How to bake butter cakes quickly and easily. The most rich Kulich - taste just magical! Easter cake for the whole family - the most delicious recipe

10.04.2019 Vegetable Dishes
  • 900 grams of flour;
  • 250 ml of sour cream at room temperature;
  • a little more glass of milk (about 300 ml) warmed to 35 degrees;
  • 60 grams of raw yeast,
  • 4 eggs and 1 extra protein;
  • 150 grams of soft butter (not melted);
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • multi-colored confectionery powder for decoration;
  • 150 grams of light candied fruit or seedless raisins.

Cooking process:

First of all, the dough is made from milk, yeast and 1 tsp of sugar. Mixed ingredients are placed in a warm place for about 10 minutes, during which foam should appear on the milk.

Sugar with 3 eggs is whipped with a mixer to get an air mass. It is added to the risen dough together with butter, sour cream and the remaining flour. The dough is kneaded by hand, because the spoon or spatula is too entangled.

The sticky dough kneaded in this way is transferred to a large container pre-lubricated with refined vegetable oil. Sweet dough for Easter cakes is covered with a towel and sent "for growth" in a warm place for an hour.

After 60 minutes you can add candied fruits or raisins. Pre-roll the ingredients in a small amount of flour. Leave the dough with raisins for another half an hour.

The finished base is decomposed in forms oiled or lined with oiled paper.

Fill the cake mold for no more than 1/3 and leave it for a while to bake the yeast dough slightly. After about half an hour, beat the yolk of one egg with a small amount of water and mix the coat over the protruding part of the cake, then send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

Sweet Easter cakes will be cooked in about 40 minutes. This cooking time is conditional, it will change in a smaller or larger direction, depending on the size of the kulichikov. Toward the end, start checking the readiness of a wooden toothpick, as small cakes reach earlier.

Chilled or hot pastries should be decorated with glaze. If you lubricate the cakes are still hot, fudge dries faster.

Protein glaze is prepared from 2 egg whites (taken preferably fresh from the fridge) of lemon juice and powdered sugar, which are whipped up to foam. Beat everything up to foam. The tops of the cakes are smeared with fudge, and decorated with festive sprinkles.

Easter cakes were prepared by Svetlana Soroka.

Today I bring to your attention the recipe for Easter Kulich rich, fat and heavy. Such a classic version of our family recipe. Such a cake was baked by my grandmother, then my mother. He became my first baked kulich.

Easy not to call it, it is just a heavy and high-calorie product. But once a year you can pamper yourself with such high-calorie, but such delicious pastries!

In the description of the ingredients above, the proportion of 1 cup of milk (200 milliliters) is written. From this amount of dough, an average of 6-8 Easter cakes weighing 350 grams is obtained. It all depends on the size of the forms in which bake products.

Usually, on the resurrection itself, I bake such cakes in proportion to 0.5 liters of milk. The list of ingredients for the amount of milk you can find in the description under my video on YouTube.

Milk and sour cream is better to use high fat.

Pressed yeast can be replaced by dry in the ratio of 3 to 1, that is, instead of 60 grams of pressed yeast, take 20 grams of dry, 3 times less.

All ingredients must be removed in advance from the refrigerator so that they become at room temperature. But the milk should be heated to a warm state. It is impossible to use hot, it will die yeast. Oil should be melted in advance.
1. Opara. For its preparation it is necessary to crush pressed yeast into a deep container,

add a glass of warm milk to them and dilute until smooth.

Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and 6-10 tablespoons of flour from the total. It should make the dough like pancakes. Cover with a towel and set aside in the heat for 30-45 minutes. Opara should come up.

2. From 5 chicken eggs, separate 2 proteins for whipping glaze. If you want to cover the cakes with another glaze, then just beat 4 eggs.

Eggs must be whipped with salt, sugar and vanilla into a good white foam.

3. Combine the brew, eggs and sour cream together. Pour in the rest of the milk if you are cooking a large portion.

Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Sift the spoons of 10 table flour, kneading the dough.

Add the melted and cooled butter to the obtained thin dough.

Mix it in.

5. Sift most of the flour and knead the dough. At this stage, it should already lag behind the edges of the bowl, gather into a ball, but still be sticky - which is time to lay on the work surface for kneading by hand. Only to do this is not worth it.

This dough must be covered with a towel or plastic wrap and leave to approach in a warm place for 1.5 - 2 hours. I transferred it to a large container.

