Coke whiskey - proportions cocktail. A perfect cocktail recipe? whiskey and cola at home

04.04.2019 Grill menu

People have always been curious. We constantly need to invent and try something new, unusual. This applies to all aspects of life - work, hobbies, clothing, food. Curiosity does not bypass the side and drinks, especially alcoholic. What original and attractive cocktails can be made from them!

But in any science there must be rules, it affects the mixing of alcohol. After all, far from all alcohol can be successfully combined with each other, and sometimes it turns into a mixture, terrible for a person. We will talk today about the classics of the genre, how to drink whiskey and coke. But before you dive into the world of cocktail alcohol, do not forget that any alcohol has a detrimental effect on health.

For the preparation of a cocktail of whiskey and coke is better to take certain varieties of alcohol

Who does not know this famous drink of cowboys and American westerns. Whiskey - the star of solid men's parties and a permanent inhabitant of the home bar of all self-sufficient people. This drink has a long and fascinating history.

Whiskey (whiskey or whiskey) - strong alcohol, with a delicate golden color and an original flavor with a soft aroma of smoke from a fire. This alcohol is prepared by distillation based on various cereals (rye, corn, wheat, or barley).

The history of the famous alcohol begins from the second half of the XV century.. In the world, several countries are considered to be the main supplier of this strong alcohol. Places according to the level of production were distributed as follows:

  1. Great Britain.
  2. Canada.
  3. Ireland.
  4. Japan.

Features of aromatic spirits

Whiskey each manufacturer has its own individual feature

Each manufacturer of alcohol has its own characteristics and distinctive features. It is necessary to know in order to understand which alcohol is best to take to make a famous cocktail. After all, not every whiskey is suitable to dilute it with cola. For example:

  • american producers are more likely to use corn raw materials, they refer to their creation as whiskey or bourbon;
  • but the Irish are famous for the best clarified alcohol, the taste of their drink is especially refined and smokeless;
  • japanese alcohol is similar to Scottish, but less “peaty” and “smoky”, having a more subtle aftertaste;
  • scots adhere to the old classical technology, they produce alcohol from barley malt, and for its drying they use real peat, the drink is aged only in oak barrels.

We understand the types of whiskey

To understand all the specifics and diversity of the famous alcohol, use the following table (compiled according to international classification). This knowledge is useful for choosing the most suitable, to mix it with Coke..

Title Features Notes
Raw Material Classification
Malt whiskey maltmade exclusively from barley culture
Grain whiskey grainon technology use rye, wheat and corn
Blended whiskey blendedproduced by combining grain and malt spirits
Malt Drink Classification
Vatted malt a mixture of whiskey made in different distillerieson label this variety is marked as blended malt or pure malt
Single malt alcohol from one distillery, let's say blend from alcohol, aged in different barrelsif you see the abbreviation single cask on the label, know that this alcohol is poured from the same container
Single cask whiskey spilled from a single oak barrelcan be marketed undiluted (50-60%) or produced already adapted for use (40%)
Cask strength caskthis alcohol enters the trade undiluted, its strength varies up to 65%
American classification
Bourbon cornit is made from corn raw materials, it should be in the composition of the drink from 51%
Rye whiskey ryecontains 51% rye in wort
Corn whiskey corn, aged in not charred, new barrelscorn in the composition of the wort is from 80%
Wheat whiskey wheatcontains from 51% wheat
Blended whiskey blendedmust be in the composition of 20% of the whiskey of a different sort
Light whiskey aged strictly in old barrelsthis alcohol has a light straw color
Sour mash whiskey made from yeast, which remained from the previous wort and stirred with young (this is done to enhance the fermentation process)this method is used by the vast majority of American manufacturers.
Sweet mash whiskey fermentation is not used in the manufacture, fermentation is caused by the addition of yeastthe method is not as popular as it increases the cost of the final product
Tennessee whiskey purification of raw materials is done by using a carbon filter.filter liners are made strictly from maple wood
Bottled-in-bond whiskey passes many years of exposure (4-8 years)whiskey is stored in specially created warehouses under the strict control of the government of America

Tricks of the legendary cocktail

Before you study the famous recipe for whiskey and cola, you should know that not all alcohol is suitable for cultivation of alcoholic cola. Do you know the history of this cocktail? Until the beginning of the 20th century, all whiskeys made according to classical standards were diluted exclusively with water, ice was added. In very extreme cases, soda water could interfere.

The first experimenters to mix whiskey and coke were Americans. The need for breeding was based on a certain specificity of the aroma of alcohol of some varieties.

