Greek coffee frappe. Frappe: a recipe for cooking at home

26.06.2023 Meat dishes


Reading time: 3 minutes


With the advent of summer, cold drinks are very popular. Many people love kvass, compotes, chilled teas, and coffee lovers remain devoted only to him. The Greeks first came up with a recipe for frappe coffee - a cold drink to which milk and other ingredients are added. Its main difference is a large amount of crushed ice, which gives a certain zest and density to the drink. Today we will reveal to you the secrets of making delicious aromatic cold frappe coffee.

What is frappe

This cooking recipe was invented in Greece at one of the fairs. At that time, a Nestle representative could not brew an instant drink, as there was no hot water at hand. And he decided to mix cold water with coffee powder and beat. This is how the famous coffee frappe appeared. It is popular in Cyprus, Greece, the drink is also respected in other countries. Frappe is usually served cold, its name translated into Russian means “beat”, “knock”. To prepare such coffee as a frappe, you need to put all the ingredients in a blender or a special shaker and beat well until a thick foam forms. The drink is served in a tall glass and crushed ice is added. To enjoy the taste of Greek coffee, it is drunk slowly through a straw. Let's get acquainted with the recipes for making a real drink.

Traditional cold coffee frappe

Such real coffee can be tasted only in Greek coffee houses, we practically do not prepare it. If you could not find it in restaurants, we offer you to brew frappe coffee according to the recipe at home. This will require:

  • Coffee in granules - one tablespoon;
  • Fatty milk - one hundred milliliters;
  • Sugar - two teaspoons;
  • Mineral water - one hundred milliliters;
  • Ice cubes - 5-7 pieces.

Chill water and milk before cooking. It is better to whip coffee with a blender, this way you get a thick mixture with foam, but if it is not at hand, use a shaker or a regular jar. The Greeks beat the mixture with a special device, it resembles a small mixer and is called a frapper. We will serve the drink in a tall glass with a straw, put the glass in the freezer for ten minutes to cool it.

Put coffee and sugar in a high container, if you prefer a non-sweet drink, you can not add it. Pour four tablespoons of water and beat for about one minute until a thick, fluffy foam is obtained. Remove the glass from the freezer and fill it with the prepared mixture, carefully and slowly add the remaining water and milk. Now you can add ice cubes and garnish with grated chocolate or caramel. Enjoy delicious refreshing coffee.

Cherry frappe

We offer to prepare an original coffee and berry drink. You will need the following ingredients:

  • One hundred milliliters of ready-made brewed espresso;
  • A few pitted cherry berries;
  • Five ice cubes;
  • Two cherries on a branch for decoration.

Whisk the cherries, crush the ice and place in a tall glass. Slowly and carefully pour the espresso into the glass. Garnish the frappe with a frozen cherry and serve with a straw.

To prepare one serving you will need:

  • One hundred milliliters of espresso;
  • A piece of dark chocolate, twenty grams;
  • Seventy milliliters of fat milk;
  • Honey to taste;
  • Ice cubes.

Fill the glass two-thirds full with crushed ice. In the cooled espresso, add honey, milk and grate half of the chocolate. Beat this mixture well with a blender until you get a stable thick foam. Slowly pour the whipped mass into a glass with ice to keep the foam. Garnish the drink with grated chocolate.

Frappe with ice cream

To prepare insanely delicious coffee, prepare the following ingredients:

  • One cup of brewed espresso;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • One hundred grams of ice cream;
  • A piece of chocolate;
  • Seven ice cubes.

Whisk full fat milk with ice cream in a bowl. Put crushed ice in glasses and pour in the prepared milk mixture. Carefully, so as not to knock down the foam, pour in the strained espresso. Decorate your coffee with grated chocolate and serve with a cocktail straw.

It is a rare case when, up to a year, history stores the date of birth of any food or drink. However, we know for sure about frappe: it was first prepared in 1957 in Thessaloniki, Greece when the international fair was held there.

The Greek Dimitrios Vakondios, representing Nestle at this event, was supposed to prepare a cup of instant coffee, but he did not have boiling water at his disposal, then he found an unusual way out of the situation: pour the powder with cold water, and then shake it in a shaker with ice.

I liked the drink and it turned out to be very timely in the hot southern climate. Many wanted to repeat this experiment.

Although the drink was born in Greece, it was called the French word "frappe" (accent - on the last syllable), which means "chilled" in Russian.

Frappe coffee - what is it?

The frappe coffee consists of espresso and crushed ice(about what we talked about here), sometimes additives add variety to the recipe:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • ice cream;
  • fruits;
  • cream.

