How to wrap whites round without a hole. How to sculpt belyashi: recipes, options and reviews

In ancient times, the best chefs prepared for representatives of royal families. The kitchen was considered a secret abode, where cooking was treated as a sacred ritual. But at the time of the tsars, Russian chefs did not know how to cook fried dishes, their skill was reduced to boiling or baking. For these purposes, specialists of other nationalities were invited.

A bit of history

Only the Tatars knew how to sculpt belyashi and fry them, so they were invited to cook dishes from their national cuisine. After all, belyash is a primordially Tatar invention, it was this people who taught the Russians how to cook round pies with meat filling. The ancestor of the belyash was an ordinary pie, which was called "peremyach".

In the national Tatar cuisine there was a dish "belish", the so-called round big pie made of unleavened dough. Its filling included many ingredients, one of which was meat. Time passed, and gradually the little meat pie somewhere lost its name and began to be called "balish". To this day, in Tatar cuisine, there are two types - a small pie "belish" and a large meat pie - "zur belish".

Now whites are made not only from yeast dough, but also from unleavened dough, the filling can also be the most diverse - potato, potato and meat, with vegetables and even berries.

Types of whites

Probably every housewife knows how to sculpt belyashi. But not everyone knows how diverse the recipes for preparing this dish are:

  1. Belyashi with meat is a traditional dish, the filling consists of minced meat and onions.
  2. Baked potato whites are a great alternative for vegetarians, and they're also a healthier option.
  3. Lazy whites - how to sculpt whites with meat when there is absolutely no free time, this wonderful recipe will tell you.
  4. Belyashi with cabbage - the filling includes cabbage, carrots, onions and greens.
  5. Chicken whites - chicken fillet makes this dish easier and more dietary.
  6. Belyashi with beef and lamb is a Kazakh version of the dish, but since lamb has a specific taste and smell, it is suitable for lovers of this type of meat.
  7. Belyash-cheesecakes are large round open pies with meat or other fillings, fried in vegetable oil or baked in the oven.
  8. Belyash with sausage filling is a quick way to prepare this dish.
  9. Fish belyash - any sea fish can be included in the filling, this is a very tasty and easy option.
  10. Belyash with egg and onion - made from boiled egg and green onion.
  11. Belyash with carrots is also an original Tatar recipe; in addition to meat, the filling includes Bulgarian pepper and grated carrots.
  12. Belyash with veal and beets is a rather unusual, but very tasty dish.

These are far from all varieties of a wonderful pie, but most prefer the traditional version, so let's consider all the subtleties of its preparation.

How to put the dough on whites

From what dough and how to sculpt belyashi is a matter of taste for every housewife. You can blind them from a purchased dough, or you can use homemade, which, of course, is much better. Usually, yeast dough is used for this purpose; it is not difficult to cook it yourself. For this you will need:

  • Flour - 1 kg.
  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Dry yeast - 1 sachet.
  • Warm water - 50 ml.
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

Pour yeast into warm water, stir well, add sugar and leave for a few minutes. Sift the flour into a large bowl, break the egg and pour in the warm milk. Add yeast mixture, salt and mix thoroughly. The dough should stick a little to your hands, if it is too steep, the whites will turn out tough. Cover the dough and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. When it doubles in volume, grease your hands with vegetable oil, knead it a little and leave it for a while. When it rises a second time, you can start cooking.

How to prepare the stuffing

To achieve an excellent result, you need to know how to properly sculpt belyashi with meat fillings, the most popular of which is a mixture of pork and beef. To make minced meat juicy and tasty, you need to add a lot of onions to it. Experienced chefs say that for 1 kg of meat you need from 300 gr. up to 1 kg of onion. Many people add chopped garlic and herbs to minced meat. This gives the product a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. You can also put various spices there, these preferences are purely individual.

One of the secrets of success is ice water. It is poured into minced meat for greater juiciness and taste. It gives it more viscosity and elasticity, as a result of which whites will become more tender. It is not recommended to add raw egg white to the filling, it will make it dryish, it is better to limit yourself to one yolk.

So, the dough and minced meat are ready, you can start cooking whites.

