What does the consumer basket mean? "Minimum set of products" from Rosstat - half-starved level of existence of a working person

28.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Planning grocery shopping a week in advance will save your budget and provide your diet with all the essential nutrients you need. After all, every time you go to the store, you buy excess products and are not always useful. For example, you go hungry in a store and buy a chocolate bar, a sandwich, etc. Going once a week to the store will allow you to buy healthy food for the whole week, and you will not buy various unnecessary products. The list of foods for the week should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, canned food, meat products, side dishes and others. Let's take a closer look at each food group so that you understand how useful and necessary a particular food is. Adjust the amount of food based on your daily calorie needs.


Vegetables contain fiber and should be on your table every day. Vegetables contain various vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, C, PP, P, A. Useful substances, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, boron, nickel , copper. Vegetables are good for the cardiovascular system, for the skin, hair, teeth, nails, improve the metabolism in the human body, make health strong.

List of products (vegetables) for the week:

  • Potatoes
  • Beet
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Radish
  • Broccoli
  • Garlic
  • Beet
  • Beans or peas
  • Red and green pepper
  • Greens

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Fruits are rich in vitamins: C, D, P, groups B, A, E. Beneficial substances in fruits: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, zinc, copper, carotene, folic acid, pectin, potassium, beta-carotene ... Fruits provide a person with useful components, minerals, strengthen immunity and protect our body from environmental influences. Everyone should eat fruit: children, men, women. Several times a week - be sure to eat fruit.

List of products (fruits) for the week:

  • Bananas
  • Tangerines
  • Lemon
  • Oranges
  • A pineapple
  • Apricots
  • Plum
  • Apples

Milk products

Dairy products contain animal proteins that are good for your muscles. Also, dairy products contain fat, this fat is considered not useful, because it is of animal origin, and vegetable fat and omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial. Buy dairy products with a minimum amount of fat, such as 0.5%. Dairy products contain vitamins of group B, A, H, PP, D. Useful substances: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron. Milk is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, in traditional and folk medicine. Low fat milk is good for everyone, and children are advised to drink it from an early age, if there is no allergy. Look carefully at the expiration date on the packaging, because milk and other dairy products can be stored for no more than 5 days. A month you need to eat dairy products for 20-25 days, and take 5-10 days to rest from it.

List of dairy products for the week:

  • Kefir
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Yogurt
  • Sour cream
  • Ryazhenka
  • Snowball
  • Cottage cheese

Garnish products

You can serve porridge, spaghetti and other dishes as a side dish. They contain carbohydrates that provide our body with energy for the whole day. Porridge contains vitamins E, H, PP, group B. Useful substances: calcium, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, nickel, iron, aluminum, zinc, cobalt, iodine, silicon, copper, manganese, boron, vanadium, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, selenium. The vegetable protein included in the composition is useful for maintaining muscle tone. Porridge is good for the gastrointestinal tract.

List of products for a side dish for a week:

  • Noodles (from coarse wheat varieties)
  • Buckwheat
  • Spaghetti
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Potatoes
  • Various cereals

Meat products

Meat contains healthy animal proteins and unhealthy animal fats. For good health, meat should be selected with the lowest fat content. Meat contains vitamins of group B, A, H, C, E, PP, beta-carotene, choline. Useful substances: iron, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, chromium, manganese, copper, zinc. Chicken meat is good for recuperation, for metabolic processes in the body. Vitamins, group B useful for hair, nails, skin. Chicken is good for children, adults and the elderly. Include chicken several days a month in your diet, be sure.

List of meat products:

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Meatballs
  • Cutlets
  • Pork

Fish and seafood

Fish contains omega-3 fats, which are very beneficial. Animal protein to strengthen muscle fibers. Vitamins of group B, A, PP, C, E. Useful substances: potassium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, nickel, iron, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper. Fish and seafood well replenish the reserves of minerals in the body, reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the blood, improve the functioning of the endocrine system and the heart.

List of fish and seafood for a week:

  • Pollock
  • Seaweed
  • Sprat
  • Squid
  • Shrimp
  • Cod
  • Herring
  • Canned fish
  • Pink salmon

Other products for the week

  • Sugar
  • Pepper
  • Yeast
  • Vinegar
  • Various condiments
  • Vegetable and olive oil
  • Black tea
  • Green tea
  • Cocoa
  • Bay leaf
  • Mustard
  • Mushrooms
  • Don't go shopping on an empty stomach. When you are hungry, you are ready to eat everything in unlimited quantities and often pick up all sorts of sweets and other, less useful food. On a full stomach - your thinking becomes reasonable and you can safely buy from a pre-prepared list, food for a week or a month.
  • Shop in a good mood. In a depressed state, you also buy a lot of excess food, sweet, fatty, starchy foods, etc. Thus, you are trying to cheer yourself up. You do not need to do this, if you are in a bad mood, then cheer up and go shopping, only in your right mind and memory, save your budget and take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • Choose a smaller cart or take a basket. Psychologically, when your capacity is small, you tend to buy less food. Thus, unwanted purchases will bypass you. Better to take a basket and here's why. In the cart, you do not feel the weight of the food, and the basket with each food put in it adds weight. Thus, it becomes difficult for you to carry the basket and you want to go to the checkout as soon as possible and pay off, thereby not buying excess food, but only necessary food.

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The cost of the consumer basket directly affects the subsistence minimum, and from 2018 on the minimum wage. The mechanism is as follows: on a quarterly basis, Rosstat calculates the price of a consumer basket, on the basis of which the subsistence minimum is determined. Recall that from May 1, 2018, the minimum wage is 100% of the PM.

