How creme brulee ice cream is made. Cooking fragrant homemade creme brulee

04.03.2020 Restaurant notes

This dessert certainly does not need a special introduction, since everyone from young to old is familiar with its original caramel-creamy taste. Did you know that creme brulee ice cream can be prepared at home without much difficulty, especially since its recipe and the availability of ingredients allow it. There are quite a few options for this dessert, but we want to introduce you to the three best recipes, from which you can choose the one you like best.

Authorship and composition of creme brulee

The popularity of creme brulee ice cream all over the world is so great that even three European countries are fighting for the right to be called the discoverers of this delicacy: Spain, Great Britain and France. It is impossible to figure out who is right here and who is the culinary plagiarist, since there is no available information in the annals of the history of creme brulee ice cream.

But on the other hand, it is known for certain that the dessert of the same name “crème brûlée” is the brainchild of French cuisine, and the translation of such a delicacy is quite consistent with the recipe - “fried cream”.

It is worth noting that creme brulee ice cream is also based on the so-called “fried cream”, and the composition of these two desserts is quite similar: heavy cream, fresh eggs, granulated sugar. The only difference is that one creme brulee is baked, and the other, on the contrary, is frozen.

Creme brulee ice cream calories

To date, the recipe for traditional creme brulee ice cream has undergone significant changes, which has led to the emergence of more and more new options for preparing this ice dessert.

In its original form, creme brulee has a fairly decent calorie content - 140 kcal per 100 grams of product.

So you can treat yourself to such a yummy once a week, but if you have homemade ice cream every day, then in a couple of weeks you can no longer fit into old jeans.

Classic creme brulee recipe

  1. To begin with, we will make caramel out of granulated sugar (60 g), melting it and frying it to a delicious brownish color over medium heat. Then pour 40 ml of milk into the caramel, mix everything well, bring to a boil and turn off.
  2. Now let's make the base for the ice cream. Mix 300 g of powdered milk with 250 ml of whole milk (3.2-6%) and 80 g of powdered sugar, then pour milk caramel into the composition, mix again and very carefully until smooth, and only then filter through a sieve.
  3. In the resulting composition, add 1-2 tbsp. corn starch, heat everything with regular stirring until boiling, and continue to cook the mass until thick.
  4. Cool the resulting base for ice cream at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After 30 minutes, mix creme brulee with 35% fat cream (100 g), beat with a mixer and put the finished ice cream in the freezer for another half hour.

And after the specified time, you can enjoy the chic caramel taste of homemade ice cream with the whole family.

ice cream creme brulee recipe in ice cream maker


  • - 80 g + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • — 0.5 l + -
  • — 0.2 l + -

How to make creme brulee ice cream at home

It may mistakenly seem that a cold creme brulee dessert is quite difficult to prepare, but this is far from the case. The recipe for this sweet is simple enough to repeat at home, especially if you're the proud owner of a kitchen gadget like an ice cream maker.

With this unit, we can create creme brulee ice cream that tastes and textures as close to the original as possible.

  • You need to start cooking creme brulee with caramel, which we will cook from sugar and water. To do this, mix both components in an enameled container and put on medium heat. When the mass begins to boil, reduce the cooking temperature and, with constant stirring, cook the syrup until it becomes a thick, brown caramel.
  • Then we dilute the resulting caramel with milk, and, without stopping stirring, continue to cook the composition until the sweet mass is completely dispersed in milk.
  • Now, on low heat, we need to cook caramel milk for 15 minutes, still stirring the composition so that it does not stick to the saucepan and does not burn.
  • And after 15 minutes, remove the container from the stove and cool the base for ice cream.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, beat the cream with a mixer until stiff foam, and then gently combine them with caramel milk.

We transfer the resulting mixture to an ice cream maker, whip the creme brulee for 15 minutes, and then cool in the freezer for half an hour.

Homemade creme brulee ice cream

But not only with the help of newfangled technology, you can make this wonderful delicacy at home, and our step-by-step recipe will tell and show everything in detail. However, you should prepare for the fact that with your own hands the traditional French ice cream dessert is made a little longer, and the freezing technique is strikingly different from the original factory one.


