Herring under a fur coat without layers recipe. Classic recipe "Herring under a fur coat"

This salad is an invariable attribute of many holidays. Today we will tell you how to properly cook herring under a fur coat. And also, you will learn the history of the appearance of this dish and various serving options.

Name history. Why is the herring under a fur coat, and not in a coat?

This salad was invented by Anastas Bogomilov, back in the 20th century. He had his own tavern, which was always full of visitors. But, unfortunately, they quickly got drunk, broke dishes, or broke furniture.

Then Anastas decided to come up with such a salad, thanks to which the guests would not get drunk for a long time. He successfully combined the well-known ingredients and came up with an original name for the dish. “To chauvinism and decline - boycott and anathema”, abbreviated as a fur coat. But this long name was quickly forgotten. Therefore, in our time it is simply called - a herring under a fur coat.

How to prepare a salad and how to serve?

The most successful is considered a deep transparent dish. It is convenient and beautiful to lay out layers in it

But recently, a lot of new submission options have appeared, for example:

  1. Baking dish. Given that they have different shapes, the dishes in them are very beautiful. For example, in the shape of a heart or a circle. To do this, lay the salad in layers, from top to bottom. And when serving, you just need to turn the baking sheet over and that's it, the heart-shaped salad already decorates your table.
  2. Special moulds. Not so long ago, special squares, triangles and circles appeared for a beautiful display of salads. You just need to put the mold on a plate and put the salad inside. Then you remove the figurine, and the fur coat stands neatly. Usually this option is used when the salad needs to be put on a separate plate for each guest.
  3. Rolls. Recently, the salad is served in the form of various rolls. More details about this can be found in the article.
  4. Tartlets. They place a lot of salads, why not put a fur coat there too?
  5. Wineglass. Yes, it sounds strange, but in wide glasses the salad looks great and is convenient to eat.
  6. Rolls. Japanese culture is at its peak right now. Therefore, even a herring under a fur coat can be served in the form of rolls.
  7. A fish. Given that the main element of the salad is herring, it can be laid out on a flat dish in the form of a fish. Scales can be made from onions, fins from carrots, and eyes from eggs.

Herring under a fur coat is the same interesting and traditional dish in Russia as Olivier salad. These dishes are prepared in each family from the same ingredients, but they all taste different. This is understandable because everyone has their own tricks in preparing these dishes.

What should be proper herring under a fur coat? Most likely you will not find people who will have an unambiguous opinion on this issue.

Therefore, my advice is: try different options and you will definitely find the recipe for this delicious salad, about which you will begin to say that this is how the right herring is prepared under a fur coat.

Well, in the meantime, I share my recipe for an adored salad.

My signature recipe for herring under a fur coat.

Ingredients: herring - 2 pcs., potatoes - 5 pcs. medium size, eggs - 4 pcs., beets - 2 pcs. medium size, onion - 1 head, mayonnaise.

  1. Boil eggs and vegetables. This can be done even the day before you plan to make the salad.
  2. The most difficult thing in preparing this dish is to clean the herring. But if you know how to do it right, then 5 minutes is enough for you to get a clean fillet.

If for some reason you absolutely do not want to mess with fish, then you can use preserves. We cut herring fillets or preserves into small cubes, although preserves can not be cut, if you are completely lazy.

  1. Remove the salad for several hours in the refrigerator, and ideally it is better to let it stand for 12 hours. Then you will definitely get the right herring under a fur coat.

P.S. And for those who, like me, love this salad very much, I have a small gift - holiday decoration options. By the way, friends, soon the New Year! So when compiling the menu, do not forget about the herring under a fur coat!

It is already hard to imagine a festive table without a herring under a fur coat. This salad appeared 50 years ago... and we love it to this day!

Traditions: classic herring under a fur coat

During a total shortage, when it was impossible to get not only basic necessities, but also products. Even in such difficult times, our hostesses managed to set chic tables, having potatoes, carrots and beets on hand.

There are several cooking methods: chop the ingredients, grate on a coarse or fine grater, you can add or omit any component. Depending on this, the taste will also change. Someone does not like the combination of apple and onion, someone does not like carrots, and someone thinks that the onion interrupts the taste of lightly salted herring. We will give a classic salad recipe, and decide for yourself what is closer to you.

