Boiled pig ears. Pig ears - recipes

03.03.2020 Buffet table

Pig ears are made up of very soft cartilage covered with thick skin. Such an organ structure scares away many cooks, and they do not even try to somehow cook the product. Those who decide to experiment literally fall in love with an unusual component and begin to cook it at every opportunity. Of course, such a development of events is possible only in the case of the right approach to the processing of products. To do this, you need to know how to prepare a dense element and how much time it should be subjected to heat treatment. As for the duration of cooking, on average it is 3-4 hours for the pot and 2-3 hours- for a multicooker.

Rules for working with pig ears

If you just boil purchased and washed pig ears in boiling water, you should not count on getting the desired result. Everything is a little more complicated and is based on the following rules:

  • You need to carefully monitor how much salt is used when boiling products. The unique product actively absorbs the mineral component, which is why it is often salted.
  • Of course, it is better to buy cleaned pig ears, they are less of a hassle. If such a product was not found, the workpiece can be independently brought to the desired state. To do this, the elements must be carefully singed on an open flame, scrape off the formed plaque, and then clean and rinse the treated surface.

Tip: Real gourmets who know a lot about cooking cartilage often use additional ingredients when cooking. For example, by adding a few sour apples to the broth, you can achieve a pleasant sourness.

  • If you cook products with the addition of soy sauce, then the dish will have a reddish tint, and its taste will be more pronounced.
  • To make pork ears as soft as possible, they do not need to be removed from the broth immediately after turning off the fire. It is better to keep them in it for another hour or even let them cool completely.
  • Before boiling, the component should be soaked for at least 2 hours. How long the products are immersed in water significantly affects their final texture.

The component has a rather impressive calorie content, so it cannot be considered dietary. It contains many substances that positively affect the condition of human hair, bones, cartilage and tendons. But with all the obvious benefits of the product, it is not recommended to use it too often. Lack of a sense of proportion can adversely affect the functioning of the liver and digestive organs.

How to boil pork ears for salad?

If pork ears are boiled for later addition to another dish, for example, a salad, the processing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • For 5 ears we take an onion head, 4 teaspoons of sugar, a few black peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves, spices for pork (you can mix it yourself), 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, a bunch of parsley and dill, salt. How many of which components are used can be adjusted depending on personal preference.
  • Pour the cleaned, washed and soaked pork ears with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam, reduce the heat to moderate. It is necessary to cook the component for at least 2 hours, regularly removing the foam.
  • About half an hour before the end of cooking, put the peeled onion, sugar, a little salt, seasonings and chopped herbs into the broth.
  • Put the boiled products on a plate and pour soy sauce, sprinkle a little more with spices. We wait 10 minutes, after which we send it to the microwave for 5 minutes to bake at medium power.
  • We cut the finished product into thin strips or cubes and send it to the salad. Such a product can also be a great independent snack.

Pre-boiling the product can also be carried out in a slow cooker. It will even save you some time. We put the components in the bowl of the device, accompanying with the selected additional ingredients, set the "Extinguishing" mode. The processing time will be 2 to 3 hours.

Boiled pork ears with vegetables

There is another great option for cooking pig ears, which will allow you to get an independent dish. You need to cook them like this:

  • For 3 ears we take 3 cloves of garlic, onion and carrot, allspice and black peppercorns, a little red pepper and a few cloves, a couple of bay leaves, a bunch of dill and parsley stalks, a couple of sour apples and a pinch of ground coriander.
  • We put the ears processed according to all the rules in a saucepan, which we put on a strong fire. We wait until the water boils, after which we lower the peeled, but not chopped onions and garlic into the broth.

  • We remove the foam, if necessary, reduce the heat a little and add dill and parsley to the composition. The stems can even be tied into bundles to make them easier to pull out later.
  • We cut the apples into two parts, cut out the cores and lower them to the ears. There we gradually lay out all the other components. Lastly (about 20 minutes before turning off), we lower the peeled carrots.
  • In total, the mass should be cooked for 2-3 hours. After that, it is insisted for at least another hour under the lid, removing it from the stove.

