Technology for the preparation of complex cold culinary products. Cold dishes and snacks value, classification of cold

24.08.2019 Salads
Complex cold desserts. What is this concept? It is easy to decipher from the name. Dessert is understandable. A sweet dish for tea, for a drink. Cold means chilled. Complex, probably because they are difficult to prepare, they consist of several layers - whether it is jelly or cake, from the complex preparation of the cream, the decoration of the dessert, the complex composition of the ingredients. Complex cold desserts of industrial production are prepared in accordance with GOST (in any case, they should be prepared this way))). Take, for example, the classic complex dessert "Bird's Milk".

"Bird's milk" according to GOST

The most popular complex dessert in Soviet times among our compatriots. For many years, it was number one among the favorite sweet delicacies of the inhabitants of the country of the Soviets. This is the only cake in the world (patented, by the way, by our pastry chef), with dozens of recipes with various options. Confectioners around the world bake it with lemon, berries, food coloring and other ingredients. There are certain GOST standards for all these recipes.

But the complexity of Gost's recipes is that in them "", more precisely, his cream is made exclusively with the addition of agar-agar. It is a gelling product made from seaweed. Agar-agar is similar in taste to gelatin (in the final taste of the cooked dish), but with it the products are more tender and loose. That is, if you decide to cook a complex cold dessert "Bird's Milk", we recommend that you cook it with agar-agar. But at home, it is much easier to prepare such a cake using gelatin.

"Bird's milk" at home

On our website you can find a lot of recipes for homemade dessert "Bird's Milk", prepared much easier than we are offered by GOST requirements. Here is a cake using gelatin, and without baking with ready-made biscuit cakes, and even with cream of semolina. By the way, be sure to try the last option. The cake turns out to be the most delicate, with a sparkling semolina soufflé that melts in your mouth. And let the GOSTs remain within the walls of culinary schools and pastry shops)). They are safer there.

Cold complex sauces. Range. Technology and modes of preparation. Registration and evaluation of the quality of finished products. Innings. Selection of cold sauces for various groups of dishes

Sauces in vegetable oil

Vegetable oils are the most important source of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic, etc.), which play an important role in human nutrition. In the manufacture of cold sauces and dressings on vegetable oil, the biological value of the latter is not reduced; The oil emulsifies and is therefore easily digestible.

This group of sauces includes mayonnaise and its derivatives, as well as salad dressings, herring.

They are served with cold dishes and snacks from fish, non-fish seafood, as well as from meat, poultry, game and vegetables.

Mayonnaise sauce (Provencal) . Mayonnaises are made from refinedbath vegetable oil, mustard, raw egg yolks and vinegar. Egg yolks are rubbed with salt and mustard. For emulsification, the oil is poured into the pounded yolks gradually, in a thin stream, with continuous stirring. Vinegar can be added during emulsification, alternating with oil, or at the end when all the oil is emulsified.

The dispersion medium for the oil is the water of the yolks and vinegar, and the emulsifier is the yolk phosphatides.andmustard proteins. They are adsorbed on the surface of fat globules and form a protective layer around them, which ensures the strength of the emulsion.

To emulsify the oil, a mechanical beater, mixer, and sometimes whipped by hand are used. With mechanical whipping, the size of the balls ranges from 1 to 4 microns, with manual whipping - from 15up to 20 microns. The smaller the beads, the stronger the emulsion.

Natural mayonnaise, which is produced at enterprisespublic catering, contains 77% fat (including yellow fatkov). The food industry produces mayonnaise with a fat content of 25 ... 67%. To maintain the consistency and stability of the emulsion, special thickeners and emulsion stabilizers (modified starches, soy products, alginates, etc.) are added to mayonnaise. Mayo in culinary practicenez is sometimes prepared with white sauce to reduce fat. Forthis flour is sautéed without fat, avoiding color change,cool, dilute with a mixture of cold broth with vinegar, bringto a boil, cool, and then mayonnaise is combined with this sauce.During the manufacture and storage of mayonnaise, the destruction of the emulsion is possible, accompanied by the release of oil. To restore the emulsion, a new portion of the yolks and mustard is ground and the exfoliated mayonnaise is introduced into it with constant stirring.

The temperature of the vegetable oil affects the separation of mayonnaise. If the oil is warm, then stratification may occur already in the process of whipping. If the oil is very cold, then a lot of energy is spent on emulsification. The optimum oil temperature for emulsification is 16 ... 18 °C.

When storing mayonnaise in an open container, its surface dries out. The dehydration of the emulsifier and the destruction of the emulsion occur. Under the action of bright light, fats are oxidized, which also leads to separation of the emulsion. Stratification also occurs if mayonnaise is stored at elevated (20 ... 30 ° C) and low (below -15 ° C) temperatures.

From the main sauce "mayonnaise" prepare a number of its varieties.

Mayonnaise with sour cream. ATready-made mayonnaise add sour cream (from 350 to 775 g per 1 kg of sauce).

Mayonnaise with gherkins (tartare). pickled cucumbers (cornishons) are finely cut, combined with mayonnaise, sauce "Southern" is added and mixed.

Mayonnaise with herbs (ravigote). AT mayonnaise add pureespinach, finely chopped parsley, dill, tarragon and Southern sauce. Tarragon greens are pre-scalded.

Mayonnaise with horseradish. ATmayonnaise add grated horseradish.

Mayonnaise with tomato (sharon). Onion finely chopped, sauteedWith vegetable oil, add tomato puree, sauté all together, cool and add to mayonnaise. Separately chop parsley and pre-scalded and chilled tarragon, add to the sauce.

Mayonnaise with jelly (banquet). ATsemi-hardened fish ormeat jelly add mayonnaise and beat in the cold.

Vegetable oil dressings

Dressings are made by beating vegetable oil with vinegar.catfish They add sugar, salt, pepper, sometimes mustard. They are unstable emulsions in which the plantThe oil is emulsified in a vinegar solution. Emulsifiersthey serve ground pepper (powdered emulsifier)and mustard. The stabilizing effect of these emulsifiers is explainedis due to two reasons: firstly, their smallest particles,wetted by water, they are not wetted by fat and therefore, adsorbed on the surface of fat globules, they form protective films; secondly, the substances contained in them reduce the surfacestrong tension, facilitate emulsification and reduce airthe possibility of breaking the emulsion.

Dressings are temporary, unstable emulsions, so they are shaken before use.

Dressing for salads. AT3% vinegar dissolve salt, sugar.Then add ground pepper, vegetable oil and wellmixed.

Mustard dressing for salads. Mustard, salt, sugar, milkPeppers and yolks of boiled eggs are rubbed well. Then atwith continuous stirring, gradually introduce vegetableoil. Before the end of whipping add vinegar.

Mustard dressing for herring. They cook it in the same way as the mountainschichnuyu dressing for salads, but without yolks.

Vinaigrette sauce. Boiled egg yolks, salt, sugar, ground pepperrubbed. Then, with continuous stirring, graduallydyat vegetable oil. Add finely to the prepared masschopped capers, gherkins, green onions, parsley and tarragon, Southern sauce and mix everything well.

Table mustard. AT hot water add sugar, salt,rice, cloves, bay leaf and boil until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. The broth is filtered, cooled, vinegar is introduced. Mustard powder is sifted, mixed with a decoction (1: 1) and thoroughly rubbed. Then the rest of the decoction and vegetable oil are introduced. It is allowed to cook mustard without cinnamon and nailski. To ripen, mustard is kept for a day

Vinegar sauces

Vinegar sauces have a spicy taste. use themfor preparing cold snacks. Vinegar is bestwine or fruit. This group of sauces includesvegetable marinades with and without tomato and horseradish sauce.

Vegetable marinade with tomato. Carrots, onions, whitethe roots are cut into strips and sautéed in vegetable oil,add tomato puree and continue to sauté for more7 ... 10 min. After that, fish broth or water, vinegar,allspice peas, cloves, cinnamon and boiled15 ... 20 min. At the end of cooking add bay leaf, salt, sugar. Pour hot marinade over fried fish.

Marinade vegetable without tomato. Chopped carrots,onions, white roots are sautéed in vegetable oil until completely soft. Then add vinegar, allspice peas, cloves,cinnamon and boil for 15 ... 20 min. Laurel is added at the end of cooking.leaf, salt, sugar, starch (or flour), diluted with water, and bring to a boil. You can cook vegetable marinade without a thickener.In this case, chopped straws or figuresbut chopped (karbovannye) carrots and white roots are allowed toin fish broth. Sugar, salt, cloves, pepper are added to vinegarpowder, bay leaf, boil and filter. Then put atlet vegetables, onions, cut into rings, boiland season to taste. Hot marinade pour fried fish(for example, smelt) and kept for several hours.

Fuck sauce. Grated horseradish is brewed with boiling water, closedcover and let cool, then season with salt, sugar and vinegar. The sauce is kept for several hours in the cold. To soften the taste, you can add grated boiled beets.

For cooking with sour cream, horseradish is not brewed, boiledlump, as sour cream masks its sharp taste.

Oil blends

Oil mixtures are used for garnishing meat and fish.ny dishes, as well as for the preparation of sandwiches. They cook themrubbing butter with different products.

Green oil. Sort the parsley greens (remove the stems), rinse in cold water, dry and finely chop. Put the prepared greens in softened butter, add lemon juice or citric acid and mix so that the greens evenlydistributed in oil (for sharpness, you can add redny hot pepper or sauce "Southern"). Finished buttermolded into a loaf with a diameter of 3 cm weighing 250-300 g,put in cold water with ice and refrigerate. On vacation, cut into circles (0.5 cm thick) weighing 15-20 g each. Served with steaks, entrecote and fried fish in breadcrumbs.

Kilechnaya oil. The sprat fillet is wiped, thoroughly mixedsew with butter, shape and cool.

Herring oil. Herring fillets are rubbed and beaten withbutter and mustard.

Served with boiled potatoes, used for making sandwiches.

Anchovy oil. Chop capers and gherkins, anchovies and yolks of boiled eggs and grind everything in a mortar and rub through a sieve. Put the softened butter in a saucepan, add the pureed anchovy mixture and beat with a spatula. Then add vinegar, red hot pepper, salt to the oil and beat well again. Served with cold dishes of meat, poultry, game, for decorating sandwiches.

Cheese butter. Softened butter is whipped with grated Roquefort cheese. This oil has a pleasant taste and aroma. Used to make sandwiches.

Mustard oil. Butter is whipped with table mustard.

The food industry produces various sauces, and many of them have a very spicy taste (tkemali, Southern sauce, curry, hunting, etc.). They are served in small quantities with dishes such as barbecue, kebab, etc., or used as additives in the manufacture of cooking sauces.

The use of industrial sauces allows you to expand the range of sauces used in catering.

Mayonnaise. They are used in salads, etc.hygienic dishes or prepare derivatives based on them.

Sauce spicy tomato. It is prepared from fresh tomatoes or somethingmatte puree with sugar, vinegar, salt, onion, garlic and spices.

Cuban sauce. Produce it by evaporation of tomatoes with sugar, garlic, salt, vinegar, spices. Add to meat sauces and mayonnaise.

Ketchups. They are also made from tomatoes or tomatopuree with various additives, but the tomato content in them is lower. To give the necessary consistency, thickeners (modified starches, etc.) are added to ketchups.

