How to make cheesecake at home. Cheesecake with pastries - a dessert for all occasions! Simple and complex recipes for delicious fragrant homemade cheesecakes with pastries

12.10.2019 Bakery products

This cake has become a regular guest on our holiday table. Preparing a cheesecake at home is very simple and from the most affordable products, and the result is a delicate dessert.

Most classic cheesecake recipes feature Philadelphia cheese, which is hard to come by. We will make the cheese for the filling at home from the most ordinary sour cream, the only thing you have to take care of is preparing it a couple of days before baking the dessert.


form – Ø 24 cm

Homemade cottage cheese:

  • 1000 ml sour cream


  • 200 g flour
  • 70 g sugar
  • 100 g softened butter


  • homemade cottage cheese
  • 200 g sugar
  • 6 art. l. starch
  • zest of one lemon
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla

homemade cottage cheese cheesecake recipe

  1. First, let's prepare the curd cheese, which will become the basis of our cake. To do this, we need a liter of sour cream with a fat content of 15-20%. We line a large sieve with a clean towel and put all our sour cream on it. We close it on top with the free edge of the towel and send it to the refrigerator for 18-72 hours, depending on the time available.

    Straining sour cream

    I usually use 15% fat sour cream, keeping it in the refrigerator for 48 hours. This is the golden mean.

  2. It is better to put the sieve on a plate first, because after some time a liquid will stand out, which will need to be drained. No more manipulations with sour cream are needed, just wait.
  3. This is what it looks like in the photo:

    Cheese is ready

    It is quite thick and holds its shape well. It can be used not only for cheesecake, but also in the preparation of cream for cakes ().

    Cottage cheese

    How to make cheesecake dough - step by step with a photo

  4. Now let's get to the test. To do this, mix flour, sugar and butter until a homogeneous consistency. At first it is better to take a little less flour and then add as needed.

    Mix flour, butter and sugar

  5. The dough should come together into a soft, buttery ball. If the flour is still overdone and the ball does not gather in any way, then you can add a little more butter or, for example, sour cream.

    Sand dough is ready

  6. We take a detachable form, grease the bottom and sides with a little oil and distribute our dough with our hands along the bottom, not forgetting to form the sides. The dough is soft, very pliable, spreads without problems. It is better to make the sides higher, because in the process of baking the base they will “sit down” a little.

    Dividing the dough

  7. We bake our base for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. If the sides crawl down a lot, then it is possible to stretch them out a little while the base is still hot.

    We bake

    Filling preparation

  8. While the crust is baking, you can make the cheesecake filling. Combine sugar, vanilla, starch, zest of one lemon in a large bowl. We measure the starch with tablespoons without a slide, otherwise the filling will be too elastic.

    Combining dry ingredients

  9. Lay out the cream cheese.

    Adding cheese

  10. Stir everything until a homogeneous consistency. I first use a spoon, and then a mixer.


  11. You can spread the filling on a hot base, or you can let it cool, there is no difference. We lay out, evenly distribute.

    Putting the filling on the base

    Secrets of baking cheesecake - important nuances

  12. We heat the oven to 170 degrees, pour water into the baking sheet by about 1/10 of the height of the mold, as the cake is baked in a water bath.
  13. Our form is detachable, so we wrap it with foil from below so that water from the baking sheet cannot penetrate inside the form. I am confident in my shape, but I still use foil just in case.

    We cover our form with foil from above, so our cheesecake will remain white.

    Wrap the mold in foil

  14. We send our wrapped form to the oven, put it directly on a baking sheet with water and bake for 50 minutes at 170 degrees.

    Important! We do not open the oven during this time. And after the end of the baking time, leave the cheesecake inside for another hour, again without touching the oven. After that, we take out our cake and put it in the refrigerator. I always bake it in the evening, so that it has all night to infuse and gain the right consistency.

  15. That's it, our homemade cheesecake is ready! It turns out a thin sandy base and a very delicate creamy filling that holds its shape and does not spread.

    I cut the cake right in the mold because it has a ceramic base. If you get it out of the mold, then keep in mind that it is quite heavy, act carefully.

    I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do!

    See also how to cook at home with or without cookies, homemade as well

The taste of cheesecake leaves no one indifferent. More and more housewives master the preparation of this dessert and surprise the household with culinary creations.