Preparation of closed whites

There is an easy way to sculpt closed whites with meat, which does not take much time. Place the dough on a floured board, knead a little and cut into small balls. Roll each ball into a cake with a thickness of at least 7 mm, put the filling in the middle, collect the edges on top and pinch well.

Give the belyash the shape of a ball, make sure that there are no cracks on the surface of the dough, otherwise all the juice will flow out during frying. Let the products rise a little, flatten slightly and fry in oil until cooked.

Cooking open whites

Many prefer open products, but not everyone knows how to sculpt open whites and fry them so that they remain juicy and do not lose juice during the frying process. In fact, everything is simple. Roll out cakes from the dough, put a tablespoon of the filling in the middle. Connect the opposite edges together, also do with the other two edges. You can’t close them, you need to bend the corners so that the center remains open, then flatten the whites a little with your hand.

When the oil in the pan warms up well, put the belyash open side down and fry over medium heat until cooked. It is thanks to the hot oil that the meat will be covered with a crust and will not let the juice flow out. Using a wooden or plastic spatula, carefully flip the belyash to the other side and bring it to readiness.

Preparation of triangular whites

Everyone knows how to sculpt round whites. But you can give the product a different shape, for example, triangular. There is a very simple way to sculpt triangular belyashi. As in all cases, the dough must be rolled out into a cake, in the center of which the filling is laid out.

Then two opposite edges need to be closed in the center and pinch the dough with your fingers from the center to the edge, forming an angle. Connect the third side of the belyash in the center with the other two and form the corners of the triangle. A small hole can be left in the middle of the product.

Beautiful molding method

How to sculpt belyashi so that they turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful? Many housewives do not pay attention to the appearance of the product, believing that good taste is enough. In fact, dishes should also be aesthetic. There are many ways to beautifully sculpt belyashi, consider one of them.

Roll out the dough with a thickness of no more than 5 mm, and the middle of the cake should be slightly thinner than the edges. Put the minced meat in the middle, put your index finger in the center of the filling and start making tucks around it. During the collection of dough, the whites need to be turned all the time so that it turns out to be even and beautiful. Then carefully remove your finger and flatten the product a little.

  • for frying whites, dishes with a thick and wide bottom, for example, a duckling, are best suited;
  • so that the products are not too greasy, after frying they need to be laid out on napkins or paper towels, then the excess fat will be absorbed;
  • for faster preparation of the filling, you need to pour hot oil in small parts into the hole of the whitewash, besides, this will add juiciness to the product;
  • if fried foods are contraindicated for someone, you can use the oven or bread machine.

Fragrant meat products are made quite quickly, so you can spoil your loved ones not only on weekends, but also on weekdays.

Hello dear hostesses!

Today we have a special recipe, it is suitable even for beginners, it is so simple.

We will make amazingly juicy and at the same time crispy and fragrant whites in a pan.

We have our own tricks for preparing these wonderful meat pies.

We will definitely share them with you. And also show the whole process with step-by-step photos. Forward!

Delicious yeast whites in a pan

To prepare belyashi we need:

For filling

  • 700 gr minced meat
  • 2 onion heads
  • Salt, pepper, coriander to taste

For the test

  • 500 ml warm water
  • 2 tsp yeast (1 package dry)
  • 750 gr flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 st. l sugar
  • 1 st. l vegetable oil
  • 1 liter vegetable oil for frying

At the output, we get 24-26 ruddy and delicious whites.

Cooking dough for belyashi yeast

First, knead the dough. To do this, place the yeast in warm water, 1 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, mix to dissolve the yeast.

Then gradually add all the flour, kneading the dough.

The dough is quite elastic. Knead it until it stops sticking to your hands.

We put the finished dough in a glass or plastic dish and place it in a warm place so that it fits.

While the yeast is getting to work, making the dough fluffy, we will work on the filling.

Let's take minced meat, it can be ground pork and beef or minced meat with the addition of poultry meat, depending on which one you prefer.

We have minced pork + beef in equal parts.

One of their white tricks is that we will add 50 g of water to the minced meat to make it more juicy.

