Recipe for the preparation of Prague cake at home. The recipe for making prague cake in a slow cooker

Back to the Country of the Soviets? Prague mega-chocolate cake, the recipe of which can be realized at home, will transfer nostalgia lovers to the Soviet Union. Dessert was very popular in the last century, when the trees were big and the queues to the shops were endless. Affordable composition, devoid of frills, and harmonious taste made the invention of one Moscow culinary specialist the property of the whole nation.

Three chocolate cakes smeared with a gentle cream of condensed milk, butter and yolks with cocoa. The whole cake (top and sides) is generously covered with apricot jam, then watered with a thick layer of chocolate icing. In the original - fudge, but easy to cook at home. A replacement for ganache does not spoil the taste. Therefore, in 80 percent of cases, such a change is still carried out.

The history of the classic Prague recipe at home

Before the hostess could master the recipe for a delicious delicacy, time passed. All in order. There are several theories of the origin of delicacies.

The first version is wrong

The name of the cake got from the main city of Czechoslovakia. In exchange for experience, Czech confectioners arrived at the Prague restaurant in the capital and brought with them a delicious dessert recipe. It consisted of chocolate sponge cakes soaked in chrome. They were smeared with four varieties of cream, in which cognac, Chartreuse and Benedictine liqueurs were added. Soviet chefs simplified the recipe and the Prague Cake appeared.

In the kitchen of the Czech Republic, however, a similar dessert is missing.

Version two is correct

Most likely in this very restaurant was headed by the confectionery department of V. M. Guralnik. Today he is known as a talented inventor who invented “Bird's milk,“ Wenceslas ”cake and about three dozen non-trivial recipes.

It was Vladimir Mikhailovich who came up with the idea of ​​combining three chocolate biscuits, smearing them with cocoa butter on yolks, smearing the masterpiece with apricot jam and pouring chocolate ganache on it. From above, as a rule, put patterns of cream or fudge. Delicacy had to taste the Soviet citizens. And over time, has become the hallmark of the country. Prague recipe was made according to GOST and began to be sold in cookery throughout the USSR.

Hostess also brought to light many variations on how to make sweet dreams at home.

Cake Prague at home - a delicious recipe with photos

We offer to make the famous dessert in our kitchen. It will take a little time, but the result will surprise you with chocolate, tenderness and lightness. The cake is really delicious, beautiful and unusual. Its only minus or plus is that you don’t eat a lot of such delicacy: too hearty and sweet. Maybe this is good. One cake can treat people 12-16.

Our appearance is different from the classical one, because we wanted to pomp and solemnity. In the original, the surface of the Prague cake is decorated with cream patterns or inscriptions. Simple recipes at home and so good that you can retreat from the canons and give vent to fantasy. We were preparing our masterpiece for the birthday of one little sweet-tooth princess who wished to receive as a gift a lot of sweets. Therefore, in the decoration of candy and candy of all calibers and stripes. If you wish, you can do.

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Cake "Prague" was prepared for the first time by the Russian confectioner in Soviet times and until now the dessert is popular. The name of the cake was due to the Moscow restaurant of Czech cuisine "Prague", where he was first cooked.

You can cook a cake with different types of cream, brandy, nuts and cherries. Recipes cake "Prague" simple, and the dessert turns out very tasty.

Cake "Prague"

This is a tender and appetizing cake "Prague" according to the classic recipe with a rich taste. Prepares for about 4 hours. It turns out a big cake for 2 kg: 16 servings, calorie 5222 kcal.


  • three eggs;
  • one and a half stack Sahara;
  • two stacks flour;
  • stack sour cream;
  • 1 spoonful of vinegar and soda;
  • half a can of condensed milk;
  • 100 g of black chocolate;
  • two spoons with a hill of cocoa.


  • half a can of condensed milk;
  • oil plums. - 300 g .;
  • half stack walnut nuts .;
  • two spoons of brandy.


  • oil plums. - 50 g .;
  • black chocolate - 100 g .;
  • ¼ stack milk;
  • white chocolate - 30 g


  1. Stir the sugar with the eggs until smooth and add sour cream.
  2. Soda quench vinegar, add to the mass. Pour in condensed milk.
  3. Add chocolate and cocoa to the dough melted in a water bath. Mix a lot.
  4. Pour in the flour, the dough should make for pancakes.
  5. Take two forms, cover the bottom with parchment, grease the walls with oil and pour out the dough, spreading it evenly.
  6. 60 minutes bake cakes in the oven for 180 grams.
  7. When the finished cakes cool down a little, remove from the form.
  8. Cut the cakes across when they cool completely. It turns out 4 cake.
  9. Combine condensed milk with softened butter, add brandy and cocoa. Mix the mixture using a mixer.
  10. Saturate three cakes with brandy syrup, half diluted with water.
  11. Coat each soaked cake layer with cream and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
  12. Pour syrup over the fourth cake.
  13. In a water bath, melt the chocolate and butter, pour the milk in portions. Stir the mixture and keep on fire until uniform.
  14. Pour icing on the cake and flatten the top until the icing has cooled. Coat the sides.
  15. Melt white chocolate and pour the cake over the top.
  16. Leave the cake soaked in the fridge overnight.

Cake "Prague" in a simple recipe is soft. To the table it can be served after cooking, but it is better to let it brew.

Cake "Prague" with sour cream

This is a recipe for a cake "Prague" with. Preparing 4 hours, it turns out 10 servings, calorie 3200 kcal.

Ingredients Required:

  • a half stack flour;
  • two eggs;
  • 120 g of oil;
  • two stacks Sahara;
  • can of condensed milk;
  • two stacks sour cream;
  • two spoons of cocoa;
  • tsp soda;
  • tsp vanilla;
  • pack of oil.

This is a very delicious recipe for Prague cake at home with three types of cream and two types of impregnation. Calories - 2485 kcal. It turns out seven servings. According to the recipe chocolate cake "Prague" is prepared for about four hours.


  • six eggs;
  • 115 g of flour;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 25 g. Cocoa;
  • 15 ml. milk;
  • one tsp loosening .;
  • chocolate;
  • a pinch of vanilla.


