it is easy to prepare, but to the taste this dessert turns out as if you bought it in an expensive pastry shop. So, if you have never cooked such a variant of cookies with cottage cheese, then be sure to try to implement it yourself. Moreover, it won’t take much time, but in the end it will turn out to enjoy a pleasant sweet dessert, which, moreover, is also healthy.

The recipe for cottage cheese cookies is very simple and straightforward. But this section of the site was created, of course, not only for one recipe. Here you can find different baking options when cottage cheese is used as an important additional ingredient. Not only children, but often adults do not like cottage cheese. Although, this product is important for the health of the skeletal system. Using different types of baking with cottage cheese will help to regularly include the product in your diet every day. Do not be ashamed to cook such cookies on the festive table.

If very tasty cookies with cottage cheese will necessarily be present in your diet, then we can safely say that the menu shifts towards proper nutrition. In world culinary today it is the most fashionable trend. It is all the more pleasant that cooking trends from Paris or New York will be present at your modest family table.


Curd Cookies

Ingredients:   margarine, sugar, vanillin, eggs, cottage cheese, flour, baking powder

Delicate, tasty cottage cheese cookies can be very simply prepared using this recipe with a photo. A little time and patience, and a sweet dessert for tea will flaunt on your table.

- flour - 250 g,
  - creamy margarine - 150 g,
  - sugar - 120 g,
  - cottage cheese - 200 g,
  - vanillin - 1 sachet,
  - eggs - 2 pcs.,
  - baking powder - 7 g.


Two-color curd cookies

Ingredients:   flour, cocoa, butter, sugar, eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream
Calorie content: 430

Curd cookies always turn out delicious. Today we decided to offer you to bake two-color cookies from cottage cheese dough. A simple tasty treat for tea or coffee.

For the recipe you will need:
- 1.5 cups flour;
  - 100 g of cocoa powder;
  - 3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  - 2/3 cups of sugar;
  - two eggs;
  - 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  - 80 gr. sour cream.


Cheesecakes in the oven

Ingredients:   Cottage cheese, egg, flour, sugar, baking powder, vanilla

All my loved ones are very fond of cheesecakes. Usually they are fried in a pan, but today we will cook them in the oven. The recipe for cheesecakes is simple. It will take you a minimum of time to cook.


- 400 grams of cottage cheese,
  - 2 chicken eggs,
  - 4 tablespoons of wheat flour,
  - 3-4 tablespoons of sugar,
  - 1 teaspoon of baking powder,
  - vanillin (vanilla sugar) - to taste.


Cottage Cheese Cookies Crow's Feet

Ingredients:   flour, butter, cottage cheese, egg, baking powder, sugar

Delicate cookies from shortcrust pastry "Crow's feet" is prepared from cottage cheese and will delight you with its excellent taste and unpretentious cooking process. A great baking option for homemade tea drinking!

- 280 g flour;
  - a little flour for rolling out the dough;
- 70 grams of butter;
  - 220 grams of cottage cheese of any fat content;
  - 1 egg;
  - 1 tsp baking powder;
  - 5 tbsp beet sugar.


Cookies from cottage cheese "Rosettes"

Ingredients:   cottage cheese, butter, chicken eggs, wheat flour, sugar, vanillin, soda

My grandmother was still preparing such cookies for me, since childhood I remember the taste of this cottage cheese cookie "Roses". It is not difficult to cook it, so be sure to treat your family and friends with amazing pastries.


- 200 grams of cottage cheese,
  - 200 grams of butter,
  - 2 chicken eggs,
  - 550-600 grams of wheat flour,
  - 180-200 grams of sugar,
  - a pinch of vanillin,
  - half tsp baking soda.


Curd Cookies

Ingredients:   cottage cheese, egg, sugar, wheat flour, vegetable oil

This simple delicious cottage cheese cookie will be one of your family's favorites. It’s worth baking such cookies once, and you will bake them every weekend for sure, believe me. Cottage cheese is almost not felt in baking, so it is difficult to guess that the cookies are cottage cheese.

Products for cookies:

- half a kilo of fat-free cottage cheese,
  - two eggs,
  - 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  - 9-10 Art. tablespoons of flour
  - vegetable oil for greasing a baking sheet.


Curd Cookies

Ingredients:   cottage cheese, butter, egg, flour, sugar, salt

Delicate, airy and unusually tasty, curd cookies in the form of triangles are also very simple to prepare. No wonder this recipe has passed through decades and pleases us all to this day.

- cottage cheese - 200 g;
  - butter - 100 g;
  - egg - 1 pc;
  - flour - 1 tbsp;
  - sugar - 1/2 tbsp;
  - salt - 1/3 tsp


Cookies from cottage cheese "Very tasty"

Ingredients:   sugar, butter, flour, cottage cheese, vanillin, soda, salt

Everything is perfect in this recipe - and a harmonious combination of ingredients, and well-chosen proportions, and ease of implementation. You just have to stock up on the necessary products and start cooking.

- sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.,
  - butter - 100 g,
  - wheat flour - 250 g,
  - cottage cheese - 200 g,
  - vanillin,
  - soda - 1 chips.,
  - salt - 1 chips.


Raspberry Curd Cheese Cookies

Ingredients:   eggs, cottage cheese, soda, sugar, raspberries, flour

It often happens that young children do not like cottage cheese, and they need to eat it, since it is very useful for the children's body. As soon as mothers are not contrived so that their child tastes, the same is cottage cheese. I coped with the problem. I found a wonderful recipe for cottage cheese cookies with raspberries. The recipe is very easy, inexpensive, cookies bake quickly, and the child is delighted.

