How to stop drinking tea coffee. Refusal of coffee and tea is a small step towards health.

19.04.2019 Salads

Drinking caffeine drinks has become a part of our daily life. And so hard that some people cannot imagine their life without another cup of caffeine. In addition to the physical dependence that caffeine causes, the procedure for making caffeine drinks has its own psychological background: 5 minutes spent with a cup of your favorite drink are associated with a rest period. This is especially true in the workplace when you want to hide from the endless fuss and problems and give yourself an extra few minutes of rest, and the company of a hot cup of your favorite drink acts as an excuse for this.

Caffeine is not in vain considered a light drug, and it is difficult to disagree with this, having learned what properties it has:

  • Gives a surge of strength and energy;
  • Develops addiction;
  • Able to briefly improve the condition of the individual, their tonic properties;
  • Relieves or relieves pain;
  • Temporarily improves mental activity and the work of the brain as a whole.

Especially speaking about tea and coffee, we mean that they sell us in stores under this name. And this, you see, is far from natural origin, because large enterprises are not in the mood to think about the naturalness of their products and consumer health - only financial gain is a driving incentive. Because, pouring boiling water over another tea bag, it is strange to see how, after a second, the clear water becomes saturated with a dark color. This tea does not behave this way. So, unnatural components are used.

However, if you try not to exceed reasonable rates of consumption of tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, then your habit will not do much harm. Let everyone determine his own rate, hand on heart (if it is of course necessary for a person).

Since I have always been interested in the topic of a healthy lifestyle (it just so happened that the sores did not bypass me), I always tried to make my life less destructive to my health. I rarely drank coffee either, although the home ones brewed it every day. It so happened that my soul was lying more for tea: as for black and green — no matter what it was, it was brewing.

Having learned about the harm of sugar, I, of course, tried to drink tea without it or replace it with honey. Gradually giving up sugar, you begin to feel the taste of tea in a different way. It was a long time ago, and I didn’t attach much importance to such a transition - everything went naturally.

As time went on, I continued to "chefir": I drank a day about 5-6 cups  Black tea is not a lot and not a little in general, although I did not think it was deliberate - it could have been both more and less. Just tea drinking was for me like a ritual of rest: you come home - be sure to put a teapot, watch a movie - brew mugs two seagulls and sandwiches, get tired or don’t want to work - brew a mug of tea, justify your laziness, and how you did it - drink tea boldly. In general, a lot of tea was consumed: a box of tea with a hundred sachets “left” in 2-3 weeks.

Crucial moment

The turning point came when I started going to the gym. Naturally, I was interested in how to make my body absorb more proteins. Sports nutrition is not used - the dilemma with the assimilation would have disappeared by itself. And then I accidentally heard a conversation that a certain comrade had not slept for a day, just because I had tried some kind of tonic infusion (such as ginseng tincture or something like that). As explained telling:

- He has good receptors, he does not drink tea or coffee. Here it is and hooked.

Thinking that the “clean” receptors would not interfere with me, I took note of this and gradually began to reduce the amount of tea. This was further promoted by the fact that the tastes of my tea of \u200b\u200bthat time were not very enviable: the paint that stains the water, and after which even a mug is difficult to wash. Plus, the yellowness of my teeth could be compared with a heavy smoker. I attributed all this to paint-tea, as I had everything in order with brushing my teeth, and I saw the results left on the mug in the form of tea raids.

Exemption from tea addiction

So gradually, I freed myself from tea addiction and already “clean” from tea for about six months. Some special breaking and something else did not feel. The desire to drink the paint, which I used to like to pour into myself, does not exist at all. And just for natural leaf tea I feel complete loyalty - I can drink, but I can not drink. At the same time, I began to notice that the craving for sweets is getting weaker - it no longer seems so attractive, and its taste often becomes too sweet for me. For example, chocolates, which I so loved to die under gulls, and did not calm down until it was completely eaten, became too sweet for me. Such changes did not come immediately, but only after a few months. Apparently, this is due to the fact that taste buds have become really more sensitive.

What is the connection between tea and chocolate? And the connection is such that tea and coffee actively flush out potassium from the body, which is trying to fill it up by consuming chocolate products. It turns out such a vicious circle - we drink tea with a chocolate, the substances of which are actively washed out from our body, and our body, without replenishing this stock, requires more and more. Thus, we can conclude that drinking caffeine drinks provokes cravings for sweets. Although some will find this statement rather controversial, but at least there is logic in this (and I also confirm this in practice). In addition, chocolate, as well as tea and coffee, contains caffeine, depending on which I no longer have. This is another factor in favor of the close relationship of cocoa products and caffeine drinks. Here is such a theory brothers!