Depending on how many vegetables are used in the approach (you can take more of them), the finished product will either be an excellent snack or addition to a salad. Usually seasonings, garlic and onions are removed from this whole mixture, leaving the ears, apples and carrots. All these components are cut into cubes, mixed and poured with a small amount of broth. For a change, fennel and even potatoes are often added.

The neglect of offal is often a serious let down for those who love to eat deliciously. The people believe that cow udders, lungs, or the same pig ears are base products, practically inedible and not worth attention. In fact, everything is like in a joke: “You just don’t know how to cook them.” Even such, one might say, a delicacy like pork ears (as well as legs), it occurs to most culinary specialists to use it only in jellied meat.

And it's a shame for the team! It has long been known that the same pork "burdocks" with the right approach will become simply divinely delicious; in many pubs and beer bars they are an indispensable snack for a foamy drink. And in the East, in particular in Korea, ears are a completely independent and respectable dish.

The main thing is preparation: soaking

In order not to be disappointed in the chosen recipe, of which, by the way, there are a great many, you need to know for sure. In most dishes, this part of the pig's body appears in boiled form, although many also imply further processing. And of course, this business has its own subtleties.

First of all, before cooking, the ears need to be soaked. And it depends on the thoroughness of this process how long you need to cook pork ears. A poorly soaked product will require a lot of effort from the cook, the dish will turn out to be less juicy, soft and tasty. So, to business. Ears should spend at least two hours in water. Moreover, if the ears are winded or the boar was not too young, it is better to extend the “baths” for an hour or more. Experience will help you decide over time: the more often you cook, the better you know how to cook ears, how much you need to soak them, etc.

The second stage of preparation: bringing to a decent look

Not all places where you can buy this offal will take care of you in advance. Those who sell pork know that few people are interested in ears, and they ignore pre-sale preparation. So you will get the future delicacy, most likely, almost in its original form (except perhaps separately from the pig).

Before you cook your ears, you will have to take care of yourself so that the bristles do not get stuck in your teeth. To this end, they must be washed very carefully, you see, this is in your own interests. Of course, during cooking, some part of the dirt remained in the broth, which is precisely why it is not used anywhere, but it’s better to play it safe (ears are an excellent accumulator of unappetizing substances).

Further, if you think about it, you don’t need to scrape them off. An ordinary metal brush or sponge for dishes is quite suitable for this. If the result did not suit you, additionally grind the workpiece. There will certainly not be a single bristle left.

The most important stage

If you don't want to spoil the end result, try not to screw up this particular part of the preparation. How much to cook pork ears depends on their condition. In most cases, three, maximum - four hours is enough. But if the ears got frozen - lay a margin of time for defrosting (you can use the microwave). And if the pig is somewhat aged, throw in an hour to overcome it. The question "How long to cook the ears?" highly dependent on these two factors.

Do not forget the main thing: the prepared basis for the future culinary masterpiece is placed only in cold water! Otherwise, nothing tasty will come of it. And how much to cook pork ears, you can figure out in the course of events: as long as they become softer, we don’t interrupt the process, as soon as the previous sample does not differ from the next one, you can turn it off. And remove the foam in time! No one needs a questionable smell.

The inhabitants of this country by no means neglect such a "frivolous" product. On the contrary, they love it, appreciate it and cook it well. And if you want to feel like a Korean and feel the unforgettable sensations that ready-made ears will give you, this recipe will help!

Five pieces of ears will need a global amount of spices. Too exotic or those that are difficult to get can be replaced with more familiar salt, and chili, adjika (you can take store-bought dry, but if some grandfather Valiko is located in the nearest market, give preference to him). Suneli hops will not hurt either (especially in the absence of the mentioned grandfather), and coriander will not be superfluous. Three quarters of a glass of vegetable oil and vinegar will also come in handy. Do not like the latter - a couple of tablespoons is enough. With sugar, the situation is the same: you need 2 small spoons, but you can get by with one. Cloves and bay leaf - to taste.