We will tell you how much a consumer basket costs in 2018 and 2019. The composition and price for a month of the minimum set of food, non-food products and services that are necessary for survival in the Russian Federation will be presented below.

Legal regulation issues

The current Federal Law "On the Consumer Basket in the Russian Federation as a whole" was adopted by the State Duma on November 20, 2012. Article 1 establishes that the consumer basket is installed at least once every 5 years. That is, this basket should have been revised by the beginning of 2018. However, Article 4 on the validity period was amended by Law No. 421-FZ of 12/28/2017, extending the validity of the "food package" until December 31, 2020 inclusive.

It turns out that since 2013 the set of mandatory products, goods and services has not changed for more than 5 years and will not change in the next 2.5 years.

Federal Law No. 134-FZ of 24.10.1997 "On the living wage in the Russian Federation" (Article 1) establishes the most important concepts related to the topic of this article:

  • consumer basket - a minimum set of food products necessary to preserve human health and ensure his life, as well as non-food products and services, the cost of which is determined in relation to the cost of the minimum set of food products;
  • living wage - the cost estimate of the consumer basket, as well as mandatory payments and fees;
  • in st. 2 of the law determines that the purpose of the subsistence minimum, including the justification of the minimum wage accepted at the state level, the amount of scholarships, benefits, and other social payments.

The same law states that:

  1. the basket is being developed by the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations both at the federal and regional levels; it is enshrined in federal legislation, at the same time a methodology is approved that reveals the features of the formation of a minimum of products.
  2. the constituent entities of Russia are adopting their own acts on this topic. They cannot contain provisions that worsen the position of citizens in comparison with federal law. Thus, in some regions, the situation with the consumer basket (as well as with the minimum wage, the subsistence minimum) may be better than in the country as a whole.

The government gives the regions guidelines for the adoption of local acts, which should take into account the peculiarities of climate, culture, traditions. The main current act is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2013 No. 54 "On the approval of methodological recommendations for determining the consumer basket for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation."

In particular, it establishes 10 natural and climatic zones, each of which has its own specifics in terms of a set of products. Conventionally speaking, the 1st zone is the coldest (North), the 10th is the warmest, while St. Petersburg belongs to the 6th zone, Moscow - to the 7th.

The minimum consumer basket in Russia in 2018 is compiled separately for 3 main groups: able-bodied adults, pensioners and children.

Structure and size of the consumer basket

The paradox of the current basket is that its size is determined by calculating the cost of food items needed by each person. The law does not establish a list of services and non-food products, it only indicates that their price is determined by the ratio to food. Both services and manufactured goods account for 50% of the cost of food. Therefore, the total cost of the consumer basket is determined by the price of the food set multiplied by two.

The cart structure has three components

  1. The minimum set of products, grouped into 11 main groups.
  2. Essentials: clothes, shoes, medicines.
  3. Payments for services, mainly transport and utilities.

Once again, we draw attention to the fact that groups 2 and 3 are only named by law, their exact decoding and the composition of the Federal Law does not contain. In fact, their cost is determined "by eye".

Table: consumer basket 2018-2019 in Russia

The composition and list of the most essential food products for citizens are presented in the table below:

What does the consumer basket look like in 2018 (composition and price per month) across the Russian Federation? On the official website of Rosstat there is a form that shows the cost of a conditional (minimum) set of food products. For comparison, let's take the data for Russia as a whole, Moscow and St. Petersburg:

It looks incredible, especially when you consider that, according to such calculations, a person can spend only 132 rubles a day on food.

Now let's see what is the complete consumer basket in Russia for 2018 (official data from Rosstat on the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services):

Recall that the minimum wage from May 1 is set at 11,163 rubles per month. At the same time, the daily consumer basket of a Russian in rubles (2018, for May) is 502, 37 kopecks. This includes fees for treatment, food, travel, utilities, etc.

Compare consumer baskets

In the USSR, the consumer basket included more products such as:

  • Meat (84 kg, now 58.6 kg)
  • Fish (20 kg, now 18.5 kg)
  • Eggs (280 pcs., Now 210)
  • Milk (380 l, not the current 290)
  • Fruit (80 kg, current value - 60)
  • Vegetables (146 kg, today 114)

Now there is more flour in the consumer basket - from 110 kg to almost 127.

Note that in other countries of the world, not a set of products and services necessary for survival is taken into account, but the composition of goods required to maintain a decent standard of living:

  • there are 475 items in the German basket;
  • in English - 700 (in addition to products and standard services, it includes visits to restaurants, theaters, football, swimming pools, repair costs, etc.);
  • the French additionally takes into account pet food, the cost of beauty salons, taxis, etc.

What the experts say

V. Bobkov, a representative of the Institute of Socio-Economic Population Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, points out that the existing approach does not reflect modern life. Now you cannot do without spending on the Internet, paying for mobile communications and telephones, without loans and deposits, without paid treatment, and tutors. "If all these far from luxurious needs are included in the cost of the consumer basket, then it should increase by 2.5-3 times."

Secretary of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions O. Sokolov also believes that "the consumer basket should correspond to real costs." Notes that food expenses should not exceed 30%. When they are half of the minimum set, it is a sign of the country's poverty.

The trade union leader believes that the basket should include insurance payments and savings, and its size should be at least doubled.

How do they want to change the law?

Until September 2017, Minister of Labor and Social Protection M. Topilin promised that the basket would be revised in favor of increasing the share of meat, vegetables and fruits in it. Instead, the basket was “frozen” until 2021. This happened because of the plans to equalize the minimum wage and the PM, which was done. Obviously, with the change and rise in the price of the minimum consumer set, the PM would also increase, and it would be difficult for the “minimum wage” to catch up with it.