6. At this time it is worth preparing raisins or other dried fruits. Raisin pour boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

Rinse and allow to drain. Put on paper towel and dry.

To the finished raisins, add 2 teaspoons of flour.

This is done to ensure that the raisins in the finished product are not crumpled in one place, but evenly distributed throughout the dough.

7. Come dough must be kneaded and put on the table, sprinkled with sifted flour.

On the dough, you can immediately pour the dried fruit.

The dough must be kneaded by hand for 7-10 minutes. Add flour gradually, so as not to overload the dough immediately. Remember, the more flour, the harder and denser baking. I left 1.1 kilograms of flour on a dough. You can take 100 grams less or more.

8. Finished dough should be immediately divided into forms.

I do not leave it to come again, it will fit already in the forms. The number of Easter cakes will depend on the size of the molds. Paper ready-made forms that are sold in stores, do not need to lubricate. If you bake in cans, you need to cut the bottom and edges of parchment paper. Lubrication is also not required. Fill them up one third. Leave the molds with the dough on the stove, covering them with a towel. Let them stand, and the dough will do while the oven warms up to 180-190 degrees.

9. Baking time also depends on the size of the molds and your oven. In my gas cakes medium-sized baked for 45 minutes, and large for an hour.

10. Finished cakes should be removed from the forms, if they are not paper. Leave to cool. Do not rush to remove the parchment, if you bake in it. It, as well as the finished paper form, will help the product to remain soft longer.

11. Grease cakes grease with glaze and decorate at its discretion. I just beat 2 proteins with powdered sugar and lemon juice. For 1 protein, take 1-2 tablespoons of powder and beat until strong peaks. This icing does not crumble, as with sugar. She is soft cream, but slightly sticky.

Leave the cakes on the table for the night. Frosting grab. In the morning they will become a little denser in structure. This is normal. So it should be in this recipe.

View in the section immediately after cooling.

View in the cut the next morning.

Kulichi are very sweet, very rich, high-calorie. The density is average. Loose and just great.


Time for preparing: PT05H00M 5 h.

Recipe number 1 from Natalia

Every year our family starts to eat Easter cakes 2-3 weeks before Easter. Although it is not quite in the spirit of tradition, but as soon as Easter souvenirs, cake cakes and multicolored sprinkles appear in the shops, an irrepressible desire awakens in me to recall old dough recipes and try new ones. During self-baking cakes, I made several observations that will not be news for experienced housewives, but will be useful to those who first decided to bake a Easter cake at home.

So, about the secrets of successful baking cakes

The consistency of dough for Easter bread can be different - from almost, as for thick pancakes, to very dense. In the first case, the dough quickly rises, the cake turns out to be light and large-pore, but with such a dough it is more difficult to work and there is a high probability that it will fall in the oven and the cakes will turn out low, with the top bent inwards.

A dense dough, which is kneaded to a state where it does not stick to hands, is very heavy and dense, takes a long time to set up, gives a small-bodied, dense crumb, but the Easter cakes are strong, beautiful, and a certain weight of the crumb only makes the bread festive, like Christmas cakes . I most often choose just such a version of the test, although you can make an intermediate consistency.

As for the components of the dough, eggs, milk and sugar make bread rich, in fact, a sweet cake, but the crumbly, dryish look gives the crumb only butter and, in part, fat sour cream. By the way, sour cream gives sourness - the characteristic taste of “grandmother's” bread.

how to cook sweet Easter cake with butter


  • 170 ml of milk
  • 50 g butter
  • 3 cups flour (750 milliliters)
  • 2 eggs
  • 4-6 Art. l Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast

Preparation on steps with a photo

In a deep bowl or saucepan, mix the milk, eggs, sugar and finely chopped (not melted) butter. If you plan to knead the dough at once for 3 cakes and more, it is better to do it in several batches, because a large volume will be hard to knead well.

Divide the flour into 2 parts, for example, three quarters and one quarter. In most of the flour, add the yeast and enter it into the dough. You should get a thick, slightly sticky mass.

Now add the remaining flour to the dough in small pieces and knead it until it looks smooth.

Leave the kneaded dough for proofing under the towel. Here it is important not to hurry and wait for a good rise, because the dough is very rich, besides there is a lot of flour in it, so it will rise for a long time, but if the yeast is good, it will certainly rise 3-3.5 times. You can shift the dough into forms, when it will increase by 2.5 times, because there will be another proofing in the forms.