Since a significant amount of ice in the drink is allotted, frappe is recommended for people who limit their own menu to different diets, counting every calorie.

It is for them that frappe without milk is best suited. It is important that the drink is freshly brewed, “alive”, and not prepared several hours earlier.

Recipes for making a drink at home, its composition

This drink is very pleasant to prepare at home, surprising your family and friends. Moreover, you can fully show your imagination and creativity by using ingredients unusual for bars and cafes.

For example, blackcurrant from your own summer cottage or cranberries.

You can also diversify the taste of frappe with: cinnamon (it is added to coffee during brewing); honey (it will perfectly replace sugar in a drink), cherry syrup (cherries are generally ideal for any desserts and cocktails), pineapple and apricot (the drink will acquire tropical notes), cognac or liquor (a wonderful option for a romantic dinner).

Proportions are chosen based on your own preferences. Prepare a drink with a mixer, blender or shaker (who has what).

The main thing is that as a result of your efforts, the foam is dense.


The ratio of ingredients in this recipe should be as follows: freshly brewed coffee - 200 ml, milk - 150 ml, ice - a dozen standard cubes.

The components are whipped with a mixer and poured into a glass into which ice has already been poured. Insert a tube into the glass.


In addition to traditional ingredients, you need to take ice cream and grated chocolate.

First, milk and ice cream are whipped. Tall glass glasses are filled one-third with crushed ice and milk and ice cream are poured in, followed by coffee. Decoration for the drink - chocolate chips.

You will find other recipes for making coffee with ice cream, the name of which is glass.

With caramel

This version of the frappe - a kind of cocktail of coffee, milk and syrup.

The first thing to do is to make coffee (120 ml) and beat in a blender, adding the same amount of milk, a couple of teaspoons of sugar and caramel syrup.

All these products are combined with ice cubes and beat again (for one minute). Decorate the frappe with caramel sauce and a top of whipped cream.

Here is a video with one of the options for making frappe coffee:

Mint with strawberries

For this recipe whip milk, strawberries and sugar(brown is best). Coffee, a mixture of whipped ingredients, is poured into a glass with ice. Decorate with mint leaves.

The straw for this drink needs to be chosen thicker, since pieces of berries will definitely come across in the drink.


The basis of the drink is a double espresso(250 ml). You will also need ice and one hundred grams of berries, which are whipped with a blender.

Ice is poured into the glasses, berry puree is placed on top (to make it denser, it must first be held in the freezer for some time).

Coffee is poured into a glass carefully, along the walls. Decorate with fresh berries.

with vanilla

This drink can be prepared according to the classic recipe. With the addition of just one drop of vanilla extract, the taste of coffee frappe changes.

Many believe that in this way the classic version reaches perfection, because an exquisite aroma is added to the excellent tastes.

With chocolate

This coffee frappe is called winter because it uses warming ingredients such as honey and chocolate.

Making a chocolate drink begins with the preparation of a double espresso, mix it (after cooling slightly) with other ingredients - milk, chocolate, honey.

This mixture is whipped with a blender, then poured into a glass, in which there are already pieces of ice, decorated with chocolate chips.


This recipe is considered an analogue of the one born in 1957 and from which the history of frappe began. That is why it will be interesting to reproduce it in the home kitchen literally in small things, without letting your own imagination run wild.

To prepare it, you should take a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee, water - 50 ml, and milk - twice as much as water.

Sugar is something that you can put in, focusing on your own taste - more or less.

All components of the frappe are whipped in a mixer or shaker. It is necessary to ensure that the foam is thick. This mixture is poured into a glass, in which 3-5 ice cubes are already gleaming.


First, brew espresso (50 ml). Melt the chocolate bar (you can in a water bath). Get a blender and whisk coffee and one banana, add 100 ml of milk and vanillin and again beat all these components together.

Chocolate is poured into a tall glass goblet, then the whipped mixture. The final chord is a decoration of whipped cream.

If you are interested, as well as the history of the appearance of drinks, recipes, read our publication.

Recipes for making coffee with cognac are presented in the material.


This recipe is interesting because the water used in it is carbonated, it needs to be taken 200 ml. With a mixer, beat this water with a teaspoon of instant coffee and the same amount of sugar.

Pour the mixture into a glass filled with ice. Pour a teaspoon of almond syrup on top.

Difference between frappe and frappuccino

Both of these drinks belong to the group of soft drinks made on the basis of espresso.

But if in the case of frappe, the manufacturer's imagination is allowed and even welcomed, then Frappuccino has been made strictly according to the recipe patented by StarBucks for more than half a century.(she is known in many countries of the world as a manufacturer of refreshing drinks, which include coffee).

