Oatmeal gingerbread calories. Oatmeal cookies - calories

27.11.2019 Meat dishes

Since childhood, each of us is well acquainted with oatmeal cookies. It is tasty and easy to prepare. And if in the early years we could eat it as much as we wanted without thinking about anything, now some people have doubts whether it is worth it.

But giving up sugar completely is not always easy. This article will help you find answers to your questions: are there many calories in cookies and how to use it correctly without negatively affecting the figure.


The number of kilocalories in an oatmeal sweet product can decrease / increase: this pattern depends on the methods of its preparation and the ingredients used. For example, 1 piece of "Royal" cookies contains a little less kcal than a classic sample. At the same time, chocolate chip cookies are more nutritious.

Especially for cooking, you can use low-calorie foods, and you will get diet cookies.

Even baked goods with chocolate, under certain conditions, can have an acceptable number of calories. A traditional oatmeal cookie that you can find on grocery store shelves has about 400 kilocalories, sometimes 450 (per 100 grams). Therefore, in one piece there will be about 100-120 kcal.

The presence of nutrients and vitamins, as well as their volume, vary depending on the ingredients used in baking. However, oatmeal cookies will be rich in vegetable protein in any case.

In addition to it, the composition is filled with:

  • high levels of fiber;
  • vegetable fats;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin group B;
  • minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and manganese;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • amino acids.

During the cooking process, you can influence the composition yourself by adding additional components to the sweet dish, for example, berries or nuts, which contain their own beneficial substances.

Many doctors recommend eating oatmeal cookies regularly in the morning because they make a great breakfast. It quickly saturates and energizes for many hours. It can be used whenever the soul desires to satisfy hunger in any situation. This product stimulates the functioning of the digestive system and helps to cleanse toxins and toxins.

Also included in the composition of oatmeal removes harmful cholesterol from the blood, thereby ensuring the normal functioning of the vessels.

The beneficial elements listed above have a positive effect on muscle tissue, improving the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Meanwhile, antioxidants block free radicals. A large amount of vegetable fiber has a positive effect on the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to remove harmful fluid.

However, if you want the real benefit of store-bought oatmeal cookies, carefully study its composition before purchasing.

Not all types and brands can boast a complete list of listed substances. In addition, real cookies are not able to be stored for a long time. If the expiration date is too long on the package, then the sweetness is filled with preservatives that can be harmful to human health. But you don't have to worry about the negative impact if you make your own cookies, knowing full well what ingredients you added to them.

Can you eat while losing weight?

The most serious and big minus of oatmeal cookies is that with frequent use it is easy to get better from it. Such a risk does not threaten unless the lucky ones with a high metabolism. For the rest, a couple more cookies with tea can result in a few extra pounds on the dial of the scales. This does not mean that you have to cross out one of your favorite treats from your life forever. You just need to choose the most suitable beneficial species and use them correctly.

You can also find packages of biscuits with a dietary composition in stores.

But we advise you not to be lazy, and still cook it with your own hands. So you will be sure only of the usefulness of sweetness and its effect on the figure. Almost the entire vitamin complex and trace elements contained in oats are preserved after heat treatment, which means they will be present in baking. In addition, most of them are easily absorbed in the body. However, the choice of additives should be approached with caution. Some supplement cookies with useful properties, but at the same time significantly increase their calorie content. During cooking, try to add less sugar to the baking. And it is better to refuse it altogether if among the additives there are, for example, berries or fruits.

They got this name for their slow combustion, which provides a long period of satiety for a person.

But if you still do not have enough time for self-cooking, and you decide to buy cookies in the store, pay attention to the composition of the product. Most likely, you will find sugar, starch, margarine and eggs on the list. These components will definitely not help you lose weight.

Refuse to buy loose cookies. Its specific composition, as a rule, is impossible to know. It may include not only dubious substances, but also frankly harmful additives that will not help at all in the diet.

low calorie recipe

There are many types of only dietary oatmeal cookies. On the Internet, you can find a recipe that satisfies almost any request. We will talk about the most popular cooking methods used at home.