Tea and coffee substitutes

Of course, completely remove hot drinks from life is difficult. Especially when you want to warm up, or you feel an incomprehensible "inner cold" (apparently, these are consequences of a trained organism to hot). We have to look for an alternative, because the syndrome of "internal cold" still bothers me. Perhaps it will pass with time, but I don’t count on it much. For myself, I found a simple recipe: honey, lemon, ginger root. It turns out a kind of Theraflu. Read on the Internet many advise brew dogrose, chicory, various herbs and berries. I have not tried it myself, but I am sure that it is a worthy alternative to caffeine, both in taste and benefit.

What is the result?

In addition to the above effects, I have not yet noticed any other supernatural changes in my health, but I am sure that they will be. Why? Because I didn’t drink enough water all the time and only recently began to think about it. And I consider rejection of tea to be justified, since I consider dehydration to be the main destructive factor in caffeine drinks, drinking a glass of tea or coffee, we lose more moisture than we received. And this can not affect the functioning of the body, because we still consist of 70% of water. So get into the habit of drinking plain purified water, and start your day with a glass of water (see). For those who want to know more about it, i advise the book "Your body asks for water". I repeat the thought that I want to convey.

Together with the refusal of caffeine-containing foods, try to increase your intake of plain purified water. So you quickly overcome the chronic dehydration that most people on the planet suffer, especially coffee and tea lovers. Try to bring your diet to 1.5 liters per day - this is the minimum that will work for our health.

P.S. The teeth nevertheless became brighter on tones of two or three, which is not significant by dental standards. But I didn’t put extra effort on it and didn’t use bleaching pastes, so I think that I still have the potential in teeth whitening and in another half a year I will be able to achieve a noticeable improvement.

P.P.S. I am not an ardent opponent of tea and coffee, and if I am offered somewhere to drink one of these drinks, and I would like to, I will not refuse.


  Read all your article. Very often I began to think about refusing caffeine and therefore your post pushed me close to making the right decision.

From this moment I make a choice in the direction of refusal from caffeine. There are several reasons for this:
  1. Getting rid of addiction
  2. Clean teeth
  3. Pure taste buds
  4. Reduced cravings for sweets
  5. Increased water content in the body.

For me, this is enough. By the way, I thought that tea and water are the same. Those. when I drink tea, I increase the amount of water in the body. That was the main reason I drank it.

What I will get rid of addiction:
  1. Better health
  2. Clean teeth
  3. More free time
  4. Savings

Thank you very much! I will keep you informed of their affairs on the topic.
  With good thoughts about you, Rekun Dmitry
  Furniture expert

“The yellowness of my teeth could be compared with a heavy smoker” - is that how it is? Have you compared your teeth with a man? I would compare the teeth with the teeth of another person))))

How is the author doing? Is refusing tea and coffee a good idea?
  The very same periodically reduce the dose of tea, and coffee, and so small. The alternative to tea is badly chosen in my opinion. Ginger is quite specific, lemon - high acid, honey is also not suitable for frequent use, as for me. It is difficult to replace tea, I got used to it since childhood, and my body doesn’t really depend on it, but adapt to it. And tea has become for me the most neutral drink. Adapting the body to new drinks may be even more harmful. Therefore, “I wanted the best” often works the other way around.

    • Another stupidity rejection of tea. If you drink tea, not chefir, then this is only good. Tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The conclusion is simple: drink tea without sugar and not very strong, like chefir, and you will benefit.

  • After giving up tea, abilities that were inexplicable from a scientific perspective began to manifest themselves. In a month. Clear every night. Thought is triggered.
      Now I begin to understand why we are all being hounded by tea. Tobacco addiction disappeared 2 weeks after giving up tea.

    I drink tea for 4 years (more than 10 cups a day until it becomes bad or I don’t go to bed) while putting 3 tablespoons of sugar in the beginning - but a year later - I got up to 10 tablespoons of sugar in the cup - I drank tea every 30 minutes - cup after cup - went for a smoke break and put a teapot - (As a result, problems with the spine started - osteochondrosis (from the neck and up to the waist) - pain in the wrist after exertion) fat loss on the abdomen and legs), then pressure rises dry tea from tea - in the morning the mouth cavity dries out, mood swings if you stop drinking tea or coffee, you become irritable - the world seems dull. And I noticed that tea causes a great deal of nicotine - I drink a cup of tea (coffee) I want to smoke - I smoked - I had a breakdown - I wanted tea or coffee - then I drink again and I want to smoke. now I try to drink neither tea nor coffee at all - since I have all the muscles in my body, they crack through any movement - strong tremor - it has been observed for 3 years - I think my nervous system was damaged - with caffeine - or my vessels were clogged - but I drank cheap tea - and café everything - in short everything that came across

    When refusing coffee and tea, I got the following results:
      1. The urge to urinate became less frequent and permanent weakness in the bladder disappeared.
    2. My difficult falling asleep faded away. Now I sleep like a woodchuck.
      3. My anxiety and unjustified fear evaporated. And with it, sweating palms and groin.
      4. Teeth are whiter.
      5. My total pulse became 10 shots slower.
      5. Sports are easier. No heartbeat and shortness of breath.

