Storage of freshly squeezed apple juice. How long does open juice last in the refrigerator?

05.08.2019 Snacks

It is not always possible to drink full juice right away, especially if there are children at home who often like to underdrink and undernourish. Each member of the family habitually puts his unfinished juice in the refrigerator, but few people know how long it can be stored there. When choosing a product, the buyer looks at the expiration date, and often neglects the shelf life in the open form.

How to keep juice in the refrigerator

In supermarkets, juice is presented in a wide range for every taste and is divided into types according to:

  • taste qualities (from apples, pears, oranges and other fruits, vegetables);
  • purpose (children, for children under one year old, ordinary);
  • packaging features (tetrapack, plastic box, glass);
  • price.

Most often, they are interested in how to store open juice from tetrapak in the refrigerator. In such boxes, juice is bottled at many well-known manufacturing companies:

  • baby food;
  • products for nursing mothers;
  • for the bulk of the population.

The safest and most beneficial for health will be children's juice, which is most often found in a tetra pack. Moreover, such a box is often on the shelves of the supermarket, and not in the refrigerator. Due to the special packaging, the juice can stand and not spoil without refrigeration in accordance with the period indicated on it. That is why in shops juices in tetra-packs are not put in the refrigerator.

However, you can store already opened juice in the refrigerator for only a day, as indicated on the package. According to many reviews, tetrapak juice can stand for a whole week without affecting health later. It should also be taken into account that the longer an open drink is stored, the less vitamins remain in it.

Research scientists

If finances allow, it is better to buy juice in glass. It has a number of advantages:

  • You can see the contents of the package (there are times when the juice becomes moldy in the tetrapack, and the buyer, not knowing about it, can give a drink to a child).
  • Worldwide research by scientists has proven that glass packaging is the safest for human health and the environment.
  • In such a package, you can pour straight-pressed juice, which is more beneficial for health.
  • The method of preserving juice in glass has been used since ancient times.

Scientists speak quite critically about tetrapack packaging. The inner part of such containers is represented by an alloy of various metals, which, when interacting with juices, can oxidize and release hazardous substances. Many doctors also note a connection with an increase in acetone in children and the juice from the tetrapak drunk the day before.

Juice in a plastic container

Another type of juice bottling in production in recent years is the bottling of the drink into plastic bottles. An ignorant person, an ordinary consumer, treats plastic with caution. However, it is necessary to delve deeper into this issue in order not to worry about health safety after drinking a drink from plastic containers.

In accordance with international control in the field of baby food, for example, it is forbidden to pour and store juice for babies under one year old in a polycarbonate container in the refrigerator. It is necessary to use dishes made of polypropylene.

Scientists have found that the function of procreation is greatly impaired due to the poisonous substance (bisphenol A) in polycarbonate. That is why it is impossible to store, including an open drink in the refrigerator, in such a container. An open box of juice in the refrigerator is also exposed to various microorganisms with the contents, in addition to the carcinogens themselves in the drink.

Everything is kept the same

It is widely believed that you can keep food longer by lowering the temperature in the refrigerator. At the same time, not everyone looks at the manufacturer's instructions for how long it is allowed to keep the juice open. Before drinking a drink, people rely on its taste: sour or not, fermented or moldy.

However, most manufacturers indicate on the box that you can store open juice in the refrigerator for only a day. There is also an opinion among consumers that if you pour a drink from a plastic bottle or a tetra pack into a glass container, the contents will be stored longer. This common misconception is dispelled by chemists and biologists.

The storage of an open drink does not depend on the type of packaging or the temperature in the refrigerator. The period indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer is how long the product should be stored, according to scientists. You can not drink from the neck of the bottle, so that a large number of microorganisms, along with saliva, do not get inside the drink and lead to rapid souring of the product.

Freshly squeezed berry, vegetable or fruit juice is a very tasty and healthy drink. Natural juice, which is sold in supermarkets, is also useful, but it contains additives (stabilizers, flavor enhancers, etc.), so this product is not only healthy, but also harmful. So if you really want to benefit your body, do not be lazy and make juices with your own hands. And we will tell you whether it is possible to store freshly squeezed juice at home.

How to store freshly squeezed juice

It is important to know and understand that most of the nutrients are found in freshly squeezed juice, so this product is not intended for long-term storage. But still there are situations (for example, there is too much juice or you use it for medicinal purposes) when it is necessary to store the juice for a short period of time.