Put the dough on the board with flour.

Focusing on the size of the forms, divide the piece of dough into pieces, so that each takes a little more than half of the form. Form from the dough kolobochki with a smooth surface and lower them into oiled forms.

Wait until the dough in the forms rises almost to the edge and brush it with sweet water (dissolve a tablespoon of sugar with two tablespoons of water). Make sure that water does not flow from the surface between the dough and the form, otherwise the sides of the Easter cakes can stick to the walls.

Bake Easter cakes at 150 C for one hour. If the upper spiral is turned on in the oven, cover the surface with foil as soon as it starts to turn red. Perhaps, baking will take more or less time - look at the color of the crust and density of the cake: if it is ready, it almost does not bend when pressed.

Remove the ready-made cakes from the molds and cool.

For sugar coating, mix 100 g of powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l sugar syrup (1: 1 sugar and water) and 1 tbsp. l of milk.

Adjust the thickness of the glaze by adding milk and powder so that it is very thick and literally spread like butter, but at the same time leveling its surface.

Grease cold cakes with icing and garnish with sprinkles.

Recipe number 2 from Alisson

Dear hostesses, we offer you a recipe for homemade Easter cake, which must be on every holiday table on this bright and pure Christian holiday. Easter cake is most often baked, baked from yeast dough with the addition of raisins and nuts.

Easter cake recipe with raisins and nuts

Greetings to you, and we continue to prepare for Easter! One of the main symbols of this bright holiday is the Easter cake. And if it symbolizes Mount Golgotha, on which Jesus was crucified, then the dough is prepared in memory of the fact that the son of God has always shared his meal with the disciples, as well as in memory of the victory of Life over death.

The tradition to bake cakes so deeply entered our lives that it seems to be wrong to meet Easter without them. Therefore, each housewife has a recipe, which she gets from the cookbook only once a year, namely on the day before the bright holiday.

If you are still in search and did not have time to find your composition, which always turns out, then I suggest reading my selection. I collected and simple yeast-free recipes for young housewives, and the classic rich choux pastry for the more experienced.

In general, in any case, it will be possible to treat them for the glory, but you can read about this in this article.

  The most delicious classic Easter cake recipe from choux pastry

In the old books, the mass from which the buns were baked was always brewed, so it was more tender. I decided that it would be better if I shared with you a video where the hostess tells in great detail how to make such a dough correctly.

Since we are analyzing such a traditional recipe, it is important to know that it is necessary to fully comply with the proportions and the list of ingredients. After all, this composition of products is quite expensive, because there it is necessary to take almost all the din of eggs, and yes even good ghee. But for this you will be rewarded with the taste of dessert, so you definitely do not buy in the store!

  Easter cake from cottage cheese like a cupcake

It is necessary to understand the difference that cottage cheese baking is not the same as cottage cheese Easter. Kulich is flour pastry, and Easter is only cottage cheese dessert. They have different recipes and they symbolize different things. But both are integral attributes of a bright holiday.

So, now I will share with you a very tasty recipe that tastes like a cupcake. Of course, you can cook it on different days, but children will be swept away from the holiday table in a matter of seconds!

The whole secret of this cupcake is to constantly beat all the ingredients, then the dough turns out very lush and filled with oxygen.


  • 1 eggs
  • 150 g butter
  • 350 g sugar
  • 250 g of cottage cheese
  • Vanilla
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 1-2 cups flour

1. Protein, beat three minutes into a good foam, without turning off the mixer, add sugar, melted, not hot (!!!) butter. And you need to beat another three minutes.

2. It is the turn of cottage cheese, we also mix it with the total mixture until smooth.

3. Now we will enter about a glass of flour and mix. For the mass to rise well, you need to extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour it into the mass.

4. Add vanilla on the tip of the aroma knife.

5. We also add flour to obtain a thick cream cream consistency and add any kind of fillers. Tasty with poppy seeds and nuts.

6. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil, the form itself is better to take no more than 15 centimeters in diameter, and better still less. To bake well the center of the cake.

7. You need to bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for about 50-60 minutes.

This cake can not be cut hot, because the curd inside is still wet, let it cool.

