Sour plum sauce for meat. Meat Plum Sauce

21.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Thick and fragrant sauce from plums for the winter is a special preparation. Believe me, I am not joking or exaggerating. If you try to cook it at least once, you will forget about compotes, jam, jam and others for a long time. After all, sauce is something completely different. You do not have time to blink an eye how the jar will end ... and then another one, followed by another. And now everything that has been lovingly prepared has been eaten with joy and appetite. You know, at such moments I understand that for the sake of all this it is worth cooking and even living on, despite all the worries, problems and troubles. Should I deny myself the pleasure to pamper homemade plum sauce for homemade meat?

The answer to this question lies on the surface. Of course, not worth it. And even more than that - the more diverse your assortment of blanks will be, the more significant, important, accomplished person you will feel. And not just a housewife.

Choose a suitable recipe and cook a delicious plum sauce for the winter!

At first - my favorite option for preparing the sauce for the winter.

Sauce of plums for the winter to the meat is very tasty


  • 1 kg of ripe blue plums (Hungarian suitable);
  • 1 small head of garlic;
  • 4 large red sweet peppers;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil.


Wash ripe unwrinkled plums, remove bones from them. You do not need to remove the skin, it is not a hindrance to the taste of the finished sauce. Put the halved fruits into the blender bowl and turn them into puree. If there is no blender, you can twist them in a meat grinder. Pour the mashed plums into a saucepan (preferably with a ceramic coating - protection against burning) and bring to a boil over low heat. Do not forget to stir. Boil 10 minutes. While the plums are boiling, remove the peppers from the seeds with partitions. Pass it through the meat grinder or cut into small pieces and smash with a blender. Add to the boiling puree of plums, mix, cook for another 10 minutes with a barely noticeable boil. Then salt and sweeten the future sauce: add sugar according to the instructions in the list of ingredients, and add salt to taste. Pour in refined vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar. Peel and grate the garlic, add it to the sauce, but 5 minutes after the oil and vinegar. Pepper preparation to taste, bring to a boil after all the additives, pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Sauce of plums for the winter to the meat with curry

I found this recipe on the Anastasia Skripkina forum - and I really liked it.


  • 2 kg of ripe blue plums, can be sweet and sour;
  • 2 small heads of garlic;
  • 6 pieces of sweet red pepper;
  • 2 pods of hot pepper (small);
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 25 grams of curry seasoning;
  • salt to taste.


Curry sauce is prepared without sterilization, and therefore it should be cooked for a rather long time.

Wash and peel the plums, twist or chop the blender into mashed potatoes, cook for 25 minutes, then twist the sweet pepper and add to the pan with fruit puree. Boil again 25 minutes. Add crushed hot pepper, mix, boil on barely noticeable heat for 15 minutes. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the sauce, cook for another 5 minutes. Add sugar, salt and seasoning. Stir, bring to a boil, pour into sterile jars and roll up immediately. In winter, the seasoning for meat will be wonderful.

Hot plum sauce for winter

The main feature of the sauce is its sharp taste and smooth homogeneous consistency.


  • 2 kg red or blue plums;
  • 2 pods of hot peppers;
  • 1 large sweet pepper;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon salt without slides;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of Provencal herbs seasoning.


Pick and rinse the plums, remove the seeds, put the halves of the fruit into the basin and add 1 cup of water. Over low heat, gradually heat the contents of the basin, cook for 10 minutes, then rub the softened plums through a sieve.

Wash, peel and finely chop the sweet and hot peppers. Add to the plums and whip with the help of an immersion blender, then additionally wipe the blank through a sieve. Your goal is a smooth sauce with no admixtures of uniform visible particles.

Heat hot plum sauce to a boil, add salt, sugar and spices. Boil for half an hour on low heat, then pour into sterile jars, immediately roll, turn, wrap. Spicy seasoning of plums is ready, you can enjoy it at any time.

Sauce of plums with apples for the winter

A good combination of plums and apples - savory, spicy, rich. The sauce goes well with many meat dishes.


