The most useful fresh. The most useful juices

09.04.2019 The drinks

The most useful juices fresh juices

  1. Apple fresh


It contains a lot of iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E. Apple fresh juice is very useful for anemia, for people of mental labor who are prone to stress. This juice strengthens the cardiovascular system well and allows you to maintain a clear mind for many years.

Also apple fresh is useful for those who have problems with the lungs, bronchi, including for heavy smokers. It cleanses the body of toxins, improves the functioning of the respiratory system. In addition, apple juice is able to remove stones from the kidneys.

For atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, gallbladder diseases, it is recommended to take 0.5 cups of apple juice 15-30 minutes before meals.

  1. Fresh carrot


This juice is a universal doctor! It is the best source of carotene (provitamin A), which is quickly absorbed by the body, nicotinic acid, phosphorus and iron, magnesium and calcium, a vital trace element - selenium. The carrot juice also contains a large amount of vitamins B, C, D and vitamin E, the so-called muscle vitamin.

Carrot juice is able to heal ulcers and even eliminate cancerous tumors. Regular use of this juice will help improve immunity and improve the work of the intestines. In addition, carrot fresh is indispensable for improving vision and treating eye diseases such as conjunctivitis and ophthalmia.

  1. Orange fresh


Orange fresh strengthens blood vessels, reduces high pressure, improves digestion, activates the brain, burns fats, improves immunity and kills bacteria. By consuming orange juice every day, you prevent avitaminosis, gout, hypertension, atherosclerosis and kidney problems.

In addition, orange juice is useful for joint inflammation, lung problems, gum inflammation, anemia and other blood disorders, fever, increased pressure, skin inflammations, exhaustion.

  1. Fresh pomegranate


Pomegranate juice contains a large amount of antioxidants. It strengthens the immune system, increases the body's stress resistance and reduces the risk of cancer.

Drink pomegranate fresh to improve digestion. It also helps to reduce the temperature and soothe the pain, it can be used for colds and to normalize pressure.

  1. Grapefruit fresh


Fresh grapefruit juice is able to improve digestion, normalize liver function, restore body strength, and reduce pressure.

Especially useful for people of physical and mental stress - strengthens the central nervous system and helps get rid of lethargy, drowsiness and dizziness.

Also, grapefruit fresh well removes excess fluid from the body, activates the process of burning fat, helps to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins.

How to avoid autumn depression and avitaminosis? You can try a special diet, and you can drink juices, because of the 15 minerals and 14 vitamins necessary for a person, they contain 13 minerals and 11 vitamins, as well as biologically active substances that protect the body from free radicals.

Another important advantage is that juices are quickly absorbed in the body, with less energy being consumed than with the digestion of solid foods. To provide the body with nutrients, enough 1-2 glasses of juice per day.

Orange juice.  A deficiency of vitamin C in the body leads to a weakening of the immune system. A glass of orange juice contains more than 85% of vitamin C. Therefore, a glass of such juice at breakfast will adjust the production of gastric juice and increase the body's resistance. It also contains potassium macronutrient, which is necessary for the nervous system and the heart, folic acid and flavonoids. Lack of folic acid increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and flavonoids protect the body from cancer. However, remember that if you have inflammations of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, orange juice must be diluted with water or replaced with another drink.


Grapefruit juice.  Close in composition to orange juice is grapefruit. It contains more than 80% of vitamin C, potassium and more than 60% of the daily requirement of flavonoids. It can also be used by dieters: it is one of the lowest-calorie fruit juices.

Pineapple juice. It contains a unique set of enzymes that break down protein and speed up the digestion process, so it is better to drink it immediately after a meal. This drink also contains more than 30% of the daily need for vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium, the lack of which leads to the development of heart disease.

Tomato juice. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It consists of provitamin, A (β - carotene), vitamin C, sodium, potassium and antioxidant - lycopene. In addition, tomato juice is considered the most low-calorie and will not interfere with your diet!

Carrot Juice Enough 1 cup per day to fully provide the body with provitamin A. This juice also contains vitamin K necessary for blood clotting, vitamin C, magnesium and biotin, the lack of which leads to deterioration of the skin. Remember that beta-carotene and vitamin K are fat-soluble vitamins, so for a better assimilation of these substances, add cream to the juice and drink it during or after meals.

