Caprese salad: recipes. Caprese salad with tomatoes and mozzarella

02.02.2024 Egg dishes

Caprese is an Italian light appetizer that is usually served before pasta (pasta, spaghetti, etc.). It is not for nothing that this salad is rightfully considered the calling card of the country, because the colors in the dish are almost identical to the colors of the Italian flag: green, white and red.

Caprese salad is made from the best mozzarella cheese, ripe and juicy tomatoes, sprinkled with the best olive oil, spices and salt, and garnished with basil leaves!


  • 1 large ball of mozzarella cheese
  • 1-2 large tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • fresh basil
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 1 pinch of herbs.


1. Rinse the tomatoes in water and cut into slices, cutting off the green stem in the middle. For the salad, you can use any variety of tomatoes: red, yellow, black, etc. Carefully cut the mozzarella into circles of the same size. If you don’t have such cheese on hand, you can easily replace it with feta (brynza) or ricotta.

2. Place the tomato and cheese slices on a plate, alternating them with each other, and garnish with fresh basil leaves. Often the salad is served in the form of a ring or a wreath to make the dish more attractive.

3. Salt the salad, pour olive oil and sprinkle with a pinch of herbs. If you don’t have olive oil on hand, replace it with sunflower, vegetable or sesame oil.

4. Serve the salad immediately before the tomatoes and cheese absorb the aromatic oil. Caprese is especially tasty with freshly baked baguette or black bread.

Note to the hostess

1. Black Prince - unusually beautiful tomatoes of a dark burgundy color with a carmine tint. And there are also amber-yellow tomatoes, pale and deep pink, amaranth and bright red. Multi-colored slices interspersed with slabs of snow-white cheese will create a stunning palette. It’s probably worth walking around the market aisles longer and looking for different varieties of fruit to make Caprese so attractive. The main thing is not to buy too large specimens, because cutting in the form of small rings looks more aristocratic.

2. Fennel, borage and kupir are a harmonious trio of herbs that are often packaged together and sold in grocery departments. For some reason, many people believe that the fragrant composition made from these plants is intended only for roasts, or, in extreme cases, for first courses with poultry or meat. In fact, the range of uses of such a spice is much wider. By interacting with the sour juice of chopped vegetables, it will demonstrate how pleasant its taste is.

3. It is known that none of the wines are eaten as a snack, but certain dishes are still served with them. It is appropriate to make “Caprese” if you plan to offer guests muscat, sherry, port, that is, something strong and sweet. Vermouths also fall into this category.

The relatively small island of Capri has given the world a lot of useful things. For example, the famous short trousers, which bear the same name, appeared precisely thanks to the sailors of this island. In addition, the famous caprese salad comes from there, which is offered to gourmets in almost every restaurant in different cities.

Classic recipe

It's easy to remember what caprese looks like and is made. The classic recipe consists of products of three colors according to the color of the Italian flag: white, red, green. Thus, it uses mozzarella, tomatoes and basil, respectively. In the classic version, they take mozzarella from black buffalo milk and tomatoes, which in our region are most often called ground tomatoes. They are meaty and contain a minimal amount of moisture.

The original version uses only tomatoes with mozzarella and basil. The recipe calls for olive oil, pepper and salt as a dressing. However, if you look at the ingredients in most restaurants, they will often use pesto and balsamic vinegar. In many ways they do improve the taste, but there is another reason.

Over time, the dish became international, that is, they began to use not only ingredients from Italy, but also from the country where the salad is made. If you yourself have compared, for example, tomatoes from a market in Italy and a market in Russia, then you understand what we are talking about: Mediterranean products are much tastier. They don't require any sauce, and with the addition of natural and flavorful butter, freshly ground pepper and warm bread, it's enough to taste great.

In other regions, the use of rich pesto and balsamic vinegar is very popular. To prepare pesto sauce you will need:

  • 10 g Pecorino;
  • 40 g Permesan;
  • 100 milliliters of olive oil;
  • 80 fresh basil;
  • two tablespoons of pine nuts;
  • two cloves of garlic.

