Turkey drumstick boiled calories per 100. Turkey: a fashionable product on your table

Turkey is the most preferred meat for a healthy and dietary diet. It is almost harmless even when fried, and even in a boiled state, this product is especially useful. By the way, this is the only type of meat that does not lose its taste properties after cooking, which is why the dish is appreciated by supporters of a healthy diet.

Benefit and harm

Turkey has a delicate and mild flavor. It contains B vitamins and trace elements. Due to the rich composition, turkey meat gives the human body strength and energy, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes appetite. Turkey is recommended for patients with problems in the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, it stabilizes hemoglobin levels and prevents anemia.

Most of all, consumers prefer to use turkey drumstick in their menu. This part is appreciated by customers for its versatility in cooking: drumsticks can be fried, stewed, grilled. However, if the meat is consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle, then it is still preferable to boil the drumsticks.

Turkey meat can be harmful only in cases of very rare individual intolerance to the product. And also in limited quantities, turkey drumsticks should be consumed by patients suffering from gout, kidney failure, and urolithiasis. You should not abuse the turkey, as the human liver is overloaded due to the large accumulation of proteins. With hypertension, it is recommended to eat a product without salt and spices.

When losing weight

Turkey drumsticks have a fairly low calorie content - 144 kcal per 100 grams of product. The BJU ratio is 19: 6: 0 g. Due to the complete absence of carbohydrates, this meat is recommended not only for dietary nutrition, but also for "drying" athletes. Turkey is easily digested by the human body, it contains almost no cholesterol. The only thing to take care of, including turkey drumsticks in your diet, is the lack of skin. The skin contains a lot of fat harmful to humans, and therefore it must be removed before boiling. Getting rid of skin is pretty easy. By the way, boiled pulp from the bone is also very easily separated.

The indicators of KBJU and the absence of a fatty layer make the turkey almost the only meat that can be included in the diet menu. Even those calories that the body receives from this product can be burned by running for 9 minutes. Ease of preparation, affordability, and the possibility of original serving also speak in favor of boiled turkey drumsticks.

How to choose?

Going to the store for turkey drumsticks, it is better to choose a chilled product. In frozen form, the beneficial substances of the turkey are lost. In addition, it is not known how many times the goods were frozen. The less ice on the surface of frozen drumsticks, the more we recommend it for purchase. Chilled meat has pink shiny skin without bruising and windy areas. To the touch, the flesh is elastic and smooth, but without mucus and non-slip. A high-quality fresh turkey has practically no smell.

Diet menu

Turkey drumsticks during the diet are steamed or boiled. Fresh vegetables and salads can be the most suitable side dish in terms of taste and benefits. Turkey goes well with boiled rice and sweet potatoes. Steamed asparagus and broccoli will not only complement the taste of the dish, but also make it as healthy as possible. It is possible to spice up the taste of a turkey by serving it with a low-fat sauce. For example, you can mix natural yogurt with grated garlic and fresh herbs - this is one option for a healthy sauce.

You can also cook delicious and healthy salads from boiled drumsticks. It is not necessary to choose an expensive fillet for this. Having freed the boiled pulp from the skin and bone, it can be used, for example, for Caesar salad. To do this, chop the pulp into pieces, combine it with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, lean cheese (with a strict diet, you can do without it). The following salad dressing is suitable: mix natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream with soy sauce, chopped garlic, fresh herbs and lemon juice. Dress the salad with the mixture. Guests will not even understand that the dish contains no harmful fried and fatty foods.

Another option for preparing a dish from boiled drumsticks: chop the boiled legs, send back to the broth, add potatoes, onions and carrots - lean soup is ready! The energy value of one serving is only 80 kcal. Thus, in the presence of turkey drumsticks, you can cook the first and second courses, and even a salad with a minimum of food.

Such a menu is suitable for sports nutrition, for those who are on a diet, and even for a children's diet.

How to boil?

The turkey drumstick is good because it can be quickly and easily boiled in many ways. If the drumsticks are cooked on the stove in a saucepan, then it will take about 40 minutes to cook. The pulp, freed from the bone, is boiled for half an hour. You can add any spices to the broth, but this meat is best combined with bay leaves and ground pepper. In a slow cooker, you can boil the drumsticks using the “Extinguishing” mode, it will take the same amount of time. During the first 5 minutes of cooking, it is required to remove the foam.

