Georgian cuisine Adjarian khachapuri recipe. How to cook khachapuri with Adjarian cheese: a recipe with step by step photos

23.06.2020 Salads

Prepare the ingredients.

Examination yeast quality.
Pour 50 ml of warm milk (35-37 ° C) into a small deep bowl, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix.
Crumble the yeast into the milk and stir to dissolve the yeast (it is convenient to mix with your fingers or a wooden spoon).

Put the yeast mixture in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. The yeast should foam up and rise in a "cap".

Advice. If the yeast foams very little or does not foam at all, being in a warm place, this yeast is of poor quality, it is better not to cook with it.

Preparation of yeast dough.
Sift flour (450 g) together with salt (1/2 tsp) into a large bowl.
Make a well in the center of the flour slide and pour 300 ml of water, 50 ml of milk, foamy yeast and an egg into it.
Mix the flour with the liquid ingredients with your hands and knead a not very stiff dough (do not try to knead too much yet - the dough may still be quite viscous).
Sprinkle the table well with flour and put the dough on the flour.
Dust the top of the dough generously with flour and start kneading the dough on the table.
As you knead, gradually dust the table with flour (literally, so that the dough does not stick to the table).
Also, in the process of kneading, lubricate the hands and the table with vegetable oil - this facilitates kneading the dough and improves its taste.
In total, it takes about 15-20 minutes to knead the dough (it can be less, but the longer you knead the dough, the tastier the finished products will be).
When the dough stops sticking to your hands and becomes pleasant to the touch, silky and elastic, you can stop kneading.
Form the dough into a ball and place in a large clean bowl.
Lubricate the dough with a thin layer of vegetable oil, cover with a clean linen cloth and put in a warm place for proofing for 1.5-2 hours.
The dough should increase in volume by about 3 times.
Knead the risen dough with your hands and return it to the bowl under a napkin.
Let the dough rise again in a warm place for about 1.5 hours, until it doubles in size.
Knead the risen dough and divide into 5-6 equal parts (each part weighs about 200 g).
Roll each piece of dough into a ball, spread it on a table dusted with flour, cover with a clean napkin and let it rise a little.

cook stuffing.
Grate cheese on a coarse grater (Imeretinsky, Adyghe cheese or cheese can be kneaded by hand).

To the cheese mass, gradually pour boiled water, at room temperature, stirring constantly, until the mass acquires the consistency of thick sour cream or porridge.

Advice. For real Adjarian khachapuri, they take a young, soft, salted Imeretian cheese - "chkinti-kveli". If you are trying to cook khachapuri outside of Georgia, it is unlikely that you will be able to find the aforementioned cheese of decent quality so easily. It will be easier to find a worthy replacement for him. So, below are a few options for replacing Imeretian cheese:

1. Adyghe cheese (350 g) + suluguni or mozzarella (150 g).

Adyghe cheese is most similar to Imeretian young cheese, but not salty enough. You can add a part of suluguni or mozzarella to the Adyghe cheese, slightly salt the filling and get a version more or less close to the original.

2. Feta or cheese (soaked, unsalted) (350 g) + suluguni or mozzarella (150 g).

Feta or feta cheese is too salty to taste, although they have something in common with Imeretian cheese in their taste and texture. Feta or cheese must be soaked well in cold clean water, often changing the water - the cheese should become almost bland, with a barely perceptible saltiness. We also add a part of suluguni or mozzarella to the soaked cheese.

Note. It is not worth replacing Imereti cheese only with Suluguni cheese. Suluguni is too fatty and stretchy when hot, and when it cools down, it loses its attractive properties both in taste and texture. Therefore, it is better to add it in a small amount to the Imereti, Adyghe cheese or cheese.

Formation khachapuri.
Flatten the dough ball with your hands into a flat cake, about 30-35 cm in diameter, trying to make the bottom as thin as possible in the middle of the cake.

Advice. The size of the "boats" depends on your preferences: like more crispy dough - roll it thinly and the boat will turn out wide; love soft - build a more compact design.

