Pancakes with natural yeast recipe thick lush. Pancakes with yeast recipe thick with holes

15.04.2023 Seafood dishes

How to cook pancakes with yeast thick recipe with holes - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

If you love soft, fluffy pancakes, then this recipe is for you.

Despite the fact that the kneading process is quite long, frying these pancakes is a pleasure!

Because, most likely, you will not have to scrape the first failed pancake from the pan, because these pancakes are perfectly baked, do not burn at all and do not stick to the pan. Of course, if you do everything as described in the recipe with step by step photos.

  • milk - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour a little more than a glass of milk heated to 30-35 ° into a capacious bowl or pan. Pour in dry yeast and wait until it dissolves.

2. Put salt, a little sugar and half the amount of flour.

3. Stir well with a whisk until the lumps disappear.

4. Close the bowl with a lid or a towel and put it in a warm place for half an hour to rise.

5. Place the egg yolks and the remaining sugar in a cup.

Lush pancakes with yeast recipe with photo step by step

Once I wrote that the most delicious pancakes in my opinion are these on yogurt. But after preparing these pancakes with yeast and milk, I began to doubt which ones I like better now 🙂 If we discard all prejudices about some kind of harm from yeast, then I think that such pancakes with yeast are a worthy rival to my yogurt pancakes. They are even more tender, airy, just melt in your mouth.

My pancakes came out thick enough, although the recipe said that the dough can be made more liquid and the pancakes can be baked thinner, but I didn’t succeed (yes, to be honest, I didn’t try).

The yeast dough does not spread so easily in the pan, rather it spreads slowly, so if you like thick, fluffy pancakes as much as I do, then feel free to bake. And if you manage to bake thin pancakes according to this recipe, then share the secret of how you did it 🙂

Ingredients for yeast pancakes

In order to bake delicious pancakes with yeast, I needed:

Milk - half a liter
Dry yeast - 1 teaspoon
Sugar 2-3 tbsp. (if you like pancakes sweeter, then put more sugar)
Flour 250-300 grams (the more flour, the thicker pancakes will be in the end)
Egg 2 pieces
Butter 60 grams (can be replaced with vegetable)
Salt 1 pinch

How to cook dough for yeast pancakes

Previously, when somewhere in the recipes I came across the word opara, I didn’t even read it carefully, I just closed it and that’s it. Do not repeat my mistakes, the main thing is to understand once that the dough is just not completely kneaded dough and then cook a delicious dough and not be afraid that something will not work out.

So, I warmed up some milk, poured out the yeast and sugar, mixed it and left it for 10 minutes.

Then she poured out enough flour to make a thin dough, but without lumps. This will be our dough, it must be left for half an hour so that bubbles form on the surface.

You can put the pan in a bowl of hot water and wrap it up, so the yeast will begin its action faster.

When the dough is ready, beat the eggs with melted butter and salt with a mixer, pour this mass into the dough, mix it.

This is how the dough turns out, it again needs to be left for half an hour or an hour so that it rises, like any yeast dough.

This is how bubbly the dough will become in the end.

I collect the dough with a ladle and fry the pancakes on both sides. As I wrote above, the yeast dough does not spread very well in the pan, so my pancakes turned out to be plump. But with holes, which I love very much.

We ate them with honey, well, such a yummy!

My homemade pancakes burst with condensed milk for both cheeks!
Recently, I have been cooking pancakes and pancakes with yeast. It may take a little longer, but the result is worth it! The taste is completely different, and the satiety of the dish too.

I cooked such yeast pancakes for my family, they turned out well. Only here nobody likes that the dough is thick. I often cook thin pancakes without yeast, with different fillings and everyone likes it. And I cook such pancakes for myself since my family disliked them.

And I really like these pancakes on yeast dough. They are thick, but very soft, delicate, airy, I don’t know why they can be disliked.

Now I'll try, I hope everything works out for me.

I turned out awesome, and the next day they warmed up, they were still soft, lush.
Taste. Mmm. spice as Arkady Raikin said. Thanks for the recipe.

I love yeast pancakes since childhood and I cook the dough and bake pancakes myself. Everyone loves it!

My dough turned out liquid and they did not want to turn over. Not the best idea to put flour in the finished dough, but I had to add more flour. It seems to me that 300 grams is very little. And together with you, I forgot about salt :).

Thanks for the recipe, my son is delighted with thick pancakes. And in general, everyone liked it 🙂

About two years ago I made sourdough according to the same recipe. The bread turned out sour at first, but each time its taste only improved. Then, due to lack of time, I ruined the leaven, and now I’ve been trying to make it again - the result is disgusting. Already on the second day, the sourdough begins to ferment strongly, after adding flour to it (the second time), in just a couple of hours it foams, rises and falls, emitting a terrible stench. Subsequent attempts to feed her do not give results. Even on the third day, a pleasant bread smell does not appear. I've been throwing it out over and over again. Maybe someone has already encountered such a problem?

  • Cake “Anthill”
  • Cake “Ferrero Rocher”
  • Cottage cheese and yogurt cake
  • sunflower salad
  • Pie with oranges
  • Cheese pie on puff pastry
  • Meatballs like in IKEA
  • Red borscht
  • Chebureks with meat
  • Cream
  • homemade mayonnaise
  • Cookie chocolate sausage
  • Cabbage rolls with meat and rice
  • Cheese soup with chicken and melted cheese
  • Pozharsky cutlets
  • Mackerel baked in the oven
  • Potato pancakes
  • Meat in French
  • Zrazy with minced meat
  • Lasagna with minced meat
  • Beef goulash with gravy
  • Pork pilaf in a cauldron
  • Pasta carbonara with bacon and cream
  • Medovik classic
  • Zebra" cake
  • Khachapuri with cheese
  • Fritters on kefir
  • Mushroom glade salad with champignons
  • Vinaigrette classic with peas
  • Cottage cheese pancakes

Pancakes with yeast (thin with holes)

Traditional Russian pancakes used to be cooked on yeast dough. They could be thin or fluffy, sweet or insipid, with fillings or various additives.

Currently, yeast pancakes have begun to give way to simple thin pancakes with milk. Most likely, this is due to the lack of free time for modern housewives, because yeast dough is not prepared quickly. However, if you have never tried thin yeast pancakes with holes, this is a must! Who knows, maybe in the future this recipe will become your favorite.

  • fast-acting dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 550 ml;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons (more possible);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • medium-sized eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • vanillin (optional) - a pinch;
  • flour - about 300 g.

Pancakes with yeast thin with holes recipe

How to cook pancakes with yeast thin with holes

  1. We dissolve a tablespoon of sugar in 150 ml of warm (but not hot!) Milk. Add dry yeast, mix and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, beat the eggs with salt and sugar. Working intensively with a whisk, we combine the whites and yolks. A portion of granulated sugar can be both reduced and increased, adhering to your own preferences.
  3. Melt the butter until a homogeneous liquid state. Let cool and then add to beaten eggs. Next, pour in the yeast solution and the remaining portion of warm milk.
  4. Mix the flour with vanilla, sift through a fine sieve and add it to the liquid mixture in parts, kneading the standard pancake dough to the extent of the liquid consistency.
  5. Cover the container with a towel and put it in a warm place for 2 hours. Do not forget that the yeast mass will rise, so we choose a voluminous bowl for kneading.
  6. For baking pancakes with yeast, it is advisable to give preference to a pan with a thick bottom and a high-quality non-stick coating. Pour a portion of the dough onto a dry hot surface with a ladle and spread it around the entire perimeter in an even and fairly thin layer. The surface of the pancake will immediately be covered with an abundant number of small holes.
  7. We prepare thin pancakes with yeast in the most standard way: as soon as the bottom side is browned, turn the pancake over to the other side and keep it in the pan for another 20-30 seconds. Put freshly prepared pancakes on a plate, greasing each with butter if desired. Ready-made thin pancakes with yeast with holes can be served with various sweet additives: honey, condensed milk, jam, etc. or stuffed with any filling.

5 best yeast pancake recipes. Getting ready for Maslenitsa

Probably each of us in childhood asked our mother or grandmother to cook thin pancakes with holes, because they are so delicious! Many hostesses strive to master the secrets of their preparation. To realize such desires, there are many recipes with photos. Trying all the options in a row is not a good idea. It is believed that those very thin pancakes that melt in your mouth are pancakes made with yeast and milk. Baking powder does not always give the desired effect, and soda changes the taste.

Pancakes with yeast are known for their amazing taste, golden color and beautiful holes. They do not tear, they are elastic, which means they will be especially good with any fillings! We offer you proven recipes for yeast pancakes with photos. Get yourself new ideas for these goodies for Maslenitsa!

Celebrations in honor of Maslenitsa in 2016 will be held from 7 to 13 March. The gastronomic symbol of the holiday is delicious, golden pancakes, personifying the clear sun, which replaces snowstorms and frosts. The holiday in the old days was accompanied by various rituals, games, fortune-telling. They went to visit each other, gave gifts, the festivities lasted long and noisy. And how many treats were prepared for Maslenitsa!