South Sauce. It has a very spicy taste and strength.spicy aroma. A sauce is prepared from soy fermented hydrolyzate with the addition of applesauce, tomato paste, vegetable oil, spices, spices, onions, garlic, raisins, vinegar and wine (Madeira).

Tkemali sauce. It is prepared from puree of tkemali plums withadding basil, cilantro, garlic and red hot pepper. It has a sharp sour taste.

Fruit sauces. They are prepared from fresh ripe apples, abribraids, peaches and other fruits.

In addition to ready-to-eat sauces, the food industry produces white sauce concentrates, mushroom sauces and their derivatives. They are a powder, which is diluted with water in the right amount before use, and boiled for 2 ... 3 minutes, then butter is added. The raw materials for sauce concentrates are dry meat, mushrooms, vegetables, browned flour, tomato sauce, milk powder, sugar, salt, citric acid, spices, monosodium glutamate. They keep up to 4 months.

Assortment and principles of combination sauces with different dishes

For the preparation of sauces, various products are used, including many flavoring seasonings. With the help of sauces, you can emphasize the taste of the main product (for example, boiled chicken with rice and steam sauce) or mask unwanted odors (brine sauce for fish dishes).

When choosing sauces, one should take into account both the taste characteristics of the main product and the method of its heat treatment (roasting, boiling, etc.), since the sharpness of taste will be different. Consider also the taste characteristics of side dishes.


Oil blends

Oil green

Fried fish, entrecote, beefsteak

Kilechnaya oil, herring oil

Fried fish, boiled potatoes, pancakes and for sandwiches

Cancer oil

crayfish soup

Cheese butter

For sandwiches and decoration of dishes

Mustard Oil

For sandwiches

Vinegar sauces

vegetable marinade

Fish fried and cold

Horseradish with vinegar

Cold and hot meat and fish dishes (jellied, assorted, etc.)

Vegetable oil sauces


Dressing for salads. Cold meat and fish snacks and poultry snacks

Mayonnaise with gherkins (tartare)

Fish and vegetable cold dishes and deep-fried fish

Mayonnaise with sour cream

Meat and fish cold dishes, for dressing salads

Mayonnaise with herbs (ravigote)

Cold and hot meat and fish dishes

mayonnaise with horseradish

Fish dishes, jelly, boiled meat

Mayonnaise with tomato (sharon)

Dishes of fried fish and boiled cold fish

Mayonnaise with jelly (banquet)

For decorating fish, meat and poultry dishes

salad dressing

Salads and vinaigrettes

mustard dressing for salad

Salads and vinaigrettes

Mustard dressing for herring


Vinaigrette sauce

offal dishes

industrial sauces


Salads, dishes and industrial sauces

Tomato sauce spicy

In the manufacture of meat, fish and vegetable dishes

Kuban sauce

Meat, fish and vegetable dishes, for dressing borscht and cabbage soup


Meat, vegetable and pasta dishes

Sauce "Southern"

Oriental cuisine, addbred meat sauces and mayonnaise

Tkemali sauce

Dishes of Caucasian cuisine

fruit sauces

Add mayonnaise to salad dressing

Requirements for the safety of preparation and storage of ready-made complex cold dishes, sauces and preparations for them

Requirements for the quality of sauces, terms and conditions of their storage

Organization of safe preparation of cold meals and snacks

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class. The product range of the cold shop includes cold appetizers, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuki, jelly , compotes, etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning the workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of the products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution of washing tableware.

When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the shop after manufacturing and portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in such quantities that can be sold in a short time. Salads and vinaigrettes, unseasoned, are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 2-6 ° C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be refilled immediately before the holiday; products left over from the previous day are not allowed to be sold: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other especially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and should have a temperature of 10-14 ° C, therefore, a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment is provided in the workshop.

Given that the cold shop produces products from products that have undergone heat treatment and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, from fish and meat. All inventory, utensils, tools must be marked and used strictly in accordance with the marking. At small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized, where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program, specialized workplaces are organized in large cold shops.

Requirements for the quality of cold dishes and snacks

All cold snacks should be neatly and beautifully decorated, have a temperature of 10 -12 ° C. Taste and color should correspond to this type of product. None allowedsome signs of spoilage: discoloration, foreign odorsand flavors. The output must exactly match the setnoah norm.

Cold dishes and snacks should be served in special dishes: dishes, trays, salad bowls, snack plates, caviar bowls, bowls, etc., one or more servings.

Sandwiches. The bread is not stale, the thickness of the piece in open booterbrods 1 ... 1.5 cm, in closed - 0.5 cm; products neatlycut, cleaned, no signs of drying and changecolors. When making sandwiches, products should be laid in an even layer, have a smooth surface, taste andodor characteristic of the products used.

Vegetable salads. Green salads - leaves cut acrosswide ribbons, green color, dense consistency, elastistic, yellowed leaves, rough petioles are not allowed.Green leaves are not allowed in fresh cabbage salad, slimy and large particles of stumps are not allowed in sauerkraut. Fat colorred cabbage is bright red, withered leaves and a blue tint of cooked cabbage are not allowed.

Green onions - elastic, crispy; yellowed pieces are not allowed.

Ridge cucumbers - peeled, fresh, strong, crunchyshchi; not allowed overripe, with coarse seeds.

Tomatoes - dense, retained their shape; dense partsstalks removed.

Boiled vegetables in salads - soft, but not overcooked,well cleaned, without darkening and skin residues.

Vegetables must be cut neatly, according tocutting shape. The texture of vegetables is elastic, taste, smell,color - corresponding to the products used.

Vinaigrettes. Vegetables cut into thin slices or cubeskami. The color is light red or bright pink. The taste is spicy,appropriate for the products used. Consistency: varesoft vegetables, salty - hard, crispy.

Fish gastronomic products. Well cleaned up, akcuratly sliced; sturgeon - without cartilage and skin; on topsalmon, chum salmon should not have fingerprints;so you need to lay out the fish on a plate with a knife, herring -in moderately salty, well cleaned, without a dark film on the inside. Ready chopped herring should contain drysubstances not less than 40%, fat - not less than 9, table salt -not more than 4 ... 6% and have an acidity of not more than 0.4% (in terms of acetic acid). In the recipe for chopped herring, the mainthe product makes up 45...50% (net) of the mass of the finished product.

Caviar should be beautifully laid out in the dish, its surface without weathering, the edges of the dish without individual eggs.

Fish cold dishes and snacks. The fish must be cleaneron from skin and bones, cut obliquely into wide pieces, ukRussian, have a color corresponding to the type of fish; at the jelliedfish jelly elastic, transparent, with taste and aroma of conctriturated broth, without turbidity (especially around the chunkkov lemon), light yellow, has a layer of at least 0.5 ... 0.7 cm,taste - corresponding to the taste of fish, depending on the thermalprocessing. In jellied fish and fish under the marinade, the taste and smell of spices should be clearly felt. Consistencythe fish is dense, soft, but not crumbly. At chopped herring -smeared.

In boiled fish, the surface is dense, retains its shape.

Meat cold dishes and snacks. Meat and meat productsshould be cut across the grain into thin widepieces without small pieces. The color of the surface should be characteristic of the color of the meat product, taking into account its thermalwork, without color changes (greening, dark spotsetc.). The roast beef in the middle is pink. taste, correspondingrelevant to this type of product. Elastic consistency, raftnaya, elastic.

Sausages must be carefully peeled and cut into thin circles or slices. Drying of the surface and discoloration (gray and greenish spots on boiled sausages) are not allowed.

The jelly should be well frozen, dense, notspread, with pieces of the main product, evenlydistributed throughout the mass. Color gray, taste, peculiarto the product from which the jelly is made, with the aroma of garlicnok and spices. The consistency of jelly is dense, elastic, meatyproducts - soft.

The pate has a variety of shapes, decorated with butter and eggs.tsom. Taste and smell characteristic of the products used, with aromat of spices and spices; color from light to dark brown.The consistency is soft, elastic, without grains.

In dishes seasoned with mayonnaise, it should not be recognizedkov its delamination (yellowing).

Requirements for the quality of cold sauces

The quality of the sauce is determined by consistency, color, tasteand aroma. When evaluating the quality of sauces with fillers (saucewith gherkins, etc.) take into account the shapecuts and the amount of filler.

Vegetables that are part of the sauce in the form of a filler shouldbe finely and neatly chopped, evenly distributednym in sauce, soft.

Sauces should have conci characteristic of each group.stent, color, taste and aroma.

Vegetables in marinades should be neatly chopped,soft; horseradish for sauce - finely grated.

Sauce colormarinade with tomato - orange-red, mayonnaise - whitewith a yellow tint, mushroom - brown. Color depends onproducts used and compliance with the technological process.

Marinades should have a sour-spicy taste, aroma of vinegar, vegetables and spices. Unacceptable smack of raw tomatopuree and too sour taste.

mayonnaise sauce and its derivatives must not have a bittertaste and be too spicy, and horseradish sauce with vinegar should notwives to be bitter or not sharp enough.

Conditions and terms of storage of cold dishes and snacks

Cold dishes and snacks are perishable items, so they should be prepared in small portions andquickly sell, as storage dramatically worsens their tasteand appearance.

Cold dishes and snacks, as well as semi-finished products for them, should be stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 0 ... 6 ° Cand relative air humidity of 75...85%. They should be keptthread in porcelain or enameled dishes (without cracks and frombroken enamel), closed lid or dry gauze.

Roast beef, ham, poultry, game are stored on dishes or againstnyakh, salmon, salmon, sturgeon and similar products - for stampsdry boards under dry gauze. Cut products rerecommended before submission.

Semi-finished meat, capital and fish salads, as well asthe same salads from sauerkraut, made on the harvesterenterprises, can be stored at a temperature of 4 ... 8 ° C for 12 hours.

Sliced ​​sandwich products can be stored attemperature not higher than +6 °С 30...40 min. Ready sandwiches hranyat no more than 30 minutes in trays, covered with foil or parchment. Snack sandwiches covered with jelly - no more than 12 hours.

Salads and vinaigrettes, undressed, and vegetables for themtemperature + 4...8 °C can be stored up to 12 hours.You are allowed to store no more than 1 hour for decorating salads.

Seasoned salads from boiled vegetables are subject to saletions no later than 30 minutes, and from raw - 15 minutes.

Cold fish dishes are also not subject to long-termstorage. Can be stored and sold within the nextgeneral terms (temperature +4...8 °C):

pates, chopped herring, fried fish - 24 hours; jelliedfish-12 h; hot smoked fish - no more than 72 hours; canned food,dispensed for snacks, no more than 6 hours from the moment of opening the cans(immediately removing from jars) in porcelain, glass orenamelware; jellied fish with mayonnaise and marihome - up to 24 hours

Meat cold dishes and snacks can be stored at the same temperature.the same temperature for the following time:

meat jelly - no more than 12 hours, meat aspic, pate - no moremore than 24 hours; fried meat products - no more than 48 hours; boiledmeat products, poultry and game - 24 hours.

Meat and fish cold dishes with garnish, as well as fordressed with sauces, store no more than 30 minutes.