Wrap the edges of the cake with a roller from both sides to the center.

Pinch the ends well.

Carefully transfer the "boat" to a floured baking sheet.
Pull the folded edges apart to make room for the filling.

Put in the resulting "boat" cheese filling.

Thus, prepare khachapuri from the remaining dough.
Bake khachapuri in an oven preheated to 230-260 ° C, about 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.
Carefully remove the baking sheet from the oven and remove part of the cheese filling from the khachapuri.

Khachapuri Recipes

Adjarian khachapuri

4 hours

240 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

Georgian cuisine is distinguished by the brightness of recipes, which are enjoyed by housewives all over the world. One of the officially patented Georgian dishes is khachapuri, a flour product that can be broadly described as a “cheese cake”. However, not all so simple.

There is no exact recipe for this dish - in different parts of Georgia it is cooked in its own way. For example, Megrelian khachapuri are round, and topped with cheese, Racha khachapuri are also round, but their filling is beans with boiled Racha bacon. And I love to surprise guests with Adjarian khachapuri according to a real Georgian recipe - in the form of a spectacular boat filled with egg.

Kitchen appliances: oven.


  • For the test for Adjarian khachapuri, you can take milk mixed with water.
  • Sahara it is permissible to take more - a whole spoonful.
  • fast acting yeast take in the amount of a teaspoon - a little incomplete.

The recipe for Adjarian khachapuri in the form of a boat - with a photo

Video of cooking Adjarian khachapuri

The video shows a master class in cooking a recipe for Adjarian khachapuri in the form of a boat, and you can also see how Adjarian khachapuri is eaten.

Adjarian Khachapuri

Cooking masterpieces -

For khachapuri in Adjarian you need-
300 grams of flour
half tea salt
half tea sugar
tea quick yeast (no slide)
We knead. We insist 4 hours in a warm place.
The filling is a liquid paste of salty and unleavened cheeses.
Bake until golden brown!
Pour the egg into the cheese and put in the oven for another 1 minute! Pepyachnic Instagram - @pepyachnic Pepyachnic Instagram - @pepyachnic


How to eat Adjarian khachapuri

Adjarian khachapuri is eaten in a very special way. The filling is mixed with a fork right in the boat. They break off a piece of the side, dip it in the middle, and eat.

From the number of products indicated in the recipe, I make 2 huge khachapuri. You can divide the dough and filling into 3 or 4 parts - you get smaller portions. Instead of a chicken egg, which is poured into the filling at the last stage, you can take half the protein and the yolk, or 2-3 quail eggs.

They make the filling themselves. from young cheeses- Imeretian, feta, mozzarella, suluguni. You need to try the cheese - if it is too salty, soak it, cutting it into pieces, for 2-5 hours in water. And although there is no such thing in khachapuri recipes, it is worth trying to put a little bit of garlic and dill in the filling.

Ideally, khachapuri is baked, placing a stone in the oven. In principle, you can lay bricks - so that the bottom is moderately fried, and the filling remains semi-liquid.

If you want to get as close as possible to the recipe in Georgian, then the dough for khachapuri in Adjarian needs to be done on matsoni- this is such a Caucasian yogurt. You can make your own matsoni. To do this, add a tablespoon of kefir or sour cream to one and a half liters of milk, wrap it well and wait 5 hours. Then put the product in the refrigerator - matsoni will thicken.

And of course, there are a lot of unified khachapuri recipes that do not require so much time and effort - for example, a quick recipe or in a slow cooker. Such khachapuri, of course, are not made in the form of a boat, they are more like round ones. And the dough on them is kneaded easier - you can do it. Or even simpler - where you can use ready-made pita bread. The recipe is also popular.

In general, khachapuri belongs to those dishes that can have as many nuances in cooking as the hostesses prepare them. Therefore, it remains only to share experience and experience in your kitchen a variety of options for this delicious Georgian pastry. Dear hosts! We are waiting for the descriptions of your secrets in cooking Adjarian khachapuri.

