Useful properties and application of winter rye. Rye - description, types, useful properties, green manure, photo

21.06.2023 From fish

Oat grains


Oat grains have emollient, choleretic properties. They are used for gastritis, peptic ulcer, diseases of the nervous system, metabolic disorders. They contain essential amino acids, vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, E, steroid saponins, sigmasterols, beta-sitosterol, organic acids, flavonoids, minerals, essential oils. According to proven data of traditional medicine, a decoction of oat grains is used for diabetes, metabolic disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, incl. the process of assimilation of nutrients, with peptic ulcer, hepatitis.

Oats in folk medicine.

The broth is prepared at the rate of 1:10, boiled for 5 minutes, kept for 24 hours in a sealed container, filtered. Take 1/2 cup - 1 cup 2 times a day after meals (has a choleretic effect and promotes the regeneration of hepatocytes).

Oat infusion is used as a diuretic that regulates metabolic processes in the heart muscle and nervous tissue. For its preparation, the grains are poured with cold water in a ratio of 1:10, insisted for 1 day, filtered and taken 1/2-1 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

A decoction of oats with honey - a tonic

Take 1 cup of oat grains, pour 1 liter of boiled water and simmer until 1/4 of the liquid has evaporated. Then strain and take half a cup, dissolving honey to taste, 3-4 times a day before meals as a general tonic, as well as for inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines, joint pain accompanying metabolic arthritis.

Oat grain - 1 tbsp. spoon, rye grain - 1 tbsp. spoon. Mix grains of oats and rye, pour 0.6 liters of water and cook until they start to burst. Cool and drink the decoction throughout the day.


To normalize gastric secretion. oat grain - 10 tbsp. spoons, water - 1 liter. Grain pour water, boil, cover and cook over low heat for 3 hours. Drink in four doses 20 minutes before meals.

Hypertension. oats grain - 5 g, wheatgrass (rhizome) - 5 g, juniper berry - 10 pcs. Mix the ingredients, pour 1 liter. boiling water to cook until the liquid is reduced to 0.7 liters. Drink for 40 days, 0.25 cups 6 times a day.

Diabetes. oat grain - 400 g, water - 6 l., honey - 100 g. Rinse the grain, pour 6 liters of boiling water, cook until the liquid is reduced by half, strain, add honey, boil. Drink some tea.

Wash the sprouts, dry and grind. Dilute the flour with cold water, pour boiling water, cook for 2 minutes. Leave for 20 minutes. Strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals (only fresh).

Sprouting oats.

Rinse the oats, distribute evenly in a flat dish, pour water over night (6-8 hours), rinse in the morning, spread out, cover with a damp thin cloth periodically wetting the cloth, the seedlings will appear within 1.5 - 2 days. Unsprouted grains are not eaten. Eat seedlings up to 3 mm long. Adding to various dishes, salads, soups, etc. Sprouts can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

grains of wheat

Unlike cereals and flour, whole grains (fruits) of wheat contain significant amounts of mineral salts, B vitamins and vitamin E. A decoction of grains and an infusion of wheat germ are useful for a healthy and sick body. Decoction and infusion are used instead of water in the preparation of soups, kvass, and are also used independently. Infusion of sprouts is a prophylactic against many diseases, including acute respiratory infections, metabolic diseases. Wheat grain

Decoction and infusion can be used to make lotions to soften the skin of the face and hands.

Method of preparing the infusion: one tablespoon of grains is poured with a glass of boiling water, spread for 2 hours, then boiled for 10-15 minutes and filtered.

Method of preparing a decoction: prepared at the rate of 1:10, boiled for 5 minutes, kept for 24 hours in a sealed container, filtered. Take 1/2 cup - 1 cup 2 times a day after meals (has a choleretic effect and promotes the regeneration of hepatocytes).

Growing wheat germ (germination): wash the grain, place it between two layers of cotton fabric well soaked in warm water, and leave at a temperature of 22-24 degrees C. Moisten the upper fabric from time to time until sprouts appear (pecking). They usually appear within a day or two. You can use white sprouts only when they reach 2 mm.