Stuffed peppers, zucchini, eggplant, and caviar fromthem and mushrooms are stored for 24 hours.

Conditions and terms of storage of cold sauces

Oil blends keep in the refrigerator for several days. Forto increase the shelf life, the formed oil mixtures are wrapped in parchment, cellophane or plastic wrap. It is impossible to store oil mixtures for a long time, since the surface of the oil is oxidized by oxygen in the air and yellow under the action of, which also leads to a deterioration in taste.

Industrial table mayonnaise stored atat a temperature of 18 ° C up to 45 days, and at a temperature of 5 ° C - 3 months.

So mustache mayonnaise, prepared at a public pitanya, its derivative sauces, as well as salad dressings are stored for 1 ... 2 days at a temperature of 10 ... 15 ° C in a non-oxidizing container(enamelled or ceramic), refills - in bottles.

Marinades and horseradish sauce with vinegar keep refrigeratedfor 2 ... 3 days in the same container with a closed lid.

Risks in the field of safety of cooking processes and finished complex cold culinary products

Sanitary requirements for the preparation of cold dishes. Cold dishes and snacks are prepared from various raw and cooked products using fresh parsley, dill, lettuce. The cooking process is quite lengthy (includes slicing, mixing, dressing, decorating) and takes place without further heat treatment of products.

All these factors create favorable conditions for the secondary contamination of cold dishes with pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause food poisoning and acute intestinal infections in consumers.

To prevent infection of cold dishes and snacks during the preparation process, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules:

    Prepare cold vegetable, meat, fish dishesand snacks, sandwiches, and sweet meals at various workplaces.

    Strictly observe the labeling of cutting boards, knives and tools, organizing their washing and storage in the same workshop.

    Store boiled vegetables cut for salads, vinaigrettes, side dishes for cold meat and fish dishes.discord at a temperature of 2 to 6 "C, potatoes-12 h, carrot,beets -18 hours

    Store salads, vinaigrettes dressed for no more than 1 hour at a temperature of 2 ... 6 ° C, undressed - 6 hours.

Meat, fish gastronomic products to clean forpreviously, store at a temperature of 2 to 6 °C. Cut them into piecesthat workplace only as needed before leaving meals and sandwiches.

    Jellied meat, fish dishes, jellies, goto patestwist in compliance with sanitary rules, store at a temperaturere from 2 to 6 "From 12 noon

    In the process of preparing, decorating cold dishes and forpiece should be touched less with hands, using forslicing various machines, and for mixing and decoratinginventory, tools, special rubber gloves.

Sanitary rules for the preparation of perishable meat dishes and products. The cooking process of some dishesed after the heat treatment of products, which can cause themsecondary contamination with microbes and make these dishes soonperishable and therefore hazardous to human health.

During the warm period of the year (its duration is set locally), the preparation and sale of products of increased epidemiological danger (jelly, pate, aspic, pancakes and meat pies, etc.) are allowed with the permission of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision for each specific enterprise, based on production capabilities and climatic conditions .

In the process of preparing perishable foods, it is necessary to observe a sanitary regime.

After disassembling and grinding the meat, the jelly is boiled again for 10 minutes, poured hot into clean molds, after cooling it is stored in the refrigerator of a cold workshop at a temperature of 2 ... 6 ° C for no more than 12 hours. forbidden.

Boiled meat, poultry, fish, intended for the preparation of aspic dishes, must be boiled again in the broth for 10 minutes after cutting. Aspic dishes are prepared in a cold workshop, stored there in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 6 ° C for no more than 12 hours.

After frying the main products, the liver pate is carefully ground hot in a meat grinder (intended only for finished products). The baked pate is heated in an oven to 90 ° C in the thickness of the product, stored at 2 ... 6 ° C, sold within 6 hours.

During the summer period (from May 1 to October 1), the production of jellies,pates, pancakes and meat pies are allowed only with the permission of the local centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Sanitary quality control of prepared food

Guided by the standard definition and evaluating the specifics of catering products, underquality of catering products it is necessary to understand the totality of product properties that determine its suitability to ensure the normal activity of the human body, that is, to satisfy the physiological needs of a person for nutrients and energy, taking into account the principles of rational nutrition.

Public catering products have many properties that can manifest themselves during their consumption, i.e. during development, production, storage, transportation, use.

Product Feature - it is an objective feature of the product that can be manifested during its operation or consumption. The set allows you to distinguish one type of product from another. Product properties can be conditionally divided into simple and complex. The simple properties include appearance, color, and the complex properties include digestibility, digestibility, etc.

The quality of a product depends on the quality of its constituent products. Product quality can be noted as the total set of technical, technological and operational characteristics of the product, through which it will meet the requirements of the consumer when it is consumed. Quality measurement involves mainly determining and evaluating the degree or level of conformity of products to this general population.

Quality indicators are used to evaluate the quality of products.

Product quality index - this is a quantitative characteristic of one or more product properties that make up its quality, considered in relation to certain conditions of creation or consumption. The product quality indicator quantitatively characterizes the suitability of products to satisfy certain needs. The range of quality indicators depends on the purpose of the product and can be numerous for multi-purpose products. The product quality indicator can be expressed in various units (kcal, percentage, points, etc.),but may be dimensionless. When considering a quality indicator, one should distinguish, on the one hand, the name of the indicator (humidity, ash content, microbial contamination, elasticity, viscosity, etc.), and on the other hand, its numerical value, which may vary depending on different conditions (for example, humidity 68%, energy value)

The possibility of quality management implies the need and possibility of quantitative assessment of indicators. To assess the quality of public catering products, a system of indicators (single, complex, defining, integral) can be used.

Single indicator - this is an indicator of product quality that characterizes one of its properties, for example, taste, color, aroma, moisture, elasticity, consistency, swelling capacity, etc. Single indicators can refer both to a unit of production and to the generality of units of homogeneous products, characterizing a simple property.

Complex indicator - an indicator characterizing several product properties or one property consisting of several simple ones. So, the indicator of culinary readiness, widely used in culinary practice, is complex, which means a certain state of a culinary product, characterized by a complex of physico-chemical, structural-mechanical and organoleptic properties that make it suitable for use. An indicator of the quality of culinary products is also nutritional value. is complex and reflects the fullness of useful properties associated with the content in it of a wide range of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc.), its energy value and organoleptic qualities of products.The term "biological value" used characterizes the quality proteins contained in the product, and balance in amino acid composition, digestibility and assimilation, which depend not only on the amino acid composition, but also on its structure.

The energy value - a term that characterizes the proportion of energy that can be released from food substances in the process of biological oxidation and used to ensure the physiological functions of the body.

Defining indicator product quality - an indicator by which products are evaluated. For example, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of a product whose organoleptic evaluation is fundamental. Assume that a decision has been made to evaluate the quality of cakes according to the table. 1 set of values, the indicators of which are expressed in points.

Product quality indicators


Weight factor

Average results


Smell and taste



Structure (sectional view)






The form



surface and itsfinishing



Each indicator can have one of the following scores: excellent - 5, good - 4, satisfactory, bad - 2, very bad (unsatisfactory). For each indicator, experts have established a coefficient of weight (importance), according to which the most significant indicator for this type of product is allocated.

Weight factor product quality indicators - this is a quantitative characteristic of a given product quality indicator, characterizing the average data of quality indicators. Weight coefficients can be determined by a sociological or expert method, as well as on the basis of an analysis of the impact of a given indicator of product quality on the efficiency of its consumption or sale.

The defining indicator of quality is found as follows: experts evaluate each indicator in points, then the average results of the assessment are multiplied by weight coefficients and the products are summed up. For the data given in table. 8, the defining indicator (in points) will be: 4 4.5+3 3.0+2 4.0+1 2.0+2 3.7 = 45.1.

If the decision to assess the quality of cakes (or other products) is made taking into account other properties (calorie content, keeping quality, etc.), then the defining indicator should include the relative values ​​of the indicators of these properties with the corresponding weight coefficients.

In turn, the properties taken into account by the defining indicators can be characterized by single and (or) complex indicators of product quality. If the defining indicator is complex, it is calledgeneralized. It is necessary to use a generalized indicator carefully, not allowing overlapping by one single indicator of significant product deficiencies that are characterized by other single indicators. If the products of the culinary or confectionery industry are rated at least 2 or 1 points for at least one of the indicators, then in general it should be rated at 0 points (unsatisfactory) and removed from sale without calculating the sum of points, draw up an act and give an opinion on the possibility of processing culinary products , refinement or processing of confectionery products. The generalized indicator in such cases should be taken equal to zero.

Methods for determining quality indicators. Depending on the measuring instruments used, the methods are divided into measuring, registration, calculation, sociological, expert and organoleptic.

Measuring methods are based on information obtained with the use of measuring and control instruments. With the help of measuring methods, such indicators as mass, size, optical density, composition, structure, etc. are determined.

Measurement methods can be subdivided into physical, chemical and biological.

Physical methods are used to determine the physical properties of products: density, refractive index, refractive index, viscosity, stickiness, etc. Physical methods are microscopy, polarimetry, colorimetry, refractometry, spectrometry, spectroscopy, rheology, luminescent analysis, etc.

Chemical methods are used to determine the composition and amount of substances included in the product. They are divided into quantitative and qualitative - these are methods of analytical, organic, physical and biological chemistry.

Biological methods are used to determine the nutritional and biological value of products. They are divided into physiological and microbiological. Physiological are used to establish the degree of assimilation and digestion of nutrients, harmlessness, biological value. Microbiological methods are used to determine the degree of contamination of products with various microorganisms.

Registration methods - these are methods for determining indicators of product quality, carried out on the basis of observation and counting the number of certain events, items or costs. These methods are based on information obtained by registering and counting certain events, such as product failures, counting the number of defective products in a batch, etc.

Estimated methods reflect the use of theoretical or empirical dependences of product quality indicators on its parameters. Calculation methods are used mainly in the design of products, when the latter cannot yet be the object of experimental research. with the same method, dependencies between individual indicators of product quality can be established.

Sociological the method is based on the collection and analysis of opinions of actual and potential consumers. The opinions of actual consumers of products are collected orally, by means of a survey or distribution of questionnaires, by holding conferences, meetings, exhibitions, tastings, etc. This method is used to determine weight coefficients.

Expert method - this is a method for determining product quality indicators, carried out on the basis of a decision made by experts. This method is widely used to assess the level of quality (in points) when establishing the nomenclature of indicators taken into account at various stages of management, when determining generalized indicators based on a combination of single and complex quality indicators, as well as when certifying product quality. The main operations of expert evaluation are the formation of working and expert groups, product classification, construction of a scheme of quality indicators, preparation of questionnaires and explanatory notes for interviewing experts, interviewing experts and processing expert assessments.

organoleptic method is a method carried out on the basis of the analysis of the perception of the sense organs. The values ​​of the quality indicators are found by analyzing the received sensations based on the experience. Therefore, the accuracy and reliability of such values ​​depend on the qualifications, skills and abilities of the persons who determine them. The orgaioleptic method does not exclude the possibility of using technical means (loupe, microscope, microphone, etc.) that increase the susceptibility and resolution of the sense organs. This method is widely usedfor determination of quality indicators of public catering products. The quality indicators determined by this method are expressed in points.


