Exchange money for time: personal chef. Collection - Pure alcohol

29.02.2024 Pasta

The bartender will ask you to turn off the brain burner under the radar, for which you will need protection from psi radiation, which fortunately you already have. But.. He will inform you that the head of the Duty base needs a volunteer to complete difficult tasks. (If this does not happen, complete the task from the bartender to improve his attitude towards you).

If you want to see one of the false endings (make a wish to the Monolith), then now is the best time to decide on it (for more information about endings, see the section “Walkthrough of the game Stalker Location Pripyat”.

To get to Voronin, exit the bar (there is an Arena sign ahead), turn right, then left, then talk to the military, who will let you through further. In the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, the passage at the end will directly depend on the decisions you make now.

Voronin will give you something to do to steal the Bulldog 6 grenade launcher from the Svoboda group's warehouse. To do this, you will have to gain the trust of Svoboda... by getting their cook drunk. Among Voronin's additional quests, you should immediately take the quest to find a modified rifle. The exit from the base will be different this time, so follow the location indicated on the map.

Appearing in a new location, you will see well-armed stalkers. Search their victims - you will find vodka, first aid kits, grenades. After talking with the stalkers, you will be offered to help in the destruction of Freedom, but Voronin strictly forbade doing this. .. But I simply do not recommend it, for the following reasons.

The task that you will receive from the Skull (the commander of the group of stalkers) is to kill a sniper. In the hut with a roof there will be “Wind of Freedom” armor, but as stated above, it is ineffective. When you get closer to the sniper, it's great if you have a weapon with good optics, otherwise you'll have to shoot for a long time. After killing the sniper, you can return to the Skull, who will pay 4,000 thousand and ask you to accompany you on a destructive mission, in which your task will be to help remove several snipers, Freedom warriors, and help kill Lukash, the commander of the Freedom group. The chances that the Skull will survive are small, so it is necessary to cover it, but it is far from certain that this will be successful. If he is killed before you kill Lukash, his deputy will give the command to retreat. If he is killed after killing Lukash, then most likely the quest will not be protected. As you can see, the probability of a successful outcome is very low.

Alternatively, complete the quest correctly. And here there are 2 options (immediately run for the weapon) or do as prescribed by the plot.

To complete the passage of Shadows of Chernobyl according to the plot, go to the territory of Freedom, in principle the guys are quite friendly. Talk to the elder at the outpost, he will give you the coordinates of the cook and tell you that the main one at the base is Lukash.

A conversation with the cook will amuse you a lot, especially the reaction to “good afternoon” is completely inadequate. Topics stalker - drunkard will push even those. You will need 3 bottles of vodka to talk the client into the location of the Bulldog 6 grenade launcher. He will be in a village not far from the Freedom group. Having reached the village, find a group of stalkers who will tell you that there are a lot of bloodsuckers in the village and it would be just great if you reduced their population to 0. The desired house with a grenade launcher is located to the right of the line of pillars, behind the tractor is a white brick house with the whole roof. The problem of a blocked doorway is solved with a burst from a machine gun. In the basement of the house you will find a Bulldog grenade launcher, shells for it, and first aid kits. Next, check out the water tower. Most likely, 2 bloodsuckers will jump out of the tower. Carefully search the bodies of stalkers near the tower. Then, going into the tower, on the 1st floor you will find an excellent artifact “Springboard”, which will strengthen the armor and simplify the passage of Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. , At the very top of the tower there will be a cache and first aid kits. Probably, in order to destroy all the bloodsuckers, you will have to run from house to house to find the remaining ones. After you finish off the creatures, you will be offered to go to the Freedom base, to a certain Miser for a reward.

Along the way, you can complete a quest to find a special weapon. To do this, go to the icon on the map, but in reality it will turn out to be a Freedom checkpoint with four opponents, who are best killed from a long distance. The rifle sample will be on the workbench.