The fact is that the American manufacturers (in contrast to the accepted standards) used in the manufacture of whiskey not barley malt, but corn. At the output of the drink turned out too tart and harsh taste, giving corn on the cob.

For the preparation of a cocktail of whiskey + cola is better to take corn whiskey

And this unpleasant taste with the addition of ice and water only intensified. But the effervescent Coca-Cola was the only great addition to the alcohol, removing the repulsive corn aftertaste.

Alcohol produced in the USA, based on corn, is better suited for making a whiskey-cola cocktail.

American invention "arrived" in European countries, along with the famous Liverpool four. The Beatles musicians, touring America, adopted a delicious drink and in 1964 brought it to Europe. Since that moment, the cocktail has received wide public recognition.

We become bartenders

By the way, this cocktail is highly respected by the bar staff, because no extra efforts are needed to make it. The only thing you need to arm is:

  • whiskey (preferably corn), but it is not forbidden to use other brands (better blended), alcohol should be strong, with an aging of at least 3 years;
  • coca-Cola (you should not replace it with Pepsi);
  • ice cubes;
  • for decoration, you can take mint leaves, cinnamon, cocktail cherries or a slice of lemon / lime.

But, despite this simplicity, the preparation of a cocktail requires the fulfillment of some important conditions. They are as follows:

  1. Coke must be taken in a closed container. She must be cold. Exhausted and warm drink spoil the taste of a cocktail.
  2. Glasses are needed medium in size with a thick bottom. They also need to be cooled and dried well.
  3. Need to arm yourself with pure ice. Its by the way. It will take a lot. You can make ice cubes not only from pure water, but also mineral or all the same cola is used.

You must also know your own proportions of whiskey and cola without ice (ice is added to the glass first). By the way, there are no perfect rules for whiskey-cola breeding. Everyone chooses their own recipe. The classic consists of mixing the same parts of alcohol and cola (in the proportion of 1x1).

For the preparation of a classic cocktail, whiskey and cola are taken in equal proportions.

But such a drink will be quite strong. Therefore it is better to start with a softer cocktail, for example, a part of alcohol and 2 or 3 parts of the pop.. By sampling, you can arrive at an ideal ratio for your own perception.

Cooking rules

So, having passed the preliminary course of a young barman, you can start making the famous cocktail. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill the container to the brim with ice cubes.
  2. Pour a measured amount of whiskey.
  3. Add Coke.
  4. Shake the glass with a cocktail well.
  5. Decorate (if necessary).

How to drink

So, our cocktail is ready! It is advisable to drink it in small sips or with the help of a straw, savoring and enjoying an interesting combination. It is better not to use a volley - do not forget that it is very cold and can harm the throat. Connoisseurs are advised to drink a cocktail not on an empty stomach, but 1.5-2 hours after a meal. This will allow to fully appreciate the unusual flavor combination.

Ready cocktails are decorated and drunk chilled in small sips or through a straw

And what can be used as a snack? This drink has a high calorie and has a bright, full-bodied taste. Therefore, the ideal snack under it will be:

  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • vegetable mix;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • seafood (especially shrimp and lean fish);
  • fruit (it is advisable to take not too sweet fruit varieties, ideally suitable lime, lemon, pear, cherry).

Important points

It should be remembered that the soda (any) in combination with alcohol many times increases the absorbability of ethanol and promotes rapid intoxication. No wonder this drink has such an original name. Do you know what is called a whiskey-cola cocktail? It is called the "idiot", and apparently because of its instant impact.

Although many people call this drink “student” or “youth”. After all, whiskey and coke are often used at various fun parties, in bars, nightclubs. It is considered and popularized as an exclusively youth one. But even young, strong health people to get involved in this American invention is not worth it.

It is better to drink separately

True connoisseurs of the legendary spirits are not advised to mix classic whiskey with cola.. The fact is that this cocktail is very high in calories. It is estimated that the caloric content of only 100 ml of whiskey is more than 300 Kcal. Add to this cola, which adds 40-45 Kcal more because of the pure sugar in it.

But this reason is not the main warning prohibition. Before becoming a fan of this cocktail, remember that it is very harmful.

