Vasya curly cake recipe. Vanka curly cake - how to prepare it

21.10.2023 Soups

Vanka curly is a cake that cannot be spoiled. It will work great even for a beginner. At the same time, it looks quite nice and can even decorate a holiday table. The products used are the simplest. If you don’t find something at home, you can always choose an alternative option. There are many of them here!

Cake "Vanka curly" - general principles of preparation

For the cake, sponge-type cake layers are used. It is not necessary to prepare them from eggs; the cakes can be made with kefir, sour cream, or even bought at the store. The choice depends on the availability of food in the refrigerator and the amount of free time. In any version, the cake turns out to be very juicy, since each piece is soaked in cream and stacked on top of each other.

What creams can be used:

· sour cream;

· custard;

· from condensed milk.

The cake is assembled in the form of a careless mound; there is no need to smooth it out or straighten it; the pieces should imitate protruding curls. Additionally, they are decorated with melted chocolate. The glaze is poured over swirls and sloppy circles, layered on top of each other.

Cake “Vanka curly” with kefir

This is a classic cake recipe, one of the simplest and cheapest options. Kefir for dough can be safely replaced with fermented baked milk or yogurt; margarine can be replaced with butter or cooking fat. It is better not to experiment with the cream and act strictly according to the recipe.


· 90 grams of margarine;

· 20 grams of cocoa;

· 240 grams of flour;

· 200 grams of kefir;

· 180 grams of sugar;

· 10 grams of ripper

For cream:

· 700 g sour cream from 25%;

· 120 grams of powder;

· a bag of vanilla.

You will also need one dark chocolate bar and 50-60 grams of butter for glaze.

Cooking method

1. Place eggs and sugar in a bowl, shake or beat. If the egg is small, then take one more, that is, three pieces. Add kefir and melted margarine, continuing to stir. Add flour with baking powder. If desired, add vanillin. Stir thoroughly.

2. Divide the dough into two equal parts and add cocoa powder to one bowl. Mix.

3. On a lined baking sheet, spoon out alternately white and dark dough so that the cake turns out multi-colored, like a zebra. Bake at 170 for about 25 minutes. It’s better to check the readiness with a toothpick (match), since everyone’s oven bakes differently.

4. As soon as the cake has cooled, place a plate or lid from a pan of the desired diameter for the size of the cake. Cut out a circle, it will be the base. Transfer to a plate. Tear the rest of the cake into small pieces; it is better not to use a knife.

5. Mix the cream ingredients and coat the cut out round base. We moisten the remaining pieces and place them on top to create a relief “curly” mound that imitates Vanka’s head.

6. Break the dark chocolate into cubes, put it in a water bath, add butter to it, which can be replaced with full-fat sour cream. Melt.

7. Pour the icing into a pastry bag or just into a bag. It is important not to overheat it so that it is not too liquid and does not burn your hands.

8. Cut off the tip of the bag and, in a thin stream, paint the entire cake with rings imitating Vanka’s curls. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake "Vanka curly" made from chocolate sponge cake

This recipe impresses with its small number of ingredients, since the sponge cake mainly requires eggs and sugar. The cream for the cake is prepared with vanilla custard and butter.


· 400 g sugar;

· 30 g cocoa;

· 200 g flour;

· 10 g ripper;

· 270 g butter;

· 600 ml milk;

· 2 tablespoons of flour into the cream;

· 100 g chocolate;

· 2 yolks in cream.

Cooking method

1. Melt 70 grams of butter, let it stand and cool. Separate the yolks from six eggs and beat with 150 grams of sugar. Separately, beat the whites and 50 grams of sugar until foamy. Combine flour with yolks, add cocoa, baking powder and finally add whites. While stirring, pour in melted, but not hot, butter.

2. Pour the biscuit dough onto a wide baking sheet. Bake at 200 degrees. Since the cake is not thick, it will take about 15 minutes.

3. Mix the remaining sugar with the yolks and flour, add milk, and place on the stove. Brew the cream, add a spoonful of butter at the end. As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove from heat.

4. Cool the custard, add softened butter, beat everything together, add vanilla if desired.

5. Cut out the base for the cake from the cooled sponge cake, grease it, soak the remaining pieces in the custard, and place on top. Spread the rest over the entire cake.

6. Melt the chocolate, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of butter. Decorate Vanka with drawn curls.

Cake “Vanka curly” from ready-made cake layers

Preparing the cake will not take much time if you make Vanka from ready-made sponge cakes. They are not as tasty, but this moment is compensated by the amazing cream with boiled condensed milk and sour cream.


