How tasty to cook porridge from oatmeal. Oatmeal - the best recipes

07.04.2019 Fish dishes

From an early age, oats are each “familiar” in the form of porridge or oatmeal. These products are considered the most beneficial for the human body. Uncrushed oatmeal has an even greater benefit, it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. When cooked, it is more like rice.

The benefits and harms of uncrushed cereals

Oats - unpretentious plant, so humanity has been using it for a long time. People have learned to give it a convenient form. Whole grains of oats make flattened grains - these are flakes, they also distinguish between flour and oatmeal.

Uncrushed oat (or wholegrain) cereal is produced in two variants - first and second grade. This type of product contains the largest number of valuable substances, especially fiber. It makes the most healthy cereals and other dishes.

In the structure this product has:

  • plant block;
  • vitamins;
  • micro and macronutrients.

In not crushed oatmeal a huge amount of phosphorus and calcium - substances useful "and the old and the small." It is rich in iron and magnesium, which is important for the normal functioning of the heart and overall well-being. This product improves the metabolic processes in the body, removes slags from it, strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Eating meals based on this cereal prevents the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, atherosclerosis, and even oncology.

With the use of such products improves brain function, and the body as a whole comes to a vigorous state. With the use of this cereal, people reduce body weight - the product contains so-called complex carbohydrates, which in the process of their processing by the body "give out" the energy necessary for the body, not allowing the fat to "be deposited on the sides." In folk medicine, oatmeal is used to treat various diseases, including tuberculosis. This is a very valuable product in the recovery period after surgery.

With all the usefulness of oatmeal, its use can harm the body of some people experiencing intolerance to this product. As part of porridge from unshredded oatmeal are substances that slow down the absorption of calcium. Therefore, to eat them every day is impossible. In addition, a large amount of oatmeal, used for a long time, causes constipation.

Kidney and heart failure are also a reason to refuse such a meal.

Cooking rules

In cooking, oatmeal is used in a variety of ways. Oatmeal cookies, soups and jelly, bread are made from it. Use as a healthy meal along with yogurt and fruit. Even cutlets can be made of it if desired. The most common use of oatmeal is to make porridge. For children it is better to cook such a dish of flakes that should not be chewed. But adults will appreciate porridge from unshredded oatmeal. By itself, uncrushed cereal is boiled for about an hour and a half until it reaches an acceptable state. Its volume at the same time remains almost the same as at the beginning of cooking.

To boil such oatmeal faster, it must be properly cooked.

The croup is pre-poured with boiling water for six hours.

Two and a half glasses of water should be in a glass of product. After that, oatmeal should be put on the stove, heated and boiled for half an hour. (Do not forget to add salt and butter). To change the taste of dishes, you can use milk or broth for cooking. To create dishes based on unshredded oatmeal, a multi-cooker will do. The product is poured with water in the same proportions as in the previous version, and then cook thirty minutes in the mode of cooking porridge.


To make porridge on the water, you need to take:

  • a glass of unshredded oatmeal;
  • two glasses of water;
  • butter;
  • salt.

Rinse the cereal under running water, soak. Starting cooking, pour the product into the pan, pour water and turn on a small fire. After boiling on top of the water will foam. It must be removed with a spoon so that the dish does not have a bitter taste. Cook porridge until cooked. Stir during cooking to avoid burning. After turning off the stove, hold it a little on the hob so that the dish is infused.

When serving in porridge put a piece of butter. If it is used as a slimming dish, you can use it in this form. If you can afford the extra calories, put jam, honey or other additives in the dish.

You can cook this porridge in a slow cooker. The croup is pre-washed and soaked, and when laid in the bowl it is poured with cold water to completely cover the grains. Then you can use the appropriate mode of cooking, depending on what offers a specific model of the furnace.

To cook such a dish on milk in a regular pan, you need to take:

  • uncrushed oatmeal - one glass;
  • milk - two glasses;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • butter.

Pre-processing of cereals is the same as in the previous recipe. After all the manipulations with it, the milk is poured into the pan and set to warm up over low heat. We need to wait until it boils. So that it does not burn and does not leak when boiling - stirring with a spoon. Immerse the cereal in the milk, stir. Cook for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then remove from the hot burner, close the lid and wait another five minutes, so that the porridge infused. Add oil and cover again. After five minutes, you can serve by adding sugar and any products to taste.

Among all the healthy breakfast cereal, undoubtedly, occupies the first position. Regardless of whether you lead an active lifestyle or not, the way you start your morning determines your entire day.

Oatmeal is an excellent source of energy in the morning: it is low in fat, high in protein and fiber. So, what is the benefit and harm of oatmeal in the morning, is it good to eat oatmeal every day?

Health Benefits

Oats contain a wide profile of minerals and vitamins.useful for adults and children. Complex carbohydrates in the composition of porridge will provide a smooth rise in energy, high fiber content will eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Rich micronutrient composition  promotes well-being and is a preventive measure against the development of many diseases.

Lowers blood cholesterol. Oats contain soluble fiber, which is called beta-glucan.

It dissolves in the digestive tract, forming a gel-like substance that absorbs excess cholesterol, preventing clogging of blood vessels and the development of a heart attack or stroke.

Stabilizes blood sugar. Beta glucan slows down the absorption of sugar from the digestive system, which helps prevent a sharp jump in blood glucose.

Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Oats contain magnesium, which helps control glucose and insulin secretion.

Promotes weight loss. Beta-glucan suppresses appetite and stimulates the production of hormones to control it.

Supports the immune system. Beta glucan strengthens the immune system by helping white blood cells detect and eliminate bacteria.

Reduces the risk of cancer. Oats contain lignin, which is found in plants such as


Broccoli and sesame.

Lignins are phytoestrogens - a plant analogue of the female hormone that protects against hormone-dependent cancer - breast cancer and prostate cancer. Lignins also help fight heart disease.

Normalizes the bowels. Oats contain insoluble fiber - a nutrient that helps fight constipation.

Insoluble fiber forms a food lump in the intestines, which contributes to regular contractions of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and the normalization of stool.

Regulates metabolism. Consumption of oatmeal supports metabolism due to the content of vitamins of group B: riboflavin (vitamin B1), vitamin B6, niacin, thiamine and folic acid.

These vitamins are also good for your skin, liver, nervous system and red blood cells.

Reduces blood pressure. According to studies, the daily consumption of whole-grain cereals containing 3 grams of fiber, can improve blood pressure indicators and reduce the intake of medicines that regulate pressure.

The program “On the most important thing” tells about how oatmeal is useful:

For the body of women

Whole grain oat cereal consumption at least 6 times a week  recommended for postmenopausal women suffering from high blood pressure, cholesterol and other signs of cardiovascular disease.

Oats slow the progression of atherosclerosis, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and reduces the development of stenosis, in which the diameter of the arterial canals narrows.

Women of any age who consume more than 13 grams of fiber from whole grain oats daily, reduce breast cancer by half.

Phytoestrogens that make up oatmeal equalize hormones, thereby suppressing the occurrence of hormone-dependent diseases.

For men

Porridge will help spur libido  and balance the level of testosterone in the body.

Whole grain oats are a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.

It contains the amino acid arginine, which relaxes the muscles around the blood vessels and improves erection.

Oatmeal is a natural preventive against prostate cancer.. A daily plate of porridge will reduce the likelihood of the disease by 22%.

Do you know what black rice is good for? How to choose, cook and eat? Answers to questions, look in our article.

In another publication we will analyze what useful properties and contraindications brown rice has.

And here - about what are the benefits and harm of unpolished red rice. Find out more right now!

For kids

Studies show that children who are given oatmeal in the morning, have a healthy weight, their diet is generally more correct than in children who do not have this cereal in the diet.