  1. Increased appetite. In addition to high calorie content, the cocktail works to increase the appetite, which contributes to the rapid weight gain.
  2. Loss of taste. True connoisseurs of whiskey extremely negative attitude to such a cocktail. They argue that the cola completely discourages all the inherent whiskey exquisite taste and prevents to enjoy the true aftertaste of the famous alcohol.
  3. Chemical composition. Coca is full of chemical compounds that greatly increase the acidity of the stomach. This drink can lead to ulcers, gastritis. Cola quickly destroys tooth enamel. The inclusion of strong alcohol enhances its negative qualities.

So, we have revealed to you all the secrets of the legendary cocktail. Drink it or enjoy whiskey in its pure form - you have to decide. But do not forget that alcohol, especially strong does irreparable harm to health. Therefore, if you want to satisfy your curiosity - do not go too far and do not get carried away with the famous drink.

Coke whiskey - from America

Few whiskey and cola blend from those who appreciate alcoholic cocktails go unnoticed. Not so long ago, he was one of the attributes of the American dream in promotions.

Today we can get to know him not only in American films on the example of tough guys using this cocktail, but also according to the standard offer in many cafes and bars.

This drink serves as a symbol of successful and strong, self-confident people. Its most widespread in Canada and the United States.

For Europe, this cocktail opened relatively recently, he ascended along with a wave of success of the legendary Beatles. Members of this group often used this drink after their performances in the European tour.

This American cocktail was loved by many because of the simplicity of its preparation. It is perfect for any cocktail party, it is very easy to prepare at home.

How to mix whiskey and cola?

When mixing cola and whiskey, it should be borne in mind that the aromatic and taste characteristics of the original drinks vary greatly, which is why this mixture is considered a full-fledged cocktail.

Cocktail whiskey and cola consists of only three components - whiskey, cola and ice.

Any kind of whiskey is suitable for making this drink, since it becomes impossible to distinguish all the subtleties between its various types when combined with cola. Of course, it is better to refrain from mixing expensive whiskey or aged scotch with cola, as this will spoil the noble drink. Therefore, your choice is still better to stop at an inexpensive whiskey, and American bourbon is a vivid example of this.

To properly mix all the ingredients you should not save on the amount of ice, the more it is in the glass, the better it will be. Ice naturally softens the harsh taste of whiskey, making the cocktail soft, which is very important, considering some of the features of cola.

Coca-Cola, like Pepsi, is a high-sugar beverage, it is highly carbonated and has its own characteristic taste. For the cocktail traditionally used cola, pepsi offer only in the case of alternatives, if the stake in the bar is over. And oddly enough, if you mix whiskey and pepsi, the very American taste of the cocktail will be irretrievably lost.

It will be correct to mix these three ingredients, not blabbing each other, keeping a certain proportion so that the hops do not hit the head too quickly, and a good mood is guaranteed throughout the evening of drinking.

The ratio of whiskey and cola in a cocktail

The proportions taken for the beverage ingredients play a major role in how it tastes. They can vary somewhat, depending on the desired strength.

But if you are preparing a cocktail on your own and are not ready for unexpected impressions and a sharp taste, then you should not take whiskey and coke in the ratio of one to one. Otherwise, alcohol is absorbed very quickly into the blood due to the high sugar content of cola, and you will not feel very well.

The best way to drink a cocktail is one to three whiskey and coke.

To prepare this cocktail - you will need to take a large glass (300-400 ml) and fill it with ice cubes to the very top. Pour 50 ml of whiskey into it and only then add about 150 ml of cola.

The resulting cocktail can be decorated with slices of lemon or lime, a sprig of mint. He drinks in small sips.

The classic American version is more stringent in its performance and it will need a special whiskey glass - a tumbler. It has a thick glass bottom and walls. You could often see him in the movies. A pair of ice cubes is placed in it, a little whiskey is poured (about 30-40 ml), cola is added to taste.

The secret of a real American dream is cold cola.

An important aspect of the right thing is that the drink should be really cold.

The cola should be just opened and well cooled. The option when you have a good whiskey and an open bottle of cola stored in the fridge for a couple of days will not work.

Best of all is a cola from a glass bottle. Surprisingly, it contains a smaller amount of harmful substances than the one that is bottled in jars and plastic containers.

And in no case do not pour warm cola and cola into your whiskey, which managed to exhale. It will ruin the drink.

Since the output cocktail has a decent volume, it is recommended to take large glasses, which are best pre-cooled, as is done in many bars.

Another little secret of this cocktail is ice. It can be made both from ordinary water and cola itself. Ice from soda mineral water will look very fresh in a cocktail.

Classic American is, of course, rectangular ice cubes from filtered water and freshly opened cold cola from a glass bottle.