“The streets were enlivened by crowds of wandering buffoons, honored in abundance for their cheerful fun with buttered pancakes with all sorts of seasonings, with beer and home brew. No wonder there was an old proverb: “Shrovetide - pancake - buffoon maid!” - describes A.A. Korinfsky in the work "People's Rus'". With the onset of the holiday, we will delight our relatives and loved ones with delicious pancakes! In the meantime, we save cooking recipes with photos.

Thin pancakes with dry yeast. simple recipe

Appetizing thin yeast pancakes with holes, slightly sweet. If you cook them with meat stuffing, take ordinary sugar, 1 tsp is enough. This recipe for pancakes with yeast is simple, the ingredients can be mixed right away, but while the dough is rising, prepare a delicious filling.

  • Dry yeast - 10 gr
  • Flour - 200 gr
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 350 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add to warmed milk.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour and yeast.
  3. Slowly add this mixture to the eggs, actively mixing the mass with a whisk.
  4. Gradually pour in the oil, mix thoroughly with a blender. The consistency should not be too runny.
  5. Leave the dough in a warm place covered with a lid or a napkin for about 50 minutes.
  6. We bake, as usual, in a hot frying pan.

Thin pancakes with yeast and kefir with chocolate topping

It is believed that pancakes on kefir give an unpleasant sour taste. Yes, it happens! But only if the ingredients are not well chosen. In fact, it gives thin pancakes airiness and elasticity. In pancakes on kefir, you need to use more sugar. In this recipe, you can choose absolutely any chocolate, but not with fillings. During melting, they will cause stains on the surface of the sauce, and the taste will be cloying. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate is ideal here.

  • Kefir - 440 - 460 ml
  • Flour - 200 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • Raw yeast - 20 gr
  1. Separate the temperature from the total amount of kefir to 60 ml. and dissolve the yeast in them with a mixer (also at room temperature), cut into pieces.
  2. Let it brew in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar, then add salt, mix. Flour should be sifted.
  4. We combine the egg mixture with kefir, yeast dough and continuing to mix, add flour.
  5. Combine with oil using a mixer at minimum speed.
  6. Cover with a lid and leave to rise for 15-20 minutes.
  7. In the meantime, break the chocolate into pieces, melt in a water bath to the state of the sauce.
  8. To make a water bath, you need to choose 2 saucepans of such a size that one can be placed on top of the other. We fill the first with water by ¾, put on a small fire.
  9. We lower the second one onto it and fill it with pieces of chocolate, which we stir regularly so that lumps do not form.
  10. We mix the finished dough, then bake pancakes.
  11. We bend the finished pancake, turn it into a tube. When serving, decorate with chocolate sauce.

Simple recipe: Pancakes with yeast and milk with holes

This pancake recipe with yeast is quite versatile and lends itself to any experimentation! It is very convenient to fold them into an envelope and roll them into a tube, they go well with any additions: jam, fruits, berries, condensed milk, sour cream, chocolate, fish, cheese, caviar, liver. This delicacy is prepared on yeast dough. And more time than in previous recipes is not required. Write down the recipe and delight your loved ones with this delicious treat!

  • Milk - 220 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 2.5 tbsp
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 180 - 200 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife
  • Vanillin - 8 gr
  • Yeast - 1 sachet
  • Milk - 120 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Flour - 1 tsp
  1. Dissolve yeast, sugar and flour in warmed milk. Mix all ingredients and let steep for 10 minutes.
  2. We knead the dough. Pour in the remaining milk, break the raw egg, add sugar, vegetable oil.
  3. Beat with a mixer at low speed or mix with a whisk.
  4. Mix the flour with a bag of vanilla and a pinch of salt.
  5. Gradually we introduce the composition into the dough. We leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Crack a skillet over high heat. Holding it in your hand, quickly pour out the dough with a tablespoon, scroll the pan in a circle so that the mass is distributed over the entire surface. Put back on fire.
  7. Reduce heat to medium and bake pancakes.

Thick pancakes with yeast. oatmeal recipe

Delicious yeast pancakes according to a simple recipe, besides with a healthy additive - oatmeal. The flakes are crushed and, in combination with sour cream, give splendor. If you wish, you can put a mashed banana instead of flakes, but then you need to increase the amount of flour by 2-3 tsp. This recipe for yeast pancakes is a little more complicated, but the result of your work will be appreciated!

  • Dry yeast - 8 gr
  • Kefir - 280-290 ml
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp
  • Oatmeal - 2 tbsp
  • Flour - 400 gr
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Sunflower oil - 3-3.5 tbsp
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - to taste
  1. Grind oatmeal with a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix wheat flour, resulting oatmeal, vanilla sugar, salt.
  3. Dilute yeast in kefir at room temperature, add sour cream.
  4. Beat eggs, mix with kefir mixture, pour in oil. Gradually beat in the flour mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Put in a warm place and hold until bubbles form. Mix. If it turned out watery, add another 2-3 tablespoons of flour.
  6. Bake in a hot pan, allowing the dough to spread over its surface.
  7. To keep the pancakes soft and tender longer, put pieces of butter between them when the pancakes are hot or just grease each one.

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How to bake yeast pancakes with holes

Pancakes are a favorite delicacy of any generation, because the older generation happily cooks them and, with undisguised pleasure, gobbles up the younger one.

There are a great many recipes for pancakes, but every time we are chasing something new.

For me, pancakes made with yeast are not the most familiar option, although I have been eating them since childhood.

I myself just don’t find time to cook this yummy, because such a dough must be infused, rise, and patience is so lacking.

So, this option can be called excellent for Maslenitsa or just a weekend, when you are armed with free time, and your household requires bread and circuses!

Pancakes turn out to be very tasty and openwork, and more specifically, with large holes (thanks to the yeast used, just the same), they are soaked in plenty of butter and therefore eaten in a matter of seconds. It's impossible to get away from them!

Try to cook and see for yourself.

Yeast pancakes with holes, recipe

Wheat flour - 500 grams;

Dry instant yeast - 10 grams;

Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;

Sugar - to taste;

Butter - 25 grams (+50 grams - for soaking pancakes);

Vegetable oil - for frying.

1. Heat the milk slightly (do not boil) and add salt, sugar and dry yeast to it. Let it brew for 1-2 minutes until the yeast dissolves and then add wheat flour to them. We mix everything. The mass becomes very thick. But we continue!

2. Add chicken eggs to the dough (preferably beat them with a whisk first, it is not necessary to use a mixer).

3. Heat the butter in a microwave oven or in a water bath until completely dissolved. Pour the heated mass into the dough and stir quickly. The finished dough should be allowed to brew for about half an hour so that it becomes airy and increases in volume.

4. This is how it looks like. The dough seems to be covered with a hat, which means that everything is done correctly.

5. Heat in a frying pan and lightly oil it with a silicone brush. Pour the dough onto the already heated inventory, distribute over the entire surface and fry until golden brown. Usually, the first side, for frying, takes twice as long as the second. That is, if I fried the first side for a minute, then it will take about 30 seconds for the second side. Otherwise it will burn.

6. Armed with the main rule about frying time, we fry the second side without leaving the pan for a long time, alone.

And we get delicious yeast pancakes with holes that need to be lubricated with oil after they are cooked so that they are soft and tender.

Total cooking time: 2 hours;

Total number of pancakes: about 20 pieces.

Pancakes with yeast. Taste from childhood

Maslenitsa is over, and we are all baking) I have been reading the community for a long time, I decided to write at last. For lovers of thick pancakes under the cat. I have been baking such pancakes for many years, they are plump, with holes and a sour smell of fresh bread. 500 ml. milk (can be replaced with kefir or water).

I know that there are a great many recipes for pancakes, but I will share the one I made today, perhaps for many it is not a discovery. pancakes are very tasty, thin, openwork and not rubbery and do not tear. 1.

I already wrote a recipe for Trans-Baikal whey kolobs before. They differ from today's ones in that they contain yeast in kolobs and they go for several hours. The current ones are somewhat simpler, but the taste is no worse. Serum 1 liter.

A very economical and satisfying meal. Also lean. (Only I was confused about yeast, is it possible to fast or not? Or is it Old Believer stuff? Or Jewish?) When I studied at school No. 5, it was opposite across the street.

I took it from the cook site. First I mixed 50 g of fresh yeast in 100 ml of warm milk + 1 tbsp. Sahara. Do not take too warm milk, otherwise this mixture will run away. Then I added 500 g of sifted flour.

Do you remember that Maslenitsa is coming soon? Today we tell you the recipe for delicious, soft and very openwork yeast pancakes. They can be served with sour cream, condensed milk, or you can wrap fish or mushrooms in them. They are good with any additives.

In the morning I baked pancakes with my daughter. We decided to mark the beginning of Shrove Tuesday with buckwheat pancakes. They are very good with savory toppings. 600 ml. milk 1 cup (250 ml) buckwheat flour 1 cup wheat flour 2 eggs 2 tbsp.