Khachapuri is a dish of Georgian cuisine, which is a flour cake with cheese. Today I offer a recipe for Adjarian khachapuri - we will cook delicious homemade cakes with a lot of soft, even liquid cheese, a delicious egg and delicious bread dough, which we will dip into this very filling.

By the way, I have already shared with you a recipe for awesomely delicious Megrelian khachapuri. This is such a big round cake with a huge amount of melted cheese inside. The dough is soft and very tender. Meanwhile, we will have bread dough for Adjarian khachapuri, the recipe for its preparation is very simple. If you strictly follow the step-by-step instructions, you will be pleasantly surprised by the tenderness and airiness of the crumb.

It must be said that real Adjarian khachapuri is prepared with young soft salted Imereti cheese - chkinti-kveli. However, in Belarus (and indeed outside of Georgia) it is not possible to get such cheese, so it is easier to find a worthy replacement for it. You will find a variant of my filling in the recipe below, but you can also try using feta or cheese instead of Adyghe cheese (pre-soak in water to remove excess salt), and instead of suluguni, take mozzarella.


Yeast dough:


Cooking step by step with photos:

The Adjarian khachapuri recipe includes the following ingredients: premium wheat flour, water, chicken eggs, two types of cheese: Adyghe and Suluguni, fresh yeast, refined vegetable oil (I have sunflower oil) and butter (for serving), salt and sugar . Yeast does not have to be taken fresh - just dry (3 grams is a teaspoon without a slide) or fast-acting (also 3 grams) are perfect. The latter do not need to be activated in the liquid - they are immediately introduced into the flour.

So, first we will make a dough. Perhaps you are asking what a sponge is and what it is for. I won’t write a lot for a long time, that the point is that this is a semi-finished product that is used for baking bread and other bakery products and increases the plasticity of the dough. In other words, this mixture of flour, water and yeast helps to achieve a softer and more porous crumb, as well as a richer taste and aroma of the finished baked goods. We will make a dough of medium density, for which we pour 200 milliliters of slightly warm water into a bowl, crumble 10 grams of pressed yeast there, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly so that the yeast and sugar dissolve.

Mix everything again so that there are no lumps left. We leave the dough to ferment in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. Depending on the room temperature, the fermentation time may vary. A sign that the dough has fermented will be its appearance. First of all, initially not very thick dough will thin even more, increase greatly in volume, it will be riddled with bubbles and begin to settle.

Let's start the test. You can knead such a dough with your hands, but it is more convenient and faster to do it in a dough mixer or bread machine. First, you need the flour to absorb the liquid and the dough becomes relatively homogeneous.

It takes a long time to knead this yeast dough. Hands for at least 15 minutes, the dough mixer (bread machine) will cope in 10 minutes. The dough turns out to be very soft and tender, and even very sticky - this is normal. By the way, if you knead it on the table, help yourself with a scraper. Surely you think that the dough looks like a shapeless sticky mass, right? Yes, that is right. But it is precisely due to the high humidity in the finished form that the dough in Adjarian khachapuri will pleasantly surprise you with its tenderness and porosity.

We grease the bowl with a small amount of vegetable oil (I did not indicate it in the ingredients, but 1 teaspoon is enough for you), put the dough in it and tighten it with a film - it needs rest for an hour. During this time, every 20 minutes you will need to fold the dough so that it is filled with air bubbles. When the first 20 minutes have passed, we begin to fold the dough. This can be done directly in the bowl or by dumping the dough onto a work surface. We grease our hands with vegetable oil. Visually divide the dough into 4 parts, that is, to get 4 sides. With your fingers, lift one edge of the dough (take it straight from the middle at the bottom), stretch it towards you, and then move it to the opposite edge. We do the same with the second, third and fourth sides. The most delicate dough sticks perfectly from the dishes, as we greased it with oil. Turn the dough over and round it with your hands. Wrap with foil again and let rest for another 20 minutes in a warm place. Not to say that during this time the dough will rise strongly - rather, it will spread over the bowl. We fold it again, as I showed above, and again rest for 20 minutes. For the last time, stretch the dough and let it rest for 10-20 minutes.