· 1 pack (3 pieces) of sponge cakes;

· 500 g boiled condensed milk;

· 150 g sour cream;

· 200 g butter;

· chocolate.

Cooking method

1. It's best to start with cream. Leave a little butter, about 30 grams, for the glaze, beat the rest with a mixer, add sour cream little by little, and then boiled condensed milk.

2. One cake layer will be the base. If its diameter is larger than necessary, then immediately cut it along the plate on which Vanka will be located. Place and coat with a layer of prepared cream.

4. As soon as the whole cake is assembled, melt the icing from chocolate and a small amount of butter. We draw curls on the cake in a thin stream and put it in the refrigerator to soak. It's better to wait overnight.

Cake “Vanka curly” with sour cream

The dough for this cake is prepared with sour cream, just like cream. Quite a simple recipe. For the test, you can use 15-20% sour cream. But it is better to use a fatty product of about 30% in the cream, then nothing will flow and everything will work out.


· 400 g sour cream in the dough;

· 800 g sour cream for cream;

· 300 g sugar;

· 5 spoons of cocoa;

· 100 g chocolate;

· 12 g of soda (1 tsp with a tubercle);

· 3 tbsp. flour.

Cooking method

1. Prepare the dough as for regular sour cream. Beat the eggs and half the prescription sugar until foamy, add sour cream, add flour and slaked soda. Knead, divide in half, add cocoa to one part. Pour into different forms, bake at 180 until done.

2. For the cream, combine the remaining sugar and sour cream. Vanilla to taste.

3. Cut a small flat cake from the white cake and coat it with sour cream. We break the cut part and the chocolate cake into pieces, soak it in the cream, and place it on the first cake layer.

4. Decorate Vanya with curls of melted dark or milk chocolate. If it doesn’t melt well, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of butter.

Cake “Vanka curly” with prunes and nuts

Another recipe for the “Vanka curly” cake with a very tasty filling. It is advisable to take walnuts; you can lightly fry them before use. Kefir dough.


· 0.25 l of kefir;

· a glass of nuts;

· three eggs;

· 2 tbsp. sugar (1 per cream);

· 10 g soda;

· 2 spoons of cocoa;

· chocolate;

· 12 tablespoons of flour;

· 150 g prunes;

· 450 g sour cream per cream.

Cooking method

1. Beat kefir with eggs and sugar, add soda, mix, add flour, it will take about 12 full spoons. Divide in half, add cocoa powder to one part. Bake two cakes. You can make it like a zebra, just pour the multi-colored dough in parts onto one baking sheet.

2. Mix the remaining sugar with sour cream; no need to beat. Can be replaced with powder.

3. Cut the prunes lengthwise to make flat cakes.

4. Assemble the cake on a white cake layer; it is better to trim off the excess immediately. Grease the cake layer, sprinkle with nuts, place a layer of chocolate pieces in the cream, sprinkle with nuts again.

5. Coat Vanka with cream on top, arrange prune cakes with the smooth side out.

6. Pour over chocolate and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Curly Vanka cake with bananas

Another variation of the cake, the cake layers for which can be prepared according to any of the recipes above. The main thing is the original filling of bananas and butter cream.


· cake layers;

· 3 bananas;

· 250 g cream;

· 5 tablespoons of boiled condensed milk;

· chocolate;

· 300 g sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Whip the heavy cream until foamy and set aside. Separately, beat sour cream with boiled condensed milk. If its sweetness is not enough, then add a little powdered sugar. Combine with cream, stir.

2. Peel the bananas and cut into slices. We choose ripe, but not dark fruits.

4. Melt the chocolate and decorate the cake.

· If the form is not very successful, then it is better to immediately cover it with parchment or, after greasing, sprinkle it with crackers and flour, without waiting for anything to stick.

· To prevent the cream from separating, you need to use ingredients at the same temperature. You cannot add anything hot to butter or sour cream or put it in a warm mass.

· If you don’t get enough cream, then it’s better to immediately coat some pieces with sour cream, condensed milk, jam or other similar products that can be found in any refrigerator. When alternating in the cake, this will not be very noticeable.

The funny, fairy-tale-like name “Vanka curly” will definitely attract your attention to the original recipe for this delicious cake. It should be noted that the kefir cake prepared according to this recipe is called differently. You can meet “Curly Lad”, and “Curly Boy”, and “Curly Pinscher”. In all cases, the recipe and the word “Curly” remain common. 😉

Making such a delicious cake with sour cream at home is quite simple. Even a small child can be involved in the formation process; it will be an exciting activity with a concrete and tasty result.

First, let's decide on the products that we will need during the cooking process.