4 eggs 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar¼ tsp salt 6 tbsp. heaping tablespoons of flour 2 cups of milk (400 ml) 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil vegetable oil for the first lubrication of the pan We combine the eggs with sugar, salt and flour, mix thoroughly, beat a little.

They have nothing to do with my grandmother, the recipe is from the newspaper. These are my favorite pancakes: they are fluffy, light and very tasty! I bake thin pancakes in a different way, but on Forgiveness Sunday they are always these - they are very festive.

Yeast pancakes in milk: top 3 recipes for thick lush and thin with holes

As people say, real Russian pancakes are prepared with yeast. They come out very nice and delicious. You can call them whatever you want: openwork, porous, lace. Cooking them is a pleasure. We will analyze various recipes and cooking features.

Yeast pancake recipes:

It is these pancakes that have been cooked since ancient times. Milk and yeast are one of the main ingredients. Due to this, they are obtained with holes. They can be made both thick and lush, and thin.

See also articles on how to cook with milk and kefir.

Delicious pancakes with yeast and milk

Consider a delicious recipe with a photo. Let's cook with dry yeast.

  • Milk - 3 cups
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sunflower oil - about 1 tablespoon

1. For starters, we need a deep container. It will prepare the dough for pancakes. Pour in three cups of warm milk. Add salt and sugar. We throw yeast. And three tablespoons of flour. We mix everything well. At the moment we are preparing a brew. Cover with a lid and put in a warm place for about 15-20 minutes.

Remember: in order for the yeast to actively work, they need warm milk. If you add cool and generally cold, then the bacteria are practically inactive. And hot is also bad, then they will just boil.

2. Cooking next. Our dough has risen and formed a hat. We beat in two eggs. Add a little sunflower oil. And add the rest of the flour. We should have about a glass and a half of it left. And mix thoroughly again. It's better to do it with a mixer. Let's take 10 minutes.

3. We start to fry. I use two pans, see the picture below. I add a little bit of sunflower oil to each. Spread over the entire surface. Can be done with a brush. How to pour the dough into the pan, shake it.

If you have the same old pans as mine, then I recommend cleaning with salt before frying.

4. So our pancakes are ready. It turns out very tasty and thin with holes. Eat with pleasure!

Amazing recipe for thick and fluffy pancakes with semolina

Add one ingredient is semolina. It will help to get the expected result described in the title of the recipe. Yeast pancakes will turn out very tasty. Let's get started.

Products we need:

  • Milk and water - 300 milliliters each
  • Semolina - 300 grams
  • Flour - 100 grams
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Soda 1/2 teaspoon

1. The first thing we will do is dilute the yeast. We take 50 milliliters of the total amount of warm water. We throw yeast, a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of flour. Of course, we take all the products from the total. We stir. We leave them until a foam cap appears in a warm place.

2. After the foam cap appears, take a bowl of semolina. We make a small indentation. And pour the remaining water and yeast mixture into the hole. Mix until smooth.

3. Then pour in the milk. And mix thoroughly. We use a mixer for this. He is better at this task. Then cover with cling film. We leave for 40 minutes.

4. Time has passed. Small bubbles appeared on the surface of the dough and it thickened. You can fry pancakes.

5. Lubricate the heated pan with vegetable oil with a brush. And pour the dough in the center. You need to fry on low heat.

6. When the entire surface of the pancake has become openwork, turn it over and fry on the other side.

7. Ready lay out on a plate. And so we fry the rest.

Cooking honey butter sauce

You can prepare the filling for pancakes, thereby you will surprise your family and friends with a unique taste. To prepare it, you need 70 grams of butter and honey.

As all pancakes are ready, you can start preparing the sauce. Take a small saucepan and put the oil. We melt it.

Add honey to hot melted butter. Mix everything in place. The sauce is ready.

8. Now you can serve. From this amount of products, 12 beautiful and delicate pancakes were obtained. Very delicate in taste. And due to the presence of soda, they do not feel sour, which is inherent in yeast dough. You can serve them not only with honey-butter sauce, but also with caramel or sour cream.

You are sure to get it. Be sure to cook and bon appetit.

Delicious stewed yeast pancakes

It turns out lush, airy. Well, they just melt in your mouth. First, a simple yeast dough is prepared and a little baking soda is added to the dough just before baking. And then the finished pancakes are well smeared with melted butter, sour cream or heavy cream. And then put them to languish in the oven. That's the whole point of the recipe. See below for a step-by-step recipe with photos.

Cooking pancakes:

1. Sift the flour into a separate bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of salt. Sugar and vegetable oil. Throw in instant yeast. We break the egg. Gradually pour a glass of warm milk, stirring with a whisk. In other words, they poured in a little milk, stirred it. And so repeat until all the milk is in the bowl. This procedure is done so that lumps do not form.

Now mix the dough until smooth. Cover the bowl with a towel or lid. We put in a warm place for fermentation. When our dough rises well and then falls, our dough will be ready.

2. The dough is ready. It fermented for 2 hours. Now you need to add baking soda to this dough. To do this, take 100 milliliters of water. Dissolve soda in it and pour into the dough. After that, knead. If the dough is thick, then add water. In our case, we will add another 100 milliliters. And now we knead well finally.

With the help of water, you can adjust the degree of density of the dough.

3. The dough turned out not quite liquid and not quite thick. By consistency, it resembles liquid sour cream.

4. Lubricate the heated pan with vegetable oil.

A little trick: take a paper napkin, wet it with oil and it will be easier for you to evenly grease the pan with a thin layer.

Then pour in the dough. We distribute it over the entire surface of the pan. And bake on both sides until fully cooked.

5. As in the previous recipes, we are waiting for the entire surface to be filled with holes and then turn it over. Fry the second side for about 30 seconds and can be laid out on a plate. We fry the rest in the same way. Almost after each pancake, grease with vegetable oil.

6. Now you need to grease the pancakes with melted butter or sour cream. Place in a fireproof bowl. I used microwave glassware. And put it in the oven.

In this case, we will grease with butter and sour cream alternately. Now that all the pancakes have been smeared, cover with foil. It will serve as a lid instead. Cover well so they don't dry out or burn.

We send for half an hour in the oven, heated to 200 degrees.

After 30 minutes, take out the pancakes. You can spread sour cream on top. And now you can serve it to the table. Happy tea!

Sometimes it happens that the family ordered pancakes for breakfast, and you do not have the time, energy or desire to stand at the stove for more than an hour, baking one thin pancake at a time. In this case, the recipe for pancakes with yeast is just a lifesaver, as they cook twice as fast as thin pancakes. Having prepared lush pancakes with yeast, the recipe with a step-by-step photo of which is presented on this page, you will kill two birds with one stone - feed your family with a delicious dish and save time for more important or urgent matters. There are many recipes for pancakes with yeast, but this recipe for fluffy yeast pancakes with kefir is guaranteed to give you excellent results with a minimum of effort.

Thick pancakes with yeast: a recipe for thick and fluffy kefir


  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Fresh yeast - 20 g
  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • Salt - ¼ tsp. spoons
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Kefir 2.5% - 1 cup
  • Water - ½ cup
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking time 10 minutes + 40 minutes for dough rise and 20 minutes for frying

Yield: 8 servings

How to cook pancakes with yeast and kefir

Prepare all ingredients.

Pour warm water into a bowl, dilute the yeast in it and add ½ cup flour and 1 tablespoon of sugar to the liquid. Leave to approach 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the dough looks like this:

Add eggs, kefir, remaining sugar and salt, vegetable oil to a bowl with dough, combine all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass with a culinary whisk, in a food processor bowl or with a regular fork.

Gradually add the sifted flour, mixing it into the dough. The consistency of the dough should be like thin sour cream.

Leave the dough to rise for another 30 minutes in a warm place. After this time, the dough looks like this:

Fry yeast pancakes in a preheated pancake pan (either Teflon-coated or just thick-bottomed) as usual, on both sides, spreading the batter over it by turning the pan or with the back of a spoon.

Brush the pancakes removed from the pan with a cooking brush with melted butter in the microwave at low power.

Pancakes are ready! Serve them with any jam, honey, jam or condensed milk. Bon appetit!

Various yeast pancake recipes

Russian cuisine cannot be imagined without pancakes. Fragrant, juicy, glowing with heat rounds are so similar to the sun! And the ancient Russians loved and revered the sun very much. After all, it was it that helped to get a rich harvest and survive in harsh conditions.

Pancakes are also a symbol of the original Russian Maslenitsa holiday. A symbol of the fact that everything cold and harsh is not eternal. With the arrival of the spring sun, small similarities of it appear on the tables in Russian houses - golden pancakes.

Now you can find thousands of variations on how to cook lush pancakes with yeast. And here are some of them:

Yeast pancakes with milk


To prepare openwork and fluffy pancakes in milk, you will need:

  • 300 g of premium flour;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • a bag of dry yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil.