Classic cottage cheese cookies can be prepared by any hostess who is fond of cooking. In this case, a ripe banana, 150 grams of oatmeal and a 100-gram pack of cottage cheese will come in handy.

Crush the cereal to get flour. The curd must be beaten with a blender until a creamy consistency is obtained. Mash the banana. Mix these ingredients to make a dough. From the resulting curd-oatmeal base, mold pancakes, then distribute them on a baking dish and put in an oven heated to 200 degrees. The dessert will be ready in twenty minutes.

With bran

Bran cookies are a pretty tasty option, but baked goods made this way harden quickly. Therefore, you need to use it either immediately or after soaking. You will need one glass of oatmeal, the same amount of cereal, bran. Add a whole spoon of honey, a small amount of raisins, one chicken protein and sunflower or olive oil.

First you need to mix cereal, bran and raisins, and then pour oil (vegetable or olive) and honey.

Throw in the protein and sprinkle with flour. The mass must be kneaded until the dough becomes sufficiently plastic. Form shaped circles out of it, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 20 minutes. The baking temperature should be at least 180 degrees.

Oatmeal cookies are a well-known product, the taste of which is familiar from childhood. These biscuits are perfect for dessert or as an addition to breakfast, or as a standalone food product suitable for a quick snack. Baking from oat grains is a quality product, saturated with nutrients and macronutrients necessary for the body.

Why is it good to eat oatmeal cookies?

The composition of this product includes butter, sugar, eggs and cereals, but the main ingredients of cookies are oatmeal or oatmeal, the benefits of which have been proven more than once by scientists and nutritionists. Flour, like flakes, contains a huge amount of natural antioxidants, is enriched with fiber and includes vitamins of groups B, PP, E, as well as magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, which are necessary for the full functioning of the human body.

Oatmeal cookies are a healthy food product that has a lot of beneficial effects:

  • Provides energy and keeps the body in good shape for a long time;
  • Causes a feeling of satiety even when eating a small amount of cookies;
  • Uplifts mood and stimulates the brain;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular, digestive and circulatory systems.

The peculiarities of this baking are the complete digestibility of the components in the digestive system, as well as the preservation of high-quality nutritional characteristics after heat treatment - after baking, the cookies retain their original beneficial properties. The taste of baking and the undeniable benefits make oatmeal cookies the leader of healthy foods among flour products, but despite so many positive qualities, eating baked goods can be fraught.

Harm of oatmeal baking: pitfalls of a healthy product

The main contraindication to the use of oatmeal cookies is a tendency to be overweight. This product is very high in calories, as the store-bought version is saturated with sugar and can be a serious problem for people with diabetes or skin problems. The way out of the situation is to eat homemade cookies or a product where sucrose is replaced by fructose.

In addition, store-bought pastries can provoke allergic reactions of the body to any component of the cookie composition: preservatives, baking powder, bee honey or confectionery fats can cause many problems.

All the benefits of cookies are negated due to the excessive enrichment of baking with simple sugars and unsaturated fats during the production cycle at the manufacturing plant. You can buy high-quality cookies based on the price category and the appearance of the product:

Cookie calories

Oatmeal cookies are high in calories, due to the huge amount of sugar and fat in the product. To reduce the number of calories, it is recommended to purchase diet or diabetic cookies, where only natural ingredients are used, and sugar is replaced by honey or fructose. In addition, self-baking at home can reduce calories and increase the health of the product.

You will find the recipe for dietary oatmeal cookies without adding sugar and flour in the following video:

Oatmeal cookies are a healthy and tasty food product that provides many useful substances, tones and saturates the human body. According to nutritionists, eating a couple of oatmeal cookies can replace a serving of porridge. In order to eliminate all the negative properties of cookies, it is recommended to carefully choose a product in the store or cook it yourself, and then baking will please both you and your body.

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Oatmeal cookies and a cup of tea or milk - what better way to remind us of childhood! But it is also so useful! However, stores now offer such a rich selection of this product that you involuntarily begin to wonder if there is any difference between them. Meanwhile, it really exists and significantly affects the benefits. Let's take it in order.

Composition and calories

Oatmeal cookies are a rather high-calorie product: according to various estimates, they contain from 400 to 490 kcal per 100 g, the glycemic index is 79. That is, 1 cookie contains more than 85 kcal.