This salad is prepared in layers. The dishes are selected with a flat bottom, they used to use high herrings, now the choice of dishes is huge, so its shape and size are not limited. The order of the layers is not fundamental, the main thing is to lay the herring on the bottom, and put it on top in a “fur coat”. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise.

Ingredients for a classic herring under a fur coat

  • salted herring fillet or whole fish - 2 pcs
  • medium potatoes - 3 pcs
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • beets are not large - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • apple - 1 pc
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise

Cooking a classic herring under a fur coat

Salad herring under a fur coat in a new way

There are also original recipes for salad "herring under a fur coat".

To spice up the salad, instead of apples, a layer of pickled cucumbers is added to the classic recipe, that is, the layer is located between the carrots and eggs. Cucumbers should be finely chopped.

If you want to make a salad hearty, use boiled meat. It can be ground in a blender or finely chopped.

We decorate a herring under a fur coat

We recommend adding all unusual and exotic ingredients to a classic salad. The main thing, beautifully decorate the salad. You can make beautiful flowers from boiled beets and carrots by planting them on a mayonnaise net. Parsley leaves will serve as leaves for flowers. Celebrate with pleasure!

Boil vegetables and eggs (except onions) and peel. Separate the herring into fillets and cut into cubes. Vegetables in the salad "herring under a fur coat" are rubbed on a coarse grater. The salad is prepared immediately in a festive dish.


Spicy salted herring- 1 piece (about 400 grams).

Potato- 2 pieces, medium.

Carrot- 2 pieces, medium.

Onion- 1 onion large.

Beet- 1 piece, large.

Eggs- 2-3 pieces.

Mayonnaise- 150 - 200 grams.

Herring under a fur coat layers

1. Potato.

2 . Mayonnaise.


4 . Onion.

5 . Mayonnaise.

6 . Carrot.

7 . Mayonnaise.

8 . Eggs.

9 . Beets, mayonnaise.

Delicious herring under a fur coat is ready

Bon Appetit!

Herring under a Fur Coat

According to a good New Year's tradition, herring salad under a fur coat has been an integral part of the festive menu for more than a decade. It’s already like the usual: choose a delicious herring, peel it in advance and separate it from the peel so that you don’t mess around later, boil the vegetables, along with those on Olivier, and thoroughly soak a delicious salad that brings back memories of family celebrations from childhood. The simplest herring under a fur coat or cooked with exquisite ingredients, it is suitable for any table. Decorate with caviar or vegetables, put on a piece of bread and butter or eat with cheese and a variety of seafood.

The history of the salad "Herring under a fur coat"

Back in 1918, they decided, and as usual, to publish a salad recipe in order to clearly meet the spirit of that time. So, from simple and affordable products for the common people, the salad “SH.U.B.A” was invented and distributed by innkeepers, or as it now sounds like a herring under a fur coat. The abbreviation stands for "Boycott and Anathema to Chauvinism and Decadence". And it turned out to be New Year's, because just in the winter, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, the owners of the taverns offered the proletariat to try this dish. But due to its simplicity and excellent combination of flavors, the herring salad under a fur coat went well on the master's table.

"Herring under a fur coat" - a classic recipe

The basic rules are to use spicy salting for the herring dish, it must also be oily. Choose a fish with bones that are easy to get, or no small bones at all. The fur coat for the fish itself is winter vegetables: carrots, potatoes, onions and beets. In the classic recipe for salad "herring under a fur coat" only egg yolks are used, and only for decoration. Mayonnaise, of course, is better to use homemade. Although, in today's variety of this product, it is simply impossible not to choose the most suitable and most delicious.

  • Spicy salted herring - 1 piece (about 400 grams).
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces, medium.
  • Carrots - 2 pieces, medium.
  • Bulb - 1 large.
  • Beets - 1 piece, large.
  • Egg yolks - 2-3 pieces.
  • Homemade mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons.