Prepare this cocktail at home, and you will feel the real taste of the American dream.

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Coke whiskey cola is one of the most popular in the world. He is very fond of youth. After all, the drink is easy to drink, has a soft and very rich flavor and aromatic bouquet. Alcohol is almost not felt in this cocktail, but the heady effect comes quickly. Drink whiskey diluted love in the US and Canada. It is popular there to dilute this alcoholic drink with cola or pepsi. The taste qualities of the two components vary greatly, so the resulting drink is completely entitled to be called a cocktail. According to one of the legends, the combination of whiskey and cola became popular thanks to the legendary Liverpool four of the Beatles, whose members, while touring the whole of Europe, constantly drank this mixture.

Whiskey with the addition of cola - easy preparation of the popular mix

To prepare such a cocktail is a simple matter and at home almost anyone can do it. Only three components are required. This is ice, cola and whiskey. They take a big glass, fill it with ice cubes to the top, pour part of the whiskey first and then cola. Cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime or lemon, mint leaves. That's it, a delicious cocktail is ready. They drink whiskey and cola in small sips, you can even through a straw and do not bite. The mix turns out very cold, so you should not drink it in one gulp, there is a risk to catch a cold throat.

Small nuances of making the famous cocktail.


Fans of such a drink claim that it must necessarily be from Scotland. Most likely, real fans of expensive alcohol will not allow themselves to mix it with cheap soda. After all, this is lost all the originality of the drink. So Scotch whiskey loses all its attractive smoky aroma. But American corn bourbon is better suited for diluting it with cola. Corn pleasantly emphasizes the taste of soda, and alcohol while losing its sharpness. And if you combine Scotch whiskey with Coke, it creates a contrast of flavors, not an addition. Experts and lovers of such a drink as whiskey do not recommend using expensive brands for this cocktail, which are best left to use in their pure form in order to celebrate some significant event. It is better to use cheaper whiskey, because anyway during the mixing process the taste of the drink will change significantly. Alcohol should be very well chilled, so you can not use ice.


Ice is made from ordinary drinking water, you can use mineral water or just freeze the cola. Ice cubes of mineral water, soda and plain water are sometimes mixed.


It is better to take it only from the company "Coca-Cola", it is she quite pleasantly emphasizes the taste of whiskey. Especially if its blended varieties are used. Soda should be used only very well chilled. It should be opened immediately before preparing a cocktail. A warm or exhausted drink will only spoil the taste of the cocktail, it will become almost impossible to drink. You can experiment with different flavors of cola, for example, with cherry. The bar most often whiskey ordered separately from the cola. This is because bartenders will easily pour into the cocktail a long-exhausted soda from two-liter bottles.


Before drinking whiskey and coke, you should take care of the container, in which everything will be mixed. It is best to take a glass of medium or even large size. In the bars the dishes are pre-cooled. This can be done at home by putting a large glass for 15 minutes in the freezer.


As for the proportion, there is a slight difference of opinion. Some people like to drink whiskey and cola in the ratio of one to one. But in this case, the drink will be very strong, and a large amount of sugar in soda will lead to premature intoxication. If you want to stretch the pleasure, it is best to combine the main components in a ratio of three to one. For one part of the alcohol base, take three parts of soda. The same proportions are best used and for the first time trying a cocktail.  Coke should not be sorry, however, as the ice. If the drink seems too strong or unpleasant taste is present, then the amount of whiskey should be reduced. If only cola will be felt, then the amount of alcohol should be increased.

"Pitfalls" delicious cocktail

Opponents of the combination of whiskey and coke argue that its use is extremely negative for health. Soda contains a lot of sugar, and it is extremely harmful to the teeth, pancreas, stomach. And supplemented with alcohol, it becomes a very heavy mixture. But occasionally you can enjoy a cocktail. It is worth remembering that it is very high in calories because of the high sugar content in the cola, and this may contribute to the appearance of caries, fat deposits and other diseases. In addition, the cocktail whets the appetite, and the mixture itself does not give any taste of saturation. Therefore, after a drunk mix, you really want to eat, which can lead to obesity.

All are similar to each other. The main thing is to drink cold and fresh. Cooking it does not require any special equipment or skills; you can cook it in a glass or in a shaker. It fits perfectly into a youth party. For men, the best ratio of cola and whiskey one to one. Women prefer three parts of soda to take one part of alcohol. In this case, the cocktail does not smell the smell of alcohol. Many manufacturers have even started to produce such a cocktail in cans in cans. But it is best to cook it yourself, adjusting to your personal preferences, changing proportions. Then the cocktail will be brighter and fresher.