This is due to the high calorie content of its ingredients - butter (or margarine), sugar (or honey). Oatmeal and egg are not that rich in calories.

Did you know? 100 g of margarine contains more calories than the same amount of butter, which is healthier. There are more calories in 100 g of honey than in a similar mass of sugar, but honey is more useful.

Its nutritional value is represented by proteins (about 6 g), fats (25-30 g), carbohydrates (50-58 g).

Vitamins (,) and trace elements (, copper, and others) also have a positive effect on the body.

Benefits of oatmeal cookies

This type of baking is useful for a person, because:

  • stimulates intestinal motility, cleanses it;
  • provides the necessary supply of energy;
  • promotes the production of serotonin (hormone of joy);
  • helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • improves perception, memory, increases efficiency.

cooking at home

You can make your own oatmeal cookies.
We bring to your attention one of the recipes:

  1. Prepare the necessary components: 150 g of oatmeal in the form of flakes (those that need to be boiled), 100 g of sugar, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  2. Using a coffee grinder, grind the flakes into flour, falling asleep in small portions.
  3. We take out the butter from the refrigerator in advance and grind it with sugar with a fork.
  4. We break the egg, it is better in a separate container so that the shell does not get into it. Add the egg to the butter, mix well again.
  5. Pour the baking powder into the ground oatmeal and mix.
  6. Mix dry mixture with oil. Knead the dough and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  7. We heat the oven to 180°C.
  8. Deco lined with baking paper.
  9. With the help of a spoon, we sculpt figures in the form of balls from the dough.
  10. We lay them out on the deco, maintaining a small interval between them.
  11. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 20 minutes.
  12. We take out the cookies, cool and try. It comes out fluffy and light.

Did you know? If you add a small pinch of salt to sweet pastries, it will favorably emphasize its taste.

Cookies while on a diet

Purchased biscuits are especially focused on, as they often contain palm oil, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives that are harmful to the body.

However, the same nutritionists say that for weight loss it is important to enjoy food, then a person, enjoying, eats more slowly and quickly begins to feel a sense of satiety. The main thing is to eat high-calorie foods in the morning in order to have time to spend calories.
Given that the number of calories consumed per day for people who want to lose weight properly is from 1300 to 1700 (depending on gender, lifestyle, height, weight and age), then 1 cookie, cooked by yourself and eaten for breakfast, fits perfectly. on the menu.

You can also reduce the amount of calories contained in this pastry by almost half if you replace the butter with fat-free, and sugar with dried fruits and add a few pieces of dark chocolate, a pinch of vanilla, coconut chips, or seeds for taste.

Although such additives will lead to a deviation in the taste of baking from the classic oatmeal cookies.

Important! If you want to lose weight, don't eat more than 1 cookie, only eat them for breakfast with unsweetened coffee, tea, or low-fat yogurt.

Harm and contraindications

Even such a healthy treat as oatmeal cookies can seriously harm your health if you have:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • problems with teeth and gums;
  • allergy to chemical additives;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • increased blood pressure.

If you do not have time to prepare a treat yourself, you can buy it in the store, but you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of choosing.

To choose the “right” oatmeal cookies, pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Appearance. The delicacy should not crumble, be small, light, smooth or with dents and cracks, covered with glaze, with bite marks from rodents.
  2. Taste - moderately sweet, not cloying, oatmeal, without extraneous aftertastes from the addition of chemical flavors, not bitter, without an unpleasant feeling of greasy aftertaste. Cookies should not be hard.
  3. Ingredients - oatmeal, oatmeal, wheat flour, sugar (or honey), eggs (not egg powder), butter or vegetable oil (with an indication of its specific type).
  4. Shelf life. Normally, it should not exceed 1 month. An extended period indicates that preservatives have been added to the dough, even if they are not indicated in the composition.

Important! As part of high-quality cookies, dyes, preservatives, flavors, flavor enhancers, sugar substitutes (except fructose in sweets for diabetics), palm oil are unacceptable.