Boil all vegetables until cooked, except for onions. They will cook for about 1 hour, depending on the size. Therefore, in the meantime, let's take care of the herring: cut off the head, fins and tail. We cut the abdomen into two halves, we take out large bones and a ridge, after that - small ones. The fillet should be cut into small squares. Delicious herring under a fur coat will have a richer taste if the herring itself is not chopped too finely. Cut the onion into the same small cubes.

Take a herring pot, on the bottom of which lay a layer of herring (although it is more practical to make the first layer from potatoes, then the salad will not crumble from the fork, but in the classic recipe for herring under a fur coat, the first layer is herring). After - an onion. Then potatoes are rubbed on a coarse grater, smeared with mayonnaise. On the same part of the grater, we rub the carrots, and then the beets, coat with mayonnaise. Let's leave it to soak, and after a few hours, when the herring under a fur coat has become juicy, we'll crush the yolks grated on a fine grater. The yolks will dry out and become not beautiful, and so, before serving, they will be yellowish and give their own special taste.

"Herring under a fur coat" recipe with pickled onions and apples

Boil potatoes, beets and carrots. Finely chop the greens, grate the apple on a coarse grater. We cut the onion into small cubes and marinate: we will prepare the marinade from vinegar, water, salt and pepper, in which we will “drown” the onion for half an hour. So the herring under a fur coat will have a spicy aftertaste and the taste of onions in the mouth will not remain so much.

We cut the herring: cut off the fins, tail and head, take out large bones and throw out the backbone. We take out the crayons of the bone from the carcass and cut into cubes. Put on the bottom of the salad bowl. The next layer is pickled onions, then grated potatoes on a coarse grater. Further mayonnaise, apple, carrot, beetroot, mayonnaise. And along the edges of the herring under a fur coat sprinkled with greens.

As for whether to grease the beets with mayonnaise on top: you can simply draw a pattern on them, put a couple of drops, or even sprinkle a little olive oil.

"Herring under a fur coat" recipe with eggs and pickled cucumbers

Here is a recipe familiar to me from childhood from my grandmother's menu. It is simple and not intricate, you can decorate or serve it in anything. You may like to serve it in bowls or small salad bowls in portions.

  • Lightly salted herring - 1 piece (about 430 grams).
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces.
  • Carrots - 3 pieces.
  • Eggs - 4 pieces.
  • Beets - 1 piece, large.
  • Onion - 1 large onion.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pieces, small.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Salt

This is a simple herring under a fur coat, but you still have to cut the herring carcass, getting rid of the bones, even the smallest ones, so as not to spoil the evening for the guests. Cut into squares. You can immediately lay out the herring in containers, sprinkle a little with sunflower oil, if not oily enough.

Leave the vegetables and eggs to boil, but for now, peel and wash the onion, chop it into cubes, not very large, put on top of the herring. Then take the cucumbers, cut them into thin circles and put them on top of the onion, so the herring under the fur coat will be spicy and saturated, and you can put less mayonnaise due to the acid that the cucumbers will give.

Grate boiled potatoes on a coarse grater, put on top of cucumbers, then a little mayonnaise, eggs, carrots, mayonnaise. The beetroot is also rubbed on a coarse grater last, it is recommended to pour a little mayonnaise on top.

"Herring under a fur coat" recipe with salmon and caviar

We put boiled vegetables and eggs. We clean the herring from stones, remove even the smallest ones. Cut into cubes, in the same way, cut the salmon. Chop the onion and herbs very finely. We clean the eggs and vegetables. Mash the eggs with a fork, along with the proteins, and grate the vegetables on a coarse grater. Of course, a herring under a fur coat can also be cooked with chopped, cubes and rings, or whatever you like, vegetables. Grated, they are easier to smear with mayonnaise. And the salad soaks better.

We spread the herring in a salad bowl, after which - finely chopped onions. Then grated potatoes, salmon, greens. After laying a layer of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms, three carrots, coat with mayonnaise, put chopped eggs, and beets. Now Herring under a Fur Coat almost ready, you need to slightly add mayonnaise, decorate with caviar, cover the beets with it (if the amount of product allows).