There are a lot of simple recipes for this delicacy that do not need to spend a lot of time and even turn on the oven, but cheesecakes with pastries are especially delicious.

Desserts acquire a crispy base that goes perfectly with a delicate filling.

Baked Cheesecake - General Cooking Principles

Main cake for cheesecake is done from ready-made cookies, which is crushed and mixed with butter. Sometimes sugar, vanillin, cocoa and other fillers are added to the mass. Everything is thoroughly kneaded and laid out along the bottom of the mold, you can make sides.

Laid out on a cookie base filling. Ideally, she prepares from cream cheese: philadelphia, ricotta or mascarpone, you can use several types at the same time. But now more and more options for a popular delicacy have begun to appear. with cottage cheese, a more affordable and widespread product. The higher the fat content of the filling, the tastier and juicier the dessert will turn out.

The classic delicacy is baked in a pan with water, the process is painstaking and lengthy. But on the other hand, it allows you to get an unusually tender and airy filling. Although more and more housewives bake cheesecake like a regular pie, and no one complains about the taste.

In addition to the main ingredients, sugar, vanillin, cream, cocoa are added to the cheesecake. As a filler, you can put any fruits, nuts, berries. For decoration, you can use all kinds of sprinkles, chocolate icing, cocoa or powder.

Recipe 1: Cottage cheese cake with pastries and nutmeg

Cheesecake recipe with pastries. Nutmeg is added to the cake, which gives the dessert a special taste. The base is crispy, and the filling is unusually tender.


400 grams of cookies;

140 grams of butter;

100 grams of sugar;

1 gram of nutmeg.

For filling:

450 grams of fatty cottage cheese;

300 grams of sour cream;


Powder glass.

For decoration you will need cocoa powder.


1. Grind cookies into crumbs, you can simply grind them in a meat grinder. Add melted butter, sugar, nutmeg and rub everything well with your hands. You should get a sticky mass. We spread it on the bottom of a detachable form, with a diameter of 20-22 cm.

2. We grind the cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass, you can simply punch it with a blender. We introduce powdered sugar, sour cream, we drive in eggs one at a time, add vanillin. Stuffing is well kneaded.

3. Spread the curd mass on the previously prepared cake, level it with a spoon and send it to bake. This cheesecake can be baked without water by simply placing it in the oven for 50-60 minutes at 160 degrees.

4. Cool the finished dessert, sprinkle with cocoa powder or decorate as you wish.

Recipe 2: Strawberry Cheesecake with Baking

The dessert is prepared with strawberry jelly, so you can use any berries: fresh or frozen. Also for cheesecake with pastries you will need gelatin. The base is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe.


400 grams of mascarpone;

100 grams of powder;

Half a glass of cream;

1 gram of vanillin;

2 spoons of gelatin;

A glass of sugar;

400 grams of strawberries.


1. We prepare the base of 300 grams of cookies, as in the previous recipe. Nutmeg can be omitted. We spread the mass of cookies in the form, level.

2. Mix mascarpone with powdered sugar, pour in the cream, pour out the gelatin and gradually add the eggs. Mix the mass thoroughly and spread on top of the prepared cake.

3. We send the cheesecake to the oven, preheated to 15 degrees for 90 minutes. Then cool well, keep an hour in the refrigerator.

4. Cooking jelly. To do this, dilute gelatin with 100 grams of water, let it swell and heat it to a hot state so that all the grains dissolve. You can't boil! Grind strawberries in puree with a blender, add sugar, warmed gelatin and mix.

5. We take out the cheesecake, pour strawberry jelly on top and put it in the cold again. We stand for 3-4 hours, then take the dessert out of the mold, decorate with fresh berries.

Recipe 3: Snickers Cheesecake

A variant of an extraordinary cheesecake with pastries that tastes like everyone's favorite bar. For sprinkling, you will need peanuts, which are best roasted. The taste will be brighter, and the dessert will be more aromatic. Another feature is the preparation of the cake with the addition of chocolate bars.


400 grams of cookies;

100 grams of chocolate;

80 grams of butter.

For cream:

170 grams of powdered sugar (less possible);

120 grams of cream;

450 grams of mascarpone.

