Biscuits biscuit Leningrad. How to cook cookies "Leningrad"? Cake from "Leningrad" cookies

1. First you need to boil the broccoli. You need to boil it in the same way as you cook broccoli for a child, after boiling, the inflorescences should boil for 3 minutes.

2. Remove excess water by slightly drying the cabbage (it is better to use a colander). Large inflorescences need to be chopped with a knife. If the cabbage was small, then chop as desired.

3. Two slices of white bread or a loaf should be cut into squares. Then fry in a pan with corn oil. In order for the oil not to be absorbed into the bread, it must be preheated, and the bread, after adding to the pan, immediately stir. There is no need to add more oil at the end. Fry until a good golden brown.

4. Peel one clove of garlic. You need to do this quickly or you can prepare it in advance. Grate the garlic on a fine grater or use a garlic crusher. Add it to breadcrumbs. Turn off the fire. The fried croutons with garlic should stand for 15 minutes so that the taste and garlic smell are well absorbed.

5. Break two medium eggs into a deep salad bowl. Add one tablespoon of mayonnaise. Beat a little with a whisk. Mayonnaise can be made at home, but then the total cooking time will increase.

6. In a well-heated frying pan, you need to pour two tablespoons of any vegetable oil, heat it up additionally. You can take either sunflower or corn. Lay out chopped broccoli florets.

7. Do not fry broccoli, but immediately pour eggs with mayonnaise. Salt.

8. Lay the garlic croutons on top.

9. Do not mix. We fry everything a little on low heat and always under the lid. Until the bottom of the eggs are covered with a crust. Then the dish with broccoli can be considered ready.

Now you know how delicious to cook broccoli as a side dish. But in this version, the side dish is not very tasty.

Broccoli is incredibly healthy. You can buy it frozen in the supermarket, or you can freeze it yourself in season and save a decent amount. It will take very little time to freeze broccoli, and if everything is done correctly, you will get a wonderful frozen product of much better quality than in the store. Learn how to freeze broccoli for the winter at home right now. By the way, last time we .

- broccoli;
- water;
- ice.

Buy fresh cabbage so that the leaves are not dried out, and the inflorescences are not damaged. If you collect broccoli in your summer cottage - this is generally wonderful. Then even more vitamins will be preserved, since you will freeze it immediately after collection. Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, put in a colander and rinse under running cool water.

Boil water in a saucepan and lower the broccoli for three minutes. If you will freeze a lot of cabbage at once, then it is best to blanch in portions, it will be more convenient. While the cabbage is blanching, you need to prepare ice water. Pour cold water into a deep bowl and add ice.

Immediately dip the blanched cabbage with a skimmer from boiling water into ice water. Hold for three minutes, then put in a colander, let the water drain.

Take a napkin that absorbs water well and place the broccoli on it. Excess water should be kept as small as possible. Let the cabbage dry for 15-20 minutes. In the meantime, you can start blanching and chilling the leftovers.

Prepare freezer bags. Please note that in one bag you need to put as much cabbage as you cook at a time. It is unacceptable to take out half of the package, close it and put it away for storage again. It is best to use zip-lock bags to ensure a tight seal. When you spread the broccoli, be sure to squeeze out the air. So the bags take up less space in the freezer, and the shelf life will increase.

Frozen broccoli is stored at home at -18 for a year, provided that the package is completely sealed.
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The convenience of kitchen chores these days can hardly be overestimated, and the freezer is a bright example of devices that improve the quality of food.

How to freeze broccoli for the winter - we will answer this question in today's article, welcoming a healthy diet rich in vegetables all year round.

Having learned the subtleties, we will profitably prepare a healthy and safe vegetable to diversify stews and soups or decorate stewed white cabbage with green inflorescences.

Frozen vegetables are convenient and economical for the budget and overall preparation time of winter meals.

Unusual types of cabbage are perfectly stored frozen. Cauliflower has long been a part of our diet. Broccoli is only gaining universal recognition, but you can freeze them using a similar algorithm. So, let's get down to the right freezing!

Algorithm of actions: select vegetables for freezing - rinse - soak in saline - blanch - arrange in portioned bags - freeze.

Let's consider each of the stages.

Bright green color, with dense inflorescences, without rot, specks and yellowing areas.

