How to cook croutons from a loaf with egg and milk. Delicious croutons from a long loaf with an egg

30.09.2019 Egg dishes

According to the classic (and rather ancient recipe), croutons are a completely unpretentious dish, prepared from "half-eaten" supplies. It could be stale bread, a piece of dried cheese, salt, sour milk, sometimes tomatoes and a bit of smoked meat.

However, today the recipe for toast has acquired a fairly specific form, although, as before, it involves the use of products from among those that were lying around in the kitchen.

Classic recipe

When mastering this or that dish, you always need to follow the classic (basic) recipe, and only after practicing it several times, start experimenting.

  1. Loaf slices (can be replaced with white bread) - 8 pcs.;
  2. Vegetable oil (on which croutons will be fried) - 3 tablespoons;
  3. Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  4. Milk (fat content 3.5%) - 1 cup (200-250 ml);
  5. Salt and sugar - at your discretion.

Calorie content (per 100 g): approximately 235 kcal.

Cooking croutons from a loaf with egg and milk step by step. First of all, you need to put on a small fire a frying pan, lubricated from the inside with oil, so that during the preparation of the bread, it has time to warm up.

Then you can use sliced ​​loaf or bread for toast, or you can cut the loaf yourself. This takes into account the thickness of one slice: thin ones will dry better and be crispy, while thick ones will retain a soft layer between the fried sides.

When the bread is cut, you should choose a container in which it would be convenient to dip the bread slices. Eggs are driven into this container, and then they are beaten with a mixer, whisk or fork until smooth.

After, without stopping to stir the egg mass a little, milk is poured into the container, and also salted or sweetened to your taste.

The bread slice is properly soaked in the prepared mixture, that is, it must be completely dipped into it. Excessively stale or thick pieces should be kept in the container for about 20 seconds. Otherwise, 5 seconds will suffice.

The processed slices of bread are carefully laid out on an already heated frying pan. Of course, it will not be possible to lay out everything at once, so it is better not to dip all the pieces at once, but as needed.

The slices are fried for 2-3 minutes each, on both sides. A golden crust should appear on both sides.

To lay out the first ready-made croutons, you will need a plate lined with paper napkins. They absorb oil well and save the dish from excess fat.

Recipe for cheese toasts with milk and eggs

If you want to add a little piquancy to the taste of ordinary croutons, then you can try the recipe with cheese.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  1. Long loaf (can be replaced with white bread) - 200 g;
  2. Milk - 1 tbsp. (200-250 ml);
  3. Butter - 20 g;
  4. Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  5. Hard cheese (pre-rub) - 20 g.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calories: 274 kcal.

How to fry cheese croutons with egg and milk? When all the ingredients are prepared, the bread is cut into cubes 1x1 cm in size. After that, a mixture of beaten eggs and milk is prepared in a separate container.

If the cheese has not been grated beforehand, then it will need to be grated after the mixture is prepared.

When the “cheese crumble” is ready, you can dip the bread cubes in the milk-egg mixture, and then sprinkle them with cheese.

Butter is heated in a frying pan. Bread cubes are laid out on a heated frying pan.

The bread is toasted over medium heat until browned (about 2-3 minutes).

After that, cheese croutons are ready to eat.

How to cook croutons in the oven

You can cook croutons with milk and an egg in the oven for any meal and it will always be appropriate. Usually, cooking a dish in the oven involves adding ingredients that are located on only one side of the toast (in the form of a sandwich). In such cases, cooking croutons in the oven allows you not to violate the integrity of the structure.

Ingredients: Depending on the chosen recipe, i.e. any of the recipes above will work.

Calorie content: depending on the chosen recipe.

First of all, you just need to prepare the croutons according to any recipe that suits you. In parallel with the preparation of croutons, the oven must be heated (up to 220 ° C).

When the preliminary steps are completed, croutons are laid out on a baking sheet greased with a thin layer of oil, and the baking sheet itself is placed in the oven for 5 minutes. The toasts do not turn over.

After the set time, the croutons can be served on the table.

It is noteworthy: croutons in the oven are juicier and tastier than usual, regardless of the recipe chosen.

Sweet croutons recipe

Egg and milk croutons can be savory or sweet to your liking. To sweeten the treat, you just need to add more sugar to the milk-egg mixture. Below is one of the options for preparing sweet croutons.