Onions need to be chopped in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder, combine it with water and add this onion gruel to the minced meat.

Salt, pepper, if desired, you can add coriander, it will give a piquant taste. We mix everything.

Meanwhile, our dough is ready.

Our task is to roll it into a long sausage and cut it into equal pieces.

We form these pieces into balls so that it is convenient to work with them later.

Another trick: to prevent the dough from ventilating while waiting for the filling, cover it with cling film.

After that, we take a bun from the dough and evenly flatten it with our fingers, giving it the shape of a circle.

Make the edges thinner than the middle. This will allow you to beautifully decorate the neck of the belyash.

Place the filling in the center of the circle.

Now, holding the dough with your fingers, we pull the edges to the middle and begin to collect the neck.

We constantly pinch the dough with an overlap, moving in a circle. A little practice and you'll be fine.

This is how you should get a pie, with a small hole on top.

Slightly press it with your palm so that the meat is better distributed inside.

We do this with all our koloboks - we stuff them with minced meat and pinch them.

Getting ready to fry our whites.

A few secrets:

  • fry belyashi in a pan with a thick bottom
  • add some salt to the oil to reduce splatter
  • to check if the oil is hot enough for frying, dip a wooden spatula into it, if bubbles and hiss go, you can fry
  • do not spare the oil, do not pour less than in the recipe, otherwise the whites will absorb a lot of oil during the frying process, instead of being immediately covered with a crisp
  • do not try to cram as many whites as possible into the pan at a time, during frying they will become fluffy and stick to each other

We lower the whites into the oil with the “eye” down, fry for 3-5 minutes until browning.

Flip over and fry on the other side for another 3-5 minutes.

Try not to get the juice from the whites into the oil, otherwise such a shelling will begin, it won’t seem enough.

We take out the finished whites and put them on paper towels.

When the excess oil drains from them and they cool down a bit - you can eat! Meals for the whole family.

Belyashi are juicy, tasty, with a stunning crispy crust.

See you with new sweets in our blog!

It is difficult to find a person who does not like juicy whites. Buying them in shopping centers, most often the buyer does not get the desired taste. We offer proven ways to sculpt belyashi at home.

Closed is called belyashi with meat, where the filling is not visible. For the preparation of such products, as a rule, yeast dough is used.

To get it you will need:

  • water;
  • milk 2 tbsp.;
  • yeast fresh or dry;
  • egg;
  • flour;
  • salt, sugar.

For a portion of whites, take warm water, dissolve the yeast with the addition of sugar, leave it in a warm place until a fluffy hat appears on the surface of the mixture. Then an egg, salt and sugar are added there, with the help of flour they create a dough that sticks a little to the hands.

Despite the Tatar roots, the semi-finished product has become widespread in the territory of the countries of the post-Soviet space. There are many options for preparing and shaping the product, modified to suit the taste preferences and traditions of different regions.

We sculpt wak-belyash

The dish belongs to the Tatar cuisine, its peculiarity is the use of yeast-free dough. The filling, in addition to minced meat, includes vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin), cut into medium pieces, bay leaf. This type of pies is cooked in the oven. For minced meat, it is better to finely chop the meat, although you can twist it in a meat grinder, add greens, spices, and vegetables.

The technology, how to sculpt belyashi, consists of several sequential processes.

For the test you will need:

  • margarine or butter 200 g;
  • 1.5 st. milk or fermented milk product;
  • egg 2 pcs.;
  • flour;
  • salt;
  • soda.

Milk is suitable as a liquid base, but it is better to use kefir or yogurt. The margarine previously placed in the freezer for 20 minutes is grated, mixed with flour to make crumbs. Then add the rest of the ingredients, knead a soft elastic dough.

When molding the product, a small hole is left on top. To make the filling juicy, a small piece of oil or liquid (water or broth) is added to it. Semi-finished products are laid out on a baking sheet, baked for 40-45 minutes. The readiness of the pie is determined by the potatoes. When it is already soft, but the dough is still light, the fire is increased until a ruddy color is obtained.

