How many calories in a baked apple. Baked apples - calorie

05.04.2019 Fish dishes

Apples in our country are one of the most popular and common, as well as the most useful fruits. Apples can be bought anywhere, be it a supermarket or a regular market. This contains a lot of useful components, namely, various kinds of minerals and vitamins.

Baked apples are not only tasty, but also useful

A great deal can be said about the benefits of apples for the human body. First of all, this fruit contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the body for the proper functioning of the heart. In addition, these fruits have an adequate supply of calcium and phosphorus. Phosphorus is essential for humans, because without it, the body can not properly absorb calcium.

It is also worth noting that only one hundred grams of apples contain about a tenth of vitamin C of the total daily requirement. There are only a few medium-sized apples per day, and the body will not need to use special medicines containing vitamin C. In addition to this vitamin, there is a lot of iodine in the bones of the fruit, and the apple itself is saturated with iron, which is also very useful for humans.

An important component of an apple is plant fiber or pectin.

This substance helps in the whole digestive system. In addition, plant fiber is a stimulator of intestinal motility, which makes it an excellent tool for the prevention of constipation. Apples are about eighty percent water. Due to this characteristic, it is possible to make juice from these fruits, which will help to saturate the body much faster with all the necessary components and vitamins.

The benefits of baked apples for the body

Baked apples - a storehouse of vitamins

If we talk directly about baked apples, they are also very useful for digestion. In some cases, baked fruit is much healthier than fresh. In the process of exposure to high temperature fruits, a variety of chemical elements are formed, which have an undoubted benefit. In addition, in the process of baking in the peel of apples saved all the necessary vitamins.

Scientific studies show that baking apples retain a number of important vitamins, such as A, B2, B9, E, PP and others. This is exactly the composition of vitamins, which is necessary for the human body for normal functioning. In addition, this combination of vitamins helps to always stay healthy and maintain good health even during pregnancy.

The benefits of baked apples do not end there, it also lies in the fact that it has a positive effect on metabolism and significantly improves it. Also, baked apples help the work of the liver and kidneys, activate the work of the gastric tract due to the high content of plant fiber. Baked apples saturate the body of vitamins A, especially if you eat this dish with a certain frequency. One serving of baked fruit contains more than three percent of the daily required dose of vitamin A. This vitamin is very useful not only for eyesight and its protection against age-related changes, it also helps in combating various kinds of eye infections.

In addition, the vitamin strengthens teeth well, nourishes and improves the appearance of the skin. Like fresh apples, baked fruit contains calcium. This substance is useful for both teeth and bones, and for nerve cells. Baked apples can rightly be called complete, which is very useful for a healthy diet. The dish contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which give the body strength and vigor. Thus, baked apples are also useful because they can be used to lose weight without much damage to the body. If you summarize information about the benefits of baked apples for the human body, you can highlight the following points:

  • The dish helps to normalize both arterial and intracranial pressure.
  • Significantly improves digestion.
  • Strengthens the immune system, which helps the body to resist various kinds of colds and infectious diseases
  • Baked apples are able to excrete harmful substances from the body, such as radionuclides and heavy metals, thereby cleansing it.
  • Normalize the metabolism and the work of the entire digestive tract
  • Helps to lose weight for the benefit of the body

Diet on baked apples

Baked apples - delicious, and most importantly, healthy and low-calorie dessert, which can be used during the diet. One serving of apples in baked form contains about 110 calories, which is only 6% of the average daily calorie content. In addition, baked apples can hold regular fasting days, with which you can cleanse the body and lose weight.

During fasting days, you can only eat baked or raw apples. Also, you can drink tea and plenty of pure water without gas. It should be noted that this diet is not for everyone. It should be careful to people who have a high acidity of the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to carefully choose varieties of apples that will not have a harmful effect on the stomach.

Baked Apple Recipes

Calorie baked apples is extremely small, so this dish is now very popular. There are many different recipes from the simplest to the culinary delights. Below are the most current recipes. The most common recipe are apples baked with cream. To prepare such a dessert, you will need a kilogram of apples, ten yolks, a liter of low-fat cream, preferably thick, one spoonful of potato starch. To taste you can add sugar, nuts and raisins.