Standard serving is 460 ml. It includes milk (required - chilled), ice, sugar and doppio (so called double espresso).

All this together (including ice, and this distinguishes frappuccino from frappe) is whipped. The drink is served with a straw.

How to drink

This drink is usually served as a refreshing drink.- on a hot summer day or stuffy evening. The glass should be tall and transparent so that you can better see all its ingredients. By the way, an Irish glass is also suitable for this drink.

They drink frappe slowly, through a straw, and for different types of drink they select a straw of the desired diameter (if the drink contains pieces of fruit or berries that are not completely crushed by a mixer, the tube should be thicker than usual).

Interestingly, in Greece this drink is considered an integral part of the traditional pastime of the southerners.

Even an unusual record was registered - local residents, hiding from the sun, talking in a friendly company, drank a portion of frappe through a straw for four hours.

Due to the fact that it is desirable to delay the pleasure as long as possible, the Greeks consider it permissible to add a little cold water to coffee while drinking.

Well, the foam is completely sucked out with the help of a straw, so that the glass is perfectly empty and not a single drop of goodies would be wasted.

The main components of frappe are coffee, milk, ice cream and fruit syrups.

To prepare frappe, use a special shaker, mixer or blender. It is customary to serve this drink in 2 ways: pour the drink into a glass filled with crushed ice and accompany it with a straw or in a glass without ice with a short straw. Fruit cocktails are decorated with berries, fruits or whipped cream. Alcoholic beverages, such as liquor, can be added to the drink.

Frappe was invented by a resourceful Greek who, at one of the fairs, could not find hot water. Therefore, the Greek stirred coffee with cold water for a long time until a high foam formed.

The traditional frappe

1 tsp instant coffee;
- 100 ml of milk;
- 1 tsp Sahara;
- 100 ml of water;
- 200 g of edible ice.

Pour instant coffee and sugar into a small plate, mix well and then add boiled water, which can be either warm or cold. Beat this mixture with a mixer until foam appears. The coffee mixture should be beige in color.

Pour the coffee mixture into a tall glass, then pour in cold milk in a thin stream so as not to damage the foam. Then put ice into the glass.

Frappe with ice cream

For cooking you will need:
- 30 ml of espresso;
- 50 g of ice cream;
- ¼ tsp cocoa powder;
- cinnamon (to taste);
- food ice - 5 pcs.

In a blender, combine espresso, cocoa and ice cream, beat until smooth. Next, you need to add food ice and beat again until a thick foam forms.

Pour the resulting mixture into a tall glass and add some cinnamon. Frappe with ice cream can be served with a straw.


Fans of strong and original drinks will appreciate the mixture of frappe and espresso. You will need:
- 100 ml of espresso;
- 100 ml of milk;
- 1 tsp Sahara;
- 200 g of edible ice.

Pour all the ingredients of this drink into a blender and beat until fine crumbs form. Pour the drink into a tall glass and serve with a straw. Also, if desired, you can decorate the frappuccino with whipped cream, caramel or chocolate syrup.

Fruit and berry frappe

To prepare 1 serving of this drink you will need:
- 80 g of ice cream;
- 20 ml strawberry syrup;
- 10 ml of lemon syrup;
- 30 ml of milk;
- 20 ml of mineral water.

Beat ice cream, milk, lemon and strawberry syrups with a blender, then add cold mineral water, mix gently with a spoon so as not to damage the thick foam. Serve this drink in a tall glass with a straw.

Frappe with Baileys liqueur

1 st. l. instant coffee;
- 80 ml of milk;
- 80 ml of Baileys liqueur;
- 200 g of food ice;
- chocolate sauce - to taste.

Blend coffee, milk, Baileys and edible ice well in a blender. Pour the resulting drink into tall glasses, you can decorate with chocolate sauce on top. Serve with a straw. You can cook frappe with any other liqueurs. Bon appetit!

This coffee is only found in Greece. The favorite drink of the Greeks is a cold espresso with ice and foam. It's called Freddo.

In Greece, two varieties of this coffee are popular - "Fredo espresso" and "Fredo cappuccino".

To prepare "Fredo Cappuccino" you will need:

  • ground coffee
  • espresso double shot
  • fresh milk - 50 g
  • sugar to taste
  1. Beat the milk with a blender until the maximum possible density.
  2. Fill the bottom of the glass with ice almost half way.
  3. Pour the prepared coffee on it, and whipped milk on top.
  4. You can sprinkle with grated chocolate or cinnamon if desired. It turns out very tasty!

