Millet porridge with pumpkin on the water (lean recipe). Millet porridge with pumpkin

21.06.2023 For children

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

During the fast, millet porridge with pumpkin on the water, the recipe with a photo of which I described in detail, for you, will become a real lifesaver, a recipe for all occasions. Millet is cooked relatively quickly, so that delicious nutritious millet with pumpkin can be served not only for lunch or dinner, but also for breakfast. To shorten the cooking time, you can soak the millet in cold water overnight or before putting the pumpkin out to simmer. If your millet is bright yellow, then most likely the groats are polished, such millet is cooked very quickly and without soaking. And pale yellow is cooked longer - it is better to soak such cereals at least for a short time. I offer you another selection.
During cooking or after turning off the heat, add dried fruits to the porridge: raisins, pieces of dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs. And when serving, you can season millet porridge with pumpkin with honey or pour over jam, add a couple of tablespoons of pumpkin jam.


- fresh pumpkin without peel and seeds - 300-350 gr.;
- millet - 1 glass;
- water for porridge - 1.5-2 cups;
- water for cooking pumpkin - 0.5 cups;
- sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
- salt - 1/3 tsp;
- raisins or other dried fruits - 1-2 handfuls.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the peel and loose pulp with seeds from the pumpkin. If the middle is not very fibrous, just choose the seeds, leave the pulp. Wash the pumpkin and cut into small pieces. Transfer to a cauldron.

Put on low heat, pour half a glass of water. Cover tightly and simmer for ten minutes, until the pumpkin is soft. When pressed, the pieces should be easily kneaded almost into a puree.

Rinse millet groats in a mesh colander or sieve before cooking. If necessary, pour two glasses of cold water and leave for a while so that the grains swell.

Soft pumpkin mash with a crush, a few pieces can be left whole and added to the finished porridge. Transfer millet to pumpkin puree, add salt and sugar.

Mix. Pour in two glasses of water. If the cereal was soaked, then less water will be needed, about one and a half glasses. Cover the cauldron and put on a strong fire.

As soon as intense boiling begins, reduce the fire to quiet. Cook until almost all of the water has been absorbed. Mix two or three times.

Put the cauldron on the flame divider, cook for 20-25 minutes until the cereal is soft and the water is completely absorbed. During cooking, do not mix the millet if you want the porridge to turn out crumbly. Or mix for viscous millet. I think you will find useful information.

Serve millet porridge hot, adding steamed raisins and pieces of stewed pumpkin. Or add dried fruits at the very end of cooking, five minutes before full readiness. During this time, dried apricots or prunes will have time to steam and give their taste to millet with pumpkin. If the porridge is not prepared as a lean dish, then it can be served with butter and a glass of warm milk. Bon appetit!

Millet porridge is one of the most popular in Russia. It is especially relevant as a nutritious breakfast, and in combination with pumpkin is a powerful source of nutrients. Most often, millet porridge on water with pumpkin is included in the diet of children, as well as those who want to lose weight.

Features: benefit and harm

Millet porridge has a high content of nutrients that nourish the body with energy for a long time. It has an interesting neutral taste that many children like. It goes well with the sweet taste of pumpkin, and their combination creates a unique appetizing flavor.

The most outstanding beneficial properties of millet grain include its following features.

  • The composition of millet grain includes amino acids indispensable for the construction of cells, which can improve the condition of the skin and bring it into tone. Especially its use is recommended for people who are engaged in active sports and at the same time subject their body to strict diets.
  • Millet porridge contributes to the accelerated removal of harmful toxins from the body, thereby improving the general condition of a person, as well as improving his mood.
  • A rich complex of vitamins is an excellent helper in the fight against depression, effectively accompanies strict long-term diets, reducing their adverse effects on the body.
  • Wheat is considered a nutritious and healthy product that helps to recharge your batteries and get in shape.

Pumpkin attracts attention with its dietary properties. Nutritionists recommend it for use by people who are fond of proper nutrition and are looking for a tasty, healthy product that would help replenish the missing substances in the body. Thus, pumpkin not only enhances the beneficial properties of millet grain, but also complements them with other properties.

  • The composition of pumpkin is characterized by a high content of minerals, including potassium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the human skeletal system, strengthening it. This vegetable is especially important for growing and elderly organisms.
  • Vitamin K is considered very rare and its content in pumpkin is much higher than in other popular vegetables. It has a positive effect on the human circulatory system, as well as the digestive tract.
  • Especially cereals with pumpkin are useful for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and need to stabilize the level of cholesterol in the body.

No particular harmful properties were observed for millet porridge with pumpkin, however, it is not recommended to eat it often for those who suffer from constipation and acute forms of gastric diseases.

Popular Recipes

Porridges cooked on water are considered dietary. The following porridge recipe is common, for which you will need:

  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • millet peeled - 1 cup;
  • water - 700 ml;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

The cooking process is quite simple and does not take much time.