  • 3 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of blue plums;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 4 onions
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 50 ml of vinegar 9%
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 1/3 teaspoon red ground pepper.

Please note - vinegar is used table 9%. Not essence, not apple, not balsamic or homemade. Regular store vinegar labeled "table". I ask you to pay attention to this before writing comments.


Tomatoes, apples and plums, rinse, wipe dry and cut into large pieces (before apples remove the core). Peel the onions and cut into large pieces. Pass the tomatoes with plums, apples and onions through a meat grinder, pour everything into a saucepan and put on the fire. While stirring, bring apple and vegetable puree to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the sauce for about 2 hours with a low boil, stirring often with a wooden or plastic spoon.

Remove the pan from the heat, additionally grind the contents with an immersion blender, add salt with sugar, ground cinnamon and pepper, put on the fire. Boil tomato-plum sauce with apples for 45 minutes at a low boil, stirring occasionally. Sterilize the jars, boil the lids for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking ketchup pour vinegar to it and mix. Immediately remove the sauce from the heat, fill the jars to the top with it, roll them up with prepared lids and turn them upside down. Wrap the banks with a blanket and leave to cool.

Chinese plum sauce for the winter

At one time, the recipe for this sauce was found at the Gastronomy site, after which it was repeatedly tried in its own kitchen.


  • 1, 5 kg blue plums;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 small bulbs;
  • 120 grams of brown sugar;
  • 2 cm of fresh ginger root;
  • 100 ml of apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds;
  • half a teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • a pinch of cayenne pepper;
  • half a teaspoon of fine salt.


Peel and chop the onion, garlic and ginger root with a sharp knife. Plums cut in half and remove the bones. Put it all in a saucepan, pour in 1 glass of water and bring to a boil. Close, reduce heat and cook for 30 minutes, remembering to stir. Grind the plum mass in a blender. Return it to the skillet, add brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and spices. While stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for about 45 minutes. Put the finished Chinese plum sauce in clean jars, close the lids and pasteurize in boiling water for 20-30 minutes depending on the volume of the jars.

Sauces in modern cooking occupy a special place. They are different in taste and color saturation. Tomato, mushroom, spicy and sweet. Especially popular among fans of these food additives is plum sauce. It is combined with all products, and its cooking options are known for their diversity and are not complex. For those who want to try to make a sauce with their own hands, be sure to use the following recipes.

  Popular plum sauces

Plum sauce recipes have come to modern cooking from those countries where plums grow. This is the Caucasus, China and Japan. Delicious seasoning for the winter of the summer fruit can be prepared at home. It is perfect for meat or another dish, and its taste will complement the treat with pleasant notes of freshness.

Since the plum is combined with almost all spices, vegetables and other seasonings, there are many options for preparing your favorite delicacy for the winter. The most common sauces from this fruit are:

  • Tkemali;
  • chinese plum sauce;
  • tomato and plum;
  • to meat.

The color of the sauce depends on the color of the selected fruit. There are different recipes for the preparation of the winter for the ingredients that make up their composition, and the method of preparation.

  Tkemali recipe without cooking

The famous Caucasian plum Tkemali sauce is cooked without cooking, therefore it retains its beneficial properties for a long time. To make this seasoning you will need:

  • dark variety plums;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • hot peppers;
  • garlic;
  • cilantro;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • vinegar.

Before cooking, the products are washed and cleaned if necessary. One kilogram of plums of the Hungarian is thoroughly washed and the bones are removed from the fruit. After that, the crop is ground in a meat grinder or with the help of other kitchen appliances. When grinding, 3 heads of peeled garlic, 1 kilogram of Bulgarian sweet pepper and 5 pieces of spicy, from which the seeds were previously removed, are added to the plums.

Next, finely chopped cilantro greens (2 bunches per 1 kg of plums) and lay out to the finished puree. The ingredients are mixed, they put 2 tablespoons of salt, 100 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. The billet is left to stand for 15 minutes. During this time it is recommended to sterilize the prepared glass containers and lids.

Experts advise taking small banks for storing home Tkemali to make the product easier to use.