Increase in baby food of wholegrain oats together with fish by half reduces the risk of asthma  due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids in fish and vitamin E and magnesium in oatmeal.

What is useful for pregnant women

Oatmeal is safe during pregnancy. And even, on the contrary, it is highly recommended for women in an interesting position, because it contains substances that are useful not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child.

It is a source of folic acid.. Pregnant women are recommended to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid per day.

Studies show that a sufficient amount of folic acid before conception and up to the 12th week of pregnancy reduces the probability of a congenital spinal cord disease in a child.

Oatmeal for breakfast: is it helpful

Nutritionists around the world recognize porridge  as one of the most healthy and balanced breakfasts.

It is an excellent source of fiber. This means that when you eat it for breakfast, you will not get hungry soon. Eating at breakfast food containing sugar and fat, you also get enough, but in an hour or two you will again become hungry.

The correct rich breakfast will lead to the fact that for lunch you eat less, and, therefore, avoid overeating and weight gain in the long term.

Despite the fact that oatmeal in many people is associated with breakfast, healthy healthy food can be cooked for lunch.

However, this is not the best option for dinnerSince any grain products are carbohydrates, the amount of which is recommended to be reduced by the end of the day.

How to cook and what to eat

How useful is cooking oatmeal - on water or milk, what are the benefits and harms of each of the options for cooking oatmeal?

Different types of oatmeal require different cooking times.. For all types, it is best to add the cereal in cold water and cook over low heat until the water boils away. The ratio of water and cereal is 2: 1.

The flakes are cooked for about 15 minutes, coarse grains are cooked for 30 minutes. Whole grain oats require 50 minutes of cooking, the amount of water should also be increased to a 3: 1 ratio.

Even if you have tried oatmeal before and you did not like it, reconsider this decision, because it is quite possible to cook healthy porridge for oatmeal!

Adding fruits and nuts to porridge will increase fiber content and beneficial nutrients.

Spices like cinnamon and ground nutmeg add flavor. In winter, instead of fresh fruit, you can add dried fruit and yogurt.

Potential danger and contraindications

Oatmeal, of course, must be present in the diet of each person. However pay attention to precautionsthat should be followed by certain categories of the population.

Despite the fact that oats are well tolerated by people suffering from celiac diseaseit still contains a small amount of gluten. If you suffer from this disease, consult with your doctor about the possibility of adding oatmeal to the diet.

Eating oatmeal may not be the best choice.

for diabetics

Since, like all cereals, oatmeal has a rather high glycemic index. Reduce it by adding fruit or berries to the porridge.

Another way out is eat cold oatmeal. Although not everyone may like the taste of cold porridge, nevertheless, heating followed by cooling of the starches contained in the rump reduces its glycemic index.

Precautionary measures

Excess fiber intake from oatmeal may cause gas formation in the intestines. Fiber also slows down the absorption of certain drugs, so they should not be taken together.

Oats contain a fairly large amount of salts of phytic acidwhich bind minerals in food, making them unsuitable for digestion in the digestive tract.

With high salt concentrations, this can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid this, oatmeal should be well cooked or ground into flour.

Other uses

Oats widely used traditional medicine  to solve problems of the gastrointestinal tract and improve skin condition.

If you're curious about the benefits of pine nuts for men, read our publication.

About the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of almonds during pregnancy can be found in this article.

Do you know the benefits of pistachios for women? We will tell you! Useful and interesting information - in our publication.

In popular recipes

To cope with skin problems such as peeling, psoriasis and eczema, take oatmeal baths.

To do this, fill the sock with cooked oatmeal, put it in water for the time of water and bathing.

From oats make infusions and decoctions for the treatment of diseases of the liver, blood vessels and kidneys. Oatmeal is recommended for stomach ailments., especially in the acute stage, as soluble fiber envelops the digestive tract, softening and soothing irritated tissue.

Oat face masks and scrubs

Oatmeal is good for the skin.  and can reduce itching and redness. A nourishing oatmeal facial mask on milk will eliminate dry skin and restore healthy complexion.

Oats effectively pull dirt from the pores of the skin, acting as an exfoliant. Thanks to the grainy structure of oatmeal, from it you can make a softening facial scrub. Pour a tablespoon of cereal with three tablespoons of warm water and wait 10 minutes for the cereal to swell.

Massage your face in a circular motion, rubbing the scrub for 1-2 minutes. Rinse your face with warm and then cold water to close your pores. The skin will look silky and well-groomed.

Facial cleansing with oatmeal, natural face care. Scrub and mask recipes:


If excessive appetite makes it difficult to achieve weight loss goals, oatmeal can help. Oatmeal is a natural product.

The average portion of porridge on the water without adding sugar contains 150 calories, which is beneficial for people who are watching their figure.

Studies show that people who ate oatmeal daily  for six weeks, they lost more in waist girth than those who ate the same amount of pasta from carbohydrates.

Use whole grains or oats with minimal processing. It will take a little more time to cook than to make a soluble porridge, but this will be justified by a large number of nutrients, besides, you will be able to control the sugar in the porridge.

Which is better to choose, how to store, which is more useful

You can find several types of cereals in stores.which differ in grain processing and nutritional value.

Whole Grain Oats  considered as the most useful option for cooking porridge.

Coarse or flattened grain  subjected to minimal processing. Grains are simply cut into pieces, or rolled to produce flakes.

Instant oats  flatten into very thin flakes.

Soluble Oatmeal prepared in advance, water was removed from it and packaged. Most often sugar and artificial flavors are added to this type of cereal.

Oat bran  - This is the outer shell of grains, which is recommended to be used as an additive to increase the content of insoluble fiber in porridge and baking.

Buy a small amount of oatmeal, because oats contain a little more fat than other cereals and will run cold faster. Smell the oats to make sure it is fresh.

If you buy cereals in sealed packaging, look, so that there are no signs of moisture in the package. Oatmeal should be stored in a cool, dry, warm place in a closed container for two months.

From childhood, we heard the word "oatmeal" in the morning and felt the stunning aroma of our beloved porridge. Her warm smell spread throughout the house and created a special atmosphere of comfort, a festive mood and good spirits. On the benefits of dezhen, so cooks call porridge from oatmeal, written whole treatises. Perhaps it is difficult to find a product about which doctors, nutritionists, and scientists constantly insist. It is recommended to improve skin color and hair condition, for weight loss, improve health. It is indispensable for severe diseases, after surgeries, with avitaminosis, stress and depression. So let's take a closer look at what the benefits and harms of oatmeal are for human health. Is it possible to eat it and how much pregnant, from what age to feed the child. And also we will specify - what influence does oatmeal have on men's health.

The history of oatmeal

According to the chronicles, the first mentions of the product are reflected in ancient Greece and Rome. But cereals were used not as food, but as feed for livestock. By the 13th century, only they began to cook dishes made of oats, resembling a stew. Residents of Scandinavia, Rome, Greece and European countries, ancient Russia used it as a supplement to meat and fish, as well as seafood, mushrooms. Our ancestors knew about food no less than us, or maybe they were more sophisticated in this regard. In any case, even then people understood that oatmeal is not only tasty, but also useful.

Regular consumption of the product gave ease, relieved the body from excesses and gave vigor. In the 16th century, porridge was nourishing and pleasant to the taste from liquid soup on the tables. Only by the 19th century was milk added to the finished oatmeal, and the excellent taste was pleasantly surprised by the townsfolk. Then came the turn of innovation, and flakes were created, treated with steam.

Is porridge and oat-flakes the same thing?