    I only drank custard coffee, in the morning, with milk, I love a lot of milk, but still, over time I began to notice that I only drink and begin to feel the heart strongly, as if it was throbbing in my throat, and not where it is, unpleasant sensation, and after all, cigarettes went well for coffee, in general, the third day without coffee, without tea, and I do not feel any unpleasant heartbeat, I want to smoke less, I drink from morning to 11 one water, two liters I drink and I feel excellent) Water fills up in the body what I washed out for a long time with caffeine, the body asked for water, and I gave him coffee , now, as I am reborn, I want to eat right on schedule — to 12, a lot of vegetables and fruits — super, try to remember the simplest rule — if there are three dishes on the table — two of them must be of plant origin and you will always be okay, yes, and even more greens in everything is our strength and salvation from all bad diseases) Water, plenty of vegetables, fruits and greens) Health to all) Be happy)

    I have been looking for a connection between tea and sweets for sweets for a long time. And I found it. Thank. So I am not the only one to notice. For two days, instead of tea, I have been drinking just boiling water with something delicious. But there is no such dependence on sweet. I recommend everyone to use the rejection of tea. Try to cut a slice of cake or make sandwiches and see for yourself that if you do not throw a bag of tea into boiling water, then eat less. The first time I wrote a review somewhere in my 32 years, since this is a very relevant topic indeed. And there is very little talk about it.

    • Jana, it's good that you thought about reducing the consumption of caffeine and sweets. This is definitely a small step towards health. But remember: all that is written here is only the opinion of the author, who does not claim the truth, but only expresses his opinion and vision of the situation.

    Eugene, thank you for the true article! Himself an avid coffee lover. I drink coffee for many years, at home of a Turk and 2 coffee makers ... The most important thing is that everything started with one cup in the morning ... Now I drink much larger doses. I am actively involved in sports. I never felt my heart knew and understood that it was alright! Now sometimes, but I feel unpleasant piercing. Take-off in the morning, after lunch there is a breakdown and other unpleasant symptoms described above. But I did not understand that all this was due to banal coffee.
      Thanks again to everyone for the truth about coffee. I read carefully, after weighing all the pros and cons of this habit, made for myself a clear decision to abandon this drink forever.

    During the reception of caffeine-containing products (coffee, teas: green, black, Chinese), the skin dries unequivocally, the face is covered with tea-caffeine peel, on the forehead - a rash, on the chin - acne (to put it mildly), constantly craving for nicotine, from green tea - the complexion gets a greenish-unhealthy shade, from black - respectively, black. All this obscurantism irritates the stomach and intestines, after which there is still a taste in the mouth, which cannot be compared with fresh breath even to insane oligophrenic. Promoted metabolism from caffeine stimulants provokes a feeling of constant hunger, nutrients are absorbed in a worse volume, in the presence of caffeine / tannin and so on. in blood. At the end of caffeine intoxication (a direct analogue of the drug), apathy occurs, people also say “otkhodnyak”, demanding another dose of stimulant.
      Rejecting all this “healing” drug once (the goal of which is to make a profit by all means) - at least the representatives of the weaker sex will save time, nerves and money for visits to the masters of peeling, cleansing, buying up tonals, etc. masking the symptom xD
      Good health to all!

    Good day to all. Throughout his life, he was addicted to caffeine and was not aware of this until recently. All those who write here that a couple of cups of tea / coffee per day does not harm, just do not realize their dependence on caffeine. Who would not say, and caffeine is the strongest stimulant of the central nervous system, and with constant use causes mental and physical dependence, with all the ensuing consequences for the body.
    Thanks to caffeine in coffee, I earned chronic pancreatitis, palpitations, irritability, insomnia, psychosis and neurosis, while considering these symptoms and diseases to be strange or natural coincidences of circumstances. With a sharp refusal, all symptoms of withdrawal, namely, weakness, drowsiness, tearfulness, severe headaches, apathy, loss of motivation. Now I have only a week of total refusal from caffeine, I drink fruit teas, sometimes I allow myself packaged cocoa [there is no caffeine], I feel much better, sleep is deep and of high quality, I quickly fall asleep and I get enough sleep, my mood returns to normal, and my appetite is even as to pancreatitis, the only thing lacking is a sharp rise in mood and motivation, but I hope with time I will become stronger and more confident. I would advise you to drink tea or coffee as little as possible, once a week / month, on holidays, not more often. Avoid drug traps and public opinion, as most are usually wrong. Peace for everyone!