"Herring under a fur coat" recipe with olives, decorated with pomegranate

This herring under a fur coat differs only in notes that are unusual for this dish, which in the overall picture do not spoil anything, but only add novelty to such a traditional salad. Boil vegetables and eggs until tender. Then peel them off and leave to cool.

We will disassemble the herring into fillets, remove all the bones, head, backbone and tail. Cut into cubes, small, onion - finely chop. Cut olives into slices. Apple - peel and grate on a coarse grater, like vegetables. Eggs (yolks) either pass through a blender, or remember with a fork, or you can grate on a fine grater.

Next, you need to collect the salad Herring under a Fur Coat: spread the grated potatoes on a coarse grater, crush the onion on top and spread the herring. Next, a layer of carrots, mayonnaise, olives. Then an apple, eggs, beets and some mayonnaise. Decorate generously with pomegranate on top.

"Herring under a fur coat" canape

We cut the Borodino bread into squares, generously grease with butter, as an option, you can soak it with olive or sunflower oil, or buy cream cheese, of a neutral taste. Our canapes Herring under a Fur Coat» in preparation are no different from a simple serving of a dish. Therefore, boil the vegetables and cut the herring (get rid of the seeds). Put a tender fillet on the bread. We put on a toothpick so that our vegetables continue to stick together.

We cut vegetables into circles of medium thickness, half rings, thin - onion. We put a circle of potatoes, carrots on the herring, put onion circles, and put beets on top. According to this recipe, a herring under a fur coat will be rude, but this is also the beauty.

You can make canapes according to another principle: grate everything, and collect it either in a glass or in small salad bowls, special forms, the size of a bread. Lay it upside down so you can turn it over and get a salad on a piece of bread or toast.

"Herring under a fur coat" recipe with cheese

We put boiled eggs and separately vegetables. After everything is cooked, clean and let cool for a while. Whole herring is more suitable for a herring salad under a fur coat, as it is more fatty and tasty. Clean the fillet, cut into cubes. After cooling, we rub the vegetables on a coarse grater. And crush the eggs with a fork. An apple should also be rubbed on a coarse grater, with or without peel - a matter of taste.

Cut the onion into half rings, thinly, marinate in a mixture of salt and pepper, sugar, water and vinegar, you can add a little sunflower oil, leave for at least half an hour. Cheese for salad Herring under a Fur Coat"- on a large grater.

The first layer is herring, after which pickled onions, grated potatoes. Then some mayonnaise, apple, cheese, carrots. Mayonnaise and eggs are on top, and our herring under a fur coat ends beet. You can decorate with olives or herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers, various roses and symbolic holiday decorations.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine a single feast without the famous herring under a fur coat. In modern cooking, there are thousands of recipes for various salads, but many housewives over and over again return to the traditional, beloved by everyone.

What could be easier, lay all the ingredients in layers and layer them with mayonnaise. But that would be too boring and easy. In today's article, I have selected the most interesting recipes for this salad and options for serving them. After all, sometimes the usual herring under a fur coat can be quite unusual and no less tasty.

This dish always tops any of our holiday table. But so that relatives and guests do not get bored, I try to diversify the usual taste with new notes. I won’t keep the intrigue for a long time and you will learn the most interesting ways of cooking and serving right now.


1. Herring under a fur coat "Christmas tree toy" - a delicious recipe, original decor

I bring to your attention an elegant dish according to a classic recipe. You can serve it as a New Year's table, and for any other holiday. For example, for a birthday.


  • herring fillet - 3 pieces;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 potato;
  • small beets;
  • bulb red;
  • glass of water;
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar;
  • mayonnaise (preferably homemade).

For decoration:

  • boiled carrots and beets;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • green onion.

Cooking steps:

Prepare dishes for this salad. Usually, this is an elongated flat salad bowl. You can also use a tray or a round plate.

1. Boil potatoes, beets, carrots and eggs in salted water. Cool and clean. I always cook my food the day before so it doesn't take too long to cook.

2. Grate the potatoes directly into the salad bowl. Smooth it out without tamping too hard. Cover with mayonnaise mesh of the middle layer. Smear it with a spatula. Sprinkle with some finely chopped green onions.