- cottage cheese - 250 gr.;
  - flour - 2 glasses;
  - soda - 1 hour. spoon;
  - eggs - 3 pcs.;
  - raspberries - 2 glasses;
  - sugar - 1 cup.


Curd Cookies

Ingredients: butter, flour, cottage cheese, sugar, soda, vinegar, salt

- 150 gr. butter;
  - 250 gr. flour;
  - 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  - 200 gr. Sahara;
  - 1 tsp soda (slaked vinegar);
  - salt.

Cottage cheese is very healthy, especially for fast-growing children. But they do not always agree to eat it just like that. But both adults and children like cottage cheese cookies, the pastries are aromatic and tasty.

We have already sorted out several recipes based on cottage cheese - and. Today I propose to pamper your home and bake cookies, choose any recipe, they all turn out delicious.

  Curd Cookies "Triangles"

This recipe has been well-known to everyone since childhood, it was our mothers who baked cookies.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 pack of fresh cottage cheese (200 grams)
  • 1 pack of butter (margarine can be used)
  • 400 grams sifted flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • Acetic essence (for extinguishing)
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar

    Such cookies can also be made from frozen cottage cheese.

Cooking the dough:

First, prepare the cottage cheese. It’s better to immediately buy soft and without lumps. If grains are felt in it - wipe through a sieve.

Mix it with softened butter.

Then add baking soda, which we extinguish with vinegar. Slowly add the flour. Knead the dough.

Now we start modeling:

For convenience, we make a long flagellum and cut proportionally (as on dumplings).
  From each piece we roll out a layer with a thickness of about 0.5-0.7 cm. Or cut out the molds with a glass.

Sprinkle sugar on the layer.
  Fold in half and sprinkle half already with sugar (or dip in sugar).

Again we fold the rug cakes and get a triangular cookie, dipped in granulated sugar on one side.

Put on a baking sheet.
  In a hot oven up to 190 degrees we put a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes. As the cookies turn golden - ready, you can remove them. We shift to cool on a paper towel.

Cottage Cheese Cookies

This recipe is similar to the previous one, although the cookies themselves are made differently.

Here's what we need:

  • 2 packs of fresh regular fat cottage cheese
  • 1 pack of margarine, and even better - butter
  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 0.5 teaspoon baking soda
  • Salt, vanilla - to taste

Step-by-step instructions for making dough

  1. We will get the oil from the refrigerator and after 10 minutes, when it is not so hard, chop it with sifted wheat flour.
  2. It is better to take the cottage cheese homogeneous and soft, if it is grains - wipe it through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Add it to the flour crumbs.
  3. We put salt, sugar, quenched with vinegar essence or lemon juice baking soda.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly
  5. Form a ball, put it in a plastic bag and let it rest for 25 minutes in the refrigerator.
      divide the dough into several parts.

If you are on a diet or don’t like fatty cookies, put only half the butter.

Start making cookies:

First, we do everything like in a cookie triangles:

  1. We make a sausage from one part, remove the remaining parts again in the bag.
  2. Sausage again cut into proportional parts
  3. From the part you need to roll a cake.
  4. Pour sugar over the entire surface of the tortillas and turn the sugar in half in half.
  5. Sprinkle the resulting half again with sugar and fold again.

  6. On the edge of the cookie you need to make incisions or a deep imprint with a fork.

    In appearance, it becomes like a goose foot.

  7. We do the same with the whole test.

  8. Cookies are placed on a baking sheet and sent to a preheated oven. About 180 degrees.
  9.   Cooking time from 10 to 20 minutes. Depends on which Goose Feet you like. Someone loves pale, and someone rosy.
  10. A simple recipe for cottage cheese cookies

    Unlike the previous ones, there is much less oil in this recipe; it turns out to be not so greasy, soft and tasty. Sometimes these cookies are also called children's cottage cheese cookies.

    The ingredients we need:

  • 1 Pack of cottage cheese (200 gr)
  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 and a half cup sifted flour
  • 80 grams margarine
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder

Cooking curd dough:

We make cookies:

A large cake should be rolled out from the dough and various figures cut out with special devices.

We spread the curd figures on a greased baking sheet.

Bake for 20 minutes.
  In the oven, the temperature should be about 190 degrees.

Cottage cheese bagel recipe

Cookies are prepared quickly, however, they are also eaten quickly. If you don’t like fatty cookies, you can reduce the amount of margarine to 100 gr.


  • Wheat flour 2 cups
  • Margarine 1 pack
  • Fresh cottage cheese 400 grams
  • Granulated Sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon baking powder
  • Some vanilla sugar
  • 2 chicken eggs

Step by step cooking:

If you grease the bagels with yolk, then they will be golden in baking.

  1. We put the baking sheet in the oven warmed up to 200 degrees.
      Bake bagels for about 20 minutes.

Delicious cottage cheese cookies with chocolate

And another interesting recipe for cottage cheese cookies with chocolate filling.

Baking biscuits from fresh cottage cheese is very easy to prepare and it always turns out to be the softest, most delicious and gentle. Such recipes that are cooked at home are popular. They combine the benefits and amazing taste.

Try any of these recipes and you will please yourself and loved ones!