Multifruit juices.What juices have higher nutritional value? The answer is obvious - mixed juices from several vegetables and fruits. If in carrot juice, rich in carotene, add orange, which contains more than 80% of vitamin C, you get a useful cocktail. Do not be afraid to experiment: the main thing is that the juices fit each other in taste, color and smell. For example, apple and carrot, apple and pear, apple and cherry juices go well together.

And a few more important tips - vegetable juices can be drunk at any time of the day, sweet fruit juices - in the morning. It is not recommended to use juices simultaneously with food, especially containing a lot of starch and sugar, as well as with mineral water. In case of low and normal acidity of gastric juice, drink fruit and vegetable juices better 30 minutes before meals, and when increased acidity - 1–1.5 hours after meals.

And not about those drinks in the packaging Tetra Pak, even if they are written "100% juice." In the treatment of juice therapy, only those juices that you squeezed yourself are used, and with the help of tools that do not lead to the oxidation of the fruit.

Walker juice therapy: healing properties of juices

Juice therapy is the restoration, strengthening of the body and the treatment of diseases with natural fruit and vegetable juices.

Perhaps this is one of the most pleasant types of therapy - because juices are very tasty, everyone loves them since childhood, especially fruit ones. In addition, juices are extremely useful, about which almost everyone also knows. But few have heard of the existence of an entire industry at the interface of medicine and dietetics - juice therapy.

One of the first to tell the world what juices are useful for was the American nutritionist Norman Walker (1886-1985). He first began to promote the healing properties of juices, he is considered the founder of juice therapy. N. Walker has published several books, which describe in detail why drinking juice, and who is not recommended. These books contained information on which juices are the most useful, they also offered many recommendations on how to heal various diseases with the help of juices. Thanks to juice therapy by Walker, millions of people around the world were able to get rid of their illnesses. Norman Walker himself lived for nearly a hundred years.

Healthy people can benefit from fresh juices without restriction. In various diseases it is important to consider not only the indications, but also contraindications of juices.: for example, when you can not drink, and you can pear; in case of chronic citrus juices should be excluded from green ones and juice should be consumed.

In modern juice therapy, some of the principles proposed by him have been revised and refined in accordance with the latest data of dietology. This mainly concerns the norms of the use of juices and some contraindications. However, in general, the ideas of Dr. Walker regarding the beneficial properties of fresh juices are still the basis of this type of alternative medicine.

Treatment with juice therapy: how to drink fresh juices

The following are the basic rules on how to properly drink juices and how much juice you can drink per day, according to the recommendations of Norman Walker and modern nutritionists:

1. You need to drink only freshly squeezed juices, since it is they who fully possess healing properties. With any kind of canning a significant part of the nutrients is lost. Such juices, of course, are also pleasant and useful, but they are not suitable for therapy. How to drink fresh juices so that they benefit the body? They should be consumed immediately after preparation, only then the juices will produce a healing effect. Even during short-term storage in the juice fermentation and oxidation processes begin, which degrades its quality.

2. It is necessary to prepare healthy natural juices only from fresh, ripe and healthy fruits. Blemished, rotted, damaged, broken, over-ripe, or undecayed are not suitable for this. Even if you cut all the damaged parts, it will not help, as the quality of the whole fruit is still affected. Of course, it can be eaten, but it is not suitable for treatment.

3. For processing fruits, it is necessary to use knives and dishes made from such a material that when coming into contact with fresh fruits does not lead to their oxidation. It can be stainless steel, ceramics, glass. Vegetables should be washed before and after cleaning, fruits - only before cleaning. Prepared fruit should be immediately used for making juice, they should not be stored, as well as the juice itself.

4. For the preparation of healthy fresh juices, it is necessary to use juicers that act according to the principle of a centrifuge. Only with this method of cooking in juices saved the maximum amount of nutrients. Spin using a press or making juice in a juicer does not give such results.

5. Before proceeding with juice therapy, you should consult with your doctor to find out if you are allergic to the products you are going to use, and if you do not have those diseases in which falcotherapy is contraindicated.

6. How much juice can I drink to have a healing effect? You must drink at least 600 ml of natural juices per day (this is the minimum rate for an adult). However, some juices are an exception (for example, carrot juice). They are needed in smaller quantities. In the description of such juices is always given the rate of their use. If no restrictions are specified, then you can drink depending on the need of your body for fluids.

7. Juices are useful to drink on an empty stomach or 30 minutes - 1 hour before meals. Then the valuable nutrients they contain are absorbed as much as possible and benefit the body. Juices with low sugar content increase appetite and, therefore, their intake before meals is especially advisable.