  1. Sort and rinse millet under running water 3-4 times. Put in a dish with thick walls, pour boiling water for 5 minutes to make the future porridge softer, and cover with a lid.
  2. Separate the pulp from the pumpkin, rinse and cut into small cubes or strips - depending on the preferences of the cook.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and chopped pumpkin. Bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, add millet to the pumpkin. Boil porridge for 20-25 minutes until fully cooked. After a couple of minutes, add sugar, turn off the heat and cover tightly. Leave for 10 minutes.

The finished dish is served hot. Butter can be added for a richer flavor and texture.

Also, such porridge can be cooked in a slow cooker in the “porridge” mode, after putting out the pumpkin.

For children, the following recipe will be more to your liking. To prepare it, you need ingredients such as:

  • pumpkin pulp - 350 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • millet - 250 g;
  • fresh apples - 2 medium or 1 large;
  • salt, sugar, cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking a dish in the oven.

  1. Sort the millet thoroughly, rinse and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel pumpkin and apples and cut into small pieces. Put in a baking dish, pre-mixed with sugar, salt and cinnamon.
  3. Put the millet on top of the container. To fill with water. Cover the container with a lid or foil and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes.

Serve the porridge hot, stirring in advance. Also, this dish can be cooked in separate pots and served immediately in them, adding honey to the porridge.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Yield - 8 servings.

Calorie content: 100 g of porridge contains 70 kcal.

From such a tasty and healthy vegetable as pumpkin, you can cook many wonderful dishes. One of the simplest and most common is pumpkin porridge. Rice or millet is usually used as the basis. To enrich the taste, various additives are also added - dried fruits, fruits or berries. Try to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in milk with raisins and apples. And for those who do not tolerate milk or observe fasting, we recommend making millet porridge with pumpkin on water, the recipe with a photo is described step by step below. It turns out nutritious and fragrant, although not too high-calorie, and you can cook it either in the oven or in a slow cooker.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin on water in the oven

First you need to pick up all the products that you need to make dietary pumpkin porridge with millet on the water. It is advisable to choose a pumpkin sweet (usually this variety has a bright orange color of the pulp), and apples - sweet and sour. If desired, in addition to cinnamon, you can also add vanillin or vanilla sugar. With the amount of sugar that is indicated in the list of ingredients, the dish turns out to be a little sweet, so those with a sweet tooth can put a little more.

Cooking must begin with the preparation of millet. It should be sorted out, removing random debris and black grains, and then washed several times with warm water, then pour boiling water and hold for about 15 minutes. This must be done in order to remove the bitterness from the cereal.

While the millet is steaming, you need to prepare the pumpkin and apples. To do this, you need to peel them from the peel and seeds, and then cut into small cubes of approximately the same size.

Mix sugar with cinnamon. Put the pumpkin with apples in a baking dish of a suitable size (preferably with a lid) and sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar. By the way, you can use several clay pots to prepare this dish. In this case, all components must be evenly spread out in pots.

Drain the water from the millet and put it on top of the apple-pumpkin mixture. Pour everything with water so that it slightly covers the millet. If you want to get a thinner porridge, you can pour a little more water. Add some salt. If you are using pots, please note that they cannot be filled to the very top.

Cover the container with a lid. If not, then you can cover the top with foil. Put the porridge in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and cook for half an hour. If desired, you can add a little oil to the finished dish: either butter or sunflower (refined), if the porridge is lean.

Serve it only hot or warm. Before you start laying it out in portions, you need to mix the porridge. You can offer jam or liquid honey to it.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin on water in a slow cooker

Prepare millet, pumpkin and apples as described above. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter or refined sunflower oil. Put pumpkin and apples in it, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon or vanilla. Put millet on top and pour water so that it covers a layer of millet by 0.5-1 cm. Pour a little salt and place the bowl in the slow cooker.

Select the program "Milk porridge" in the menu and set the timer for 30 minutes. After a beep, you need to mix and evaluate its consistency. If it seems watery, you can leave it in the "Heating" mode for 15 minutes.

We wish you bon appetit!

Calories: 0
Cooking time: 35

Watch how delicious and healthy millet porridge with pumpkin is prepared on the water. A recipe with a photo step by step, according to which you can easily and simply prepare delicious millet porridge with nutmeg pumpkin and spices. This dish is suitable for a vegetarian menu, it can be prepared during Lent. If you are not on a strict diet, then you can season the dish with a teaspoon of granulated sugar and a piece of high-quality butter. It turns out very tasty and
It will take 35 minutes to prepare, 3 servings will be obtained from the indicated ingredients.


- millet - 180 gr.;
- filtered water - 350 ml;
- Muscat pumpkin - 200 gr.;
- olive oil - 10 ml;
- nutmeg - 1/4 pcs.;
- ground cinnamon - 3 gr.;
- salt;
- sesame seeds.