  Sweet recipe with candied fruit and raisins in a slow cooker

We have a lot of helpers now. We cook in a slow cooker and bread maker. When I choose to bake this treat in a bread maker, I take a program of yeast bread, just add a little more sugar than in the description of the same name in the instructions. I think that there is nothing complicated here, so I’ll omit the description itself, but here’s how to bake cakes in a slow cooker, here it’s worth a little bit to be smart.

Multivarki are different, there are with standard functions and they have to choose the mode "Baking" or "cake", and there is a function of multi-cook, when the temperature and cooking time are set independently. I have a standard technique, so I usually bake muffins by default 50 minutes.


  • 120 ml of milk
  • 3 tsp. dry yeast
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g butter
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 1.2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 200-300 g of flour
  • 160 g raisins and candied fruit

1. First of all, you need to dilute the yeast, do it in warm milk, add a teaspoon of sugar to it and stir it.

2. While the yeast begins to act, we need to beat the eggs with sugar into a little foam.

3. Now, in the yeast mixture, sift the flour, wrap the bowl with the film so that the greenhouse effect is obtained and leave our bowl for an hour alone.

4. Now add beaten eggs, vanillin, salt and soft oil to the bowl with brew.

5. And in the same bowl we begin to sift the flour, it should be done until the dough begins to gather into a ball and reach for a spoon.

6. Now we need all the dough to rise, we shift it into a large, buttered, capacity and cover with a piece of cling film. So it will rest for about two hours. During this time you will need to go up once and knead the mass.

8. Put the molds in the slow cooker for 30 minutes so that the cakes are still suitable, and then turn on the Baking mode, it usually lasts 50 minutes. But it is better to bake them for 1 hour and 40 minutes, so we set the mode again.

After the end of the regime, we do not open the lid for another 20 minutes.

  The recipe from butter cream dough, which is always obtained

My mother always prepares a festive treat from sweet yeast dough. We were even frightened in childhood that kulichs could be left out if we made noise. And we walked for half a day as quiet as mice. I now understand that this was a marketing move thought out by my mother in order to stay at least a little in a relaxed atmosphere. We were busy at that time or.


  • 170 g flour
  • 240 ml of cream 33%
  • 30 g fresh yeast
  • 2 tsp. sahara
  • 4 eggs
  • Sugar - 220 g
  • 550 g flour
  • 100 g soft butter

1. First we make an unusual braise. To do this, we heat the cream, and dissolve the yeast with sugar in them.

2. As soon as they disperse, we pour this mixture into the sifted flour.

3. We mix and clean in a warm place for an hour.

4. The mass will rise well.

5. It was the turn to work with a whisk, we need to beat the eggs and sugar, then lay out the brew that came up. Continuing to mix, add portions of flour.

6. After we have entered all the prepared amount of flour, it remains to pour in the butter.

We stop adding ingredients when we see that the mass is moving away from the walls of the bowl. Correctly mixed dough turns out soft, elastic and does not stick to hands.

7. Stir the cup under the plastic wrap and leave to rise for a couple of hours. Mass rises well.

  8. We knead the dough and at this stage you can add any fillers.

9. The form is filled in 1/3.

Leave a lot to rise.

10. Bake our treat at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 50 minutes.

These are the kids turned out, smooth and beautiful.

  How to bake dessert quickly and tasty?

For those who have guests at the door or no time for cooking, I suggest taking another delicious recipe, which also makes baking, like a cake. Mainly because we do not use yeast.

And the highlight here is that even eggs are not taken into composition! A great option for those who did not calculate and cooked the whole ten eggs for painting!


  • Butter - 100 g
  • Granulated sugar - 200 g
  • Kefir - 125 ml
  • Sour cream - 125 ml
  • Flour - 2 glasses
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid
  • Dried fruits

1. First of all, we need to grind some butter with all the prepared sugar.

2. Now pour into this mass a little sour cream and kefir, mixing well. Spread dried fruit or other filler.

3. Sift flour in advance and mix it with soda and citric acid. Mix and pour into the total mass. The consistency should be thick, do not drain from the spoon.

4. Put it in the mold, leaving a space (about a third of the total volume), if the dough is still growing.

5. Bake at 180 degrees for 60 minutes.

Sweet treat is ready, it remains only to decorate.

  Delicious Easter Cake from Alexandria Dough

Alexandria dough is very popular for making all kinds of muffins. In any recipe using this type of mass, you will see that a very large number of products are used.

I will say right away that if you do not need to bestow a large number of loved ones, then take a fifth of the entire composition. If you decide to make a lot of baking, then stock up on a five-liter pan or bucket, because the dough is growing well!