In January 2018, Topilin again heard promises of revision. Then they talked about the fact that the consumer basket may soon be abandoned altogether. Saying that the cost of living can be determined from the median per capita income, and not by the price of the minimum things a person needs.

Many Russian citizens are well aware of such a concept as a living wage. This is an established amount of money, which is recalculated by the Government of the Russian Federation every year. It is very closely related to the consumer basket, so it is important to know what it is and what its composition is in 2018.

A consumer basket is an approximate set (set) of goods used and consumed monthly (or all year round) by one citizen or the whole family. Based on its value at current prices, the minimum amount of money necessary for life, or the same subsistence level, is calculated.

According to another definition, it is the minimum set of food products, certain household goods and services that a person needs to maintain vital functions.

Previously, the minimum amount that a person needs to live was calculated on the basis of the relevant guidelines of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Its composition is reviewed by the Government of the Russian Federation every year and depends directly on prices.

The consumer basket is used as a fundamental criterion when comparing planned and actual costs for various calculations, as well as the basis for calculating the consumer ability of currencies.

Previously, the minimum set of goods and services was calculated in accordance with Federal Law No. 44 "On the consumer basket ...". However, it ceased to operate due to the adoption of Federal Law No. 227, in which the composition of the consumer basket is clearly recorded and described in detail.

According to him, the list of products included in the basket is as follows:

Bakery products;
groats of various varieties;
fresh vegetables and fruits;
meat products;
milk products;
sunflower oil, margarine;

Also, the Government of Russia has determined a clear percentage ratio of the cost of non-food products to the cost of food products:

Non-food products - 1/2 of the price of food products for the population with different purchasing power;
Services - 1/2 of the price of food products for various groups of the population.

For their calculations, the Russian centers of statistics and calculations use different compositions of baskets, which differ from each other depending on the inflation rate.

After eliminating the consequences of the crisis in the economic sphere, the Government of the Russian Federation pays more attention to solving the problem of insufficient welfare of the population. This is reflected in the adoption of decisions to improve the quality and composition of the basket, in particular, to replace meat products and some types of cereals with fresh vegetables and fruits. This is due to the fact that, today, the majority of Russians monitor their health and lead a healthy lifestyle, which is actively supported and promoted by the authorities. Citizens refuse flour products, pastries, cakes, muffins, as well as pasta and heavy food.

These adjustments will be made without fail in 2018, because, according to Russian legislation, the composition of the consumer basket is thoroughly revised once every five years.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the composition of the consumer basket of Russians in 2018 will be revised taking into account the improvement in the quality of food for citizens. Special attention will be paid to the recommendations of nutritionists when making the basket, because they comply with the rules of a healthy diet.

It is worth noting that for each region of the country, an appropriate subsistence minimum is established separately, however, the set of goods and services that are vital for each citizen, at the same time, cannot change.

In the case when the total income of a person is less than the minimum established at the legislative level, the state necessarily assigns material assistance.

The Ministry of Health has decided that the following products must be in the minimum quantity in the new basket:

Floury products;

In large quantities, these products adversely affect human health, not providing the body with the necessary minerals. Therefore, the volume of flour products will decrease by 29 kg per year, and potatoes will decrease by 11 kg. At the same time, it should be noted that the amount of fresh vegetables will increase by 40 kg. The availability of meat and fish products and dairy products will increase insignificantly.

After the amendments are made, a citizen of the Russian Federation will have to eat 100 kg of fruits and vegetables per year.

The costs of citizens for services and goods are calculated as a percentage, not depending on the quantity. For each region, its own cost index is calculated for goods, by the aggregate of which the components of the basket are determined. However, officials have identified certain shortcomings of this calculation system and are gradually making proposals for its improvement.

The calculation method is complex and incomprehensible. For example, when applying it, controversial issues arise regarding the number of certain goods and services per citizen. But experts are of the opinion that only thanks to this system it is possible to adapt consumer baskets to the needs of a particular region.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the grocery part of the basket accounts for about 1/2 of the total cost of living, and the rest is for household goods and some types of services. Fresh fruits and vegetables will be added to the 2018 basket and other adjustments will be made.

Consumer basket price in 2018

An indicator of the well-being of citizens of a state is the minimum subsistence level. This indicator, in turn, affects the composition of the consumer basket. The subsistence minimum is annually recalculated by the country's authorities taking into account inflation and price increases.

The composition of the consumer basket remains practically unchanged - it includes food, things, household chemicals and other items necessary for a normal life of the average Russian. The composition can be calculated for a month or a year.

The government of the Russian Federation declares that the financial crisis has practically been eliminated and the economy is picking up the pace of development again. In this regard, more attention will now be paid to the well-being of the population. The consumer basket set will be improved and refined in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists. In particular, a certain share of meat products will be replaced by fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals. It is planned to reduce the entry into the composition of bakery, confectionery and pasta.

Consumer basket - the price and composition are not finally known at the moment, there are only preliminary data. Since, according to the current legislation, the set of the consumer basket can be revised once every 5 years, the necessary changes and additions will be made in 2018 - the validity of the previous adjustments just expires.

According to preliminary projects, the main changes will affect products that negatively affect the human body and practically do not contain useful substances in their composition: potatoes - minus 11 kilograms from the previous annual norm; flour products - minus 29 kilograms, taking into account the popularization of a healthy lifestyle among Russians.

The entry of some croup will be reduced. But fresh vegetables and fruits will definitely be added - the annual rate for an adult is 100 kilograms.

The officials decided to make the consumer basket of Russians healthier. Now it contains a lot of potatoes and bread, but little meat, vegetables and fruits.

This initiative is not so much about a balanced diet as about public finances. The BBC's Russian service figured out how much the grocery basket would rise in price and what else would the "healthier" diet of Russians lead to.