    • All my life I drank a lot of coffee and tea. Now I am 62 years old, I suffer with the problem of the back and knees. She noticed that black tea hurts her legs and knees. I was a fashionista in my feet from heels gone bad, but from tea everything starts to hurt. Today I decided not to drink tea, took vitamins. And the leg has ceased to hurt by 50 percent. I have bone problems. I love strong. I think I should stop drinking my joints hurt

    I agree that coffee is a drug. Saw a lot, at work often for the company. Now abruptly threw. Already a week breaking. Barely dragging my feet, hail sweat, terrible headaches. Hope to cope.

    I also decided to give up tea and coffee, I’m holding on the second day, the first day was very difficult, my head was just thinking about tea)), and by the evening my teeth were broken ((but I’m holding!)

    Add a review about my experience in coffee consumption.
      Always believed that natural coffee is a healthy drink (
      I am 30 years old and I am 180 cm tall, weighing 62-65 kg (this is not a big weight for me, it has always been the norm).
      I train in the gym for 2-3 hours with jumps, pull-ups, etc. a full set of cardio and physical exertion.
      I specifically describe my characteristics so that if they do not write off the side effects of caffeine on exercise or your body.
      About 4 years ago I began to drink natural coffee, 3-4 cups a day as some people write)) before that I drank instant + tea.
    The first two years did not notice anything bad at all, the mood was normal, the feeling of euphoria, physics, etc., was at the level, but as I recall, the symptoms were still there, namely, I often wanted to sleep,
      copied it to a rather difficult emotional work.
      The first serious signs began to appear after I added football to my workouts, if figuratively before coffee I could play football all day and everything was fine)
      Signs, not much dizziness and shortness of breath when bending on the example when tying shoelaces.
      Then the dizziness became stronger and stronger, especially with physical exertion (it feels like I’m going to fall now, but miraculously I didn’t lose consciousness)
      Signs were gradually added, frequent tingling around the heart, tachycardia - this is after checking with a doctor.
      Diarrhea, belching, etc.
      Severe dyspnea because he began to often breathe through his mouth, his nose was blocked, as it were, I understand that the vessels were dilated and breathing through the nose was blocked.
      Visually noticed that decreased bone tissue on the hands (wrists) and legs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs total weight loss.
      The complexion became dark not natural.
      Teeth become darker.
      Dry mouth began to appear, lips became dry, as was the skin on the face.
      During the day I often wanted to sleep.
      The stomach was as if constantly empty, but at the same time it was not very desirable.
      There was a feeling of constant anxiety became irritable.
      I can list the visible signs for something that did not pay attention, all the signs of deterioration did not appear immediately, during the last 2 years of the body being worn out.
      After visiting the doctors, he was sent to MRT brain vessels, etc., not cheap by the way) MrR showed everything is normal.
      The same blood tests and dr they were normal.
      Doctors prescribed rest / work regimen)
      At that time, the stubs stopped almost completely to give the body a rest, the symptoms persisted.
      A month ago, a miracle began to read forums about the negative effect of caffeine on the body, because the head did not understand at all)
      I tried to stop drinking coffee by gradually reducing the dose, 2 cr per day, after a week 1 cup per day, then I stopped drinking it altogether.
      Waste and breaking was quite strong in the form of headaches, oh tin)
      On the third day after I stopped drinking coffee completely, my nose began to breathe, I began to distinguish odors and breathe deeply, it was cool)
      A week later, I began to notice that my general physical condition had improved.
    Dizziness began to pass but not immediately, other symptoms also did not immediately go away, dark complexion, weight gain went, etc.
      I don’t drink coffee during a month, the condition is excellent!
      My personal opinion from the experience of coffee consumption, a person in order to feel good and energetic in this world, no invigorating means in the form of caffeine, nicotine, etc. are not needed at all.
      I apologize for the fact that the review is so voluminous, well-being to everyone!

    To refusal of tea and coffee did not come for health reasons, but just in case. He drank a lot of tea with 2 tablespoons of sugar, coffee is rare. In January, turned 40 years old, so I thought at least something to change for the better in the diet after such a turn,. Weighed 110 kg at 177cm. The refusal was easy and inconspicuous, everyone asked me why it was tea and coffee that said to eat less sugar. For seven months, the results are as follows: it became very easy to endure any heat, it does not feel dizzy, does not dry the mouth, does not pound the heart in the throat at night, weighs 98.and very much feels like a stench from the mouth of smokers and coffee-makers. Tea lovers do not smell anything away from you)))

      Thank you all for the feedback. I read with great interest, because 20 years I dream to stop drinking ... coffee)))) in fact, the desire was purely intuitive. But why deprive oneself of pleasure - there was no understanding, especially since being a tough hypotonic, I always found an excuse: why.
      I used to smoke. A lot and with great pleasure. True, there were a lot of real and tasty cigarettes then))) I smoked for 7 years. I liked it passionately and did not act on any harm to health. Well ... sometimes))) reduced, switched to "fat-free", tried to fool yourself. Then threw completely. Long spat (lungs cleared) - such a sickening and lengthy process that there is no desire to repeat it. Then she became pregnant, gave birth to a child. During this period, there was no thought !!! After a couple of years, the company offered a cigarette. It was curious to test myself, and I agreed. No No attraction, no disgust, no interest.
      Hope with coffee will also.
      Thanks again! I do not like to give empty promises, I will say that I will try from tomorrow))
      Good luck!