Many wonder how porridge differs from rolled oats or is it one and the same product. The difference is in manufacturing technology. Hercules or oat flakes are prepared using the following technology - the grains are cleaned, pass through strong steam and are pressed with shafts until they become flattened. The whole process takes only a couple of minutes. And heat treatment allows you to cook the purchased product with boiling water for a few minutes. As for cereals, it is a whole product, you need to cook it for at least half an hour.

The chemical composition of oatmeal

Useful qualities of oatmeal directly come from the rich composition. Enumerate every single element is impossible, we indicate the most well-known substances for us. The composition of oatmeal includes: proteins, carbohydrates, ash and fats.

At 100 grams of product 230 kilocalories.

As for carbohydrates, both glucose and sucrose, starch are present here.

The list of proteins also amazes imagination, the croup contains amino acids: isoleucine, histidine, lysine, valine, methionine, glutamine, threonine, phenialalin, tryptophan.

Also on the list are replaceable types of amino acids: serine, alanine, proline, arginine, glycine, asparagine, cystine, tyrosine.

In oatmeal there are saturated and polyunsaturated, monounsaturated types of fats.

Important: oatmeal does not contain cholesterol, its volume is zero.

The mineral series are: manganese, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, etc.

The vitamin series is rich in: tocopherol (E), ascorbic (C), retinol (A), thiamine (B1), Choline (B4), Riboflavin (B2), Folacin - folic acid (B9), Niacin (B3 or PP), pyridoxine (B6), pantonen (B5), etc.

The energy value of oatmeal

Many people mistakenly believe that oatmeal can contribute to weight gain. The fact is that 100 grams of the product contains almost 56 grams of carbohydrates digestible, which corresponds to 230 kilocalories. But what is good, carbohydrates are starch, a complex type. Therefore, it is difficult to digest, slowly absorbed into the human blood, liver, muscle structure. All this does not allow to accumulate extra pounds and gives a feeling of cheerfulness due to the energy supply for a long time.

Medicinal properties of oatmeal

Why this oatmeal, which is usual for all of us, is so healthy for human health. Doctors say - the whole thing in a balanced composition and saturation. So, we will consider some properties of oatmeal.

  1. Antioxidants - an element is a powerful substance that is actively fighting cancer. It negatively affects free radicals and does not allow the formation of carcinogenic particles. Antioxidants also stimulate blood flow, which improves brain nutrition and activates memory, mental functions, hearing and vision.
  2. The content of a large amount of iron regulates the level of red cells in the blood - erythrocytes. Also, the substance is involved in blood formation, which is very useful for anemia and anemia.
  3. Calcium, a trace element phosphorus strengthens the human skeleton, prevents the development of osteoporosis, perforation of the vessel walls, which positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system, the condition of nails, hair and skin.
  4. Oatmeal is a champion in the content of a unique element - zinc, which unimaginably effectively supports immunity. Also, the substance - the best that can be to improve metabolism, blood quality and protection against infectious diseases. Together with the element calcium, the substance is involved in strengthening the bone structure, forms the correct structure of the teeth in both adults and children. With zinc deficiency, a malfunction of the cerebral cortex occurs. Because of this, epilepsy, mental impairment and disability are possible.
  5. Sodium contained in oatmeal regulates the water and salt metabolism in the body and contributes to the effective interaction of important elements.
  6. The presence of magnesium ensures normal functioning of the nervous system, helps to concentrate attention and clarify memory. Also, regular consumption of cereal contributes to the improvement of intellectual abilities.
  7. The presence of potassium improves the cardiovascular system, allows you to keep the vessels in an elastic and elastic form.
  8. Beta-glucan is present in the croup - a unique substance that reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, removes the products of decomposition of dead cells, pathogens, toxins and slags from the body.

Useful quality oatmeal

For a more detailed study of the properties of oatmeal, it is necessary to consider - what actually happens to the body with regular consumption of cereal or soups.

  1. Effective cleansing of the digestive tract and the regulation of peristalsis. Due to the fiber of the product from the body along with mucus, toxins are removed from the blood, the intestines - slags and pathogenic flora from the gastric tract. However, the substance gently envelops the walls of the intestinal tract, which eliminates the inflammatory processes, effectively heal minor injuries and cracks. The action reduces flatulence and enhances the permeability and absorbability of nutrients.
  2. Due to the favorable work in the intestinal and gastric tract helps to increase the protective functions of the body. Immunomodulatory properties of oatmeal are useful for protection against infectious and catarrhal diseases.
  3. With regular consumption of porridge from oatmeal or cereal improves mood. It will always be on top, as it contains zinc, a vitamin B vitamin series, magnesium. It is proved that oatmeal after the first days of consumption gives optimism, stimulates the nervous system.
  4. The product is recommended to use in case of diabetes mellitus of a certain type and for the prevention of the disease. Dietary fiber can regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.

For diabetics, specially prepared pastries and desserts based on oatmeal, which can be easily prepared at home.

Due to the effective purification of the gastrointestinal tract and its treatment, external signs of oatmeal are also manifested. In the second or third week, purulent acne, black spots, redness and swelling disappear from the face. Hair becomes silky, nails become dense and smooth.

The benefits of oatmeal for pregnant women

There is a list of products that doctors literally force to include in the diet of a pregnant woman. Oatmeal is also included in their honorary list and this means that it can be eaten every day. It is not necessary to lean only on the porridge, from this product you can prepare a lot of different and very tasty dishes. A little further, we will provide a couple of different recipes, from which you will be delighted. In the meantime, let's talk about why doctors recommend oatmeal to expectant mothers.

  1. As we already know, oatmeal is rich in iron and unique folic acid. And these types of components not only have a beneficial effect on the woman's body, but also participate in the formation of the fetus and its nervous system. Acid is the prevention of congenital defects in an infant, and iron contributes to high-quality blood formation.
  2. One portion of porridge contains almost a quarter of the daily norm of group B, which reduces the burden on the body of a pregnant woman, eases the condition in case of toxicosis. Also, these substances have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and skin condition.
  3. The iron element fights depression, irritability and tearfulness perfectly. To the substance is well absorbed, it is recommended to eat oatmeal with fruit and drink down with natural juice.
  4. Constipation is a common problem for pregnant women, and fiber and fiber of oatmeal have a mild laxative effect.

Contraindications for oatmeal consumption

Even with such a rich presence of beneficial and medicinal properties, oatmeal can be harmful. First of all it concerns portions. Any product is useful if it is consumed back to normal. Do not sit all day on oatmeal, whether it's porridge, soups, pastries or jelly.

  1. Phytin is present in croup, this acid washes away when calcium accumulates in our body.
  2. With care you need to consume quick-type oatmeal. They have few useful substances, but preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. may be present.

Important: in rare cases, individual intolerance to oatmeal was observed, so an allergic reaction is possible. In this case, it is necessary to abandon its consumption.

Is it possible to give oatmeal to children

  1. Oatmeal contains a lot of protein, phosphorus and calcium, which is a building material for a child’s body.
  2. The interrelation of iron and vitamins of group B stimulates blood formation in a child and is an excellent remedy for anemia.
  3. Protein metabolism provides vitamin H, and oatmeal grains are champions in the content of healthy fats.

It is also clear from the above that the product reduces harmful cholesterol, improves the child’s mental and intellectual abilities, boosts immunity, restores the nervous system, protects against constipation, etc. The product has many substances that give vitality and energy, and dietary fiber will not allow obesity to develop.

Regular consumption of porridge will eliminate inflammation of the skin, improve the condition of hair and nails, increase muscle growth and forget about allergies and skin dermatitis. The nutritional value of cereals and soups will allow to saturate the body for a long time and not to feel the feeling of hunger for a long time.