  • Let's disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, removing small leaves.
  • Some housewives leave the leaves in the food, then they are also washed and cut into thin strips. Such leaves can be frozen along with inflorescences and used in soups and vegetable saute.
  • We collect cold water in the sink and dip the inflorescences there.
  • We take 1-2 and rinse under running water, laying it in one layer on a towel.

How and why to soak broccoli in salt water

Salt solution removes invisible larvae and possible excess nitrate. Being afraid of nitrates in the case of cauliflower and broccoli is not a reinsurance at all. This is one of those vegetables that grow most productively only with the use of unsafe fertilizers.

Pour cold water into a large bowl and dissolve 4 teaspoons of salt in each liter of water. Leave the cabbage for 30-60 minutes.

After we recline in a colander and rinse with tap water.

How and why to blanch broccoli

To properly freeze broccoli, blanching is used. This process destroys a special substance found in cabbage that prevents the cabbage from retaining its taste and smell after defrosting.

in a saucepan

The first way: dip the inflorescences in boiling water for 1 minute. When preparing a large amount, portion blanching so that there is a lot of water in the pan.

Double boiler

The second way: in a double boiler or slow cooker, steam portions of cabbage for 3-4 minutes.

The most important point in blanching is the rapid cooling of the product. A convenient way to cool is to drain the cabbage in a colander and quickly place it in an empty bowl under cold running water.

We spread the blanched inflorescences on a towel and let the cabbage dry. So we came close to sending cabbage to the freezer!

Of course, portion freezing is the most convenient way. The approximate amount of broccoli that you will use in soups, sautéed or omelettes, arrange in bags and, after removing air, close the lid. Usually it is 250-300 gr, if you focus on dishes for a family of 2-3 adults.

You can also use the most economical type of polyethylene - transparent disposable bags without a lock. These are usually used for small items in supermarkets. Just tie the bags on a bow so that, if necessary, you can select the right amount of cabbage, and return the rest to the freezer.

Also interesting is the joint freezing of cauliflower and broccoli. This is beneficial for everyone who often cooks from two cabbages or wants to master the recipes for such soups and stews.

It is convenient to write a signature on the date of freezing with a pen on self-adhesive price tags of different colors. They are sold in rolls in large supermarkets and office supply stores.

At the end of the article, we offer you 2 everyday, but very tasty recipes - a high-calorie omelette with broccoli and a dietary steam mixture of cabbage with spicy sauce.

Solid omelet with broccoli

Boil frozen broccoli for 3 minutes. Or put on the “steaming” mode in a slow cooker for 4-5 minutes.

During this time, take a couple of slices of white bread, cut into cubes and fry until golden brown in a small amount of vegetable oil with the addition of 1 clove of crushed garlic.

We recline the broccoli in a colander and put it on an empty frying pan, greased with vegetable oil. Immediately fill with beaten eggs, salted and peppered.

Add browned bread cubes on top. We do not mix! Fry until cooked - under the lid, over low heat.

Broccoli omelet variations. You can do without bread. Then we add greens and a few seeds soaked overnight (sunflower, pumpkin) to the beaten eggs.

Diet steam mixture of cabbage in a slow cooker

Equal amounts of cauliflower and broccoli are steamed in a slow cooker. Up to the state Al dente (al dente) - crispy, not boiled vegetable - small inflorescences the size of a finger phalanx are cooked for no more than 10 minutes.

Add soaked sunflower seeds and your favorite spicy vegetable oil sauce to cabbages. You can add mayonnaise or a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream.

In addition, many of the usual winter ingredients can be added to cabbages: a few cubes of boiled carrots, chopped Korean carrots or pickled mushrooms, chopped pulp of canned peppers (remove the skin).

Now that we know how to freeze broccoli for the winter, we can learn new recipes from it, and even adapt them to our needs. Create! Unusual types of cabbage are worth it!

How to freeze broccoli at home

Eating fresh vegetables and fruits is the key to health and well-being. One of the healthiest foods in the human diet is broccoli. This type of cabbage is rich in vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body.

Benefits of Storing Broccoli Frozen

Fresh vegetables and fruits are seasonal and cannot be stored for a long time. By freezing broccoli for the winter, you will not only prolong the life of the product, but also be able to preserve its useful components.