When the plum puree is infused, it is poured into prepared containers, covered with lids and stored in the refrigerator. You can remove the first sample from the workpiece after 2 weeks.

  Boiled Georgian Sauce

There is a recipe of cooking and boiled Tkemali.   For this you will need:

  • plums;
  • garlic;
  • mint;
  • coriander;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • water.

In the classic Georgian sauce only cherry plum is used, but the seasoning turns out to be delicious from all sorts of plums. To make the fruit soft they lay in a 5-liter pot and bring to a boil, then slow down the fire and boil for 120 minutes.

Turn into mashed potatoes needed 4.5 pounds of fruit. Next, turn them off and set to cool. The skin and bones are removed, and the resulting mass is ground through a sieve.

While the mash is drawn, the remaining ingredients are prepared for it. Five cloves of garlic are peeled and skipped through the garlic press or minced in any other way.

1 bunch of fresh mint is washed and cut. Crushed coriander.

The resulting puree is again put on the fire and add the remaining ingredients - garlic, mint, 1.5 teaspoons of coriander, 1 teaspoon salt and 2.5 teaspoons of sugar. The mass is brought to a boil and simmer on low heat for another 5 minutes.

Ready hot sauce is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled lids. The billet is wrapped and remains in this state until it is completely cooled. When the containers have cooled, you can transfer them to a permanent place of storage.

  Chinese seasoning

Add oriental exotic dishes and Chinese plum sauce. Recently, seasoning is popular with local fans of Chinese cuisine. At home, prepare a billet for the winter is also easy.   For this you will need:

  • plums;
  • ginger root;
  • garlic;
  • badyan;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • coriander (seeds);
  • sugar;
  • rice vinegar.

One kilogram of the selected varieties of plums is washed, peeled and peeled and turned into puree in any convenient way. 40 grams of garlic and the same amount of ginger are cleaned and washed, after which they are also ground to a puree state.

Next, plum gruel is placed in a saucepan, the rest of the ingredients are added to it. Throwed in a container with mashed 2 star aniseens, 1 stick of cinnamon, 4 buds of cloves, 1.5 teaspoons of coriander, 100 grams of sugar and 120 milliliters of rice vinegar are mixed, and the workpiece is brought to a boil.

All solid ingredients are removed from the sauce, and the hot mixture is poured into sterile jars.   Filled containers are rolled up with covers and wrapped. After the blanks have cooled, they are removed to a permanent place of storage.

  Tomato-plum treat

Quite simple cooking method and tomato-plum sauce.   According to the recipe hostess will need:

  • plums;
  • garlic;
  • bitter pepper;
  • tomato paste;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Two kilograms of plums are washed, and bones are removed from the fruit. 150 grams of garlic are peeled and ground. From 3 pieces of hot pepper seeds are removed, vegetables are washed and passed through a meat grinder.

All ingredients   put in a saucepan and bring to a boil.   After that, 200 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of tomato paste are added to the boiling puree. On low heat, cooking continues for another 20 minutes. Hot sauce is poured into sterilized jars and rolled. Tanks with billet turn over and wrap. After cooling, they are moved to a permanent place of storage.

  Meat preparation

Quite interesting to the taste and plum sauce for meat.   It includes:

  • plums;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • white onions;
  • ground red pepper;
  • carnation;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • apple vinegar.

Well-washed 1 kilo of tomatoes and 500 grams of pitted plums are placed in a saucepan and filled with 100 ml of water. After that, cover with a lid and cook for several minutes. Next, boiled billet fray through a sieve into mashed potatoes.

One peeled and finely chopped onion is placed in a fruit puree and the resulting mass is boiled for 2 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking to the sauce you want to add the remaining ingredients. In the boiling mass should be 2 heads of chopped garlic, 150 grams of sugar, 1.5-2 spoons of salt, ½ teaspoon of red hot pepper and cloves, 2 bay leaves and 1.5 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

When cooking is over, bay leaves are removed from the mash. Next, the slurry is finally crushed and again brought to a boil. Upon completion of cooking, plum sauce for meat, hot, is poured into sterilized containers and rolled. Keep seasoning is recommended in a cool place.