We have already figured out how to cook pork ears. Cooked and chilled offal are cut into strips and put into a pan. From a small amount of water, all spices, sugar, oil and vinegar, a marinade is made, with which the ears are poured for 4 hours. Tasty and unusual!

If you love beer

Fans of this intoxicating drink will be very pleased with the following recipe. To begin with, it is quite simple, especially if the ears are already prepared. The second joy is a minimum of additional products. For 2 ears you will need: vegetable oil - half a stack, half a glass of breadcrumbs, salt, garlic, red pepper - to taste.

Then everything is elementary: the pan with oil is heated, the ears are laid out (cutting them quickly and easily), sprinkled with a mixture of salt and spices and fried until blush. It is noteworthy that they are sprinkled with breadcrumbs later. With beer, they say, it goes with a bang.

Simply delicious

Even those who are familiar with pork ears are accustomed to perceive them solely as an addition, an appetizer. However, there are quite independent, by no means fatty (contrary to popular belief) and very tasty culinary inventions of mankind. Among them are stuffed ears.

To begin with, 800 g of minced meat are mixed with spices and eggs. The ears should already be ready. On a baking sheet - foil, on it - an ear salted, peppered and sprinkled with gelatin (3 bags are needed for 4 ears). Further into the ear, which is a very convenient envelope, grated carrots are alternately laid out (do not forget the gelatin), salt and pepper, dill, garlic slices, minced meat and again salt and pepper. There should be 2 such layers. To make them more compact, cuts are made. Above is the second ear. The workpiece needs to be wrapped in foil (you can also put it in a bag), and all this is cooked for about an hour and a half. Then cool, place under a press and send for 5 hours in the cold.

Very good soup

Most people still tend not to shy away from eating first courses. Pig's ears come in handy here too. This time they will need only three hundred grams. Yes, plus a bunch of parsley, 200 g of cracklings, a pound of potatoes, 5 large full spoons of flour, one onion and vegetable oil for frying. Spices, as always, at the discretion.

The soup is prepared in a completely unique way: the rules on how to cook ears do not apply to it. "Mugs" are washed and scraped first, and much more carefully. Then they, together with cracklings and half of the onion, are placed in cold water, and the broth is boiled. If everything is done correctly, it will be really tasty. The ears are cut, and at this time the frying is being prepared, in which the rest of the onion and marjoram are placed. Diced potatoes, chopped ears and dressing are laid out in the broth. When it is ready and poured into plates, croutons and greens are used. Overeating!

baked delicacy

Since, thanks to the previous recipes, everyone already knows how to cook ears, let's move on to more intricate options. The already prepared offal is placed on a baking sheet, poured over with bechamel (ready-made is suitable, but homemade, cooked by the caring hands of the hostesses, is tastier), sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven. The main nuance: when you cook the ears, add roots, seasonings, onions, herbs to the water - it will be much tastier.

Ears in a slow cooker

The now popular multicooker has become famous for the fact that dishes prepared with it do not lose their taste, and they cook much faster, which is very important in our hectic life. This device is also suitable for the ears. The most attractive, in our opinion, is the recipe with beans.

For 3 ears you will need a can of canned beans. Better than red, but white will do. Another jar of pitted green olives, a small smoked sausage, an onion, tomato paste, a clove of garlic, one bell pepper and seasonings (to taste).

You will get very tasty pork ears. The initial processing recipe is standard. The cooked ingredients are cut into strips, placed in a slow cooker, poured with a glass of hot water and cooked in the stewing mode for 2 hours. Onions, smoked meats, peppers and olives are cut as you like, but beautifully.

When the set mode is over, all the other ingredients are laid out to the ears, everything is salted and in the “Baking” mode it is cooked for 50 minutes. At the very end, finely chopped or crushed garlic is added.