First you need to make a creamy syrup, for this you need to grind the egg yolks and mix them well with the cream. Then add some sugar and potato starch to the mixture. After that, you need to bring the mixture to a boil using a water bath. Next comes the preparation of the apples themselves, from which the cores are removed. Ready-made apples are placed on a dish and filled with nuts, raisins or candied fruits. Then, the apples need to pour the ready syrup and put in a preheated oven for about forty minutes.

A healthy lifestyle means not only healthy food, but also tasty. And what can be tastier than fruits, which not only perfectly refresh, but also satisfy hunger, replace sweet. The most accessible fruits are apples, especially green ones. But many who want to lose weight are puzzled by the question: "What is the calorie content of green apples?"

Fresh apples

Everyone knows how useful fruits are, but very few people know that being a source of fast carbohydrates, they can even sometimes prevent weight loss! In this case, apples are the most innocuous in the sense that the calorie content of green apples is small, but at the same time they are not as sweet as other fruits and berries. Apples are also a storehouse of beneficial substances such as potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and B, as well as a variety of trace elements.

Apples help cleanse the body, eliminate toxins and toxins, and even have a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, the calorie content of green apples is only 47 calories per hundred grams. Given that even the most stringent diet is not designed to consume less than 1200 calories, then the apples will fit perfectly into the diet, even those who are trying hard to deal with extra pounds. Of course, apples are good fresh, they can be crunchy appetizing, and at the same time they perfectly suppress the feeling of hunger. But many people know firsthand how tasty baked apples are. Do they damage the figure, and how many calories in a baked apple?

Baked apples

Those who sit on strict diets rarely indulge themselves sweet. In this case, baked apples for dessert can become a real delicacy. Calorie baked apples depends on the ingredients that are added to the dish. Standardly baked apples with sugar (powdered sugar) and cinnamon. In this dessert will be about 90 calories per hundred grams. It is much better to replace sugar with honey, in which case the product will be more natural and useful, although the caloric content will be about the same. Despite the fact that cinnamon is considered the best additions to apples, their combination with vanilla may seem quite interesting. The taste will be softer and more tender. For those who fear that the calorie content of green apples increases too much when adding sugar or honey, you can use sugar substitutes that are completely non-nutritious and do not contain carbohydrates. Many have heard about the dangers of synthetic-based sugar substitutes, so you can use natural, erythritol or stevia. In this case, baked apples will contain no more than 50 calories. Despite the fact that some of the vitamins evaporate after heat treatment, baked apples still benefit the body. In addition, they are better absorbed by the stomach, if there are problems with it in the form, for example, of high acidity. The most important thing when following a diet or just eating right is that all the substances enter the body, and the diet is balanced. Apples, having a low calorie content, but being a source of vitamins, perfectly fit into the menu.

Baked apples are a dessert for the beautiful women who watch their figure. This tasty and extremely healthy dish contains the minimum number of calories, while promoting the removal of cholesterol from the body and the safe loss of excess weight. And pectin, which is part of them, improves the complexion and gives the skin health and freshness.

Calorie content

How many calories in a baked apple without additives? 100 grams of baked apples are about 40-50 kcal, which is almost as much as fresh ones.

If you add to it a filling of nuts, raisins, prunes and pour with honey or syrup, then its caloric content can reach 70-100 kcal. Therefore, if you follow the figure, then consider this fact.

The presence of baked apples in the diet is due to the fact that they are rich in valuable plant fiber, which even after heat treatment does not lose its beneficial qualities that positively affect the functioning of the digestive system. Light carbohydrates contained in the product, charge the body with force and energy.

However, if you like to pamper yourself, we recommend making a jelly cake “Broken glass”. The advantage of this cake is that the ingredients for its preparation are inexpensive and affordable, and it is prepared quite quickly.

Benefit and harm

The taste of baked apples is familiar to all since childhood. This favorite dessert is served with sugar, honey, whipped cream, sour cream or butter.