Daily quality control of products at each public catering enterprise is carried out by a rejection commission. In large enterprises, it includes a director or his deputy, a production manager (deputy), a process engineer, highly qualified cooks, confectioners who have the right to personal food rejection, a foreman cook, a sanitary worker or a member of the sanitary post of a public catering enterprise, an employee of a technological laboratory (in the presence of a technological laboratory). In small enterprises, the composition of the marriage commission includes the head of the enterprise, the head of production or the cook-foreman, a highly qualified cook or confectioner, a member of the sanitary post.

The chairman of the marriage commission may be the head of the enterprise or his deputy, the head of production (deputy) or a process engineer.

Representatives of the trade union organization of public catering enterprises take part in the work of marriage commissions; representatives of the trade union organization of the serviced enterprise, institution or educational institution, members of the people's control group of the public catering enterprise and the serviced production enterprise. The composition of the marriage commission is approved by the order of the enterprise.

Before carrying out the rejection of public catering products, members of the rejection commission (or a laboratory employee) must familiarize themselves with the menu, recipes for dishes and products, cost cards or price lists, the technology for preparing dishes (products), the quality of which is assessed, as well as with their quality indicators established by regulatory documents.

The scrapping commission in its activities is guided by the Regulations on the scrapping of food in public catering establishments, regulatory documents - collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technological maps, quality requirements for semi-finished products, ready meals and culinary products, specifications, price lists.

The commission checks each batch of finished products, drinks and semi-finished products before the start of sale in the presence of their direct manufacturer. Portion dishes are controlled by the production manager or his deputy, the foreman cook periodically during the working day.

To control the quality of finished products in restaurants and cafes, quality posts can be created, which are headed by foreman chefs who control the step-by-step processing of products and their output. Quality control of dishes at the dispensing area is the responsibility of the production manager and his deputy. They monitor the insertion of components and the design of dishes, and regulate the issuance process. The quality of the dishes in appearance is also checked by the waiter.

Marriage is carried out as soon as dishes, products, semi-fabrics are ready.rikats before the start of the sale of each newly prepared batch.

The scrapping commission determines the actual weight of piece products, semi-finished products and individual components, conducts an organoleptic assessment of the quality of food, makes suggestions to improve the taste of dishes, draws attention to compliance with the technological process of preparing dishes and drinks, the correct storage of food at the dispensary, the availability of the necessary components for decoration and dispensing dishes, the temperature of their release. The results of quality control of products are recorded in the rejection log (Appendix 1).

Dishes are tasted in a certain sequence, and blueyes set menus in the order in which they are offeredconsumer.

The organoleptic evaluation of the quality of each batch of manufactured products is carried out according to a five-point system. To obtain objective results in the organoleptic evaluation of food quality, each of the indicators - appearance, color, smell, taste, texture - is given the appropriate ratings: "5" - excellent, "4" - good,"3" - satisfactory, "2" - bad. Based on the ratings for each indicator, the rating of the dish (product) in points is determined (as an arithmetic mean, the result is calculated with an accuracy of one decimal place).

The rating "excellent" is given to dishes and products, fully answereddemanding requirements that are established by the recipe and production technology, and all organoleptic indicators corresponding to high quality products.

The “good” rating is given to dishes and products with minor, easily removable defects in appearance (color, cut of the product) and taste (slightly undersalted).

At "satisfactory" evaluate dishes and products, cookedmanufactured with more significant violations of the production technology, the implementation of which is allowed without modification or after it (undersalting, partial burning, shallow cracks, shape violation).

"Unsatisfactory" (marriage) evaluate dishes and productswith defects, in the presence of which it is not allowed - implementationproducts (foreign smell and taste, inappropriateconsistency, strong salting, violation of the form, etc.) - Persons guilty of preparing dishes and low-quality products are held financially and administratively liable.

To carry out the marriage, the commission must have at its disposal scales, knives, a chef's needle, scoops, a thermometer, a kettle with boiling water for rinsing the instruments for each member of the marriage commission, in addition, two spoons, a fork, a knife, a plate, a glass of iced tea (or water ), notebook and pencil. Before starting work, members of the marriage commission should put on sanitary clothing, wash their hands thoroughly with warm water and soap, rinse them several times and wipe dry.

Braking begins with determining the mass of finished products and individual portions of the first, second, sweet dishes and drinks. Piece products are weighed simultaneously in 10 pieces. and determine the average weight of one piece, the finished dishes are selected from those prepared for distribution, weighing them separately in the amount of three servings, and the average weight of the dish is calculated. The main product that is part of the dish (meat, fish, poultry, meatballs, pancakes, cheesecakes, portions of rolls, casseroles and puddings) is weighed in the amount of 10 servings. The mass of one serving may deviate from the norm within ± 3%, the total mass of 10 servings must comply with the norm. This is how the average mass of portions of meat, fish and poultry is established, with which the first courses are served. Permissible deviations of their mass from the norm ± 10%.

At the distribution, the temperature of the dishes is checked during the holiday, using a laboratory thermometer (in a metal frame) with a scale of 0 ~ 100 ° C.

Separate indicators of the quality of controlled dishes and the product are evaluated in the following sequence: indicators evaluated visually (appearance, color), smell, texture, and finally, properties evaluated in the oral cavity (taste and some features of consistency, uniformity, juiciness, etc.)

Liquid dishes for organoleptic evaluation are poured into a common plate, their appearance is assessed, then the members of the commission take a sample into their plates with one spoon, and with the help of another they taste it. Dense dishes (secondary, cold, sweet), after evaluating the appearance, are cut into pieces on a common plate, which are transferred to their plates.

Describing the appearance, pay attention to the specific features of this most important indicator: the integrity of the surface, the correct shape retention after cutting, storage or heat treatment; appearance on a break or cut, external signs of the aesthetic design of a dish, culinary or confectionery product.

The taster, when determining the taste of food, should not feel hungry and should not be full.

When evaluating dishes, their most characteristic properties are taken into account. For example, when evaluating meat dishes, special attention is paid to taste, smell, texture. Moreover, the characteristic of the last indicator depends on the type of product. So, the meat (piece) should be soft, juicy; the consistency of minced meat products - elastic, loose, juicy, offal dishes - typical for this type, with a fresh smell and pleasant taste.

The defining indicators of fish dishes are taste, smell and texture. The texture of the fish should be soft, juicy, but not crumbly. Boiled fish should have a taste characteristic of this species, with a pronounced taste of vegetables and spices, and fried fish should have a pleasant, slightly noticeable taste of fresh fat on which it was fried.

For salads and vegetable snacks, consistency and freshness are of great importance, since their high vitamin value is associated with them. When evaluating, it is important to pay attention to the color and appearance of vegetables, which indicate the correct storage and processing.

If during the organoleptic evaluation of a dish (product) at least one of the indicators is estimated at 2 points, then the product is not subject to further evaluation, it is rejected and removed from sale.

In order to more fully assess the quality of products of public catering enterprises, employees of the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision periodically check the chemical composition and energy value of food, the norms for investing raw materials and the yield of finished products in sanitary laboratories and conduct a bacteriological study of it. In addition, they measure the temperature of the release of the dish and give a qualitative assessment of the design.

Sampling and sampling is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the sampling of food products for research in sanitary laboratories." Each sample is placed in a clean, dry, tightly closed container (glass jars, bottles, plastic bags), and for bacteriological examination - in sterile dishes. The samples are tightly closed and sealed with the seal of the enterprise or the seal of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. For the samples taken, an act is drawn up in two copies, one of which is sent to the laboratory, and the other is left at the enterprise to write off the seized dishes and products.

In sanitary laboratories, samples of food products are subjected to physical, chemical and bacteriological examination, the results of which are reported to the enterprise. If the result is unsatisfactory, the entire batch of culinary products is not allowed for sale.




Date, time of product manufacture

Name of products, dishes

Organoleptic evaluation, including assessment of the degree of readiness of the product

Permission to implement (time)

Responsible executor (F., I., O., position)

FULL NAME. the person who performed the marriage









Baskets - prepared from puff and unleavened dough. Used to serve various products and culinary products (salads, pates, tongue, ham, crabs, squid, etc.). Yield 100 g (2-4 pieces) per serving.

Vol-au-vents are made from puff pastry. Used to serve caviar, chicken, ham, salted fish and salads. Yield 80 g (2-4 pieces) per serving.

From fish products for the preparation of baskets and flounces, you can use granular, pressed and chum caviar, balyk products, salted fish, hot and cold smoked, as well as a variety of canned fish.

From meat products, you can use ham, various sausages, boiled and fried meat products, as well as other gastronomic and culinary meat products.

Products selected for baskets and vol-au-vents should be combined in appearance, color and taste.

For decoration, butter, meat mixtures, mayonnaise, fresh and pickled cucumbers, red sweet peppers, eggs, lemon, fruits, etc. are used.

If the workshop organizes the baking of tartlets, then a separate room is allocated for the production table and the oven.

Algorithm for making baskets (tartlets)


Wheat flour 1657 g, table margarine 386 g, milk 386 g, sour cream 200 g, melange 228 g, sugar 57 g, salt 17 g.

Dough weight 2841g

Yield 100 pieces of 25 g

Preparation of baskets (tartlets) semi-finished product. Melange, salt, sugar are dissolved in milk, flour (50%), softened margarine and sour cream are added. Mix everything until smooth and add the rest of the flour.
The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 2-3 mm thick and circles are cut out according to the size of the molds.
The cut out circles are laid out in molds, the dough is pressed to the inside, pierced in several places, filled with peas or cereals to maintain their shape and baked at a temperature of 200 0 C for 5-7 minutes.
When the baskets are browned on top and bottom, they are removed from the molds, freed from cereals, cooled and filled with various salads, meat, fish products.

Baskets with salad . Baked baskets are filled with ready-made salad (metropolitan, with poultry or game, meat, hot-smoked fish or seafood), decorated with products included in the salad and herbs.

Baskets with pate. The baskets are filled with ready-made liver pate, the surfaces are decorated with an egg, mayonnaise with gherkins and herbs.

Baskets with minced poultry or game (Sat. recipes )

Butter dough 110, chicken 286 (197) or hazel grouse 2/3 pieces (139). Weight of boiled pulp without skin 75.

Oil sl. 20, eggs ½ pcs, Madeira wine 10, nutmeg 0.05. Mass of minced meat 125, cheese 11. Weight p / f 245. Weight of the finished basket 200.

In molds greased with oil (2 g from the norm), put a thin layer of rich dough, fill with minced meat, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with butter (3 g from the norm) and bake.

To prepare minced meat: boiled chicken (game) meat is combined with butter and broth from stewing (10% of the minced meat mass) and passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate 3-4 times. Raw egg yolks, salt, powdered nutmeg, wine are added. Beat well, add beaten egg whites and mix gently. Fill baskets.

Baked baskets are freed from molds and served.

Baskets with tongue or ham. The baskets are filled with finely chopped boiled tongue or ham. Seasoned with mayonnaise with gherkins and decorated with herbs.

Baskets with seafood. Prepared boiled seafood (squid, shrimps, crabs, scallops) are placed in baskets and decorated with greenery.


Section 1. Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex cold desserts.

Topic 1.1. General rules for preparing hot and cold desserts.

