Recipes for Antonovka apple jam for the winter. Antonovka jam recipes

02.02.2024 Restaurant notes

We all love fruits, and especially apples. In the summer you can pick them directly from a branch in the garden, and for the winter you can hide the healthy fruit in a jar, that is, make jam. The Antonovka variety will not replace imported apples, no matter how large and bright they are. Even the most unsightly Antonovka fruit has a unique aroma and sour juice. You can make aromatic jam for the winter from this fruit in several ways.

A simple recipe for Antonovka jam

With this cooking method, a homogeneous thick apple mass is obtained, reminiscent of jam.


  • apples – 1 kg,
  • sugar – 1 kg,
  • water – 1 l,
  • citric acid – 1 pinch.


  1. Peel the fruits, remove seeds, cut into small pieces, maybe into 4 pieces.
  2. Grate the pieces on a coarse grater.
  3. Place the resulting puree into an enamel pan, pour in a liter of oxen, add granulated sugar and citric acid.
  4. Turn on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. Reduce heat slightly and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Pour the finished product hot into sterilized containers and roll up.
  7. Wait for the product to cool completely. The jam should become transparent. After this, you can put the jars away for storage.

Antonovka jam in slices


  • Antonovka apples (it is better to take slightly unripe fruits directly from the branches) – 1 kg,
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Wash the fruits and remove the core.
  2. Cut into even pieces up to 1 cm thick.
  3. Cover the apple slices with sugar and leave for several hours, or overnight. During this time, the fruit should release a lot of juice. The sugar will dissolve, which means it will not burn during cooking.
  4. Pour the mixture into an enamel pan and put on fire. Boil.
  5. Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat.
  6. Repeat boiling 3-4 times with a break of several hours.
  7. When cooking, the mixture must be stirred, since there is less syrup than fruit slices, and they remain on the surface.
  8. When the apple pieces become transparent, the jam is ready. Pour the product into prepared jars and store.
  • The workpiece is stored in a cool, dark place. This could be a refrigerator or a cellar. Even in a closed cabinet, the product can last all winter.
  • Apple jam is an ideal filling for pies and other baked goods. The jam turns out thick and does not leak.
  • A kilogram of sugar can be too much, the jam turns out too sweet. Sometimes it is enough to take 700-800 g of sand.
  • How to check the readiness of a fruit product? The first sign is the transparency of the lobules. The second way to check: place a few drops on a saucer. If after cooling they do not lose their shape, then the product is ready.
  • Usually the fruits are quickly boiled in boiling syrup. To prevent this, you can place the chopped fruits in a soda solution (2 teaspoons of soda per 1 liter of water) for 5 minutes right before cooking.
  • If apples are cooked in several stages, the optimal break is 6 hours.
  • To stop the process of darkening of fruits, prepare a water-salt solution: 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. salt. You can replace the salt with citric acid (the proportion is the same). After soaking, the fruits are washed in cold water and cooked.
  • When cooking, it is better not to allow a strong boil.
  • Antonovka jam is best served with pancakes or pancakes for tea.

I came across a very interesting recipe for apple jam. To get just such jam, you need to prepare it only from Antonovka apples, because they contain a lot of natural pectin, which gels the jam.
To make jam we need 1 kg of apples, seeded and peeled.
I had 1.5 kg of apples, I peeled them and I got exactly 1 kg of apples.
Antonovka jam is incredibly tasty and aromatic!

Antonovka apples - 1.5 kg (peeled and seeds removed 1 kg)
sugar - 1 kg
water - 1 liter
citric acid - 0.5 level teaspoon


Wash the apples, remove seeds and peel.

Grate on a medium grater. Pour in 1 liter of water. Add 1 kg of sugar.

Add citric acid to prevent the apples in the jam from darkening.

Place on the fire, bring to a boil and, stirring occasionally, cook for 40-60 minutes over low heat.

Place the finished jam into clean, sterilized jars and screw on the lids.
When the jam cools, it sets and becomes thick and transparent, like marmalade. If you cook without water, it will just turn out to be jam.

It would seem that fishing and apple jam are incompatible things. But it was thanks to our last foray onto the river that my son and I came across an abandoned orchard.

Old, from the times of Soviet collective farms. Huge apple trees, between them a thick bush has already risen, in which funny Chinese piglets grunt, grunting, carefree. The farm is nearby, so people run around to feast on fallen apples.

And on the apple trees - Antonovka, oh, so beautiful! Yellow-sided, with a blush and very fragrant. You take a bite with a crunch - the juice splashes, the sourness squints your eyes - good!

My first thought was to make jam; I’ve long wanted one from Antonovka so that the slices would be transparent and like marmalade.