What is useful for baked apple for the body? Baked apple is more easily absorbed by the body, so in some cases it is more preferable than raw.

In the process of cooking apples retain the maximum amount of useful elements and vitamins. They are rich in potassium, iron, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, H and PP.

  • This dish is shown to people with digestive problems, dysbacteriosis;
  • Baked apples have a positive effect on the composition of blood and lymph;
  • In the cold season, they increase immunity, reduce cough and relieve sore throat;
  • Eaten on an empty stomach baked apples in the microwave have a mild laxative and diuretic;
  • Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, they are recommended for edema, cholecystitis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Their pectins cleanse the body of toxins and slags, preventing the formation of tumors;
  • Regular consumption of baked apples normalizes metabolic processes, improves the condition of the skin;
  • This dessert is rich in potassium, positively affecting the heart muscle and the entire cardiovascular system;
  • Activate the kidneys and liver.

Harmful baked apples can only bring if you use them in excessive amounts or in the cooking process to use too high-calorie ingredients such as whipped cream or sugar. Fruits stuffed with curd or dried fruit will be triple useful.

How to cook baked apples?

To cook in the oven, choose quickly darkening sweet and sour apples. Fruits should not crack when baking, and their skin should be quite tender. To make ready-made baked apples beautiful and useful, you need to choose hard fruits with a thick skin, without damage and rot. Antonovka, Simirenko and Granny Smith are great.

Ideally, if it will be fruits from your own plot, otherwise give preference to domestic varieties with a light touch. Shiny, glossy apples are usually waxed, which makes their peel unsuitable for human consumption.

Fruits need not only to choose wisely, but also properly prepared for baking. First of all, thoroughly wash the apples and carefully remove the core and seeds, making sure that the incision does not work out. Then put them in a deep container, add a little water and bake the dish for about half an hour at 180-200 ° C.

It is not necessary to add sugar when baking, as the fruits themselves contain it in sufficient quantity. If the finished dessert seems sourish, you can spice it up with honey.

You can diversify dessert if you put a couple of tablespoons of honey in the center of each fruit and bake in the microwave for about 20 minutes.

Especially fragrant and tasty will be a dish, if you take nuts and cinnamon as a filling. In this case, it can be the original side dish for fish and meat.

Apples baked in cream

This is an incredibly tender dessert that will appeal to both adults and children.

For cooking will need:

  • A kilogram of sweet and sour apples;
  • 10 yolks;
  • 1 tsp potato starch;
  • A liter of thick but low-fat cream;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Raisins, walnuts, candied fruit to taste.

First prepare the creamy syrup. Spread the yolks and mix them with cream, sugar and starch. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Remove the cores from the apples and place them in a heat-resistant dish. Start the fruit with candied fruit, raisins and nuts and fill it with cooked thick syrup.

Place the baking tray in a heated oven for 40 minutes. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dessert with powdered sugar and pour jam with fruits and berries.

Baked apples are not the only dessert with which you can please your near and dear ones. No less popular is the waffle recipe for homemade waffle makers, in which you can wrap various fillings. These waffles are an excellent breakfast.

Cake "Potato" - is one of the desserts that are easy to prepare yourself. This article describes how to make a cake "Potato" with your own hands at home. Excellent delicacy, which is pleasant to both adults and children.

Video recipe for baked apples

Treat yourself to a delicious dessert in the form of baked apples. Assistance in the preparation of this video will have.

Apple is one of the most common fruits on the planet, it is grown on an industrial scale, along with bananas and grapes. It is applesauce that is added as a basis for most juices and jams from other fruits. Thanks to its unique properties, the apple is headed by the ratings of the most useful products, and is widely used even in the most strict diets. The unpretentiousness of an apple tree makes it possible to grow this fruit almost all over the world, which makes it an affordable and inexpensive addition to any table.

The benefits of apples

In search of useful properties of apples, a lot of research has been done, and many scientific articles have been written. The conclusions of all these works speak of one thing - the apples have a lot of various positive aspects, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The fruit contains a large amount of pectin, which helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Pectin binds and removes excess cholesterol and heavy metals.