The benefits of vegetable juice from tomatoes

Tomato is a real record holder in terms of the content of the latter - it contains almost the entire “collection” of mineral substances necessary for a person.

Contraindications.  Tomato juice should not be drunk in the period of exacerbation of diseases (ulcer, gastritis,).

The healing properties of carrot juice and how much it can be drunk per day

What other juice is good for the body? Well, of course, carrot! This is a leader in breadth of healing action and a variety of useful substances contained in it. This is a multivitamin juice, but carotene is especially abundant in it - a substance from which vitamin A is produced in the body. The content is also high (4 times more than, for example, in beet juice), B, C, D, K. What are other substances contained in carrot juice, squeezed independently? It contains nicotinic acid, all trace elements are needed, easily digestible mineral salts, a large amount.

Contraindications. Carrot juice should not be drunk during gastritis, heartburn, diarrhea. It is also contraindicated for people with diabetes.

Note.  The consumption rate of carrot juice is no more than 125 ml per day. It is better absorbed in combination with milk.

What substances are contained in beet juice?

Also one of the most useful juices is beetroot. It contains a large amount of sodium, iron, chlorine, pectins. It is rich in vitamins and amino acids. Contains potassium, manganese, copper,.

Contraindications.  Celery juice should not be drunk during pregnancy, in diseases of the urogenital system and the gastrointestinal tract. Also, it is not recommended for weak and elderly people.

Note.  Celery juice is better to use not in its pure form, but with other juices. It is especially good in combination with carrot, beet, apple, pear juice.

The benefits of fruit juice from apples for the body

Apple juice contains a large amount of iron, this is its uniqueness. In addition, it has a whole of vitamins (B, C, E, H, PP), a significant amount of minerals and antioxidants, easily digestible sugars, proteins, starch, organic acids.

Healing properties:

  • Prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder.
  • Mild laxative effect.
  • Treatment of gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.
  • Treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Recovery after myocardial infarction.
  • Choleretic and diuretic action.
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels.
  • Great is the benefit of this fruit juice for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Antimicrobial action in infectious diseases.
  • Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis elimination.
  • Strengthening the immune system, increasing the tone.

Contraindications. Apple juice should not be used for pancreatitis and gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, with acute peptic ulcer disease, and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Note.  The daily rate of apple juice - up to 1 l.

Useful properties of freshly squeezed orange juice

Orange juice is especially rich in vitamins A and C. In addition, it contains vitamins B, E, K, a complex of microelements, antioxidants, 11 amino acids, pectins.

Healing properties:

  • Prevention of colds.
  • Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • Treatment of anemia.
  • Treatment of arterial hypertension.
  • Improved digestion, increased appetite.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins.
  • Treatment of diseases of the joints.
  • Enhance immunity.
  • Great is the benefit of this juice for the body and in replenishing the lack of vitamin C.
  • Strengthening the nervous system, help with neurosis and stress.

Contraindications.  You can not use the juice with an allergy to citrus, diabetes and obesity (and with a predisposition to them), gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. Be careful with drinking this juice for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (only in diluted form, in a 1: 1c ratio with boiled water).

Note.Single dose - no more than 50 ml, the daily rate - up to 300 ml.

What is useful pear juice?

A distinctive feature of pear juice is a high content of fructose, which does not require insulin for its absorption.

Therefore, this juice is recommended for people with reduced pancreatic function. It also contains other easily digestible sugars, a rich set of vitamins (A, B, C, E, P, PP, biotin), an almost complete complex of microelements, β-carotene, catechins (powerful antioxidants), tannins, pectins, nitrogenous connections.

Healing properties:

  • Treatment of urolithiasis.
  • Prevention and treatment of liver diseases.
  • In juice therapy, the therapeutic properties of this juice are used for the prevention and treatment of cholecystitis and gastritis.
  • Excretion of excess cholesterol, prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • Neutralization of certain types of toxins, cleansing the body.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Easy antipyretic effect.
  • Astringent action

Contraindications. Juice is contraindicated in chronic and exacerbation of gastric ulcers.

Useful properties of fresh cherry juice

Cherry juice is one of the most valuable in terms of healing, its popularity is undeservedly low. By the concentration of nutrients, it is ten times greater than most other juices. It is especially rich in P-carotene and antioxidants. It also contains a complete set of essential trace elements, a complex of vitamins (A, groups B, C, E, PP), organic acids, easily digestible sugars, tannins, pectins.