"Fredo espresso" - the same thing, only without milk. The cost is 1.5-5 euros. The cheapest option is in a cafe, the most expensive is clubs and bars on the waterfront.

At first, some coffee drinkers may not be impressed by the taste of iced coffee. But over time, you will definitely appreciate it and enjoy it, especially if you have to stay in a hot area for almost half a year. Don't even remember your favorite hot coffee in summer!

Try it! Such coffee is prepared only in Greece. For tasting, welcome to Crete, to the coffee houses!

Frappe is the name of an unusual coffee drink that perfectly cools in the heat and invigorates. To prepare it, you need a minimum of ingredients, and the recipe is so simple that even a schoolboy can handle it. Frappe coffee is a low-calorie drink, which makes it attractive for those who are on a diet.


It is prepared on the basis of espresso with the addition of ice. In the process of whipping such a cocktail, a lot of foam is formed, due to which the taste becomes softer. If you prepare it on the basis of instant coffee, the taste may have a slight sourness. Water takes away bitterness, so cold coffee is much more pleasant to drink without added sugar.

Frappe coffee drink is usually served in glasses and drunk through a straw. In the French recipe, it includes ice cream, which gives a particularly creamy taste to the cocktail. If alcohol or syrups are added to a cold drink, then this is no longer a frappe.

Despite the light taste and cooling effect, it can be consumed not only in summer, but also in the cold season. There are "winter" recipes in which milk, chocolate, honey and even nuts are added to the drink.


  • Frappe prepared according to the classic recipe has a calorie content not exceeding 2 kcal per 50 ml. When adding a teaspoon of sugar, the indicator increases to 20 kcal.
  • Frappe has a low caffeine content - from 60 to 120 mg.
  • Cold serving coffee has a slowing effect on the digestion process, so it is better to use it separately from meals during snack periods.


Although the word "frappe" is of French origin, the roots of the drink are Greek. The frappe coffee recipe was invented by accident by Nestle representative Dimitrios Vakondios at the international fair in Thessaloniki in 1957. Being a lover of instant coffee, he did not find boiling water to make his favorite drink, and simply filled it with cold water. To break up the undissolved lumps, he decided to mix the ingredients in a shaker. This is how the recipe for Greek coffee frappe appeared - a cold cocktail with a high head of foam.

This recipe has taken root perfectly in hot Greece and Cyprus. In Europe, it has also become popular and widespread, with each country having its own local combination of ingredients.

How to make a classic

This variation of the drink is most often found in southern Europe, although it is simply called "iced coffee" there. In the rest of the mainland, the recipe has undergone many changes and has rather turned into a cocktail with different flavors.

To make frappe coffee at home, you will need:

  • 50 ml of freshly brewed espresso or strong coffee (proportions - 2 teaspoons of ground coffee per 100 ml of water).
  • Ice in proportions with coffee 1:1. To give the strength of the drink, you can take 2 parts of coffee for 1 part of water.
  • Sugar to taste.

To make a real frappe, you will need a blender with a whisk attachment or a shaker. As a last resort, a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid can be used.

Cooking steps:

  1. We prepare espresso in a Turk or a coffee machine.
  2. We filter the drink and, if desired, add sugar or honey to it to taste.
  3. Let the coffee cool down.
  4. Pour the chilled espresso into a whisk, add crushed ice or ice water.
  5. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The finished drink should have a thick head of foam on the surface.

Greek recipe

The Greek frappe recipe is based on instant powder, as it was done for the first time. It can be upgraded in your own way by adding sugar, milk or honey. There are various step-by-step recipes with photos on the Internet, but the following ingredients must be taken as a basis:

  • 1-2 tsp instant coffee.
  • 150 ml cold water.
  • Chipped ice.
  • Sugar to taste.

How to make coffee frappe based on instant powder? There are two ways to do this:

  1. In a shaker, mix coffee, sugar and crushed ice. Shake the closed container thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency of the drink is obtained.
  2. Prepare espresso and let it cool to room temperature. Add crushed ice, half a teaspoon of coffee powder and 100 ml of cold water. Shake the resulting cocktail thoroughly until a stable foam appears.

cherry flavor

In addition to the classic options, you can cook a very tasty and unusual frappe with cherries.

You will need:

  • 250 ml double espresso.
  • 100 g pitted cherries.
  • 10 ice cubes.

Brew strong espresso. Mix cherries with ice cubes and grind in a blender. Prepare tall glasses and put the cherry mass on the bottom. Carefully pour cold coffee over the sides of the glass. Decorate with fruit.

winter recipe

This fabulous tasty drink will warm you up on winter evenings, even if served cold.