After that, run to the Freedom base for your reward. Tell the stalker who meets you at the entrance that you have important information. From the Miser you will receive the Crystal Thorn artifact. Next, you have a choice - either “knock” on the Skull Longers or go home (meaning to the Debt base). In any case, you can pass the quest, but if you snitch on it, your reputation will not change.

At the Freedom base, you will first be asked to help in killing the Duty stalkers, and then in killing the informer. But I don’t recommend doing this for ethical reasons :)

At the "Duty" base you will receive an excellent suit for completing the quest with a grenade launcher and will receive a "Vintar" sniper rifle for the quest with a modified rifle. It would be nice to take the quest to destroy the bandits from the Bartender.

A very interesting quest, which will provide information on the passage of the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl in the final part, awaits you at Cordon. To complete it, you need to find a Guide - one of the most experienced stalkers in the Zone, who will help you find the Doctor - the same one who saved your life in the scripted video, and about whose disappearance the characters in the stalkers’ settlement told you. The guide is located where you fought off the Fox mutants. The guide will inform you that the Doctor is currently in Strelok's hiding place at the Agroprom Research Institute. On the way to the research institute, you will see another attack on the hangar, but you don’t have to help, you won’t meet any serious opponents.

At the main entrance to the research institute's dungeons there will be bandits whom the bartender asked you to destroy - this is an excellent opportunity to practice shooting from the Vintar; small problems can be caused by soldiers who have come running from a neighboring base for some unknown reason. A couple of bandits will probably be waiting for you below, and a couple of bloodsuckers on the lower level, don’t be surprised if you see warriors. When you go up to the cache, you will get stuck, but the “Doctor” will heal you and give you perhaps the most important information in the game, which will be very helpful in the finale. When you finally wake up, the doctor will no longer be there.

Return to the Landfill, visiting the bartender along the way and thoroughly replenishing your supplies of ammunition and first aid kits. You can begin to complete the main storyline.

If you have not yet received a reward from the Miser for killed bloodsuckers, then do so; you can also additionally replenish your ammo supply from him. After that, feel free to move towards the antennas.

When it is very close to the goal, you will be informed that you have come close to the “Barrier” base of the Freedom group, so do not accidentally kill someone. You will be urged to work as a sniper during the attack of the Monoliths, but the battle will be extremely “hot”, so pretending to be Rambo is very dangerous. Many of the Monolithic members will be in exoskeletons and armed with VLA rifles. But the main thing is not to accidentally kill the Svobodovites - then you will also have to fight them off. Look for the corpse of the Svobodovets - he may well have a GP 37 (unless, of course, you haven’t bought it yet). Near the character who gave you the task, find a supply box that may contain 5.56 armor-piercing ammunition. If you have information about a cache near the helicopter, great, in the box under the helicopter there will be armor-piercing rifle cartridges.

When moving to a new location, you will be limited in space, since the surrounding rocks and equipment have a strong background radiation. After you have successfully dealt with the enemies at the outpost, take the time to look into the guardhouse for first aid kits and ammo.

As you progress further, use a sniper rifle - armor-piercing cartridges work wonders. To your left there will be a green trailer, to the right of it there is a sniper, whose weapon is no more powerful than yours, but the armor next to him may well come in handy if yours is already worn out.

After this, you have a choice: either take the short road through the forest (go in the direction of the arrow from the trailer with the sniper), or the long asphalt road.

The road through the forest will present you with quite interesting landscapes, the enemies are bloodsuckers (in my case there was 1), dogs and mutants (if you notice them from a long distance, you can not touch them at all), but in the forest you can find both artifacts and places with extremely high background. When you reach the fence, you may run into resistance from the military (they will be behind the fence). Next, find a hole in the fence and thus significantly shorten the path.