Sprouted wheat is eaten in its pure form (chew thoroughly!) Or passed through a meat grinder and mixed with nuts, honey, raisins, dried apricots. It can also be added to various dishes, salads

Folk tonic

Take whole wheat grains, rinse with cold water, pour water in a wide bowl flush with the top layer of wheat, cover with damp gauze and put in a warm place for 10 hours. Then drain the water, and cover the grains with moistened gauze, folded in 3-4 layers. As soon as sprouts hatch from the grains, you need to sort through all the wheat, leaving only grains with white sprouts (grains with green sprouts are poisonous). They should be ground by adding prunes or raisins, as well as honey to taste, and eat 50 g of the mixture 1-2 times a day as a tonic that helps restore strength (for example, after suffering debilitating diseases - pulmonary tuberculosis, peptic ulcer and etc.).

Rye grains

Rye grains are of greater health value than baked brown bread. They contain vitamins of group B, vitamins E, F (in particular, linolenic and linoleic acids), mineral salts. A decoction of rye grains is useful for a healthy and sick body. This decoction contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In folk medicine, it is used as an emollient and expectorant for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

How to use: one tablespoon of rye grains is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour in a closed vessel, then boiled for 3 minutes and filtered. The decoction is used instead of water partially or completely in the preparation of soups, second courses, kvass, and is also used independently.

Rye for joint pain relief

Required: 1/2 l of mature rye, 2 l of water, 0.5 l of vodka, 1 kg of honey, 30 g of barberry root.

Method of preparation: pour grains of mature rye into a saucepan, fill with water and bring to a boil on the stove, but do not boil. When the water has cooled, pour the broth into a three-liter jar, and discard the rye grains. Pour vodka into a jar, put honey and barberry root. Mix the composition thoroughly and infuse for 21 days in a dark place.

How to use: take 25-30 g 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Full course of treatment - 3 three-liter jars.

Barley grains

Barley grains contain vitamins A, D, E, B vitamins, polysaccharides, amino acids and minerals in an active and easily digestible form. A decoction of barley grains is recommended for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, as a tonic after operations on the abdominal organs and to relieve cough relief in bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, as a special diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for nephritis and nephrosis (sparing the kidney parenchyma), as a remedy stimulating milk flow in nursing, as a liquid for diluting infant formula.

Barley malt solution is used in cosmetics. In inflammatory processes on the skin, it is recommended to make malt baths and nourishing masks from barley groats.

Broth one tbsp. pour a spoonful of grains with a glass of water, leave for 4-5 hours, cook for 10 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.

Barley malt: germinate barley seeds, dry and grind into powder, then pour 2-3 tablespoons into 1 liter. hot water and insist. Malt can not be stored for a long time, as it loses its healing effect.

Growing barley sprouts: wash the grain, place it between two layers of cotton fabric well soaked in warm water and leave at a temperature of 22-24 degrees C. Moisten the upper fabric from time to time until sprouts appear (pecking). They usually appear within a day or two. You can use white sprouts only when they reach 2 mm.

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Rye, or cultivated rye(lat. Secale cereale) is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Rye ( Secale) of the Grass family. Rye is a cultivated plant, it is grown mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. There are winter and spring forms of rye.


Botanical description

Morphological features

Rye is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant. Sowing rye as a natural species is a diploid form (2n = 14). In recent decades, breeders have obtained tetraploid rye (2n = 28) by doubling the number of chromosomes in cells, the varieties of which form a large grain (the mass of 1000 grains reaches 50-55 g), a powerful culm that is resistant to lodging.

root system

Some of the learned travelers admit the existence of not only wild rye, but also other breads in some areas. So, for example, Bieberstein met wild rye in the Caucasian-Caspian steppe, then in the Crimea, near Feodosia, and near Sarepta. Linnaeus speaks of wild rye, which allegedly comes across on the Volga, near Samara. There is an assumption that rye could have been brought to those parts by the Tatar tribes who once lived beyond the Volga. The well-known traveler in Turkestan, Severtsev, considers rye to be descended from wild relatives growing in southern Russia, northern Africa and Central Asia.