  • Fatty cream 30% - ½ l;
  • Condensed whole milk - 0.1 kg;
  • Cow's milk 3.2% - 150 ml;
  • Raw chicken egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • High-grade wheat flour - 30-40 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack;

How to make creme brulee ice cream

  1. First of all, we need to beat the egg yolks with a mixer with condensed milk (2 tbsp), and then, turning the mixer to medium speed, add flour and the rest of the condensed milk.
  2. Pour boiled cooled milk in a thin stream into the total mass, while continuing to beat with a mixer.
  3. Now we will cook the resulting mass in a water bath, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula. As a result, we should get a thick homogeneous mass without lumps. We put her to cool.
  4. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, beat the cold cream until stiff. For ice cream, you need to choose the most fat cream, then the treat will turn out to be the most delicious and will have exactly the same taste as our favorite delicacy from childhood.
  5. After that, the creamy mass is carefully introduced into the composition of the egg-milk mixture. You need to mix very carefully so that the air structure of the cream does not deteriorate.
  6. Here our creme brulee ice cream is almost ready, it remains only to freeze it. We shift the mass into a container, close it tightly with a lid and put it in the freezer. After 30 minutes, take out the ice cream, beat with a mixer and send it back to the freezer. After another 30 minutes, we repeat the whipping procedure, freeze the ice cream again, and after an hour, we carry out the final whipping-cooling cycle. This freezing technology will allow you to achieve a delicate and airy texture of ice cream and help to avoid the appearance of ice in the composition.

As you can see, the recipe for creme brulee ice cream is quite simple, and you can surely repeat such a culinary idea at home.

Surely those who have tried the creme brulee dessert itself are incredibly interested in what is the peculiarity of ice cream with that name, which allows you to get closer to the taste of the famous dessert? The answer to this question is simple: the highlight of the dessert is both the delicate creamy texture of the cream and the fragrant caramel crust on top. And it is cream and caramel that are the ingredients that will turn ordinary homemade ice cream into real creme brulee ice cream!

In fact, creme brulee ice cream is the same ice cream with the addition of caramel, but not eggs, but corn starch are used as a thickener.

Many people are afraid of making homemade ice cream, because this process is quite lengthy, unless you are the proud owner of an ice cream maker. But believe me, you should choose one free day and still make homemade creme brulee ice cream - it turns out to be simply delicious in taste: delicate, creamy, with a bright caramel flavor.

By the way, depending on how strong the taste of caramel you prefer, you can give the ice cream a more or less rich taste. To do this, you only need to caramelize different amounts of sugar. So, in this recipe, the entire volume of sugar turns into caramel, which makes the taste as saturated as possible. For a more delicate taste, caramelize half or a third of the sugar.

By the way, if you like caramel desserts, pay attention to.


  • 400 grams of heavy cream (33% or homemade)
  • 350 grams of milk
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 45 grams of powdered milk
  • 12 grams cornstarch

Finished product yield: about 1 kg

How to make creme brulee ice cream

The first step is to prepare the caramel. To do this, send the sugar to a small ladle with thick walls or a tall frying pan and put on a small fire.

Wait for the sugar to melt and turn amber.

Carefully pour 150 grams of milk into the caramel.

Return the milk and caramel to a low heat and stir so that the caramel quickly dissolves into the milk, turning it into a nice brown color.

Now mix milk powder and starch.

Gradually pouring the remaining milk into the mixture, carefully grind and mix the mass so that there are as few lumps as possible.

In caramel milk, add the starch mixture, as well as all the remaining milk. Stirring continuously, brew the mixture.

The mass should thicken slightly.

Pour the finished mixture into a small deep bowl, cover with a film - this will help prevent the appearance of a crust on the surface.

Cool the mass to room temperature.

Then add cream to the mixture and mix well.

Pour the mixture into a plastic container and place in the freezer.

Every half an hour, carefully punch the mixture with a blender. This will help the mass become creamy and plastic when frozen, and not freeze into a solid piece of ice.