How to cook at home

Pour the cereal into a bowl, pour cold water. Rinse the millet several times until the water is completely clear.

We throw the cereal on a sieve, let the water drain.

Pour the washed millet into a small saucepan with a thick bottom, add cold filtered water and 1/2 teaspoon of table salt.
We put the saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Then reduce the heat to a minimum, close the pan with a lid tightly. We cook 20 minutes.

While millet is cooking, prepare the vegetable. For this recipe, it is better to take a butternut squash with bright orange dense pulp. Cut off the peel, remove the seed bag with seeds.

We cut the vegetable into cubes measuring 1.5x1.5 centimeters, put in a bowl, pour over with high-quality extra virgin olive oil.
We heat the pan with non-stick coating, fry the pumpkin cubes for 7-8 minutes until golden brown.

5 minutes before readiness, put pieces of pumpkin on millet, pour ground cinnamon, rub nutmeg on a fine grater.
Close the pan tightly with a lid again, cook for another 5 minutes, remove from heat, wrap with a towel.

We spread the porridge from the pan, mix gently. If the diet allows, season with a small piece of butter.

Serve hot, sprinkle with black sesame seeds and decorate with fresh herbs. You can also cook this for breakfast.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

Looking for a quick, tasty and low-calorie meal? See our signature family recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin on the water, as well as step-by-step photos and video recipes.

40 min

150 kcal

5/5 (2)

Recently, I was surprised to find that even very popular cooking sites have few good recipes for lean and low-calorie dishes. What to do, our people do not respect “fat-free” products, but what about those who take care of their health, follow a diet or fast? I had to delve into reading my grandmother's recipe book. In it, I was pleased to find an excellent, including a step-by-step process and a photo, a guide to cooking millet porridge with pumpkin on the water.

Having quickly made a trial batch, I realized that I had made the right decision - the porridge quickly and almost imperceptibly disappeared from the table. In the end, I decided that it would be simply criminal to hide such a wonderful dish from the population.
Today I will introduce you to my grandmother's version of a wonderful millet porridge with sweet pumpkin, which your loved ones and guests will definitely like.

Did you know? Many people ask themselves: how is millet porridge with pumpkin useful? To be honest, it is quite easy to calculate the benefits and harms, since millet groats have long been known as a source of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body to function properly. This makes even the simplest porridge with pumpkin on water a valuable low-calorie product that even small children can and should be treated to. As for the negative sides, they can also be present if you have an individual intolerance to this ingredient.

Ingredients and preparation

Kitchen appliances

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin? Let's start with the preparation of the necessary utensils and appliances in this matter. Take:

  • a pan with a non-stick coating with a volume of 950 ml or more;
  • a capacious baking dish (for example, a saucepan or a roasting pan with a lid);
  • 2-3 pieces of gauze with a length of 30 cm;
  • several deep bowls with a volume of 500 to 900 ml;
  • teaspoons;
  • cutting board;
  • tablespoons;
  • measuring utensils or kitchen scales;
  • several linen or cotton towels;
  • colander;
  • the sharpest knife in the kitchen.

In addition to the above, you will definitely need a blender or food processor with a chopper to make your job easier and speed up the cooking time of the porridge.

You will need

The basis:


  • 15 ml sunflower oil.

Did you know? If you wish, you can add various interesting additives to the porridge, which will positively affect the taste and aroma of the finished dish. For example, I often add steamed raisins, candied fruits cut into pieces, as well as soft dried fruits to the standard recipe. In addition, it is best to choose fresher millet, because I strongly do not recommend using old and stale cereals - it will give a very unpleasant aftertaste to your product.

Cooking sequence


  1. Pour the millet into a deep bowl and rinse thoroughly under running water several times.

  2. Then we recline it in a colander covered with gauze, and let it dry a little.

  3. After that, put the millet in a saucepan, pour 200 ml of water and heat it on the stove.

  4. While stirring, bring the mass to a boil and immediately remove the pan from the heat.

  5. Again, put the millet in a colander with gauze, drain the liquid and dry the porridge.
  6. Cut the pumpkin in half, rinse thoroughly, remove all seeds and peel.

  7. After that, cut it into fairly large pieces with a sharp knife.

  8. Place the sliced ​​pumpkin in a blender or food processor.

  9. At a fairly high speed, grind the pumpkin pulp for about 3 minutes.

  10. Drain the resulting juice with a colander and gauze.

    Important! Beginners may have questions about how to properly cook millet mass for porridge with pumpkin at the first stage. I answer: you don’t need to boil it, your job is to heat the water with the cereal until bubbles appear and do not stir it. Such heat treatment of millet will help your future porridge to bake better in the oven and not stick to the mold.


Made! Now you know how to cook the perfect, delicious millet porridge with pumpkin and you can delight your family and friends with this extremely healthy dish at any time.