According to the observations of Professor A.F. Batalin, rye in the south, after mowing, can sprout, that is, it turns out to be a perennial plant. Such rye, according to Batalin, is quite similar to the wild type of rye - Secale anatolicum, which grows wild in Turkestan. It is believed that our rye originated from a perennial wild species, but only through culture became an annual. But Warming considers P. secale montanum, which grows wild in Central Asia, to be a relative, characterized by brittle straw, grains growing together with films, and many years of development. According to Bibra, most botanists treat the testimonies of travelers about the homeland of rye with distrust. The same is claimed by Decandol on the grounds that various authors very often mixed Secale corcale with other perennial species or with those whose ears are easily broken and which are fundamentally considered different by the latest botanists (Secale fragile - according to Bieberstein, Secale anatolicum - according to Boissier, Secale montanum - according to Gussone and Secale villosum - according to Linnaeus). But the true place of origin of most of our cereal plants (including the birthplace of rye), as well as domestic animals, remains unknown, although some of these plants, such as wheat, were sown in ancient Egypt 4000 BC. e. and were cultivated by almost all the peoples of that time.

Chemical composition

The composition of rye grain includes proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, group vitamins, minerals.

Growing technology



Today, rye is cultivated primarily in Germany, Poland, Scandinavia, Russia, China, Belarus, Canada and the USA. On the territory of Russia, it is grown mainly within the forest zone. The leaders in rye cultivation are Poland, Russia and Germany.

Rye production by years (FAOSTAT)
thousand tons.
A country
Poland 7 600 6 288 3 359
Russia - 4 098 2 932
Germany - 4 521 2 812
Ukraine - 1 208 1 300
Belarus - 2 143 1 250
China 1 283 1 200 748
Canada 569 310 367
Türkiye 360 240 260
Czech - 262 193
USA 518 256 191

In the Russian climate, rye production has a significant impact on the country's food security.

Dietary Properties

Grains, bran and green stalks of rye are used for medicinal purposes.

Highly productive short-stemmed varieties resistant to lodging and diseases have been bred and recommended for use: Bezenchukskaya 87, Short stem 69, Haze, Blizzard, Saratovskaya 5, as well as a variety of perennial rye Derzhavinskaya 29.



  • Antropovs V. I. and V. F. Rye - Secale L. // Cultural flora of the USSR. T. 2. M.; Leningrad: GIZ Kolkh. and sovkh. literature, 1936. S. 3-95.
  • Gubanov I. A. and others. 206. Secale cereale L. - Sowing rye // Illustrated guide to plants of Central Russia. In 3 t. - M .: T-in scientific. ed. KMK, In-t technologist. issl., 2002. - V. 1. Ferns, horsetails, club mosses, gymnosperms, angiosperms (monocots). - S. 300. - ISBN 8-87317-091-6
  • Nevsky S. A. Flora of the USSR. V 30 t / Ch. ed. acad. V. L. Komarov; Ed. volumes R. Yu. Rozhevits and B. K. Shishkin. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1934. - T. II. - S. 667-668. - 778 + XXXIII p. - 5175 copies.
  • Tsvelev N. N. Secale cereale L. - Sowing rye //

Rye is a member of the cereal family. Useful properties of rye practically limitless. Rye grains are extremely rich in various vitamins (B1, B2, PP, D, E, C) and various minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine), in addition, rye grains contain carotene, proteins, fats, fibre. In the flour obtained from rye grains, the percentage of amino acids, such as threonine, lysine, is very high.

One of the causes of obesity can be attributed to the excessive consumption of bread made from premium wheat flour, together with sugar. Rye bread does not contribute to the rapid increase in body mass.

When white bread predominates in a person's diet, this can lead to the gradual onset of atony of the colon. Since the content of unsaturated linoleic acid is very high in the composition of rye fats, the use of rye bread is more favorable for people suffering from atherosclerosis. In terms of nutritional value, rye grains are superior to wheat grains.

In addition, organic fluoride contained in rye grains is useful for promoting dental health.

Rye treatment

Rye has a very strong healing effect on the human body.