    I also want to say about the dangers of the tea that ordinary people drink, although what have you already said about that? It is harmful, because it is a waste of tea. But it is located in Russia, that is, it is growing and producing real tea that is assimilated by the body without harm. It grows in the mountains of Sochi and I am its manufacturer and I also use it, but reasonably. Green, yellow, red, black are all from one bush, but different technologies collect only tea flushes, i.e. two leaflets and a bud. I brew it many times, with water that I do not bring to a boil. All kinds of tea I drink without sugar and without sweet, except black. With black tea, I can allow a slice of bread with honey. Bread is usually, but not always, from wheat and rye seedlings. I am an Orthodox Christian therefore half a year of fasting days and thus sweet, which is skorimnoe I rarely eat. I go to the gym and the harm of tea that I drink, I do not feel. I also drink water infused on silicon stones, and I practically do not drink coffee. I wish you strength of mind and body.

    Already passed stage. As a result, most likely you will all come to the same thing as me. First you will drink boiling water. Then you start reading and stumble upon Ivan Chai. Which grows everywhere and is completely free. Collect it and drink it. All the sensations of Ivan tea are exactly the opposite of the Chinese / Hindu. Ivan tea treats \u003d Chinese kolechit! To collect and ferment it is very easy!

    good evening everyone read all the comments and I understood one thing all apparently in the nerves and characteristics of each person I spent my whole life on the road fishing hunting cold the cold never raised the question of drinking tea or not drinking coffee always in the morning drank one or the other especially after overwork helps well and so almost half a century of sleep, God forbid everyone fell and fell asleep pain in the joints from the wrong equipment, especially in his youth, when he sneezed at everything just last spring he got up and didn’t want coffee, and so a month as if he hadn’t spoken to the doctor rit that coffee sometimes needs to be drunk onco inhibits tea education did not stop drinking tea then, as usual, I began to drink coffee in the morning any year and again at one point I forgot that there was coffee and now I didn’t drink any changes for three weeks I didn’t see how I slept and I always slept sweetheart, although one thing about thirty years old I don’t eat sugar in its pure form. I don’t like the taste. I drank it all without it, or I didn’t like jam; I don’t like chocolate only bitterly two times a year through the woods. I do not drink grass collection and n stand another matter all that is not black is more in the classic sense as there is no white chocolate is an illusion and self-deception in our time, in many areas, even from pure water is bad if the measures do not know.

    Add a comment

    Coffee is a drink that many people in the world adore and drink almost every day. The first thing that attracts is, of course, its delicious aroma. The second is wonderful taste. For example, you can drink coffee with cream, cinnamon, vary the amount of sugar to taste, or drink regular black coffee without additives. All at your discretion. Whenever we feel lazy or slight tiredness, we reach for this drink to get a boost of vitality and energy. But is this drink good for the body?

    Whether we like it or not, we should recognize the fact that caffeine is addictive. And the side effects really make a person feel out of shape. Studies show that a cup of coffee, drunk in the afternoon, affects the quality of sleep at night. Consumption of caffeine thinns tooth enamel, and also paints it. Many people simply cannot reduce their caffeine intake, let alone stop drinking coffee at all. Would you like to know what to expect if you stop drinking coffee for a week?

    1. Caffeine activates the brain, blocking the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine, thereby causing an influx of strength and wakefulness

    So if you stop drinking coffee, you will feel insanely tired, sleepy and exhausted.

    2. You will feel nervous

    The fact is that caffeine stimulates the action of the adrenal glands. And they are responsible for the production of hormones that regulate important processes in the body.

    3. You will have a slight headache.

    The reason is that when you severely restrict caffeine intake, the body feels the lack of adrenaline to which it is already used. Now, adenosine, which previously blocked caffeine, begins to slow down, causing a headache.

    4. You will have a craving for sugar

    The habit of drinking coffee temporarily suppresses appetite. Therefore, when you refrain from it, the body begins to demand fast carbohydrates and sugar. And also on the fourth day, it will become easier to sleep and wake up. You will feel a surge of strength and energy.