This storage method has its advantages:

  • frozen vegetables are compactly placed in portioned bags and placed in the freezer, which saves space in the refrigerator;
  • ease of use: the frozen product has already undergone heat treatment and is completely ready for use;
  • the availability of healthy vitamin vegetables at any time of the year: this benefit applies not only to the body, but also to the family budget, since in the cold season the prices for fresh vegetables and fruits are much higher.

The procedure for freezing broccoli, carried out according to all the rules, allows you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals in the product, and the taste of such cabbage will not differ from fresh.

Selecting and preparing cabbage

It is best to harvest broccoli in July: it is at this time that cabbage ripens en masse and contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Ideally, it is recommended to use vegetables grown on your site or purchased from the market. Young, elastic and green inflorescences should be selected. They should not have damage, dents, yellowness or dark spots. The shelf life of high-quality frozen vegetables is 12-14 months.

Preparing broccoli before cooking

  • select suitable inflorescences, rinse them in running water (the water pressure in the tap should be moderate so as not to damage the vegetables and thin out the inflorescences);
  • put the cabbage in salt water for 30 minutes - this will get rid of possible insects; then rinse the vegetables in running water;
  • remove hard stems and leaves with a knife, and divide the inflorescences into smaller ones.

How to prepare broccoli for baby food

Broccoli is an incredibly healthy and valuable product that is often used to make baby food. In this case, it is worthwhile to thoroughly approach the issue of selecting vegetables:

  • cabbage inflorescences should have a healthy and fresh appearance, if you harvest on your own, immediately set aside young and strong vegetables;
  • it is recommended to use vegetables that you have grown yourself or purchased from a trusted seller.

If the child suffers from eating disorders and allergies, cabbage should be soaked for 2 hours before boiling and freezing.

Cooking vegetables before freezing

Before freezing, the cabbage must be blanched. The procedure is needed to destroy the oxidative enzymes contained in vegetables. Also, heat treatment will preserve the taste of broccoli and the beautiful green color of the vegetable.

Blanching broccoli in a bowl

The procedure for blanching cabbage in a saucepan is very simple:

  • put on fire a large saucepan filled with water by two thirds;
  • immediately prepare a container with cold water (you can add ice);
  • bring the water to a boil, and place the cabbage inflorescences in boiling water for 3 minutes;
  • to keep the vegetables bright green - add the juice of half a lemon to the blanching water;
  • Remove the florets with a slotted spoon, and place them in ice water for a few minutes.

Then the cabbage must be laid out on paper towels and allowed to dry.

Blanching broccoli in a slow cooker

To do this, you must use the multicooker mode "steam cooking". Each portion of inflorescences must be processed for 3-4 minutes, and immediately placed in ice water.

After heat treatment, the cabbage is dried on a towel, as in the first version. For harvesting for the winter, vegetables must be dry, otherwise they will turn into an unattractive sticky mass during the freezing process.

Freezing broccoli for the winter

Before freezing broccoli at home, prepare storage containers such as zip-top plastic bags or plastic containers with lids. You can prepare cabbage for the winter using quick or regular freezing.

With a quick freeze, already blanched and dried cabbage is laid out in an even layer on the bottom of the freezer so that the inflorescences do not touch each other. Then set the "quick freeze" mode. An hour later, the vegetables can be folded into portioned bags, removing air from them as much as possible, and placed in the freezer for long-term storage at a temperature of minus 18-20 degrees Celsius.

If your freezer does not have a quick freeze mode, you can simply divide the vegetables into portions, pack them in containers, and send them to the freezer. Broccoli is often harvested along with cauliflower, since the temperature and storage conditions are the same for them.

Freezing fruits for the winter at home is performed by analogy with vegetables. Vegetables, berries and fruits can be stored in one compartment of the freezer, sorted into separate containers or bags. Frozen food odors will not mix, even if you leave the boxes open.

How to use frozen broccoli in cooking

It is necessary not only to know how to freeze broccoli, but also how to cook them properly later. So that the vegetable does not lose its shape, color and taste, it is not recommended to defrost broccoli.

Before cooking, it is necessary to boil frozen inflorescences in salt water for 7-10 minutes. Broccoli prepared in this way can be fried, stewed and added to salads and meat dishes.