The minimum wage (minimum wage) will be equated to the subsistence minimum since May 2018, President Vladimir Putin, who is running for a new term, promised the other day. The Ministry of Labor has already published a corresponding bill.

The subsistence minimum is the minimum set of products, goods, services and mandatory payments that, according to officials, are necessary for survival in the country. Now it is 15% higher than the minimum wage.

But the products in the minimum set do not meet the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, says Labor Minister Maxim Topilin.

In the current basket there is an overload of bread products and potatoes. Conversely, there are not enough meat and fish products, vegetables and fruits. The main task of the new consumer basket is to bring the set of food products closer to the optimal one.

By law, the current consumer basket had to be revised by 2018. But in September 2017, at the initiative of the Ministry of Labor, its renewal was frozen for three years. Thus, the new basket will appear by 2021. By this time, Minister Topilin proposed to make her healthier.

The current minimum set of food products is based on the real consumption of 20% of the poorest population, says Lilia Ovcharova, director of the Independent Institute for Social Policy at the Higher School of Economics. Consumption has even worsened in recent years, she admits.

"Since our real money incomes have been falling for three years, the changes are as follows: the quality characteristics of food consumption have worsened and the share of spending on food has increased," says Ovcharova.

And this is not the only proposed change. The department advises to change the consumption structure. For example, the Ministry of Health proposes to cut the consumption of bread by almost a quarter, potatoes by 10%, and eggs by 20%. Instead, you need to significantly increase your intake of fresh fruits, meat, vegetables and fish.

If the new basket is drawn up taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, and not just actual consumption, Russia will move "from the minimum consumption standards to rational ones that correspond to the modern understanding of healthy eating," Ovcharova does not rule out.

The press service of the Ministry of Labor did not tell the BBC Russian service how the healthier grocery basket would rise in price, explaining that there were no such calculations yet. In 2018, the Ministry of Labor is only planning to create a working group to develop it.

If the products in the consumer basket meet the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, they could rise in price by 15%, Ovcharova suggests.

The rise in price may be less - by 7% for the working-age population and 10% - for the general population.

When calculating the cost of the "basket of the Ministry of Health", we used the average prices for products of the category for January-November 2017 from Rosstat. When determining the price, we took into account the cheapest possible analogs. For example, the price for 1 kg of frozen uncut fish (150 rubles per kg), while cut fish costs one third more. In the absence of a price for any category in Rosstat, we used the cheapest analogue. For example, the price of "other fruits" was the price of bananas. Since the Ministry of Health indicated the weight of products in terms of raw materials (milk, flour), we used the corresponding coefficients in the calculations. The annual ration offered by the Ministry of Health was recalculated for a month and a day. When determining the cost of the grocery basket, which is used to determine the subsistence level, we used Rosstat data on the subsistence level and the share of food products in its composition for the 1st-3rd quarter of 2017.

If officials change the shares of certain products in the virtual basket, the population can "ignore" these changes.

"If you give people who live on a living wage an additional, say, 400 rubles, they will not spend it on fish. They will still spend it on other food - bananas, bread, to get calories, not proteins," the deputy said Vice-rector of the Russian School of Economics Oleg Shibanov.

Now the national average indicators, calculated taking into account the consumption of all segments of the population, greatly fall short of the "menu for the Ministry of Health".

The average consumption of bread, pasta and cereals per capita in 2016 exceeded the norm by 18%, potatoes - by 20%, and sugar and confectionery - by 38%. At the same time, fresh fruit was consumed 61% less than the norm.

The increase in the cost of the basket will lead to an increase in the subsistence minimum, as well as the minimum wage - after it is equalized with the subsistence minimum. According to Ovcharova, a 15% increase in the price of food will lead to an increase in the cost of the entire consumer basket by 7.5%, since food products in the structure of the cost of living of the working-age population in 2017 occupied an average of 44%.

And this, in turn, will lead to an increase in government spending on social benefits, which are tied to the minimum wage and the living wage. First of all, these are federal payments - for example, compensation received by pensioners whose pensions are below the subsistence level in the region.

According to Ovcharova, each constituent entity has two or three more regional payments - there are about 400 of them.

It is not yet known what expenses this will require from the state. But, for example, just to increase the minimum wage by 15%, bringing it to the subsistence level, the state has pledged 70 billion rubles in 2018-2019.

It is possible that the improvement of the basket will affect the labor market as well. According to the Ministry of Labor as of April 2017, 4 million Russians receive wages below the subsistence level. Shibanov points out that these are employees of both budgetary organizations and private companies.

"Some private companies work like this - the employer officially pays the minimum wage, and transfers the rest in an envelope or something else," says Shibanov.

In addition, for these employers, an increase in the minimum wage will lead to an increase in taxes. "Usually, additional business costs lead to a general rise in prices, this translates into inflation," the expert adds. According to him, the growth of inflation in this case will be small and may amount to 0.2%.

Daily consumer basket in 2018

Before proceeding with a detailed examination of this topic, it is worth deciding on the concept of a consumer basket (PC) - one of the basic ones in the economy.

So, a consumer basket is called a certain set of services and goods that ensures a full-fledged living of a person throughout the year and satisfies his needs at the minimum acceptable level.

In Russia, it is of considerable importance, especially when calculating the minimum wage, other social payments, and determining the purchasing power of the population. The composition of the PC, as well as its cost, are updated periodically and change based on certain realities. Today, for example, many citizens are concerned about the current composition of the PC.

The concept of a consumer basket is available in all countries of the world, and if you compare its composition in Russia and in civilized European countries and America, the situation will turn out to be disappointing. So, the PC of England includes 350 goods and services, Germany - 475, the States - 300, and in Russia - 156.