At this time, we will deal with the filling. To do this, simply rub two types of cheese on a fine grater.

Add about 100 grams of cold water and knead everything thoroughly with your hands. If the filling is not salty, be sure to salt it to taste. In terms of consistency, the cheese filling for Adjarian khachapuri should be tender, soft and poorly kept in shape.

We divide it into 2 equal parts, as we are going to make 2 khachapuri. While we leave the filling on the table and turn on the oven to warm up to 240 degrees.

Then the process of molding future Adjarian khachapuri begins. We take one piece of dough (we will cover the second with a bowl or film so that it does not wind up) and lightly dust it with flour. We stretch the bun of dough with our hands into a fairly thin (about 1 centimeter) square. We do not use a rolling pin so as not to squeeze the air out of the dough.

After that, we twist the dough from both ends so that we get a rectangle with sides and a thin middle. Shake off excess flour with a brush.

It remains to connect the opposite ends in the form of a boat, carefully pinching the seam. Do the same with the second piece of dough.

Ingredients for khachapuri dough:

  • milk - 300 ml,
  • warm water - 50 ml,
  • butter - 70-100 g,
  • yeast - 1 sachet (10 g),
  • salt - 1 tsp without a slide
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.,
  • flour - 4–4.5 tbsp.

Filling Ingredients:

  • sulguni cheese - 250 g,
  • Adyghe cheese - 250 g,
  • butter - 50 g,
  • egg - 7-8 pcs.

Separately: an egg for lubricating the dough and greens for serving.

How to cook Adjarian khachapuri

1. Kneading yeast dough

First of all, we need to knead the yeast dough. Let's start with steam. Pour dry yeast and 1 tsp into a small bowl. sugar, add warm water and dilute the dry ingredients in it. Both sugar and yeast should be completely dispersed.

Pour into a bowl 2 tbsp. l. flour and stir the resulting mass until smooth.

We send the dough to a warm place for 10 minutes, during which time the contents of the bowl should at least double in size.

In parallel, in another container suitable for kneading yeast dough (I have an enamel pan), mix warm milk and melted butter. Add the remaining tablespoon of sugar and salt to this mixture. We stir.

Then we introduce first the dough that came up, then the flour. Add the flour gradually, constantly kneading the dough. It should come out soft, elastic, not sticky at all. Cover the dough with a towel and send it to a warm place to rise.

It is still too early to prepare the filling, because the first 40-50 minutes. we just go about our business, then (after the specified time) we crush the dough and leave it to rise one more time, for the same 40-50 minutes.

2. How to prepare the filling for khachapuri

Now you can turn on the oven to warm up and start filling. As far as I know, the most suitable filling for Adjarian khachapuri is young Imerta cheese, more like slightly salted cottage cheese. The problem is that it is not always easy to find it, because quite often it is replaced by more affordable cheeses: Adyghe, brynza, sulguni. In my case, a combination of Sulguni and Adyghe cheeses is used. We grind them - sulguni on a grater, just crumble the Adyghe one - and flavor it with melted butter.

Stir the filling well and proceed to the formation of khachapuri. To do this, divide the dough into small koloboks (I got 7 pieces), roll each into a cake.

Now about the ways of filling khachapuri with stuffing.

First option. We distribute a thin layer of filling over the entire cake, stepping back from the edges by 1-1.5 cm. Then we carefully twist the edges of the cake, forming a kind of “boat” sides. It turns out that there is cheese filling both in the sides and in the middle of the “boat”.

Second option. We lay out the filling paths along the edges of the cake (see photo), then, just as in the first version, we form the sides, hiding the filling in them. You have a blank with a filling only in the sides, the middle remains empty. Let's fill it up too.