Preparing sauces for the winter independently, the hostess not only saves the budget, but also provides her family with useful products. Despite the fact that it is easier to buy them in the store, homemade is always healthier and tastier.

Plum sauce is another recipe that will help you cope with the remnants of the fruit of this fruit which is too lush. In this case, the preparation of such a sauce is ridiculously simple, and a jar can stand in the pantry until next winter. Although the latter fact is unlikely, considering how tasty this sauce is.

Georgian plum meat sauce

One of the most famous plum sauces is tkemali, which is made from sour plums with the addition of an abundance of greens and spices. And although the process of its preparation for an hour can take a little more than usual time, the result will certainly be worth it.


  • green plums - 3.1 kg;
  • garlic head;
  • coriander - 145 g;
  • dill - 230 g;
  • mint - 45 g;
  • hot pepper - 4 pcs .;
  • sugar - 65 g;
  • salt - to taste.


Enumerated and washed plums put in a saucepan and cover with water so as to cover. Leave the plums to cook over medium heat until soft. Remove the plums from the water, but do not pour the liquid itself.

Crush the onions, all the herbs from the list, as well as hot peppers. Rub plums through a sieve, freeing the mashed pulp from the seed and skin. The resulting plum puree is poured back into the pan to the remaining liquid after cooking, add herbs, garlic and pepper, add sugar and salt the sauce to taste. Leave the tkemali on fire for about 3-4 minutes after boiling.

Spicy Plum Sauce Recipe

Another famous spicy plum sauce comes from China and contains traditional Chinese food additions: garlic, ginger, hot pepper. This sauce is traditionally served to the duck, but it will fit for another bird, as well as pork.


  • plums - 1.6 kg;
  • vodka - 235 ml;
  • onions - 85 g;
  • grated ginger root - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 145 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • rice vinegar - 115 ml;
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • hot pepper - to taste;
  • on a pinch of ground cinnamon, cloves and cayenne pepper.


Pour plums, onions, garlic and hot pepper with water and leave on the fire until the plums are soft, about half an hour. Grind the softened ingredients through a sieve, mash the mashed potatoes back into the pan, spice up the remaining ingredients from the list of ingredients and return to medium heat. Boil the sauce, stirring occasionally, for about 45 minutes.

If you decide to prepare a sauce with plums for the winter, then pour it into a clean jar, cover with a lid and leave to sterilize for 30-35 minutes, and then immediately roll up.

Plum and Tomato Sauce

Do you want to cook almost instant sauce for meat? Stop on this plum-tomato recipe, perfect for beef dishes.


  • onions - 85 g;
  • plums - 7 pcs .;
  • tomato paste - 35 g;
  •   - 45 ml;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.


Redden chopped onions and add sliced ​​plums to it. For slices of plums, send tomato paste and sliced ​​fresh tomatoes. Adjust the consistency of the sauce, adding water, at its discretion. Boil the ingredients together, kneading the pieces of plums and tomatoes in the process. Rub the prepared sauce through a sieve and serve.

Sauce of plums for the winter   can be served with pasta, a side dish of beans, chicken, fish, veal, etc. For cooking should select ripe fruit. Variety is absolutely not important, the degree of maturity is important.

Tkemali sauce from plums - a recipe for winter

   Required components:

Fresh cilantro, dill and parsley - in a bundle
   - ripe plum fruit - 3 kg
   - Sugar - 5.5 tbsp.
   - salt - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking steps:

Fruits sort and thoroughly wash. Water should drain. After this, proceed to the removal of pits. Peel the garlic head. Wash greens and dry. Twist the plum halves with the addition of parsley, cilantro, garlic cloves. You can also use a blender for grinding. Pour the mixture into a deep enamel pan, transfer to a slow fire, boil, stir several times. In a boiling mass, throw the chopped dill. Suitable also dry greens. Stir the contents, boil it to the required thickness. It takes about 40 minutes to cook. Salt, sprinkle with sugar, mix well, continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Taste the preparation and add spices or sugar if necessary. Prepare a container with lids. Handle the container over the steam, and boil the metal lids. Pour tkemali sauce from the plums for the winter on the banks, seal the cork.