From what age you can feed your baby oatmeal. Pediatricians give an exact answer to this question - you can start at 8 months of age. The main thing to lure was not thick and consistent with the consistency of baby food. But this applies only to children on natural lactation. When artificial feeding should start with 10 months of age. If the child has a tendency to diathesis - postpone the consumption of oatmeal at a later age - 2-3 years.

What is the use of oatmeal for men?

We will not re-list the nutrients that contribute to the promotion of human health in general. All described medicinal and beneficial properties apply equally to women and men. But there are moments that concern only the strong half of humanity.

Oatmeal product is very important and useful for male organs. It contains a large amount of tocopherol - vitamin E, which is the prohormone from which testosterone is formed. According to research, with a premature decrease in the level of the male hormone, the body and its functions quickly age. It is tocopherol that stimulates the production of a larger number of spermatozoa and contributes to their activity.

An interesting fact: the unique properties of oats have become known thanks to the doctor from France Katerina. This man lived for 120 years and, for his longevity, thanked regular consumption of oatmeal tincture.

Harm and contraindications in the use of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains a special gluten - gluten, a powerful allergen. If there is a predisposition to intolerance and all sorts of allergic reactions - you should not include cereal in the diet. So, in what diseases can not eat oatmeal:

  • obesity - it is impossible to eat porridge on milk with butter (only on water);
  • celiac disease;
  • certain type of diabetes.

Oatmeal Diet

Ways of losing weight on an oatmeal diet are quite common. There are two types of unloading - hard and gentle. Thanks to a strict diet for 7 days, you can get rid of 5 to 7 kilograms. To do this, you must use oatmeal porridge, boiled in water without additions: sugar, salt, butter, fruit, etc.

Scheme: during the day, eat only oatmeal and as a drink, use broth hips without sugar, green tea.

  1. For cooking porridge is not necessary to cook, just pour the oatmeal at night with hot water and cover with a lid.
  2. On the 4th day you can eat one apple (green).
  3. The last meal is no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The best recipes with oatmeal

It is difficult to teach the child to oatmeal, and any other porridge. We offer cooking methods from which no child will be able to turn up his nose.

Oatmeal Kissel

To prepare, we need:

  • a glass of cereal (extra);
  • a piece of bread (black);
  • half a liter of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

Pour the flakes with water and leave for 12 hours. Then add the bread and leave for another 2 hours. From the liquid to get the bread and grind the mash through a sieve, cook over low heat for another 10 minutes. At the same time constantly stir. Then cool and serve cold. If you add milk - the dish will be more satisfying.

Light oatmeal soup

To make a tasty and light soup, we will need:

  • litere of water;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 grams of cereal;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • pepper, herbs and salt to taste.

Wash vegetables and thoroughly clean. Also under running water thoroughly wash out the greens. Dice vegetables, finely chop greens. You can use both water and vegetable, meat broth. The liquid should boil, put vegetables and salt, pepper in it and cook for 10 minutes. Add oatmeal and boil for another 10 minutes. When serving pour greens.

Longevity drink

For the preparation we need:

  • a glass of cereal;
  • 1 liter of water.

Thoroughly wash the oatmeal and pour boiling water on it, put on fire and boil. As soon as it begins to boil, remove from the heat and insist 60 minutes. Then the composition of the strain and drink 2 weeks three times a day for half a glass for half an hour before meals. The course is repeated 3 times a year. The effect will be enhanced by adding a couple of tablespoons of honey and a few drops of lemon juice to the drink.

The use of oatmeal in cosmetology

About the benefits of oatmeal for the face literally lay down legends and this is not in vain. Useful components perfectly affect a person not only internally, but also externally. We offer you a wonderful recipes for skin and hair.

To improve the skin

50 grams of kefir (any fat content) is mixed with flakes and 15 grams of honey (natural) and we pour a small pinch of salt. Apply the composition to the pre-washed and cleansed face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm and then cool water. The composition perfectly restores the complexion, eliminates ulcers, acne, black spots.

To increase its elasticity, it is necessary every night before bedtime to wipe with a decoction of oatmeal.

Prepare the tool should be as follows: boil in a liter of water 100 grams of oatmeal (stir constantly).

For aging skin, apply the following remedy: chop 100 grams of flakes and mix with sour cream or milk (4 spoons), let the composition swell, then drip lemon juice (2 drops). Apply the product on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with water (warm).

Masks to restore and strengthen hair

Groats have a great effect on the condition of the hair and not only regular consumption, but also external use improves the structure and increases the density of the hair.

Grind flakes and pour warm milk, swell, drip vegetable oil (preferably 2-5 drops of almond) or a solution of vitamin A, E, group B. Ingredients rub into the hair roots and along the entire length, put polyethylene and a warm scarf on top. To go with the mask for half an hour an hour and rinse with herbal shampoo.

To accelerate hair growth

The recipe makes hair thick and stimulates their growth. To prepare you need: 2 tablespoons of oatmeal flour mixed with water, insist 20 minutes and apply on hair. Rub into the roots and the entire length. Wear half an hour and rinse with herbal shampoo.

You can also enrich the recipe with baking soda. Add a teaspoon of soda to the mixture, it will help get rid of excessive luster.

You can write whole treatises on a unique oatmeal. But why to gain health and beauty, we spend fabulous sums when the healing foods and drinks are given by nature, almost for nothing. Stop shopping for advertising and allow you to mock your own body with all sorts of chemicals and terrible procedures. Just pay attention to the recommendations and data on the benefits of oatmeal in our article. Apply our recipes, study other sources. Try, experiment, after all any harm, only advantage. Be healthy and beautiful!

Bye everyone
Regards, Vyacheslav.

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Oats are one of the healthiest grains on our planet. It does not contain gluten and is replete with important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Studies show that oats and oatmeal (porridge from oats) have a large number of useful properties. These include weight loss, lowering blood sugar and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Below we consider in detail what constitutes oats, the benefits and harms to the human body, side effects and contraindications.

Oats benefit and harm to the body

What is oats and what is its use

Oats are a plant. People use grains (oats), leaves and stem (oat straw) and bran (the outer layer of whole oats) for the preparation of medicines.

Oat bran and whole grains of oats are used in:

  • high blood pressure;
  • high cholesterol;
  • diabetes;
  • digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulosis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), diarrhea, and constipation;
  • for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, gallstone disease, colon cancer and stomach cancer.

People use oats for:

  • treatment of joint pain (rheumatism);
  • getting rid of fatigue;
  • getting rid of a fatigue-related condition called neurasthenia syndrome;
  • withdrawal from dependence on nicotine and drugs;
  • reduce high levels of uric acid, which can cause gout.

Oats are also used to relieve anxiety, arousal, and stress; as well as maintaining a weak bladder and treating kidney disease. It is also used in connective tissue diseases, skin diseases, fat redistribution syndrome, and as a tonic.

Oat straw is used to treat:

  • flu;
  • swine flu (H1N1);
  • cough;
  • bladder diseases;
  • joint pains;
  • eye diseases;
  • frostbite;
  • gout;
  • a skin infection called impetigo.

Currently, oats are used to eliminate skin conditions such as:

  • dryness;
  • fat content;
  • weeping eczema;
  • contact dermatitis.

Oats are also applied to the skin with:

  • chicken pox;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • liver disease;
  • and is added to foot baths for chronically cold or tired feet.

In the production of oats is included in some natural products for baths and soaps.

Oats are wholegrain food known in science as Avena sativa. Oatmeal (the most unprocessed and whole form of oats) is cooked for a very long time, and therefore most people prefer to eat flattened or chopped oats.

Instant oatmeal is the most processed product. While they prepare very quickly, their texture can be soft. Oats are usually eaten for breakfast in the form of oatmeal, which is prepared by boiling oats in water or milk.