For the caramel layer:

50 ml cream;

50 grams of oil;

200 grams of sugar.


1. Grind cookies. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt in a water bath with butter. Mix with cookies. We spread it in a form that needs to be wrapped on the outside with two layers of foil. This is done so that moisture does not get inside, since the cheesecake is baked in water.

2. Mix mascarpone with powdered sugar, add eggs one at a time, add cream. Whisk the mixture well and pour over the chocolate crust.

3. We put the form in a baking sheet, pour a little water into it and send it to the oven for 3 hours. Temperature 120 degrees.

4. Cool the cheesecake, do not remove it from the mold yet.

5. Making caramel. To do this, mix the butter with sugar and cream, boil on the stove for 10 minutes. Cool a little, but do not let the mass grab. Pour over cheesecake and sprinkle thickly with chopped peanuts.

Recipe 4: Chocolate Cheesecake with Baking

To prepare such a cheesecake with pastries, it is better to immediately take chocolate cookies, any. But if this did not turn out, then you can add a spoonful of powdered cocoa to the crumbs.


400 grams of cookies;

130 grams of butter;

120 grams of powder.

In cream:

350 grams of mascarpone;

Chocolate bar (100 grams);

A glass of cream;

A glass of sugar or powder.


1. Mix melted butter with crushed biscuits. For a more chocolatey taste, you can add a little cocoa. We form a ball from the mass, put it in a baking dish and form a base with sides.

2. Mix mascarpone with powder, add cream in a spoonful, then raw eggs. Mix the mass well and at the end add the eggs, one at a time and grind intensively.

3. Put the cream on top of the base, send the dessert to the oven. Bake until cooked at 160 degrees, but not less than an hour.

Recipe 5: Banana Cheesecake with Baking

Another simplified cheesecake recipe with cottage cheese pastries. It tastes like a delicate soufflé. Fruits should be taken ripe, but not blackened. Do you know how to choose a delicious banana? Just sniff. If it emits a fragrance, then throw it into the basket. And if the banana smells nothing, it will be tasteless.


60 grams of sugar;

130 grams of butter;

300 grams of cookies.

For filling:

3 bananas;

150 grams of sugar;

400 grams of cottage cheese.


1. According to the classic recipe, we make the base of cookies, butter and sugar. Align the shape.

2. For the filling, you need to carefully grind the cottage cheese, if it is with grains, then it is better to kill with a blender, you can immediately with bananas. Then we introduce sugar, eggs and knead.

3. Put the filling on the cake, send it to the oven and bake until done. Decorate the cooled dessert with slices of bananas, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 6: Fruit Cheesecake with Baked Glaze

For fruit cheesecake with pastries, you can use any fruit, but the most delicious is obtained with soft fruits: peaches, oranges, kiwi, bananas. But if desired, you can also use apples and pears. The amount of fruit is arbitrary, at your discretion.


200 grams of cookies;

100 grams of oil;

500 grams of cottage cheese;

150 grams of cream;

100 grams of sugar;


For decoration, fruits and berries, for glaze, a bar of chocolate and 50 grams of butter.


1. Mix crumbled cookies with soft butter, lay the cake.

2. Beat cottage cheese with sugar, add heavy cream and eggs, add vanillin and mix well.

3. We wrap the form with foil, pour the curd filling onto the base and send it to bake. We keep on a baking sheet with water for about 2.5-3 hours, temperature 100-120 degrees. Cool down.

4. Cut the fruit into beautiful slices, make various figures. You can immediately lay out the composition on the table, then transfer it to the cheesecake.

5. We make the icing only after the cheesecake has completely cooled. Just melt the chocolate with butter, you don’t need to bring it to a hot state.

6. We cover the dessert with icing and until it is frozen, lay out the fruit. If liquid chocolate remains, then decorative drops can be applied over the fruit.

Recipe 7: Chocolate Cheesecake with Baking and Wafer Liqueur

Amazingly tender and fragrant dessert, which is made from chocolate-covered wafers. Also for him you will need any liquor.


150 grams of wafers in chocolate;

200 grams of sour cream;

a pinch of cinnamon;

600 grams of mascarpone;

6 tablespoons of melted butter;

70 grams of liquor;

A glass of sugar;

2 tablespoons of cream;

200 grams of chocolate, preferably dark.