One of the most popular cocktails in both Russian capitals. Typically, popular cocktails have some convoluted name. For some reason, whiskey and cola are called simply whiskey and coke or even coke whiskey. The lack of a big name compensates for the great taste.

1 Cocktail supporters

On the history of the cocktail is not really known. It is said that the Liverpool Quartet during the world tour not only broke a lot of fans' hearts, but also spread the recipe of this cocktail. Apparently, therefore, some lovers of this drink claim that the whiskey must be Scottish, and the stake must be from the company Coca-Cola.

The Beatles introduced one-to-one canonical proportions. It turns out very strong mixture, which taste is not for everyone. Twenty degrees without ice. The answer is simple: in 1960, John Lennon was twenty years old. Now everyone chooses proportions to his taste. In part, this is what drives people when ordering a cocktail in parts. Not everyone likes to explain ordinary fractions to the waiters.

The cola is very pleasant in the taste of whiskey. This is especially true of American. Inexpensive whiskey brands made from corn raw materials have a very sharp taste and aroma.

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2 Opponents of a cocktail

The cocktail was not ignored by the advocates of a healthy lifestyle. Here for them full expanse. And the harmful Coca-Cola, and alien to the Russian man whiskey, and everything came to us from the decadent West.

It is alleged that the recipe is registered almost on the first page of the Dulles plan. Proportions are strictly calculated for the genocide of the bright minds of a great power. Coke is proposed to prohibit, anathematize and burn hot iron from the menu and wine list.

Any cola, like any sweet carbonated lemonade, is bad for digestion and teeth. Whiskey is strong alcohol and, of course, its excessive use is extremely negative for health. But alcoholics are dying more and more from cheap vodka, and not from cocktails.

With regard to excessive amounts of sugar, and kilocalories in general - whiskey and cola would rather get drunk than earn caries, and even more so obesity.

Occasionally, enjoying a delicious harmful cocktail is possible and even necessary.

3 Whiskey and Coke Cocktail Recipe

The middle glass is filled with ice. Not necessarily to the brim, someone missing and to the middle. Any whiskey is better to drink chilled, so ice is present in almost all recipes.Proportions everyone chooses for himself. If you drink for the first time, then try one to three. It means a quarter cup of whiskey, the rest of the stake. If you feel an unpleasant taste and strength, then reduce the amount of whiskey. If you feel only cola and nothing else, and I would like to roll already, then feel free to increase the proportions of the whiskey. Barmen, by the way, think in fifty-grammed categories: 50 by 150, 100 by 100.

How strange it will not sound, but close attention is required to give the stake. It should be chilled, and most importantly - not exhausted. This is the second reason why coke and whiskey are ordered separately. The bartender will not blink an eye when he pours yesterday’s cola from a half-empty bottle into your cocktail. The bar most likely uses two-liter bottles of cola. Just for reasons of economy.

In bars, whiskey and cola are often decorated with mint and lemon. Connoisseurs of the cocktail assure that this is done solely for aesthetic reasons and does not carry any flavor additions.

Well, of course, it's not difficult to arrange a cocktail party with whiskey and cola at home. All ingredients are available in any supermarket, do not require special preparation, you know the recipe. Mix and enjoy.

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In Russia, not at all those in England or Ireland. They can drink a glass of wine before dinner or a glass of whiskey after, but the amount of alcohol consumed is determined only by the abilities of the guests and the finances of the owners. What do people drink with whiskey with us and with them? This is an ambiguous question - the choice depends not only on the type of drink, but also on the preferences of the guests.

What they drink with whiskey in Europe and the USA

Ireland and Scotland, with their longstanding traditions of making the "water of life", managed to acquire some addictions in combining the noble drink with suitable liquids. The USA, despite its not so long history, also acquired a couple of ideas. Well, in Russia, their traditions - feasts without abundant food are as rare as non-drinkers.

Most often, whiskey is mixed with such liquids as:

  • water;
  • cola;
  • coffee;
  • cocktails of alcoholic and non-alcoholic components.


This is exactly the (whiskey) Scottish themselves. Water makes the taste softer and reduces strength. The amount of additive varies from a few drops to a ratio of 50 to 50 - it is all that decides individual preferences, as well as the strength and taste of a particular drink.

Opponents of this dilution indicate that the whiskey was already diluted with water when bottling. The addition of additional liquid during serving introduces an imbalance in the taste and aroma of the drink due to differences in the chemical composition of water between the buyer and the manufacturer.