Mix and beat eggs, sugar and salt. It is necessary to bring the mass to a state of light foam with bubbles. But don't overdo it.

Introduce all other components into the workpiece. Mix thoroughly and put in a warm place for about an hour. For this purpose, it is convenient to use an oven heated to 40 degrees.

Wait until the dough has doubled in size. Lower, slightly crushing with a hand or a spoon, and set to rise again.

When the dough comes up again, you can start frying the pancakes. You can’t lower the dough a second time, otherwise the pancakes will not turn out so airy and spongy.

Grease a heated pan with a little oil. With a ladle or a large spoon, carefully scoop the dough from above and pour into the pan, allowing it to spread on its own. Try not to smear the dough with a spoon, otherwise air bubbles will burst.

Fry pancakes on both sides, like fluffy pancakes on kefir.


Yeast lush pancakes in milk are not very sweet. Therefore, fillers such as meat, fish, caviar are perfect for them. But, if you like sweet fillings, then jam, condensed milk, and melted chocolate will be good.

Yeast pancakes on the water


To make lush pancakes on the water with eggs, you will need:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1.5 cups of warm water;
  • 30 gr fresh yeast;
  • 1.5 - 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt.


Whisk eggs with sugar and salt. Mix yeast, water, add beaten eggs. Add sifted flour - so the pancakes will turn out more airy.

Knead the dough and leave it to rise in a warm place. The dough on water must be infused for at least three hours, unlike the dough on milk or kefir. Periodically lower the dough, crushing it with a spoon.

You can fry pancakes from such a dough without adding oil to the pan.

An unusual and very tasty solution will be the preparation of pancakes based on carbonated mineral water. Pancakes are even more airy, tender and tastier.

Beat the eggs at the lowest speed of the mixer. If you overdo it with the power and time of whipping, the dough will become too viscous. Pancakes will turn out too dense and will become "rubber" after cooling.

The eggs should be beaten while still cold. This way they will reach the desired consistency faster.

Lean yeast pancakes


Pancakes on water with yeast recipe will come in handy during Lent. It is also useful for people on a diet.

To make low-calorie lean pancakes, you will need:

  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 st. l. dry yeast;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.


Warm up the water to 30 - 40 degrees. Add yeast and sugar to it, mix. Leave on for 5 - 10 minutes.

Sift flour into a bowl with water and yeast. Thoroughly mix the dough, gently getting rid of lumps. Cover the container with a clean towel and place in a warm place for 2 hours. Periodically lower the dough with your hand or a spoon.

Grease the pan with vegetable oil. Fry pancakes in water with yeast over medium heat until browned.

Lush pancakes on yogurt or sour milk

The recipe for lush pancakes with sour milk or yogurt is considered one of the most successful. Only yeast pancakes on kefir can be more popular. It's all about the special fermented milk environment. It is because of her that such thick and lush pancakes with yeast are obtained.


  • 1 liter of sour milk or curdled milk;
  • packaging of fresh yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.


First you need to prepare a dough - a slightly fermented dough based on yeast.

In a bowl, knead the yeast, add sugar, mix. Pour a glass of necessarily warm yogurt, stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Sift in the same 2 - 3 tablespoons of flour. Mix until lumps are removed.

Put the dough for 40 - 50 minutes in a warm place. Suitable battery or stove, heated to 40 degrees.

When the dough is ready, large bubbles will appear on the surface.

Mix the steam slightly. Pour the rest of the curd into it. Make sure it is warm, around room temperature. This is necessary in order for the yeast to continue to work.

Beat the resulting mass with a whisk.

In a separate bowl beat the eggs until stiff. Add eggs and vegetable oil to the dough, mix gently.

Sift the flour into the dough while mixing. The consistency of the dough should be like very thick cream and be slightly viscous.

Put the dough back to the battery or in the oven for 1.5 - 2 hours. Before cooking, it should turn out airy, lush and in bubbles.

Pancakes need to be fried in a greased frying pan until golden brown.

Secrets and subtleties of cooking

The recipe for pancakes with sour milk has several nuances of preparation. If the dough turned out to be quite thick, then the pancakes will be lush, thick and spongy.

If you want thin openwork pancakes, then the dough can be slightly diluted. Boil a glass of milk and gradually pour it into the dough. Stir and check consistency. As soon as you reach the desired density, immediately start baking pancakes.

Quick yeast pancakes with dry yeast


  • 0.5 liters of kefir;
  • 1 glass of warm boiled water;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 - 2.5 cups of flour;
  • 1 - 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • a bag of dry yeast;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.


Lightly beat the eggs with a hand whisk. Pour in water, add salt, sugar and yeast. Whisk well.

Sift flour into a bowl, knead the dough. Add kefir, mix thoroughly until smooth. Put in a warm place (to the battery or in a slightly preheated oven) for 40 - 50 minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into the risen dough, mix again.

Bake pancakes in a hot pan, greased with butter or bacon, until golden brown.

Various ways to make pancakes

In addition to the classic way of frying pancakes in a pan, you can try a few more. Maybe it will be more convenient for someone to make pancakes in the microwave. And someone will be delighted with the possibilities of making pancakes using a slow cooker.

Pancakes in a slow cooker

Cooking pancakes using a slow cooker is practically no different from ordinary frying in a pan. Depending on the model, the device settings may change slightly, but the principle of operation remains the same.


To make pancakes in a slow cooker, you can use any dough:

  • with sourdough on kefir;
  • with sourdough in milk;
  • dough for lean or vegetarian pancakes.


Pour half a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode. Cooking time - 1 hour. Wait for a while until the desired temperature is established.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of dough into the bowl. Carefully remove the bowl from the multicooker. Rotate the bowl to spread the batter evenly over the bottom. Place the bowl into the device.

You need to fry pancakes on both sides, as in a pan. The frying time of each side is no more than 5 minutes.

Secrets and subtleties of cooking

Remember to add a little oil to the multicooker bowl before frying each new pancake. If desired, instead of vegetable, you can use creamy. In this case, pancakes will turn out more satisfying and fatter.

In this case, it is not necessary to melt all the butter in advance. Throw it in small pieces into the multicooker bowl. First, you will need to wait a bit until the butter melts. But as soon as the desired temperature is set in the slow cooker, the butter will melt almost instantly.

You can also lubricate the finished pancakes with oil: they will remain soft and juicy. If this is not done, then you will get pancakes with a delicious crispy crust.

Pancakes in the microwave


The dough for pancakes cooked in a microwave oven is no different from the classic version of pancakes in a pan. It's all about ease of cooking. You can take any recipe you like: pancakes with kefir, milk or water.


To fry pancakes in this way, you will need a plate that can be put in the microwave. The main thing is that there is no golden border on the dishes.

Pour two to three tablespoons of batter onto a plate. Send the dishes for a couple of minutes in the microwave, turned on at maximum power. With this method of cooking, you do not need to turn the pancake over: it will be fried immediately on both sides.

Subtleties and advantages

Ready-made pancakes can be greased with butter. This way they stay soft and juicy.

The convenience of frying pancakes in the microwave will make life much easier. You can even cook pancakes at work. Just knead the dough in advance and pour it into a jar or bottle. In the office, all you have to do is pour the dough onto a plate and put it in the microwave. So in the workplace you can enjoy hot and tasty food.

Calorie content of pancakes

Pancakes are strongly associated with high-calorie foods. A flour product fried in vegetable or butter - what could be worse for a person who is losing weight?

But in this matter, not everything is so clear. More often, the benefits of the ingredients that make up pancakes far outweigh the harm from them. It is only necessary to control the amount of oil, the fat content of the sourdough and the calorie content of the filling - three pillars, on which the myth is built about the significant harm of pancakes for the figure.

Ways to reduce calories


Controlling the amount of oil in which pancakes are fried can significantly reduce their calorie content. A special pancake pan with a non-stick coating can be a good helper in this matter. In this case, oil is not needed at all.

Frying pancakes in the microwave also does not require the addition of oil. Dough is poured onto a microwave-safe plate

Fat content of sourdough

In order to reduce the calorie content of pancakes, you can use kefir with a lower percentage of fat content. Not bad for this purpose and milk, and even water. The taste of pancakes will not suffer from this. For the figure, there will be a clear benefit.


Probably, the greatest contribution to the calorie content of pancakes is made by various fillings, fillers and toppings. These include jam, condensed milk, chocolate and many others. Instead, you can perfectly use lean meat, fish or low-calorie sweets: marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows.

How to avoid "rubber" pancakes

Eggs for dough should not be beaten for a long time and hard. Most often it is best to use a hand whisk. Otherwise, the dough will turn out to be too thick and viscous, and the pancakes will be rubbery.

To prevent pancakes from burning

If you fry pancakes in a regular frying pan, be sure to grease it with butter or vegetable oil. The non-stick coating solves this problem even without the use of oil. The best solution would be a special pancake pan with a thin bottom and low sides.

Do not forget to control the frying time of pancakes. Most often it does not exceed 2 - 3 minutes for each side.