Freeze-prepared products retain their maximum benefit, and their taste qualities do not differ from fresh vegetables and fruits. In the freezer, the products do not deteriorate at all, if the norms and terms of storage are observed. This is why many gardeners who care about the health of their families prefer to freeze most of their crops rather than keep them fresh, even if possible.

Broccoli or asparagus cabbage is a simple and affordable vegetable of the Cabbage family. Vegetable growers have long fallen in love with this healthy vegetable, which in our time can be found in almost every garden bed.

The predecessor of cauliflower, broccoli was obtained through hybridization.

Chemical composition

The composition includes:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Folic acid;
  • Mineral salts (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc);
  • Vitamins of group B, vitamin A, E, PP;
  • Protein;
  • Glucose;
  • Omega 3 fatty acids.

Benefit and harm:


Useful properties include:

  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis and cancer;
  • Removes carcinogens from the body;
  • Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Positively affects the work of the adrenal glands;
  • Recommended for obesity and diabetes;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Slows down the aging process of the body;
  • Promotes the proper development of the central nervous system of the fetus in pregnant women;
  • It is used for the first complementary foods of infants.
  • Broccoli has no harmful properties;
  • Broccoli contains more vitamin C than oranges (than an orange then)

REFERENCE: One hundred grams contains the same amount of protein as one hundred grams of rice with less than 2 times the amount of kcal.

Selecting, preparing and freezing broccoli

Like other varieties of cabbage, broccoli can be frozen. This is the best way to store vegetables in the winter. When frozen, broccoli retains almost all of its beneficial properties.

Young and green inflorescences are best suited for freezing.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to select firm, healthy vegetables free of rot, yellow spots, and pest damage.

First way

The first method is freezing without heat treatment.

Before freezing, you need to prepare the fruits:

  • Immerse the inflorescences for 30-40 minutes in a saline solution (1 tsp of salt per 1 liter of water);
  • Divide the head of cabbage into small inflorescences of approximately the same size and remove the leaves;
  • Rinse with cold running water to remove salt residue;
  • Dry the florets on a flat surface by spreading them out on a cotton cloth or paper towels.
  • It is not recommended to use newspapers and other types of paper that contain ink.
  • Spread dried vegetables on a flat surface (you can use a tray) and freeze;
  • Arrange the frozen inflorescences in small portions in special bags for freezing;
  • Remove as much air as possible from the bag and place back in the freezer.


Advantages of this type of freezing:

  • The taste and color of the vegetable does not change;
  • All useful properties are preserved.

Disadvantages of this type of freezing:

  • Some types of microorganisms may survive.

Second way

This method differs from the first only in that the inflorescences are amenable to heat treatment.

Cooking steps:

  • We adhere to the first three points from the previous method;
  • Immerse the inflorescences in boiling water for a couple of minutes, after adding citric acid (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of water);
  • We take out the broccoli and immediately immerse it in ice water to keep it crispy (you can use a colander);
  • See paragraph 5,6,7 from the previous method.

Is it possible to freeze cabbage:

Advantages This type of freezing is that all microorganisms that can multiply even in frozen vegetables are destroyed.

Flaw This type of freezing is that the useful properties of broccoli are partially lost.

For a child

If you want to freeze baby broccoli, it's best to use second freezing method. Baby food requires a more careful approach, especially if the vegetable was purchased and not grown by you yourself.

Storage strings

The storage of frozen food depends on the temperature in the freezer. If you have properly prepared broccoli for freezing, then:

  • At -6 C̊ cabbage can be stored for about a month;
  • At a temperature of -12 C̊ can be stored for 3-4 months;
  • At a temperature of -18 C̊ can be stored for 9-12 months.

How to cook broccoli?

You can cook the following dishes from frozen cabbage:

  • Soups;
  • Vegetable casseroles;
  • Stew;
  • salads;
  • Omelets;
  • vegetable smoothies;
  • Baby food.

How to cook tasty and how much to cook:

If you plan to cook dishes with broccoli, it is important to defrost the vegetable properly.

Now you know all the nuances of freezing broccoli for the winter at home. The main thing is to follow these simple rules and then this wonderful vegetable will delight you until the next season.