This is another version of what the Irish or some other drinker is not important. This combination gives the most close to the original flavor. To taste the drink well, you should add two or three ice cubes to classic Old Fashion, splash some whiskey and slowly savor the smooth flow of the conversation in a pleasant company.

Carbonated drinks: cola, pepsi, soda

Whiskey and soda - a favorite drink of gangsters and "tough nuts" in Under the name "soda" hides not quite the usual soda: it also contains citric acid and soda. The traditional came to us from America, and the cocktail is very popular all over the world. It is assumed that he appeared to smooth out the oily taste of bourbon.

However, the list of what Americans drink with whiskey is not limited to soda. A very popular combination - whiskey and cola.

I mean, of course, the original “Coca-Cola” or, alternatively, “Pepsi-Cola” - it allows you to neutralize the disadvantages of not too good alcohol. Since alcohol is absorbed into the blood much faster with such mixing, this recipe is a godsend for those who decide to get drunk quickly and cheaply.

Coffee and tea

Everyone knows Irish coffee - a popular one that includes coffee, whiskey and cream. The combination of only two components - "water of life" and coffee - is also very good in taste.

The second thing they drink with whiskey is tea. This combination is great to quickly warm up after a walk in the frost. A popular cocktail in Ireland is hot tea with honey and whiskey. In China, another little recipe is used - green tea is drunk with whiskey and ice, but not for the taste. According to the Chinese, this mixture does not cause a hangover.


Mixes - a sign of bad taste. That is what people think that they call themselves true connoisseurs of whiskey. Nevertheless, cocktails exist, moreover, they are very popular. The combinations of what they drink from whiskey all over the world are presented below.

"Creamy whiskey"

For this cocktail you will need:

  • 50 grams of whiskey;
  • a piece of dark chocolate;
  • sugar syrup (about 10 ml);
  • vanilla ice cream - 150 grams or 4 balls (average size);
  • 15 ml of 33% cream;

The drink is served in a wine glass or in any glass with a capacity of 250-300 ml. It must be filled with ice to the top. Add syrup, ice cream, cream and whiskey in a blender and mix. Pour into a glass with ice, garnish with a piece of chocolate and drink through a straw.

Whiskey sour

This cocktail is very popular in America. You can use bourbon or orange juice instead of lemon juice.


  • 40 grams of whiskey;
  • 20 grams of lemon juice or orange juice;
  • 20 grams of sugar syrup;
  • several ice cubes.

Add all ingredients to a shaker, mix, serve in the Old Fashion glass, which is pre-filled with ice cubes.

Cocktail "Dry Manhattan"

The classic recipe of this drink includes 60 ml of rye whiskey, 30 ml of red sweet vermouth and a couple of drops of Angostura bitter. A cocktail is prepared in a mixing glass using a bar spoon, and then served in a cocktail glass (martinka) with a sieve (strainer).

Mixing glass should be half filled with ice. Add the listed ingredients from above, mix with a bar spoon, strain into the “martin”. Garnish with lemon zest or maraschino cherries. Bourbon can also be used instead of rye whiskey, but in this case the ratio is different: 75 ml of bourbon and 25 ml of vermouth.

Whiskey without additives

And with what to drink whiskey? Connoisseurs will say: "Straight!" (That is, without additives). This is exactly how it is worth drinking high-quality upscale varieties, otherwise the taste and aroma of the noble drink will pass by. Experts advise to taste the worth of whiskey, following some simple recommendations:

  • The temperature of the beverage when serving should be 18-20 ° C - if it is higher, then the alcohol will be felt too sharply, if lower, the aroma will not be felt.
  • Professional tasters use special glasses, shaped like wine. At home, you can take the same, narrowing the top, or serve according to tradition - in the Old Fashion.

To cool directly in the glass using special stones for whiskey. Steatite, schungite, granite or steel is used as a material for them, nephrite is used for this purpose in Siberia. If the stones are kept in a refrigerator before being placed in a glass, they will cool the beverage. If you do not do this and add them to hot tea or coffee, they will keep the drink warm.

And one more component of that, with what to drink whiskey, - the snack. Traditions in both Ireland and Scotland and in the United States suggest that they consume the drink after the meal, and not with it, so the idea of ​​having a snack looks a bit strange. However, this does not mean that the “water of life” is not suitable for anything. Japanese people successfully combine whiskey with sushi. Smoked fish can be served with soft varieties (many of which are Irish).