1. We twist the waffles through a meat grinder, add oil and cinnamon, mix and lay out the base of the dessert.

2. Mix cream cheese with sugar, add sour cream with cream, pour in liquor and melted chocolate. Gradually add the eggs, continue to mix thoroughly.

3. Pour the filling into the mold and send the dessert for baking in an oven preheated to 160 degrees. Cooking for about an hour.

4. Cool without opening the oven, then cover and put in the refrigerator for 6 hours. The cheesecake is very chocolatey, dark and does not require additional decorations.

The base for the cheesecake itself turns out to be delicious, as it is prepared from cookies. But you can give a special aroma and shade with the help of vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg, a spoonful of essence.

Not enough mascarpone for the filling? You can add some of any other soft cheese, fatty cottage cheese, sour cream.

For the base, it is not necessary to use only shortbread cookies. It turns out very tasty with savoiardi, you can take biscuits, sweet crackers or a mixture of these products. But solid products must be carefully crushed with a combine or with a meat grinder.

The fatter the dairy products in the filling, the more likely the cheesecake is to harden and take on a dense texture. If, after baking and many hours of cooling, the filling remained liquid or rather weak, then, most likely, dairy products with vegetable fats were used.

Butter is the most important ingredient in a cheesecake base. It depends on him whether the dessert will keep its shape. Choose natural oil with at least 82% fat content.

Hello cooks and sweet lovers! Today I'm going to show you how to make cheesecake at home. A hot dessert is characterized by a light, airy texture that will not leave anyone indifferent.

The first people to cook cheesecake were the inhabitants of Ancient Greece. However, Arnold Reben, the owner of a New York-based restaurant called Turf, is believed to be the author of the classic recipe.

The classic delicacy is based on cream or curd cheese. But there are recipes for the dish that involve the use of other types of cheeses.

Classic cheesecake recipe


  • Cookies "Jubilee" - 300 g.
  • Butter - 130 g.
  • Cream cheese - 450 g.
  • Sour cream - 450 g.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 1 pinch.


  1. First of all, grind the cookies, as for the cocoa sausage recipe. A coffee grinder or blender is suitable for this purpose.
  2. Combine cookies with softened butter and cinnamon. After mixing, you will get a mixture that resembles greasy crumbs. Put it in a round form of a detachable type, distribute it along the sides and bottom, send it to the refrigerator.
  3. Put the cream cheese in a deep bowl and beat with a mixer at minimum speed. In the process of whipping into the cheese mass, gradually add sugar and beat in the eggs. Add sour cream to the mixture and beat.
  4. Remove the previously prepared form from the refrigerator, carefully pour the cheese mass into it and level it.
  5. Wrap the bottom of the mold with several layers of food foil. As a result, the liquid from the water bath will not enter the mold.
  6. Place the mold in a large container with hot water. It is important that the water reaches the middle of the side of the mold.
  7. I advise you to bake dessert in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 50 minutes. Then turn off the oven and open the door. After half an hour, take out the form with a treat.
  8. Once the cheesecake has cooled, run a wet knife along the sides of the mold and refrigerate for 5 hours. Then remove the form. Sprinkle the finished treat with cocoa and decorate with mint leaves, strawberries, raspberries and other berries. Here are 4 New York Cheesecake recipes.

Video recipe

Did you ever think that homemade cheesecake is so easy to make? Now decorate any festive table with an excellent culinary masterpiece that will shock guests.

How to cook cottage cheese cheesecake

Cheesecake is a dessert representing American cuisine. Prepared on the basis of cheese or cottage cheese by baking or in the form of an airy soufflé. Many cooks add vanilla, chocolate, liquor, fresh fruits and sweet additives to the delicacy.

The main element of the dish is a sweet cheese mass, which is spread on top of a layer of crushed cookies. However, the usual biscuit is often used as a base.

The technology for making cheesecake from cottage cheese is simple, but allows you to create a work of culinary art. Therefore, it is so popular among confectioners.