  • a glass of rum;
  • stack Sahara.

For 1 cream:

  • 120 g of oil;
  • 10 g of cocoa;
  • yolk;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar .;
  • 15 ml. milk

For 2 cream:

  • 150 g of oil;
  • 0.5 lh cocoa;
  • 100 g of condensed milk.

For 3 creams:

  • 150 g of oil;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled condensed milk;
  • 130 g of powdered sugar.


  • 150 g of cocoa;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of oil;
  • half a liter of milk.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Divide six eggs into whites and yolks. In a thick dense foam, beat the whites, beat the yolks to white and increase in volume.
  2. Sugar (150 g) divide in half and add to each mass. Add vanillin.
  3. Beat the whites again into stable peaks, mix the yolks and sugar.
  4. Combine the yolks with the whites, mixing them in one direction from the bottom up.
  5. Sift flour with cocoa and baking powder three times and add in portions into the egg mass. Stir slowly in one direction until smooth.
  6. Melt butter, cool and add to the dough.
  7. Grease the side of the baking sheet with butter and cover with parchment. Pour the dough and bake for 1 hour.
  8. Leave the finished cake to cool.
  9. Make the first cream. With a mixer for 3 minutes, beat the softened butter and add the yolk.
  10. Sift the flour with powder and cocoa and add to the oil mixture. Beat, pour in cold milk and mix with a mixer.
  11. Cream two: beat the softened butter with a mixer for 3 minutes, add condensed milk and whisk again. Add cocoa.
  12. Cream three: beat butter for 3 minutes with a mixer, add boiled condensed milk and powder. Mix again with a mixer.
  13. Sweet: mix sugar, cocoa, pour milk in portions and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, until the mass becomes viscous and homogeneous. Add butter for glossiness.
  14. Make an impregnation: Stir the rum with sugar and boil for 20 minutes, until the alcohol evaporates. Leave for 20 minutes.
  15. On 4 parts cut the biscuit across. Two cakes pour abundantly with impregnation, and two blot with pure rum.
  16. Cover the impregnated cake with the first cream and cover with the cake soaked only with rum. Smear this cake with the second type of cream. The third cake, with impregnation of sugar and rum, put on top and lubricate the third type of cream.
  17. Cover the sides with any cream that remains.
  18. Grease the cake with the remaining impregnation of rum and sugar.
  19. Put the cake in the fridge for an hour.
  20. Take the cake out of the fridge and pour the fudge. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top.
  21. Put the cake in cold again for 2 hours.

The most chocolate of all the cakes is, of course, Prague. Dessert with a long history, has undergone many changes in the recipe, has come down to our days and loved by all easy to cook at home. The business card of the Czech Republic fell in love with the Slavic people, during the times of the USSR the cake "Prague" was produced en masse and was a frequent guest on the tables on holidays and weekdays. Today, the cake is also produced by confectioneries and factories, and in many modifications: new and sometimes unexpected ingredients are added to the recipe. Finding a classic Prague cake from an ancient recipe is almost impossible. Let's try to cook it yourself in the kitchen - it's not as difficult as it seems.

This recipe for a real Prague cake, which was later simplified by pastry chef Vladimir Guralnyk, who worked at the Prague restaurant of the same name. The rich component composition of the recipe makes the cake truly magnificent. Preparation of "Prague" is simple, however, takes enough time.


The classic Prague cake dough can be baked from the following recipe products:

  1. 2.5 cups flour;
  2. 1.5 glass of sugar;
  3. Half a glass of vodka;
  4. 270 g sour cream;
  5. 150 g of condensed milk;
  6. 4.5 tablespoons of sifted cocoa powder;
  7. 3 eggs;
  8. 1.5 tsp baking powder.


  1. Condensed milk - 100 grams;
  2. Oil - 200 grams;
  3. Water - 1 tablespoon;
  4. One yolk;
  5. Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon;
  6. Vanilla - 3 grams.


  1. Dark (or bitter) chocolate - 2 tiles;
  2. Jam (ideally - apricot) - 60 grams;
  3. Butter - 60 grams.

Cooking process

Take the dough - the cakes cool for a long time:

  1. Make a dry part of the dough - sift the flour, into it - cocoa powder.
  2. Separate the yolks, add half of the sugar to them, rub them before whitening.
  3. Separately, whip the whites until fluffy foam, gently enter the sour cream, condensed milk, the remaining sugar.
  4. Connect both egg masses and whisk slowly and in one direction.
  5. In parts, enter the dry part - flour and cocoa. Stir.
  6. Cover the form (about 24 centimeters in diameter), oil it. Pour all the dough and put in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Cool the baked biscuit in the oven ajar, then put it on a wire rack and leave overnight.


  1. Soften the oil at room temperature.
  2. Separate the yolk, mix with water, add a little condensed milk.
  3. Put in a water bath, boil for 3 minutes, stirring.
  4. Remove from heat and just stirring, cool.
  5. Whip butter with vanilla and cocoa. Add to the cooled boiled cream and beat with a mixer for 6 minutes.

Assembling the cake "Prague":

  1. Divide the biscuit into 3 equal in thickness crust, soak it in vodka (you can substitute cognac or rum) and spread it with cream. Trim laterally, press lightly upward with your hands.
  2. Top with a non-thick layer of jam.
  3. Melt the chocolate bars, add a piece of butter to the mass, dissolve it.
  4. Pour the whole cake on top and sides with the resulting icing.

On sour cream

  Delicate biscuit with the addition of sour cream makes the cake more high-calorie and dense. This recipe is adapted for our products - all the ingredients can be found in the store.


  1. Eggs of medium size - 2 pieces;
  2. Sour cream (at least 15% fat) - 300 g;
  3. Sugar - 1.2 cups;
  4. Soda - half a teaspoon;
  5. Table vinegar - about 20 milliliters;
  6. Flour (top grade) - 1.5 cups;
  7. Condensed cocoa - half a jar;
  8. Almonds - 100 grams;
  9. Cardamom or ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.