The asphalt road will be long and with numerous opponents, but a sniper rifle will make your work much easier. Don't forget to search your opponents for ammo, first aid kits, and anti-radin. On the way, you will encounter a checkpoint of opponents, one of whom will be armed with an RPG, behind this post there will be a fork, it makes sense to go to the right if the PDA has information on the caches there, otherwise the trip there will be in vain (the resistance is significant).

Proceeding further, you will come across another fork a little further, this time the road is at 90 degrees. You shouldn't walk to the right - the psi radiation will instantly fry your brains. Directly to you. During the ascent, barrels will roll down on you, but by killing the opponents who arrange this for you, you will solve the problem. You can also shoot at the barrels themselves, then they will explode near opponents or simply will not have time to reach you.

Along the way, you will increasingly come across images of mutants - phantoms, there is no harm from them, but they greatly distract attention from more “real” opponents.

At the top of the rise is the X-10 base. The developers took care of several routes to attack the base:
1. Through a gap in the fence (effective, but very strong radiation background and most likely you will be “pressed” from behind by opponents)
2. Run across a fallen tree, but this will put you in plain sight and make you an easy target.
3. Through the central entrance (located further down the road). This attack will give you significant range to use the sniper rifle.

Whatever path you choose, beware of snipers on the towers and the rather powerful garrison of the base (up to 20 people). In the center of the base there will be several trailers, in the middle of which there is a fire. In one of the trailers you will find the “Wind of Freedom” armor. Opposite the camp across the railway track there is a trailer with two Monolith armored suits and first aid kits. It’s better not to meddle with the antennas - otherwise the main character’s brain will not stand it. The entrance to the laboratory can be found by passing through the carriage standing on the railway tracks.

Entering the laboratory, blow up the barrel on the right. In the broken boxes you will find shells for a grenade launcher and an artifact. You won't have a map, but that's not that scary. Leaning against the closed door, you will see a passage on the left - you go there. You will have problems finding your way further. Problems will arise with bloodsuckers, but if you don’t make too much noise, there will be few encounters with them. When you reach the marker on the map, go down. At the lower level there may be a bloodsucker and possibly a controller. The password for one of the doors is 342089 - there you will find first aid kits and armor-piercing cartridges. After you turn off the burner, the main character will lose consciousness. The way back will be extremely difficult - there are Monoliths in every corridor. Some of them will be wearing exoskeletons (shooting them in the head is especially effective). Search them for first aid kits and ammo if you have a small supply.

On Saturday, a cook came to my house to prepare food for the week ahead. Interested to know what happened in the end and how much it cost?

Who to look for?

I was looking for not just an au pair, but a professional. A female chef with a rank of at least 4 and at least 20 years of experience. Who would come to my home and prepare food for the week ahead according to my recipes and menu.

Found it! Meet: in the photo Galina, a 5th category cook, with more work experience than I live.

Where did I look, section “offering services”, using the keywords “cook for the family” and “cook at home” – section “Household staff, service” “Cooks at home”

The problem I had in my search was that the vast majority of chefs are men. But somehow I didn’t want to let an unfamiliar man into the house. Finding a woman was more difficult, but possible. After talking on the phone with several candidates, I invited Galina.

How much does it cost?

All the chefs I spoke with charged not per hour of work, but “per output.” That is, during the day they will spend in the family, preparing the required number of dishes. If it is up to 10 dishes, then the cost is 2-3 thousand. For example, if it is simple, home cooking (such as cutlets, soups, pasta, etc.), then 2000 rubles. If there is something complex, such as meat rolls, complex salads with clever sauces, then 3000 rubles.

After evaluating the menu, Galina and I agreed on 2000 rubles

Who cooked what?

What I froze:

  • Pilaf with chicken
  • Buckwheat soup with meat
  • Pasta with cabbage (dumplings with cabbage taste exactly the same)
  • Chicken liver curry
  • Kefir pancakes

Left in the refrigerator:

  • Soup with millet and vegetables
  • Lazy oatmeal in a jar
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Pizza

This means that all week I don’t have to not only cook, but also clean the kitchen, wash the stove, pans, and pots. buy groceries, etc. Yo-ho, I'm on vacation :) I have freed up time to properly prepare for the start of the “Good Housewife's Cooking School” and put all my energy into work.