How to make clear apple jam from Antonovka


  • Antonovka apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking time: 20 minutes for cooking in 4 approaches; 8 hours for the apples to give juice; breaks between cooking 7-8 hours.

number of servings: 4 cans of 0.5 l;

cuisine: Russian.

Step-by-step recipe for apple jam

The apples I selected were slightly unripe and firm, just picked from the tree.

If you take them that have been stale or overripe for a long time, with a loose structure, then after a few minutes of boiling in syrup they will boil into puree.

1. I washed the apples and cut out the cores with this thing. A couple of movements - and the bone is gone.

2. Cut into slices, 5-10 millimeters thick.

I look and my sugar reserves are so low that I need to run to the store.

At a nearby stall, my aunt gave me granulated sugar, hand-packed in T-shirt bags. She seemed suspicious to me. When I open it at home, the sugar is wet, I weigh it and it’s underweight by 20 grams. A classic of the genre... Well, aunty, you'll get a hiccup...

3. Weighed the apples already cut into slices and measured out 1 kg of sugar per kilogram of slices.

4. Placed in layers in a pan. For such sweet occasions, I have a large stainless steel saucepan, probably about 7 liters. Sprinkled layers with sugar. In the evening, that means he fell asleep and left it like that until the morning.

5. Morning. The apples released a lot of juice, almost all the sugar dissolved. But with it was a little different.

6. Put it on low heat, bring it to a boil, hold it for 5 minutes and turn it off. There are more apples in relation to the syrup and they are not completely covered, so during the cooking process I gently drowned them with a spoon, but did not mix them. This is what apple jam looked like after the first boil.

Until the evening I went about my business, then brought the jam to a boil again, kept it on low heat for 5 minutes and removed it.

Again, I drowned the slices floating on top with a spoon, and at the end I stirred once very carefully. Here is the view after the second boil. Something is already emerging.

The next morning I boiled it again, and in the evening I cooked until done. Cooked for 10-15 minutes, until the droplets of syrup on the side of the saucer stopped spreading.

This is what it looks like after the last cooking. Maybe it was even superfluous, three times was enough.

Individual slices did not become completely transparent, but overall, I think it’s very good.

7. four half-liter jars, poured hot jam and rolled it up. There was also plenty left for my sweet tooth to try.

What a smell, color, taste... By the way, about taste. A kilo of sugar makes it very sweet. Then I filled the second pan with 700 g of sugar per kilo of slices. I tried it, in my opinion 700-800 grams of sugar is quite enough.

Apple jam: slices, transparent, recipe with photos step by step

Apple jam from Antonovka vulgaris is very aromatic, tasty and has a delicate straw color. Unlike other apples, the pulp of these fruits is susceptible to boiling during blanching, so they are cooked using a special technology. To make the apple slices denser, juice is extracted from them using sugar, and then boiled over low heat and kept for at least 10 hours. Upon final cooking, the apple slices become transparent. This jam with a special taste and aroma is an excellent vitamin preparation for winter tea drinking! We also invite you to cook according to the recipe on our website.

Jam from apples of the “Antonovka ordinary” variety

Apples (variety “Antonovka ordinary”) – 1 kg

Granulated sugar – 1.3 kg

Water – 1 glass

Preparation time – 10 minutes

Cooking time – 40 minutes + standing time

Output – 1.2 l

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. The weight of apples is indicated without taking into account waste.

Step-by-step recipe with photos on how to make clear apple jam:

Wash the apples, cut them in half, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into equal slices 1–1.5 cm thick. To prevent the slices from darkening while processing the apples, as you cut them, place them in salted water (2 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter water). The time the apples are in the saline solution should not exceed 1 hour. When all the apples are peeled and cut, drain the brine solution.

Place the apple slices in a large bowl, sprinkle with sugar and shake well so that the sugar is evenly distributed on the slices.

Soak the apples in sugar for 6–8 hours to release the juice. Due to this, the apple slices become denser and will not be overcooked in the future.

Place apples with syrup in a cooking container and pour in water.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for no more than 5 minutes.

Leave the apples to steep for 10–12 hours.

Finally cook the jam until done. The syrup and slices in it should be transparent.

Allow the finished jam to cool, and then pack it into dry jars, cover with boiled lids and seal.

Apples are one of the most affordable fruits in our country. They are tasty, aromatic, healthy. These fruits are good not only fresh. They make delicious preserves, jams, and confitures. Despite the fact that apples store well and can be purchased throughout the year, zealous housewives strive to prepare as many desserts as possible from them for the winter. Apple confiture is a delicious delicacy that is easy to prepare at home. Provided that sanitary requirements are met, this dessert will be stored well at room temperature for at least a year.

Cooking features

Making confiture from apples is much easier than from many other fruits. If you know the intricacies of this process, it is impossible to fail, even if you have never previously made sweet preparations for the winter.