Syrup for soaking cakes:

  1. 60 milliliters of water;
  2. 30 grams of sugar;
  3. One tablespoon of thick liquor.


  1. A pack (200 grams) of butter;
  2. Condensed cocoa - ¾ cans.

Glaze to cover the cake:

  1. 4 tablespoons without a slide of sugar;
  2. 50 grams of butter;
  3. 60 milliliters of milk;
  4. 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking process

Let's start by tradition with a test:

  1. Pound sugar, sour cream, eggs and soda, quenched with vinegar, white hot and homogeneity in a bowl.
  2. Mixed cocoa with sifted flour, pour in the same crushed almonds and a little cardamom.
  3. Knead the dough and divide it into three parts.
  4. We cover the form with paper, oil it and pour out the first part of the dough.
  5. We bake about 20 minutes on medium (180–190 degrees) fire.
  6. In the same way, bake the remaining two cakes, cool them.

Prescription cream is prepared very simply:

  1. Soften butter, cut into small cubes and whisk until it becomes airy.
  2. Add to it a spoon of condensed cocoa, while continuing to beat.


  1. Mix the sugar and water in a thick-walled saucepan.
  2. Put on a small fire and let the syrup boil. Boil for about 5 minutes so that the mass is slightly thickened. Cool, pour in the cold syrup liqueur and mix.
  1. Pour sugar into milk and stir until it is completely dissolved. Milk should be warm.
  2. Pour cocoa, stir, boil over low heat until thick, add a piece of butter at the end and combine it with the rest of the ingredients.


  1. Pour cakes syrup.
  2. Then sandwich each of them with cream, laying on top of each other. Trim the cake to the sides, and gently press the top with your hands.
  3. Fill the entire surface with glaze, including the sides. Use a wide knife to align the icing.
  4. On top of the cake can be decorated with almond flakes or other crushed nuts, grated chocolate.
  5. Remove the product in the cold at 4 o'clock, then bring your masterpiece to the table.

According to GOST

  During Soviet times, each confectionery product was made according to an approved recipe - GOST, where the proportions of ingredients and cooking technique were clearly spelled out. Today, the recipe of "Soviet Prague" is no longer a secret, and therefore you can make such a cake from childhood at home. You can not do without kitchen scales.


Sponge cake dough:

  1. Eggs - 335 grams;
  2. Flour - 116 grams;
  3. Sugar - 150 grams;
  4. Soft butter - 38 grams;
  5. Cocoa powder - 23 grams.


  1. Water - 30 milliliters;
  2. Sugar - 92 grams;
  3. Cocoa powder - 6 grams;
  4.   - 14 grams;
  5. Vanilla and fruit essence - 0.3 grams each.


  1. 21 grams of pure yolk;
  2. 199 grams of butter;
  3. Condensed milk - 120 grams;
  4. Cocoa powder - 9 grams;
  5. Vanilla - 0.2 grams;
  6. Water - 21 milliliters.

Cooking process


  1. Separate the yolks and proteins, divide the sugar in half.
  2. Sift together the flour and cocoa powder.
  3. Beat yolks with half sugar. Separately, whip proteins first, independently, then with sugar.
  4. Proteins and yolks mix, add soft butter, flour with cocoa. All the time we interfere from the bottom up manually to make a high-quality sponge cake.
  5. We bake one cake for 65 minutes at 210 degrees.


  1. Pour water into the yolk and stir. Add a portion of condensed milk.
  2. Boil over low heat, do not forget to stir. Cool and add chopped butter to the mixture.
  3. Add cocoa and beat another 2 minutes.


  1. Boil sugar with water to a thick syrup. Separately heat the molasses to 60 degrees and inject it into the syrup.
  2. Boil another 5 minutes and finally pour in the fruit essence.

We collect the cake "Prague":

  1. Cut the sponge cake into 3 cakes, sandwich the cream evenly.
  2. Top cake with a thin layer of jam.
  3. Dip the cake with slightly warm icing, level the surface with a knife.

If desired, grated chocolate can be added to the dough instead of cocoa, and bitter chocolate can be replaced with milk or even white, although this will not be the classic Prague cake recipe. Decoration can be chosen to your taste: coconut chips, grated nuts, fruit, marmalade.

Enjoy your meal!

Cake "Prague" - a sweet memory from childhood. During Soviet times - the most popular of all chocolate desserts. The cake recipe is not from the Czech Republic, as any ignorant person would have thought, drawing a parallel between the name of the flour product and the capital of the same name. The progenitor of chocolate treats is the Russian confectioner Vladimir Guralnik. For the first time, a cake according to the classic recipe was baked in the Moscow restaurant "Prague" on Arbat.

The classic of the genre - chocolate cake "Prague" - a favorite delicacy of every Soviet person. The cost of the dessert was high, and more often it was possible to buy it just by acquaintance, however, on a holiday, the Prague cake was the decoration of the table. Recipes were kept secret. Each hostess cooked it to your taste, guessing the mystery of the classic recipe, so now the Prague cakes are so diverse. But the classics will always be in fashion, and we will reveal to you the secret of its preparation.

Classic cake "Prague" at home

The Prague cake recipe is as unique as any author's work of art. The fact that he was invented by a Moscow confectioner does not mean that it cannot be reproduced at home. Having a basic knowledge of baking biscuits and sorting out the composition, you effortlessly bake a cake "Prague" according to an old recipe.

The unique taste of chocolate dessert is familiar to almost everyone since childhood. But in every Soviet cuisine the most delicious cake "Prague" was prepared in different ways. Due to the lack of some products or the desire of the chef. So there was a recipe for a cake "Prague" on sour cream, in which vanilla or almond nut was added. The composition of the cream also underwent significant changes - it could be whipped from condensed milk, cocoa powder and butter instead of natural chocolate and sugar.

But whatever happens, no matter how the ingredients of homemade chocolate desserts and pastries change, classic Prague will always remain a unique and exquisite dessert. It’s great that now the secrecy of the recipes and the inaccessibility of the cake itself is far behind, and each housewife can please herself and her relatives with this delicious delicacy.