I changed 2000 rubles. for 10 hours of free time. It seems to me that this is the best exchange during the entire experiment!

What helped me

It was easier for me because I had already used my Master Classes, I sell them, you can buy them. For example, this “Cook once a week” costs 490 rubles, you can buy it here. You can cook using them yourself or ask someone else to cook.

Since I now have a refrigerator full of ready-made food, I will continue my experiment in a week, when my supplies run out.

How do you like the idea of ​​hiring a personal chef to prepare meals for the entire week? Would you agree to pay 2-3 thousand rubles so as not to cook all week?

Walkthrough Petka 6: New Reality

Level 2 - Bar Plunger

List of inventory items you will need and hints where they are:

  • tray(Kitchen - after talking with the cook);
  • money(At the bar - Anka will receive a tip for service);
  • a bottle of vodka (Kitchen - can be picked up after completing 6 orders);
  • wardrobe number (In the bar - on the floor near the lower left table);
  • bartender photo (Wardrobe - pull from the honor board while the skeleton walks around with a number);
  • magic crystal (Wardrobe - exchange it with the skeleton for a number);
  • blood group 1 (Kitchen - collect from a can);
  • glass of blood with vodka (In inventory, combine blood of group 1 and a bottle of vodka);
  • camera (At the bar - you will pick it up from the floor when you give the client a drink at the bar);
  • waitress photo (In the bar - take a photo of the waitress).

Quest 2.1. - How to get a waitress position Before entering the restaurant, read the notice board, learn about the recruitment of waitresses. Come to the restaurant. You don’t have to linger in the corridor for now, but go straight into the restaurant hall and talk to the bartender. In the dialog, select " Do you need girls? ", then you will find out what you need about work talk to the cook. During the dialogue with him, choose the options: “ I want to get a job with you” - “What difference does it make, you need waitresses” - “I read the advertisement " As I understand it, since he can read, he can get a job! We will begin our duties immediately. You will receive from the cook during a conversation tray .

Quest 2.2. - How to get to the VIP room We go out into the hall and the first order will immediately come. See where the skull glows, go to that table and listen to what they ask. They ordered from me puree "Plumber's Joy". Go to the kitchen and pick up the dishes you need. In general, there is a mini memory game here. Each time they order more for one dish. I don’t know whether it’s random or the same for everyone. I completed 6 orders, I was wrong last time. During loading, they always seem to ask for the same dishes. For the right dishes you get money for tea from clients. There are no more orders coming in, so I went to the kitchen, and then luckily - the cook was not there! Take it away a bottle of vodka from the floor . I walked out of the kitchen into the living room again and only then noticed wardrobe number , lying on the floor near the lower left table. Let's go back to the wardrobe. Give it back wardrobe number skeleton. While he walked away, take it away photo of the bartender With honor boards. So the cloakroom attendant came back and brought magic crystal .

Now go outside and use magic crystal open door to trailer. Click on the glass box and you will see an old friend. Talk to the witch, then Anka will tell you about her idea. Now left in bedside table put money And photo of the bartender . But we still need a photo of a woman.

Let's go back to the bartender. Talk to the customer at the bar, receive an order for blood of any group with milk. Let's go to the kitchen. I personally took blood group 1 . Now in your inventory combine blood group 1 With a bottle of vodka , get glass of blood with vodka . Give it back to a client at the bar glass of blood with vodka and watch the video. Now pick it up from the floor camera . Take a photo waitress by using camera and get photograph of a waitress , which must be included in nightstand drawer in the trailer. Watch the video and go to the VIP room. One more video and let's get started

Late for dinner

Part I: The Trouble with Porridge (Gilded Valley)

Talk to the tavern owner

After talking with Hilda, the owner of the inn, at the bar in the Black Hound tavern, which is located in the Gilded Valley, we learn that they have lost their best cook. Let's start by saying that the menu is quite modest. From her we learn that the chief cook usually goes north to get the necessary products. But he didn't return. She believes he may have been abducted on the road in Valewood.