That's such a variety. And not all of them are listed: there is also an incredibly tasty casserole of them, hodgepodge, snacks and salads. But start with the basics. If you like it - God help your culinary talents and the endurance of your stomach!


Some housewives, when cutting a pork carcass, throw away offal (tail, ears and other parts), thinking that they are tasteless and “dirty”. However, this is a big mistake, and experienced housewives know this. This is especially true of pig ears, because you can cook a huge variety of dishes from them.

In some countries, pork ear dishes are considered a delicacy (for example, in Lithuania they are always present in the range of beer pubs).

Dishes from pig ears rightfully occupy a place of honor on the festive and everyday table, they are appreciated by men. Therefore, it would be good for a hostess who wants to please her husband to be able to cook pork ears deliciously: a recipe can be found even for the most sophisticated gourmet.

Whatever dish you decide to cook from pig ears, for this you need to prepare them. They must first be soaked in water for 2 hours, then washed thoroughly, cleaned with a scraper or brush and pitched. After that, it is necessary to boil until fully cooked (the ears should be as soft as possible). You also need to cook them correctly: put them in cold water and cook for 3-4 hours, removing the foam. After all these procedures, our ears are ready to prepare masterpieces from them.

Hot dishes from pig ears

From offal you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. You can choose simple recipes, or you can choose intricate, original ones. Whatever recipe you choose, you can be sure: it will be original, unusual and very satisfying.

pork ear soup recipe


  • Pork ears - 300 g.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Parsley (or any other greens) - 1 bunch.
  • Cracklings - 200 g.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 500-800 g.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • White bread - 4 slices
  • Flour - 5 tbsp. l.

Seasonings: salt, bay leaf, black peppercorns, marjoram - to taste


Put the offal and cracklings into the water, add spices, half the onion and cook for an hour. Grind the greens and add to the broth. Remove the ears from the broth, finely chop. Postpone.

At this time, prepare the dressing, add the chopped second half of the onion and marjoram to it. Put out everything. Then add some broth to the dressing.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, put in the broth. Add finely chopped ears there. Cook everything until fully cooked.

Before serving, toast slices of white bread, put on plates. Pour soup over them and serve.

Oven baked pork ears


  • Pig ears - 6 pcs.
  • Roots (any) - to taste.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Seasonings: salt, ground pepper, cloves - to taste.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g.


Prepare by-products according to all the rules. Put in cold water, add roots (parsley, celery, etc.), onions and seasonings. Boil until done. Cut into slices and put in a baking dish or on a baking sheet.

Prepare the bechamel sauce, pour it over the ears. Grate the cheese on a medium grater and pour over the sauce. Bake in the oven until a crust forms.

Pig ears: rustic recipe


  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dark beans - 2 tbsp.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Pig ears - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.

Seasonings: suneli hops, salt, ground pepper, black peppercorns, bay leaf, horseradish root - to taste.


Prepare the beans: soak them overnight. Rinse in the morning, add water and bring to a boil. After that, drain the water, pour the beans with fresh water and bring to a boil again.

Prepare offal. Cut them along the folds. Place in a pot of cold water and bring to a boil. After boiling, drain the water, rinse the ears, pour fresh water and cook again. After boiling, add spices (bay leaf, peppercorns) and onion to the water. Boil for 1 hour. Cool the ears and chop.

While the broth is cooking, prepare the sauce: mix tomato paste with sour cream, spices (salt, ground pepper and suneli hops), crushed garlic and horseradish grated on a fine grater. Beat the mass well (you can use a blender).

Peel the onion, cut into rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Mix onion with offal and boiled beans, salt to taste and mix. Put in a deep plate, add the sauce. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Pig Ear Snacks: Original Recipes

Offal can be used to prepare a huge variety of snacks and salads. Such snacks are especially well combined with beer, so they can often be found in beer bars and pubs. Preparing such snacks, as a rule, is easy. And in any case, it is much more refined and original than ready-made chips or crackers. In addition, such snacks are quite satisfying.