    5. It’s not surprising, but you will feel better than before.

    Your irritability and craving for junk food will disappear. In addition, the thoughts will become clear, and you yourself will be in a great mood.

    Despite all of the above, it is worth noting that coffee has both advantages and disadvantages for human health. According to research scientists, drinking more than three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of a number of diseases. For example, Parkinson's disease and breast cancer. Plain without additives contributes to weight loss. It activates the metabolism and processes that break down fat in skin tissues. To drink coffee or not, you decide, but always remember about moderation and the golden mean.

    Those people whose morning does not start with coffee are not familiar with many of the problems that avid fans of this flavored drink have. Coffee itself is a very useful drink, but its daily consumption can lead to a number of negative consequences in the long term. Let's look at 10 reasons why you should not start each day with a cup of coffee.

    1. Biorhythm failure.

    Do you know that our body has its own order. In the morning, when we wake up, the sharp release of cortisol and adrenaline comes. These substances stimulate the brain, increase blood circulation and help us wake up, but gradually their concentration decreases. But, if you regularly pour an invigorating drink into your body regularly right after you wake up, the body will cease to throw these substances into the blood, and the natural mechanism of awakening will be disturbed. Because of this, even after giving up coffee, people have a long time having problems waking up without doping. Due to artificial stimulation, we lose what is inherent in our body from nature and is natural.

    2. Problems with concentration.

    Approximately 15 minutes after you drink coffee, caffeine and other compounds begin to work in our body. Our nervous system receives a powerful push and works at the limit of its capabilities. Thoughts become clearer, ideas are born in the head, we are most concentrated and efficient. It would seem that there is bad? But, problems with concentration appear after a while, when the brain's resource is depleted and he needs rest. This is where the most unpleasant thing begins - the reaction weakens, it is difficult to concentrate on something important, the thoughts are no longer so clear, and simple tasks require more effort. There is one way out of the situation - not to drink coffee in the early morning, but to use the natural resource of the brain and the energy that is produced in the body rested after the night, is quite active. Try to leave coffee for later - when you feel tired, it will help you return to a vigorous state.

    3. Loss of minerals.

    Due to the daily use of coffee in the morning, our body quickly removes fluid, and with it a number of minerals necessary for health. Because of this, "chronic" coffee lovers almost always have the problem of fatigue, brittle hair and nails. Due to the lack of potassium and sodium, appetite increases, the water-salt balance is disturbed, the general well-being deteriorates, and blood formation processes are destabilized. In the long run, cardiovascular diseases develop and other health problems appear.

    4. Shock dose of female hormones.

    The composition of coffee includes a huge amount of phytoestrogen, which is considered a plant analogue of "female" hormones. Of course, estrogen is produced and the male body, but in very low concentrations and it is necessary for the implementation of vital processes. However, an increase in the concentration of this hormone adversely affects both women's and men's health. These hormones have a particularly adverse effect on the male body. First of all, because of this, the level of testosterone decreases, metabolic processes deteriorate. Another negative consequence is that the hips and stomach grow from regular phytoestrogen use, visceral fat accumulates, and this is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a deterioration in health. That is why lovers of morning coffee can be difficult to lose weight in the abdomen and thighs.

    5. Dependence.

    Due to the fact that the human body is quite flexible and can adapt to everything over time, subject to regular use of coffee, people develop a strong addiction, which is as difficult to quit as to quit smoking or to quit alcohol. Coffee addiction is even worse than the drug or alcohol addiction, because in these cases degradation occurs fairly quickly, and a person can promptly understand what problem he is in. In coffee “drug addicts”, sensitivity is reduced and the dependence seems harmless, and many still reassure themselves that coffee contains a lot of useful substances, and antioxidants prevent cancer and premature aging.

    6. Problems with teeth.

    Even those people who naturally have strong and snow-white teeth, face dental problems from regular use of coffee in the morning. The first problem is the yellowing of the teeth due to the accumulation of coffee pigment in the surface layers of the tooth enamel. The second problem is tooth decay due to leaching of calcium, fluoride and other minerals from the body. Therefore, if you want to maintain healthy teeth and the beauty of a smile, stop drinking coffee every morning.

    7. Excessive irritability.

    The feeling of irritation, of course, does not depend on the level of caffeine concentration in the blood. But the problem is that with regular use of coffee, the nervous system does not have time to recover due to constant stimulation and from the fact that it has to work hard. This eventually leads to serious problems, but the first alarming signal is increased irritability. Due to the exhaustion of the nervous system, the resistance to external stimuli is significantly reduced and the person is ready to flare up for any, even the most trivial, occasion.

    8. Insomnia.

    Sleep problems are the logical conclusion of the day for most strong coffee lovers in the morning. Because of the powerful stimulation, the nervous system is even tense in the evening, and all attempts to fall asleep as soon as possible end with the fact that the person lies with his eyes closed and dreams of plunging into sound sleep. The problem is especially acute in older people, because the nervous system does not have time to recover so quickly, and is no longer able to endure such loads.