If the turkey is cooked in a double boiler, then it will take 50 minutes. In a pressure cooker, the meat will be cooked in 20 minutes, but if you need a rich broth, then it is better to sweat the turkey for half an hour, and release the pressure within 5-7 minutes.

For information on the benefits of turkey meat, see the following video.

Turkey meat, a poultry that came to us from the Western Hemisphere, is one of the dietary types of meat.

Poultry meat received such a definition due to its beneficial properties, the presence of a large number of useful substances, as well as the practically absence of fat and harmful cholesterol.

Turkey meat is rich in amino acids necessary for the proper development of the body, and easily digestible protein, meat is prescribed both for therapeutic and weight loss diets.

In the sale of our stores you can find several varieties of turkey meat, divided into parts of the bird's body - fillet (breast), wings, thighs, drumsticks, as well as offal (liver, heart).

If a person needs to eat the least high-calorie, fatty foods to make a diet, then turkey meat will be one of the best options for preparing tasty and healthy dishes.

Naturally, each part of the carcass is slightly, but will differ in calorie content. Therefore, you need to proceed first of all from the recommendations of a doctor or nutritionist.

  1. The lowest calorie part of this poultry is the breast, turkey fillet. calories of this skinless product is only 84 kcal per 100 grams.
  2. The thigh and drumstick will overtake the breast by a few calories - 144 kcal per hundred grams.
  3. Wings - up to 191 kcal.

Lower than all other parts of it - 84 kcal per 100 grams. This part can be given as the first meat dish to small children - no allergies, no harmful substances unnecessary for the growing body.

To avoid inaccurate calorie calculations, it is imperative to remove the skin, and also avoid cooking the dish by frying in vegetable oil.

In food, except for breast and fillet on a diet, you can use turkey thigh calories which is 144 kcal per hundred grams.

Turkey will be an excellent substitute for chicken, pork or veal meat, especially since it practically does not differ in price.

Turkey fillet calories

Naturally, the calorie content of a boiled turkey is less than the same value in a fried form. This is because during heat treatment, a certain amount of protein, as well as fats, enters the water.

In a turkey, the skin is considered the fattest part of the carcass - if you separate it from the meat, then almost all the fat remains with the skin.

Turkey wings, unfortunately, are not peeled, but boiled have slightly fewer calories than fried ones.

So, in boiled form, turkey parts have the following number of calories:

  • breast - 85 kcal;
  • thigh - 145 kcal;
  • wings - 150-190 kcal.

The simplest recipe for a boiled turkey is the preparation of boiled fillets.

  1. Boil the fillet; you need at least one and a half hours, but you should not digest it either, otherwise the meat will become tough.
  2. You can salt before and during the heat treatment, but pepper (if you can spicy) should be a raw product.
  3. After the end of the cooking process, the sirloin is cut into neat pieces, sprinkled with parsley and served to the table.
  4. You can use the dish both hot and cold - the taste in both forms will be excellent.

turkey stew how many calories

To make the stew more tasty, with a rich taste and aroma, you must definitely add a few herbs, onions and, of course, oil.

Whether it is vegetable or olive oil, it is a little, but it will increase the calorie content in any dish.

However, due to the fact that the turkey is already not rich in fats, carbohydrates and cholesterol, there will be no harm from stewing this delicious dietary meat.

To minimize the number of calories, you can take a breast for stewing, add dried parsley, basil, salt a little, coat the turkey with oil, put onions, pour all this with a glass of filtered water and send it to stew over low heat for an hour.

Of all the parts of the turkey on sale, the liver of this bird is the most high-calorie product - 250-270 kcal per 100 grams.

However, no one canceled the usefulness of this offal - the amount of vitamins needed by the body is several times greater than in the same chicken liver.

The whole range of B vitamins, vitamin A, K, E, PP - this is not a complete list of substances found in the liver of a turkey.

It tastes like chicken liver. People suffering from anemia should pay attention to this product - the liver will replenish a large number of blood cells.
Another feature of the turkey liver is quick cooking - it will take you no more than an hour to stew the turkey liver.

  1. Add a carrot
  2. onion,
  3. a tablespoon of oil (sunflower / olive),
  4. salt,
  5. seasonings to taste (dried natural herbs, pepper),
  6. glass of water,
  7. cover with a lid and in an hour you can eat a delicious, insanely flavored dish for the whole family.