For the cakes: 200 grams of kefir, 3 pcs. eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon soda, vanilla to taste, 6 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons cocoa.

For the cream: 200 grams of sour cream, 1 glass of sugar.

For glaze: 100 ml milk, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 60 g butter.

How to make a kefir cake Vanka curly

First, let's deal with the cakes. To knead the dough, you need to grind eggs with sugar + vanilla, pour in kefir, add flour with slaked soda and mix. If you have a mixer, it is better to beat everything thoroughly in the same order.

Divide the dough into two parts. Add cocoa to one and knead, and leave the other as is. If desired, cocoa can be added to both parts. In this case, the cake will turn out with a richer cocoa taste.

Now all that remains is to simply pour the dough into greased or parchment-lined molds. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. We check readiness with a wooden splinter.

Remove the finished cakes from the mold, cool and cut one of the cakes into cubes (3x3 cm).

How to make sour cream for cake

Beat the sour cream (just don’t use too much liquid) with sugar and get a cream.

How to assemble and decorate a cake

Cover the whole cake with cream. We dip each cube of sliced ​​cake into the cream and line it up with a “hat” and fill it with the remaining sweet sour cream.

If desired, you can cut both cake layers into cubes and, having dipped all the pieces in the cream, build a tower on a dish in a random order of colors.

How to make glaze

You need to boil the milk, add sugar, cocoa and cook for 4 minutes. Then add oil and cook for another 3 minutes. You can add a couple of slices of chocolate to the hot glaze - it will taste better and harden faster.

Well the last “touch to the portrait” remains. The cooled but not hardened glaze needs to be poured over the cake and allowed to sit at least a little. The glaze does not need to be applied in an even layer. We will draw patterns on the cake in a thin stream, as it were. What is the result - look at the photo.

You will see why the cake is called “curly” when you cut it. This is clearly visible in the photo.

And this is a cross-section of Curly Ivan with a white sponge cake base.

As you know, every housewife has her own secrets and preferences when preparing a particular dish. And the delicious sour cream Vanka curly cake made with kefir is no exception. Therefore, if you like to add nuts, dried apricots and other dried fruits to your desserts, then we suggest watching this video recipe for homemade cake with sour cream.

Cook with pleasure and eat for health. 🙂

If you are not yet capable of making complex cakes, but you still want to pamper your loved ones with homemade baked goods, then bake the “Vanka Curly” cake. This is a very tasty and completely hassle-free recipe for making a homemade cake. Even a beginner will succeed the first time, as it is simply impossible to ruin it. At the same time, the “Vanka Curly” cake turns out to be quite original in appearance, so you can bake it for a festive table.


  • Dough:
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 90 g margarine;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 20 g cocoa;
  • 240 g flour.
  • Cream:
  • 120 g powdered sugar;
  • 700 g high-fat sour cream.
  • Glaze:
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. (with cap) cocoa;
  • 80 ml milk;
  • 30 g butter.

How to make Vanka curly sponge cake

Beat eggs with sugar in a deep bowl until fluffy.

Add kefir and margarine to the mixture, which you transfer to a liquid state in advance. Margarine can be replaced with butter; melt in a water bath or in the microwave.

Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough. Stir thoroughly.

Sift the flour directly into the cup with the dough and mix until all the flour lumps disappear.

Divide the batter into two parts. Leave one part light, and the second, adding cocoa, darken it to a chocolate color.

You will bake the dough on a spacious baking sheet in one layer. This will significantly reduce the cake preparation time. If there is no baking sheet, then you can use a round pan, but you will have to bake two cakes. Line the bottom of the baking sheet with baking paper and place all the dough on it, alternating colors in a chaotic manner. That is, the cake should turn out spotty, with a clear delineation of color boundaries, see the step-by-step photo for more details.

Bake for 25-30 minutes at 170 degrees.

Take out the finished cake, let it cool a little and separate it from the paper on which it was baked. When the cake has cooled completely, take a plate and cut out a circle in the center. This will be the base of the “Vanka curly” cake.

To ensure that the base is well saturated, cut off the top. Put the resulting base aside, and tear everything else into small pieces with your hands. That is, you don’t cut with a knife, but rather tear it so that the edges of the pieces turn out torn.

In order not to waste time, prepare sour cream while baking and cooling the cake. Just beat cold sour cream with powdered sugar.

Cook and icing to decorate the cake. Combine milk, cocoa and sugar in a suitable cup and simmer over low heat until thick, adding butter at the very end. You should get a thick chocolate mass.