   Prepare and.

Sauce of plum meat for the winter


Sour apple - 2 pieces
   - pod of bitter pepper
   - plum fruit - 1.25 kg
   - ginger root - 5 pcs.
   - Acetic essence - 2 small spoons
   - salt - small spoon


Wash fruits, dry them, remove the cores. Wash the apples, cut out the middle with the seed box. The skin can also be cleaned. Hot pepper, garlic cloves and prepared components twist through a meat grinder. Rinse the ginger root, peel it, rub it, throw in the plum puree, add acetic acid and add granulated sugar, salt it. Boil the stock with the lid open, stirring occasionally. It is necessary that the excess liquid boils away, and the sauce itself becomes thick. Pre-sterilize the jars with lids, pour the workpiece through them, cork.

Some tips:

The sharpness of the workpiece can be controlled with the help of bitter pepper. If there is no red chilli on hand, replace it with ground. For the versatility of taste add to the dish mint, saffron, thyme, dill, celery, basil, etc. Acid can also be controlled with sugar. If you take too sour fruit, add a little more granulated sugar to the sauce.

   Try and.

How to cook plum sauce for the winter

Take 1 kg of fruit, 245 ml of water, a couple of tablespoons of dried dill, garlic head, 3 ml. coriander, 2 tbsp. l dried mint and a half tablespoons of red pepper. Fruits cut in half, put in a saucepan. Pour water, relocate to a quiet light. Allow them to boil, so that the skin and pulp easily begin to lag behind the stone. Drain the liquid in a separate bowl, cook mashed potatoes. Boil down to a thick mass. In the process of cooking, add the drained liquid. Add all the spices, mashed in a mortar, salt. Boil a lot for 5 minutes, pour into bottles, top with vegetable oil.

Plum blanks for the winter: sauces

Green Sauce.

If you take unripe fruit, you can get a beautiful green harvesting. Take 2 kg of green fruits, put them in a saucepan, pour water on top, put on medium heat, cook until soft. Turn off the heat, let the fruit cool, but do not pour out the broth. After cooling, pour it into a separate vessel. Mash the boiled fruit through a sieve, remove the bones together with the peel. Peel a pair of garlic heads, add it to the total mass, salt it. Greenery melenko chop. You can crush it in a mortar with garlic. Connect with the total mass. Salt it. If there is not enough spice, add adjika. To taste, add sugar and salt. Pour the finished billet into suitable containers.

   Learn and then.

Sauce of yellow plums for the winter

   Required Products:

Salt - 20 g
   - garlic head
   - granulated sugar - 50 g
   - cilantro, dill - 50 g
   - coriander - 0.5 l.
   - hot pepper pod

Cooking steps:

Take the fruit, pass them through the meat grinder, having previously taken out the seeds. Cook sauce for 5 minutes. Add chopped garlic, spices, pepper, greens. As soon as the sauce boils, remove it from the fire. Still hot, bottle it.

   Cook and.

Sauce of plums for the winter recipes.

The first recipe.


Plum fruits - 1 kg
   - hops-suneli - a tablespoon
   - half a bunch of parsley and basil
   - a few garlic cloves
   - red dried pepper
   - sugar
   - salt

Cooking steps:

Remove the seeds from the fruit, pour the pulp with salt and sugar, put on the fire. The fruits will give juice, so you should not add water to the contents. Simmer for exactly 7 minutes while stirring. Combine with hops-suneli and chopped pepper. Immediately add this fruit to the main content. Hold the billet for another 10 minutes, stir. Last add garlic, pressed through the press. Break the mass until smooth with an immersion blender. Place it on the stove, boil for another four minutes, pour it over the steamed jars.

   Consider and.

The second recipe.