Garlic, pine nuts and basil are pounded in a mortar until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, then cheeses are added and mixed with butter. It can also be used with modern technologies. To do this, garlic, nuts and basil are crushed in a blender and then mixed with cheeses and butter.

Don't be scared by strange names of cheeses; they are available in many supermarkets. You can also use any hard cheese.

After the sauce is ready, follow these steps:

  • Tomatoes and mozzarella are cut into slices and placed on a plate, also alternating in a circle, slightly overlapping the edges;
  • fresh basil is used to decorate the dish on top;
  • pour pesto sauce and add two strips of balsamic vinegar.

You can also use plain butter with pepper and salt. But ideally, it is better to take cold-pressed and the most natural.

What is a caprese salad? The recipe is classic - tomatoes with mozzarella and pesto sauce, complemented by fresh basil. But there are a lot of options when, using the original ingredients and a little imagination, amazing salad options appear.

In the form of canapés

As you might guess, the peculiarity here is the use of mini size ingredients. For this recipe you will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • basil leaves;
  • small mozzarella balls.

Mozzarella should be found in small balls, but large balls cut into quarters can also be used. However, you will need cherry tomatoes or very small ones, for example, fingers.

To hold the components together, toothpicks are used. The canapés are connected in the following sequence (from bottom to top):

  • half a cherry tomato;
  • the bottom of a basil leaf;
  • a ball (or half) of cheese;
  • the top of a basil leaf.

Optionally, the second half of the tomato can be used on top; the leaf should be placed in the shape of a sail to make the dish look more attractive.

The salad should be sprinkled with a small amount of oil. A small amount of pesto can also be used and added to the bottom.

Caprese with nut pesto

This is everyone's favorite caprese salad, but in a unique interpretation with nut pesto. Required ingredients:

For the sauce, puree the nuts, garlic, oil and basil with a pinch of salt in a blender or food processor. Once you have a smooth mixture, mix in the grated Parmesan.

Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into thin slices and place them, alternating, in a wide dish. Top with walnut sauce, garnish with basil and serve.

Hot salad

Required ingredients:

Tomatoes are cut into circles 1 cm thick. Mozzarella is cut into circles and slightly dried. Finely chop the olives.

Basil leaves are cut, some are used for decoration. Place columns of lettuce on a baking sheet, alternating tomatoes, salt, pepper, mozzarella, olives, and basil. You need to make unique towers from three pieces of tomatoes and three pieces of mozzarella. Pour oil and bake for 5 minutes at 180 degrees.

The salad placed in plates is poured with balsamic vinegar and decorated with basil leaves.

Required ingredients:

The tomatoes are washed, dried a little, then chopped and placed in a suitable dish. The tofu is soaked in water for ten minutes, then dried and cut into slices, which are placed between the tomatoes.

In a food processor, combine the basil with olive oil and lemon juice. Tomatoes and tofu are seasoned with sauce. The salad is decorated with olives and served.

With cherry tomatoes

Required ingredients:

Drain the mozzarella, cut the cheese into cubes and place in a bowl. Add finely chopped tomatoes, chopped basil leaves and olives.

Season with salt and olive oil, stir thoroughly and serve immediately.

There are original tips on how to make caprese style pizza. To do this, you need to take a ready-made mold or prepare the dough yourself. The filling uses mozzarella, which melts perfectly, and chopped tomatoes; the sauce is made from butter and chopped basil with pepper and salt.

After the dish has baked a little in the oven, you should add a little basil on top, and pesto can be used to finish, but only after the dish is completely baked. This original option will delight many lovers of cooking and delicious food.

Attention, TODAY only!

The Italian Caprese salad got its name in honor of the island of Capri. It consists of three ingredients symbolizing the Italian flag. These are red tomatoes, white mozzarella and green basil leaves.