Dry and hard pancakes. Way to solve the problem

Most often, pancakes are dry if the dough is kneaded with milk or water. Dairy products give pancakes the necessary softness.

If you don’t like dry pancakes, but you also don’t want to harm your figure, then add low-fat kefir or low-fat sour milk to the dough. They won't add many calories, and the pancakes will be much softer.

Dry and brittle edges of pancakes. What to do?

Sometimes this problem is not so bad. Many, especially children, love these crispy crusts on pancakes.

If you still don’t like them, then just cover the ready-made hot pancakes with a large lid. Evaporating condensate will give the edges of pancakes the desired softness.

Why do pancakes burst?

If the pancake cannot be turned over and it breaks all the time, then the problem must be sought in the test. Most likely, it turned out too thick.

In this case, the dough must be diluted with a glass of warm milk or water to the desired consistency.

How to avoid sticking pancakes

Before frying pancakes, heat the pan well. The dough will definitely stick to a slightly warm dish.

After kneading, the dough should be allowed to brew for about half an hour. This is the time needed for the gluten in the flour to swell and set.

A set of dishes for making pancakes

Many professional cooks are unanimous in one opinion. Even a correctly chosen recipe and a clear implementation of the cooking sequence do not guarantee the expected result. For a complete picture, one more stroke is needed - wisely selected dishes.

To prepare fluffy, tender and juicy pancakes, you will need:

  • Hand whisk;
  • metal bowl for dough;
  • special pancake pan;
  • dishes, gravy boats, bowls for table setting.

Each item from this set is responsible for the quality of a certain step in the preparation of pancakes.


For whipping and mixing pancake dough, you need a hand tool. Forget mixers and blenders. Only a whisk can fill the dough with air bubbles, which will give pancakes splendor and sponginess. Mechanical whipping makes the dough heavier. Then the pancakes can turn out to be too dense, even “rubber”.

If you still use an electric mixer, beat the dough at the lowest speed.

A bowl

Of course, both ceramic and enameled dishes can be used to prepare the dough. But the metal bowl does not hold extraneous odors. In this case, you will be sure that the pancakes will not be transferred to the unpleasant smell left in the dishes from the last use.


Special pancake pans have low sides and a non-stick coating. The dough does not burn and does not stick. And the convenient handle protects from burns.

You can also use regular frying pans that you can find at home. But, having tried such a pancake maker in practice and comparing the results, you will understand all the advantages of a special frying pan.

Table setting

More than once or twice you have heard that eating can satisfy not only the need for food. Exquisite serving, special dishes and gravy boats, items from a single set - all this pleases the eye and awakens the appetite. Family or friendly gatherings for pancakes, good conversation and delicious food can bring people together and give a unique atmosphere of comfort.

Stock up on a beautiful set of dishes: a pancake dish, bowls, bowls and gravy boats for fillings and toppings. In stores you can find such sets for every taste.

How to cook a recipe for thick pancakes with dry yeast - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

If you love soft, fluffy pancakes, then this recipe is for you.

Despite the fact that the kneading process is quite long, frying these pancakes is a pleasure!

Because, most likely, you will not have to scrape the first failed pancake from the pan, because these pancakes are perfectly baked, do not burn at all and do not stick to the pan. Of course, if you do everything as described in the recipe with step by step photos.

  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g.
  • Cooking method

    1. Pour a little more than a glass of milk heated to 30-35 ° into a capacious bowl or pan. Pour in dry yeast and wait until it dissolves.

    2. Put salt, a little sugar and half the amount of flour.

    3. Stir well with a whisk until the lumps disappear.

    4. Close the bowl with a lid or a towel and put it in a warm place for half an hour to rise.

    5. Place the egg yolks and the remaining sugar in a cup.

    Thick fluffy yeast pancakes - recipe

    There are countless recipes for making pancakes, which involve the production of products of different tastes, thicknesses and textures, each of which has its unchanging admirers.

    Our today's recipes are for those who want to taste thick, fluffy and delicious pancakes with yeast.

    Quick fluffy thick pancakes with dry yeast - a recipe for kefir

    • wheat flour - 950 g;
    • kefir - 525 ml;
    • warm water - 325 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 40 g;
    • large chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • dry yeast - 15 g;
    • table salt - 5 g;
    • vegetable oil without aroma - 70 ml.

    We start preparing the dough for pancakes by activating the yeast. To do this, dissolve the yeast granules in a water heated to forty degrees, dissolve the sugar and stir a little more than half a glass of flour. We leave the resulting mixture under the fabric cut in warmth and comfort for fifteen to twenty minutes.

    After that, we introduce eggs into the yeast mixture, processed with a mixer with a pinch of salt until splendor, pour in pre-warmed kefir and vegetable oil, add flour and use a mixer or whisk to achieve a uniform dough texture without flour lumps. We put it in heat for another thirty minutes, and then we start baking pancakes. We oil a slightly thoroughly heated frying pan with vegetable oil, a piece of butter or a slice of fresh bacon, pour the ripened yeast dough into it with a ladle and let it spread. We brown the products on both sides, covering the pan with a lid, and then put it on a dish and serve with your favorite addition, which can be sour cream, honey, jam or any filling of your choice.

    How to cook thick and fluffy pancakes with live yeast - a whey recipe

    • wheat flour - 800 g;
    • serum - 950 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 40 g;
    • large chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • live yeast - 20 g;
    • table salt - 5 g;

    To prepare yeast dough, in this case, dissolve fresh yeast in whey preheated to forty degrees, and then add the eggs processed with sugar using a mixer, a pinch of salt and sift the flour into the resulting mixture. Stir the dough thoroughly until the lumps disappear, and then cover the container with it with a fabric cut and place it in heat for one hour.

    After that, we oil a thoroughly heated frying pan before the first pancake, pour the dough into it with a ladle, let it spread along the bottom, and cook the pancakes under the lid, browning on both sides.

    Recipe for fluffy thick and delicious pancakes with yeast and milk

    • wheat flour - 520 g;
    • milk - 590 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 45 g;
    • large chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
    • live yeast - 20 g;
    • table salt - 5 g;
    • vegetable oil without aroma - 60 ml.

    This recipe for making yeast dough for pancakes involves the initial preparation of dough. To do this, put fresh yeast in milk heated to forty degrees and stir until they bloom. We also dissolve half the norm of granulated sugar and one and a half glasses of flour in milk, after sifting it. Now we cover the bowl with the dough with a fabric cut and place it in warmth and comfort for thirty to forty minutes.

    After a while, add a little beaten eggs, granulated sugar, salt, vegetable oil to the dough, add the rest of the flour and mix thoroughly. Next, pour in the warmed milk in small portions, each time stirring the mass well until smooth. We give the finished dough to rise twice in the heat and we can start baking pancakes. Pour the dough with a ladle into an oiled hot frying pan and let it brown under the lid on both sides.

    Usually, advertising on the product packaging looks very appetizing and promises unearthly goodness and beauty, but the end does not always justify the means. No factory and cafe dishes, even from the chef himself, can be tastier than home-made ones, especially if they are quick thick yeast pancakes with dry yeast. And all because we put our soul into the treats prepared by our mother, grandmother or even with our own hands to please our beloved family.

    And if someone else does not know how to cook a traditional Slavic dessert, then it is never too late to learn. Moreover, on the eve of Shrovetide, many recipe authors decided to convey the secrets of pancake cooking to everyone.

    It is undoubtedly better to start training with the fastest yeast pancakes, and there are plenty to choose from. Fluffy and thin, sweet and salty, for every taste, with any filling, pancakes will become your signature dish.

    Pancakes with instant yeast

    Each day of the Maslenitsa week has its own name and purpose, which is why you should stock up on various recipes for the traditional dish of this spring holiday in order to pamper your loved ones with the most delicious pancakes.

    The fourth day is “gourmet”, even with its name it asks for something special, and the classic recipe for making dry pancakes with your own hands will be very useful here.

    • Milk or curdled milk - 0.4 l;
    • Warm water - 250 ml;
    • Premium wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
    • Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
    • Sugar - 25 g;
    • Salt - ½ tsp;
    • Baker's yeast - 5-8 g;
    • Sunflower oil - 80 g;

    Cooking quick pancakes with yeast

    There are no special tricks in this recipe, which is why it will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare the dough.

    1. We drive eggs into a deep wide-bottomed container, add sugar, salt, yeast, warm water and beat everything well with a whisk.
    2. After that, we introduce flour into the resulting mass, without ceasing to stir the dough, and then dilute everything with milk and carefully knead the composition until a homogeneous consistency of liquid sour cream.
    3. After that, we leave the dough warm for 40 minutes, and after the allotted time we introduce oil into the composition and you can start baking pancakes.

    This recipe is designed for a dozen openwork, soft and incredibly mouth-watering pancakes, so enough for the whole family. They can be served with various fillings: sweet and savory, lean and meat. However, on their own with sour cream or meadow honey, these pancakes will be amazingly tasty.