Be careful before eating - the liver, unlike other parts of the turkey, can cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, you should first try one or two pieces, and making sure that there are no negative consequences, proceed to the meal.

Have a nice low-calorie appetite for you and your loved ones!

If earlier the most popular source of protein among bodybuilders and nutritionists was chicken breast, now the palm is gradually moving to turkey. The heat-loving bird did not take root well in our area. But more and more often on the shelves of shops you can see the breast, thigh, shin of this bird. What is it: a tribute to fashion or the result of fair competition?

The taste of the turkey is much superior to the chicken. At the same time, its tender meat contains less fat and is better absorbed. What is the calorie content of a turkey? Let's figure it out together.

The most valuable meat, like chicken, turkey breast is considered. The remaining parts of the bird: drumstick, thigh - are cooked more for their taste, or for the sake of iron, which is contained in large quantities in red meat, and fillet - for the sake of high-quality and relatively cheap protein. Turkey breast is very low in calories.

Only 84 kcal is contained in 100 grams of the product and at the same time 25.3 grams of protein, 10.4 grams of fat. Compare with chicken fillet: 16 grams of protein and 14 grams of fat.

A significant difference for those who are on a diet, whether it is a diet for weight loss or for gaining muscle mass. Like chicken, there are no carbohydrates at all. By the way, that is why it is so popular with those who want to dry out and emphasize muscle relief. Easily digestible, it does not contain cholesterol, you can not worry about the state of your blood vessels.

In addition, turkey meat is rich in:

  • iron, selenium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • B vitamins, as well as vitamin A, PP and E;
  • amino acids.

A high amount of sodium, comparable to the amount of sodium in beef and veal, helps to normalize metabolic processes. Tryptophan is involved in the production of melatonin, a hormone that fights insomnia, and arginine dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. Turkey dishes can not be salted, and this is also an important factor for people with high blood pressure.

That is why turkey is recommended for the elderly and people exposed to stress. The turkey is also useful for children. Tender, tasty meat is easily digested even by a child's stomach. With a low fat content of the product, calcium is more easily absorbed, which is extremely important for a growing organism. In addition, this bird does not have the characteristic smell of chicken, which some babies do not like.

The energy value

The calorie content of a turkey may vary depending on the meat (white or red), as well as the method of its preparation. Keep this in mind when cooking. The calorie content of a boiled turkey is the smallest, in fact, it does not differ from the energy value of 100 grams of fillet. But the calorie content of fried, baked or stewed poultry is not much higher. So don't be afraid to experiment and add variety to your table.

There are many dishes that will not only not harm your figure, but also have a beneficial effect on your health. The calorie content of each dish should be specified separately, depending on the ingredients included in it. So, the energy value of a fillet baked with prunes will be slightly higher than that of meat baked with vegetables.

Compare the energy value of different meats:

  • fillet (without skin) - 84 kcal,
  • thigh - 144 kcal,
  • drumstick - 142 kcal.

Diet dishes from turkey

In fact, due to the special properties of meat, any turkey dish will be dietary, but it is useful to know the calorie content of at least a few in order to compose your menu based on exact numbers:

  1. Soup with turkey.
    Prepared on the basis of fillet, with the addition of potatoes and overcooking of carrots and onions. The energy value of one serving is only 80 kcal.
  2. Turkey cutlets.
    Minced meat is formed from bread soaked in milk, finely chopped fillet and onions. Cutlets are fried over low heat until golden brown and brought under the lid for a couple of minutes. The energy value of such cutlets is 148 kcal per 100 grams.
  3. Turkey with vegetables.
    The thigh of the bird is laid out on the bottom of the baking dish. Vegetables go on top in layers: tomatoes, eggplant, sweet peppers, zucchini, onions. Vegetables are covered with two tablespoons of adjika. The dish is baked in the oven under a lid. The calorie content of the finished dish is 62 kcal per 100 grams.
  4. Turkey with rice.
    This recipe uses any red meat: drumstick or thigh. Finely chop the meat, onions and carrots. We chop the garlic. Boil the steamed rice in salted water. Fry the meat with vegetables and mix all the ingredients, adding salt and pepper to taste. The calorie content of such a dish is 337 kcal per 100 grams.