Caprese can be served not only as a salad - on a flat dish. There are many different options. Place slices of cheese and tomato on a piece of crispy toast, top with dressing and sprinkle with basil. A fairly popular option in the form of towers made from three main ingredients. Sometimes cherry tomatoes, mozzarella and basil leaves are strung on skewers to create an original appetizer. All these options make it possible to perfectly diversify your menu, serving Caprese each time in an unusual and impressive way.

In the classic version, the salad is dressed with delicious olive oil. The salad is prepared very quickly, just ten minutes and the dish is ready! This salad is simply irreplaceable when you need to prepare a delicious appetizer for the holiday menu.


  • Mozzarella – 500 g
  • Basil (green) – several sprigs with large leaves
  • Olive oil (tasty, aromatic) – 3 tbsp.


  1. For Caprese, choose tomatoes that are ripe, but not too soft. Wash fresh tomatoes, dry and cut into neat slices.
  2. Remove the mozzarella from the brine, dry and cut into slices the same thickness as the tomatoes.
  3. Wash the basil sprigs and dry. If possible, use a dehydrator for vegetables and herbs. Tear off its leaves from the stem.
  4. Place the tomatoes, mozzarella and basil leaves on a flat plate.
  5. Salt and pepper the salad. For best flavor, it is advisable to use freshly ground black pepper. Drizzle the salad with the highest quality, cold-pressed olive oil. Serve the salad immediately as the tomatoes should not release any juice.

Caprese recipe with pesto sauce

Chefs often use pesto sauce for Caprese salad. It consists of olive oil, green basil, garlic, Parmesan and pine nuts. Pesto sauce complements this salad perfectly, giving it a delicious taste.


  • Basil (green) – 1 bunch
  • Tomatoes (medium size) – 3 pcs.
  • Mozzarella – 500 g
  • Olive oil (tasty, aromatic) – 100 ml
  • Parmesan – 20 g
  • Pine nuts – 1 partial tbsp.
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Black pepper, salt - to your taste


  1. Wash fresh tomatoes, dry them, cut into slices.
  2. Remove the mozzarella from the brine, dry thoroughly, then cut into slices. They should be about the same thickness as the tomatoes.
  3. Wash the basil and dry. Tear off its leaves from the stem.
  4. Place tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil leaves alternately on a flat plate.
  5. Pesto sauce requires Parmesan cheese. It is not advisable to replace it with hard cheese, in the Dutch style. This cheese is what gives pesto its amazing flavor. Grate Parmesan.
  6. Peel the garlic, then cut into pieces.
  7. Lightly fry the pine nuts in a dry frying pan.
  8. Place the remaining basil leaves into a blender bowl. Add pine nuts, garlic, and grated Parmesan to the bowl. Pour in half the olive oil. Whisk until you get a sauce, it should not be homogeneous. We recommend that you read our article about.
  9. Lightly salt and pepper the salad, as pesto sauce is quite salty. Drizzle with olive oil.
  10. Drizzle pesto over the top of the salad. It will take less than a tablespoon. Use the remaining pesto sauce for pizza, pasta, salads, etc.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Bon appetit!

Caprese is a popular appetizer in Italian cuisine. One of those called “antipasto” - served before the main dish, pasta. The composition is extremely simple: tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, olive oil. Plus spices and additives that vary the taste. The list of products is not long, you don’t need to cook or bake them, but you can quickly and deliciously prepare a snack dish.

How to make Caprese salad

Italian gourmets love to start their meal with Caprese. This is a dietary snack that looks beautiful, bright, combining red, white, green colors - like on the national flag of Italy. This tricolor is created by tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil - the main components of the snack. It is a pleasure to cook, improving the taste every time. This light salad received the name “Caprese” in honor of the island of Capri. Wonderful tomatoes grow there, which add a unique accent to properly prepared food.

It is important not only to cook well, but to decorate and serve it beautifully. The most common option is a large dish (for several eaters) or a flat plate (for a small feast). But slices of toasted baguette or crispbread are perfect. It’s good to use beautiful skewers, stringing cheese, tomatoes, and herbs on them. You can get creative with antipasti style. The unusually shaped dishes are filled with multi-colored salad components with mozzarella and tomatoes. The appetite is awakened instantly!