  • 250 g melted butter
  • 0.5 liters of baked milk
  • 5 eggs
  • 100 g fresh yeast
  • 2 tbsp. brandy
  • Peel of one lemon
  • 1.5 kg of wheat flour
  • 400 grams of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil odorless
  • Vanillin

1. Milk is heated with melted butter, it should be warm, 35 degrees.

2. Mix the yeast with liquid warm ingredients. Now add two whole eggs, and the remaining three take only the yolks. Also pour vanilla, vegetable oil and sugar. Mix everything and leave for 15 minutes until the yeast disperses.

3. While we are waiting for this time, we will steam the raisins with boiling water.

4. Put it in the approached yeast, add cognac and zest there and mix thoroughly.

5. Now add the flour until the dough does not lag behind the walls of the bowl.

6. Close and leave to warm for 2 hours, the test will be very much.

7. After this time we will transfer the mass into molds, close them with a towel and wait for the mass to increase, only then send them to bake.

8. Bake 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Such kulichs are much tastier when they stand a little and cool.

The dough remains soft for quite a long time due to the addition of vegetable oil.

  The easiest recipe for the dough without eggs and without a dough for beginners

For those who are not yet ready to bother with yeast, or who prefer yeast-free pastries more, I offer a recipe for turmeric kefir. Spice is added for a beautiful amber color. We take raisins as a filler, it is better to buy different varieties, for example, white and black, so a baking cut will be much more effective.


  • 50 g of softened butter
  • 80 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml of kefir
  • 175 g flour
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1.2 tsp citric acid
  • 50 g of raisins
  • 1.2 tsp turmeric
  • vanillin

1. In the sifted flour add citric acid, soda and turmeric. Sift need to enrich the molecules with oxygen.

2. In another container, we begin to grind butter with sugar. This is done quickly, so you can only use a spoon.

3. Now we enter sour kefir and again we grind.

4. Steam the raisins for 10 minutes, then drain and dry it with a paper towel. Then mix it with a spoon of starch so that it is evenly distributed in the dough.

5. We begin to introduce flour, constantly stirring, pour out the raisins.

6. Leave the mass for 10 minutes while the kefir is reacting with soda and citric acid, the dough will rise.

  7. Put the dough on 2/3 of the molds.

8. They need to bake from 40 to 60 minutes at 180 degrees.

The first 15.20 minutes, the oven can not be opened.

  Lemon cake

Of course, I want to surprise my family every time with a variety of tastes and experiment with additives. Therefore, I suggest you move away from the classics and add lemon or orange zest to the dough. Believe the flavor will be unforgettable and the holiday will immediately play not only with church colors, but also remind you that outside the window spring and the sun is shining!

And the truth is, for as long as I can remember, the day of Bright Easter always falls clear and sunny, there are drops of birds and singing outside the window, the soul rejoices.


  • 400 ml of milk
  • 50 g fresh yeast
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 180 g butter
  • 1 lemon
  • 600-800 g of flour
  • 150 g of raisins

For the glaze:

  • 1 protein
  • 5-7 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice

1. Yeast is diluted in milk, which we take half a glass. Add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar and mix well. Leave for 15 minutes. Milk for sponge should be warm!

2. Sift flour into another dish, pour out the remaining milk and diluted yeast.

3. Tighten with cling film, cover with a towel and send to a warm place for 50 minutes.

4. While the dough rises, we will separate the whites from the yolks. Add sugar to yolks and start beating. Put them in the brew, add to the mass of melted butter and grated lemon zest.

5. Beat whites for 1.5 or 2 minutes until stable peaks and put them into the dough.

6. Now we introduce raisins and flour to knead the mass with our hands.

8. Put the dough into the mold for a third of the volume, because it rises strongly.

Now turn on the oven on the smallest mode and set there to rise.

9. As soon as you see that the dough has risen, turn on the oven 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.

10. All ingredients for the glaze, beat with a mixer or a whisk until thickened and immediately coat the cakes.

Frosting will harden after 2 hours.

  Delicious Craffin Puff Pastry for Easter

Those who follow the culinary fashion should enjoy baking, which is called craffin, it looks very unusual and luxurious. But it is very high in calories, because it is made from puff pastry, where each layer is impregnated with oil.

I found a wonderful video in which the hostess shares step-by-step actions to prepare such a delicacy.