    Fluffy pancakes with quick yeast and milk

    Incredibly delicious traditional Slavic dessert we will cook today at home. This is perhaps the best recipe for quick yeast pancakes for a Shrovetide feast.

    • Premium wheat flour - ½ kg;
    • Dry bread yeast - 1 pack;
    • Salt - ½ tbsp;
    • Sugar - 50 g;
    • Cow's milk - ½ l;
    • Butter - 50 g;
    • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • Sunflower oil - 35 g;

    How to bake pancakes with dry yeast

    1. To prepare lush and airy pancakes, the first step is to sift the flour twice so that it is saturated with oxygen, after which we pour yeast, salt, sugar (1 tbsp) into it and mix everything thoroughly with milk and yolks so that there are no lumps.
    2. Now we separately need to beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar (1 tbsp) with a whisk until foamy, and then carefully introduce the protein mass into the dough along with vegetable oil.
    3. Now the finished dough needs to insist in heat for about 1 hour. During this time, the mass will double in volume.
    4. Now the dough needs to be mixed, and you can start baking pancakes in a greased pan over medium heat.

    Ready-made pancakes are well smeared with butter and fall to the table with jam, condensed milk, caviar, jam, honey, and with anything.

    Pancakes with instant yeast

    Pancakes with yeast recipe thick lush (8 recipes)

    Sometimes it happens that the family ordered pancakes for breakfast, and you do not have the time, energy or desire to stand at the stove for more than an hour, baking one thin pancake at a time. In this case, the recipe for pancakes with yeast is just a lifesaver, as they cook twice as fast as thin pancakes. Having prepared lush pancakes with yeast, the recipe with a step-by-step photo of which is presented on this page, you will kill two birds with one stone - feed your family with a delicious dish and save time for more important or urgent matters. There are many recipes for pancakes with yeast, but this recipe for fluffy yeast pancakes with kefir is guaranteed to give you excellent results with a minimum of effort.

    • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
    • Fresh yeast - 20 g
    • Flour - 1.5 cups
    • Salt - ¼ tsp. spoons
    • Egg - 2 pieces
    • Kefir 2.5% - 1 cup
    • Water - ½ cup
    • Butter - 50 g
    • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

    Cooking time 10 minutes + 40 minutes for dough rise and 20 minutes for frying

    How to cook pancakes with yeast and kefir

    Prepare all ingredients.

    Pour warm water into a bowl, dilute the yeast in it and add ½ cup flour and 1 tablespoon of sugar to the liquid. Leave to approach 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the dough looks like this:

    Add eggs, kefir, remaining sugar and salt, vegetable oil to a bowl with dough, combine all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass with a culinary whisk, in a food processor bowl or with a regular fork.

    Gradually add the sifted flour, mixing it into the dough. The consistency of the dough should be like thin sour cream.

    Leave the dough to rise for another 30 minutes in a warm place. After this time, the dough looks like this:

    Fry yeast pancakes in a preheated pancake pan (either Teflon-coated or just thick-bottomed) as usual, on both sides, spreading the batter over it by turning the pan or with the back of a spoon.

    Brush the pancakes removed from the pan with a cooking brush with melted butter in the microwave at low power.

    Pancakes are ready! Serve them with any jam, honey, jam or condensed milk. Bon appetit!

    Russian cuisine cannot be imagined without pancakes. Fragrant, juicy, glowing with heat rounds are so similar to the sun! And the ancient Russians loved and revered the sun very much. After all, it was it that helped to get a rich harvest and survive in harsh conditions.

    Pancakes are also a symbol of the original Russian Maslenitsa holiday. A symbol of the fact that everything cold and harsh is not eternal. With the arrival of the spring sun, small similarities of it appear on the tables in Russian houses - golden pancakes.

    Now you can find thousands of variations on how to cook lush pancakes with yeast. And here are some of them:

    To prepare openwork and fluffy pancakes in milk, you will need:

    • 300 g of premium flour;
    • 300 ml of milk;
    • 200 ml of water;
    • 60 g sugar;
    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • a bag of dry yeast;
    • 1 teaspoon of salt;
    • 100 ml sunflower oil.

    Mix and beat eggs, sugar and salt. It is necessary to bring the mass to a state of light foam with bubbles. But don't overdo it.

    Introduce all other components into the workpiece. Mix thoroughly and put in a warm place for about an hour. For this purpose, it is convenient to use an oven heated to 40 degrees.

    Wait until the dough has doubled in size. Lower, slightly crushing with a hand or a spoon, and set to rise again.

    When the dough comes up again, you can start frying the pancakes. You can’t lower the dough a second time, otherwise the pancakes will not turn out so airy and spongy.

    Grease a heated pan with a little oil. With a ladle or a large spoon, carefully scoop the dough from above and pour into the pan, allowing it to spread on its own. Try not to smear the dough with a spoon, otherwise air bubbles will burst.

    Fry pancakes on both sides, like fluffy pancakes on kefir.

    Yeast lush pancakes in milk are not very sweet. Therefore, fillers such as meat, fish, caviar are perfect for them. But, if you like sweet fillings, then jam, condensed milk, and melted chocolate will be good.

    To make lush pancakes on the water with eggs, you will need:

    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • 1.5 cups of warm water;
    • 30 gr fresh yeast;
    • 1.5 - 2 cups of flour;
    • 1 st. l. Sahara;
    • a pinch of salt.

    Whisk eggs with sugar and salt. Mix yeast, water, add beaten eggs. Add sifted flour - so the pancakes will turn out more airy.

    Knead the dough and leave it to rise in a warm place. The dough on water must be infused for at least three hours, unlike the dough on milk or kefir. Periodically lower the dough, crushing it with a spoon.

    You can fry pancakes from such a dough without adding oil to the pan.

    An unusual and very tasty solution will be the preparation of pancakes based on carbonated mineral water. Pancakes are even more airy, tender and tastier.

    Beat the eggs at the lowest speed of the mixer. If you overdo it with the power and time of whipping, the dough will become too viscous. Pancakes will turn out too dense and will become "rubber" after cooling.

    The eggs should be beaten while still cold. This way they will reach the desired consistency faster.

    Pancakes on water with yeast recipe will come in handy during Lent. It is also useful for people on a diet.

    To make low-calorie lean pancakes, you will need:

    • 2.5 cups flour;
    • 2 glasses of water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 tsp salt;
    • 1 st. l. dry yeast;
    • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.

    Warm up the water to 30 - 40 degrees. Add yeast and sugar to it, mix. Leave on for 5 - 10 minutes.

    Sift flour into a bowl with water and yeast. Thoroughly mix the dough, gently getting rid of lumps. Cover the container with a clean towel and place in a warm place for 2 hours. Periodically lower the dough with your hand or a spoon.

    Grease the pan with vegetable oil. Fry pancakes in water with yeast over medium heat until browned.

    The recipe for lush pancakes with sour milk or yogurt is considered one of the most successful. Only yeast pancakes on kefir can be more popular. It's all about the special fermented milk environment. It is because of her that such thick and lush pancakes with yeast are obtained.

    • 1 liter of sour milk or curdled milk;
    • packaging of fresh yeast;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • 3 cups flour;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.

    First you need to prepare a dough - a slightly fermented dough based on yeast.

    In a bowl, knead the yeast, add sugar, mix. Pour a glass of necessarily warm yogurt, stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Sift in the same 2 - 3 tablespoons of flour. Mix until lumps are removed.

    Put the dough for 40 - 50 minutes in a warm place. Suitable battery or stove, heated to 40 degrees.

    When the dough is ready, large bubbles will appear on the surface.

    Mix the steam slightly. Pour the rest of the curd into it. Make sure it is warm, around room temperature. This is necessary in order for the yeast to continue to work.

    Beat the resulting mass with a whisk.

    In a separate bowl beat the eggs until stiff. Add eggs and vegetable oil to the dough, mix gently.

    Sift the flour into the dough while mixing. The consistency of the dough should be like very thick cream and be slightly viscous.

    Put the dough back to the battery or in the oven for 1.5 - 2 hours. Before cooking, it should turn out airy, lush and in bubbles.

    Pancakes need to be fried in a greased frying pan until golden brown.

    Secrets and subtleties of cooking

    The recipe for pancakes with sour milk has several nuances of preparation. If the dough turned out to be quite thick, then the pancakes will be lush, thick and spongy.

    If you want thin openwork pancakes, then the dough can be slightly diluted. Boil a glass of milk and gradually pour it into the dough. Stir and check consistency. As soon as you reach the desired density, immediately start baking pancakes.

    • 0.5 liters of kefir;
    • 1 glass of warm boiled water;
    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • 2 - 2.5 cups of flour;
    • 1 - 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 0.5 tsp salt;
    • a bag of dry yeast;
    • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.

    Lightly beat the eggs with a hand whisk. Pour in water, add salt, sugar and yeast. Whisk well.

    Sift flour into a bowl, knead the dough. Add kefir, mix thoroughly until smooth. Put in a warm place (to the battery or in a slightly preheated oven) for 40 - 50 minutes.