Caprese salad recipes

It is not always possible to buy the traditional products necessary for preparing an Italian dish, and the opportunity to experiment is attractive. It's fun to modify the snack. For example, replace mozzarella with other cheeses, and tomatoes can be large, small, red, or yellow. You can create a version with olives, baked peppers, ham, avocado, eggplant, capers, or make a salad with pesto sauce, honey, and nuts. Recipes with photos - how to prepare them step by step - look attractive. The most common is the classic version.

Classic Caprese salad

The freshness of the ingredients in classic Caprese determines its taste and quality. In Italy it is prepared with ox heart tomatoes and original mozzarella. If you were unable to purchase such products in our stores, then you can easily replace them with sweet, fleshy tomatoes grown locally and rennet cheeses - feta, feta cheese, not very salty, with a dense consistency. These include basil, oil, balsamic vinegar.


  • large ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • mozzarella – 200 grams;
  • oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • dark vinegar - 1 tsp.
  • black pepper;
  • fresh basil leaves;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the mozzarella into large slices.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut into pieces.
  3. For the sauce, mix 4 tablespoons of oil with 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
  4. Place cheese slices on a plate, overlapping tomatoes, garnish with green leaves.
  5. Pour over the sauce and pepper.

Caprese Salad with Pesto Sauce

Italian sauce, created by chefs from fresh herbs and high-quality oil, is healthy, famous, and popular. You can learn how to make it yourself by studying recipes with photos. Caprese with Pesto is new original notes in the familiar composition of a classic dish. A nutty dressing will give caprese with pesto a spicy kick. The main components in the recipe remain: tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, they are placed on a serving dish, poured over with sauce, which has a specific green color and a pleasant smell.

Ingredients for the sauce:

  • oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • basil leaves;
  • walnuts or pine nuts, cashews, ideally pine seeds;
  • cheese “Grana Padanno”, “Pecorino” – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the leaves and dry them.
  2. Fry the nut kernels until golden.
  3. Place garlic, cheese, nuts, butter in a blender and beat thoroughly.
  4. Pour green sauce over tomatoes and cheese. Salad ready.

Caprese salad with arugula

The traditional Italian dish, discovered relatively recently by our compatriots, is attractive because with a small amount of ingredients you can radically diversify the taste. This, for example, can be done by the juicy greens of arugula, its spicy nutty-mustard flavor in combination with the usual balsamic vinegar, aromatic herbs, oil and sauce. Caprese with arugula will appeal to lovers of vegetable dishes and will decorate any holiday table.


  • arugula - a large bunch;
  • tomatoes – 3-4 large or 10 small Cherries;
  • mozzarella – 2 large balls;
  • pine nuts - a handful;
  • small red onion;
  • bunch of basil;
  • parmesan for sprinkling;
  • olive oil, balsamic.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the arugula on a flat dish. Drizzle with oil and vinegar.
  2. Cut the onion into small thin rings and place it on the arugula.
  3. Cut the cheese into slices and place on top.
  4. Cut large tomatoes into pieces, small ones - in half, place on cheese.
  5. Sprinkle with pine nuts and basil.
  6. Sprinkle with balsamic, butter, and sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Caprese salad with cherry tomatoes

Mozzarella and cherry tomato salad is a delicious meal available any season. It has few calories, but a lot of vitamins and microelements, so this dish should be on the table as often as possible. Just don’t put mayonnaise in it, which will prevent you from enjoying the light natural taste of fresh food. Only balsamic and olive.


  • mini mozzarella – 100 g;
  • cherry – 6-8 pcs.;
  • basil – 1 sprig;
  • oil – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • Italian dry herbs - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and herbs thoroughly. Cut the cherry in half.
  2. Place mozzarella balls, tomato halves on a flat plate, garnish with green basil. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with spices.
  3. This Caprese can be served on skewers, but the tomatoes must be whole. Serve the pesto separately.