  1. Slices of dried white bread - 8 pcs.;
  2. Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  3. Milk - 1 tbsp. (200-250 ml);
  4. Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  5. Salt - to taste (but a little, otherwise it will kill the sweetness);
  6. Cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  7. Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  8. Butter - 20 g;
  9. Powdered sugar - at your discretion (required for sprinkling).

Calorie content: up to 300 kcal.

How to make sweet croutons with egg and milk? First of all, the egg is beaten with milk, sugar, salt and cinnamon.

If there are no ready-made slices of dried white bread, then you can cut the bread yourself into slices of 1.5 cm thick.

The bread rolls are dipped in the prepared mixture and laid out on a greased and preheated frying pan.

Slices of bread are fried on both sides until a crust appears and laid out on a plate.

Ready-made slices are smeared with butter and sprinkled with powder. After that, the dish is ready to eat.

There are several other ways to make croutons sweeter:

  1. You can use banana instead of eggs. Bananas mashed with milk give a good thickness and are suitable for dipping slices of bread in them, and at the exit they give a sweet taste and a pleasant aroma;
  2. You can add sweets after cooking the croutons. To do this, you just need to pour the toast with sweet syrup, spread with fruit jam (preferably sweet and sour) or dip in condensed milk;
  3. You can also add vanillin to the dipping mixture, which focuses on the sweetness of the dish.

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Recipes for delicious salads are quick and tasty - you can cook them at least every day.

  • most suitable for cooking is stale, dried bread, which, when tasting, does not seem underdone inside;
  • the oil is heated in a pan before frying, this prevents the egg-milk mixture used to dip the bread from spreading;
  • in addition, there should not be a lack of oil (it threatens to burn the dish) or its excess (the treat will come out too fatty to taste);
  • instead of vegetable oil, you can use butter, which gives a more delicate taste (but, at the same time, multiplies the number of calories);
  • if necessary, milk can be replaced with kefir, cream or an additional egg;
  • also, instead of milk, you can use sour cream, but not necessarily sour;
  • to make egg and milk loaf croutons more satisfying, and their crust more crispy, you will need to grate a little hard cheese.

Sweet croutons

Sometimes it happens that after the departure of the guests there are a lot of sliced ​​\u200b\u200blong loaves, or there are rolls left after shish kebabs, and you urgently need to use the excess bread somewhere! Drying crackers in recent years is not a very popular activity. Although, you can make crackers. And then soak them in sweet tea. Or bake bread charlotte - recipe.

And you can fry the toast. That is - croutons (with an emphasis on the last syllable). These toasted pieces of bread, in our case, dipped in sweet lezon, are not properly called toasts (that is, implying that they are feminine, for example: 1 toast), but toasts (from the word toast, singular, masculine).

It is difficult to get used to such an accent. If you are confused to correctly pronounce the word croutons, replace croutons with a consonant word forestOk(small forest) or blade. And decline in cases. The ending of these similar masculine words and the stress in cases and forms of the singular and plural will be the same (to the line - to the blade - to the toast, about the lines - about the blades - about the toast, etc.).

It is difficult to get used to such an accent. If you are confused to correctly pronounce the word croutons, replace croutons with the consonant word lesok (small forest). And decline in cases. The ending of these similar masculine words and the stress in cases and forms of the singular and plural will be the same (to the line - to the toast, about the lines - about the toast, etc.).

Fried croutons

In general, no matter how you call this delicious toasted bread, sweet croutons are loved by everyone - both children and adults! They are convenient to cook and as a cheap and very tasty treat in haste for unexpected guests.

For croutons, you can take both fresh and stale white bread (buns, loaves). Black bread is also suitable for sweet croutons, but this is not for everybody. It seems to me that black rye bread is better to use for salty hot sandwiches. Or just eat it with fragrant sunflower oil and salt!

What to make sweet croutons

  • White loaf (regular, made from wheat flour) - 1.5 pieces (25 slices);
  • Milk (or kefir) - 0.5 liters;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla sugar (optional, optional) - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - a small pinch (1/4 teaspoon);
  • Vegetable oil for frying - about 1 cup

How to fry sweet croutons

    Cut the loaf into slices (about 1.5 cm thick). This is the ideal size for croutons, which is how thick bread is cut at the bakery.