The classic version of the cake "Prague" consists of three chocolate biscuit cakes, which are soaked with brandy and soaked with butter cream. At the top of the baking apricot jam is laid out. The finished product is decorated with natural chocolate glaze.

We will need

Let the name of the cake be similar to the European capital of the same name, the classic Prague cake has Russian roots. Preparation of the Prague dessert varies with the Soviet recipe. They say that only in Europe you can enjoy the taste of the original recipe for the Prague cake. It is not as simple as its Gostovsky "friend". Its highlight are various compositions of creams and impregnations for cake layers. For making homemade cake "Prague" a lot of knowledge is not needed, the main thing is to follow four unspoken rules:

  1. Chocolate cakes are not baked separately. The bulk of the biscuit is divided horizontally into 3 equal parts.
  2. The impregnation in the recipe of this Prague cake is cognac.
  3. Cream whipped cream, the main ingredients of which are: condensed milk, butter and cocoa.
  4. Be sure to have apricot jam. It acts as an additional impregnation of the Prague cake sponge cake top.

To bake a delicious Prague cake with condensed milk, you will need:

Ingredients for Prague Cake

For sponge cake:

  • egg - 6 pieces;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • flour - 120 g;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g

For cream:

  • water - 1 tbsp;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc;
  • condensed milk - 120 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • cocoa powder - 20 g;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.

For the glaze:

  • chocolate - 70 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • apricot jam or jam - 50 g.

  How to make sponge cake for Prague cake

The greatness and popularity of this delicacy is high compared to the simplicity of making a sponge cake for the Prague cake and its rigor. Previously, such an interesting dessert was just like hot cakes. The recipe for classic Prague is the pinnacle of taste among chocolate pastries. Chocolate, as the main ingredient, is present everywhere - in the crust, cream or glaze, which is a highlight of the dessert and a weakness for the sweet tooth.

If now in the store it is difficult to find pastries that match the quality of Soviet desserts, then you can bake the Prague cake at home. The main thing in the right pastry is not its affordability, but taste. Therefore, we consider the recipe for an amazing Prague cake step by step:

  1. Carefully separate the whites and yolks. Leave one yolk for cream. Beat whites and yolks separately, until a thick foam is formed, eventually add 75 g of granulated sugar.
  2. Stir gently, combining the two masses.
  3. Sift the flour mixed with cocoa powder through a sieve.
  4. Stir from top to bottom, mixing the flour and egg mass.
  5. Cake "Prague" is often baked in separable forms of different diameters, but for our cake a width of 22 cm will be more acceptable. The shape is oiled (creamy or vegetable), and oiled parchment paper is placed on the bottom.
  6. Sponge cake for Prague cake with condensed milk is baked for 30 minutes, the oven is heated to 200 degrees. After cooking, cool the product and open the form. Let the biscuit stand for 12-15 hours.
  7. Divide the finished biscuit mass into 3 equal parts. If the time was aged correctly, the cakes will not crumble and break.

There is a less-calorie recipe for a classic Prague cake with condensed milk. To make it, butter is replaced with vegetable oil. The base for the cake is light and porous. And the structure of the biscuit is similar to a cupcake - crumbly and moist. So it's never too late to indulge yourself with a chocolate slice of the weightless Prague cake made with your own hands.

To create such a light cooking masterpiece combine 60 g of cocoa and 0.5 tbsp. instant coffee. Pour all 170 ml of boiled water. Next, you should rub 5 yolks with 180 g of sugar, pour in the resulting mass of 130 ml of vegetable oil. Add water with coffee and cocoa. Whip or a mixer, whisk the resulting mixture with 200 g of flour, a bag of baking powder and soda at the tip of the knife until smooth, without a single lump.

From 8 proteins and 50 g of sugar make a cool meringue. Then gently combine with yolks. Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Pour the batter into a greased baking pan and bake for 40 minutes until ready. While the base for the cake is settling, prepare the cream.

For creamy impregnation, whip well 3 yolks, 1 tsp. boiled water and 5-6 tbsp. condensed milk (to diversify the taste, it is possible and boiled). Boil the resulting mass in a water bath to a certain density. Melt in a hot cream 60 g of natural chocolate and remove the container from the stove. Complete the warm creamy mass of 200 g of softened butter and 1 tsp. flavored brandy, and cool it.

Set the sponge cake with a thread or a knife into 3 or more parts. Lubricate the first two cakes and sidewalls with cream for Prague cake. Soak the top with apricot jam or jam. It will be useful decoration chocolate fudge. Remove the cake "Prague" with condensed milk in a cool place, let him wait in the wings.

Preparation of cream and impregnation for the cake

Cream for the cake "Prague" is made mostly creamy and chocolate, with a delicate cognac note. In this case, the need for additional impregnation of the cake disappears. To make the dessert less caloric, it is smeared with cream based on sour cream, but always with melted bitter chocolate. After all, all confectioners of the world are advised to stick to the classic recipe of the Prague cake.

Preparation of the impregnation is a must in the step-by-step recipe of the Prague cake. This can fundamentally correct the dryness of pastry baked in the oven. We will present to your attention two impregnations based on cognac and wine, different in their composition and properties. The main function of this ingredient is to moisturize the cakes and make them soft. The description of the process itself, how to make a fragrant impregnation for the Prague cake can be found below.

Sugar, hot water, Armenian brandy are present in the recipe for classic cognac impregnation for Prague cake. In order not to get drunk at breakfast, the resulting mixture should be boiled for two minutes over low heat. Then cool.

Already made cake "Prague" can be fluff and wine impregnation. This will be especially true when preparing a cake with cherries or fruits. To do this, combine the floor of a glass of sugar and half a glass of red sweet wine. At best, it will be Cahors. Put the container of wine on a slow fire, and cook until thick about 30 minutes.

Required Products

To create the original “Prague” cake, only brandy impregnation has always been used, and for the cream - butter and condensed milk. Such is the original filling of the cake, and any confectioner will tell you about it. Any other recipes of Prague - possible variations of the popular dessert to your taste and color.