  • Crushed cookies - 300 g.
  • Ghee - 150 g.
  • Hazelnut - 100 g.
  • Blueberries - 500 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 500 g.
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons.
  • Gelatin - 15 g.
  • White chocolate - 100 g.
  • Cream - 150 ml.
  • Grenadine - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. To prepare the cheesecake, combine crushed biscuits with crushed nuts, melted butter and mix. Put the finished mass into a mold and tamp.
  2. Pour the blueberries into a glass of a blender and chop. Whisk and pass through a sieve. Combine the prepared berry mass with cottage cheese and mix.
  3. In the resulting fragrant mass, add sugar, grenadine and pre-soaked gelatin. Whisk the mixture until the consistency becomes thicker.
  4. Pour the prepared blueberry cream over the cookies and spread evenly. Send the form along with dessert to the refrigerator for a third of an hour. In the meantime, break the chocolate into small pieces and melt over the fire, adding a third of the cream provided for in the recipe.
  5. Whip the remaining cream and fold into the cooled chocolate mixture. Top the cheesecake with the tasty mixture. Leave it in the fridge overnight. During this time, it will reach readiness and acquire the necessary taste.

As you can see, a cheesecake is being prepared without ovens and ovens, which is in the hands of the cook. If you want to diversify the taste of goodies, add a little liquor. As a result, it will receive unsurpassed taste.

New York cheesecake recipe

Cheesecake is a cult dessert. Despite the simplicity in preparation, it represents something more than a New Year's cake or pie. And this is against the background of the fact that hard-to-reach and expensive ingredients are not required for cooking.

Previously, cheesecake was prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, until in 1929 the American culinary specialist Reuben replaced it with cream cheese. Thanks to this ingredient, the classic delicacy has turned into a delicate, brilliant and pretentious treat.

Even a novice cook can cope with the culinary task. The main thing is the recipe and a set of products. To prevent the cheese filling from cracking, room temperature ingredients are used. That's the whole secret of cheesecake, which is combined with cocoa or tea.


  • Shortbread cookies - 100 g.
  • Butter - 30 g.
  • Cream cheese - 480 g.
  • Fatty cream - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 50 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vanillin.


  1. First of all, prepare the base. Grind shortbread cookies, combine with softened butter and a few tablespoons of water. After mixing thoroughly, get a moistened mass, which you put on the bottom of a parchment-lined split form and form a cake. Send the form with the base for dessert to the oven for ten minutes. The temperature is 180 degrees.
  2. To prepare the filling, mix eggs with sugar, vanilla and cream. Add cheese to the resulting mass and beat with a mixer until a creamy and fluffy consistency is obtained. Put the finished filling on top of the cake.
  3. Release excess air from the filling. To do this, slightly raise the form above the table and throw it sharply. Repeat several times. As a result, the mass will be compacted, and the voids in the cheese filling will disappear.
  4. Bake the cheesecake in a water bath so that the temperature is evenly distributed. Pour almost boiling water into the container. Bring the cheesecake to readiness at a low temperature, otherwise the soufflé will quickly rise and become covered with cracks.
  5. At a temperature of 150 degrees, keep the dessert in the oven for 90 minutes. Then turn off the oven, but do not rush to get the treat. I recommend doing this after 3 hours, after the cheesecake, place in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  6. To decorate the finished dish, I recommend using powdered sugar, icing, grated chocolate or fresh berries.

Video recipe

Before making New York Cheesecake, watch a master class from Jamie Oliver. Get the job done with the help of the tutorial video. An experienced chef will give you some ideas for decorating the dessert.

How to make no bake cheesecake

American cheesecake, which is based on cottage cheese or cream cheese, is baked in the oven. However, the British, contrary to tradition, make the dish differently and do without baking.


  • Cookies - 200 g.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Cream - 200 ml.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Cottage cheese - 400 g.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Bananas - 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 100 g.
  • Gelatin - 8 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Combine crushed biscuits with milk and butter. After mixing, put the mass into a mold, covering it with greased parchment. Smooth everything out and press down a little. Send for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  2. Make a puree from peeled bananas, and pour gelatin in a small bowl with lemon juice. As soon as it swells, transfer to a saucepan and heat to dissolve.
  3. Combine the banana mass with gelatin, mix and hide in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Constantly look at the clock, otherwise it will turn out jelly.
  4. Mix cottage cheese passed through a strainer with lemon zest, honey and sour cream. Lightly beat the resulting mixture. Do the same with the mass, consisting of powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and cream. Mix the mixture with banana puree.
  5. Mix the finished filling and put on top of the cookies. In this form, the cheesecake should stand in the refrigerator until the morning.