    Beat eggs with sugar (simple and vanilla) and salt. Add milk (or kefir) and mix well. The sugar should dissolve.

    Dip the banana slices into the egg-milk mixture for a few seconds. It is not necessary to overexpose, the pieces of the roll should not fall apart.

    Then, put the wet slices on a wide plate so that excess milk is glassed from them.
    Heat the oil in a frying pan (1 cm layer). Croutons actively absorb oil, therefore - remember that with each new portion of croutons you need to add oil.

    Fry the croutons over medium heat on both sides until browned. Croutons cook quickly, so it is better not to go far from the stove.

Croutons in a frying pan

Delicious homemade croutons for tea

Delicious, juicy and sweet croutons

How to replace milk or kefir in a toast lezon

If you don’t have milk or kefir, you can take fermented baked milk, bifidok, natural yogurt, sour cream (thinner), snowball (then don’t add sugar, and it will be so sweet).

All thick fermented milk products can be slightly diluted with water, otherwise the sweet sauce will not be enough for all the bread - the thick one will stick to the slices in greater quantities.

If there is nothing dairy and sour-milk at home, then you can simply add water to the croutons in the lezon, but its taste, of course, will be poorer. Then at least fry in butter or ghee (if there is such oil, it’s not a pity).

Sweet croutons are delicious and simple homemade food in a hurry. Cook fast. eat tasty! Enjoy your meal!

Enjoy your meal!

If the usual sandwiches are already tired, then croutons from a long loaf will come to the rescue. What is this dish? These are slices of bread fried in a pan with the addition of other ingredients. You can make them sweet. Then it will be a great addition to tea. You can make salty or even spicy croutons. This will be a very spicy snack that can be served at the festive table. How to prepare croutons for each occasion? We will talk about this below.

First cooking option

Sweet loaf croutons are the perfect solution for breakfast. This is a great alternative to boring scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs. Everyone likes the sweet version of the dish. He will bring adults back to childhood, and children will most likely like it, and they will not need to be persuaded for hours to have breakfast.

For their preparation, you will need the following products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • one loaf;
  • 5 st. spoons of sugar;
  • oil (to fry the croutons).

cooking process

The loaf should be cut into slices about one and a half cm thick. Mix eggs with milk and beat together. Put the slices into the resulting mixture. In this case, you need to observe the measure. The pieces should not become sour in the mixture, but soak in it. Put the resulting slices in a heated pan with vegetable oil and fry well on one side and the other until a crust appears. Sprinkle the prepared croutons with sugar, and before serving, you can add jam or jam to them.

Another variant

Now consider the recipe for croutons from a long loaf with sausage. For such a dish, you will need the following components:

  • 12 slices of a loaf;
  • boiled sausage - 200 g;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • hard cheese (about 100 g).
  • salt;
  • dill;
  • vegetable oil.


How to cook croutons from a loaf with sausage? Now let's talk in detail. You need to beat the eggs, adding a little salt. Grind cheese and sausage on a fine grater, mix. Heat up a frying pan by pouring oil into it. Pour milk into a plate, dip bread in it and fry a little in a pan. When the croutons on one side are covered with a delicious crust, turn over to the next. Then we spread the mass obtained on a grater, evenly distributing it over each toast. Then cover with a lid and wait a couple more minutes. After cooking, the product should be sprinkled with dill and can be served.

Cheese croutons

Now we will tell you the recipe for croutons from a loaf with cheese. What is needed for this:

  • 12 slices of a loaf;
  • 12 pieces of cheese 4 mm thick;
  • one egg;
  • butter and vegetable oils (one tablespoon each);
  • salt to taste.

How to cook?

It is necessary to beat the egg with three tablespoons of water and a pinch of salt. Melt a spoonful of butter over low heat. Then add vegetable matter to it. Dip each slice of loaf individually into the resulting batter and fry until a crust appears. After the slices turn and immediately put the cheese on the hot side. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for a few more minutes, after which you can already serve. These croutons are best eaten immediately while they are still hot.

Cooking option for sweet tooth

Now we will tell you how to make delicious croutons from a loaf. You will need:

  • 8 slices of a loaf;
  • condensed milk (about 200 gr.);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 art. spoons of water;
  • frying oil.