The ingredients that make up the egg cream and impregnate the classic Prague cake are well known. Among them - flavored brandy, egg whites and yolks, butter and Soviet condensed milk. The decoration and impregnation of the top cake has always been done with apricot jam and chocolate icing.

For the cream you need:

  • egg yolk - 1 pc .;
  • boiled water - 20 g;
  • condensed milk - 120 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • cocoa or chocolate - 10 g;
  • vanillin - 8 years

Cognac impregnation:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • hot water - 3 tbsp;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp;
  • apricot jam or jam (for the top cake).

Wine impregnation:

  • red sweet wine - 0.5 glass;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups.

  Cognac impregnation preparation

The Prague cake recipe cannot be perfect without aromatic brandy. It is cooked over low heat for a short period of time - about 3 minutes. The original impregnation of the Prague cake is made from sugar, hot water or boiling water and brandy. All ingredients are mixed in the above proportions.

But a wine-based sugar-based impregnation and, for example, Cahors wine will be more suitable for Prague Prague cake. However, wine or brandy is also not the limit. Some pastry chefs enjoy using alcoholic beverages such as rum or liquor. So if you are interested in what you can soak in the cakes of the Prague cake, everything will depend on the tastes of the chef or on the rigor of the original recipe.

Cream cake "Prague" is similar in principle to the preparation of custard yolk cream. To the yolks are not curled, they are mixed with water, then combined with condensed milk and beat until smooth. Then comes the turn of the water bath. Heat the mixture in this way for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The finished mass should gradually thicken, and eventually become like fat sour cream.

To continue to reproduce the recipe for the Prague cake at home, remove the container with the future cream from the water bath. Add chocolate to the hot mass and melt it. Cool the mixture and put the softened butter in it.

To add flavor to the finished product, you can pour a couple of tablespoons of brandy into the cream. Many housewives add alcohol only in the impregnation for the cake layers. The effect of any of the two actions is the same. But with the classic description of the cake "Prague" brandy is just for soaking biscuit.

To the joy of our loved ones, we are preparing the Prague cake at home with sour cream. In a duet with cocoa, such impregnation for biscuit cakes will be no less relevant. And what is important - sour cream will significantly reduce the calorie content of the finished dessert. You decide which cream is good and which is better for a Prague cake that can be baked at home.

Changing the ingredients of the cake "Prague" and experimenting with a cream or biscuit, each hostess brings something of her own to the Prague cake's step-by-step recipe. Thus, new baked culinary masterpieces with peanuts or almonds appear, which are added directly to the ready-made cream or to the dough at the kneading stage.

After cooking, cool the cream to room temperature. Saturate them with all the cooled cakes, except the very first. Upon completion of the assembly of the cake, apply any fruit or berry jam on it or, based on the classic recipe of the Prague cake, apricot jam.

Chocolate cake "Prague" involves only one perfect decoration - chocolate icing. This is spelled out in a classic recipe. If desired, it can be replaced with chocolate fudge. Let's take a closer look at how to decorate the cake "Prague".

For the preparation of icing or fudge, no more than a glass of sugar and cocoa powder are required. To give a creamy taste to the finished product, you can replace the water with milk with a high percentage of fat. The icing in this case will turn out like milk chocolate.

After mixing all the ingredients for the glaze, the whole mass is boiled over low heat, stirring constantly, so as not to burn. After 5-7 minutes, it should thicken. After that, a cup of icing is removed from the heat and mixed with a piece of butter. In the event that the mixture turned out too thick, slightly dilute it with boiling water, to the desired state.

Cake assembly

Cooking a classic cake "Prague" - easy. Be patient and follow all recommendations from the recipe pie. First of all, release the finished sponge cake from the form. Hot whole cake to split into pieces will not work: it can be crumpled and fell off. Wait for the biscuit to cool completely and cut it with a thick thread.

For convenience, make a shallow incision around the entire circumference of the big cake so that you can see visually how to divide the total mass of the biscuit. After that, thread the thread into it and stretch it inside the cake. Thus, you can never go wrong and divide the total cake in three equal parts.

The Prague cooking scheme involves four basic steps:

  • division into equal parts of the finished chocolate sponge cake;
  • impregnation of cake layers;
  • cream lubrication;
  • decoration glaze.

How to gently divide the biscuit into pieces, you already know. Consider how to assemble the cake "Prague" step by step. Even if the biscuit itself turned out to be loose and moist, the chocolate cake recipe implies a mandatory additional impregnation. Most often, it is prepared on the basis of aromatic alcohol - brandy, red sweet wine, rum or liquor. Putting the first two cakes on each other, soak them with the resulting composition and spread it with cream. Pour the last upper part of a simple Prague cake with alcoholic impregnation and coat with apricot jam or jam.

To complete the decoration of the Prague cake, spread the icing or fudge on the surface and side walls of the already assembled cake. But do not forget that chocolate fudge does not freeze immediately, but remains soft for a very long time. Therefore, when transporting the finished product, stock up on a spacious package.

Preparing the cake "Prague" at home is simple, most importantly, after its assembly and decoration, let it stand in a cool place for 5-6 hours. During this time, the biscuit cakes will be completely soaked, and the top coating will harden.

Cooking the Prague cake in the oven according to GOST's recipe is not difficult, since, according to many modern pastry chefs, its composition and manufacturing methods in the union have been simplified. The first cake came out from under the hand of Russian culinary specialist Vladimir Guralnik, who worked at that time in a Moscow restaurant on Arbat. After that, a simple recipe for cake with condensed milk sold throughout the country and became the property of the state. The possibility of its preparation has been expanded to production scale.

Many Soviet ladies thought how to make a Prague cake at home, therefore, due to the shortage of products and the low availability of ready-made desserts, they deviated from the classic Prague cake recipe. Condensed milk, butter, cocoa, eggs, and any other dairy products were also used.

But do not forget that the Prague cake is being prepared both according to GOST and the original recipe from cocoa or natural chocolate. Its aroma and nutritional value will depend on it. After all, the taste of childhood is remembered and loved only by one, and the rest is only its analog substitutes.