Assembling the “Vanka curly” cake. Place the prepared base on a flat plate and coat it with a layer of sour cream. And on top you begin to lay out pieces dipped in cream. Since each piece combines both light and dark colors, you can lay them out in any order.

The end result should be a slide with a beautiful embossed top.

Transfer the cooled glaze into a pastry syringe and pour a thin stream over the cake over its entire textured surface.

The glaze should be spread chaotically so that pieces of biscuit in the white sour cream are visible.

When the “Vanka Curly” cake has been in the refrigerator for several hours and has become incredibly tender, pour aromatic tea into cups and treat your family to a delicious homemade cake.

If you are not yet capable of making complex cakes, but you still want to pamper your loved ones with homemade baked goods, then bake the “Vanka Curly” cake. This is a very tasty and completely hassle-free recipe for making a homemade cake. Even a beginner will succeed the first time, as it is simply impossible to ruin it. At the same time, the “Vanka Curly” cake turns out to be quite original in appearance, so you can bake it for a festive table.

TIME: 1 hour 40 min.


Servings: 6


  • Dough:
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 90 g margarine;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 20 g cocoa;
  • 240 g flour.
  • Cream:
  • 120 g powdered sugar;
  • 700 g high-fat sour cream.
  • Glaze:
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. (with cap) cocoa;
  • 80 ml milk;
  • 30 g butter.


Beat eggs with sugar in a deep bowl until fluffy.

Add kefir and margarine to the mixture, which you transfer to a liquid state in advance. Margarine can be replaced with butter; melt in a water bath or in the microwave.

Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough. Stir thoroughly.

Sift the flour directly into the cup with the dough and mix until all the flour lumps disappear.

Divide the batter into two parts. Leave one part light, and the second, adding cocoa, darken it to a chocolate color.

You will bake the dough on a spacious baking sheet in one layer. This will significantly reduce the cake preparation time. If there is no baking sheet, then you can use a round pan, but you will have to bake two cakes. Line the bottom of the baking sheet with baking paper and place all the dough on it, alternating colors in a chaotic manner. That is, the cake should turn out spotty, with a clear delineation of color boundaries, look at the photo for more details.

Bake for 25-30 minutes at 170 degrees.

Take out the finished cake, let it cool a little and separate it from the paper on which it was baked. When the cake has cooled completely, take a plate and cut out a circle in the center. This will be the base of the “Vanka curly” cake.

To ensure that the base is well saturated, cut off the top. Put the resulting base aside, and tear everything else into small pieces with your hands. That is, you don’t cut with a knife, but rather tear it so that the edges of the pieces turn out torn.

In order not to waste time, prepare sour cream while baking and cooling the cake. Just beat cold sour cream with powdered sugar.

Cook and icing to decorate the cake. Combine milk, cocoa and sugar in a suitable cup and simmer over low heat until thick, adding butter at the very end. You should get a thick chocolate mass.

Assembling the “Vanka curly” cake. Place the prepared base on a flat plate and coat it with a layer of sour cream. And on top you begin to lay out pieces dipped in cream. Since each piece combines both light and dark colors, you can lay them out in any order.

The end result should be a slide with a beautiful embossed top.

Transfer the cooled glaze into a pastry syringe and pour a thin stream over the cake over its entire textured surface.

The glaze should be spread chaotically so that pieces of biscuit in the white sour cream are visible.

When the “Vanka Curly” cake has been in the refrigerator for several hours and has become incredibly tender, pour aromatic tea into cups and treat your family to a delicious homemade cake.

Each of us has a cake from our birth and childhood, the taste of which is preserved in our memory even after many years. For some it is “Napoleon”, for others it is “Medovik”. There can be a lot of options. Today we will remember the “Curly Vanka” cake, the photo of which is posted below. We will present three options for its preparation (with condensed milk, sour cream and kefir) in our article.

Cake "Curly Vanka": recipe with condensed milk

The secret to making this delicacy is the unusual taste of the cream. It not only tastes like the familiar “Plombir” ice cream, but also perfectly soaks all the cakes. It turns out very tender and incredibly tasty.

The “Curly Vanka” cake is prepared step by step in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the cakes are baked. This is the first and longest stage of preparation.
  2. In a deep bowl, beat eggs (2 pieces) and a glass of sugar until a fluffy white mass is obtained.
  3. Sour cream with a fat content of 15% (1 ½ tbsp.) is added to the egg-sugar mass.
  4. Add soda, quenched with lemon juice or vinegar (½ teaspoon).
  5. Flour (1 ½ tbsp) is sifted into the resulting mass, after which the dough is beaten very thoroughly with a mixer.
  6. The third part of the prepared dough is poured into a greased form.
  7. In a preheated oven (180°C), the cake is baked for about 20 minutes. It needs to be cooled, removed from the mold and placed on a flat dish. This will be the base of the cake.
  8. Add cocoa powder (2 teaspoons) to the remaining dough, mix well and pour into the mold.
  9. The chocolate cake is baked for 30 minutes at 180°C. It should be cooled well and cut into large cubes.