Cupcakes, granola, cookies and other baked goods are also often made on the basis of oats.

Useful properties of oats

Here are 9 scientifically proven medicinal properties of oats.

1. Oats are incredibly nutritious.

The nutritional composition of oats is well balanced. This cereal is a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, including a powerful beta glucan. They also contain more protein and fat than most grains. Oats are rich in important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


100 grams of dry oats contain:

  • Manganese: 244% of RSNP
  • Phosphorus: 52% of RSNP
  • Magnesium: 43% of RSNP
  • Copper: 31% of RSNP
  • Iron: 25% of RSNP
  • Zinc: 25% of RSNP
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid): 14% of RSNP
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 50% of RSNP
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): 13% of RSNP
  • Smaller amounts of calcium, potassium, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B3 (niacin)

This amount of oats contains 66 grams of carbohydrates, 16 grams of protein, 7 grams of fat, and 10 grams of fiber, and a total of 389 calories.

This means that oats are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.


Oats are rich in carbohydrates and fiber, but also contain more protein and fat than most other grains. It is very rich in many vitamins and minerals.

2. Whole oats are rich in antioxidants, including avcentramides

What is useful oats? Whole oats contain a significant amount of antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols. Most notable is a unique group of antioxidants, called avcentramides, which are almost exclusively found in oats.

Averamids can help reduce blood pressure by increasing the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide gas molecules help to dilate blood vessels, which leads to better blood circulation. In addition, avastramidy have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic action.

In large quantities, oats also contain ferulic acid, which is also an antioxidant.


Oats contain many powerful antioxidants, including aventraemides. These compounds can help lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and itching.

3. Oats contain soluble fiber beta-glucan

Oats contain a large amount of beta-glucan, which is a type of soluble fiber. Beta-glucan is partially soluble in water and forms a thick gel-like solution in the intestine.

Here are the health benefits of beta-glucan dietary fiber:

  • reduce LDL and total cholesterol
  • lower blood sugar and insulin response
  • increase the feeling of fullness in the stomach
  • increase the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract


Oats are rich in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that is very beneficial to human health. It helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and increases the feeling of fullness in the stomach.

4. Oats reduce cholesterol and protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. One of the major risk factors for developing heart and blood vessel disease is high blood cholesterol.

Many studies have shown that beta-glucan in oats effectively contributes to reducing both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Beta-glucan can increase the excretion of cholesterol-rich bile, thereby reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which occurs when it reacts with free radicals, is another important step in the development of heart disease. This leads to inflammation in the arteries, damages tissue and may increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

One study reported that antioxidants in oats work together with vitamin C to prevent the oxidation of LDL.


Oats can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by reducing both total cholesterol and harmful LDL cholesterol, and protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation.

Oatmeal cookies are also very beneficial for the human body.

5. Oats can improve blood sugar control

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease characterized by significantly elevated blood sugar. This is usually due to a decrease in insulin sensitivity to the hormone.

Oats can help lower blood sugar levels, especially in overweight people or type 2 diabetes. It can also improve insulin sensitivity. These effects are mainly due to the ability of beta-glucan to form a thick gel that delays the emptying of the stomach and the absorption of glucose into the blood.


Thanks to the soluble fiber beta-glucan, oats can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels.

6. Oats for weight loss

Oatmeal can serve not just a delicious breakfast - it also fills the stomach very well. This can help you eat fewer calories and lose weight. By delaying the time your stomach is empty, beta glucans in oatmeal can increase your feeling of satiety.

Beta glucan can also promote the release of peptide YY (PYY), a hormone produced in the intestine, in response to food intake. It was found that this hormone satiety reduces calorie intake and can reduce the risk of obesity.


Oatmeal can help you lose weight by making you feel more full. It does this by slowing down the emptying of the stomach and increasing the production of the hormone YY.

7. Ground oats help in skin care

It is no coincidence that oats can be found in numerous skin care products. Manufacturers of these products often mark finely chopped oats as “colloidal oatmeal.”

FDA approved colloidal oatmeal as a protective agent for the skin back in 2003. But in fact, oats have a long history of use as a means of itching and irritation in various skin diseases. For example, oat products can relieve eczema symptoms.

Please note that the benefits of oats for the skin is associated only with applying it to the skin, and not with its use.


Colloidal oatmeal (finely chopped oats) has long been used to treat dry and itchy skin. This remedy can help alleviate the symptoms of various skin diseases, including eczema.

8. Oats reduce the risk of developing asthma in children.

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children. This is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract - the tubes through which air enters the lungs of a person and goes out from there.

Although not all children have the same symptoms, many experience a recurrent cough, wheezing and shortness of breath.

Many researchers believe that the early introduction into the diet of solid foods can increase the risk of developing asthma and other allergic diseases in a child. However, research shows that this does not apply to all food products. Early introduction to the diet of oats, for example, can have a really protective effect.

One study reported that feeding oats to babies under 6 months of age was associated with a decrease in the risk of developing asthma in children.


Some studies suggest that oats may help prevent asthma in children when feeding this product to infants.

9. Oats helps relieve constipation.

Older people often experience constipation, in the form of infrequent, irregular, difficult bowel movements. Laxatives are often used to relieve constipation in older people. However, although they are effective, they are also associated with weight loss and reduced quality of life.

Studies show that oat bran (the fiber-rich outer layer of grain) can help relieve constipation in older people.

One study found that 30 elderly patients who consumed oat bran soup or dessert daily for 12 weeks improved overall health and relieved the symptoms of constipation.

Moreover, 59% of these patients were able to stop using laxatives after a 3-month study, while the total use of laxatives in the control group increased by 8%.


Studies show that oat bran can help reduce constipation in older people, greatly reducing the need for laxatives.

How to include oats in your diet

You can enjoy oats in several ways.

The most popular way is to just eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Here is a very simple recipe for making oatmeal:

  • 1/2 bowl of rolled oats
  • 1 cup (250 ml) of water or milk
  • A pinch of salt

Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and boil oats, stirring occasionally until soft.

To make oatmeal more tasty and more nutritious, you can add butter, cinnamon, fruit, nuts, seeds, and / or natural yoghurt.

In addition, oats are often included in pastries, muesli, granola and bread.

Although oats, of course, do not contain gluten, it is sometimes polluted by them in the production process. This is due to the fact that it can be collected and processed using the same equipment as other cereals containing gluten.

If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, give preference to gluten-free oats.


Oats can be a great addition to a healthy diet. You can eat it as a cereal for breakfast, as well as eat a variety of oatmeal pastries.

Damage to oats

Oat bran is a safe product for most people, including pregnant and lactating women. Their use can cause intestinal gas and bloating. To minimize side effects, start at a low dose and slowly increase to the desired value. Your body will get used to oat bran, and the side effects are likely to disappear.

Applying external products with oats to the skin can cause irritation in some people.

Special precautions and warnings:

  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing problems: if you have problems with swallowing (for example, due to a stroke), or if you have problems with chewing due to lack of teeth or poorly fitting dentures, it is better to avoid eating oats. Poorly chewed oats can cause intestinal blockage.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, including the esophagus, stomach and intestines: Avoid eating oatmeal products. Problems with the digestive tract, which can extend the time it takes to digest food, may allow the oats to block your intestines.

Oats are incredibly good for you.

  • Oats are an incredibly nutritious food containing important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, it has a high content of fiber and protein compared to other grains.
  • Oats contain some unique compounds - in particular, soluble beta-glucan protein and antioxidants, called avcentramides.
  • The benefits of oats for humans are to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, protect against skin irritation and reduce the symptoms of constipation.
  • In addition, oats are very good to lose weight, because its use contributes to the feeling of satiety for a long time.
  • After all, oats are one of the healthiest foods you can eat on a daily basis.