How to do?

It is necessary to beat the eggs in the usual way, add water and condensed milk. Dip the loaf slices into the mixture, remembering that they should be soaked, not dissolved in it. After that, fry on both sides in a pan.

Another delicious breakfast

Now we will tell you how to make croutons from a loaf with egg, jam and milk.
For cooking you will need:

  • 10 slices of a loaf;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of milk;
  • jam, nutmeg, cinnamon and butter (to taste).

cooking process

Take half the slices of a loaf and cover each on one side evenly with jam. Top with the second piece of loaf. Mix eggs with milk, add nutmeg and cinnamon. We dip the prepared “sandwiches” from the loaf and jam into the resulting mixture, fry them on both sides in a preheated frying pan.

Recipe for croutons from a loaf with garlic

We will need:

  • one loaf;
  • 100 g of mayonnaise;
  • boiled eggs (3 pcs.);
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • pickled cucumber;
  • 1 can of sprats;
  • frying oil.

How to cook?

It is necessary to cut the loaf into thin slices and put in a frying pan for frying. You need to do this until a golden crust appears. Dip the garlic in salt and rub the croutons from the loaf with it. Eggs and cucumber cut into slices of small thickness. On each toast we put a circle of eggs, a cucumber and a medium-sized sprat. If desired, such croutons are also decorated with greens.

Non-standard recipe with potatoes

To make potato wedges, you will need the following ingredients:

  • half a loaf;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 3-4 medium potatoes,
  • salt, pepper, cilantro or parsley (your choice);
  • a little flour.

How to cook?

It is necessary to rub the potatoes on a fine grater and add additives to them (cilantro, salt, red pepper). Next, you need to cut the loaf into pieces, dip each in milk. Spread potatoes evenly on each slice of loaf, press down a little with a fork so that the filling does not fall off, and sprinkle flour on top.

Then put slices of bread in a hot pan in heated oil so that the potatoes are on top. When the bottom is ready (covered with a crust), you need to let the potatoes fry, but you need to do this carefully and make sure that the filling and the loaf do not separate.


This is how croutons from a loaf are prepared. Everything is very simple, but delicious. Enjoy your meal!

As a rule, we can spend quite a bit of time preparing breakfast. And so I want the meal in the morning to be complete and give a charge of vivacity at least until lunch. What can you cook for breakfast so as not to lose precious minutes and please your family?

The most popular quick breakfasts are omelettes, pancakes, oatmeal or simple sandwiches. But all this is so disgusting that I want to treat myself to something new and interesting. Just to cook it so that you can feed your family deliciously and have time to put everyone in order before going to work, kindergarten or school?

The answer is simple: fry sweet croutons! Delicious, tender and, most importantly, simply made with lightning speed!

So, we allocate 5 minutes and march to the kitchen, prepare breakfast sweet croutons!


  1. French loaf or any white bread (the amount depends on the composition of your family, half a loaf was used in this recipe);
  2. milk or cream (1 glass);
  3. 1 large domestic egg;
  4. 2 tbsp. l. with a slide of powdered sugar or ½ tbsp. granulated sugar;
  5. 100-200 g butter or margarine;
  6. Powdered sugar, sour cream and jam for serving.


Sweet croutons - cooking with step by step photos.

Long loaf for making sweet croutons, cut into circles about 1-1.5 cm. If you do not have a loaf - do not despair! Cut any white bread into slices and squeeze circles out of it with a wide glass.

Whisk vigorously until the mixture doubles in size.

Pour milk or cream into the egg mixture in a thin stream.

Mix well again.

We soak slices of loaf or circles of bread in our resulting batter.

Let them soak for 3-5 minutes. At this time, put the pan on the fire, put the butter there and heat it.

Squeeze out the bread and put it on the pan.

Fry until golden brown, about 3 minutes on each side. If it seems to you that the croutons are starting to burn, then add a little more butter.

We spread the finished croutons on a plate and proceed to the next batch. Soak the bread again and fry it in a pan.

We give the finished croutons time to cool a little so that they can be taken by hand.

Sprinkle some powdered sugar on a plate. Dip a circle of toast first with one side in powder,

Then another.

Arrange the croutons in portions on plates. To eat enough, three croutons are enough for one person.