Freshly squeezed and sold juices already prepared in the store are recommended to be consumed at any time of the year at the most diverse ages. They are usually drunk separately from food or as a snack for a second breakfast or afternoon snack, without thinking whether juice is really good.

In fact, these drinks are not suitable for everyone. They can cause nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea and other negative reactions of the body.

After conducting a series of clinical studies, experts have found out what the benefits of juice are:

  • increases appetite and secretion of gastric juice;
  • compensates for the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial substances;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and toxins;
  • normalizes digestion and assimilation of nutrients from food;
  • has a poto-, gall-and diuretic effect;
  • normalizes blood circulation and blood formation, eliminates stagnant processes in the pelvic organs;
  • serves to prevent the development of tumors and cancer;
  • removes excess fluid from the body due to the content of potassium salts;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and serves as a prevention of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • breaks down fats and helps to lose weight;
  • strengthens the immune system.

This kind of natural drink is also used for some diseases. If you do not know which juice is useful in your case, seek the help of a specialist - a dietitian or a specialized doctor. Sometimes you have to pass a series of tests to determine the level of nutrients in your body to say exactly which drink suits you best.

What is useful juice, largely depends on its type. After all, these drinks contain almost the same vitamins and trace elements as fruits, vegetables, berries, from which they are prepared.

What is the most useful juice

To determine which juice is the most useful, you need to know what kind of drinks are called "juice":

  • nectar, having in its composition only 25-50% of pure juice;
  • juice without pulp, containing only liquid in a concentration of 100% of the total mass of the drink;
  • juice with pulp, containing both liquid and parts of fruit, berries, vegetables, from which it was prepared;
  • fresh, which is the most useful juice (pressed immediately before use from fresh vegetables, fruits, berries);
  • juice drink, where the manufacturer himself determines the concentration of the product, but it is always more than 10% of the total mass;
  • fruit drink - product from frozen fruits and berries or from concentrated juice.

Rules for the preparation and use of juices

It is important to know not only which juices are useful, but also how to properly prepare and use them. Experts recommend to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Everything is good in moderation. If you do not suffer from chronic diseases and are an adult, then do not consume more than 600 ml of the product per day and more than 300 ml in one session. In other cases, an individual selection of dosage is required with the help of a specialist.
  2. Ready nectars should be stored as indicated on the package. Fresh drinks are recommended to drink within 10 minutes after their preparation.
  3. In many cases, concentrated beverages must be diluted with water. Rely on your own taste preferences. Do not add sugar and its artificial counterparts.
  4. To make a drink, choose only ripe fresh fruit with no signs of rotting or mildew. It is desirable in cases where it is possible to use the skin, for example, when receiving fresh apples and pears.
  5. Useful juices for children should be introduced into the supplements only after consulting with a pediatrician.

Note. The most useful juices for men and women of different ages, when they are obtained from several ingredients. But not all products combine well with each other. So, doctors recommend not to interfere with each other stone fruit and pome fruit nectars. It is best to rely on the rule of color: it is desirable to mix green fruit with green, and red with red.


Among fruit the most effective for healing the body are such fresh juices and nectars:

  1. Orange. He is loved by athletes for the rapid quenching of thirst, pleasant taste, a large amount of nutrients in the composition, toning and invigorating action. In addition, this drink is the prevention of tumors and cancer, atherosclerosis and deterioration of the brain.
  2. Grapefruit Drink perfectly invigorates, serves as an antipyretic and eliminates edema means, normalizes digestion, helps to become slimmer.
  3. Apple. Perfectly quenches thirst, tones and refreshes, combined with many other types of nectars. Apple juice heals the cardiovascular and nervous system, normalizes metabolism. It also helps to cope with excess weight, if cooked correctly.
  4. Pomegranate. Juice improves blood composition, strengthens the immune system, normalizes digestion, is good for the liver, helps with anemia, and is useful for deficiencies in nutrients.
  5. Plum. Drink normalizes digestion and intestinal peristalsis, quenches thirst and treats for constipation.
  6. Apricot. This juice is good for the cardiovascular system, helps with a lack of vitamin A and C, potassium and iron.

Especially useful are mixtures of fruit and vegetable juices. For example, the popular carrot-apple drink.