Once every few years, the composition of the consumer basket, its value, are reviewed and compiled anew. An updated version is being considered and further developed, which to a greater extent meets the current needs of the country's citizens.

The PC mainly includes those goods and services, without which a person cannot live in comfort for one year (all calculations are made for one year). However, if you plunge into the affairs in more detail, then with the naked eye you can see that the bulk of the numbers and indicators are either underestimated or absolutely do not correspond to modern realities. Therefore, all the arguments and questions that have arisen from the citizens of the country that the PC in the new year should be completely revised are not based on an empty space.

There are several types of consumer basket based on the categories of citizens for whom it is compiled:

1. For children.
2. For citizens of working age.
3. For citizens of retirement age.

Today, many are worried about the composition of the consumer basket in the new year. After all, the standard of living of the country's population depends on what will be officially included in it.

Accordingly, the bulk of the list consists of food items. Food is the main part of the consumer basket, because without it there is no need to talk about any comfortable and full-fledged life of a person. By the way, in the PC of Western countries, products make up only a quarter of the entire basket. The reason lies in the following: in the West, not only the basket is "richer", but not so much money is spent from family budgets on food.

Food products are complemented by clothing, household appliances, medicines, footwear. The third conditional group includes all kinds of services that a person also needs for one year.

This includes:

Utility bills payments;
payment for transport;
trips to cultural events.

With a more detailed and accurate study of the numbers, you can see the following picture.

For an adult, the Government of the Russian Federation officially assigned:

Potatoes - 1 ton;
various vegetables - 115 kg;
various fruits - 60 kg;
bread, other flour products - 127 kg;
meat - 59 kg;
fish - 18 kg.

Bread - 300 grams;
potatoes - 280 grams;
milk and dairy products - 80 grams;
fish - 50 grams;
meat - 160 grams.

If evaluated objectively, these figures are simply mocking and do not stand up to criticism at all.

The cost of the consumer basket is no less interesting. According to experts, the cost of a PC in the new year is set at around 10,000 rubles. However, one must remember that a lot depends on the specific region for which the calculations are being made, as well as on the store from which the set set of products was purchased. For example, if the purchase took place in economy class stores, then the cost of a PC can be about 5,000 rubles.

The cost of the consumer basket in 2018, according to the latest news, should change upwards. Analysts explain this by the fact that the situation in the country has changed dramatically, the incomes of many citizens have decreased, prices, on the contrary, have increased.

But even the most negative conditions will not be able to stop the gradual rise in the cost of PCs. The value level will continue to rise in a sequential order, without speeding up rapidly or slowing down more than necessary.

And although the exact amount of growth is difficult to name now, analysts say that it will vary within 500 rubles. This is exactly what it has been in many regions of Russia in recent years. In other words, on a quarterly basis, consumer spending can be expected to grow by about 150-200 rubles, no more.

However, based on the experience of previous years, it can be understood that there will be no significant and qualitative improvement in the basket.

In past years, it did not rise in price much (the increase was about 3-4%, which did not reach the inflation rate of that time), but today it has completely lagged behind. After all, the increase in prices, the decrease in the income of citizens, the general situation with the loans of Russians - all this literally emptied the baskets. It is simply unrealistic to feed yourself and your family with such indicators.

The table shows the official data on the composition of PCs in different regions of the Russian Federation:

Kostroma region

Moscow region

Murmansk region

Leningrad region.

Nizhny Novgorod region.

St. Petersburg

Bread products, kg

Potatoes, kg

Vegetables, kg

Fruit, kg

Sugar, confectionery, kg

Milk, dairy products, kg

Vegetable oil, kg

Other products, kg

Non-food products, %

Since the composition of the PC is established at the level of regional laws, the numbers for each region of the country are different.

In 2018, a festive table for the New Year will be released for Russians on average 5,790 rubles. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of food on the festive table has increased by 28% compared to last year.

By tradition, the festive consumer basket includes 23 products: vegetable pickles, red caviar, raw smoked sausage, fish and meat smoked meats, fresh vegetables, cheese.

Often as hot, Russians choose 1 kg of chicken and 1 kg of beef, and dessert - oranges and bananas (1.5 kg each), lemons (0.2 kg), cake (about 1.0 kg) and chocolates (0, 5 kg).

The drinks table usually contains juices, carbonated drinks, mineral water, cognac, champagne.

According to statistics, due to the rise in prices for many products this year, 63% of the country's residents plan to cut spending on New Year's holidays. To a greater extent, the savings will affect gifts and various delicacies. On average, citizens plan to spend about 17,000 rubles this year on New Year's celebrations.

The real rise in the inflation rate and the price index is seen with the naked eye. Almost every citizen of the Russian Federation has experienced the increase in the cost of the main components of the consumer food basket as a result of the depreciation of the ruble and the imposed ban on imports from abroad.

Obviously, in connection with this, in 2016, the cost of living and wages should objectively increase. However, in the conditions of a systemic crisis, the state entered a mode of economy and cannot afford investments in the social sphere.

Consumer basket of Ukraine in 2018

The required minimum of the composition of the consumer basket in Ukraine has remained unchanged since 2000, although it is established by law to update it every five years. The Cabinet of Ministers returned to the issue of revising the consumer basket in 2015. Since that time, the consumer basket for Ukrainians has been revised annually.