And now we pour jam on the croutons, make tea and have breakfast!


You can also serve sweet croutons with sour cream.


You can add poppy seeds, sesame seeds or ground walnuts to the batter;

If you soak the croutons for 10 minutes and then fry them over low heat, then your loved ones will never guess that this is ordinary bread; croutons will look like a biscuit;

Instead of jam, you can pour honey on the croutons;

You can serve such croutons with melted chocolate in a water bath or microwave;

If instead of powdered sugar, add salt, curry seasoning and chopped greens to the batter, then you will have an excellent preparation for sandwiches.

If you have ever been to France, then you certainly tried to try many traditional dishes. In the land of love for breakfast, sweet bread croutons are often served. Today we will learn how to give a stale bakery product a second life.

Subtleties of French cuisine

Today we will try to answer the question of how to make sweet croutons from a loaf. Toasted baked goods make a great addition to breakfast, and if you add a few ingredients, such as cream cheese or jam, then croutons can already be safely called a complete dish.

Even a child can make sweet croutons from a long loaf with a sweet egg, because in order to fry bread in a pan, you do not need to be a qualified culinary specialist. As such, there are no secrets to their preparation. But before we look at the recipes for sweet loaf toast, let's pay attention to the following culinary subtleties:

  • To prepare croutons, you can take a sliced ​​loaf and stale bread.
  • You need to grind the bread in uniform pieces so that it does not fall apart during the process of frying and soaking.
  • In order to give croutons juiciness and a creamy taste, it is recommended to soak them in a milk-egg mixture.
  • Before frying, croutons can be dipped in an egg mass with the addition of granulated sugar. To make the mass homogeneous, replace the granulated sugar with powdered sugar.
  • So that the croutons do not break when frying, put them in a colander or sieve after soaking. So we get rid of excess fluid.
  • Sweet loaf croutons with milk can be prepared in the form of sandwiches with the addition of your favorite jam, jam, cream cheese.
  • Do you want to surprise your family members? Prepare croutons with vanilla, cinnamon powder, nutmeg, citrus zest, cocoa powder.
  • You need to fry the croutons in a hot frying pan with a small addition of refined sunflower oil.
  • After frying, spread the croutons on paper napkins. This procedure will allow us to get rid of excess oil.
  • Croutons can be baked in the oven. The optimal temperature regime is 110-120°, and the duration of heat treatment is 5-7 minutes.

In the footsteps of French chefs

As already mentioned, sweet croutons are one of the popular dishes that the French serve for breakfast. The taste of such a dish will be emphasized by the aroma of brewed coffee. Now we will tell you how to cook sweet croutons from a loaf. To make your household pleasantly surprised and croutons become their favorite treat, add citrus zest and vanilla.


  • loaf or bread;
  • 0.2 l of milk;
  • ½ tsp vanilla;
  • citrus zest to taste;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar or powder;
  • 0.5 l cream;
  • 2 pcs. chicken eggs.


  1. We will not deviate from tradition and start by preparing the necessary ingredients. The loaf can be used fresh or slightly stale.
  2. We drive eggs into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar.
  3. Beat the egg and sugar mixture well. She should be white.
  4. Grate the lemon zest and add it to the egg-sugar mass.
  5. Now add milk and cream alternately.
  6. Once again with a mixer or blender, beat everything thoroughly until smooth.

  7. We cut the banana. Each piece can be cut in half if desired.
  8. In the prepared creamy mass lay out the pieces of the loaf.
  9. Soak the loaf for 2-3 minutes. If you use fresh bread, then soak it for no more than 1 minute, otherwise it will turn into gruel.
  10. As soon as the bread softens, put it in a colander or sieve to drain excess liquid.
  11. In refined sunflower oil, fry the croutons evenly on both sides until golden brown.

Delicious bread dessert

The first meal should be complete, because it is from breakfast that we draw the maximum energy and benefit. If ordinary croutons are already boring for you, try making simple, but at the same time fragrant and very tasty sandwiches. As a filling, you can use any jam, marmalade or confiture. And cottage cheese or processed cheese will give croutons a creamy taste and softness.


  • 10 pieces of stale loaf;
  • cottage cheese or processed cheese to taste;
  • jam, jam or confiture - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower oil;
  • 70 ml of milk.