To prepare, take:

  • 200 ml espresso.
  • 50 gr. bitter chocolate.
  • 150 ml chilled milk.
  • 10 ice cubes
  • 2 tsp honey.

Put crushed ice in the bottom of the glass. Brew espresso in the usual way, cool and add milk with grated chocolate and honey. Thoroughly beat all the ingredients with a mixer or blender until a stable foam appears. Pour the resulting cocktail in a thin stream along the walls of the glass, so that the foam is preserved. Garnish the drink with grated chocolate.

To prepare cold coffee with ice cream, you will need almost the same ingredients as in the previous recipe.


  • 200 ml freshly brewed double espresso.
  • 8 ice cubes.
  • 100 ml of milk.
  • 100 gr. ice cream.
  • Grated chocolate.

Brew strong coffee and strain it. Whip the milk together with ice cream until you get the consistency of thick sour cream. Place 2/3 of crushed ice into tall glasses and top with milk and ice cream. Gently pour the chilled coffee in a thin stream so that it does not mix with ice cream, but a beautiful pattern is obtained. Decorate the resulting cocktail with grated chocolate.

How to submit

Frappe is similar in temperature to a cocktail, so it is customary to serve it in tall glasses. It is most convenient to drink such a drink through a straw. For decoration, whole ice cubes or a slice of lemon are often used. It pairs well with desserts such as tiramisu or panna cotta. At home, you can drink a drink with marshmallow or marshmallows.

Try making it at home and you will be surprised how wonderful cold coffee can taste!

The phrase coffee frappe sounds so unusual and unfamiliar that the question involuntarily arises as to what it is. Moreover, it becomes interesting even for people who do not drink vivacity drink in principle. So, if very briefly, then this is cold coffee with additives.


This simple recipe turned out quite by accident and unexpectedly in 1957 at the International Fair in Thessaloniki. Then a Nestle representative during a break could not find hot water to prepare an instant drink. Therefore, he came up with the idea to fill it with cold and shake everything in a shaker ... And the world's first Coffee Frappe was born. And since all this happened in Greece, it was invented by a Greek, they call this Greek nectar. The most popular coffee frappe enjoys in Cyprus and in its homeland, of course. But they love it in other countries, especially in the hot season. Moreover, the recipe has been supplemented and modified many times, they still fantasize, so there are a lot of cooking methods and resulting tastes.


The classic recipe is:

  • 200 ml;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 10 ice cubes.

Whisk a hot energy drink and milk in a mixer (or shaker) and pour into a glass with ice. Insert a straw into the glass and serve the classic Coffee Frappe.


The Greek Coffee Frappe recipe is that original instant powder mixed with cold water by Dimitrios Vakondios.

You can add milk, sugar, vanilla here ... Choose the proportions of the ingredients to your liking. In short, it is likely to come up with another new recipe.

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • 250 ml double espresso:
  • 10 ice cubes;
  • 100 g cherries (fresh or frozen) pitted;
  • a pair of cherries with pits and ponytails.

Preparing Cherry Frappe Coffee

  • brew espresso;
  • beat the cherry in a blender and mix with ice;
  • cool cherries with tails until hardened, but do not freeze;
  • pour ice with cherries into glasses;
  • carefully pour espresso along the wall;
  • decorate the glass with cherries with ponytails;
  • ready, it remains to insert the tube and you can serve.

Here is such an original recipe and an unexpected combination!

frappe winter

Ingredients for two servings of Winter Coffee Frappe

  • 200 ml double espresso;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 50 g grated dark chocolate;
  • 2 tsp honey;
  • 10 ice cubes.


  • Fill 2/3 glasses with crushed ice;
  • cool fresh espresso a little, mix with milk, chocolate (leave a little shavings for decoration) and honey;
  • beat the coffee mixture with a blender until thick foam;
  • pour the mixture in a thin stream into glasses;
  • decorate (sprinkle) with chocolate;
  • insert thick tubes and serve.

This sweet, fabulous recipe will keep you warm despite the presence of ice.

Ingredients for two servings

  • 200 ml espresso;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of ice cream without additives;
  • 8 ice cubes;
  • grated chocolate.


If you do not stir, coffee and ice cream will spread in beautiful patterns. Insert a straw and serve. This delicious cocktail Coffee frappe will not leave anyone indifferent! And the recipe will be popular even with children if you cook the grains without caffeine.

It is obvious that to answer absolutely exhaustively the question about frappe: "What is it?" - impossible, because the recipe for this drink is too "fusion", and there is enough space for creativity and flight of fancy for more than one bartender and culinary specialist.