How do you like the idea? Personally, I would love to eat such a bun!

In order for the children to also form a love for the Light Holiday, invite them. Let one coat the tops of the baking with icing or melted chocolate, and the other sprinkle with coconut or confectionary dressing. At this time you can tell them where this holiday came from and what it means, because, as a rule, very few people talk about these topics with children now.

I thank you for your attention and look forward to your comments, because there are a lot of recipes for Easter cakes, and I, of course, have not covered absolutely everything, only those that are obtained in most cases and fit the standard set of products in an ordinary house.

Happy holiday, my dear!

Delicious, sweet, fragrant Easter cakes are the best recipes for cooking.

Delicious, sweet, fragrant Easter cakes for Easter.
  Honey Easter Cake

The symbols of the Easter meal are painted eggs, curd Easter and Easter cakes. According to tradition, Easter cakes are prepared in advance - 2-3 days before the Easter holiday, so that the rich bread is infused, gradually gaining in taste.

A large amount of eggs, sugar, butter is added to the dough, so Easter cakes do not harden for a very long time.

In the preparation of Easter cakes, there are several important points. Sweet dough does not like haste, it needs to be allowed to stand and come up well - it depends on how lush and high Easter cake will turn out.

Protect the dough from drafts, do not shake the dishes with the dough and do not move them from place to place. And of course, you need to start cooking holiday baking with a good mood - the dough feels not only the warmth of our hands, but also the warmth of the soul.

Ingredients for Easter Easter Cake:

Milk of any fat content - 1 cup;
  wheat flour - 4-4.5 cups;
  fresh yeast (in packs) - 30 g;
  sugar - a tablespoon;
  salt - pinch;
  egg yolks - 4 pieces;
  egg whites - 2 pieces;
  sugar - 1 cup;
  thick honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  butter - 200 g;
  raisins - 100 g


Egg protein - 2 pieces;
  salt - pinch;
  powdered sugar - 100 g

Prepare all the products in advance: a few hours before making the cake, remove the butter and eggs, yeast from the fridge. Sift the flour, measure the right amount of sugar, melt the raisins.

When everything is ready, you can start a brew. Heat the milk to such a temperature that the hand feels pleasantly warm. Pour into a large bowl or pot. Crumble the yeast into milk.

Add salt with sugar. Mix everything, wait until the yeast disperses. Pour a glass of flour into the liquid.

Spoon mix flour with milk and yeast. Get a homogeneous dough average thickness. If you tilt the spoon, the dough will pour out in waves, leaving marks on the surface of the dough.

Remove the dough into heat, be sure to cover it. In half an hour, it will greatly increase in volume, rise by a factor of 2-3.
   By the beginning of the dough, you need to rub the egg yolks with sugar in one bowl, whip the egg whites into the foam in the other. Add honey to the yolks - this will give the cakes unusual honey flavor and pleasant aroma. No spices are added to the dough to dominate the honey flavor.

Stir up stir. Pour into her yolks with honey and sugar, whipped whites, add soft butter. Stir with a spoon or spatula until the mass becomes homogeneous (sponge must be combined with other ingredients). Now you can sift 3 more cups of flour and add raisins.

Stir the dough with flour until you get loose dough. When it starts to gather into a ball, put the dough on the table (grease the table with your hands), knead with hands until soft and smooth the dough. Add flour if necessary. You need to knead the dough for at least 10-15 minutes, you should feel that it has become very plastic, but not sticky. Form a ball out of dough, put it back in a bowl. Cover it or tighten it with film. In a warm dough will stand up to increase in volume twice.

It needs to be kneaded, divided into pieces of the same size, decomposed into forms. To make the easter cakes easy to take out, grease the bottom and walls of the mold with oil, sprinkle with flour. At the bottom it is desirable to put a circle of oiled paper for baking. Fill out forms 1/3 or half of the volume (the smaller the form, the more magnificent the cake will be).

To form a dense crust from above, cover the forms with a towel or film. Let the dough rise.

When the dough in the forms reaches almost to the edge, put them in a heated to 180 degrees oven. Bake until done (small cakes about 30 minutes, large about an hour). If the top is browned, cover it with paper or foil.

To decorate cakes, whip chilled egg whites with a pinch of salt and powdered sugar. Beat until stable peaks (if you raise the whisk, the whipped squirrels will not fall off, they will stay on it).