Required Products:

   - “Hungarian” - 1 kg
   - a bunch of fresh cilantro
   - salt "Extra"
   - head of garlic
   - filtered water - ½ liter
   - Bulgarian pepper
   - ground red pepper
   - white granulated sugar - large spoon

How to cook:

Wash the fruit, tear off all the sticks and leaves. Put them in a saucepan and fill with cold water. Put the vessel on the stove to reduce the mass. This should be done only on low heat. This process will take you about an hour. Chop the peeled garlic, chop cilantro and sweet pepper. You can optionally grind it all in a blender. Puree puree additionally grind with a metal colander and paddles of wood. Puree pour into a saucepan, and leave the bones in a colander. Add to the contents of the spice, combine with sugar and salt. Stir all this and boil for an additional 10 minutes. After reaching the required density, pour the sauce into bottles and seal the bottle.

Sauce sauce from plums recipe for the winter.

You will need:

3 kg plums
   - a pair of garlic heads
   - granulated sugar - 10 tbsp.
   - a bag of curry - 2 pieces
   - bunch of cilantro - 2 pieces
   - hot pepper - 2 pcs.

How to cook:

Peel the fruit, or rather remove the bones from them. To do this, simply break the fruit and take out the bone. It is best to take the fruit from which you can easily remove the bones, without additional manipulation. Wear rubber gloves and remove all seeds from the peppers. Crumble them into pieces. Prepared ingredients together with peeled garlic cloves and other ingredients, twist until smooth. Cook it on low heat for about half an hour, not forgetting to stir it. Still hot, pour the sauce into bottles. ready!

Sauce of plums and tomatoes for the winter.

Required Products:

Granulated sugar - 200 g
   - plum fruits - 1 kg
   - onions - 320 g
   - Bulgarian sweet pepper - 5 pcs.
   - garlic head
   - sharp pepper - 3 pieces
   - spices (ground pepper, cloves)
- a tablespoon of vinegar

Cooking steps:

Wash fruits, vegetables, peels, remove seeds, stalks and seeds. Cut into large slices, twist in a meat grinder. Onions and peppers can not twist, but simply cut into small pieces. Put the mixture that you have on a weak fire, boil for about 2 hours until the mass thickens. As soon as there is 10 minutes left until the end of cooking, add spices, vinegar, salt, granulated sugar. Hot-pour the workpiece over the steamed cans and roll up.

   Consider and.

"Colorful" tkemali.


   - “colorful” plums - 1 kg
   - cilantro - 35 g
   - a tablespoon of dry Provencal herbs
   - salt - ½ tsp
   - Acetic acid - 1 tbsp.
   - granulated sugar - 3.6 tbsp.
   - bitter pepper - 1.5 pcs.
   - a pair of garlic heads
   - water - 145 ml


Wash the pulp, tear off the tails, sort out, remove the damaged fruit. Put in a bowl, pour water. First, make a small fire so that the contents are not burnt. Literally in 5 minutes, the red juice will start to appear, and the fruits will float in the liquid. Heat should be increased. The total boiling time of the workpiece is 15 minutes. Cilantro, pepper and garlic should not be dried and sluggish. Use only fresh food. Remove seeds from peppers, peel the garlic. These components can be smashed in a blender, but then the sauce will have a slightly different consistency. Drain the plums through a sieve; a warm plum mass is much easier to grind than a cold one. Salt tkemali, enter sugar and acetic acid. Sprinkle with Provencal herbs, add cilantro, garlic and pepper. After you boil the billet, it can be poured into cans (they must also be processed in advance).

   Prepare also.

Tkemali from cherry plum.

Required Products:

Salt - 1/3 tbsp. l
   - water - 95 g
   - garlic clove - 4 pcs.
   - dill, cilantro
   - dried mint - ½ tbsp. l
   - granulated sugar
   - dry ground ginger

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruit, put them in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, boil about 15 minutes while stirring. For the specified time, the fruit does not really boil out, but the skin will begin to burst and move away from the pulp. As soon as this process begins, transfer to a colander, mash to keep the mashed potatoes in the saucepan. Bones with skin can be added to the compote. Broth will be diluted to the desired thickness of the mash, so pour it is not necessary. Wash, dry greens, crumble and chop with a blender. Chopped garlic is also chopped. Add sugar and salt, boil, boil for 10 minutes while stirring. Put spices with greens. Remove the foam, pour into sterilized containers.