The technology of sculpting open whites

An open belyash is different in that when sculpting, part of the filling is visible. To get this shape, after placing the filling, the dough is pinched in a circle to the center so that a small hole remains in the middle. They begin to fry the belyash with the open part down, then turning it over with the seam up.

Another unusual way to get an open product is to first make a closed-type round belyash. Then, after pinching the filling, make a cross-shaped cut on the dough and tuck the edges inward.

The open product may have a triangular shape. Then on a round base it is better to make cuts. It is necessary to lay the edges with gaps in order to form a hole with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm in the center.

We sculpt triangular, round whites

There are several technologies for twisting round whites:

  1. Roll out the dough thinly, cut with a suitable round object. Then lay the filling inside, pinch, fry on both sides with the seam down.
  2. After forming the dough, pinch off in small pieces, press with your hands until you get a cake. Place minced meat, pinch on top. It turns out a bag, the seam is pressed from above.
  3. You should start as in the previous method. After dividing the dough into portions, each ball is rolled out, after which the product is molded.

The technology of how to sculpt belyashi correctly does not imply restrictions on the shape. The classic version is round, but they can also be given a different shape (for example, triangular). In this case, the filling is placed on the round blank in the center, pinched on both sides and from the bottom, the seam is obtained from 3 sides.

As with any pastry, not only taste is important for whites, but also a neat and attractive appearance. That is why the housewives came up with several ways of interesting modeling of these Tatar pies at once. The most common are round whites with and without a hole, as well as whites in the shape of a triangle. Of course, the method of sculpting does not affect the taste, but if you attach particular importance to the aesthetic side of cooking, then the material on how to sculpt belyashi will certainly serve you well.

How to sculpt belyashi with meat?

We have already dwelled on various methods more than once, and therefore more than a dozen recipes are waiting for you on the site. Here we will devote all attention to the molding process.

Round whites with holes are considered the most authentic. Due to the presence of a hole on top, they are evenly fried, and in addition, broth can also be poured into such pies to make it juicier.

Classic whites look like a bag with a hole in the center. The first step in modeling is rolling out portions of dough. Before rolling, grease the work surface with oil, so the dough will not stick, and due to the lack of flour on the table, it will be easier to blind the edges together.

In the center of each of the rolled cakes, place a portion of minced meat and distribute it closer to the edges, leaving about one and a half centimeters free. Picking up the edges one by one, pluck them together until they close into a ring right in the center.

How to sculpt belyashi with a hole?

There is an easier way to sculpt perforated whites. Roll out the pastry and place the ball of minced meat in the center. Connect two opposite edges in the center without closing them together.

Do the same with a couple of other edges.

How to sculpt round whites?

While some people find it easier to form whites by pinching the edges together, others prefer to make a hole by cutting the dough in the center. By the way, if you didn’t know how to sculpt whites without a hole, then this method will also come in handy for you, because in this case you can stop at the second stage of molding without making an incision on one of the sides.

Having rolled out and laid out the filling in the center of the dough, begin to pick up the edges, moving in a circle.

Connect the dough in the center, well blinding all the collected edges.

Turn the belyash seam down and cut the smooth surface of the dough. Using a knife and fingers, stretch the dough towards the edges, forming a round hole. Then you can immediately proceed to frying (belyashi are first fried, putting the hole down in the oil) or baking.

How to sculpt triangular whites?

Having dealt with various techniques for sculpting round whites, we turn to no less popular - triangles. Making them is also simple and fast, in addition, if you do not know how to sculpt wak whites, then this technique can be applied in practice to them.

The beginning of molding is the same as in the case of other modeling methods. First, the dough is rolled into a circle, then the meat is laid out on top of it.

Now connect the three edges of the circle together and blind them together in the very center. Go over the sides of the edges to also secure them tightly together. The side edges can be fastened just like that or make curly modeling.

If you want to leave a hole in the center of the belyash, then on the contrary, you will need to start modeling from the base, and approaching the top, you can simply carefully pinch the dough with your fingers in a circle or tuck it inward, right to the filling. The latter method is especially suitable for vak whites, as it allows you to pour the broth into the center and protect the meat from drying out.

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