Part II: Tenfrit's abduction by bandits



Find a bandit camp located near the road in Valewood

A small bandit camp (2), consisting of three bandits, is holding our cook captive. Immediately attack and kill them. After making sure that Tenfrith was not harmed during the battle and that we have dealt with all the bandits around, we talk to him, after which he will head back to the Gilded Valley. We return to the Gilded Valley.

Part III: Conclusion: Delicious piece of pie

Talk to Hilda

Returning to the Gilded Valley, we go back to the tavern. We speak with Hilda at the bar, mentioning the rescued cook. You can talk to the saved one. (If you just started the game, you will be going through Veilwood. This gives you the opportunity to kill the bandits and free the cook on the way to the Gilded Vale. This will save you time.)

Dead Man's Revenge

Dead Man's Revenge

Part I: Lies with a bear face


Talk to Nonton

Having met a man on the way to the Gilded Valley who is hastily getting ready, we learn that his friend was attacked by a bear located in a cave nearby.

If we have at least a small group, we can handle the bear. If not, it will be hard. Having dealt with the bear, we “reach out” to the soul of the deceased and learn about the betrayal of his friend. It turns out that Nonton betrayed Perly and left him to die in the clutches of a bear! Our goal changes to "Attack Nolton."

Gilded Valley

While in the Gilded Valley (before killing the bear), you can go to Ingred's house (3), where she and Nonton are quickly packing up to leave the city. Neither Nonton's meeting in the forest, nor the two of them meeting in the house will start the task.

Part II: Conclusion: Nonton's Fate: Escape or Die

We head to Ingred's house, having found out that Nonton is guilty of the death of her husband, we blame him and Ingred.

We can:

1) Accept the offer of Nonton and Ingred and allow them to escape from the Gilded Valley.

2) Kill Nonton and Ingred. At your discretion, you can return to the cave and tell Perly about this.

Food War

Food War

Part I: Problem with bread

Gilded Valley

The hungry farmers' patience is stretched to the limit due to the fact that Trumbel (the owner of the mill) is hiding grain from them, and it seems that the situation is about to get out of control. The quest will begin immediately after you move north from the crooked tree to the windmill (1), where you will witness a dialogue between Sveinir and the miller Trumbel. Resolve this dispute while in the city.

Part II: Conclusion: Agreement with Trumbel or agreement with Sveinir

We can:

1) talk to Trumbel

2) talk to Sveinir..

Quest updated
Goal: Solve the problem of Trumbel and Sveinir

Part III: Conclusion: Bloodless, or Bloody Negotiations

Depending on whose side we take, we can kill either Trumbel or Sveinir. We can save both of our lives. Depending on your choice, the reward will change.

We can:

Make Sveinir leave the miller alone, and then return to the mill and tell Trumbel about it.

Reward: 20 coins, plus another 20 if you manage to insist on paying extra

Reaction [+ to reputation]

Kill Sveinir at the inn, then return to the mill and tell Trumbel about it.

Reward: 20 coins and a shocked miller.

Reaction [+ to reputation] Increased reputation in the Gilded Valley.

Make Trumbel put himself in the position of the farmers, then return to the inn and tell Sveinir about it.

Reward: 10 coins and a surprised Sveinir.

Reaction [Discount] Good discounts when trading with Hilda at the inn.

Kill Trumbel at the mill, then return to the inn and tell Sveinir about it.

Reward: No.

Reaction [- to reputation]: Minus reputation in the Gilded Valley and higher prices at Hilda's inn.