Last year, the government radically revised the composition of the consumer basket and made changes to almost all sets: increased consumption rates in some food products, updated the list of necessary medicines and hygiene products, increased the number of shoes and clothing items, etc. However, looking closely at the food norms, which are indicated mainly in kilograms, and dividing these values \u200b\u200bby 365, you get daily norms that are not at all encouraging. It seems that the subsistence minimum is not formed on the basis of the composition of the consumer basket, but on the contrary - the values \u200b\u200bof the norms in the consumer basket are matched to the already accepted amount of the subsistence minimum. However, you can draw your own conclusions. Below are the most interesting sets and norms of the consumer basket in Ukraine in 2018.

The table below shows food sets for children in kilograms per 1 child for 1 year:

The product's name

Child's age

up to 6 years

from 6 to 18 years old

Bread products:

wheat bread

rye bread

Wheat flour







others (barley, pearl barley)








Melons (watermelons, melons)

pome fruits, apples

berries and grapes

citrus and other tropical fruits

stone fruits (plums, apricots)


Fruit, berry and vegetable juices

Dried fruits


Sunflower oil

Eggs (pieces)

Milk and dairy products:


fermented milk drinks

soft cheese

sour cream

hard cheese


Meat and meat products:





boiled sausage, sausages, sausages

semi-smoked sausage

meat balyk, shank, carbonate


Fish and seafood:

fresh fish, freshly cut

herring, fish products

Spices (bay leaf)

The table below shows food kits for the working-age population and persons who have lost the ability to work.

The rates are indicated in kilograms per 1 person for 1 year:

The product's name




Bread products:

wheat bread

rye bread

Wheat flour







others (barley, pearl barley)


Vegetables (including salted, pickled):


tomatoes cucumbers




other seasonal vegetables (squash, pumpkin)

Melons (watermelons, melons)

Fruits and berries:

fruits, fresh berries

dried fruits


included in sugar

Sunflower oil

Eggs (pieces)


Milk and dairy products:


fermented milk drinks (kefir, ryazhanka)

soft cheese

sour cream

hard cheese

processed cheese, feta cheese


Meat and meat products:







Fish and seafood:

fresh fish, freshly cut


fish products

Ground coffee beans

Spices (bay leaf)

The table below shows the minimum kits of basic necessities, sanitation and medicines for 1 year:

Name of product


Warranty period, years

Detergents and cleaning products:

toilet soap (100 gr.)

laundry soap (250 gr.)

synthetic detergents (500 gr.)

shampoo (250 gr.)

shoe polish (50 gr.)

Hygiene products:

toothpaste (75 gr.)




sanitary paper products

Sanitation items and medicines:

cotton wool (250 gr.)


vasodilators - tablets, validol (10 pcs.)


valerian, tablets, 10 pcs.

corvalment, tablets, 30 pcs.

corvalol, drops

antipyretic - paracetamol, tablets, 10 pcs.

pain relievers and antispasmodics:

analgin, tablets, 10 pcs.

dotaverine tablets, 10 pcs.

sorbent - activated carbon, tablets, 10 pcs.

antihistamines - loratadine, tablets, 10 pcs.


ibuprofen tablets, 50 pcs.

nimesulide, tablets, 30 pcs.

eye drops - sulfacil, 200 mg / ml

antiseptic - fupacilin, tablets, 10 pcs.


iodideserine solution, 25 ml

brilliant green, solution, 25 ml

bactericidal adhesive plaster, 10 pcs.

medical thermometer

The table below shows a set of housing and communal services:

Name of service

unit of measurement

Quantity per year

Quantity per month

Housing use

m 2 total area for 1 person.

Centralized cold water supply

m 3 for 1 person.

Centralized sewerage

m 3 for 1 person.

District heating

Gcal per 1 m 3 of the heated area during the heating period

Centralized hot water supply

m 3 for 1 person.

Gas supply

m 3 for 1 person.

Power supply

kWh for 1 person

In addition to the above sets, the consumer basket of Ukraine in 2018 also includes norms on nutritional composition for adults and children, a minimum set of wardrobe for men, women and children, textile underwear, household and household goods, services of cultural institutions, information and communications, household and transport services.

A large number of points indicate a high level of the country's economy.

But some products are usually missing from any listings:

Alcoholic beverages;
luxury goods.

Although, according to France, the required minimum of things includes:

food for cats and dogs;
liquid soap;
a visit to the hairdresser;
hair styling products.

Germany considers beer to be vital. And in the UK they removed from the basket:

Visiting nightclubs;
contact lenses;
organic products.

But they allowed:

Play computer games;
drink expensive liqueurs;
buy chocolate;
semi-finished poultry products.

The total number of points in the English basket reaches 704.

The United States especially distinguished itself. They update the composition of the basket every year and make calculations at real prices for goods and services. In this case, the average family of four is taken as a basis.

To determine the minimum required amount of money on which a certain person or family can live for a month, the concept of a consumer basket was introduced. It is also used to compare the real and estimated levels of acquisition of certain goods, to calculate and determine each of the currencies.

Legislative regulation

Before you can define the baskets, you need to find out its composition. It is on the number of products included in it and the prices for them that how much money everyone needs to spend on living will depend. The composition of this basket was approved by the relevant federal law of 2012 for three main groups of people, children and pensioners.

The grocery basket for Russian citizens consists of 11 items. Separately, it is indicated that the cost of non-food products is set at 50% of the cost of food, the same percentage is determined for services. But in the previous legislative acts, the necessary norms were calculated for paying for services, buying clothes and basic necessities.

Minimum set of products

At the federal level, a minimum amount of food was determined that must be consumed by different categories of the population per year. Thus, the law establishes such norms for children, pensioners and the working-age population.


Able-bodied population

Bread (including cereals, pasta, beans, bread in terms of flour)

vegetables and melons


fresh fruits

sugar and confectionery (converted to sugar)

fish products

meat products

dairy products (converted to milk)

fats, including vegetable oil and margarine

other products (spices, tea, salt, etc.)