1. The value of desserts in nutrition, their classification.

2. Preliminary preparation of raw materials for desserts.

3. Technology of preparation and release of cold desserts.

4. Technology of preparation and release of hot desserts.

5. Design and decoration technique for complex desserts.

6. Sauces for hot and cold desserts.

7. Requirements for the quality of sweet dishes.

8. Serving and serving sweet hot and cold desserts.

DESSERT (from French Desserrer - to make relaxed, uninhibited, light). This French term is used all over the world to call the final dishes of the table, regardless of what they are in the order of serving - third or fifth. The term has entered all European languages ​​since the 16th century. In Russian, “dessert” as a term has been known since 1652. Prior to that, it was replaced by the Russian word “snacks”, which became especially inconvenient in the 18th century due to the emergence of the concept of “snacks”. It became difficult to distinguish snacks from snacks, and therefore, from the middle of the 18th century, the word "snack" finally disappears from Russian culinary terminology and from that time only the word "dessert" is used. A similar process took place in other European languages ​​- English and German, where the word "after-table" (nachtisch) - is replaced by the more accurate French culinary concept of "dessert".

The meaning of dessert - do not add satiety, but, on the contrary, remove the feeling of after-dinner heaviness, do not make a person want to fall asleep. That's why dessert in its precise French culinary sense is not just a sweet dish for a snack or at the end of the whole dinner, but a light, refreshing dish.

As for hot drinks, desserts still include tea and coffee, which not only “push through” food, but also tone up the general condition, speed up the digestion process and relieve heaviness after dinner.

Dessert This is the dish that ends the meal. And even if this meal was ordinary, a successful dessert will make it memorable thanks to a pleasant sweet aftertaste. Therefore, it is recommended to pay no less attention to dessert than to all other dishes on your menu. Desserts can be different in texture, ingredients, taste, portion size.

1. Classification of sweet foods.

The assortment of sweet dishes is very diverse. The composition of sweet dishes includes fresh and frozen fruits and berries, compotes, kissels, jelly, mousses, sambuca, creams, soufflés, puddings, croutons, Gurievskaya porridge, apple dishes, etc.

Sweet foods are usually divided into two main groups:

Cold (supply temperature should be 12-150C);

Hot (supply temperature should be 70-750C).

Cold dishes, in turn, are divided into:

Fresh and frozen fruits and berries;



Whipped cream and sour cream;

Ice cream.

Hot ones include:


Dishes from apples;

Flour sweet dishes and others.

However, many sweet dishes are served both hot and cold (baked apples, pancakes with minced fruit, etc.).

For their preparation, sugar, fruits, berries, nuts, various fruit and berry juices, extracts, syrups, as well as eggs, milk, cream, flour and cereal products are used. Flavoring and flavoring substances of sweet dishes are vanillin, cinnamon, citrus peel, citric acid, coffee, cocoa, wine, etc.

As gelling agents, you can use products of animal and vegetable origin - gelatin, ordinary and modified starch, agaroid, furcellaran, as well as sodium alginate and pectin substances.

Types of desserts

Dessert is usually sweet (such as cake or ice cream), but there are also unsweetened desserts made from fruits, nuts, cheeses, and unsweetened confectionery. In addition, not all sweet dishes are desserts, for example, in Chinese cuisine there are sweet meat dishes that are not desserts. In China, there are also sweets with pepper and ginger instead of sugar. Native Americans, before the arrival of Europeans, made chocolate with pepper and spices instead of sugar. Even in Russian cuisine there are unsweetened desserts - for example, black caviar. Cheese is considered a classic French dessert.

Confectionery can be served as a dessert:

cakes, cookies, waffles, muffins, pies;

various types of sweets, marshmallows, whipped cream dishes;

· sweet fruit and berry mixtures (the so-called fruit salads);

· juices, soda waters, compotes, kissels;

· sweet milk, chocolate and fruit and berry mousses, creams, jellies;

ice cream and ice cream desserts;

Dessert can be tea, cocoa, coffee, coffee with ice cream (café glacé);

· special dessert wines - in a word, everything that can be served for the "third".

Desserts are served in different ways: they can be portioned, cold or hot; desserts can be served as for a buffet table, which pleases with variety: for example, some desserts are hot, some are cold or even frozen, all kinds of sweet pastries, mousses, cakes, as well as a large selection of fruits and chocolate.

Bakery products. This type of dessert includes cakes, cookies, rolls, muffins, pastries, buns, pies, waffles.

Dairy desserts many sweet tooths love it. As you can see from the name, this dessert includes milk. As a rule, dairy desserts are not very high in calories, after which there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Such desserts include ice cream, various milk mousses and jellies, yoghurts, sweet curd cheeses and masses. Dairy desserts are popular in many countries, especially in France.

Chocolate desserts contain cocoa in their composition. These include chocolates, chocolates.

fruit desserts came to us from warm countries. Such as India, China, Italy, Egypt, etc. In Russia, with its climate, growing exotic fruits is unrealistic. Fruit dessert today can be served at any time of the year. A very common fruit dessert is split. This is banana dessert. The banana is peeled, cut and placed on vanilla ice cream. This dish is topped with sweet syrup and garnished with cherries.

Jelly can also be attributed to fruit desserts. This dessert was invented by French chefs. It is made from fresh or frozen fruits, from syrups or juices, to which gelatin is added during cooking. When the jelly hardens, it takes on a gelatinous consistency. The most important thing when making jelly is to achieve rich color and transparency. If pieces of fruit are added to the jelly, then all of them should be clearly visible - the jelly should be so transparent.

The dessert can be "parfait" or dairy: today, thanks to high-quality milk substitutes, confectioners prepare excellent "parfait" desserts.

sorbet is a delicious airy frozen dessert, which is characterized by a variety of color combinations and amazing tastes, including the taste of fresh fruits. Sometimes even alcohol is introduced into its composition. Sorbet, with its very delicate texture and dominant taste, is especially good after a hearty meal.

Desserts that require baking require experience and patience. Making confectionery is a special art, so in the kitchen, in addition to the usual cook, there is also a confectioner. The confectionery is a separate area in the kitchen.

It is very important how the dessert looks. It should be aesthetic and delight in colors. It is known that at first we "eat" with our eyes, and only after that there is a desire to try the dish.

Ice cream is a very popular dessert. It can be milk, "parfait", fruit, with additives (with pieces of cookies, dried fruits). Ice cream is recommended to be taken out of the freezer a few minutes before serving so that it softens slightly. This improves the flavor and texture of the ice cream. Also, it will be easier to divide it into portions.

Cookie- This is also a dessert or a great treat. It is ideal for coffee - cookies can be dipped in a cup of hot drink to soften and "share" their taste with coffee or chocolate.

If you decide to make a dough-based dessert, it's best to bake it just before serving, and then your dessert will be fresh and flawless.

mixed desserts .This group includes pudding, soufflé, mousse.

Pudding- a very unusual dessert. It is based on rice and white bread. Sometimes the filling can be not only fruit, but also meat. Initially, this dish was prepared from the remains of various dishes, which were combined into one. This "association" became known as pudding. To prevent the pudding from falling apart, it had to be fastened with something. To do this, they prepared a mixture of eggs with milk or alcohol (cognac, rum).

Souffle This is a light and airy dessert. Eggs are the basis. Moreover, the proteins are whipped separately, it is they who give airiness to this dessert. And the yolks are combined with other ingredients: cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables and even cereals. You should get a mass that resembles sour cream in consistency. The finished souffle can be decorated with fresh fruits, berries, a slice of lemon or orange, cream, you can sprinkle with chopped nuts or grated chocolate.

Mousse- chilled jelly, which is whipped until foam is formed. As a rule, mousses are based on some aromatic base - juice, fruit puree, chocolate, grape wine, etc. Egg whites (to form foam) and gelatin (to fix foam) are added to this.

Oriental sweets

These sweets are very different from the usual Russian desserts. The whole secret is in the technology of preparation and the ingredients used. It is clear that the basis of oriental sweets are exotic fruits and nuts. It is known that earlier oriental sweets were equal in value to gold. The Arabs endowed their desserts with magical powers. As a rule, honey and natural fruit juices, which do not grow in the middle lane, gave sweetness to oriental desserts.

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Completed by a student:

4 courses of the RD group

Garkavenko Anna


Maksakovskaya N.S.


1. Cold dishes and snacks



Snack is a table term meaning:

1) time and type of serving to the table;

2) the nature and form of dishes served for meals either on their own or at a certain time as part of a meal.

As a concept, the term "snack" became widespread only in the 18th century. and especially in the nineteenth century. In the 17th century the Russian language knew the word "snack", but in a different meaning, and then it was used with the preposition "for" (for example, bread for a meat snack, sugar for a bitter medicine snack).

Since the 18th century the word "snack" is used with the prepositions "to" and "on" ("snack for vodka, beer", "give fish, cucumber for a snack").

In the first third of the XVIII century. "appetizer" was often replaced by the word "frischtich" and was used in the first sense as a synonym for "breakfast". And since breakfast was served with cold dishes or unheated roast left over from dinner, appetizers began to mean from the middle of the 18th century. all cold dishes of the Russian table: fermentation (cucumbers, cabbage, mushrooms), fish pickles (stringed, salted, dried sturgeon and salmon fish and caviar), smoked meats (ham, boiled pork, goose curtains).

In the 19th century German, Swedish and French dishes were included in the appetizers - hard-boiled eggs, goose and liver pates, sausages, butter, white bread, and pies were added from the Russian table, previously served exclusively for lunch, to cabbage soup or separate dishes. This snack table also included such dishes of Russian cuisine that had to be prepared in advance, but which could remain and be eaten cold. They were jelly, aspic. From the French table, this included mainly pâtés and cold sauces, canned fruits and pickled vegetables, and pickles. From German - sandwiches and salted herring with onions.

As for the time of serving snacks, it has also undergone a significant evolution. At first, appetizers (one-two-three courses and vodka) were served outside of dinner, two or three hours before dinner in the hallway. Then the appetizer began to move closer to dinner, until at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. it did not fully combine with the lunch serving, turning into the first, or rather, into a series of first courses. Starters were served 2-3 dishes (fish, meat, vegetables).

Relevance. Cold dishes and snacks are increasingly used in the nutrition of the population. They occupy an important place in the menu of catering establishments and in the assortment of culinary shops. Cold dishes and snacks increase appetite, complement the diet, and also decorate dishes. In order for cold dishes and snacks to fulfill all of the above purposes, it is very important to fulfill the necessary requirements when preparing them.

The aim of the work is to study the features of cold dishes and snacks.

To achieve the goal of the course work, the following tasks were set:

consider the importance of cold dishes and snacks in human nutrition;

explore the range of cold dishes and snacks;

to study the technology of preparing cold dishes and snacks;

to analyze the technological features of the cold shop;

to give commodity characteristics of raw materials for the preparation of salads;

Learn how to prepare salads.

The subject of the study is cold dishes and snacks.

1. Cold dishes and snacks

1.1 The importance of cold dishes and snacks in human nutrition

It is customary to classify cold appetizers as cold dishes, which include the main product and no side dish, or it is given in limited quantity and assortment. For example, chum and granular caviar with green onions, pressed caviar with lemon, sprats with eggs, sprats and sardines with lemon, salted and pickled mushrooms, dried fish, etc.