Apples are rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines, and on the digestive system as a whole. Cellulose stimulates digestion, peristalsis (contraction of the walls) of the intestines, and also removes toxins. Acids and tannins in fruits stop the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines.

Nutrition and energy value

Apples have a low energy value, which does not diminish their benefits. On the contrary, due to its low calorie content, this fruit is considered an excellent dietary product.

Vitamins A b-car B1 B2 B5 B6 B9 C E H K PP
Content (mg) 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.01 10 0.2 0.3 2.2 0.4
Minerals K Ca Si Mg Na Ph Cl Fe I Mn Cu Mo Se Zn
Content (mg) 278 16 30 9 26 11 2 2.2 2 0.05 110 6 0.3 0.15

Glycemic index

The glycemic index is an indicator of the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed by a particular product in the body, and how much blood sugar rises after it is consumed. Foods with a high glycemic index dramatically increase blood sugar levels, disrupt metabolic processes, provoke hunger and contribute to the formation of fat deposits, while foods with a low glycemic index are absorbed slowly, beneficially affecting sugar levels and maintaining a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Apples have a low glycemic index - 30. For comparison, the banana index is 70, and the white bread index is 130. Glucose, fructose and sucrose contained in the fruit are slowly absorbed by the body and do not pose a danger to the figure. The amount of sugar in the fruit depends on the variety and weight. On average, it is 6 grams of fructose and 2 grams of fructose and sucrose. This amount of sugars stimulates the metabolic processes in the body and does not cause any harm.

Nutritional value of different varieties

The nutritional and energy value of apples of different varieties are not too different, as they do not differ in the set of vitamins and useful microelements. Mainly, the difference is present in the sugar content, which affects the taste and caloric content of the fruit. Consider the most popular Russian and foreign varieties:

Sort Calorie (kcal) Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
Granny smith 47 0,39 019 9,7
Golden 53 0,42 0,18 10,7
Red Delicious 49 0,21 0,21 10,4
Fuji 68 0,36 0,22 18,6
White filling 45 0,41 0,36 9,8
Antonovka 51 0,33 0,12 11,5
Simirenko 45 0,40 0,19 10
Ranetki 47 0,23 0,20 9,8

About cooking apples

Apples can be used not only fresh, there are many ways of processing, and many recipes with them. Fruits can be baked, canned, make juices, jams and jam, used as a filling for pies and pies, even dried. Unfortunately, their useful properties during processing, cutting and even simply during long-term storage are partially or completely lost. During heat treatment of fruits, most of the vitamins are lost, but the amount of pectin increases, which has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels.

Calorie and nutritional value will also vary, mainly it depends on the amount of water that remains in the product after processing, and the addition of other ingredients in the preparation. The energy value and glycemic index will rapidly increase, if sugar or honey is added to the fruit, such a product cannot be called dietary.

Baked apples

Baked apples are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. They can be served with honey, nuts, cranberries or caramel, as a side dish for meat or poultry, or as a stand-alone dessert.

You can bake the apples as whole and slices. If you extract the core, the fruit can be stuffed with nuts, raisins or cottage cheese, which will positively affect the diversity of the table. For baking, you should choose sour green fruits, such as granny smith or Antonovka. In the process of heat treatment, the sucrose contained in the fruit is decomposed into glucose and fructose, which allows the baked fruit to be absorbed better than fresh. Increasing the amount of pectin, which has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels in the body.

If earlier for cooking baked apples it was necessary to reheat the oven, now there are many recipes for cooking them in the microwave, steamer and multi-cooker, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the cooking process.

During heat treatment, some vitamins are destroyed, but all the minerals remain, which makes it possible to still consider baked apple a useful product. Due to the low calorie content, high digestibility and benefits for digestion, there are special diets on baked apples.

But it should be remembered that any additives to this dish significantly change the nutritional and energy value of the product. So, for example, the calorie content of a baked apple is only 46 calories per 100 grams, and with the addition of honey, this figure increases to 90 calories, with sugar - 70-80 calories, depending on the amount of the additive. The sugar level rises from 10 to 17-19 grams. So do not abuse sweeteners, and it is better to completely abandon them. Also, do not clean the fruit before baking - the bulk of vitamins and minerals are contained just in or under the peel.