Remove the finished cakes from the molds, cool under a towel and cover with icing. You can decorate them with pieces of candied fruit, dried fruit or sprinkle with colored confectionery dressing.

Easter cake with candied fruit and raisins

The dough for the cake.

Flour - 5 glasses
  Fatty cream - 1,5 glasses
  sugar - 1 cup
  egg yolk - 6 pcs
  butter - 250 g
  dry yeast - 1 bag (or 50 g of fresh yeast)
  raisins - 0.5 cup
  candied fruit - 0.5 cup
  nuts - 0.5 cup

For glaze

Egg protein - 1 pc
  sugar - 1 pc

First you need to prepare the dough for the cake.

First of all, prepare the brew. Dissolve the yeast in warm cream, add 1 tbsp of sugar and half of the flour, mix everything.

Let the dough come in a warm place.

Grind the yolks with sugar and softened butter.

Chop the nuts, finely chop the candied fruit, wash the raisins well.

When the sponge rises, add a yolk-oil mixture, a pinch of salt, flour residues and knead the dough for the cake well.

Add nuts, raisins and candied fruit to the dough, mix gently.

Cover the dough with a towel, let it go twice, each time pressing it.

In the form for the cake to lay oiled baking paper, smear the forms themselves with vegetable oil.

Fill the forms with dough half and cover with a towel.

Give the dough to rise almost to the brim of the form.

Bake cakes in the oven, heated to 200 * C, for 40-50 minutes.

Remove the finished cakes from the molds and cool them by laying them on one side of the grid.

Decorated Easter Easter cakes with icing and candied fruits.

Easter cake on sour cream "Grandmother"

Recipe for kulich on sour cream.

Flour - 1.2 kg
  milk - 0.5 l
  sugar - 2 glasses
  eggs - 5 pieces
sour cream - 3 tbsp
  raisins - 300 g
  fresh yeast - 100 g
  butter - 250 g
  vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  salt - 1 tsp
  egg white - 1 pc for glaze
  sugar - 1 cup for the glaze

We start cooking delicious Easter cake on sour cream.

First you need to make a brew.

Mix milk, yeast, half flour and 1 tbsp sugar.

Put in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Beat eggs with sugar, salt and vanilla sugar, add to brew, stir.

Add melted butter and sour cream to the dough, add flour and knead the dough.

Add raisins to the dough, stir gently.

Cover the dough with a cloth napkin and leave in a warm place for 1 hour to approach.

Dough decomposed into forms for cakes, oiled, 1/3 of the volume, cover with a napkin and give doubled.

Bake in the oven, heated to 200 * C, for 30-40 minutes.

For the glaze, beat the whites with sugar.

Cool the finished cakes and grease with glaze, garnish with candied fruits and colored chips.

Easter cake with poppy filling

Easter cake “Easter handsome” with poppy filling, undoubtedly, will take the main place among other treats on the holiday table.

The composition of the products for the cake:

Flour - 1 - 1.5 kg
  Medium egg - 5 pcs.
  Loose sugar - 1 cup
  Milk - 2 glasses
  Vanilla sugar - bag
  Fresh yeast - 100 g
  Cream margarine - 200 g
  Sour cream - 150 g
  Salt - 8-10 g
  For filling:
  Mac - 1.5 cups
  Loose sugar - 180 g
  Lemon - half a large fruit

Cooking Easter cake:

Heat a small amount of milk, melt the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in it, leave the mixture for a while to come.

Add half of the flour weight to the rest of the milk and add the approached yeast, give time to “approach”.

Beat eggs with sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar, add sour cream and melted margarine (can be replaced with butter), mix well.

When the sponge rises add to it an egg-oil mixture, stir and then add flour, pouring it in small portions and carefully stirring.

After adding all the flour, knead the dough well, return it to the bowl, cover with a clean cloth and wait about an hour and a half for the dough to double.

While the dough will rise, cook the poppy filling.

Pour one and a half cups of water into a saucepan, cover the poppy seeds and, over low heat, boil for half an hour.

Spread the dough spread on high molds, oiled, 1/3 of the volume, separating a portion of the dough and laying a poppy filling inside of each.

Forms with cakes to cover again with a clean cloth napkin and leave for a while so that the dough rises in the forms again.

Bake Easter cakes at a temperature of 200-220 * C for 30-50 minutes (depending on the size of the forms).

Ready cakes to remove from the form, cool, then cover with icing or fondant and decorate.