Caprese salad with balsamic vinegar

Italian salad with balsamic dressing has many variations - you can see them in the photo. You can prepare this dressing in advance: cook the vinegar until it becomes viscous, about a quarter of an hour. As it cools, it will become even more concentrated. They are very convenient for dressing any salads, meat, fish dishes, and for Caprese it is simply irreplaceable. But more often they use balsamic vinegar.


  • balsamic - to taste;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • large tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • basil - to taste;
  • mozzarella – 200 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, black pepper - 1 tsp each.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the garlic, mix with salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar.
  2. Add oil, stir.
  3. Let the dressing sit for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Place tomato slices beautifully on a plate and cheese slices on top. Garnish with herbs, pour over dressing.

Caprese salad with seafood

Caprese salad with seafood is a delicious, dietary dish. Shrimp, crabs, lobsters, fish, mussels can easily be combined with the classic version - and this will be a completely new version of your favorite food. You just need to try to make the dressing for it not too rich and spicy, so as not to obscure the taste of seafood. So, to prepare Caprese salad with seafood, you will need a classic set of products, including shrimp and squid.


  • cherry tomatoes – 150 g;
  • mozzarella cheese – 1 package;
  • red onion – 15 g;
  • radish – 20 g;
  • capers – 15 g;
  • basil – 2 g;
  • olive oil – 20 g;
  • balsamic vinegar – 5 g;
  • pesto – 30 g;
  • shrimp – 3 pcs.;
  • peeled squid – 50 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes and capers in half, combine with chopped onions, radishes, basil, salt and pepper.
  2. Season everything with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  3. Fry shrimp and garlic, add squid and herbs at the end.
  4. Coarsely chop the mozzarella.
  5. Place the vegetables in the center of the plate and place mozzarella around the edges.
  6. Garnish with fried seafood and top with Pesto sauce.

Caprese salad is one of the varieties of the world famous cold Italian appetizer - antipasti. It owes its name to the island of Capri, which is part of the province of Naples.

The main classic components of caprese are fresh green basil leaves, soft buffalo mozzarella, red juicy ox heart tomatoes and olive oil. As a substitute, the colors of the ingredients are similar to the flag of Italy, which is very symbolic.

The success of making caprese largely depends on the quality of the cheese, so be especially careful when choosing mozzarella. It should be in brine and without a yellow coating on the surface of the balls. The taste of good mozzarella is soft, juicy and not rubbery.

Since the traditional elements of caprese are not available everywhere, there are many delicious modifications available today. For example, mozzarella made from bovine milk is often replaced with an analogue from cow's milk, cherry or yellow tomatoes can be used, and arugula is used instead of basil in many recipes. In addition, pesto sauce, nuts, avocado, capers and other ingredients are additionally added to the salad.

Let's look at the best recipes for a wonderful caprese salad.

How to make caprese salad - 15 varieties

A simple and delicious traditional recipe for one of the most famous dishes in Italy!


  • Mozzarella ball - 125 gr.
  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Basil - a few fresh sprigs
  • Ground black pepper, salt - to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar, olive oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. Cut ripe fresh tomatoes into slices approximately 10-15 mm thick.
  2. Cut the mozzarella ball into thin slices in the same way
  3. Place the three main components of the salad one by one on the dish: a slice of tomato, basil leaves, a piece of mozzarella, then in the same order.

When serving caprese, you can use it as a classic option, i.e. Place the ingredients around the dish or in a row, and arrange the salad to your taste. The main thing is to follow the caprese principle - alternating the main ingredients.

All that remains is to add salt, pepper and pour the resulting composition with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Classic caprese is ready!

Caprese with the addition of arugula has become quite widespread.


  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Arugula - 30 gr.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 250 gr.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 3 tsp.
  • Bee honey - 2 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - a pinch


  1. First, chop the fresh tomatoes.
  2. We cut the mozzarella in the same way as the tomatoes.
  3. Place arugula leaves in the center of the dish.
  4. Place chopped tomatoes and mozzarella around the arugula in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Mix oil, honey, balsamic vinegar and spices.
  6. Pour the prepared dressing over the caprese with arugula.