    9. The deterioration of the skin.

    On the one hand, coffee contains a huge amount of antioxidants that cleanse the body at the cellular level and prevent aging. These substances activate regeneration. But the problem is that for full cell regeneration, water is needed, or rather, a lot of water. And coffee lovers more often than others suffer from a lack of fluid, because this drink increases the excretion of water from the body, and even can lead to dehydration. Due to the regular use of coffee in the morning, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and dries up, and this leads to a deterioration in its appearance.

    10. Iron deficiency anemia.

    The level of hemoglobin in many people is reduced due to the ecological situation, and regular use of coffee in the morning contributes to the development of iron deficiency anemia. Anemia - deterioration of health, inadequate nutrition of cells and tissues with oxygen, poor memory and vision, reduced immunity. The problem is that the substances contained in coffee do not allow the iron compounds to be fully absorbed, and in the long run this seriously affects health. Therefore, if you do not want to suffer from anemia, give up morning coffee and replace this drink with fresh juice, or water with a slice of lemon!

    You will be bad (but not for long)

    If you are an avid coffee lover, then you know perfectly well that a few hours without a caffeine dose can cause you a break - and there is nothing pleasant in it. Symptoms include fatigue, headaches, and mood swings. If you decide to break with caffeine, inform friends and family in advance so that they will understand your serious condition with understanding.

    Although all people are different, if you are used to consume from 400 to 500 ml of caffeine per day (3-4 cups of coffee), you will feel the symptoms of refusing it in all its glory. "Caffeine breaking", as a rule, lasts 7-10 days, but it can be facilitated by reducing the volume of caffeine gradually, rather than throwing it out suddenly. Every 2-3 days, reduce your usual caffeine a little. Drink only half a cup at a time or mix regular coffee with decaffeinated.

    You lose weight

    You probably know that caffeinated soda and coffee and confectionery beverages are an overweight time bomb that ticks with every sip. But even an innocent spoon of sugar and a “drop” of cream in your coffee can give you a surprise of 200 calories. Subtract a couple of these cups of coffee from your daily diet, and you will see significant savings in calories.

    ... Or dial it

    Caffeine, among other things, is also a temporary appetite suppressant. If you refuse it, you will feel a "natural" hunger where more acutely. In addition, according to Mayo Clinic, caffeine is able to speed up metabolism. This effect is not significant, but if you are accustomed to drinking coffee black, then the calorie burning at you is accelerated, which means it will be easier for you to lose weight. Without it, you can quite see the "gain" on the scales for a while.

    You will sleep better and become more cheerful

    Refilling caffeine even 6 hours before bedtime can seriously impair your chances of a good night out. As a result, you wake up with a feeling of brokenness and the need for a new portion of caffeine. It turns out a vicious circle. That is why people who refuse to caffeine, sleep a deeper sleep compared with those who indulge in coffee at least a little. Yes, in the beginning you will feel tired while your body gets used to caffeine-free life. But over time you will gain a source of vitality, no worse than a cup of espresso.

    You will be calmer

    Caffeine is a stimulant, that is, by pressing on the gas pedal of your nervous system. Caffeine causes a surge of adrenaline, unnecessarily bringing you into a state of heightened "preparedness for everything." In addition, caffeine constricts blood vessels, which increases your blood pressure. Give it up and you will feel calmer.

    Your workouts will suffer

    The “readiness for everything” mentioned above, which caffeine introduces you to, has its advantages when it comes to intense running or over-active workouts. The American College of Sports Medicine unequivocally stated that caffeine improves performance and intensity during workouts. Such caffeine doping can play a decisive role in a marathon or gym.

    You will not get antioxidants

    Coffee is the # 1 source of antioxidants in the American diet, according to research at Scranton University. Perhaps that is why a study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research found that women who drink 5 or more cups of coffee a day are 57% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who drink less than 1 cup per day. A recent study by the American Journal of Epidemiology published a report that said that 3-5 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 21%. But after all, antioxidants can be obtained not only from coffee - there are many of them in green tea. It is also a good idea to switch your source of antioxidants to fruits and vegetables.

    First of all, it is worth noting that no one assumes that you should give up coffee - your habit is not so dangerous for your health. However, if you think that you drink too much and you want to reduce the level of consumption, you should know what changes may follow the refusal of the invigorating drink.