How to use

If you do not plan to gain weight, then the number of oatmeal cookies eaten should not exceed 3 pieces. It doesn't have to be a daily meal, especially for those on a diet.

Drinks with which you wash it down should not contain sugar: there is already enough of it in cookies, because a sufficiently high glycemic index indicates an increase in blood sugar levels after such a meal, and this is fraught with problems with insulin production.

Suitable low-fat dairy products, green tea, natural coffee.

According to the calculations of scientists, our body spends more calories in the period before lunch, and after that it starts to “lazy”.
After 6 p.m., he is in the mood to rest and sleep. Therefore, eating sweets should occur no later than 12 noon to avoid fat deposition.

Other equally healthy oat products

Not only oatmeal cookies are useful, oatmeal or will bring much more benefit.


This product is made from grains by cleaning, steaming and flattening, while losing some of the nutrients. This procedure allows you to reduce the cooking time from 40 minutes to 5-10.

Some types of oatmeal are steamed with boiling water, some are boiled for about 10 minutes.


Oatmeal is made from whole grain oats, resembling in appearance. It takes much longer to cook, but it is healthier, it has a lower glycemic index and more, which gives a greater feeling of satiety.

Oatmeal cookies are among the healthiest sweets. Cook it yourself or pick it up in the store - it's up to you, but remember to choose the right products and do not overdo it in eating treats so as not to put on weight.

There are a lot of varieties of oatmeal muffin. The cookies are baked with a variety of toppings, ranging from traditional vanilla to fruit pieces and chocolate icing. In any case, these are soft fragrant circles, with a crispy crust. We all remember this taste of oatmeal cookies, its calorie content is not so high. It is 437 kcal / 100 g. Therefore, among all the sweets, we can choose it without fear for extra pounds.

Composition of biscuits

Oatmeal cookies can be bought at the store, or you can bake yourself. The latter option is much preferable because it eliminates the addition of harmful flavors and stabilizers.

The recipe for oatmeal cookies includes two types of flour: oatmeal and wheat. And also granulated sugar. That, perhaps, is all. A little oil is added, and vegetable is better for diet cookies.

If desired, you can add raisins, pieces of dried apricots, nuts, vanilla or cinnamon.

Beneficial features

Oats contain a large amount of fiber, various trace elements and vitamins. This is a very useful cereal that allows your stomach to work perfectly, and also controls blood sugar levels. In turn, oatmeal cookies, in addition to the amazing taste, bring direct benefits to the body:

  • Optimizes digestion;
  • Removes harmful substances from the body;
  • Saturates the blood with oxygen;
  • Lowers the amount of cholesterol;
  • Vitaminizes metabolism.

It should be noted that all of the above applies to reasonable limits for the consumption of oatmeal cookies. It is very nutritious in itself. And if you eat it in kilograms, you can seriously put on weight.

Ingredients that affect calories

Various additives to oatmeal cookies not only change its taste, but also change the calorie content. Some of the additives in oatmeal cookies significantly affect their nutritional value. Using these or other ingredients, you can reduce or increase the calorie content of cookies by 100 units. Let's consider several options:

  1. The calorie content of one oatmeal cookie contains 85 kcal. This is a variant of the classic store-bought cookies that are sold in any supermarket;
  2. The caloric value of the same cookie, but with the addition of bran, will be 75 kcal;
  3. If you add a few seeds to classic cookies, the calorie content will instantly increase to 105 kcal.

Housewives love to please their household with sweets. And, of course, the recipe will be significantly different from the factory one. For example, it could be like this:

  • 200 grams of oatmeal flakes;
  • 1 cup fat-free kefir;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;
  • 80 grams of peeled sunflower seeds;
  • 2 chicken eggs.

In this case, the calorie content of oatmeal cookies will be halved.

But the addition of chocolate will increase the indicator not by a large amount, but it will give much more energy value to the product. One chocolate cookie has about 95 kcal.

Raisin cookies also have a number of useful qualities, and their calorie content does not exceed 90 kcal.

Having considered the most popular options, we can say with confidence. Oatmeal cookies have the right to be in our diet. Even the most high-calorie option does not have a significant impact on our fat balance.