Pig's ear salad

  • Ingredients:
  • Pig's ear - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Sesame - 1 tsp
  • Rice vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sesame oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.

Seasonings: chili pepper - 1 pc., salt, star anise, cinnamon, black peppercorns - to taste.


Prepare offal as usual. Boil until tender with spices and salt. Ready ears cut into strips.

Slice cucumbers as thinly as possible. Finely chop the pepper.

Mix everything, add vinegar, soy sauce, chopped garlic. Salt if necessary. Sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds before serving.

Pork ears for beer in Lithuanian


  • Pig ears - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - 1 bunch of each.
  • Sugar - 4 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.

Seasonings: ready-made spice for pork, bay leaf, black peppercorns - to taste.


Prepare offal, as usual, and cook for 1.5 hours.

Without removing the broth from the heat, add spices, herbs and onions to it. Cook for another 30 minutes.

Put ready ears in a deep plate, sprinkle with spices, pour soy sauce. Then bake in the microwave for 5 minutes. Cut the baked ears into slices and can be served with beer.

Baked pig ears for beer: a simple recipe


  • Pig ears - 3-5 pcs.
  • Spices - ground black pepper, salt - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.


Prepare offal as usual. Pour into a baking dish. Roll in spices, pour vegetable oil and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Recipes of the peoples of the world

Quite a lot of recipes are offered by Asian cuisine, in particular Chinese. You can cook a very spicy Asian-style appetizer, or you can make a fragrant and spicy appetizer under pressure.

Chinese snack


  • Pig ears - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Brown sugar - 2 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.

Seasonings: ground ginger, whole cloves, star anise, bay leaf, a mixture of 5 peppercorns - to taste.


Prepare offal as usual. Cook with carrots and onions (no need to peel the onions). Bring to a boil and add sugar and all seasonings. Boil for a few minutes and add soy sauce and salt. Cover the broth with a lid, set a quiet fire and cook for 2.5 hours.

Ready ears are removed from the broth and put in a mold. Pour in a little broth (about a quarter of the mold) and place under the weight so that the broth covers the ears. When the ears have cooled, refrigerate for 6 hours, then remove the load.

Then lower the form with ears into hot water for about 5-10 seconds, put everything on a plate, cut into strips. Can be served topped with soy sauce and grated garlic or horseradish.

Pork ears: a spicy Asian dish


  • Pig ears - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Sesame - 2 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Ground red pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil.


Prepare offal as usual. Prepare vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings, the rest of the vegetables and ears into thin strips.

Fry onion with carrots until soft. Then add cucumbers and ears. Fry everything for 5 minutes, stirring all the time.

Then add soy sauce, garlic, pepper and sesame seeds. Mix everything and after 2-3 minutes remove from heat. In this recipe, the main highlight is pickled cucumbers.

Recipes from pig ears for a slow cooker

Delicious offal dishes can be prepared in any slow cooker. It turns out just as tasty as on a regular stove, but many times faster. In addition, you do not have to make sure that the food does not burn, etc. In a slow cooker, you can cook a very satisfying and bright offal dish. This dish is unlikely to be put on the festive table, but as a second course for an everyday lunch, it is ideal.

A hearty dish of ears: a recipe for a slow cooker


  • Pig ears - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Beans (canned red) - 1 can.
  • Olives (green, pitted) - 1 can.
  • Smoked sausage or sausage - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste or ketchup - 340 g (can be replaced with fresh or canned tomatoes in their own juice).
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Spices: salt, paprika - to taste, red hot pepper - 3 - 4 pcs.


Prepare the ears as usual. Cut the finished ears into strips, put in a slow cooker and pour water (there should be little water). Extinguish for 2 hours on the "Extinguishing" program.

At this time, prepare the rest of the products. Cut the onion into half rings, pepper and smoked meats into thin strips, olives into quarters.