Grocery list

Ingredients for the dough in the recipe of the Prague cake are mostly the same. These are eggs, flour, sugar, cocoa, vanilla sugar and butter. But there is chocolate Prague and vegetable oil. There are also minor differences in the recipe of the Prague cake with sour cream. Your attention is the recipe for the cake "Prague" with chocolate, prepared in accordance with the Soviet GOST.

For sponge cake:

  • eggs - 6 pcs .;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 115 g;
  • cocoa - 25 g;
  • butter - 40 g

For cream:

  • egg yolk - 1;
  • water - 20 ml;
  • condensed milk - 120 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • cocoa powder - 10 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

For impregnation:

  • sugar - 70 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

For the glaze:

  • chocolate - 70 g;
  • butter - 50 g


Stages of making the cake "Prague"

The Soviet rules of GOST ideally meant the Prague cake with condensed milk. It was a strict recipe for cooking treats on an industrial scale. The main idea was the availability of dessert and products for its manufacture to each person. Therefore, to date, preparing a cake at home is not difficult, even an aspiring cook will cope with it.

  1. It is necessary to carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Whipping delicious cream for the Prague cake, add 75 g of granulated sugar or powder to the yolks. With it, the process will go faster, and the mass will be more magnificent. Next, whipping proteins, measure for them the same amount of sugar. Meringue should be stable and thick. As a result, combine the two masses together.
  2. Stir flour and cocoa. Pass through a sieve. Begin gradually mixing the dry ingredients into the egg mixture. Knead at the same time is not in a circle, but from top to bottom, breaking all the lumps.
  3. Pour melted butter on the kitchenware wall, cooled to room temperature. Bring the dough until smooth.
  4. Cook a sponge cake for the Prague cake according to a simple and tasty recipe in an oven, the temperature inside which is not more than 200 degrees. Cooking time is about 30-40 minutes. Put the dough into shape and bake. How it was cooked, check with a wooden match or a skewer. If the stick is dry, it means that the biscuit is ready. Let cool a couple of minutes, then release it from the form. For the subsequent successful separation, the total mass of the finished product must not only cool down, but also settle well. It will take about 8 hours.
  5. Cream recipe cake "Prague" on condensed milk is prepared in a container with a thick bottom. This excludes its burning. Stir 1 egg yolk with the required amount of water. Then add condensed milk. Over low heat, constantly stirring, we wait for the mass to be thick. If you are not a fan of sweets, then put half of the condensed milk.
  6. The softened butter mixes up with vanillin. In small portions, continuing to whisk with a whisk or a mixer, enter the cooked condensed milk and cocoa. The cream should be homogeneous, no grains.
  7. Impregnation in the recipe Gostovsky cake "Prague" is unique. Its ingredients: 100 g of brewed black tea with 70 g of sugar.
  8. The scheme of cooking the cake ends with its assembly. To do this, separate the biscuit with a thread into 3 equal parts, each of which is impregnated with impregnation. Half of the cream lubricate the first cake. Then the next one. Top the homemade cake "Prague" with condensed milk to coat with apricot jam or jam.
  9. Frosting made from chocolate and butter should cover the entire product completely. Therefore, it is applied still hot, until it froze. After that, the finished pastry is sent to the refrigerator.

Video cooking cake "Prague"

  Prague's fastest and easiest recipe

Cake "Prague" at home is notable for its simplicity. This applies not only to the method of preparation, but also to the set of basic components. Easy cake recipe says that its ingredients can be replaced to your taste. Only the generally accepted dogmas and rules inherent in any baked product remain unchanged. Play the best recipe for the cake "Prague" with your own hands quickly and easily.

What is needed

What is the sponge cake cake "Prague", you can see below. Also here are the ingredients for cream, syrup and glaze.

Biscuit dough:

  • two eggs;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • vinegar;
  • one and a half cup of flour;
  • half a can of condensed milk (can be cocoa flavored);
  • almond;
  • a pinch of pepper.

  • half a can of condensed milk with cocoa;
  • 200 g soft butter

Syrup and icing:

  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of any aromatic alcohol;
  • 50 g of oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of milk;
  • 4 spoons of cocoa powder.

How to cook a cake Prague

To make a cake "Prague" without unnecessary trouble, follow the recommendations below. Believe me, it will be amazing. A simple recipe for making a cake involves the following steps:

  1. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with sour cream and sugar. Add soda, extinguished with vinegar, 0.5 cans of condensed milk, flour, almonds and a pinch of pepper. Knead the biscuit dough and place in the form. Bake the Prague cake in the oven at 200 degrees.
  2. The rest of the condensed milk, beat together with butter. Make an impregnation of boiling water with sugar and, for example, brandy. Saturate the cakes, lay them on top of each other, lubricating with cream.
  3. For the glaze, mix the sugar, milk, butter and cocoa powder. Boil the mixture over low heat after boiling for another couple of minutes. Coat the cake on all sides with warm glaze.

  How to bake a biscuit for Prague in a slow cooker

Cooking cake "Prague" in a multicooker

Making Prague by any recipe makes it easy to have a multicooker in the kitchen. The cake turns out delicious. Take the dish, mix in it the eggs with sugar. Add soda, sour cream, cocoa, condensed milk and vanillin. Beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth. Stir in flour.

Cake "Prague", baked in a slow cooker, is no different from the fellow from the oven. The dough consistency should be reminiscent of thick sour cream. Put it out of the dish in a greased cup of the slow cooker, and bake in Baking mode for 1 hour. When the appliance reports readiness, remove the bowl and let cool. While the sponge cake for the Prague cake is being made, prepare everything necessary for making cream and icing.

Cake Decorating Options

The decoration of the classic cake "Prague" was made only with chocolate icing, in rare cases - nuts on top. Modern pastry chefs use various techniques and methods for decorating pastries and desserts. To make the cake look presentable, mastic, icing sugar, ready-made wafer pictures are used.

You can decorate the cake "Prague" with the help of chocolate icing or chocolate chips. In addition, various chocolate figures are often used. Glaze can be prepared multi-colored, dairy or caramel.