Mix equal proportions of rye and oat grains. A few tablespoons of this mixture are taken per liter of water, boiled until the grains are completely cracked. Then insist, cool and filter. use one hundred ml three times a day. If after several weeks of taking a positive result is not achieved, then the number of doses should be doubled. Another recipe. During the day, a mixture of rye bread (crushed), finely chopped fresh cucumbers and bread kvass is made and applied to the forehead several times.


Warts are caused by the penetration of a virus under the skin. As a result, local keratinization of the skin appears, in the form of round-shaped hills, growing over time. Rye flour, taken at the tip of a knife, is poured into a saucer and vinegar essence is dripped into it, constantly stirring the mixture with a match (the part where there is no flammable substance), while being careful not to get burned. After the mixture becomes thick, it is applied to the wart (after steaming it out in advance). Wart tissue under the action of concentrated acetic acid becomes darker, dries up and soon leaves. The ointment is not applied around the base of the wart, but is applied exactly in the center. It is not permissible to get the essence on healthy tissue areas.


A decoction made from rye flowers, as well as its ears, is used for colds and respiratory diseases. When perfectly suited as an expectorant, a decoction of rye bran. Take two tablespoons of this raw material for two cups of boiling water. Boil for a couple of minutes, insist, cool, filter. Consume three times a day, one third of a glass.


A horseradish root is taken, washed and rubbed finely. Rye flour and pork fat are added to it, everything is mixed. This mixture must be applied to the diseased joint, tied with a cloth and insulated. Each person's skin is differently sensitive to the components of horseradish, so before you regularly perform this procedure, you need to choose for yourself an individual ratio of the participating components in the mixture in order to exclude the burning effect of horseradish gruel.


Many medicines made from cereals have an effect on the functions. Rye nullifies any negative changes in the work of the intestines, both in one direction and in the other. People who suffer from constipation should only eat bread made from rye flour (no white bread). A decoction of green stalks of rye is used to increase the tone of the intestinal walls. Pour one tablespoon of this mass with a glass of boiling water. Boil for two minutes, insist, cool, filter. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals.

In addition, bran helps to get rid of constipation. The shortest way to recovery of the rectum is the introduction of bread with bran into your diet.


A crumb of rye bread is placed in the hollow of a diseased tooth. Naturally, this method is acceptable when there is no opportunity to get help from a dentist.


Sunflower oil, mustard powder, bee honey, vodka are taken in equal amounts and everything is mixed. It is extremely important to obtain an even distribution of all components, especially mustard, in order to avoid burns on the body. Upon completion of the preparation of the composition, rye flour is added to it in small portions. Add it as much as you need to make cakes. The cake is heated and after 5-6 layers of gauze is applied to the sore spot. If severe reddening of the skin occurs, the session is stopped. The procedure is repeated the next day. One cake is used four to five times. This procedure significantly softens the tissues and improves the correction of the spine.

All people from school are familiar with the names of crops such as wheat and rye. True, in these plants they almost do not see differences, although they are, and very significant. Read about them in the article.


Speaking about how rye differs from wheat, you must first give information about these crops. So, wheat is one of the most popular cereal plants. It can be grown for one or two years. As a rule, in height it reaches from thirty centimeters to one and a half meters.

This plant belongs to the "three breads of mankind." Since wheat can be different (hard and soft, spring and winter), it is widely used in the economy. This plant is used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. Bakery products, cereals, and pet food are all made from wheat. In addition, individual parts of the spikelet are used to create alcohol, immunomodulators and rejuvenation agents.

This plant is first mentioned in the Gospel and some divine parables. Perhaps this influenced such a respectful attitude towards this culture. It is believed that they began to turn it into an agricultural plant about 8-6 thousand years BC. Currently, there is a huge variety of varieties of wheat. These include both globally grown forms and local ones. Not all of them are officially studied and listed in the list of varieties of this agricultural plant.


In the process of answering the question: “What is the difference between rye and wheat?” the second plant must also be described. Rye is the second most popular agricultural crop and is also one of the "Three Breads of Mankind". It is widely used in the food industry. Bread with bran, which is made using rye flour, is a popular dietary product, the value of which is recognized throughout the world. In addition, animals are happy to eat the sprouts of this crop.

Rye is grown one year or several years in a row. This plant reaches sixty centimeters in height. The maximum height of the culture is two meters. It can be both spring and winter.