Gradually you will see how the mass becomes thicker. This will happen in 3-3.5 hours. As soon as you see that the ice cream has begun to resemble whipped cream in consistency, send the creme brulee to the freezer for another hour and a half. During this time, the ice cream will get stronger and you can already enjoy it to your heart's content!

The taste of creme brulee ice cream is well remembered by many from childhood. You can reproduce it without problems at home, even without a special ice cream maker. Homemade ice cream is both tastier and healthier than modern store-bought ice cream. Creme brulee ice cream is prepared quickly, you do not need a lot of ingredients, and the recipe is simple.

For cooking you will need:

  • sugar;
  • dark chocolate (20 g);
  • cream (fatty, 600 ml);
  • eggs (4 pieces).

Before you begin, cool the dishes in which you will cook and mix the ingredients. To do this, it will be enough for 20-30 minutes to put it in the refrigerator.

Cooking method

Ice cream "creme brulee" is made on the basis of caramel. Therefore, first you need to prepare it.

  1. Melt four tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan or small saucepan.
  2. Pour some of the cream into the melted sugar, 100 ml will be enough.
  3. Stir the caramel quickly until smooth and viscous.
  4. Cool caramel to room temperature.

For caramel, you can take brown sugar, it melts quickly and well. Cream can also be replaced with milk, but it is best to take thick farm, natural production.

While the caramel is cooling, you can make the bulk of your creme brulee ice cream. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the yolks with three tablespoons of sugar.
  2. The remaining cream is also whipped with three more tablespoons of sugar.
  3. With three more tablespoons of sugar, beat the egg whites.

Then start combining the resulting mixtures. First, the yolk is poured into the cooled caramel and mixed until smooth. Then the creamy mixture is added, in the same way the mass is thoroughly mixed. The protein mass is slowly added last. The creme brulee is almost ready. It remains only to properly cool it.

If you do not have an ice cream maker, the mixture is laid out in a container or any iron utensils that you have cooled in advance. It is put in the freezer and mixed every 40 minutes or an hour. It will be enough to mix just twice. The mixture will be soft and will not crystallize. If you have an ice cream maker, simply load the mixture into it and set the timer, 20 minutes will be enough. Yes, and the recipe will be written on the ice cream maker.

The last step is to decorate the ice cream with chocolate chips. You rub chocolate, form balls from the resulting mass of ice cream, lay it out in bowls and enjoy!

Cooking without eggs

There is a recipe that doesn't call for eggs for those who avoid or don't like them. Dessert at home turns out to be quite light and with a delicate caramel texture without them. To do this, simply whip the cream with sugar, and stir in the container every fifteen minutes during the first hour of the mass solidification.

There will be a lot of ice cream. Of course, it is not necessary to arrange it in bowls and somehow additionally decorate it: you can always sit down with a container in front of the TV and eat it with spoons. But if you serve it as a dessert, you can't do without them.

You can develop your own recipe by experimenting with the amount of ingredients, decreasing or increasing the amount of sugar, and replacing cream with milk. No one will bother you to supplement the creme brulee ice cream with melted caramel or chocolate syrup, pouring balls in a bowl. Syrups are also easy to prepare. It is your own recipe that may turn out to be the best and closest to the ice cream that everyone loved so much in childhood for your family and friends.

Moreover, both the children and the spouse, and myself, are absolutely in solidarity with this. And the guests who ended up at the next birthday at my house categorically stated that without a prescription, and most importantly - a step-by-step master class, they simply would not leave. And although they never realized their threat, they regularly, with enviable constancy, reminded me of this promise to cook again and describe in detail, with photographs, the preparation of creme brulee ice cream. Which is exactly what I do.
In total, to prepare a large volume of creme brulee ice cream, you will need 250 grams of sugar. And from its part you need to prepare caramel, which gives that unforgettable taste and original color. If you like darker, almost brown creme brulee ice cream, then you will need 50 to 50, but I take a third.

In addition, prepare a glass of well-warm, almost hot milk in advance so that it is at hand.