At the end of the quenching, add all other components to the multicooker. If pickled hot peppers are used, then you do not need to add brine from it, but add from canned tomatoes. Salt everything. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and cook the dish for 50 minutes. Finely chop the garlic and add it at the end of cooking.

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How to cook pig ears

To prepare pork ears, soak them in cold water for two hours. After that, clean them well and rinse. Take a pot of cold water and put the pork ears in it.

How much to cook?
Duration of cooking from 3 to 4 hours. During the cooking process, periodically remove the foam with a special spoon.
You can determine the readiness of the ears as follows: during the cooking process, periodically remove the pork ears from the pan and try them by touch - well-cooked ears should feel the same as your earlobe to the touch.

Pig ears contain a large amount of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12). The composition of micro and macro elements includes: iodine, iron, magnesium, sulfur (210 mg), potassium (325 mg), phosphorus, sodium and calcium.
The energy value of pig ears is 211 kcal per 100 grams.

Pig Ear Salad

An excellent appetizer for the second courses on your table. For cooking we need:

1. Pig ears - 3 pieces

3. Garlic - 2 cloves

4. Parsley - to taste

5. Black pepper - to taste

6. Salt - to taste

Before preparing the salad, the ears must be processed, then boiled for 2.5 hours. Remove all fat from the finished ears, as we will not need it. Let cool, then cut the ears into strips or small pieces on a board. Put the resulting in a salad bowl. Chop the garlic cloves and add along with pepper and salt to a salad bowl. Mix everything and season with a small amount of mayonnaise. After that, chop the parsley and sprinkle on top of the salad.

Pig ears for beer

Are you going to spend time in good company? Don't forget to cook something delicious and surprise your friends. Pork ears will be a wonderful snack for beer, and everyone will like it without exception. To prepare the recipe, we need:

1. Pork ears - 2 pieces

2. Green onion - a few feathers

3. Parsley and dill - bunch

4. Soy sauce - 100 grams

5. Pepper and salt - to taste

6. Bay leaf - 1 piece

7. Water - 100 grams

How to cook pork ears for beer

First of all, the ears must be cleaned, then rinsed under cold water. We shift the processed ears into a pot of water and cook for 25 minutes. Don't forget to add bay leaf.

Welded ears need to be cooled, shifted to a plank and cut into strips. In this form, the ears are sold in packs for beer.

Heat the pan, mix soy sauce with water and pour into the pan. We send the chopped ears to the pan, cover with a lid and simmer until all the liquid has boiled away. Serve on a platter, sprinkled with finely chopped green onions. Bon Appetit!

Whatever dish I cook from pork ears, I always boil them first. In order not to repeat myself in every recipe, I will describe here how to cook pork ears. And from the rest of the recipes I will refer.

  • pig ears - 2-4 pieces;
  • small onion - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • allspice - 5-10 peas;
  • black pepper - 5-10 peas;
  • carnation - 3 inflorescences;
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • stems of dill and parsley;
  • water;

and you can also add:

  • sour apples (Antonovka) - 2 pieces;
  • soy sauce - 3-5 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.


I always come across smooth, already scorched pig ears for sale. If the ears are with hairy vegetation, then they should first be singeed, shaved, scraped (underline as necessary).

You also need to cut out the small ear with a knife, there is a lot of fat and ear dirt.

Place pig ears in a bowl. Fill with water, completely hiding the ears under it. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove the formed foam.

Add all foods and spices for cooking, including washed and peeled whole carrots, whole peeled onions, whole apples (if any). Garlic cloves can be cut in half or crushed with the flat side of a knife instead of peeling.

We never throw away the stems from dill and parsley, but add them to various broths for flavor.

Soy sauce is added only to give a beautiful tanned color. If the dish you are preparing needs this shade, then add it.

It is necessary to salt so that the broth is tasty and pleasant for salinity. Pig ears absorb salt well. If you oversalt, you won't be able to eat.

Boil pork ears in a spicy broth for about two hours until they are soft. I usually cook for an hour and a half and keep the ears in the cooling broth for another half an hour or an hour.