Delicious cake on kefir

Quite a simple recipe for kulich. Kefir dough obedient, easily kneaded. In finished form, the cake is soft, lush and sweet, does not get stale for long.

Required Products:

Kefir - 0.5 liters
  butter - 200 g
  dry yeast - 1.5 tbsp.
  eggs - 3 pcs large
  sour cream - 0.5 cup
  sugar - 1 cup
  vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  salt - 0.5 tsp.
  flour ~ 1 kg

How to cook a cake on kefir:

First you need to make a brew.

Kefir a little warm, add yeast, 1-2 tbsp. sugar and 1 cup flour.

Mix everything well, cover the dishes with a towel and put in a warm place.

Prepare eggs for the cake - separate the yolks from the proteins.

Grind the yolks with plain and vanilla sugar.

Add salt to proteins and mix with foam in a mixer.

When a fluffy cap of foam is formed on the dough, you can knead the dough for the kulich.

Add sour cream and softened butter to the dough, mix.

Then add the yolks with sugar, mix, add proteins, mix again.

Add flour to the mixture gradually, sifting through a sieve, mixing the dough each time.

Knead dough for kulich on the table, sprinkled with flour, it should not stick to your hands.

Cover the dough with a towel and put in a warm place.

When the dough rises a little, it needs to be kneaded and allowed to come up again.

The finished dough for cakes spread out in molds, oiled, filling them to 1/3.

Wait until the dough rises in half.

Put the cakes in the oven, heated to 180 * C, and bake until browning.

Cool baked cakes and then cover them with icing or fondant and decorate with multi-colored topping and marmalade.

Easter cake with chocolate icing

Ingredients for vanilla cake:

Milk - one and a half glasses
  Flour - 800-820 g
  Butter - 145-150 g
  Baking yeast - 15 g
  Vanilla sugar - bag
  Loose sugar - 150 g
  Egg for grease the cake

To glaze the cake:

Dark chocolate - 50 g
  White chocolate - 130-150 g
  Cream - 100 ml
  Butter - 10 g


In 0.5 cups of milk stir the yeast and, when bubbles appear in the mixture, pour into a convenient large bowl.

Pour the flour, previously sifted and put the dishes with brew in a warmer place, you can, for example, use hot water as a heat conductor.

When the sponge rises, add two types of sugar, milk and butter, pre-melted.

Gradually, add flour in small portions, knead the dough for the kulich, cover it with a clean cloth and move it closer to heat.

By the time the batch rises, the mold for the cakes should be lightly oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Arrange the dough in half the volume, let it rise again, brush with a beaten egg.

Bake cakes in the oven, heated to 180-200 * C, for 30-40 minutes.

Finished cakes cool a little in the forms, then pull out and completely cool on a wire rack.

To make the glaze break the white chocolate, put it in hot cream and, stirring, melt.

Pour the finished cakes with white chocolate glaze and decorate with melted dark “threads”.

You can also do the opposite - cover the cake with dark chocolate icing and decorate the top with melted white chocolate.

Frosting for the cake.

Sugar coating

Icing sugar - 1 cup
  lemon juice - 6 tbsp.

Add lemon juice to the icing sugar and mix well.

Put the pot on a very small fire and cook all the time, stirring until the frosting is smooth.

Spread the cake with hot icing and decorate with marmalade.

Pink protein glaze

Egg white - 1 pc
  powdered sugar - 1 cup
  lemon juice - 8-10 drops
  thick syrup from red jam - 1 tbsp.

Wash raw eggs with soap and dry. Separate the white from the yolk.

Beat the protein with a mixer for 5 minutes until a stable white foam.

Without stopping, add sugar powder in small portions.

Then you need to add lemon juice drop by drop, whipping all the time.

Add red syrup at the end. Protein coating is ready.

Sugar fudge

Sugar - 1 cup
  water - 0.5 cups
  lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Pour sugar into the saucepan, add water, stir. Put the saucepan on a small fire.

Boil the sugar syrup, stirring occasionally.

When syrup boils need to check readiness.

Put a little syrup in cold water, if the drop does not dissolve, but kneads like a soft dough, the syrup is ready.

Remove the pan from the heat, add lemon juice and stir.

Sprinkle the surface of the syrup with cold water and cool the syrup to the temperature of fresh milk.

Beat the cooled syrup with a mixer until a homogeneous white mass.

Sugar fudge ready.