While resting on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, a rare tourist does not bring along tkemali - Georgian sweet and sour sauce, which has a savory spiciness and is ideally suited to any kind of meat, no matter how it is cooked. Traditionally, it is made from an acidic variety of plums, although other recipes of this sauce are popular today, with thorns, gooseberries, apples and other fruits and berries being the basis. However, the classic tkemali sauce is made from plums.

The tkemali sauce from the plum for the winter is worth preparing for several reasons. It improves appetite, saturates the body with vitamins, is low in calories, is well stored and gives meat dishes a unique taste. Here are 7 recipes for tkemali from plums, including the classic one, as well as tips on making the popular Caucasian seasoning for our readers.

Culinary secrets

Tkemali sauce to cook for the winter at home can any hostess, even if she does not have significant culinary experience. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations and try to follow the recipe. The last requirement does not apply to housewives with experience in home canning: they can show imagination by combining seasonings to your liking. Moreover, in Georgia, tkemali are prepared in different ways, there is no single recipe for this sauce, and the variant, which is considered to be classic, can only be called conditional. However, some rules when cooking tkemali observe will not prevent anyone who wants to get a plum sauce identical to the original.

  • For tkemali it is better to choose plums of sour varieties, it is permissible even to use slightly immature fruits.
  • It is not customary to add vinegar and oil to tkemali sauce. Spicy condiments, as well as long-term heat treatment, allow the preparation to be stored for a long time at home, even at room temperature. It is only important that the banks be sterilized and hermetically sealed.
  • When cooking, plums must be stirred so that they are not burnt. For this, it is best to use a wooden spoon or spatula, although it is acceptable to use stainless steel appliances.
  • Enameled containers are used for cooking. They can be replaced by any, with the exception of aluminum. Taboo on the use of aluminum cookware imposed because this material in contact with acids forms harmful substances.
  • An important component of the tkemali is such a seasoning as marsh mint. It is often replaced by peppermint. The taste is not quite identical, but only a real gourmet who is familiar with Caucasian cuisine can distinguish it from the original.
  • Plums for the sauce must be crushed. To do this, they first boil for a while, then fray through a sieve. This allows you to get the sauce as much as possible fine texture. If this does not seem important to you, then the fruit can be broken with a blender or turned through a meat grinder - this will greatly simplify and speed up the process of cooking liquid seasoning.
  • In order for the plum sauce to be quite thick, it is boiled 3-4 times. This must be taken into account when calculating the amount of products to obtain the desired volume of the billet for the winter.

Following the above recommendations, you will surely prepare a sauce that you can be proud of. Just keep in mind that if you make it a little, it is not worth it even before winter - almost everyone likes the seasoning, no matter what kind of kitchen the consumers prefer.

Tkemali Sauce Recipe

What do you need:

  • plums (peeled) - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • fresh coriander - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • hops-suneli - 20 g;
  • swamp mint (can be replaced by pepper) - 10 g;
  • hot pepper - 2 pods.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the plums, cover them with crown of sugar and leave them for a while in a cool place to let the juice run.
  2. Put on the fire, if necessary, splashing a little boiled water into a container with drains.
  3. Bring to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes and rub through a sieve.
  4. Bring back to fire. Boil, stirring, until the contents of the pan are reduced threefold.
  5. Add finely chopped greens, crushed garlic, chopped pepper, salt and remaining sugar, as well as hops-suneli. Continue cooking for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Spread the sauce on a small volume of sterilized glass containers, screw them with boiled caps.

After cooling, the classic tkemali can be removed in the pantry - the sauce is well worth it under normal conditions, even if the room temperature is indoors.

Simple Tkemali Sauce Recipe

What do you need:

  • plum - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • hops-suneli - 20 g;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • hot pepper - 1.5-2 pods.

How to cook:

  1. Chop off the plum chop blender.
  2. Mix with salt and sugar, put on the fire and boil two to three times.
  3. Chop garlic together with pepper. If you want the seasoning to be less stinging, first remove the seeds from the pepper.
  4. Add the garlic-pepper mixture to the sauce, pour in the dry seasoning.
  5. Cook the sauce for another 6-7 minutes, remove it from the heat and pour it into sterilized containers.