This plant ceased to be wild about two thousand years ago. Since that time, numerous varieties of rye have appeared, which are grown almost everywhere. The fact is that this agricultural crop is unpretentious to environmental conditions, and especially to cold weather. Therefore, it is grown in large quantities in Russia and Ukraine.


Of course, rye and wheat have a number of differences, but they also have similarities that manifest themselves in the external structure, cultivation, and even the history of these plants. For example:

  • There are both winter and spring forms of these crops. This allows people involved in agriculture to grow crops at the most suitable time for this.
  • Powerful descend into the ground by two meters.

  • How is rye different from wheat? The structure of the ear. Despite the fact that the ears of these plants are different, they belong to the same species. They are called complex.
  • The leaves of rye and wheat are linear and narrow. Their venation is parallel. This means that several large-sized veins are located along the leaf plate.
  • The fruit of both plants is a simple indehiscent caryopsis, which contains one seed.

Differences in the ear

Many people are interested in the difference between an ear of wheat and an ear of rye. This question takes place, because in this part of these plants you can find the most differences.

First, an elongated ear of rye is held on an axis fifteen centimeters long. This strong part of the plant keeps it upright. Unlike wheat, an ear of rye is tetrahedral in cross section. On its surface there are up to three stamens, and on wheat - up to five. The awns of rye ears are directed vertically upwards, while the awns of wheat grow in different directions.

What is the difference between rye and wheat in appearance? flowers. In wheat, they consist of two rows, on which three scales are located. Each of them has several stamens, corolla, calyx and pistil. Wheat is self-pollinating and can grow in poor conditions. At the same time, it independently pollinates under closed scales. At the same time, under good environmental conditions, it will open the scales, as a result of which it will be pollinated with the help of wind gusts. Rye is pollinated only in the second way.

What is the difference between an ear of wheat and an ear of rye? Color. Still unripe ears of rye have a bluish tint, and wheat - green.

Differences in fruits

As mentioned earlier, the fruits of these most important agricultural plants are grains. But they can also be different. Answering the question: “What is the difference between rye and wheat?”, One cannot but say about their shape. The rye grain is long and thin, while the wheat grain is round. By its shape, you can easily determine which plant we are talking about, because it is impossible to confuse their fruits.

On the grain of rye there is a groove that penetrates deep into it. It is surrounded by several shells. It is known that their number is one and a half or two times higher than the number of shells of wheat grain.

How to distinguish wheat from rye?

How is rye different from wheat? The photo clearly shows the ear of one of the most popular agricultural plants. In order to make sure that a person is dealing with rye or wheat, he can conduct a series of experiments.

  • Germination of grains. It is necessary to take one and rye and let them germinate. Then you need to dig them out and compare the roots. Wheat has three, and rye has four.
  • Watch the color of the leaves. One of the differences between these cultivated plants is the color of their leaves. In rye it is red, sometimes even bluish, and in wheat it is bright green.

  • The growth of these cultures is different. Rye is the tallest cereal plant. True, this criterion is not the most accurate - wheat in good conditions can be equal in height to rye.
  • Wheat awns are much shorter than rye awns, which is very noticeable in comparison.
  • The rye weevil is thin and long, while the wheat one is thick, short and almost round in cross section.

Wheat and rye are the most famous cultivated cereals in Russia. They have long been used to supply people with food, and livestock - forage. Many city dwellers cannot distinguish rye from wheat.

So what is wheat?

Wheat (in Latin, triticum) belongs to the Cereal family (class Monocots). It belongs to the most important food crops.

All modern wheat is divided into different varieties that have common characteristics. Wheat stems are hollow, straight, have nodes. Several such stems grow from one root, up to a dozen. The height of the plant can be up to one and a half meters. The leaves are flat, fibrous, rough to the touch.

Each leaf can reach a width of two centimeters, can be bare or with hairs. The root system is fibrous. Inflorescences in the form of spikes, up to 15 cm long. Each spike is composed of three to five spikelets (flowers) with two spikelet scales, two films, a pistil and three stamens, as well as two stigmas.