    Pour vegetable oil into the risen dough, mix again.

    Bake pancakes in a hot pan, greased with butter or bacon, until golden brown.

    In addition to the classic way of frying pancakes in a pan, you can try a few more. Maybe it will be more convenient for someone to make pancakes in the microwave. And someone will be delighted with the possibilities of making pancakes using a slow cooker.

    Cooking pancakes using a slow cooker is practically no different from ordinary frying in a pan. Depending on the model, the device settings may change slightly, but the principle of operation remains the same.

    To make pancakes in a slow cooker, you can use any dough:

    • with sourdough on kefir;
    • with sourdough in milk;
    • dough for lean or vegetarian pancakes.

    Pour half a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode. Cooking time - 1 hour. Wait for a while until the desired temperature is established.

    Pour 2-3 tablespoons of dough into the bowl. Carefully remove the bowl from the multicooker. Rotate the bowl to spread the batter evenly over the bottom. Place the bowl into the device.

    You need to fry pancakes on both sides, as in a pan. The frying time of each side is no more than 5 minutes.

    Secrets and subtleties of cooking

    Remember to add a little oil to the multicooker bowl before frying each new pancake. If desired, instead of vegetable, you can use creamy. In this case, pancakes will turn out more satisfying and fatter.

    In this case, it is not necessary to melt all the butter in advance. Throw it in small pieces into the multicooker bowl. First, you will need to wait a bit until the butter melts. But as soon as the desired temperature is set in the slow cooker, the butter will melt almost instantly.

    You can also lubricate the finished pancakes with oil: they will remain soft and juicy. If this is not done, then you will get pancakes with a delicious crispy crust.

    The dough for pancakes cooked in a microwave oven is no different from the classic version of pancakes in a pan. It's all about ease of cooking. You can take any recipe you like: pancakes with kefir, milk or water.

    To fry pancakes in this way, you will need a plate that can be put in the microwave. The main thing is that there is no golden border on the dishes.

    Pour two to three tablespoons of batter onto a plate. Send the dishes for a couple of minutes in the microwave, turned on at maximum power. With this method of cooking, you do not need to turn the pancake over: it will be fried immediately on both sides.

    Ready-made pancakes can be greased with butter. This way they stay soft and juicy.

    The convenience of frying pancakes in the microwave will make life much easier. You can even cook pancakes at work. Just knead the dough in advance and pour it into a jar or bottle. In the office, all you have to do is pour the dough onto a plate and put it in the microwave. So in the workplace you can enjoy hot and tasty food.

    Pancakes are strongly associated with high-calorie foods. A flour product fried in vegetable or butter - what could be worse for a losing weight person?

    But in this matter, not everything is so clear. More often, the benefits of the ingredients that make up pancakes far outweigh the harm from them. It is only necessary to control the amount of oil, the fat content of the sourdough and the calorie content of the filling - three pillars, on which the myth is built about the significant harm of pancakes for the figure.

    Ways to reduce calories

    Controlling the amount of oil in which pancakes are fried can significantly reduce their calorie content. A special pancake pan with a non-stick coating can be a good helper in this matter. In this case, oil is not needed at all.

    Frying pancakes in the microwave also does not require the addition of oil. Dough is poured onto a microwave-safe plate

    In order to reduce the calorie content of pancakes, you can use kefir with a lower percentage of fat content. Not bad for this purpose and milk, and even water. The taste of pancakes will not suffer from this. For the figure, there will be a clear benefit.

    Probably, the greatest contribution to the calorie content of pancakes is made by various fillings, fillers and toppings. These include jam, condensed milk, chocolate and many others. Instead, you can perfectly use lean meat, fish or low-calorie sweets: marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows.

    How to avoid "rubber" pancakes

    Eggs for dough should not be beaten for a long time and hard. Most often it is best to use a hand whisk. Otherwise, the dough will turn out to be too thick and viscous, and the pancakes will be rubbery.

    To prevent pancakes from burning

    If you fry pancakes in a regular frying pan, be sure to grease it with butter or vegetable oil. The non-stick coating solves this problem even without the use of oil. The best solution would be a special pancake pan with a thin bottom and low sides.

    Do not forget to control the frying time of pancakes. Most often it does not exceed 2 - 3 minutes for each side.

    Dry and hard pancakes. Way to solve the problem

    Most often, pancakes are dry if the dough is kneaded with milk or water. Dairy products give pancakes the necessary softness.

    If you don’t like dry pancakes, but you also don’t want to harm your figure, then add low-fat kefir or low-fat sour milk to the dough. They won't add many calories, and the pancakes will be much softer.

    Dry and brittle edges of pancakes. What to do?

    Sometimes this problem is not so bad. Many, especially children, love these crispy crusts on pancakes.

    If you still don’t like them, then just cover the ready-made hot pancakes with a large lid. Evaporating condensate will give the edges of pancakes the desired softness.

    Why do pancakes burst?

    If the pancake cannot be turned over and it breaks all the time, then the problem must be sought in the test. Most likely, it turned out too thick.

    In this case, the dough must be diluted with a glass of warm milk or water to the desired consistency.

    How to avoid sticking pancakes

    Before frying pancakes, heat the pan well. The dough will definitely stick to a slightly warm dish.

    After kneading, the dough should be allowed to brew for about half an hour. This is the time needed for the gluten in the flour to swell and set.

    Many professional cooks are unanimous in one opinion. Even a correctly chosen recipe and a clear implementation of the cooking sequence do not guarantee the expected result. For a complete picture, one more stroke is needed - wisely selected dishes.

    To prepare fluffy, tender and juicy pancakes, you will need:

    • Hand whisk;
    • metal bowl for dough;
    • special pancake pan;
    • dishes, gravy boats, bowls for table setting.

    Each item from this set is responsible for the quality of a certain step in the preparation of pancakes.

    For whipping and mixing pancake dough, you need a hand tool. Forget mixers and blenders. Only a whisk can fill the dough with air bubbles, which will give pancakes splendor and sponginess. Mechanical whipping makes the dough heavier. Then the pancakes can turn out to be too dense, even “rubber”.

    If you still use an electric mixer, beat the dough at the lowest speed.

    Of course, both ceramic and enameled dishes can be used to prepare the dough. But the metal bowl does not hold extraneous odors. In this case, you will be sure that the pancakes will not be transferred to the unpleasant smell left in the dishes from the last use.

    Special pancake pans have low sides and a non-stick coating. The dough does not burn and does not stick. And the convenient handle protects from burns.

    You can also use regular frying pans that you can find at home. But, having tried such a pancake maker in practice and comparing the results, you will understand all the advantages of a special frying pan.

    More than once or twice you have heard that eating can satisfy not only the need for food. Exquisite serving, special dishes and gravy boats, items from a single set - all this pleases the eye and awakens the appetite. Family or friendly gatherings for pancakes, good conversation and delicious food can bring people together and give a unique atmosphere of comfort.

    Stock up on a beautiful set of dishes: a pancake dish, bowls, bowls and gravy boats for fillings and toppings. In stores you can find such sets for every taste.

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  • Yeast thick pancakes - recipes

    The preparation of any traditional yeast pancakes should begin with dough. To do this, dissolve the yeast in 3 cups of warm water and add, stirring, 3 cups of flour.

    Our dough should be thoroughly kneaded. It should be noted that the consistency of the dough should be liquid.

    We cover the bowl with our workpiece with a towel and be sure to place it in a warm place. Proofing time is approximately 2 hours. During this period, the dough will double in size, so the capacity should be taken more.

    As soon as the dough has approached, we proceed to prepare the test.

    Add 3 eggs, salt and sugar - mix thoroughly.

    After that, add the remaining sifted flour and vegetable oil. Knead the dough with a whisk or mixer. A mixer with dough attachments - screw whisks, is ideal for this, since our dough will turn out to be very thick.

    Again, leave the dough for proofing in a warm place for half an hour.

    The final stage of preparing our dough is brewing it with boiling water. Milk should be boiled and slightly cooled. Still hot milk is gradually poured into our dough, stirring. Our final version is a dough of the consistency of thick sour cream, add milk until this point.

    Each time you need to lubricate the surface of the pan with vegetable oil. It is to lubricate, but not to pour. This will evenly distribute the oil and then the pancakes will not burn. It is convenient to lubricate the surface with a brush or a peeled potato, chopped on a fork. Of course, the second way is more traditional.

    A ladle of dough is a standard portion for yeast thick pancakes. You can choose the proportion according to the size of your pan.

    Fry each side of the pancake until done. To turn it over to the other side, you need to pry off one edge and turn it over sharply.

    Add yeast, sugar, salt and beaten eggs to milk.

    Add flour and mix well until smooth.

    Leave the dough in a warm place for 30 minutes to rise (I put it in a bowl of hot water).

    Add vegetable or butter to the dough, mix.

    Fry in a well-heated pan.