The recipe provides for the use of a variety of cookies, and instead of honey, add cocoa powder. As a result, instead of a banana delicacy, you get a chocolate cheesecake.

Cheesecake with cottage cheese without baking is a fairly popular dessert that has a lot of advantages. Firstly, it will take much less time to prepare it than an alternative recipe that involves baking. Secondly, no need to fiddle with the oven makes this treat a great option for the heat. Economy is also important: for cooking, we need simple and inexpensive products. Well, the simplicity of making this dessert will appeal even to housewives who have just begun to master kitchen wisdom.

There are a huge number of cheesecake recipes in the world. American housewives prefer to bake this dish in the oven, while in Europe it is often served raw. By and large, this is only a matter of taste, because all the ingredients present in most cheesecake recipes are already ready to eat.

Our article will tell you about all the intricacies of preparing this treat, and in addition, it will offer a few ideas for improvisation. Armed with the information received, you can easily prepare this dessert.

no bake cheesecake base

It is difficult to come up with anything simpler than a sand base on which the curd mousse rests like a cloud. After trying the result, you will be surprised that such a harmonious union can turn out from the simplest products. The crust is an essential ingredient, it is included in any cheesecake.

  1. The classic no-bake cottage cheese recipe involves the use of a split mold. Install it on the board. And we will do the cake like this:
  2. Grind 250 grams of any shortbread cookie in any convenient way into crumbs. Place half a pack of butter on a saucer and cover with a glass or cup with scalded boiling water for 3 minutes. This method allows you to quickly heat the oil to the desired state.
  3. Combine the butter and cookie crumbs, mix the mass thoroughly so that it becomes homogeneous.
  4. Firmly press the “dough” into the bottom of the mold, gently spreading it over the entire surface in an even layer.
  5. Remove the mold from the refrigerator.

By the way, to prepare the base, it is not at all necessary to buy the most expensive shortbread cookies. Even a broken one will do (it's much cheaper). The main condition is that the cookies must be very fresh.

A little improvisation

Why not experiment and make an unusual cheesecake? The recipe without baking with cottage cheese provides ample opportunities for improvisation.

For example, for the base, you can use cookies with the taste of coffee or baked milk. And if you do not plan to treat children with dessert, you can drop a few drops of liquor or cognac into the crumbs. A very beautiful base with an expressive taste of chocolate will come from Oreo. You can add chocolate drops, a little boiled condensed milk, nuts fried in a dry frying pan to the crumbs of ordinary cookies. And if you use Savoyardi cookies soaked in strong coffee as a base, the cheesecake will taste like the famous Tiramisu dessert.

Suitable curd

For the preparation of cheesecakes, different fillings are used: homemade cottage cheese, various varieties of cream and curd cheese, and even tofu. It is worth noting that for most recipes, these options are interchangeable.

We are looking at the curd recipe. Therefore, it is worth mentioning which product is the best.

Most confectioners advise using high-fat homemade cottage cheese. It has an expressive taste and an interesting structure. But a no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese can also be prepared from a store-bought product. Moreover, if you want to achieve a calorie reduction, you can even use fat-free cottage cheese. In any case, before preparing the filling, it will need to be crushed as much as possible, passing through a fine metal sieve.

curd layer

First of all, soak 15 g of gelatin in very hot water. Remember, at temperatures above 85 ° C, gelatin loses its properties, but too cold is not good either. The optimal value is 75-80 degrees.

Load 500 grams of cottage cheese into a blender bowl, send 100 ml of fat sour cream there, 4 tbsp. l. sugar and some vanilla extract. Punch carefully and let stand for a while so that the sugar dissolves.

Stir the gelatin mixture, pour it through a sieve into the curd cream and mix with a spatula.

Spread the mixture over the cookie layer, smoothing evenly. To avoid bubbles and bumps, do not lay out the entire cream at once, load in portions.