While the cakes are cooling, it's time to make the cream.

Cake cream recipe

Sour cream or condensed milk? Housewives often ask themselves this question when it comes time to soak the diced chocolate cake. The “Curly Vanka” cake is prepared with both creams. But, according to most people, it turns out especially tasty with condensed milk. Well, the taste of the promised ice cream "Plombir" is given to it by whipped cream.

So, to prepare the cream, cream with a fat content of 35% (250 ml) is whipped into a fluffy mass. To check their readiness, you need to turn the plate upside down. Perfectly whipped cream will never fall on the table. When the quality test is passed, you can add condensed milk (200 ml) to the cream, pouring it carefully in a thin stream.

The finished cream can be immediately spread on a light cake layer. There should not be enough of it, since the cake will turn out tender only if all the cakes are well soaked. Chopped cubes of chocolate cake are added in parts to the remaining cream. After they are soaked a little, they are laid out in a heap on the base of the cake.

How to make glaze

The final stage in preparing the Curly Vanka cake is its decoration. To do this, you can sprinkle it with chocolate chips (grated chocolate) or prepare a delicious glaze. The second option, according to reviews, is more popular.

To prepare the glaze, pour milk (4 tablespoons) into a thick-bottomed saucepan, add sugar (50 g), add butter (50 g) and cocoa powder (2 teaspoons). All ingredients are brought to a boil with constant stirring. After this, after 1 minute, the saucepan can be removed from the heat. Hot icing is poured onto the top of the cake. Now you need to put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours or overnight, after which you can enjoy the dessert familiar from childhood.

Kefir cake

In this recipe, chocolate cake is used as a base, and the light one is cut into pieces and soaked in cream. But this doesn’t make the taste of the Curly Vanka cake any worse.

To prepare the dough, beat 3 eggs with a glass of sugar into a foamy mass. Then kefir of maximum fat content (200 ml) is poured in and soda (1 teaspoon) is added. Without stopping the beating process, flour is sifted into the dough. In total you will need about 6 tablespoons. The finished dough is divided into 2 parts. The first is immediately poured into the mold, and cocoa (2 tablespoons) is added to the second. The cakes are baked at 180° in a preheated oven. In 30 minutes they will be ready. They need to be cooled well, after which the dark cake is placed on a flat plate, and the light cake is cut into cubes.

The cream is prepared using sour cream. For it, take thick homemade sour cream (200 g) and a glass of sugar. Part of the whipped cream is laid out on the dark cake layer and spread over it in an even layer. The second part is used to soak the cut pieces. They are dipped one at a time in the cream, and then placed in a heap on the first cake layer. The finished cake is poured with pre-prepared chocolate glaze.

Sour cream cake recipe

A special feature of this product is the rich taste of sour cream. This cooking option will appeal to those who love this fermented milk product.

"Curly Vanka" - a cake loved by many since childhood - is prepared relatively quickly and easily. The recipe can be presented step by step as follows:

  1. The batter is mixed from 3 eggs beaten with 300 g of sugar, sour cream (400 ml) and 3 cups of flour sifted with soda (1 teaspoon).
  2. One part of it is poured into the prepared form, and cocoa (6 tablespoons) is added to the second half.
  3. The cakes are baked in the oven at the same time at a temperature of 180°C. After this, they need to be allowed to cool well.
  4. The cream is prepared from 800 ml of high-fat sour cream and sugar (2 tbsp.).
  5. The light cake layer - the base of the cake - is brushed with sour cream. 6-7 tablespoons will be enough.
  6. The dark cake is cut into cubes. Then each piece is pricked with a fork and dipped in sour cream.
  7. Dark pieces in sour cream are laid out in a heap on a light cake layer.
  8. Top the cake with the remaining cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

The following tips will help you achieve the perfect taste of your childhood favorite cake:

  1. When choosing sour cream or cream for cream, give preference to products with the maximum percentage of fat content. The consistency will be thicker, and therefore the cream will not drip from the cake.
  2. Don't cut the chocolate cake too finely. The pieces should be felt in the cake, and not completely dissolved in the cream.
  3. Despite the fact that most recipes indicate that the cake can be tasted after 3 hours, let it soak longer. And then it will definitely delight you with a delicate and pleasant taste.