There is no clear distinction between a cold dish and a cold appetizer. The same culinary product can be a cold dish or a cold appetizer. As a rule, cold appetizers have a smaller yield and are served without garnish (caviar, salmon, sprats, sausage) or with a small amount of garnish (sprat with egg, herring with onion).

Cold dishes are usually served at the beginning of a meal. In this case, they are called snacks, they complement the composition of the main dishes, decorate the table, satisfy hunger, stimulate appetite and supplement the nutritional value of diets.

The rich assortment and nutritional value of cold dishes make it possible to use them as main dishes for breakfast, dinner, or to complement the banquet menu with them. For example, pate, jellied meat or fish can be included in the dinner or breakfast menu, and cold appetizers: caviar, salads, herring with a side dish, etc., in the lunch, breakfast or dinner menu to stimulate appetite. The juice effect of cold dishes and snacks is due to their spicy taste, intricate design, and pleasant coloring of the products that make up these products.

A special role is played by cold dishes in the banquet menu, where their number reaches 5-10 types.

The assortment of banquet dishes is dominated by products of complex preparation, such as jellied fish, game cheese, stuffed fish and poultry, etc., the design of which is given considerable attention. In the manufacture of these dishes, special design techniques are used and special tools are used.

In human nutrition, cold dishes and snacks are not only of auxiliary importance.

Many of them are high in calories, such as meat or fish salads with mayonnaise, game cheese, galantine, etc.

Cold snacks from fresh vegetables are low-calorie and rich in vitamins, mineral salts, valuable organic acids.

The calorie content of cold dishes varies widely and depends on their composition and the investment rates of individual products. Green salad dishes have the lowest calorie content (50-100 calories), meat and fish salads seasoned with sour cream and mayonnaise are more caloric: the calorie content of one serving reaches 250-350 calories, depending on the raw material input rates.

Vegetables and fruits, which are part of cold dishes in large quantities, are an important source of such valuable nutrients as vitamins, mineral salts.

Potatoes are characterized by a high content of carbohydrates and significantly increase the calorie content of cold dishes. The content of vitamin C in it is low, but a large consumption of this product makes it an important source of vitamin C. Indeed, 200 g of potato salad provides a person with 20-25% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Cold dishes, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, are rich in proteins and contain some fat, as well as a number of important vitamins and minerals. Legumes enrich dishes with vitamin B1, calcium and iron salts. Dishes from the liver, fish roe, herring are rich in vitamin A. Sauces, dressings used for cold dishes not only improve and diversify the taste, but also significantly affect their nutritional value Sour cream and mayonnaise sauce contain a significant amount of fat and therefore increase the calorie content of cold dishes and snacks. The recipe for many cold dishes includes vegetable oil or sauces and dressings. Such dishes are a source of unsaturated fatty acids. In this case, the fact that vegetable oil in this case is not subjected to heat treatment and does not lose its biological activity is of particular importance.

Some cold dishes are prepared from raw vegetables and fruits, so that vitamins and other valuable substances are well preserved in them.

To maximize the preservation of vitamin C in vegetables, fruits and other products, special processing conditions have been developed, which must be strictly adhered to. In particular, vegetables should be washed not in sliced, but in whole form; vegetables for cooking should be placed in boiling, salted water and boiled in a cauldron, closed with a lid, with a slight boil, strictly observing the deadlines. To preserve vitamin C in greens, it is important to prevent long periods of storage and especially wilting.

Much attention must be paid to strict observance of sanitary rules in the preparation and storage of cold dishes and snacks, since they do not undergo heat treatment before being released to the consumer. dish appetizer workshop salad

1.2 Assortment of cold dishes and snacks

A variety of cold dishes and snacks are classified according to the types of raw materials and methods of preparation into the following groups:


salads and vinaigrettes;

dishes and snacks from vegetables and mushrooms;

fish and seafood dishes, meat, poultry and meat products dishes;

egg dishes;

jellied dishes - snacks that are prepared from meat and fish, poultry and game, eggs and even vegetables. It is customary to serve horseradish with vinegar or horseradish with sour cream and other spices, sauces (for example, mayonnaise), various seasonings, herbs, as well as salads and vegetables - salted and pickled;

pate - a cold appetizer, which is prepared mainly from meat products (from the liver of large and small livestock, from the liver and meat or offal of poultry, from fried game meat), less often from fish and vegetables (pike pike pate, eggplant, beans , olives, etc.).;

all kinds of pickles and marinades;

gastronomic snacks (cheeses, sausages, canned food, smoked meat and fish, herring, caviar).

Each of these types of dishes and snacks can be divided into other subspecies. Consider the following categories: sandwiches and salads.

A sandwich in common everyday terminology is a slice of bread with various snack foods (cheese, ham, sausage, caviar, smoked meat or fish, canned food).

By temperature, sandwiches are divided into cold and hot. According to the type of preparation, sandwiches can be divided into three large groups: open, closed (sandwiches) and puff.

For open sandwiches, bread is cut into small slices about 1 - 1.5 cm thick, spread with butter and garnished with various snacks.

Closed sandwiches are made from two slices of white bread 5-6 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick. Both slices are spread with butter, sometimes pre-mixed with various seasonings - mustard, grated cheese, horseradish. The product is placed on one slice of bread, and the other is tightly covered from above.

Layered sandwiches. Spread a large slice of black bread with butter, put a product of the same size on top, again bread, butter, product, and so on. Layers can be from 7 to 9, the last layer is from bread.

Figure 1.1 Classification of sandwiches

Figure 1.1 shows a more detailed classification of sandwiches.

Salad - a cold dish prepared from a mixture of various vegetables and / or fruits seasoned with vinegar, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, sour cream, lemon juice, salt, pepper or special salad dressings. Often the composition of salads includes greens: dill, parsley, celery, green onions, garlic.

Salad classification by ingredients:

fish salad - the composition of the salad includes fish, it can be either boiled or fried or canned;

meat salad - the composition of the salad includes meat (beef, poultry, pork, boiled tongue) of various culinary processing;

seafood salad is a very diverse classification of salad. The composition may include squid, scallop, octopus, mussels, shrimp, both individually and together;

vegetable salad - a very affordable classification of salads. The composition of the salad includes all kinds of vegetables;

fruit salad - consists of chopped fruits and is usually seasoned with juice, yogurt or kefir.

combined salad (combined) - may include several classifications at the same time. For example, salad with chicken and pineapple or fish with herbs.

1.3 Technology for preparing cold dishes and snacks

Cold and heat processing of products included in the recipe of cold dishes and snacks is basically the same as for hot dishes, however, in relation to cold dishes, even more careful compliance with sanitary requirements is necessary during their preparation, storage and sale, especially products introduced into dishes. without heat treatment:

the number of manual operations should be reduced (use mechanized devices for cutting, dosing, layout);

mechanical processing, if possible, should precede thermal processing (for example, vegetables should be cleaned and cut before cooking);

you can not combine warm and cold foods, which leads to a deterioration in taste and rapid spoilage;

seasoning dishes (sour cream, mayonnaise, vegetable oil) is necessary immediately before the holiday;

it is necessary to strictly observe the shelf life of semi-finished products and the established modes of heat treatment.

In order for the products during the cooking process not to lose certain useful substances, it is necessary to follow the established rules.

To maximize the preservation of vitamin C in vegetables, fruits and other products, special processing conditions have been developed, which must be strictly adhered to. In particular, vegetables should be washed not in sliced, but in general, vegetables for cooking should be placed in boiling, salted water and boiled in a pot with a lid, with a slight boil, strictly observing the deadlines. To preserve vitamin C in greens, it is important to prevent long periods of storage and especially wilting.

The possibility of food poisoning when eating cold dishes is aggravated by the fact that even when they are very contaminated with microorganisms, they do not arouse any suspicion in consumers, since their organoleptic characteristics - appearance, smell, taste - do not always change. This imposes on cooks a great responsibility for strict compliance with sanitary rules in the manufacture of various cold dishes.

Particular care must be taken to ensure that fresh and boiled vegetables are processed on separate boards when harvesting them in the form of semi-finished products, which are supposed to be stored for some time.

To comply with sanitary requirements, each employee, before starting the culinary processing of the product, must check the cleanliness of his workplace, the condition of the equipment and inventory that he will use.

The cleanliness of the workplace must be maintained constantly during the processing of the product. It is necessary to monitor the equipment and inventory that are used in cooking; food waste must be disposed of in a timely manner.

When cooking, the duration of the primary processing of the product should be reduced.

If possible, cut products by hand, which tends to increase their contamination, should be avoided. There are special machines for cutting raw vegetables, meat products. In their absence, in some cases it is advisable to use various devices for cutting boiled vegetables.

The stewing temperature of the products used in the manufacture of cold dishes is very important. All products must be pre-cooled to a temperature of 8-10°C. Do not mix chilled food with warm food. At a temperature of 8--10°C, the development of microorganisms is much slower (sometimes several tens of times) than at a temperature of 15--20°C.

Compliance with the established temperature regime and the shelf life of ready meals and semi-finished products is also an important measure to improve their sanitary condition.

For cold dishes, the following terms of implementation are established at a temperature not higher than 6--8 ° C, see table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Storage of cold meals and snacks

Salads and vinaigrettes have a short shelf life. In the absence of cold, the period for the implementation of these dishes should not exceed 30 minutes from the date of manufacture. The short shelf life of salads and vinaigrettes makes them difficult to manufacture, but it is easy to withstand if you practice cooking these dishes from semi-finished products. Chopped boiled vegetables can be stored for up to 12 hours. Vegetables, greens, consumed fresh, should be sorted and washed. Salted, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes can be chopped. Meat, fish can be pre-cooked or fried.

At a temperature of 8 °, products can be stored in whole pieces and in cut form for up to 24-36 hours.

All prepared products are best stored separately by type. If necessary (due to the lack of dishes, storage space), it is permissible to mix boiled carrots with potatoes and meat. Pickled, pickled vegetables should be stored separately under all circumstances. Mixing them with other products is permissible only 30 minutes before sale. Dressing salads with sauce should be done immediately before they are released.

Do not mix new lettuce portions with leftovers from a previous batch, as this causes them to spoil faster.

Food processing

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms. The potatoes are thoroughly washed and boiled, and then cooled and peeled; red beets are also processed. These vegetables are recommended to be sorted by tuber size before cooking.

Carrots, turnips, turnips are first peeled and boiled uncut; these root crops can also be cooked cut into circles, cubes, straws, etc.

In cauliflower, the stalk is cut off below the beginning of the branching of the head, the contaminated and damaged areas are cleaned. Peeled kocheski are boiled in salted water.

When processing white and red cabbage, the upper contaminated and damaged leaves are removed. To do this, they are cut at the base. The cleaned head is cut into two to four parts and chopped.

The asparagus is peeled, starting from the head, washed, tied in bunches and boiled in salted water, cooling in the same broth.

Green bean pods and peas are processed as follows: the veins connecting the halves of the pod are removed, for which the ends of the pod are broken and the veins are torn off in the opposite direction from the break, then the bean pods are cut across into three to four parts or chopped lengthwise in the form of noodles.