The fruit of wheat is a grain. Each grain contains complex and simple carbohydrates, gluten (gluten) and plant fibers (fiber), as well as minerals and vitamins, pectin, phytoestrogens and linoleic acid.

Wheat flour is used to make bread and pasta. The grains are used to make ethyl alcohol and cereals. Wheat bran is prescribed to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But these areas of application are not limited! Wheat is used for the preparation of animal feed, immunomodulatory drugs and even rejuvenating extracts.

The familiar rye

Rye (in Latin, Secale) also applies to Cereals. In total, there are twelve wild and the only cultivated species of rye.

The stem is erect, hollow, with nodes, reaches a meter in height (sometimes up to two meters). The leaves are of a characteristic bluish color, up to 30 cm long and 2.2 cm wide. Sometimes they are furry. Ears two-row, up to 15 cm in length. Each flower has 3 stamens. The roots are powerful, go to a depth of two meters. This feature makes rye suitable for growing on sandy soils.

The chemical composition of grains includes proteins (gluten) and carbohydrates, B vitamins and trace elements. Rye flour is used in baking, and in Karelian villages it is used for baking traditional pies - kalitok. Rye bran serves as a source of fiber for losing weight ladies. Animals eat young shoots.

They have a lot in common, but there are differences

Both wheat and rye have structure typical for cereals. Both cultures are known in almost all countries of the world. There is even a hybrid of rye and wheat called triticale. However, there are also enough differences.

The homeland of wheat is the region of southeastern Turkey, known as the fertile crescent. Rye comes from the Mediterranean.

Wheat began to be cultivated much earlier than rye. Therefore, there are a lot of varieties of this cereal. In addition, each country has its own varieties and hybrids of wheat. Numerous varieties of wheat are divided into soft and hard, spring and winter, annual and biennial. For example, in Russia, Kostroma, Kubanka and Altai are grown from soft varieties, and Kubanka and Chernokoloska are grown from hard varieties. At the same time, hard wheat is all spring, and only soft wheat can be winter.
One single cultivated species of rye is represented only by winter and spring forms. The number of varieties of this crop is much less abundant than that of wheat.

Rye is different cold hardiness and fast growth. Therefore, it is grown even in the coldest regions, where the air temperature can drop below 21°C. In addition, rye is not demanding on the composition of the soil, and grows even in poor land. At the same time, the growth of the rye root system leads to an improvement in the physical qualities of the soil.

Wheat, although cold-resistant, is very sensitive to the quality of the soil layer. It does not grow in clay soils or sands. Wheat does not tolerate heat well. The leaves of immature wheat are bright green, while those of rye are bluish in color.

There are also differences in the structure of the inflorescences. As it is written above, wheat has an ear of a more complex structure. The grains of these cereals differ in shape, length and color. An elongated grain of wheat can have a length of 4 to 11 mm. The color is white, amber-yellow or reddish, depending on the variety and quality.

Rye grains can be oval or elongated, up to a centimeter in length. They can also vary in color: gray, white, yellow, brownish or greenish.

According to the chemical composition, there is a bias in favor of rye. After all, in rye grains more tocopherol and niacin than in wheat. These vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the human nervous system, and also contribute to the normalization of blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is preferable to eat ham and salami with black bread, and even better with cereal.

Rye grain contains more dietary fiber. For this reason, rye products are recommended for the prevention of colon cancer.

However, wheat grains are high in gluten. Therefore, the quality of wheat dough is higher. Products from it get a golden crust faster and hold their shape better. Often, wheat flour is added to the dough for black bread to improve properties. For example, the Borodino bread recipe contains white flour.

Wheat is often used in germinated form, expecting an increase in the activity of the substances contained in it.
But rye ears are used not only for food and fodder. Since the times of ancient Rus', rye has been considered a protective plant. Dried spikelets can be put under the mattress for the child.

Wheat is used in traditional pharmacology (immunomodulators), and rye is used in folk medicine and homeopathy.
Wheat is cultivated in most countries, and quantitatively more of it is produced in the world. But in Russia, it is rye that is a strategic crop and is used to create reserves. By the way, almost fifty varieties of rye are cultivated on the territory of the Russian Federation.