This modification of caprese will appeal to many due to its unusual taste and variety of loopy substances.


  • Mozzarella in brine - 250 g.
  • Basil leaves - 30 g.
  • Ripe tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Pine nuts - 50 g.
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic sauce
  • Freshly ground pepper


  1. Cut ripe tomatoes and mozzarella cheese into rings.
  2. Place the chopped ingredients and basil leaves on a plate under the caprese.
  3. Sprinkle with pine nuts and season the salad with balsamic sauce, oil, and spices.
  4. Caprese is ready!

A salad option with mini mozzarella and cherry tomatoes is one of the fastest caprese recipes.


  • Mozzarella - 10 mini balls
  • Cherry tomatoes - 6-7 pcs.
  • Fresh green basil - 1 sprig
  • Olive oil 15-30 ml.
  • Italian herbs - 1 pinch


  1. Cut the cherry tomatoes into two halves and place on a caprese plate.
  2. Add whole mini mozzarella balls and green basil leaves.
  3. Season the caprese to taste.
  4. Bon appetit!

Pesto sauce perfectly complements the taste of tomatoes and mozzarella, which is why it has become an ingredient in so many versions of the salad.


  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Mozzarella - 125 gr.
  • Pesto sauce and balsamic vinegar - 3 tsp each.
  • Olive oil, salt - to taste


  1. Cut the tomato into circles and place them on a plate under the salad.
  2. Remove the mozzarella from the brine, cut into pieces the size of a tomato slice and place on top.
  3. Sprinkle the salad with oil and add salt.
  4. For each piece of tomato with mozzarella, add half a teaspoon of pesto sauce and balsamic vinegar. Salad ready!

Pesto sauce can be either purchased ready-made or prepared yourself, which is very easy to make. Just mix basil leaves, garlic, olive oil, pine nuts, Parmesan and salt.

If you or your family members are olive lovers, then you should like this version of caprese!


  • Mozzarella - 250 gr.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Basil leaves - several pieces.
  • Olive oil - 60-80 ml.
  • Pitted olives - 5-7 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Cut tomatoes and mozzarella into circles.
  2. Place slices of tomatoes and mozzarella on a plate in a circle.
  3. Sprinkle with oil and add spices.
  4. All that remains is to beautifully arrange the basil and olive leaves.

Bon appetit!

This version of caprese is ideal for a buffet table or an appetizer for a holiday table.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 9 pcs.
  • Mozzarella 70-80 gr.
  • Basil - 9 leaves
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1.5 tsp.
  • Olive oil -2 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 chip.


  1. Cut the mozzarella into cubes.
  2. Thread a basil leaf, a cherry tomato and a cube of mozzarella onto each skewer.
  3. We beautifully place the skewers with the appetizer on a plate.
  4. Sprinkle with oil and balsamic vinegar, add salt. Ready!

Yellow tomatoes will not only give caprese an unusual look, but will also fill you with vitamins and surprise you with their taste.


  • Yellow tomatoes - 200-220 gr.;
  • Pickled mozzarella cheese - 150 gr.;
  • Olive oil - 20 ml;
  • Green basil - 2 stalks;
  • Italian herbs (seasoning) - 2 pinches


  1. Cut the yellow tomatoes and mozzarella from the brine into slices.
  2. We steal the resulting pieces of mozzarella and yellow tomatoes onto a plate one by one.
  3. Garnish the slices with washed basil leaves.
  4. Finally, drizzle the caprese with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning.

An original modification of caprese with the addition of roasted bell peppers.


  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Mozzarella in brine - 125 gr.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 60 ml.
  • Fresh basil leaves - several pieces
  • Olive oil - 60 ml.
  • Salt - to taste


Bake the bell pepper in the oven (grill mode).

Cut the mozzarella into 1-1.5 cm slices and place on a large flat dish. Salt if desired.

Peel the pepper and cut into strips of approximately 1.5 cm.

Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and roll the pepper strips into “roses.”