We spread khachapuri on a baking sheet, grease the open parts of the dough with a beaten egg and send it to the oven. Keep in mind that the dough grows 1.5 times during baking, so there should be enough space between the “boats”.

We bake khachapuri until the sides are browned, then we take them out and carefully insert a fresh egg into each “boat”. If you see that there is a lot of cheese filling in khachapuri, and the egg can escape, make a small depression in the filling and insert the egg into it. In general, the main thing in the egg part of khachapuri is the yolk. Therefore, in case of emergency, for example, if the “boat” came out quite small, we separate the protein from the yolk and add only the yolk to the filling.

And now the egg is in place - again we send khachapuri to the oven. We keep them there for about 5 minutes. and take out. Do not stray far from the oven. It is important to catch the moment when the protein has just seized and turned white, and the yolk is still almost raw. Overexpose and get just a pie stuffed with cheese and a baked egg.

I am happy to share a recipe that my family has always met with great pleasure for many years. This is Adjarian khachapuri. My friend, who lived in Georgia for several years and was fond of national cuisine, taught me how to cook this wonderful pastry.

Khachapuri is probably almost the reincarnation of Italian pizza in Georgia. How many different recipes for this pastry exist in her homeland! The Adjarians cook it with a half-baked egg, the Gurians with a boiled egg, the Imeretians without an egg at all, and the result is completely different from what other nationalities do. It seems that Georgian cuisine can satisfy any, even the most picky "taste" for this pastry with cheese!

Let's try to cook Adjarian khachapuri today - in my opinion, the most festive version of this dish.

step by step photo recipe

To bake three khachapuris from Adjara - the famous Adjarian boats - we will use the most affordable products, which is important today.


  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • warm water - 0.5 cups;
  • dry instant yeast - ½ teaspoon;
  • sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • pickled cheese (for example, suluguni) - 300 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking process:

First, of course, let's take a test. Combine water, one egg, yeast, sugar and salt in a bowl.

Mix the prepared ingredients with a whisk.

In parts, we introduce flour into the liquid mixture, be sure to sift it to enrich it with oxygen.

As soon as part of the flour is introduced into the dough, mix everything well.

When all the flour is added to the dough, knead it for several minutes, then leave it to infuse for 40 minutes in a warm place, covered with a towel so that the khachapuri dough does not dry out.

In the meantime, chop the cheese on a coarse grater.

We combine the grated cheese with one egg, add a little salt and black pepper to taste. We mix.

Knead the present lump again and let it brew again, but for 15-20 minutes. Finally, we divide the base into three equal parts.

Roll out each part of the dough into an oval or rectangle with rounded corners.

In the center of the impromptu "pancake" we lay out a third of the previously prepared cheese and egg filling.

We first turn the long edges of the dough to the filling with a tube, and then we connect the short sides, forming a semblance of a boat, as in the photo. The main thing is that the long edges of the Adjarian boats should be as high as possible relative to the filling.

With melted butter using a silicone brush, grease the edges of khachapuri.

We form two more “boats” from the remaining dough and filling. We place everything on a baking sheet greased with butter.

We bake Adjarian khachapuri in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Then we take them out, with a clean egg or a spoon, carefully make indentations in the center of the filling and also carefully drive the egg into it so that the yolk remains in this indentation and the protein evenly spreads over the rest of the filling.

We send khachapuri back to the oven and cook them there for another 5-7 minutes, until the protein seizes.

We serve Adjarian "boats" hot, and always in a good mood!

Cooking Tips:

1. The variety of cheese for the filling can be chosen according to your taste. The main thing in this case is that the cheese is not very wet. Excess water will not allow the flour base to bake well.

2. On ordinary water, the dough for khachapuri is excellent. But it can also be kneaded on the basis of fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk or Georgian matsoni.

3. Water (kefir, fermented baked milk, matsoni) must be warm. This will allow the yeast to disperse better and the dough to rise.

4. If the cheese chosen for khachapuri turned out to be too salty, it can be slightly soaked in cold water.