Among the most useful fresh vegetables from vegetables are worth noting such:

  1. Beetroot. The drink is difficult to digest, but very useful. It serves as the prevention of constipation, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases, normalizes the work of the intestines and the liver. Often combine beet and carrot juices. Moreover, a greater amount in this mixture belongs to the second type.
  2. Tomato. It is low-calorie, contains many nutrients and, due to its satiety, can be a snack between meals. The drink prevents premature aging, strengthens the immune system, helps to eliminate toxins, normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Potato juice. It improves digestion, helps to lose weight, normalize metabolism.
  4. Celery and parsley drinks. These are the most useful juices for men. They are usually used to increase potency and libido, increasing the chances of conceiving a child.
  5. Carrot Juice The drink is rich in carotene, activates protein synthesis. It enhances immunity, improves visual acuity, suspends age-related changes in tissues.

It is necessary to be more careful with fruit drinks than with fruit and berry. Vegetable juices bring both benefits and harm, are not suitable for everyone, are more difficult to digest and have less compatibility with other types of nectars.


Especially useful juices from the berries. Their therapeutic effect is proven by traditional medicine. Tasty, rich minerals and vitamins are drinks:

  1. Strawberry and strawberry. They are rich in phosphorus, calcium and iron, help with anemia, kidney disease, liver, heart, reduced immunity.
  2. Cherry and Cherry. Rich in B-group vitamins and minerals. They are useful in low immunity, hypertension, as well as prevention of atherosclerosis and nervous disorders.
  3. Black and red currant. Such fresh tones, strengthens, nourishes with useful substances. It helps with gastrointestinal diseases, headaches, viral and catarrhal diseases.
  4. Crimson. This is a therapeutic and prophylactic drink for many diseases. It is useful at elevated body temperature, flu, colds, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and poor appetite.
  5. Cranberry. This is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, used in folk medicine as a medicine. Cranberry nectar is especially useful in diseases of the pancreas, blood clotting disorders, reduced immunity.

Freshly squeezed juices

The benefits of fresh juices are much higher than all other types of drinks from fruits and vegetables. The fact is that they are not subjected to heat treatment, are not supplemented with preservatives and other chemicals, are prepared from fresh fruits and contain a maximum of useful substances. Experts can not only come to a common opinion in response to the question of which fresh juice is the most useful.

For each person, the answer will be different depending on the needs of his body, individual characteristics, the presence or absence of certain diseases, as well as on lifestyle and activity.

One of the most useful fresh juices with high mental activity and heavy physical exertion is grape. It contains a lot of sugars, is well absorbed by the body, increases stamina, improves brain activity and concentration of attention, gives a charge of cheerfulness.

The most useful juice for athletes and bodybuilders - apple and citrus. They contain a large amount of vitamin C and other nutrients that strengthen the immune system and increase endurance. Passion for fresh juice contributes to increased intake of microelements and vitamins in the body, which is necessary for intensive physical exertion on the verge of possibilities.

It is better to clarify which fresh juices are useful for various diseases in childhood. It is important not to make a mistake. After all, natural juices can benefit and harm. So, tomato drink is dangerous in case of poisoning. A large amount of carrot nectar is bad for the liver.

Important! Drinks from bags and bottles, sold in stores, only at first glance seem the same as freshly squeezed. In fact, they have very few nutrients, there are many chemical additives, including preservatives, flavor enhancers, sweeteners. Eating them is undesirable if you adhere to proper nutrition and try to eat only healthy food. Of course, sold in stores and good drinks. But they differ from all the others by higher price and small shelf life.

What harm can juices do

Many people believe that store and fresh juices are only beneficial with regular consumption. But it's not always the case. Damage to packaged and fresh drinks may occur in the following cases:

  1. If you drink these drinks on an empty stomach, you can provoke the appearance of heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Nectars contain a lot of sugars and have a high calorie content. Thus, a liter of grape juice contains 1000-1100 kcal, and the same amount of apple drink - 850-900 kcal. In addition, their use contributes to an increase in the synthesis of gastric secretion and increased appetite. Because of these properties, people with overweight and diabetes need to be very careful with these drinks.
  3. In fresh and nectar many acids that have a negative effect on teeth. With frequent consumption, the enamel may become thinner, which will cause the development of caries, the appearance of pain and increased sensitivity to cold and heat. Therefore, after drinking any juice, it is recommended to brush your teeth or rinse the mouth.
  4. Juice with a high content of acids is more harmful than other varieties. This is due to the fact that when ingested, such substances absorb calcium, which, with an unbalanced diet, eventually leads to brittle nails and hair, thinning and fragility of bones, deterioration of the teeth. Acid nectars are especially dangerous for osteoporosis and calcium deficiency.
  5. A large amount of fresh, drunk during the day, can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Treatment in this case should be selected by a doctor. It is usually symptomatic.
  6. Such drinks can cause an allergic reaction. When a rash, itching, discomfort, stop drinking a certain variety that caused problems.
  7. Some of them may cause temporary yellowing of the skin. For example, pumpkin and carrot.