Store freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container. Storage containers can be any - plastic, glass, ceramics, as long as it is closed. Not intended for storage only apple juice. This drink contains a lot of iron, which begins to oxidize upon contact with air. To slow down the oxidation process a little, you can add lemon juice to freshly squeezed apple juice, as a result, the drink will remain light.

If you did not drink the drink on time, then it is better to sterilize it later. To do this, pour the juice into a saucepan, add a little sugar and boil for 5 minutes. If you are sterilizing tomato juice, then you can add 2 black peppercorns and a bay leaf to it for taste.

Freshly squeezed juice can also be stored frozen. To do this, pour it into containers or plastic cups and place in the freezer. In this case, the storage container should not be completely filled, since the liquid tends to increase in volume when frozen. Otherwise, the container for storing juice may break.

Before use, frozen juice should be put in warm water or left at room temperature.

A huge plus of freezing is that this storage method allows you to keep freshly squeezed juice in its original form, that is, along with all the vitamins and other useful substances. However, freshly squeezed juice should be frozen immediately after preparation.

How long to keep freshly squeezed juice

Freshly squeezed juice is not intended for storage. However, it is acceptable to store such juice in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. But even during this time, the drink will lose most of its nutrients. If you need to keep the juice for a longer period of time, then it is better to freeze the drink immediately. Frozen juice can be stored for 1-2 months and at the same time retain all its beneficial properties.

Beetroot juice, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article, is especially popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle. For many, this juice remains a mystery and they do not even know about its beneficial and healing properties.

Beets are an amazing root vegetable and have traditionally been used to heal many ailments. Even the ancient Romans treated beetroot fever and constipation. And Hippocrates strongly recommended that beet leaves be used to treat wounds. In the Middle Ages, beets were used to treat diseases of the digestive system.

And if many people know about the properties of beets and include them in their diet, then there are only a few about beetroot juice. In fact, beetroot juice has much more healing properties and effects on the human body. Especially beetroot juice is useful for women on critical days, as well as for people with anemia. And most of its properties come from a unique compound called betalain. Betalain, contained in beets, improves the function of the liver and biliary tract.

Based on research by British scientists from the University of Exeter, it became possible to confidently assert that beet juice is a unique energy drink.

Beet juice useful properties and composition

One of the main benefits of beetroot juice is that it contains a coloring pigment called betalain. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fungicide and detoxifier. Studies have suggested that this pigment may have an antitumor effect.

In addition to betalain, beetroot juice contains:

Vitamins: C, groups B, A, K;

Minerals: magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, silicon, boron;



Organic acids: malic, oxalic;

Amino acids;


organic nitrates;


All these compounds are needed by the human body. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen. In addition to iron, the juice contains other elements involved in hematopoiesis.

Flavonoids zeaxanthin and lutein, carotenoids are needed to maintain vision, prevent diseases of the retina.

Antioxidants protect the body from the action of free radicals, increase the body's defenses, have anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties.

Betalain is considered one of the best for cleansing the blood, which improves the cleansing ability of the liver. It is recommended to drink beetroot juice twice a year to purify the blood and restore blood cells.

Organic acids, pectin compounds improve digestion, remove heavy metal salts, toxins and toxins from the body, and prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

Vitamins of the group improve metabolism, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve brain function.

The rare earth mineral cobalt is involved in the production of vitamin B12, a vitamin that is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Working together with vitamin B9 or folic acid, it takes part in the process of hematopoiesis - the production of red blood cells.

The organic nitrates found in beetroot juice have nothing to do with the nitrates found in foods from fertilizers or preservatives. Vegetable nitrates of beet juice have the ability to lower blood pressure, increase physical endurance.