Dried apples

This type of cooking, as drying, appeared in ancient times. Dried and dried not only fruit, but also meat. Without appropriate technology, it was the only source of vitamins and trace elements in winter.

Dried apple retains almost all the vitamins and healthy properties of fresh fruit. It will be useful to add it to the diet as a snack, or replace them with chips and snacks. You can not only eat dried apples in their natural form, but as a filling for the cake, make compotes from them, which will also serve as an excellent source of vitamins.

Fruits of any grades are suitable for drying. The thickness of the segments should not exceed one centimeter. To preserve the light color when drying, sliced ​​apples are dipped for a few minutes in boiling water. The drying process itself takes place in the oven, at a temperature of 60-90 degrees, depending on the desired effect, and lasts from four to eight hours.

The finished dried apple should be firm, but should not break. In the southern regions can be dried in the sun, in which case the whole process takes several days. Store dried apples should be in a glass container, cloth bag or paper bag at room temperature. Storage in polyethylene or in the refrigerator is not allowed.

The nutritional value of dried apple is much higher than fresh, which is explained by the lack of moisture in it. The caloric content of such a product ranges from 270-300 calories, and the amount of vitamins and minerals increases by 5-6 times.

Dried apples

Unlike dried, dried apples - this is a complete dessert. They are prepared using a large amount of sugar, and the amount of vitamins and the degree of benefits, alas, give way to amazing taste and aroma. Apples are cut into slices about two centimeters thick, covered with sugar, and left under pressure for a day, allowing excess juice to drain. Then they are dried in a weakly heated oven for two to three hours. To prepare a delicious treat, it is very important not to overdo the slices in the oven.

Dried apple is soft and sweet, and it is recommended to store it only in a tight-fitting glass container. Calorie dried apple is 280 calories per 100 grams of product. The sugar content in it is 50-60 grams!


Jam is a fruit puree boiled with sugar. Apple jam turns out to be especially thick due to pectin - a natural thickener, which is only multiplied as a result of heat treatment.

The process of making jam is quite long and laborious, in addition to preparing the raw materials (applesauce), you need to keep it on fire for a few hours, stirring regularly. As a result, to meet now on the table homemade apple jam - a rarity. Where it is easier to buy it in the store, the price of the jam is quite low, and the range is always large.

Homemade jam will differ more vivid taste and lack of a variety of preservatives that manufacturers add to their product. To jam not fermented, and the consistency was dense, sugar it is necessary to add at least 60 percent. Otherwise, the wrong proportions will have to be more than offset by artificial preservatives and thickeners. Homemade jam is also not necessary to bring to a perfect state of mashed potatoes, small soft pieces of translucent from long boiling apples only improve its taste.

A lot of sugar is added to the jam, which does not allow this type of apple product to be called dietary. Calorie jam - 230-240 calories, sugar, more than 60 grams per 100 grams of product. Most of the vitamins and trace elements are lost from long cooking.

Apples and pastries

Apple filling has become a classic for baking, cakes and pies. You can use both fresh apples and jam. These are the two most popular types of stuffing using apples. In the case of jam, everything is simple - it does not need to be further processed or added sugar before being used as a filling.

Using fresh apples for the filling, you need to consider that it will give a lot of juice in the cooking process. As a rule, when cooking wind pies, fresh fruit is cut into cubes, sprinkled with sugar and placed in a dough. In the process of baking, apples will have time to bake well, giving a sufficient amount of juice, so that these cakes will be very juicy. If you fry the pies in the pan, to start sliced ​​apples, I should simmer with sugar for a few minutes. Frying dough is cooked much faster, and a fresh apple does not have time to bake inside.

The calorie content of apple pies varies from 200 calories (brass) to 280 (fried). It can be further reduced by not adding sugar to the filling.