Pea pods are used as a whole; they are boiled in rapidly boiling water (until cooked), after which they are quickly cooled with cold water so that the greens do not turn brown.

Frozen green peas or green beans are boiled in the same way as pea pods.

Corn is cooked without removing the leaves from the cob. Pumpkin, zucchini and eggplant are washed, the skin is cut off, only the stems are removed from young eggplants. For stuffing, zucchini is used whole or cut in half. For frying, zucchini is cut into pieces.

Sweet peppers are washed, the stem and seeds with pulp are removed, then washed again and put in cold water for 30 minutes to remove excess bitterness.

Tomatoes are washed, the place of attachment of the stem is cut out. For salads, tomatoes are cut into even slices, and for stuffing, tomatoes are cut off the top and the seeds are removed along with the juice.

Greenhouse, greenhouse and young ground cucumbers are only washed, and overgrown cucumbers are peeled and seeds are removed.

Carrots, zucchini, celery, used fresh in various salads, are peeled, washed and finely chopped into strips, cubes or slices.

In lettuce, green onions, spoiled and wilted leaves are separated, then the greens are washed in cold running water and stored in baskets or sieves in a cold room until use. Dust and sand are shaken off the sorted dill, then the dill is washed and dried.

Mushrooms are sorted by type, removing poisonous and spoiled ones. When cleaning mushrooms, cut off the lower contaminated part of the leg. Peeled mushrooms are washed well, after which they are boiled, salted or pickled.

Gastronomic goods. Salmon, salmon, chum salmon are laid along the spine, the flesh is cut from the bone, the costal bones are removed, and then cut into portions, starting from the tail.

The part of the salmon (white fish and sturgeon) intended for cutting is preliminarily cleaned from the skin; the cleaned part is wrapped in parchment paper, thereby protecting it from weathering.

Herring is cleaned from the skin, the insides are removed and cut into fillets, removing the spinal and costal bones or left on the bones. If the herring is very salty, then it is soaked cleaned for several hours in cold water or in milk.

The ham (ham) is divided into parts, the skin is cut off and cleaned. Ham (roll) is processed in the same way as ham; casings are removed from sausages.

If the ham enters the production of raw, it should be cooked. To do this, the ham is placed in the boiler with the leg up, poured with cold water, leaving the leg of the ham not immersed in water, brought to a boil and set aside on the board of the stove, maintaining the water temperature at 80--85 °. The cooking time depends on the size of the ham and averages for a ham weighing 8-10 kg -- 7-8 hours. Readiness is determined by piercing the soft part of the ham with a needle. If the needle (chef's) enters the pulp freely, without encountering resistance, then the ham is ready. The ham taken out of the water is cooled, putting it with the skin up.

Meat products and poultry. To prepare cold roast beef, a thin edge (back of the head) is cleaned from films and tendons and rummaged over high heat until a toasted crust forms on the surface of the roast beef. Roast beef should be juicy inside and have a reddish color.

For the preparation of dishes such as cold veal, cold pork, cold lamb, use the hind legs and shoulder blades. The legs are fried whole or in pieces, convenient for slicing. At the shoulder, the meat is removed from the bones, rolled up and tied with twine and fried.

The poultry for cold dishes is treated in the same way as for hot ones: the frozen bird is thawed, dried and singeed with a gas burner, after which the neck with the head and legs (above the ankle joint) are cut off. The goiter and entrails are removed from the singed bird, washed, and, giving the carcass a look convenient for further processing, using a chef's needle with a thread or tucking the legs and wings into a pocket, they are fried with fat.

Small poultry is pre-fried until a fried crust is formed and brought to readiness in an oven. A large bird (turkey, goose) is salted, sprinkled with fat and fried in an oven, periodically watering it with the juice released during frying. The readiness of poultry meat is determined using a chef's needle or fork: if the needle enters easily into the soft part of the leg and clear juice is released, then the poultry meat is ready; if the juice is reddish, the poultry meat is not yet ready.

An old bird with tough meat is placed in a deep bowl, poured with fat in which it was fried, a little water is added, covered with a lid and stewed until the poultry meat becomes soft.

Processing and cutting of piglets is carried out as follows: scalded and de-haired piglets are wiped with a clean cloth, rubbed with flour so that the skin becomes dry and the hairs more easily lag behind the surface of the skin, then they are singeed on a non-smoking flame of an alcohol lamp or gas burner. After singeing, the piglets are gutted and washed. The newly killed piglets are placed for 2-3 hours in cold water to remove the blood.

Pigs intended for serving in portions and for preparing aspic, after processing, are wrapped in a clean linen or parchment, tied with twine, put in a fish boiler, poured with cold water, a few finely chopped roots, salt, bay leaf, pepper are added and boiled at a low boil in within 50-60 minutes. With piglets intended for stuffing, after the primary treatment, the skin is removed with part of the pulp (the skin is not removed from the head), the head is left intact and is not separated from the carcass.
Then the skin is sewn along the incision line, leaving a small hole near the neck, through which stuffing is performed. The pulp remaining on the bones is cut off and used for minced meat.

To prepare meat jelly, beef legs and lips, pig heads and legs are carefully singeed; at the same time make sure that the skin and bone are not burned. The scorched parts are cleaned with a knife, and the burnt parts are washed with a brush in warm water.

Fish. For cold dishes, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and beluga are cut as follows: if the fish is frozen, then it is first thawed, and then the head is cut off; for this, on both sides, under the pectoral fins, an oblique incision is made towards the head and the cartilage is cut. After removing the head, the fish is placed with its back up, the upper fin, dorsal bugs are cut off and plaited.

When plating, the fish is cut in the longitudinal direction into halves or links. The incision line during stratification should pass through the middle of the fatty layer of the spinal cartilage and vyazigi. Fish plating is best done not completely thawed. The vyaziga is taken out of the links, after which it is washed and then scalded with hot water to facilitate the removal of small scales and lateral bugs.

Each beluga link, depending on the size of the fish, is cut lengthwise into two or three parts, and then cut across into pieces 30-40 cm long.

After scalding and cleaning, the fish is washed again, put on the grate of the fish boiler skin down, poured with cold water, finely chopped roots, onion, bay leaf, pepper, a little salt are added and brought to a boil. Then the heating is reduced and cooking is carried out without boiling for 40-50 minutes (from the moment the water boils). If the chef's needle enters the flesh freely, the fish is ready. The finished fish is taken out of the broth, the cartilage is removed, the fish is washed with hot water and left for 3-4 hours to cool.

In the absence of fish boilers with grates, the fish is tied with twine and boiled in a shallow dish; in some cases, it is poached in baking sheets in an oven, covered with oiled paper.

For fish jelly, food fish waste is used - skin, fins, bones and heads, from which the gills are previously removed. Fish waste is thoroughly washed and boiled in boilers or pans.

To decorate a dish, the products that make up it are usually selected, cut into various figures, which are placed on top of the dish, giving it a beautiful look. When decorating salads and vinaigrettes, green salad, parsley, celery, etc. are often used. The products that make up the dish and are intended for its decoration are not recommended to be filled with sauce.

Salads are served in salad bowls or deep vases (if several servings are served in one dish).

Marinated and stuffed vegetables should also be served in salad bowls or deep dishes.

Vegetables are decorated with greens, lettuce or green onions, sprinkled with finely chopped dill or parsley on top.

For gastronomic fish dishes, salmon, salmon, balyk are cut into thin, wide pieces, placed on a dish or plate, and lettuce leaves or sprigs of greens, as well as lemon slices, are placed on the sides.

Meat gastronomic products (ham, sausage, etc.) are also cut into thin pieces, placed on one side of the dish, and on the other, a side dish of vegetables and herbs is placed. Vegetables are cut into cubes, even slices, straws or in the form of various figures.

Cold sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and beluga are cut one piece per serving; cutting is done obliquely so that the piece is wide; a piece of fish is placed on a dish or plate and garnished in the same way as meat gastronomy. In addition, finely chopped jelly is served with fish as a side dish; this jelly can be used to decorate a dish by cutting figures out of jelly and placing them around the fish. Horseradish sauce for cold dishes should be served separately in a gravy boat or in a socket.

Roast beef, pork, veal, lamb, stuffed chickens and piglets are cut into 2-3 pieces per serving, put on one side of the dish, and a side dish of fresh, salted and pickled vegetables, jelly, lettuce and greens is placed on the other.

Poultry dishes are served in two pieces per serving: a fillet piece and a leg piece. As a side dish for poultry, you can give, in addition to fresh vegetables, salted and pickled vegetables, as well as berry and fruit marinades. The garnish is placed on one side of the dish, without covering the main product with it; the sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

Each portion of the jellied dish and jelly, if they are not filled in molds, but on baking sheets, is cut out with an oscillating movement of the knife so that the edge is corrugated. Jellied fish and jellies are decorated with salad and herbs, the sauce is served separately. Pates, game cheese are served without a side dish and decorated with salad and herbs. Garnish for dishes should be placed on the right side of the garnished product.

1.4 Technological features of the cold shop

At all stages of the production of cold dishes, there should be no deviations from the observance of personal hygiene rules by employees.

A wide range of cold dishes, a variety of products used for their preparation, as well as ways of culinary processing, high requirements for sanitary conditions require deep and versatile knowledge and practical skills from the chef. Therefore, their production should be entrusted to highly qualified chefs.

To ensure the necessary sanitary quality of cold dishes and high labor productivity, it is necessary to equip the chef's workplace with a sufficient amount of equipment, inventory and tools.

As noted above, the cold shop must be equipped with a refrigerator or other types of refrigeration devices, the capacity of which is calculated by the number of raw materials, semi-finished products and ready meals stored in them. For ready meals in refrigeration units, it is necessary to have shelves.

For cutting meat, fish, gastronomic products, machines such as sausage cutters are needed. For vegetables - vegetable cutters or the simplest devices. You can quickly and beautifully cut eggs on an egg cutter.

To cut bread into sandwiches, you need to use bread slicers.

In the manufacture of many cold dishes (pates, chopped herring, etc.), a meat grinder is used to grind the products, and in some cases a mashing machine, if such complex dishes as game cheese, galantine, etc. are made.

In addition to the usual stove-top boilers that are used for cooking products, special boilers are needed in the cold shop for cooking fish. The workshop should be equipped with utensils for giving dishes a certain shape - baking sheets, molds for jellied dishes, pate bowls and other molds and recesses of various styles and sizes.

To store pickled, pickled vegetables and vegetable marinades, cold sauces, dishes made of non-oxidizing material (stainless steel, ceramic or enameled) are required.

In the manufacture of salads, vinaigrettes in large quantities, the use of conventional boilers is inconvenient: it is difficult to distribute vegetables evenly, as they crumple when mixed.

A baking sheet with high sides that go slightly on a cone is convenient for this purpose. The components of salads, vinaigrettes are laid in it in uniform layers, and two or three times mixing in its transverse direction ensures a uniform composition of the dish.

Along with the usual chef's burdens of large, medium and small sizes, gastronomic burdens, a metal whisk, a mortar and pestle, sieves, sieves and a number of other items that cannot be dispensed with are necessary in the cold shop.

Most of the cold dishes are portioned and processed directly in the workshop, so it is highly desirable to have a closed rack for their storage (preferably a mobile one).