    You can lose weight

    Your regular visits to Starbucks can greatly harm your waist. If you decide to refuse coffee, you will not only save money, but also will deliver less calories to your body. Researchers have found that daily consumption of caffeine in the form of coffee, tea, or carbonated beverages increases sugar consumption by almost ten percent per day, thereby increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Even if you do not use sugar or syrup in large quantities, a small portion of cream can seriously increase the calories per serving. If you give up your favorite caffeinated sweet drink, you can easily get rid of hundreds of calories without any extra effort. However, if you usually drink black coffee without sugar and any additives, rejecting it is unlikely to allow you to notice any changes on the scales.

    You can gain weight

    Have you ever encountered unusual food cravings when you did not manage to drink your usual cup of coffee in the morning? The fact is that coffee can temporarily suppress appetite. If you refuse it, you may notice that you often want something fatty or sweet - much more often than usual when you drink your invigorating drink. This situation can be exacerbated when you feel a severe lack of caffeine and your body will begin to urgently demand sugar in order to increase the level of glucose in the blood. You can eat, which further leads to an increase in body weight. Try to monitor your diet especially carefully during the period of refusal from caffeine, when you are just starting to adapt to a new lifestyle.

    You can improve sleep quality

    Even if you feel more pronounced fatigue, while your body adapts to the lack of stimulants, of which there were many, later you will realize that you get better sleep at night. If you used to drink coffee in the afternoon or evening, the changes will be especially obvious. Medical studies have shown that consuming caffeine even six hours before bedtime can disrupt human circadian rhythms. Give up an invigorating drink and, oddly enough, you can feel more energetic and energetic. This is especially important for those who have long been unsuccessfully fighting insomnia.

    You may have more headaches.

    Every coffee lover is familiar with the most unpleasant headache, manifested when you do not get the usual dose of invigorating drink in the morning. If you stop using coffee, you are depriving your body of adrenaline and dopamine - hormones that act as natural stimulants and provide you with vitality. Instead, your brain undergoes an influx of adenosine, a hormone that is responsible for rest and feeling tired. It changes the chemical balance of the brain, which leads to a headache. To minimize discomfort, do not give up on coffee too dramatically. Try to gradually reduce consumption over two to three days. By reducing the amount of coffee in the cup, replacing it with tea or replacing part with decaffeinated coffee, you can reduce the severity of symptoms of refusal to drink your favorite drink - this will make it easier for you to cope with addiction. Over time, you will completely stop using caffeine and will not feel discomfort because of this.

    You will feel bad for a while.

    Headache is not the only painful symptom of refusal from caffeine. People who refuse to drink the habitual drink show side effects such as depression, anxiety, dizziness, flu symptoms, insomnia, irritability, mood swings and fatigue. But there is good news: these symptoms will not be with you forever. Experts report that most of these unpleasant symptoms will disappear in the first two days, and the rest will disappear within two weeks. Try to wait out this difficult period, then to notice a significant improvement in health.

    Your smile may become healthier.

    Coffee is an extremely acidic drink, which means that it can destroy your tooth enamel and cause stains on your teeth. Give up an invigorating drink and be able to protect your teeth from serious damage. Your smile will turn white and fill you with self-confidence. You definitely will not regret that you refused coffee.

    You may lose some antioxidants.

    Coffee is the leading source of antioxidants in the diet of the average modern person, as demonstrated by scientific studies. There have been many experiments that allow us to report that drinking three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of various problems, from breast cancer to Parkinson's disease, in addition, an invigorating drink even improves bone health. Unfortunately, if you refuse coffee, you can lose all these advantages. However, fill the gap easily - drink tea rich in antioxidants, eat more fruits and vegetables.

    You may have difficulty concentrating

    Fatigue and irritability are major side effects of avoiding coffee, which can lead to problems with concentration. If you give up your favorite drink, you will immediately notice how your productivity drops at work. The thing is that you do not have enough stimulants. In addition, the level of adenosine, which causes a feeling of fatigue, is increasing. To cope with the problem of concentration, try to chew a minty gum - it will help you stay more attentive and cope with work tasks faster. As part of the experiment, the subjects chewed gum, which helped them to respond faster and more correctly to solve problems, especially during long classes. In addition, when a week goes by after giving up caffeine, you will notice that your productivity has increased: you no longer have to cope with the inevitable drop in energy in the afternoon associated with your morning cup of coffee.

    You may have constipation.

    Caffeine helps digested food move through your intestines. If you suddenly abandoned your usual drink, you may note that your digestion slowed down a bit. But do not be afraid, there are so many other ways to spur digestion. For example, you can try to use more fiber, which is contained in whole grains, vegetables and legumes. Drink plenty of water, try to exercise regularly. In this case, your digestive system will work flawlessly.

    You may feel calmer

    If you notice that because of too much caffeine, you start rocking in your chair or swing your leg, you should give up double espresso. Since caffeine is a stimulating substance, it naturally increases the level of adrenaline and stress hormones in your body. Give up coffee if you want to reduce stress and stop feeling constant anxiety.