It will take about 4 hours for the no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese to freeze properly. Send the container to the refrigerator. When the curd cream hardens, carefully unzip the mold, remove the side, transfer the dessert to a serving dish. The recipe is fine in this version, but we will consider a few more unusual ideas.

Berry flavor

Since we decided that summer is a great time to make no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake with gelatin, we will use its potential to the maximum.

You can add berries to the curd filling: currants, strawberries, cherries, raspberries. Choose any! You can smash the berries in a puree and squeeze it through cheesecloth into a curd base, or you can add them whole. In the context of the dessert will look very colorful. For the indicated amount, you will need about 2/3 cups of berries.

Fruits are also suitable: peaches, nectarines, plums, ripe soft pears.

low calorie dessert

A small calorie content of the top layer can be provided with low-fat cottage cheese. And for sweetness, it is better to add honey. Its calorie content is not much lower than that of granulated sugar, but it will take quite a bit to get a great taste.

Options for the holiday

The basic recipe for this treat can also be used for a celebration. You can make a no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies very quickly, because the active cooking time is no more than half an hour. In the meantime, the dessert freezes, you can pay attention to the rest of the ideas.

Soak 30 g of gelatin, and after 20 minutes put in a water bath, heat until the crystals dissolve. 200 g of sweets "Korovka" without wrappers, cut in half and pour half a glass of milk. Put the dishes on a small fire, do not forget to stir. Beat 400 g of cottage cheese, add an incomplete glass of fat sour cream, swollen gelatin and candy-milk mass. Put the cream on the cake and keep the no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake with gelatin in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. By the way, "Oreo" is suitable for the base just fine.

How to decorate a cheesecake?

In the summer, you can use pieces of fruit, berries, mint leaves. Chocolate chips look beautiful on curd cream.

A frozen no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies can be poured over with ganache or icing. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time decorating, just melt half of the chocolate bar in the microwave, mix with 50 grams of room temperature butter and spread over the surface. What could be more appetizing than chocolate?

Serving to the table

Cheesecake with cottage cheese without baking goes well with tea, coffee, cocoa, juices. It is quite acceptable to serve this treat with fermented baked milk or cold milk. If the format of the feast involves stronger drinks, give preference to red dessert wine.

This recipe is perfect for me. simple cheesecake already for the thousandth time. This is the most delicious and quick recipe, it has never let me down. And if you still doubt your abilities, then at least read the recipe below. It’s easier than a cheesecake, in my opinion, only scrambled eggs :) By the way, if you don’t know what cream cheese is, which is part of a cheesecake, pay attention to the article "".

The classic cheesecake and its history

Classic cheesecake- the favorite dessert of people all over the world. Many assume that the cheesecake originated in New York, but this is not true. It originated much earlier. Let's go back over 4000 years to ancient Greece! The first cheesecake was supposedly baked on the Greek island of Samos. Anthropologists have unearthed cheese molds dated to around 2000 BC. In addition, plain cheesecake has always been considered a good source of energy, and there is evidence that cheesecake was served to athletes during the first Olympic Games in 776 BC. In addition, due to the simple composition and uncomplicated method of preparation, the Greeks often chose cheesecake as their wedding cake. This is how cheesecake appeared in the history of cooking.

Ingredients for easy cheesecake recipe

  • 170 gr cookies
  • 75 gr butter
  • 370 gr cream cheese
  • 100 gr sugar

If for any reason you are preparing sugar free baking, a diet simple cheesecake is suitable for you - put 15 sweetener tablets instead of sugar.

  • 3 eggs
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • 100 ml cream 33% or sour cream of any fat content

Recipe Easy Cheesecake

Note: if you don’t want to make a cookie base, but want to make your own cheesecake base, then take a look here: from shortcrust pastry

So why does everyone associate the classic cheesecake with New York City? And here's the thing. In 1929, Arnold Reuben, owner of the legendary Turf restaurant in New York City, announced that his family had invented the world's first cream cheese pie recipe (while other bakeries made similar pies with cottage cheese). According to the legend, Arnold was served such a cake at a reception in a private house, and he fell in love with dessert from the first bite :) Later, he tried to reproduce the recipe in his kitchen, and he succeeded. Soon, Reuben began serving cream cheese pie in his restaurant, which made the cheesecake very popular with Americans. This is how the classic New York cheesecake was born.