Important! You can not drink fresh juices and other juice drinks with pancreatitis, ulcers, colitis, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not use them with diabetes.

Some of them have specific contraindications. For example, tomato is forbidden with cholecystitis, and grape is not recommended to use for metabolic disorders, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, with a tendency to flatulence.

Regular and proper use of juices is very useful for the human body. But by itself, a fresh drink will not save you from any diseases. It is important to approach the solution of health problems, if you have them, and to prevent their appearance in a complex.

Make your diet balanced, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, avoid stress and overwork. It is also important not to skip preventive examinations of specialists and to consult a doctor for advice at the first symptoms of the disease, and not when it is impossible to tolerate them.

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Natural vegetable juices - a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. In addition, healthy vegetable juices have tremendous health benefits. Drinking juices will help you to saturate the body with essential substances and improve your health.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices contain vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Nutrients are easily absorbed into the blood and within a few minutes they begin to nourish the cells in your body. Juice therapy shows remarkable results in solving a wide range of health problems. We present to your attention 7 nutritious vegetable juices for health and their therapeutic effect.

Celery Juice - Vegetable Juice for Brain Nourishment

Celery leaves are rich in vitamin A, and the stems are an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C, potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and amino acids.

Celery juice is a tonic for the nervous system and an excellent diuretic. It also helps with asthenia, remineralization, brain fatigue, high blood pressure, rheumatism, gout, lung diseases, bladder stones and impotence.

To improve your well-being, use 1-2 teaspoons of celery juice 3 times a day before meals or 1.5 cups a day for intensive therapy. Celery juice can also be drunk if you want to lose weight. The nutrients contained in this vegetable juice improve intestinal function.

Carrot - vegetable juice for the liver

Due to its amazing properties, carrot juice is called wonderful. This is one of the richest sources. Together with beta-carotene, carrot juice nourishes the body, B, D and K, proteins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, aluminum, sodium, manganese, iron, copper and many other useful elements.

This vegetable juice improves vision, growth of bones and teeth, supports the health of body tissues and prevents thyroid problems.

Vitamin A in carrots has a positive effect on our hair, nails and skin. This juice also has a cleansing effect, it saves our liver from fats and other unwanted substances.

Spinach Juice - Vegetable Juice for Digestion

This juice contains many beneficial substances: mineral salts (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, manganese, copper), vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, PP, vitamin E, K, A and folic acid), chlorophylls, amino acids and proteins. Spinach juice is a miracle of nature, it became clear even after scientists discovered that spinach leaves have an anticarcinogenic effect. It is recommended for anemia, rickets, weakness. Consuming 500 ml of juice per day can cure chronic constipation.

Beetroot - vegetable juice, giving energy

Beets contain sugar, mineral salts, vitamins A, B, C, PP. Beet juice refreshes, nourishes and boosts energy. It is recommended for anemia, remineralization, tuberculosis and even cancer. It is recommended to drink one glass per day in three doses. Beet juice is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.

Potato - vegetable juice against ulcers

Potato juice contains carbohydrates, protein, lipids, minerals and vitamins. It is indicated for people with gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes, the formation of gallstones and constipation.

You need to drink half a glass of juice 3-4 times a day for a month. You can mix it with honey, lemon or carrot juice, if you can not just drink the juice.

Black radish juice

Black radish is more beneficial than nutritious. It contains vitamin C and B vitamins and a large amount.

It is a good remedy for stone formation, cholecystitis, liver failure, lung diseases, chronic bronchitis, asthma, rheumatism, gout, rachitis, allergies and eczema.

You can use not only the roots, but also radish leaves. Enough to drink 20-50 grams per day, since this juice is quite strong. If you have gastric stones, you need to drink 200-400 ml of juice every day.

Cabbage - vegetable juice for gastritis

Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur. It contains phytonutrients that protect the body against free radicals, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

You can also drink cabbage juice if you suffer from asthma, bronchitis, headache, gastritis and other digestive problems. Cabbage also has anti-cancer properties.