Oatmeal cookies in diet food

Nutritionists are very positive about oatmeal cookies, especially home-made ones, since in this case the exact composition is guaranteed.

The fact is that in addition to calorie indicators, oatmeal cookies have a high fiber content. And this is an important ingredient in weight loss. Studies have shown that even a daily intake of 30 grams of oatmeal cookies can bring invaluable benefits to a person. So, let's look at what fiber gives us:

  1. Fiber reduces appetite and makes you feel full. This happens due to the fact that this substance is able to absorb excess moisture, toxins, cholesterol, in a word, everything worthless that comes across it on the way. At the same time, it swells and increases in size. But the main dietary property of fiber is based on the fact that it is not absorbed by the body at all. In other words, passing through the body, fiber collects all the "useless" and "harmful", and then leaves the body with them;
  2. Due to the properties of the absorbent, fiber perfectly copes with all the problems of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system;
  3. Regular consumption of the fiber found in your favorite oatmeal cookies lowers blood sugar levels and lowers blood pressure.

Summing up, we recall that oatmeal cookies are not a high-calorie product. Its caloric content may differ depending on the additional components, but even this leaves it in the dietary baking range.

One of my favorite treats for kids is oatmeal cookies. The original, incomparable taste given to it by this type of flour distinguishes it from other delicacies. This type of cookie was loved in Russia during the reign of the tsars, and now many people like it, especially when combined with milk.

If we look at the components of oatmeal cookies, we will understand that its calorie content will be high, because eggs, sugar and margarine have a high energy value. 100 g of cookies can contain up to 430 kcal. But everything is not so scary, because two little treats will not add extra pounds.

1 piece of oatmeal cookies contains 85 kcal.

Today's popularity of this cookie is increased by all kinds of components that manufacturers add to the main components. It could be:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chocolate;
  • raisin.

Now they began to produce dietary and lean oatmeal cookies. Its great benefits are due to its ingredients, and to get the necessary amount of energy for the whole day, just two pieces eaten in the morning are enough.

In addition to providing energy, oatmeal cookies also perform such functions in our body:

  1. Ensures normal activity of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Reduces the effect on the body of harmful substances.
  3. Lowers the amount of sugar and cholesterol.
  4. Maintains muscle tone and stabilizes the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Favorably affects the work of the digestive tract.

That's why eating it for breakfast is shown even to those who are on a diet. And if you cook it yourself, then its benefits will increase, because harmful additives are put in the dough in production.

Calorie content can be reduced by more than 100 units if you replace high-calorie components with nuts or dried fruits.

Oatmeal cookies with seeds (with bran)

Many ingredients can change the taste of the main product or dish beyond recognition and affect its energy value.

The number of calories in 1 piece of oatmeal cookies with the addition of bran is 75 units.

And if you add sunflower seeds, the picture will change.

In 1 piece of oatmeal cookies with seeds - 105 kcal.

That is, 100 g of cookies with the addition of sunflower seeds contains 460 kcal. This number can be halved if you use such a diet recipe for cooking.

We will need:

  • oatmeal 200 g;
  • kefir with 0% fat content 200 g;
  • honey 40 g;
  • sunflower seeds 80 g;
  • egg 2 pcs.

Mix all the ingredients well, put on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and bake in the oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 190 degrees.

The calorie content of one hundred grams of the resulting appetizing cookies will not exceed 200 kcal.

Calories in oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate added to cookies will not only add a few extra calories to it, but also increase the beneficial effect of the final product on the body. After all The benefits of chocolate in small amounts have long been proven by scientists. and, the hormone of joy contained in it, cheered up more than one sweet tooth.

In 1 piece of oatmeal cookies with chocolate - 95 kcal.

Energy value of oatmeal cookies with raisins

Knowledge about the beneficial properties of raisins came to us from ancient times, but are still relevant today. He calms the nervous system, increases vitality, helps fight depression and insomnia, and also - saturates the body with B vitamins and magnesium.

1 piece of oatmeal raisin cookies contains 90 kcal.

The benefits of oatmeal cookies are great, and the calorie content is not so high, so you can include it in your daily diet, periodically changing the recipe and delighting yourself and loved ones with a new taste every time.