If you already have experience of treating various diseases and conditions with oats, or you have noted the positive impact of using this product on your body, please share your experience by leaving a comment below in the form of a comment. Your experience may be useful to other people.

Oatmeal is not only healthy cereals. Porridge from it can be a real medicine if the dish is properly cooked and consumed. There are a lot of recipes. In skillful hands, porridge turns into the most tasty and favorite dish. There are practically no contraindications for oatmeal, the body reacts positively to it, the intestines are cleaned, due to which the skin becomes healthy and becomes radiant.

  • What is the benefit of oatmeal
  • Oatmeal: how to choose a healthy product
  • How to cook healthy porridge
  • Oatmeal for weight loss
  • Fasting day on oatmeal

Oatmeal for intestinal cleansing (oatmeal scrub) Oatmeal from constipation Oatmeal for beauty Oatmeal damage: who should not be consumed

What is the benefit of oatmeal

The benefits of porridge from oats is enormous. The rich content of microelements, organic acids and vitamins has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. The main benefits of oatmeal:

  1. Favorably affects the digestive organs. It is the first oatmeal is introduced into the diet after surgery, fasting diets, long abstinence from food.
  2. Contains coarse fiber. In ¾ glasses of dry cereal - the daily rate of dietary fiber (for an adult). Therefore, with regular use of oatmeal, you can forget about clogged intestines, constipation and all the resulting problems.
  3. Oatmeal proteins help build muscle mass.
  4. Reduces the risk of blood clots. The dish is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Slow carbohydrates - this is the right breakfast, which will give you satiety until the very dinner.
  6. It is recommended to use dishes from this cereal to schoolchildren, students and other people engaged in mental work. Porridge will relieve from sleepiness, will lift your spirits, help to concentrate.
  7. Oatmeal is often an element of diets and fasting days. Porridge boiled on water has a low calorie content and high nutritional properties, therefore it can be used for weight loss.

The benefits of oatmeal for the body is obvious. The product is actively used in diet and medical nutrition. Porridge is pleasant to the taste, available. Using supplements, you can give a dish different tastes.

Oatmeal: how to choose a healthy product

Store shelves are full of packages with different types of oatmeal. Cereals differ in appearance, flake and grain size, method and time of cooking. Main types:

  • instant oatmeal does not require heat treatment, or cooking lasts no more than 2 minutes;
  • hercules - the thickest and largest flakes, require cooking for 10-15 minutes;
  • oatmeal - flattened whole grains that require long cooking, which usually takes about 30-35 minutes.

Least of all nutrients and valuable substances contain instant oatmeal. The most useful are cereals from whole grains and rolled oats. They retain the maximum amount of fiber, valuable vitamins and trace elements.

How to cook healthy porridge

Oatmeal dishes are always viscous and slimy. When cooled, the consistency becomes much thicker than after preparation. Basic rules for cooking healthy porridge:

  1. Porridge boiled on water or milk. Groats are always poured into a boiling liquid.
  2. For a viscous dish of water, at least 150 ml per 50 g of cereal is added.
  3. If the dish is not intended for weight loss or cleansing, then salt is added to improve the taste.
  4. Refined sugar can be replaced with dried fruits, honey, berries and fresh fruits.
  5. The oil dramatically increases the calorie content of the dish, you need to add fat to metered.
  6. If the dish is prepared in advance, then the amount of cereal is reduced by a third.

To preserve the maximum amount of benefit in the dish, it is possible not to heat the croup. Enough to pour the oatmeal in a thermos, pour boiling water or milk, leave for 3 hours. This way they cook breakfast the day before.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Complex carbohydrates, which are contained in oatmeal, are digested slowly, do not give a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. One portion of the dish will give the body satiety for 3-4 hours. At the same time, the energy value of cereals boiled in water or skimmed milk is only 88-100 kcal.

The main advantages and properties of oatmeal:

  • suppresses sweets;
  • product common, affordable, inexpensive;
  • it goes well with different additives, which allows you to make the diet varied and useful;
  • even porridge with long cooking does not require much time for cooking;
  • it improves skin elasticity, which is very important for losing weight.

For weight loss on oatmeal, they organize mono-diets, spend fasting days, include in the system of proper nutrition. Mono-diet does not require thinking through the menu, you do not need to cook several different dishes, the minimum set of products: oatmeal and water. To taste porridge add cinnamon, pepper, ginger. A significant disadvantage of this diet is the complexity of exposure. Eat one week the same food can not every person. As after the other monodiets, the weight dropped is often rapidly returning.

It is much more useful to make porridge a daily breakfast on the system of proper nutrition. The dish is complemented with fruits, seeds, honey. Effective and useful fasting day in oatmeal. It helps cleanse the body, remove excess water, relieve from 400-800 g of weight.

Fasting day on oatmeal

For a fasting day, porridge is cooked in water without adding salt or sugar. It is allowed to add spices for a change. You can also sprinkle unsalted spices: ginger, black pepper or paprika.

Porridge Recipe

1 cup of cereal pour 3 cups of water, cook ordinary viscous porridge. The resulting dish is divided into 5 equal parts by the number of meals. It is advisable to use every 3 hours. Last admission - 3 hours before bedtime. In the intervals between meals, clean water must be used. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters.

Tip! If by the evening of the fasting day you feel a strong hunger or the stomach begins to actively boil, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat one green apple. These products have a low calorie content, they will not allow to break and eat something harmful.

Video: How to diet on oatmeal

Oatmeal for intestinal cleansing (oat scrub)

Fiber-rich oatmeal will help gently clean the intestines, normalize stools. Due to this, the stomach will become more flat, the complexion and skin condition will improve, the immunity will increase. Cleaning is recommended for people with acne on the face and body, suffering from high fat skin. It is possible to use boiled porridge for oatmeal scrub, but raw flakes work much more efficiently.

Scrub recipe for bowel cleansing

  Oatmeal flakes - 2-3 tbsp. l
  Water - 50 ml
  Milk - 1 tbsp. l

  An intestinal scrub needs to be prepared the day before. Oatmeal pour cold boiled or purified water, add a spoonful of milk, which can be replaced with cream. Mix thoroughly, put in the refrigerator.

In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of water, after 15 minutes, eat a cooked scrub. In porridge, you can add a teaspoon of honey or nuts, but one thing. Salt and refined sugar are prohibited. A full breakfast is recommended 3 hours after eating oatmeal. Scrub cleansing course - 30 days.

It should be remembered: Cleaning procedures are recommended from 6 to 8 am. It is at this time that the work of the digestive tract begins, the body awakens after a night's sleep.

Oatmeal for constipation

Constipation brings great harm: disrupt the digestive system, poison the body with toxins, interfere with the normal blood supply. Congestions are harmful at any age. There are many medication and folk remedies to combat constipation. Oatmeal - one of the most affordable and safe. It is allowed to use children from 7 months of age, provided there is no allergic reaction to gluten and other ingredients of the dish.

Recipe for cereal from constipation

  Oatmeal - 0.3 cups
  Water - 1 cup
  Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  Prunes - 3 pcs.

Preparation: In a saucepan on the stove, cook an ordinary, viscous cereal porridge. Rinse prunes, cut into small cubes, add 3 minutes before the end of cooking. The finished dish is filled with vegetable oil: sunflower, linseed or olive. It is important that the product is unrefined. Salt and sugar can be added, but in small quantities. It is recommended to use porridge on an empty stomach in the morning as the main breakfast.