  • Autumn varieties of apples are used to prepare confiture. If they are sour, the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe can be increased.
  • Apples contain a lot of pectin, so confiture from them can be prepared without adding gelling components. Gelatin, gelatin, pectin and similar ingredients should be added only if you are blending fruits or trying to reduce the preparation time for a thick delicacy as much as possible.
  • The most pectin is found in apple peels. If you use apple peel decoction rather than water to prepare apple confiture, the dessert will reach the desired consistency earlier.
  • Apple pulp softens greatly during prolonged cooking. There is no need to grind it with a blender or grind it through a sieve. It is enough to mash with a spoon or a device designed for making mashed potatoes.
  • Cinnamon is often added to apple confiture, which goes perfectly with apples, giving the dessert a seductive aroma.
  • Apple confiture is well stored at room temperature, but only if the jars into which it is poured have been previously sterilized. The lids should also be boiled. Only metal ones are suitable, with which the jars can be sealed tightly.

Apple confiture can be spread on toast, served with pancakes and pancakes, added to ice cream and cottage cheese desserts, and used to prepare sweet pastries.

A simple recipe for apple jam

Composition (per 1 l):

  • apples – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.7 kg;
  • ground cinnamon (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apples and dry with a napkin. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the skins from the fruit. Cut out the seed pods.
  • Coarsely grate the apple pulp, place in an enamel bowl, and cover with sugar. Leave for 2-3 hours so that the apples release their juice.
  • Place the container with apples on the stove. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes, skimming off any foam.
  • Reduce heat and simmer the apple mixture over low heat for 20-25 minutes.
  • Add cinnamon, cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
  • Sterilize the jars and boil the lids that fit them.
  • Place the confiture into jars and roll them up.

The apple confiture according to this recipe is thick, but has a delicate consistency. It stands well at room temperature.

Fragrant apple confiture

Composition (per 1 l):

  • apples – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • ground cinnamon – 5 g;
  • water – 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the lemon and pat dry with a napkin. Squeeze the juice out of it. Grate the zest from it. Dilute lemon juice with clean boiled water.
  • Peel washed and dried apples and remove their cores. Cut the pulp into small cubes. Place in a bowl.
  • Pour a mixture of lemon juice and water over the apples and leave for 5 minutes. Drain all liquid from the bowl. As a result, apples treated with lemon juice will not darken. The confiture prepared from them will look very appetizing.
  • Sprinkle apples with sugar. Cover the basin with a thin cloth and leave for 4-6 hours. During this time, the apples will have time to release juice, and a significant part of the sugar will dissolve in it.
  • Place the container with apples on high heat. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam, reduce heat.
  • Simmer the apples for 15 minutes over low heat, increase the flame intensity. Let the apple mixture simmer for 5 minutes. Reduce heat again.
  • Boil the apple mixture for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.
  • Mash the apples with a spoon. Add zest and cinnamon. Stir.
  • Cook the confiture for another 5 minutes.
  • Place the jam into sterilized jars and seal them tightly.

Preparing confiture according to this recipe takes a lot of time, but the result will meet your expectations. The dessert turns out aromatic, looks appetizing, and stands well at room temperature.

Confiture of apples with tangerines and ginger

Composition (for 1.5-1.75 l):

  • apples – 1.5 kg;
  • tangerines – 0.3 kg;
  • lemons – 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root – 80 g;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • cognac – 100 ml;
  • gelatin for confiture – 20 g;
  • star anise – 1 pc.;
  • cloves – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 sticks.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apples, pat dry with a napkin, and peel. After cutting out the seed pods, cut the fruit into slices.
  • Squeeze the juice from one lemon, pour it over the apples, and stir.
  • Peel the second lemon and remove white veins, cut the lemon slices into small pieces.
  • Peel the tangerines and separate them into slices. Remove the seeds. Remove the film from the slices.
  • Peel the ginger and cut into thin slices.
  • Mix apples with tangerines and lemon slices, add sugar, and leave for several hours.
  • Drain half a glass of the juice released from the apples and mix with cognac.
  • Place star anise, cloves, cinnamon and ginger in a small bowl or ladle. Pour cognac mixed with apple juice over them. Heat over low heat or a water bath for 10-15 minutes, strain.
  • Add the spice mixture to the fruit.
  • Place the container with the fruit on low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally and skimming off foam, for 60 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with instant gelatin and stir. Wait a couple of minutes and remove from heat.
  • Place the jam into prepared jars and seal them tightly.

This is one of the most refined versions of apple confiture. The citrus fruits in it resemble candied fruits. I want to eat this delicacy with spoons.

Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare apple confiture. This dessert will be inexpensive, but will delight you with its taste and aroma all year long.