Oxalic acid is known to be a good solvent for calcium deposits in the body. These deposits are thought to be the cause of many diseases. Drinking beetroot juice will help prevent such deposits, and therefore reduce the risk of diseases associated with calcification, such as:

Heart diseases;

Stones in the kidneys;

vision problems;

Oncological diseases;


The benefits of beet juice for the body

Like ordinary beets, freshly squeezed and settled juice (only from fresh root crops) is of great benefit to the human body and helps:

  • Cope with anemia and blood diseases;
  • Increase endurance (this is due to a decrease in oxygen consumption during exercise by 16%);
  • To establish the work of the thyroid gland in case of hypothyroidism;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Strengthen and increase the elasticity of small capillaries;
  • In the cleansing of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques (in general, cholesterol levels decrease);
  • Remove spasticity of blood vessels;
  • Return vigor with spring beriberi, accompanied by a breakdown;
  • Improve memory and concentration;
  • Increase the level of performance;
  • Improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Get rid of constipation (has a mild laxative effect);
  • Normalize the intestinal microflora;
  • Accelerate the overall metabolism;
  • Remove toxic substances from the body (including settled heavy metals);
  • Cleanse the liver and kidneys;
  • Remove stones from the gallbladder;
  • Remove excess calcium from blood vessels (for example, with varicose veins);
  • Stimulate the work of the lymphatic system;
  • To prevent the occurrence of oncological diseases;
  • Increase and maintain male potency (including avoiding the development of prostate adenoma);
  • Survive hormonal changes for women with menopause without using synthetic drugs;
  • Reduce high blood pressure;
  • Get rid of insomnia;
  • Stabilize (or rather, reduce) blood glucose levels (due to the low glycemic index, which is only 30 units);
  • Heal ulcers and boils when applied topically.

Although for pregnant women the intake of such juice is limited to two tablespoons a day, even this small dosage will help normalize the functioning of all organs and, most importantly, prevent anemia by improving the rate of blood formation.

In the cosmetology direction, beetroot juice is often recommended to wipe the face in order to avoid the appearance of acne and pimples.

How to make beetroot juice at home

At the first stage, you need to choose high-quality beets. It should be resiliently hard, burgundy, red or purple in color and oval-spherical (or simply spherical) in shape. It is recommended to choose fruits that are not too large, up to a maximum of 12 cm in diameter (so the consumer will exclude the high content of nitrates in the root crop). When cut, there should be no blotches of white or black (this is a sign of damage to the beets). The presence of green shoots indicates the "youth" of the vegetable, and hence its juiciness.

The root crop should be washed well and peeled. A juicer is quite suitable for making concentrated beetroot juice. But it also happens that such a technique is not at hand. And it's not a problem. You will need to take a fine grater and grate the root crop on it. Then the drink is squeezed through clean gauze folded in several layers.

How to drink beetroot juice

Freshly prepared juice should not be drunk immediately. It is placed in the refrigerator for about two, four hours, without covering the container with a lid. Due to this, the juice settles (the sediment settles to the bottom) and gets rid of burning esters. After settling from the surface of the juice, remove the foam and carefully pour into another jar, leaving the settled sediment.

True, even such juice is not customary to use in its pure form, but diluted with cranberry, orange, cucumber, carrot or celery juice. In this case, the body better absorbs the necessary nutrients. You can mix juices in proportion, for example, 1 part beet and 3 parts of any other. With good tolerance and no side effects, you can increase the amount of beet juice.

Pure beetroot juice is drunk for preventive or therapeutic purposes. Start drinking beetroot juice from small portions, from 1-2 teaspoons, gradually bringing its amount to 50 grams. You need to drink juice before meals for 25-30 minutes.

How long can beetroot juice be stored

Store juice in the refrigerator. But its shelf life does not exceed two days. With longer storage, useful substances disappear, and the desired effect from such juice will no longer be. Yes, and there is no need to cook for the future. After all, the vegetable is stored for a long time in the refrigerator, and at any time, taking it out, you can prepare a fresh drink.

Contraindications to the use of beet juice

No matter how “harmless” a natural beet drink may seem at first glance, it still has contraindications. Therefore, it is contraindicated to drink when:

Urolithiasis (may provoke the movement of stones from the kidneys);

Some kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome);

rheumatoid arthritis;

chronic diarrhea;

Hypotension (low blood pressure);

Increased secretion of the stomach (juice increases acidity);

Ulcerative colitis and stomach ulcer;


People with diabetes should be especially careful with this product (depending on the variety, the juice often contains a lot of sugars and carbohydrates).

Of course, the use of red beet juice is contraindicated in case of allergies and individual intolerance.

Drinking too much juice can cause vomiting or nausea.

Often, many are confused by the red color of urine and feces after beets. This is normal, because beets contain the coloring pigment betalain and it is he who is responsible for this.