Oatmeal for beauty

Oat flakes contain vitamins of group B, K and E. When using meals from this cereal, the condition and color of the skin improves, elasticity rises, acne occurs due to problems with the work of the digestive system and intestines. Nails and hair become stronger, grow better.

Oatmeal can be taken orally and used externally. In cosmetology, only natural flakes with long cooking are used, containing the maximum amount of useful substances. At the same time, it is not necessary to heat the croup. Usually boil the porridge with boiling water, insist, then use as a scrub, masks on their own or with the addition of other ingredients: honey, coffee, dairy products, cosmetic oils.

Video: Oatmeal for beauty in the program "About the most important"

The harm of oatmeal: who can not eat

Porridge oatmeal is beneficial to the body, but do not make it the basis of the diet. At the use of a product in a large number and absorption of vitamin D and calcium is for a long time broken. It is caused by the accumulation of phytic acid. This leads to a weakening of the skeletal system.

The main contraindication is gluten intolerance (celiac disease). But you also should not forget that instant oatmeal without cooking and flavored sachet dishes do not have any benefit, they can cause allergies, digestive disorders, thereby causing harm to the body.

Detailed description and use:


It is believed that the birthplace of oats - Mongolia and China. In the Bronze Age in Europe, oats were found in wheat and barley crops as a weed. As a seed culture, it began to be used at the dawn of mankind. Oats began to be cultivated in the 2nd millennium BC, and in Russia, presumably in the VII century AD. Today, oats are cultivated in many areas, in particular in the Kuban, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

The most common oatmeal dish -. The useful oat kissel was very much appreciated, unfortunately, not so popular nowadays.

Oatmeal for adults and for children are prepared in different ways. Moreover, for them use different grits. For the "adult" porridge fits whole, unshredded and unmilled grain. Children with their delicate mouth mucous poorly perceive a hard and steep mass, so for them porridge is prepared from crushed grain and oatmeal.

Porridge goes well with onions, chopped egg, meat, fruit and nuts. Suitable for oatmeal spices: turmeric, allspice, Shambala, cloves, asafoetida, curry, chili, green dill.

Interesting about croup

* It is believed that regularly eating oatmeal, you can lose weight. Oatmeal is definitely a super-diet product. That is very useful and practically without contraindications. But you can lose weight on oatmeal porridge, if you only cook it in water or skimmed milk without adding sugar. Only oatmeal grains soaked for the night contribute to weight loss.

   * The first porridge, which does not require cooking, was produced in the 1880s in England. Of course, it was oatmeal, and its taste was so peculiar - “no”, that they were joking: such a dish can take root only in the English.

   * The first instant porridge - oatmeal - was made in Russia, in the northern provinces: oats were soaked for 24 hours in water, then weighed in a Russian oven, the swollen and strongly heated grain was dried to browning, and then milled in mills or manually pushed in stupas, turning them into fragrant fluffy flour - oatmeal, which was simply poured with hot milk, insisted in the oven and ate.

It turns out, and from the usual sowing oats, "camouflaged" by scientists with a resounding Latin name Avena sativacan be cooked superb sexual stimulant. Evidence of this - appeared in the sale of the tool "Natural Sex" "Natural Sex"sold separately for men and women. The fair sex has to pay a little more for it, and the reason for such discrimination is clear. "Its effect on women is so strong that we were not sure whether it should be released on the market at all."- said one of the creators of this tool. And it’s true, you can imagine what’s going on with a woman who spends about $ 3 more than a man (it turns out that it’s not without a reason that we like to repeat that “oats are expensive now”) ... an incredible attraction to oral sex and literally pounced on their husbands at the wrong time and (yes you guessed it!) in the most inappropriate place. The creators attribute this to the fact that oat increases the body's content of tosterone, a hormone responsible for sexuality.

This statement confirms the latest scientific studies, which showed that oats (and, for some reason, unripe) stimulates sexual perception and prolongs orgasm, and, moreover, the desire increases in both men and women. Confirms this fact and recently launched on the market "superaphrodisiac" Ultimate sexstasy, one of the main ingredients of which is unripe oats. It is quite difficult to translate the name of this tool into Russian - something like “Maximum Sextas” (the majority, of course, guessed the creators' advertising idea to combine the concepts of “sex” and “ecstasy” in one word). This drug is in men. "causes a sexual rise, enhances erection, prolongs the act of love and extends erotic sensations"and women "strengthens desire, stimulates orgasm and sharpens perception". All this is quite tempting, and modern doctors right and left recommend water extracts and other oat straw preparations as stimulants for insomnia, mental exhaustion and physical fatigue, and fresh and green oats juice as a firming agent for nervous exhaustion, sleep disorders, and in the absence of appetite.

By the way, they knew about the strengthening properties of oats and in pre-revolutionary Russia - the word "gabersup" (from German Hafer  - oats) was called oatmeal soup, which was fed in hospitals. The guardian of the charitable institutions of Strawberry from the Gogol "Inspector" lamented about this: “Patients are ordered to give a gabersup, and I have such cabbage in all the corridors that you only take care of your nose ...”  Find a way to "get oats" and you - fortunately, this grass is not very expensive now, and it is often added to American breakfast cereals. cereal, today widely advertised as the basis of healthy eating (we already know the true reason). And do not forget that in Russia (especially in the northern regions) oatmeal was particularly respected - it is not difficult to cook it. If you trust Western funds more, try cooking "" ( porridge) - traditional Scottish oatmeal.

T tatyana Solomonik, Sergey Sinelnikov, Ilya Lazerson. "LOVE AND HUNGER"

Oatmeal is one of the most nutritious and healthy. Oatmeal contains a large amount of vitamins (B1, PP, B2, E) and trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iron). People who monitor their weight may be primarily interested in how many calories in oatmeal. Calorie oatmeal is not very high (only 303 kkkal), but this product contains a large amount of natural antioxidants that increase the body's resistance to various infections and the adverse effects of the environment.

Oatmeal is rich in methionine and magnesium, the latter is necessary for the proper and proper functioning of the nervous system. Abundance of fiber and protein in oatmeal has an excellent effect on metabolic processes, contributing to the development and formation of muscles. Only one plate of oatmeal contains a quarter of the total daily amount of fiber.

The beneficial properties of oatmeal are also in the fact that it contains a large amount of phosphorus and calcium, which are important for the formation of bones. Oatmeal has a good anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa, so it is used for pain in the abdomen. Oatmeal also cleanses the intestines very well, helping to eliminate various toxins from the body. Among other things, oatmeal includes biotin, which is good for the skin.

Basic principles and methods of cooking oatmeal

Many people ask: how to cook delicious oatmeal, how much to cook it in time and how to choose the best way of cooking in order to preserve all the beneficial properties? For cooking oatmeal use, as a rule, oatmeal or flakes. Before you start cooking oatmeal, it is worth washing the oat grain well under running water. Whole grain cereal is the most wholesome and tasty. Oatmeal is cooked for quite a long time (30-40 minutes on average), of course, it will take more time for such a mess, but the result will not leave anyone indifferent.

The method of cooking oatmeal whole oatmeal

  • Rinse the cereal and pour it with water for about 5 hours;
  • After that, rinse again and pour 3 cups of water into the pan, pour the cereal there and put to boil over low heat for 40 minutes;
  • Add milk with sugar and salt (to taste) and continue cooking until the porridge thickens;
  • After that, shift the oatmeal into a clay pot or cauldron and cook in the oven for about an hour;
  • The finished oatmeal can be decomposed into plates, adding a little butter to each;
  • You can also put dried fruit, jam, condensed milk or other products in oatmeal.