For spices, seasonings, cold sauces, a slide should be equipped in the workshop.

The range of equipment, its performance, as well as the range, capacity and quantity of inventory and tools that a cold shop needs depend on the amount of work and the range of products it produces.

Equipment, inventory and tools should be distributed among the workplaces of the workshop and conveniently located. Everything you need should be at hand so that the cook does not spend too much time on transitions and looking for the right utensils or tools.

The correct equipment of workplaces ensures an increase in labor productivity and allows you to produce high quality products.

2. Cooking vegetable salads

2.1 Commodity characteristics of raw materials for the preparation of vegetable salads

Salads and vinaigrettes are sources of vitamins necessary for humans, and mainly the most deficient vitamin C.

Most salads contain at least 10 mg of vitamin C (per 100 g of lettuce), in a salad with green onions and fresh tomatoes - up to 18 mg%, with fresh cabbage - 26 mg%, and with sweet peppers - up to 40 mg%. It all depends on the choice of products. When used in salads and vinaigrettes, vegetables and herbs rich in carotene (carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, celery and parsley), the content of this vitamin instead of the usual 0.3-0.7 mg% can reach 1 mg% or more (in carrot salad - up to 9 mg%). There are few proteins in salads and vinaigrettes (about 1%), with the exception of those salads in which eggs, boiled meat or fish are added (2-5%). There is very little own fat in vegetables and greens, but since we often season them with vegetable or animal fat, in general, dishes from them contain up to 4-5% fat, and sometimes up to 20%, if the hostess has not stinted on sour cream, mayonnaise or vegetable oil. The content of I carbohydrates usually ranges from 2-7%.

The energy value depends on the amount of fat, meat or fish additives and for vegetable dishes, respectively, ranges from 50-100 kcal, and for meat and fish 200-270 kcal per 100 g.

Vegetables have a pleasant taste and aroma, have a beautiful variety of colors, so they are widely used to decorate culinary dishes and products, which gives them an appetizing look.

Vegetables are classified into two main groups: vegetative and fruit.

Vegetative vegetables:

tubers: potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (ground pear), sweet potato (sweet potato);

root vegetables: carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, white roots (parsley, parsnip, celery), horseradish;

cabbage: white cabbage, red cabbage, Savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi;

onion: onion, leek (green), garlic;

lettuce-spinach: lettuce, spinach, sorrel;

dessert: rhubarb, asparagus, artichokes;

spicy: dill, tarragon, basil, marjoram, etc.

Fruit vegetables:

pumpkin: cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, melons, watermelons;

tomato: tomatoes, eggplant, pepper;

legumes: peas, beans, beans;

cereals: sweet corn.

The nutritional value of vegetables is determined by their content of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other substances.

Vegetables are rich in carbohydrates (starch, sugars, pectins, fiber, etc.). They contain almost all currently known vitamins, except for vitamins B12 and D.

Foods containing a very high percentage of vitamin C include: parsley, dill, green onions, cauliflower, tomatoes, sorrel, etc.

Vegetables colored green or orange-red are rich in carotene (provitamin A): green onions, parsley and dill, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers.

Carrots are rich in vitamin P (flavones and kahetins).

Many vegetables contain organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic, tartaric, etc.), various flavoring, aromatic and tannins, as well as enzymes.

The mineral composition of vegetables containing potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and other elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body is very valuable.

It is especially important that vegetables contain a lot of alkaline elements (potassium, sodium, calcium), thanks to which the ratio of acidic and alkaline elements necessary for the body is maintained.

Vegetables are rich in microelements (cobalt, manganese, nickel, copper, etc.), which are also necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Garlic, onion, parsley, celery and others contain flavoring and aromatic substances that stimulate appetite and release digestive enzymes.
Vegetables such as onions, garlic, horseradish and others contain phytoncides that kill microorganisms or delay their development.

The importance of vegetables in nutrition is very great, and their main advantage lies in the fact that they can be used to prepare a variety of healthy and tasty dishes, side dishes, snacks that are easily digestible by the human body and, in addition, contribute to the better absorption of any other food consumed along with vegetables.

Individual types of vegetables vary greatly in their merits, so it is necessary to use not a monotonous, but a diverse assortment of vegetables for the preparation of vegetable dishes and side dishes.

Vitamins are best preserved in fresh, raw vegetables immediately after they are harvested. Therefore, all kinds of salads from raw vegetables are very useful: cabbage, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, green onions.

Vegetables occupy one of the leading places in the human diet, so public catering enterprises are obliged to offer consumers the largest possible selection of excellent, deliciously prepared vegetable dishes.

2.2 Salad preparation technology

The technological scheme for processing vegetables consists of the following processes: acceptance, sorting, washing, cleaning, washing and cutting.

When accepting, pay attention to the quality and weight of the batch of vegetables. The amount of waste during their processing and the quality of the finished dishes depend on the quality of the raw materials.

Vegetables are sorted according to size, degree of maturity, shape and other characteristics that determine culinary use. When sorting, spoiled vegetables and mechanical impurities are removed. Most vegetables are sorted by hand. In large enterprises, potatoes are sorted in machines.

During washing, impurities are removed. Vegetables are washed in tubs. At large enterprises, tubers are washed in vegetable washing machines. This operation is necessary not only from a sanitary point of view, but also allows you to extend the life of potato peelers, since the sand that gets into them causes premature wear of the moving parts of the machine.

Vegetables are cleaned in special machines or by hand. When peeling, inedible, damaged or rotten parts of vegetables are removed: peel, stalks, coarse seeds, etc. Manual cleaning is carried out with special rooted or grooved knives. A large number of potatoes and tubers are cleaned in vegetable peelers - potato peelers. After mechanical cleaning, the vegetables are manually cleaned and washed.

Consider two ways to prepare salads.

First way. The products are cut into thin slices, mixed, seasoned with sauce or dressing, stacked in a salad bowl, vase or on a plate and decorated with products that make up the salad.

The second way. Part of the products (1/3) is mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise sauce and put in a salad bowl or a vase. Thin slices of meat, poultry, fish, crabs, egg slices or slices are placed on a lettuce hill, depending on the components of the salad; the rest of the products are placed around the slide in small piles. Eggs are cut into slices with a special device. A sprig of greens, parsley or lettuce leaves is placed in the middle of a lettuce slide. Before serving, the vegetables laid around the slide are poured over with dressing or sauce. Salad dressing can be served separately in a gravy boat.

The composition of salads necessarily includes greens - dill, parsley, celery, green onions.

So that the taste and appearance of salads do not deteriorate, it is better to cut and mix products, as well as season salads, just before serving. You can dress the salad with sour cream, mayonnaise or a mixture of them, as well as vegetable oil. If desired, grated and lightly salted horseradish can be added to sour cream, and salad dressing can be prepared with vegetable oil. To do this, the oil must be mixed with vinegar, salt, sugar, mustard, ground pepper (optional), shake the mixture well and pour over salads.

To give salads a spicier taste and smell, crushed garlic can be added.

There are certain rules for preparing salads and organizing a workplace:

Almost all vegetables for salads need to be chopped - the smaller, the denser their tissues (this primarily applies to beets, turnips, celery, carrots). It is enough to cut radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions into slices, and serve tender lettuce leaves whole.

Chopped vegetables should not be kept in water because it extracts valuable mineral salts and nutrients from them. If necessary, longer storage of prepared vegetables is covered with a damp cloth and put in the cold. Cheese must be cut with a knife heated in hot water.

Products intended for the preparation of raw salads should be at room temperature, but it is better if they are cooled to 10 ° C. The combination of hot and cold foods causes their rapid withering, and often spoilage of vegetables and herbs.

To prepare salads, be sure to use enameled, ceramic, glass or plastic dishes. For stirring salads, it is recommended to use wooden, horn or plastic forks and spoons. These devices are also used when serving salads on the table.

The contact of vegetable and fruit juices with pure metal (iron, copper, aluminum, etc.), when interacting with salt and acetic or other acid, gives an unpleasant metallic taste to salads and often causes the formation of toxic compounds.

Salads made from cooked meat and vegetables are seasoned and garnished no earlier than 45 minutes before serving. An exception is salads made from root vegetables (potatoes, sugar or red beets, celery). Overripe salads lose their good looks and taste and can be hazardous to health.

Salad ingredients should be stored in a separate container in the refrigerator until they are mixed.

Ready salads should not be exposed to direct sunlight and temperature changes. The most suitable temperature for salads and mayonnaise is between 4°C and 8°C.

Salads should not be stirred frequently as this increases their exposure to air, resulting in deterioration of their appearance and taste. Vegetables should be put when cooking not in cold, but in boiled water - this way more vitamins are preserved. A lot of vitamins go into a decoction, so you should not pour it out, try to use it for soups, sauces.


Cold dishes and snacks are increasingly used in the nutrition of the population. They occupy an important place in the menu of catering establishments and in the assortment of culinary shops.

Cold meals and snacks are usually served at the beginning of the meal. They complement the composition of the main dishes, decorate the table, satisfy hunger, stimulate the appetite and supplement the nutritional value of diets.

A variety of cold dishes and snacks are classified according to the types of raw materials and methods of preparation.

Cold and heat processing of products included in the recipe of cold dishes and snacks is basically the same as for hot dishes, however, in relation to cold dishes, even more careful compliance with sanitary requirements is necessary during their preparation, storage and sale, since some dishes do not need in heat treatment.

At all stages of the production of cold dishes, there should be no deviations from the observance of personal hygiene rules by employees, and proper organization of the workplace is also necessary.

List of used literature and sources

1. GOST R 50763-2007 Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General specifications.

2. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover of food products and food raw materials in them."

3. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products."

4. Baranov B., Eliarova, T., Lipatova L. et al. Technology of public catering products. Textbook. Dashkov & Co, 2016 - 336s.

5. Bogusheva V. Cooking technology. Phoenix, 2016 - 384s.

6. Vasilyeva I., Myasnikova E., Bezryadnova A. Technology of public catering products. Textbook and practice. Yurayt, 2016 - 414s.

7. Vasyukova A., Lyubetskaya T. Organization of production and service at public catering enterprises. Textbook. Dashkov & Co, 2014 - 416s.

8. Domaretsky V. Technology of public catering products. Tutorial. Forum, 2008 - 400s.

9. Dotsenko V. A practical guide to sanitary supervision of enterprises of the food and processing industry, public catering and trade. GIORD, 2013 - 832s.

10. David E. From vegetables. ABC-Atticus, 2014 - 192s.

11. Potapov I.I., Korneeva N.V. Academia fish and seafood dishes, 2008 - 64s.

12. Potapov I.I., Korneeva N.V. Cold dishes and snacks, Academia, 2008 - 80s.

13. Pokhlebkin V.V. Culinary Dictionary, Tsentrpoligraf, 2002 - 503s.

14. Timofeeva V.A. Merchandising of food products. Textbook. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006 - 260s.

15. Usov V. Organization of production and service at public catering enterprises. Academy, 2012 - 432s.

16. Fedotova I., Restaurant cuisine. Healthy menu. Restaurant News, 2010 - 160s.

17. Fedotova I., Vegetable menu. Restaurant News, 2012 - 160s.

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