To create finished products, meringue, fruit and jellies, candies, marmalade and various sprinkles are used. Any decorations are fixed on the sticky surface of the top cake. After that, the dessert is sent to freeze in the refrigerator. No matter how you decorate the cake, its taste will remain unforgettable for a lifetime.

Cake "Prague" must stand

Confectionery secrets of making the cake "Prague" are based on the recommendations inherent in any baked confectionery.

  1. Chocolate Prague, which is prepared in the Czech Republic, is a pastry soaked in four butter creams - on a brandy basis and liquor, the raw material for which is Chartreuse and Benedictine.
  2. Baking dishes are applied round, with an average width of 21 cm.
  3. The recipe for the cake "Prague" on sour cream implies that the finished biscuit must be left standing for about 6 hours.
  4. For moistening the cake "Prague" with boiled condensed milk, besides the standard cognac impregnation, boiled cocoa is also used.
  5. A delicious cake will be simply amazing if it is kept between 12 and 15 hours in a cold place.
  6. When making Prague and preparing the cream, beat the protein foam better with powdered sugar.

Recipe and methods of making the cake "Prague", each hostess can have their own. But his amazing chocolate taste will always remain one - the taste of our Soviet childhood with you.

Today's article is my sweet tooth. And we will talk about your favorite Prague cake. He was baked by our mothers and grandmothers. Then, in the era of the Soviet deficit, even a simple can of condensed milk was not so easy to buy. And all the more delicious and festive for us was a cake with a thick layer of chocolate and apricot jam, which was baked for my birthday.

I was very surprised when I learned that the name of the cake does not refer to the capital of the Czech Republic. It turns out that the name of the cake is due to the restaurant where the pastry chef V.M. Guralnik He came up with all the technology of this dessert. According to his original recipe, the GOST was subsequently issued for the Prague cake. Who cares, read Wikipedia.

Due to the secrecy of this recipe, housewives learned how to bake this sweet chocolate dessert in a variety of ways. Biscuits were made in butter and sour cream, with cocoa and grated chocolate. And all options still have the right to exist.

Today I cook for my mom's cookbook. She has written several ways to make a cake for both children and adults. They are all of different complexity, but each is delicious in its own way. I hope someone they will be useful. The main thing is to keep the proportions of the components and do not go on the Internet while the biscuit is in the oven. And everything will turn out!

It’s not necessary for us in our kitchen to cook according to the classic recipe. After all, everyone has different tastes and each housewife uses the ingredients that her family loves. Someone uses both butter and condensed milk, and someone uses a biscuit on sour cream for a lower fat content.

Just do not advise to replace the butter in the recipe with margarine.

If desired, add a couple of tablespoons of rum or brandy to the cream. Apricot jam for pasting cakes can be replaced by another, which is more like your family.

Cake Prague at home on my mom's recipe

Very appetizing and spectacular version with brandy impregnation and dark glaze for the holiday table. He always seemed to me the most delicious, forbidden fruit. I generally love the blackest, bitter chocolate.

Naturally, such a cake should not be served for a children's party.

This variant of Prague is more common than the Gostovsky variant. Biscuit more soaked, soft and juicy. Products need a lot and different. Try to keep the proportions.

What you need:


I got all the products from the fridge in advance and they are waiting on the table. I will mix the dough in the mixer. You can whisk everything with a whisk.

Ingredients for the preparation of dough and cream should be at room temperature.

I beat three eggs with a mixer into the foam. And gradually, gradually pouring a glass of sugar. I continue to beat.

When the sugar is completely dissolved and mixed with the eggs, add some sour cream. And turn on the mixer again.

Sour cream for the cake should be taken at least 20% fat, and better rustic.

Also in small portions, continuing to beat. The more intensely all the products are whipped, the more luxuriant and higher our finished sponge cake will be.

Add to the dough half a jar of condensed milk. It should be whole milk, condensed milk, and not some “dairy product”. I mix everything again for about a minute.

It is the turn of bulk products. In a strainer I sprinkle a half cups of flour and 3 spoons of cocoa. My powder is clean, without additives.

If cocoa powder with impurities, such as sugar, then add another spoon or two.

Gently spoon the mixture in a sieve with a spoon, sifting it into the dough.

I turn on the mixer at the lowest speed so that the bulk products do not spread throughout the kitchen. I extinguished the soda with a tablespoon of 9% vinegar. And pour the mixture into the dough when the flour is not fully mixed.

If there is no vinegar, take 7 tablespoons of water with 1 spoon of acetic acid and get 9% vinegar.

About a minute to mix and remove the whisk. The dough is ready. It bubbles from the fact that there began to act slaked soda. At this time it is already desirable to turn on the oven for 180 cr.

Prepare a baking dish. I have it round, detachable 22 cm in diameter. I cover the parchment bottom. I do not cover the edges, I just grease with oil and the bottom and sides. Pour there all the dough. It turned out just to half the height of the form. Do not pour above, as it will rise quite high.

In the heated oven put the form with the dough for 35 minutes.

Do not open the oven while baking the cake.

I don't take the cake out of the oven, just turn it off and let it cool slightly with the oven. And at this time we will be engaged in cream and impregnation for cake.

Preparation of cream and impregnation for cake

This is a very crucial moment. These ingredients for a cake are even more important than a sponge cake. The taste and aroma of the whole product depends on whether enough tasty and delicate we make the cream. I want it to be soft in consistency and melting in the mouth.

Preparation of brandy impregnation:

I put a saucepan on the stove and turn on the big fire. I pour in a glass of brandy and pour in a glass of sugar. I mix everything and let it boil. Then diminish the fire and keep stirring until the mixture thickens and turns into syrup.

Do not be afraid that alcohol is a whole glass. This is a normal amount. You won't get drunk on biscuits. In the process of cooking, all the alcohol will evaporate, and only sweet syrup and tart taste will remain.

I do not advise taking cheap brandy. There is no taste in it, only alcohol and chemical dyes.

Of course, you can easily replace brandy just sugar syrup. You can even add some kind of stuffed berries. Cherries or lingonberries. It will be sweet, tasty, but not so tart and the bitter-chocolate taste will disappear.