As you can see, the calorie content of turkey remains very low compared to other meats. The recipes are extremely simple and do not require special culinary skills. Delicate taste, high nutrient content and good digestibility make this bird an indispensable dietary product.

Turkey calories: 180 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the part of the carcass and the method of preparation

Turkey meat is a product that should be on the menu of anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds. Turkey meat has a high content of nutrients and a small amount of fat.

How many calories in turkey

The benefits for the body of a turkey are due to a beneficial effect on the digestive system, the absence of the likelihood of allergies, the ability to maintain strength for a long time and at the same time not burden the stomach and intestines. Therefore, the product is recommended to use during recovery after many pathologies.

Poultry contains a minimum of carbohydrates and cholesterol. Even when cooking dishes from the fattest parts, you should not be afraid for the figure.

The product is recommended for athletes and those who wish to emphasize muscle relief. The nutritional value of different parts of the meat differs slightly. The calorie content of breast per 100 g is less than 90 kcal. This part is considered the most dietary. A little more indicators in the lower leg and thigh of the bird (~ 130 kcal). Most fat is found in the legs, wings and skin. In the latter case, the value is about 390 kcal.

Turkey fried, boiled, baked

The energy value indicator may vary depending on which meat is selected (red or white), as well as on the method of heat treatment. This should be taken into account when dieting. Boiled turkey fillet has the lowest calorie content - about 130 kcal, and steamed - only 90 kcal. Stewing and baking are also the best ways to cook meat when compiling a healthy diet (120 and 160 kcal, respectively).

A roasted turkey with a calorie content of 165 kcal can be included in the menu when losing weight, but in small quantities.

Nutritionists advise making poultry cutlets, quenelles and zrazy, since the value of the finished dish does not exceed 150 kcal. An excellent source of energy for active people is skinless white poultry meat: digestion slows down, and the feeling of satiety remains for a long time. Compare with from our publication.

Calorie content of minced meat, liver and broth

The highest calorie content of all turkey offal has a poultry liver - about 276 kcal. If we consider the indicator of minced meat, then when using fillet, the calorie content will be insignificant - no more than 200 kcal. It is best to choose for further grinding only fresh meat with a pleasant smell, pink color and strong structure.

The calorie content of turkey broth is only 30 kcal, so you can safely prepare soups based on it during a diet. At the same time, the product contains a large amount of protein. For cooking, it is recommended to use the wings, but not entirely, but only some of them, so that the dish is not heavy.

Calorie table per 100 grams

To determine with maximum accuracy what the nutritional value of various parts of poultry meat is when compiling a dietary menu, a detailed table of calories per 100 g will help.

The possibility of frequent use of the product in question is due to the low fat content. Good digestibility of poultry meat, nutritional value and pleasant taste make it indispensable for weight loss.

The meat of this bird has long been considered the standard of a dietary product, so there are a lot of all kinds of recipes that allow you to quickly and tasty cook any part of the carcass.
Turkey drumstick considered one of the tastiest and softest parts of the product. In contrast to the dryish white breast and wings, the red meat of the leg is highly juicy and has a tender, soft texture.
The convenient shape of the drumstick makes it easy to hold the bone with one hand, gently biting the meat. This makes the product an indispensable dish at picnics, receptions or barbecue parties. In addition, the ability to easily get rid of the skin and the absence of a fatty layer allows the use of bird legs in baby and diet food.
Skillful housewives cook the drumstick in all sorts of ways. Boiled, it is good for a low-calorie diet, fried or baked in foil - it will decorate a festive table. If the bird was large enough, there is a high probability that the leg will not be completely baked during baking or frying. In this case, pre-soaking the meat in the marinade or boiling the product until half cooked will help. By the way, turkey is the only meat that does not lose its taste when boiled.

Turkey drumstick benefits:

Having earned fame as the most hypoallergenic meat, turkey can be present in the diet of allergy sufferers and eaten as the first complementary food for infants. The high content of phosphorus, iron, calcium and sodium has a beneficial effect on the state of the skeletal system, heart muscle and improves immunity. The presence of protein, almost completely absorbed by the human body, makes it possible to use the turkey drumstick in the diet of people who devote themselves to sports and perform hard physical work.

Harm and contraindications:

Only stale meat can cause harm to the body.