The annual nutritional set for every resident of Russia looks exactly like this. The grocery basket for a month looks the same. Its composition is no different, just the number of products from each category can be divided by 12, and you will find out how much meat or bread you should eat within 30 days. By the way, if it seems to you that the tables give too large and unrealistic numbers, then to determine the average daily norm, simply divide each of the indicators by 365. So you will find out that an adult can eat about 275 grams of potatoes per day, 300 - other vegetables and slightly more than half an egg. The daily allowance for meat is 160 grams and for fish 50 grams. True, in some regions the set of its components may differ.

How is the composition of the basket determined?

Looking at what a grocery cart includes, many are perplexed. They are interested in what the legislators are based on when they allocate, for example, 88 kg for a child and 80 kg of potatoes for a pensioner. To understand this, you need to understand how it is composed. First of all, keep in mind that it must be updated at the legislative level at least 1 time every 5 years.

When updating the basket, its biological and, of course, nutritional value is taken into account. It is believed that each new set of products should be better and more useful than the previous one. That is why, at the legislative level, more meat, milk, fish products and eggs, fruits and various vegetables are laid in it. But the share of potatoes, bread products, fats is gradually decreasing.

Also, the grocery basket takes into account the content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and the amount of kcal in it is also determined. These indicators must necessarily comply with the standards established for each category of the population.

What is a consumer basket for?

In many countries, it is customary to determine the minimum set of products and goods that are necessary for living. Based on its cost, the minimum estimated amount that a person can live on is calculated. Of course, the established set is more theoretical in nature, because it is not enough for a full life. The subsistence minimum and the consumer basket are two interrelated concepts, because the first indicator is determined based on the cost of the second.

It is the subsistence minimum that is taken as the basis for calculating various social benefits, determining the amount of benefits and other payments. By the cost of the consumer basket, it is easy to determine the level of inflation; it is enough to calculate how much it has grown over the billing period.

Is it possible to live on the estimated amount?

Seeing the composition and cost of the food set, the amount allocated for services and others, many are interested in whether it is realistic to exist for a month on such a ration. If you decide on such an experiment, then keep in mind that you will have to give up many habits. For example, a grocery basket does not include alcohol. You will hardly be able to purchase overseas fruits for the allocated amount, you will have to be content with the cheapest apples, although in winter they will become something inaccessible.

The living wage does not mean that you want to develop culturally, so going to the cinema, museums or theaters is also prohibited. At the same time, keep in mind that you need to pay for utilities, set aside a certain amount for global purchases (and this includes the purchase of outerwear and shoes).

So, the calculated cost of the consumer basket for 2014 is 6300 rubles for an adult, 6400 for a child, 5400 for a pensioner.

Subsistence minimum\u003e M-P

The value of the subsistence minimum for 3rd quarter of 2018 established by the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1465-PP dated December 04, 2018:

The cost of living for the fourth quarter of 2018 is expected in March 2019.

On establishing a value subsistence minimum pensioner 2019 year

This Law, in accordance with clause 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", establishes in the city of Moscow the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension for 2019.

Set value subsistence minimum pensioner 2019 year in size 12115 rubles.

To invalidate from January 1, 2019 the Law of the City of Moscow dated October 25, 2017 No. 37 "On establishing the size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension for 2018".

On establishing a value subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for III quarter 2018 g.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow of May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:

1. Set the value subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for III quarter 2018 year:

16260 rubles;

18580 rubles;

For retirees - 11505 rubles;

For children - 13938 rubles.

2. Establish that, prior to the establishment of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2018, in order to make social payments, in the appointment (provision) of which the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow, determination of the terms of payment for the provision of social services, provision of free legal aid within the framework of the state system of free legal aid in the city of Moscow, the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development Rakova A.V.

On establishing a value subsistenceminimum pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to the pension for 2018 year

This Law, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation", establishes in the city of Moscow the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension for 2018.

Article 1. The size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension

Set value subsistenceminimum pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to the pension for 2018 year in size 11816 rubles.

Article 2. Conditions for establishing and paying regional social supplements to pensions in the city of Moscow

The conditions for establishing and paying regional social supplements to pensions in the city of Moscow are determined by the Moscow Government.

Article 3. Invalidation of the Law of the City of Moscow

To recognize as invalid from January 1, 2018 the Law of the City of Moscow dated September 28, 2016 No. 29 "On establishing the size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension for 2017".

Quarter year Per capita For able-bodied
For retirees For children Document
3 quarter 2018 16260 18580 11505 13938 No. 1465-PP dated 04.12.2018
2 quarter 2018 16463 18781 11609 14329 No. 1114-PP dated 09.19.2018
1st quarter 2018 15786 17990 11157 13787 No. 526-PP dated 06/05/2018
4th quarter 2017 15397 17560 10929 13300 No. 176-PP dated 03/13/2018
3 quarter 2017 16160 18453 11420 13938 No. 952-PP dated 05.12.2017
2 quarter 2017 16426 18742 11603 14252 No. 663-PP dated 12.09.2017
Q1 2017 15477 17642 10695 13441 No. 355-PP dated 06/13/2017
4th quarter 2016 15092 17219 10715 12989 No. 88-PP dated 03/07/2017
3 quarter 2016 15307 17487 10823 13159 No. 794-PP dated 11/29/2016
2 quarter 2016 15382 17561 10883 13259 No. 551-pp dated 09/06/2016
1st quarter 2016 15041 17130 10623 13198 No. 297-pp dated 05/31/2016

On establishing a value subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for II quarter 2018 g.