Choosing apples correctly

To enjoy the taste of apples and get a good portion of vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to take into account a few nuances when choosing apples, namely:

  • first of all, it is necessary to understand that each fruit has its own season. For apples, this is August-October. And if in the middle of winter, apples of winter varieties are still full of useful vitamins, then in spring or early summer on the shelves you can find only fruits, processed with the strongest chemicals, completely lost any useful properties;
  • the surface should be smooth, without damage, dark spots and dents;
  • on the surface of the fruit should not be wrinkles. This testifies to the withering of the fruit, its taste will be hopelessly spoiled, not to mention the beneficial properties;
  • choose medium size fruits that look as natural as possible. Too large apples, or having a perfect uniform color, were processed by growth enhancers and maturation accelerators;
  • the fruit should not be sticky or too shiny; it is a sign of chemical treatment for longer storage;
  • the smell does not have to be apple. Most varieties barely smell if the skin is intact.

If you still purchased a battered apple, or found signs of decay already in storage, immediately separate it from the rest. The process of rotting in apples quickly spreads not only inside the fruit, but also to neighboring fruits.

You can find out about the dangers and benefits of apples, as well as their calories, in the following short video:


Properly selected apple will become the most valuable sources of nutrients and a necessary element of any diet. The benefit of one apple a day is hard to overestimate, and the desserts with its participation are distinguished by a bright taste and a wonderful fruit aroma, which cannot be confused with anything. Possessing all these qualities, for energy, vitality and well-being, apples should become an integral part of the diet for everyone.

In contact with

Baked apples are a favorite dessert, the taste of which has been familiar to all since childhood. Often it is served with whipped cream, sugar or honey, butter or sour cream. These supplements significantly increase the calorie content of the dish. But it is not worth it because of this to abandon the useful dessert. After all, baked apples are very tasty by themselves, without additional ingredients.

When baking, some of the water contained in the apple evaporates. The concentration of all substances per 100 grams of product increases significantly. Of course, the difference in calories in raw apple and baked without additives fruit (of the same size) is not. But if you count the calories contained in 100 grams of raw and baked apples, the difference between them becomes obvious.

The calorie content of one fresh fruit weighing 100 grams is 40-50 calories, and in 100 grams of baked apples there will be from 70 to 100 kilocalories. If you fill it with prunes with nuts, add sweet honey, sprinkle with powdered sugar or decorate with whipped cream, then the caloric content of such a dish can already be equated to a medium-calorie cake. This should be taken into account in the preparation of the diet for those who count calories and watch their weight.

The use of baked apples in the diet menus is justified by the fact that they contain valuable vegetable fiber, which, after undergoing heat treatment, retains its useful qualities for the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Light carbohydrates provide additional influx of strength and energy. Therefore, nutritionists are advised to eat baked fruit for breakfast or lunch. The content of ascorbic acid is slightly reduced, so for baking, it is better to choose sweet and sour apples.

Before placing the fruit in the oven, they must be washed, cut out the core, placed on a baking sheet, which was previously lined with parchment, and sprinkled with water. Bake medium-sized fruits for 15-25 minutes, depending on the type of apples you choose.

The relatively low calorie content of a baked apple is not the only advantage of this wonderful dessert. It has a lot of other useful qualities. First, in a baked apple, almost all the vitamins, micro and macro elements and other valuable substances contained in it remain unchanged. Secondly, regular consumption of this dish normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves skin condition and rejuvenates it.

In addition, baked apples contain a fairly large amount of potassium. The value of this trace element for the heart muscle and the entire cardiovascular system is known to all. But few people know that potassium in the human body is a sodium antagonist, which, in turn, contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid and excess fat. Potassium, replacing sodium in many reactions of the body, acts a little differently. Therefore, it is used in the diet.

For people suffering from peptic ulcers, doctors recommend eating exactly baked, not fresh apples. If you eat them on an empty stomach, they have a mild laxative and diuretic effect, relieve swelling of tissues and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Pectins contained in baked fruits are able to bind toxic substances and remove them from the body. Flavonoids block free radicals, thereby preventing the development of tumors. There are special diets in which the baked apple is the main source of energy, wholesome and nutrients.