Here I have all the sugar melted. Boil the syrup to the desired consistency for about half an hour. It should be just thick and dark.

Let it boil a little over a small fire and boil down. And we will deal with the cream.

Preparation of cream:

Soft, cream oil is sent to the mixer bowl. It is necessary to beat for at least three minutes in order for it to be properly saturated with oxygen and become lush and white.

Add a little vanilla essence. You can add vanilla sugar. But it's all an amateur. And straighten in the cream the remaining half of a can of condensed milk. Again everything is well whipped with a mixer. About two minutes.

I sift two spoons of cocoa into this mass and again mix everything carefully at a low speed for about two minutes. The cream is ready. He is amazing! Delicate, smooth and color like mother of pearl.

Cognac impregnation is also quite thickened. I leave it all to the side and now I’ll brew some more fudge, which we will water the cake in finished form.

Cooking chocolate coating:

I put a saucepan on the stove with water and put another one on top of it. To the bottom of the top saucepan is not enough to the water. In the top saucepan sift 150 gr. cocoa and mix with sugar. In the mixture pouring milk in small portions.

Important! Pour the milk gradually and it may not need 400-500ml, but only 200ml.

Watch the mixture carefully and do not leave while it is heated in a water bath.

I add milk quite a bit, literally a few spoons, so that the mass becomes homogeneous and thick. I mix with a whisk and watch it so that the fudge flows in a trickle and not in drops. Let him simmer for a couple of minutes. At the end add the butter and remove the saucepan from the bath. Sweet is ready.

Cake assembly:

All we have prepared. We proceed directly to the formation of the dessert.

Biscuit baked well, but rose to form a mound. First you need to remove it from the form. Along the edges I spend with a sharp knife and turn over the form. Still warm spread on the grid hillock down. And from above, I just press my hand. Let it be so before cooling down.

You can cut a biscuit only after it has stood for at least two hours.

When the biscuit is completely cold, I cut a mound with a long knife or fishing line. And cut into three shortcakes. The first is laid on the substrate. And soak it with brandy syrup.

Then smear cream. Distribute over the surface of the cake so that it does not reach the edges. After all, on top there will be more cakes and cream squeezed out on the edges of the cake.

Thus I stack the second cake. Again, imbue it with syrup and coat with cream. Do not forget to smooth the cream on the sides of the cake. And the third, top cake, I just water it with the remaining impregnation. Because I will pour chocolate icing on top.

I clean the workpiece in the cold for two hours. After this time, the biscuit is well soaked, and the cream will harden enough. I take out the cake and put it on the grill, you can just on a large plate. I water glaze that it freely flowed down from different directions.

When the extra glaze of the glass and frozen, put the piece on the dish, which I will serve. And I put it in the fridge again. After half an hour you can try. Unfortunately, I have no cream left. If the cream remains, you can decorate the top of the cake with roses and patterns.

And the handsome turned out amazing! Look at the photo of the cake in the section. Glossy, shiny top and smooth, thick layers of cream between the cake layers. Be sure to try this my favorite home version.

I could not get around and this is a classic recipe. By all rules, with the separation of yolks from proteins and apricot jam between the cake layers.

Properly cooked, this chocolate dessert turns out delicious and not at all dry.

What you need:


The baking dish should be 20-23 cm. The oven should be heated to 200 grd. Bake 35 - 40 min.

Here is such a Gostov cake that beautiful Olga baked quickly and easily. We wish her further creative success.

And I will show you my childish version of this cake, in which there are no alcoholic syrups and dark chocolate just a little bit for decoration.

Prague's fastest and easiest recipe

I bake this cake for children's parties. The ease of preparation will surprise you. Juicy, chocolate cakes do not need any soaking. And gentle, air cream will be pleasant both to children and adults.

This recipe is much simpler than the original, so to say a quick treat.

What you need:


  1. Knead the dough. She simply whipped eggs and poured them into condensed milk. I mix everything well.
  2. I mix flour, soda and cocoa and sift the whole mixture. Constantly stirring, add this mixture to the milk with eggs and knead the dough on the sponge cake.
  3. The dough is divided into two equal parts. For this cake, we need four cakes. If there are two molds, then bake both parts at the same time. If the form is one, you will have to bake alternately. I bake 25 min. in the heated to 180 grd. the oven.
  4. Leave cakes cool. In the meantime, prepare the cream. I drive eggs into a small saucepan and add some milk. Beat well, pour in flour and pour in the rest of the milk. I put the pot on the fire. Without stopping to stir, I bring a slight boil and thickening.
  5. I remove the cream from the heat and pour it into the bowl. A bowl cover with a film. Let it cool.
  6. I combine butter with cocoa and powdered sugar. Beat the mixture for a few minutes until smooth. Then I start adding one spoon in the cooled cream. I continue to beat intensively.
  7. I remove the cream for a few minutes in the fridge so that it cools and thickens. In the meantime, preparing cakes. Biscuits cut off the top "cap" (bulge). Each biscuit cut into two tortillas. It turned out four korzh and two "top crust."
  8. I put the cakes on the dish alternately and spread them with a thick layer of cream.
  9. Top and sides of the cake, too, smear with cream and smooth. I give a little frost in the refrigerator. At this time, I crush the top of the cakes into small crumb.
  10. I take out the cake and sprinkle the edges and sides with crumbs. And on top I draw cells with dark, melted chocolate.

As you can see, our Prague cake at home turned out much better than any purchased one. It is tall due to the fact that it has four thin cakes and between them a thick layer of cream. Cakes quickly soaked with cream and the cake will be very tender and juicy.

After making it should be a couple of hours to hold in the refrigerator.

And before serving, you just need to let the cake stand in a warm place so that all the cream melts and becomes soft.

How to bake a biscuit for Prague in a slow cooker

This recipe is for those who want to cook a Prague cake at home, in a slow cooker. Marina Petrushenko tells in detail how to bake a delicious biscuit, as well as make a quick and tasty cream. Watch this video.

As you can see, Prague cake is not so difficult to prepare and there are many options. All options in their own delicious and original. I would be very pleased if they would be useful to someone. Thanks to everyone who cooked with me today!