3. Cut the fish into cubes or thin strips. It must be free from skin and bones. Spread evenly over greens.

4. Onion cut into cubes, pour cold water. Add vinegar and sugar to this. Mix and leave for half an hour. Then drain the liquid, and put the onion itself in the salad.

5. Grate the carrots and cover with a generous layer of mayonnaise.

It is better to grate the beets in a separate bowl. After all, sometimes it happens that inside it turns out to be very juicy. Then all the juice will be in the salad and it will turn out to be sprawling. If, after rubbing it into a plate, you notice that there is really a lot of juice, squeeze it out and distribute it in a salad bowl.

6. Distribute the beets in an even layer over the entire surface of the dish. Cover with mayonnaise.

7. To start decorating, you need to make shallow furrows with a spatula, a little diagonally. They will define the boundaries of the drawings. Divide the egg into yolk and white. Grate them separately on a fine grater. Grate carrots and beets in the same way, also in separate bowls. Sprinkle each strip with multi-colored “paints” in any sequence you like. In this case, the yolk settled in the center, and the remaining stripes alternated through one.

8. Sprinkle both edges with herbs. Decorate with "beads" of mayonnaise.

Put the salad in the refrigerator for several hours, and even better at night. If the celebration is planned in the evening, then I recommend preparing it in the morning.

2. Herring under a fur coat roll - the original salad serving

So that your loved ones do not get bored at the sight of the traditional "Fur Coat", I suggest you cook it in the form of a roll. It is very simple, but eating such a dish is more interesting and tastier.


  • 2-3 small boiled carrots;
  • fillet of one herring;
  • 3 small boiled beets;
  • 4-5 small boiled potatoes;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • one small pomegranate;
  • mayonnaise.

Step by step recipe description:

1. Grate potatoes, beets and carrots separately, through a coarse grater. Place them in separate bowls.

2. Spread the beets in an even layer on a sheet of foil. If it turns out to be watery after rubbing, it will need to be squeezed out.

3. Lubricate the beets with mayonnaise. Top with carrots. Each new layer should recede more from the edges than the previous one. That is, put the carrots in a more compressed frame, literally 0.3-0.5 centimeters from the edges of the beets. Cover with mayonnaise.

4. Grate the eggs and grease again with mayonnaise.

5. Now comes the potatoes. It also needs to be spruced up. Clean the fish from everything superfluous, leave only the fillet. Cut into cubes or thin slices. Spread across the center. Now you need to pull the two corners of the foil up and “close” the fish in a fur coat.

6. Transfer to a beautiful plate. Lubricate the roll with mayonnaise. Decorate with herbs and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds. Let the layers soak in the sauce and each other's flavor for several hours in the refrigerator.

3. Festive snack - Herring cake under a beetroot coat

Surprise your guests and loved ones with an original treat. If you make it in a large form, you get a kind of cake. If you create them in portions, then snack cakes or, as they say now, cupcakes come out. Of course, this is only in appearance. The taste and composition is slightly different from the traditional recipe. But this does not spoil the dish at all, rather the opposite.


  • 150 grams of herring fillet;
  • black bread;
  • one medium boiled beet;
  • green onions;
  • 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 13 grams of gelatin;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • coriander;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Step by step recipe description:

1. Cut the fillet into small cubes. Finely chop the green onion. Mix them in one bowl with the addition of just a couple of drops of oil.

2. Peel and cut the beets into medium pieces. Add lemon juice, a generous pinch of dried coriander and mayonnaise. Salt a little and grind with a blender into a single mass.

3. Pour boiling water over gelatin and leave until dissolved. Stir and gradually pour into the beetroot mass, stirring constantly.

4. Cut the bread into thick layers. This will be the basis of our appetizer. Prepare special round shapes. With their help, placing them on the bread and pressing it, place it in the molds.

5. Put the herring with onions. Try not to let this mass touch the walls of the mold so that the beetroot layer poured on top completely envelops the fish.

6. Gently pour the molds with beet "sauce". This is best done with a spoon. Now send the future snack to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. In the meantime, you can prepare the decor.