This sauce, like the classic one, does not require special storage conditions either. It turns out less gentle, but more sharp and not so salty, as cooked by traditional technology. But to prepare such seasoning is not difficult, even for a novice hostess. In addition, a lot of time it does not take. We can say that according to the above recipe, seasoning is being whipped up.

Yellow plum tkemali

What do you need:

  • the plum (cleared) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 20-40 g (depending on how sweet your plum is);
  • salt - 30 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • fresh cilantro - 50 g;
  • fresh dill - 50 g;
  • ground coriander - 10 g.

How to cook:

  1. Turn plums into a puree in any way you like.
  2. Crush the garlic with a press.
  3. Cut the pepper as small as possible.
  4. Finely chop the greens with a knife.
  5. In a plum puree, add salt and sugar, boil it to the desired thickness.
  6. Cool it down. Add herbs, pepper, garlic and coriander.
  7. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Spread in jars (sterilized, of course), screw them tightly.

You can keep the sauce from yellow plums in the conditions in which it is convenient for you - the seasoning is not capricious, it costs all winter even at 23-24 degrees.

Plum tkemali with pomegranate juice

What do you need:

  • plum - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 60-80 g;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • coriander, hop-suneli - to taste;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • pomegranate juice (natural) - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Crush the peeled plum, mix the puree with salt, sugar, dry seasonings. Bring to a boil and cook to the desired thickness.
  2. Pass the garlic through the press, mix with the sauce. Pour pomegranate juice into it.
  3. Stir and boil for literally 5 minutes.

After distributing the sauce in jars, seal them and remove them for the winter after cooling. You can store in the usual pantry.

Tkemali from plums and tomatoes

What do you need:

  • plum - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 0.75 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • sour apples - 0.5 kg;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc .;
  • salt, sugar, fresh herbs - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the tomatoes, remove the skin from them, break the flesh with a blender.
  2. Pour plums with a small amount of water, boil for 5 minutes, wipe through a sieve.
  3. Peel the apples, rub.
  4. Chop the onion with a grater or blender.
  5. Do the same with sweet and bitter pepper, after removing seeds from vegetables.
  6. Mix all the ingredients, boil down the sauce to the desired consistency.
  7. Spread on sterilized jars, roll up.

Strictly speaking, it is possible to call the tkemali sauce prepared according to this recipe only with a big stretch, but its taste will not disappoint you.

Tkemali without cooking

What do you need:

  • plum (already without stones) - 1.2 kg;
  • bitter pepper - 2-4 pods;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • basil - 50 g;
  • cilantro - 50 g;
  • peppermint - 25 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 20 g

How to cook:

  1. Put the peeled plums, garlic and pepper into the bowl of the blender and chop.
  2. Chop the greens in the same way.
  3. Mix everything by adding salt and sugar. For reliability, use a mixer or blender.
  4. Sterilize cans or bottles. Pour the sauce over them, close (can be plastic covers).

Once the sauce is ready, you need to put it in the fridge - only in this case it will stand all winter without spoiling. After all, it is prepared without cooking. But this method of cooking tkemali allows you to save the maximum of useful substances contained in its constituent components.

Tkemali sauce with walnuts

What do you need:

  • tkemali sauce (made according to any of the above recipes) - 1 l;
  • walnut kernels - glass;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • fresh greens - 1 bunch.

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop the garlic, pepper and herbs.
  2. Pound nuts in a mortar.
  3. Nutty pasta dilute sauce.
  4. Add garlic, pepper and herbs.
  5. Stir with a blender.

This sauce can be eaten immediately or left for the winter. Keep it in the refrigerator, no matter how soon you are going to eat it.

Tkemali sauce is a classic seasoning for meat. It is equally pleasant to eat at any time of the year, but especially in winter, when there is much less fresh fruit on the table. Especially this seasoning will appeal to those who are not indifferent to classic Georgian cuisine.