Treatment with beetroot juice

Very often, beetroot juice is taken precisely for medicinal purposes. Although the recommendations of doctors for the use of this juice for therapeutic purposes are not so extensive, there are many examples where beetroot juice helps to improve health.

  • Constipation, as fiber improves metabolism and has a laxative and weak diuretic effect.
  • Hypertension, since it contains a sufficient amount of magnesium;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. It contains iodine, which is useful for this organ, as well as nutrients that improve metabolism;
  • Varicose veins and restoration of the cardiovascular system;
  • Restoring the menstrual cycle in women and reducing pain;
  • Overweight with obesity.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of various pathologies. This juice is used to treat:

  • Liver;
  • constipation;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • Runny nose and sinusitis;
  • Angina.

There are recipes where beetroot juice is used for medicinal purposes in conjunction with other juices. Here are just some of the recipes.

Beet-apple juice well helps to restore the work of the stomach, improve digestion. Useful such juice as the prevention of oncology.

Beet-orange juice helps the body absorb iron better. In addition, orange juice contains a large amount of vitamin C. To prepare this blended drink, the proportion of orange juice must be greater than that of beetroot. It is better to add more water after cooking. You can read about it in this article.

Beetroot juice with cranberry juice is a good way to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This drink will help to raise the pressure and has soothing properties.

To restore the normal functioning of the heart, it is useful to mix beetroot juice with cucumber and carrot juices, taking more carrot juice.

To restore the functions of the stomach, you need to mix beetroot juice with pumpkin. And to cleanse the body of toxins, add honey to the juice.

For weight loss, it is better to mix red beet juice with cucumber.

beetroot juice for weight loss

Everyone knows vegetable diets for weight loss, among which there is beetroot. But few people compare the possibilities of whole beetroot and its juice.

Indeed, the process of preparing the drink takes quite a long time. But after all, the taste of this product (especially when diluted with another favorite juice) will become more pleasant than the consumption of ordinary raw beets, which will have to be chewed thoroughly.

The main advantages of beetroot juice for weight loss are:

  • The same content of indigestible fiber, which acts as a "brush";
  • Laxative effect, which does not allow toxins and waste products to be deposited in the intestines;
  • Establishing the processes of absorption of vitamins and microelements due to the "destruction" of bad microflora;
  • Low glycemic index.

It is necessary to start the diet with a gradual increase in the amount of beet juice you drink in order to follow the reaction of the body, and consume it half an hour before meals.

Also, during the diet, it is recommended to exclude starchy and fatty foods in order to still get rid of extra pounds, and not just waste products. It is also allowed to do fasting days on beetroot juice, but on condition that there is no negative reaction to such a product.

How to choose beets

Since such a vegetable is usually stored throughout the winter, you need to know the basic rules for choosing a fresh vegetable:

  • It must be tight;
  • No damage is observed on the quality root crop;
  • The “youth” of the product is indicated by small green shoots at the base;
  • Permissible color - from red to maroon.

It is important to store fresh fruits in the cellar, slightly sprinkled with wet sand.

Beetroot juice is good for the human body and today you are convinced of this. Now you know what benefits it can bring and what useful properties it has. It pairs well with many other vegetable and some fruit juices and can help the body improve and restore health.

Learn about the benefits and properties of beetroot juice from this video

Fresh juices are not only beneficial for human health, but also quite tasty. However, those juices that are sold in most stores and hypermarkets, for the most part, contain a variety of preservatives and bioadditives, which significantly reduces their benefits, and also affects the taste - sometimes quite negatively. The only way out of this trap is to make juice at home. Freshly squeezed juice prepared by yourself will meet all your requirements, namely:

  • the taste of homemade juice can always be adjusted;
  • the texture and amount of pulp is adjustable;
  • those who make their own juice can treat themselves and their families to various flavor combinations.

Juice storage

It would seem that it could be more beautiful - to make juice and drink it right away, but not everything is so simple - sometimes there is not enough time, sometimes the season ends for some fruits, and it also happens that you need to prepare juice for the future for some time - from a couple hours to several months.

Freshly squeezed juice can be:

  • conserve;
  • sterilize;
  • to freeze.

Preparing for storage

In order for freshly squeezed juice to retain its qualities as much as possible, it must be prepared for storage. Juices tend to oxidize. In order to avoid this misfortune, you must:

  • add a small amount of acid (lemon juice, citric acid, ascorbic acid, and even a few drops of apple or other fruit vinegar);
  • tightly close the container with juice, leaving as little air as possible in the container.