7. To make beetroot roses, you will need raw beets, a vegetable peeler, toothpicks or skewers, and mint leaves. Using a vegetable peeler, make a few strips of beets. Gently roll each into a roll and secure with a piece of toothpick. Mint or other suitable greens will serve as leaves.

8. Decorate with roses and leaves.

9. Now the appetizer is completely ready and is waiting for its finest hour.

4. Rolls in Russian - Herring under a fur coat in the form of rolls

Recently, Chinese cuisine is gaining more and more popularity. But our hostesses came up with their own, Russian answer to the famous Philadelphia and Unagi Maki. Just look how original and appetizing it turns out to cook a traditional herring under a fur coat. This option is sure to be appreciated by lovers of both Chinese and Russian cuisine.


  • Boiled beets;
  • 2 boiled small carrots;
  • 3 small boiled potatoes;
  • one herring;
  • mayonnaise.

In addition, you will need zinc and cling film.

Step by step recipe description:

1. Grate potatoes and carrots through a coarse grater. Grate half of the beets, and cut the other half into thin slices. To do this, it is better to use a special shredder, because the slices must be very thin.

2. Wrap the zinc coating with cling film. Lay out the beetroot slices. Put some potatoes in the middle, striped. Cover with chopped fish fillet. Put a layer of carrots and grease with mayonnaise. Put a layer of grated beets on top and roll up.

3. Lightly press the roll directly into the galvanization. Then cut it into serving pieces. Garnish with mayonnaise and herbs. But before that, the snack is better to brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

5. Herring under a fur coat in potato boats

Potato boats add additional piquancy and originality to the traditional Fur Coat. It is in them that we will cook it according to this recipe. This method of serving allows you to take a snack directly in your hands and eat it like that. It is very convenient and interesting. Guests and loved ones will definitely appreciate this idea.


  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • fillet of one herring;
  • one medium carrot;
  • small beets;
  • one bulb;
  • mayonnaise

Step by step recipe description:

1. Boil potatoes until tender and cool slightly. At the same time, it should still be hot, but not scalding. Peel off the skin and mash with a fork so that there are no lumps. Now you need to make boats. To do this, you need a form for them. For example, you can use an oblong yogurt cup. Put the glass in a bag. Put a little mashed potatoes in there and press it firmly, giving it the shape of this medium-thick cup. Then turn over and remove the boat.

2. If desired, they can be trimmed with scissors so that the edges are even. Now they need to be removed in the refrigerator until completely cooled and solidified.

3. Boil beets, carrots and eggs. Now they need to be completely cooled and then cleaned.

4. Grate all the ingredients, except for onions and fish, on a coarse grater. Cut the fish into fillets and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the onion.

5. Mix the onion and fish. Take out the cooled boats and grease them from the inside with mayonnaise.

6. Put the fish with onions in the first layer. Cover with grated egg. Each layer will need to be lightly compacted by hand. Now a layer of carrots will go, and then beets.

Beets after rubbing should be slightly squeezed. Juice does not need to be poured, it will still be useful to us.

7. Lubricate the boats with beetroot juice. Thus, they will turn pink. Apply a mesh of mayonnaise on a layer of beets. Decorate with greenery. If there is a little herring left, then it can be put on top, as a delicious decoration. Flowers can be made from boiled egg white, and the middle for them from the yolk.

8. Infuse the snack in the refrigerator for several hours, then serve.

6. Video - Unusual herring under a fur coat "Fish"

An interesting recipe and no less original presentation. The guests will be delighted. Such a beauty is a pity. But once you try it, you can't stop. I recommend you try it too!

Happy viewing!

Years go by, everything around changes. The old is always replaced by the new and better. Only herring under a fur coat remains the same. Its taste and demand on the table is difficult to replace with something. Of course, culinary progress does not stand still. Today we have many recipes and options for serving your favorite salad.

Today I showed you my favorite recipes that are easy to prepare and very tasty to eat. And how do you cook herring under a fur coat? After all, every housewife has her own, “duty” recipe for this dish. I suggest you try mine. I'm sure you will like it too!