    Thick pancakes on dough

    • 500gr. wheat flour
    • 500-600gr. milk
    • 3 art. l. butter (butter or vegetable)
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
    • 0.5 tsp salt
    • 20 g pressed yeast or 1 tbsp. dry yeast.

    To make a dough, you need to pour 1 cup of warm milk (no more than 40 degrees) into a large bowl, add yeast. Stir thoroughly, dissolving the shiver in the milk. If you use dry yeast, then leave it for 10 minutes to swell.

    Then add 1.5 cups of flour, salt and half of the sugar, knead the dough so that there are no lumps. We cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin and put it in a warm place to rise, for about 30-40 minutes. During this time, the dough will come up, i.e. will increase two to three times.

    Stir the risen dough, add sugar, egg and butter. Gradually pour in the remaining flour. It is important that both the egg and vegetable oil are at room temperature. The dough must be kneaded so that it becomes smooth and shiny, without lumps. Now, in small portions (100-150 gr.), We begin to add warm milk. After each serving of milk, the dough must be thoroughly kneaded. The resulting dough is again left to rise for half an hour in a warm place.

    When the dough rises, it must be mixed until it settles and again put in a warm place, let it rise.

    We bake pancakes in a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil.

    Pancakes with yeast thick

    • Warm water - 4 cups;
    • Sugar - 5-6 tablespoons;
    • Yeast (dry, I took high-speed ones) - 2 bags or 40-50 g of live yeast (pressed);
    • Flour - 3 cups (look at the consistency, you can a little more or a little less);
    • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
    • Salt - a pinch.

    Dilute sugar, yeast in warm water (about 40 degrees). Add flour and vegetable oil. Mix. Cover. Put in a warm place for 1 hour. The consistency of the dough should be fluid, moderately liquid.

    See how things are going in an hour. The dough should double in size. If everything is in order, salt a little. And start baking pancakes.

    Heat the pan strongly (take not a very large one. The yeast dough does not spread like usual, out of habit you may not pour a thick mass over the entire surface of the pan). Add oil. As the white smoke goes - pour the dough with a ladle and, rotating the pan, let it spread along the bottom (1 pancake \u003d 1 ladle). Roast on moderate heat.

    When you see that the edges are browned and the pancake easily moves away from the bottom of the pan, turn over.

    Bake all the pancakes this way. Ready to pour honey or jam.

    Yeast thick pancakes

    We sift the premium wheat flour several times, this will enrich the flour with oxygen, get rid of lumps, the flour will become fluffy and airy. With sifted flour, pancakes will rise well, become thick and fluffy.

    We heat the milk to a temperature of 30-35 degrees Celsius, add pressed yeast and a pinch of sugar, stir the yeast well, they should completely dissolve. Make sure that live pressed yeast is fresh, it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 days.

    Separate the yolk from the protein, mix the sifted flour, a pinch of fine salt, add the yeast and yolk diluted in warm milk, knead the dough.

    The dough for yeast pancakes should be quite liquid, like very thick cream or liquid sour cream. It takes about 8-10 minutes to knead the dough, although the dough is liquid, it requires the same attention as the dough for buns, so it is convenient to put the “hook” nozzle in the mixer. Cover the bowl with the dough with a linen towel or tighten with cling film, leave for 1 hour at room temperature.

    After an hour, the dough will increase by about two times, melt the butter, add to the dough, knead thoroughly again.

    Beat the egg white until soft peaks, carefully combine the protein with the dough, it will add additional air bubbles to the pancakes. We put the dough in heat for another 20-25 minutes.

    We heat up the pan. I will not expand on the topic of the correct choice of certain pans, I think every housewife has her own experience in this area, but my experience has shown that in any case, the pan should have a flat and thick bottom. Dip half of the onion in vegetable oil for frying, grease the pan with an even thin layer of oil, pour 3 full tablespoons of dough on one pancake. We bake pancakes until golden brown and golden brown. By the way, to grease the pan, my grandmother had a goose feather, which she dipped in fat, but I did not dare to repeat this ancient technology.

    We put the finished pancakes in a pile, be sure to generously coat with butter, my grandmother just oozed from each pancake.

    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    Cooking thick, lush pancakes with yeast is a pleasure! And even though it takes almost an hour and a half to prepare pancake dough, there will be no problems with baking. They do not stick to the pan, do not tear, do not fall off and do not burn - if you turn them over in time, of course. But most importantly - very tasty and fried quickly! Cook you, friends, thick lush pancakes with yeast, I give a detailed recipe with the expectation of beginners. There will be a lot of dough, but there will be 10-12 pancakes, but what! It’s more likely not even pancakes, but flat cakes, only porous inside and very tender. One is quite enough for a tight bite, and not everyone can handle two.

    This recipe for thick pancakes with yeast does not require the preparation of sourdough. We dilute the yeast with milk, leave for ten minutes and knead a thick dough. It will rise in just over an hour.


    To cook sour pancakes with yeast, thick and fluffy, you will need:

    • warm milk - 500 ml;
    • flour - 300-320 g;
    • egg - 1 large or 2 small;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • fresh yeast (live) - 20 g;
    • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

    How to cook thick pancakes with yeast. Recipe

    I heat half a glass of milk to a noticeably warm temperature, warmer than room temperature. I pour it into a deep bowl, suitable for kneading a large amount of dough (keep in mind that yeast pancake dough will rise a lot). I crumble fresh yeast into milk.

    I rub with a spoon, stir until a homogeneous mixture with a sour smell is obtained. I cover. I put it in heat - near the battery or in a bowl of hot water. After 10-15 minutes, the yeast will "wake up", bubbles or foam will begin to appear on the surface of the milk - it's time to add everything else.

    In order not to make the dough heavier, I add a few eggs - one large or two small ones. You can immediately beat with a mixer or then shake with a whisk.

    Salt and sugar are usually added to taste, but it is better to put a little of both in a recipe for yeast pancakes. A tablespoon of sugar is enough, and salt is about half a teaspoon or even less. The taste of yeast baking should prevail, try not to clog it with excessive sweetness. Lush pancakes with yeast can be served with something sweet or vice versa - salty (caviar, herring, pates), so the taste is kept neutral.

    I beat the egg with sugar, salt and "dough". I heat the rest of the milk, pour it into the resulting mixture.

    I measure out 300 grams of flour, sift into the dough. In the recipe, I indicated the amount of flour for a thick dough that will hardly spread over the pan. From it, pancakes are guaranteed to turn out thick, lush.

    I stir, beat with a whisk so that even small lumps do not remain.

    I add sunflower oil. You can use any herbal that you use instead. But only refined, without flavorings, is suitable.

    Once again I stir well. I check the density of the dough - it pours out of the ladle in a thick stream, in terms of density it will resemble condensed milk. If it’s runny (it wasn’t quite thick for me right away), add a little flour.

    I cover the dishes with a lid, put them in heat for an hour. After about 20-25 minutes, you will need to loosen the risen dough with a whisk, precipitate it to its original volume and let it rise one or two more times.

    This is how the dough for yeast pancakes looks like after an hour, and this despite the fact that I chatted it twice. Very lush, permeated with air bubbles, quite thick.

    I heat the pan over high heat. Lubricate with a piece of fat, twist the flame to medium or slightly stronger than average. I scoop up a full ladle of pancake dough, pour it into the pan. I can't tell you the exact amount, it depends on the diameter of the pan. Choose so that the dough fills the entire pan evenly. I bake for two or three minutes. The surface gradually becomes matte, covered with bubbles that burst and form through holes.

    Watch the fire so that the bottom of the pancake does not burn, but bakes evenly. When the edges separate from the sides, I lift it with a spatula, check how browned the bottom is and turn it over. The second side is also fried for about two minutes, the pancakes are thick, they need more time to bake.

    Lubricate ready-made pancakes with oil or not - a matter of taste. If not lubricated, the top will gradually become soft too, but on the condition that they are folded in a pile and immediately covered.

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    Pancakes according to this recipe are thick, fluffy in the break and very satisfying, while they are well folded into a tube and you can wrap the filling in them. Such pancakes can be served with any filling - meat, vegetable or sweet. Jam, jam or syrup are great for them.

    To prepare fluffy yeast pancakes in milk, prepare all the necessary products according to the list. Milk, eggs and butter should be at room temperature.

    First, we fall asleep in a convenient bowl dry ingredients - sifted flour, yeast, salt and sugar.

    Mix the dry ingredients well with a whisk, pour in warm milk, stir so that there are no lumps. The milk should be very warm, so the yeast will start working faster.

    As soon as a large number of bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, add the eggs, mix with the dough.

    Last, add the melted butter in the microwave, mix the dough well again, cover with cling film and put in a warm place so that the dough increases in size. After a while, mix the dough again with a whisk.

    Bake pancakes until cooked on both sides in a lightly oiled pan. From this amount of dough, I got 12 pancakes, which were pulled away during the baking process, I did not have time to remove from the pan)))

    Delicious, satisfying, thick and fluffy yeast pancakes in milk are ready. Serve with your favorite toppings or toppings. Enjoy.