If the baked pepper strips cannot be rolled, they should be covered and microwaved for a few seconds. Additional heat treatment will soften the pepper.

We place the resulting pepper roses on the mozzarella, pour oil over everything and beautifully arrange the basil leaves. Ready!

Parma ham (Prosciutto) is another traditional Italian appetizer. At the same time, it goes well with caprese, giving it a spicy taste.


  • Mozzarella - 250 gr. (2 balls)
  • Sweet large tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Parma ham, dry-cured - 200g.
  • Olive oil - 50ml.
  • Green basil - 1 small bunch
  • Balsamic vinegar - 10-15 ml.
  • Black pepper, salt


  1. Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into slices of equal thickness.
  2. First place the tomatoes on half of the dish, and on top - mozzarella and basil leaves.
  3. Add freshly ground pepper, salt and drizzle with balsamic vinegar and oil.
  4. On the second half of the dish, place the Prosciutto ham cut into thin slices.

This eggplant recipe is a very nutritious, satisfying and tasty version of caprese.


  • Fresh eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Red tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Mozzarella - 100 gr.
  • Parmesan - 50 gr.
  • Green basil - 1 bunch
  • Pesto sauce (your own or ready-made) - 70 gr.
  • Balsamic cream - to taste.


  1. Cut the mozzarella and vegetables into circles.
  2. Fry the eggplant slices until soft.
  3. Place slices of mozzarella and vegetables, as well as basil leaves one at a time.
  4. Pepper, salt and sprinkle olive oil.
  5. Serve with balsamic cream and pesto sauce.

This version of caprese is full of vitamins and combines all the best flavors of summer vegetables.


  • Zucchini - 3 pcs.
  • Ripe tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Mozzarella - 230-250 gr.
  • Green basil - 1 bunch
  • Ground black pepper
  • Dried garlic
  • Olive oil


  1. Cut the cheese and tomatoes into equal pieces.
  2. Cut the zucchini lengthwise into slices, rub with olive oil, pepper and salt.
  3. Fry the zucchini pieces until soft on each side, about 4-5 minutes.
  4. Place the fried zucchini on a plate under the caprese, then mozzarella, tomatoes, and green basil on top.
  5. Sprinkle the prepared salad with spices and lightly sprinkle with oil.

If you are tired of the classic caprese, then you definitely need to try the original recipe with avocado.


  • Classic mozzarella - 125 gr.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Green basil leaves - several pieces.
  • Olive oil
  • Ground black pepper
  • Oregano


  1. Cut the avocado in half to remove the pit.
  2. Slice mozzarella and peeled avocado.
  3. Place alternating avocado, basil leaves, and mozzarella on a flat dish.
  4. Add olive oil, oregano and other spices.
  5. The finished caprese with avocado can be served immediately.

Fried capers go well with tomatoes and give caprese a very interesting taste.


  • Mozzarella - 250 gr.
  • Medium capers - 1/4 cup
  • Tomatoes -3 pcs.
  • Fresh basil leaves - 12 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 60 ml.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 45 ml.
  • Spices - to taste


  1. Fry the capers for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Lightly fry the basil leaves (about 30 seconds).
  3. Cut tomatoes and mozzarella into pieces.
  4. Place cheese, basil leaves and tomatoes in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Sprinkle the resulting composition with capers and add seasonings.

This is another caprese recipe with avocado, but with tomatoes and arugula.


  • Mozzarella - 100-150 gr.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 100-150 gr.
  • Avocado - half
  • Fresh arugula - 20 gr.
  • Balsamic cream - 10-20 gr.
  • Olive oil - 10-20 gr.
  • Italian herbs for caprese: 2-3 gr.
  • Salt pepper


  1. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place on a flat dish.
  2. Sprinkle the chopped tomatoes with Italian herbs for Caprese and drizzle with oil.
  3. Slice the mozzarella and half an avocado and place it on top of the tomatoes: first the cheese, then the avocado.
  4. Pour balsamic cream over the salad, add spices to taste and garnish with arugula. Caprese “Emilia” is ready!