These recommendations are suitable if you need to leave the juice for no more than a day. If you want to store the juice for a long time, then you should use other methods.

Sterilization is boiling for several minutes. While boiling, sugar is added to the juice to help stabilize the acidity. It is customary to add some spices to tomato juice - lavrushka and black pepper. After boiling, the juices are poured into sterile jars and sealed with airtight lids.

Conservation is a similar process, but a little longer. Not all juices after sterilization can be kept warm, while canned juices are stored at room temperature. But it follows that there will be few useful properties in the juice.

Freezing is one of the best ways to preserve juice, for this you just need to choose a suitable container, pour juice into it and turn on the freezer in the freeze mode.

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How long freshly squeezed juice is stored depends on the type of fruit from which it is squeezed and the temperature of the place where the resulting drink is stored. The need to preserve freshly squeezed juice arises if the drink could not be drunk completely.

People often make their own juices from fresh vegetables and berries. Due to this, almost all vitamins and minerals are preserved in their natural form. Consider how to store freshly squeezed juice, what are the expiration dates of various drinks.

How long can juice be stored?

With long-term storage, there is a gradual deterioration in the quality of any product. This also applies to freshly squeezed juices. Doctors recommend that patients drink no more than 750 ml of fresh juice per day (250 ml 3 times a day). Therefore, you should cook no more than 1 glass for each meal.

Sometimes it is required to dilute a concentrated drink with water, but it is not necessary to consume more than the specified volume, since there will be practically no benefit to human health.

If something remains, for example, 1/5 of the total volume of the drink, then this liquid is most often left for storage in the refrigerator.

Homemade juices have a different shelf life. How long can these liquids be stored in the refrigerator? It all depends on the vegetable or fruit from which this or that drink was obtained:

  1. Apple juice darkens when stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. It contains a lot of iron, which oxidizes when exposed to air. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to add ascorbic acid to the liquid or squeeze 4-5 drops of lemon into the drink.
  2. Carrot juice is best drunk immediately after preparation for 10-15 minutes. But if you get a lot of liquid, then you need to pour the rest into a bottle, close it well. After that, the vessel is taken out into the cold into a dark room or cellar. The shelf life of the juice will last up to 48 hours.
  3. When preparing fresh beets, it is kept (infused) for 40-60 minutes before use. After that, the liquid is diluted with water and drunk. The rest is stored in the cold for 2 days.

Some people are interested in whether and how much cabbage juice can be stored. It should be drunk immediately after preparation, because it quickly deteriorates.

If freshly squeezed juice is made from berries, how long such a liquid is stored depends on the type of fruit. For example, raspberry, grape, peach, strawberry and similar berry drinks will ferment quickly if kept warm. In the cold, their storage time increases to 24 hours. To increase the storage period, you can add up to 15 drops of ascorbic acid or lemon to 500 ml of squeezed liquid.

Cherry, currant, pomegranate, lemon, orange and tangerine drinks can be stored for up to 2 days in the cold, because these fruits contain an acid that serves as a preservative.

Under what conditions should the liquid be stored?

In the event that there is a lot of freshly squeezed berry or vegetable juice left, it must be placed in a vessel with a tight-fitting lid, and then placed in the common chamber of the refrigeration unit or take the container to the cellar (cold room).

The utensils used for storing liquids should be made of ceramic or glass. It is not recommended to use plastic or metal containers, because they accelerate the oxidative processes in the liquid.

The lid of the vessel or cork (if the drink is filled into a bottle) can be made of plastic. The main thing is that they fit snugly against the walls of the vessel.

You can try to save vegetable or berry juice by freezing. Then the liquid is poured into a glass container, but not to the edge of the container. There remains a small air gap, which is needed to account for the expansion of the volume of the drink during freezing.

The container is placed in the freezer, and if necessary, removed, the liquid is thawed for consumption. Although such storage period increases, many vitamins and other useful substances are lost.

You can apply pasteurization. The squeezed liquid is heated to + 85-90 ° C, and then poured into jars or bottles. Vessels are tightly clogged. In this form, you can store any juice for 30 days.

If during this period it was not possible to completely drink the prepared berry or vegetable drinks, then sugar is added to them, making the usual canning. This concentrate can be stored for 12 months. Before use, it is diluted with clean water and drunk as a fruit drink.