Next, the most important part. Measured sugar is poured into a stainless saucepan or ladle and put on fire. Constantly stirring, the sugar should become liquid and caramelized. But do not burn it, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

When it has become uniformly liquid, but not yet dark and bitter, pour it with milk and do not stop stirring quickly until it is completely dissolved.

Now we remove the main base of our future creme brulee ice cream and let it cool to room temperature. This will happen quickly, but if you can't wait at all, cover the container with ice cubes.

From four eggs we take only yolks (I usually use proteins in casseroles or for making meringues),

and grind it with the remaining sugar. It will take a long time to beat, as the sugar must completely dissolve and not squeak on the teeth.

We combine the milk-caramel base and the yolks with sugar, mix and set aside.

500 ml heavy cream for whipping

you need to shake it up well. Just do not get carried away, otherwise you will get not an airy treat, but a semi-finished whey oil.

We combine them with another component of our creme brulee ice cream, mix lightly so as not to lose airiness, and remove to freeze for an hour.

And then everything is even simpler: they got it - mixed it, especially from the bottom - removed it again. And again for an hour.

The procedure is the same, but now we remove it not for one, but for at least six (and preferably at night) hours to completely freeze. And in such a simple way they got it - they prevented it, we do not allow creme brulee ice cream to crystallize and become a single lump of sweet milk, and not a delicious treat.

And the last piece of advice: when you get it, do not immediately try to put it into bowls. Give him 5-10-15 minutes to slightly freeze just on the table. And then the process itself will be much easier.
Photo 14.

That's all the wisdom, enjoy your meal.

Homemade creme brulee ice cream is a frozen brownish delicacy with a caramel flavor. Preparing creme brulee is no more difficult than other types of ice cream, the only difference is that you need to make caramel and add it to the total creamy mass.

For homemade creme brulee ice cream, do not forget to use only heavy cream (at least 30%), lower fat content simply will not be whipped to the required state, and the taste of ice cream will not be the same at all.


Homemade creme brulee ice cream recipe

Dish: Desserts

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 6 hours

Servings: 4 servings


  • 4 tbsp. l. sugar for caramel
  • 150 ml cream at least 30% fat
  • 4 things. egg yolk
  • 100 g sugar
  • 150 ml milk

Step by step recipe with photo

How to make homemade creme brulee ice cream

1. We shift the yolks into a container, add sugar and grind until smooth and sugar is dissolved.

2. Pour in 125 ml of milk and stir. Instead of milk, you can take 10% cream.

Now let's prepare caramel, which will give our creme brulee not only a caramel flavor, but also a brown tint.

3. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, turn on the fire and wait until the sugar is completely melted and darkens.

Immediately put a bowl of milk on the fire and bring to a boil. We will pour melted sugar with milk. It must be very hot, otherwise the mass will begin to "hiss and splash" from the temperature difference.

4. At the moment when the sugar melts and a dark brown mass forms, pour in boiling milk and mix quickly.

5. Now pour milk with eggs into it and, stirring constantly, cook the mixture until it thickens, turn off the fire. We spread the thick caramel syrup in a bowl and cool to room temperature.

6. Pour the chilled cream into a chilled bowl and beat until fluffy.

7. Combine caramel syrup with whipped cream, mix well with a mixer or a spoon. Mass for creme brulee ice cream is ready, we will move on to freezing it. Place the bowl in the freezer for 1 hour. As in the manufacture of all types of ice cream, the mass will need to be mixed several times to avoid the formation of ice and its uniform freezing.

8. After the time has elapsed, separate the frozen creme brulee from the sides of the bowl with a spoon and beat the whole mass with a mixer until smooth.

Let's do this one more time. After that, put the ice cream for 4 hours in the freezer for the final freezing. At this time, homemade creme brulee from cream will finally harden, acquire a delicate structure.

9. We take out the finished homemade creme brulee ice cream from the freezer and form balls with a special spoon. Put it in a vase, sprinkle with grated chocolate, pour over coffee or caramel topping and serve.