1. Set the value subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for II quarter 2018 year:

Per capita - 16463 ruble;

For the able-bodied population - 18781 ruble;

For retirees - 11609 rubles;

For children - 14329 rubles.

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development Rakova A.V.

06 setting the value subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for I quarter 2018 g.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow of May 15, 2002 No. 23 "0 living wage in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:

1. Set the value subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for I quarter 2018 year:

Per capita - 15786 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 17990 rubles;

For retirees - 11157 rubles;

For children - 13787 rubles.

2. Establish that, prior to the establishment of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018 in order to make social payments, when assigning (providing) which, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow, determination of the terms of payment for the provision of social services, provision of free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

On establishing a value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for IV quarter 2017 g.

1. Set the value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for IV quarter 2017year:

Per capita - 15397 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 17560 rubles;

For retirees - 10929 rubles;

For children - 13300 rubles.

2. Establish that, prior to the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2018, in order to make social payments, in the appointment (provision) of which, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow, determination of the terms of payment for the provision of social services, provision of free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

On establishing a value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for III quarter 2017 g.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:

1. Set the value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for III quarter 2017year:

Per capita - 16160 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 18453 ruble;

For retirees - 11420 rubles;

For children - 13938 rubles.

2. Establish that, prior to the establishment of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2017 in order to make social payments, when assigning (providing) which, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow, determination of the terms of payment for the provision of social services, provision of free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

On establishing the size of the subsistence minimum pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to the pension for 2017 year

This Law, in accordance with clause 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation" establishes in the city of Moscow the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension for 2017.

Article 1. The size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension

pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to the pension for 2017 year in size 11 561 ruble.

Article 2. Conditions for establishing and paying regional social supplements to pensions in the city of Moscow

The conditions for establishing and paying regional social supplements to pensions in the city of Moscow are determined by the Moscow Government.

Article 3. Invalidation of the Law of the City of Moscow

To recognize as invalid from January 1, 2017 the Law of the City of Moscow dated October 21, 2015 No. 58 "On establishing the size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension for 2016".

On establishing a value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for II quarter 2017 g.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 No. 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:

II quarter 2017 year:

Per capita - 16426 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 18742 ruble;

For retirees - 11603 ruble;

For children - 14252 ruble.

On establishing a value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for I quarter 2017 g.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:

1. To establish the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for I quarter 2017 year:

Per capita - 15477 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 17642 ruble;

For retirees - 10965 rubles;

For children - 13441 ruble.

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

On establishing a value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for IV quarter 2016 g.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 No. 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", in order to preserve social stability, the Moscow Government decides:

1. To establish the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for IV quarter 2016 year:

Per capita - 15092 ruble;

For the able-bodied population - 17219 rubles;

For retirees - 10715 rubles;

For children - 12989 rubles.

2. Establish that, prior to the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2017, in order to make social payments, in the appointment (provision) of which, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on the living wage in the city of Moscow, determining the terms of payment for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal aid within the framework of the state system of free legal aid in the city of Moscow, the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2016 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

On establishing a value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for IIIquarter 2016 g.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow of May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", in order to maintain social stability, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Set the value subsistenceminimum in the city of Moscow for IIIquarter 2016 year:

Per capita - 15307 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 17487 rubles;

For pensioners - 10,823 rubles;

For children - 13,159 rubles.

2. Establish that, prior to the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2016, in order to make social payments, when assigning (providing) which, the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow, determination of the terms of payment for the provision of social services, provision of free legal aid within the framework of the state system of free legal aid in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2016 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

On establishing the size of the subsistence minimumpensionerin the town Moscowin order to determine the regional social supplement to the pension for2016 year

Article 1. The size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to pension

Set the size of the subsistence minimum pensionerin the town Moscowin order to determine the regional social supplement to the pension for 2016 year in size 11 428 rubles.

On the establishment of the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2016

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:

1. To establish the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2016:

Per capita - 15382 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 17,561 rubles;

For pensioners - 10883 rubles;

For children - 13259 rubles.

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

On the establishment of the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2016

1. To establish the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2016:

Per capita - 15,041 rubles;

For the working-age population - 17,130 rubles;

For pensioners - 10,623 rubles;

For children - 13,198 rubles.

2. To establish that before the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2016 in order to make social payments, in the appointment (provision) of which the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow, determination of the terms of payment for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal aid within the framework of the state system of free legal aid in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2015 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

О6 establishing the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2015

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the living wage in the city of Moscow", in order to preserve social stability, the Moscow Government decides:

1. To establish the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2015:

Per capita - 14,413 rubles;

For the able-bodied population - 16 438 rubles;

For pensioners - 10,227 rubles;

For children - 12 437 rubles.

2. To establish that before the establishment of the subsistence level in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2016 for the purpose of making social payments, in the appointment (provision) of which the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow is taken into account and (or) the amount of the social benefit depends on the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, the value of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2015 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to LM Pechatnikov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

How is the cost of living inMoscow.

Moscow city law" About the cost of living inthe city of Moscow "No. 23 May 15, 2012 determines the procedure for establishing the size of the subsistence minimum for various groups of the population.
In turn, the composition of the consumer basket is established by Law No. 32 of June 19, 2013 "On the consumer basket in the city of Moscow".
H this is included in the consumer basket: food, non-food products, services.
E units of measurement and consumptionindicated on average per person, for three main socio-demographic groups (able-bodied population, pensioners, children).

Food (consumption is indicated on average per person per year).
The average ratio of the cost of non-food goods and services to the cost of food products (in percent) has been established.

Product name

unit of measurement

T ore population



Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals, legumes)










Vegetables and melons





Fresh fruits





Sugar and confectionery products in sugar terms





Meat products





Fish products