There is a huge number of dishes using oatmeal. For example, a wonderful recipe that will help to cook oatmeal so that this dish becomes a favorite delicacy in any family. The recipe is designed for 3 servings: 50 grams of oatmeal should be boiled for 30 minutes in milk, stirring, then add salt and sugar to taste. Put sliced \u200b\u200bbananas on the bottom of the plates, and add porridge on top of them. After that, you can emphasize the taste of oatmeal with a small amount of butter. The porridge prepared in this way must be mixed together with raisins.
  Recipes with oatmeal are very diverse. It is often used as an auxiliary ingredient for other dishes. For example, oatmeal can be used instead of crackers in cooking dishes from poultry and meat. You can add a little oatmeal to meatballs and meatballs for a more pleasant and delicate flavor and desired consistency. It can also make broth thicker and more fragrant. If you want to make ice cream or any other dessert, then lightly toasted oatmeal can replace the nuts.

Porridge in a slow cooker and microwave

If you are interested in how to cook oatmeal using household appliances such as a slow cooker and microwave oven, you can suggest some interesting and simple recipes.

Oatmeal in the microwave is prepared as follows: one piece of whole oats must be steamed with hot milk in advance so that it swells. Next, add to it raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Put for 3 minutes in the microwave at maximum power. After a specified time, porridge is ready.

If you want to get an amazing breakfast in the form of oatmeal with a delicate flavor of baked milk, you should pay attention to the slow cooker. Oatmeal is cooked in it very simply: the grits need to be washed and put in a multicooker container. Next, pour milk and add salt and sugar, mix thoroughly. Then it is necessary to choose the mode of "quenching" for a few hours, and then leave the porridge on the "heating" for another 4 hours. Very tasty and tender oatmeal is a good start to the day for adults and children.

Oatmeal Recipes with Milk

Whole oatmeal porridge

The most useful morning meal is best cooked from whole oatmeal. It is a steamed oat grain, released from the shell.

It is necessary to cook such porridge for a long time, therefore we soak the oatmeal for at least 5 hours, it is better to do it at night.


  • Whole oat grains - 1 cup (250 grams)
  • Milk - 2 cups (0.5 ml)
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Butter - to taste


  1. Well washed pre-soaked oatmeal.
  2. Pour the milk into the pot, put on the hob, wait until it boils.
  3. In boiling milk pour oatmeal, stirring constantly. When the contents begin to boil, reduce the flame to a minimum.
  4. We cover the pot with a lid, leave it on a small fire and after about 40 minutes remove it from the stove.
  5. We are waiting for 5 minutes until porridge infusions, and the grains will increase in size. Add the butter, a little milk, mix, cover again and set for another half an hour in the oven.

Porridge with milk is ready, we invite the family to the table!

If the milk is too high percentage of fat, it is better to dilute it with water.

Classic English recipe

The British cook oatmeal with milk, pre-boiled oatmeal in water.


  • Whole grain oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Salt - to taste
  • Milk

Wash the croup well, pour it into boiling water, salt, mix well and cook over low heat. After 40 - 45 minutes, remove from the stove and give the porridge brew for 5 minutes. After that add hot milk (can be cold) and mix again. In this form in deep plates serve the dish on the table.

If you want to have breakfast like English aristocrats, then you should know that the real porridge is cooked without sugar or any other additives.

Oatmeal Milk Porridge Recipes

In modern cooking, “rolled” cereals, or oatmeal, are more common. They digest faster, so less time and effort is spent preparing breakfast.

There are several types of oatmeal:

  • Hercules
  • Petal oatmeal
  • Extra

"Hercules" is the most famous Russian brand, widely popular among consumers in the Soviet era. The very name of this product causes well-justified associations with strength and health.

Recipe for oatmeal porridge


  • Oat flakes "Hercules" - 1 glass
  • Milk - 2 glasses
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • Butter - to taste


Put the flakes in the pan, add salt and sugar. Milk boil in a separate container. After boiling, pour it into a bowl of cereal, mix and cook on a small flame for 15 minutes. Put the butter, wrap the pot with a thick kitchen towel and let the brewed infusion. After 5 - 7 minutes we serve breakfast.

Cooked porridge recipe

To save yourself from standing at the stove and save your precious morning time, you can cook an original breakfast on milk in the evening. For him, very well, oatmeal "Extra". Cooking takes only 5 - 10 minutes, but the porridge will turn out extremely tasty and healthy.


  • Oatmeal "Extra" - 100 grams
  • Currant berries - 100 grams
  • Liquid honey - 2 - 3 tablespoons
  • Cinnamon - 1 tablespoon
  • Milk - 0.5 liters

We lay all the components of our future breakfast in a glass or plastic jar, pour in milk, mix and close the lid. We put the jar in the fridge for the night, and in the morning we warm our ready dish in the microwave. With a minimum of time and products we get the most delicate delicacy with a unique taste and a full bouquet of vitamins and minerals.

Instead of "Extras" you can use other flakes. The recipe can be varied, each time changing some ingredients.

What foods combines oatmeal

Diversify the dish well with various additives: sugar, honey, steamed raisins and other dried fruits, jam, cream, nuts, sesame, poppy seeds, candied fruits, cinnamon.

You can boil porridge on milk with fresh berries, slices of apples, pears, oranges and other citrus fruits, bananas, kiwi. Everything is determined by your fiction and taste preferences.

Low calorie, coupled with high nutritional value makes porridge an indispensable source of energy.

But the main result of the regular use of oatmeal in milk will be your health and beauty. It is only necessary to remember that even such a healthy dish can not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

If you want to taste the food that ancestors ate many centuries ago, cook whole grain oatmeal. Of course, in those days there was no gas, and even less electricity, so the dish was cooked in the oven. If you have one, cook porridge in it, and then 4-5 hours later in the same place, then the grain will become tender. If there is no brick stove, you can transfer the process to the oven. Here's what you need to taste the old Slavic dish:

- 1 liter of water;
- 250 g oat grains;
- 1 tsp. Sahara;
- 70 g butter;
- salt to taste.

Rinse the cereal, put it in a saucepan, cover with a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid. Leave it swell overnight. After 8 hours, add sugar, salt, mix, transfer the contents of the pan to the pot. Place it in an oven preheated to 100 ° C. Leave it to stew and simmer for two hours. Then take the pot, add oil, mix and try a healthy dish.

You can cook such porridge and on the stove. After the grain has infused for 8 hours, put the pan on the fire. Periodically stirring the cereal, boil it for 40-50 minutes.

If you want to quickly prepare a healthy dish, take crushed oatmeal. To make the breakfast even tastier, add dried fruit. Here is what you need:

- 200 g of flattened oatmeal;
- 650 g of water;
- 5 pieces of dried apricots;
- 2 tbsp. raisins;
- salt, sugar to taste.

Wash the raisins, dried apricots, fill them with boiling water for 20 minutes. Be sure to sort the groats, remove impurities, rinse it in warm water.

Put oatmeal in a saucepan, pour 650 g of water, add raisins, cut into dried apricots. Bring the porridge over medium heat to a boil, reduce to a minimum. Boil, stirring for 25 minutes. After that add sugar, salt to taste, and can be tasted.

Multivarka free time of the hostess. It also cooks this dish. You do not need to stand at the stove to periodically stir the contents of the pan. Immediately lay in the bowl multicooker all the products from the recipe.

Turn on the mode “Milk porridge” for 20 minutes, after which you can enjoy a dish rich in healthy minerals.

Manufacturers produce instant oatmeal. Of these, you can not cook simple, and chocolate porridge on the water. Take:

- 200 g of quick-cooking oatmeal;
- 450 g of water;
- salt, sugar to taste;
- 1 tbsp. l cocoa;
- optional - banana, nuts.

Pour the sifted and washed grits with cold water, mix. Put the pot on the fire. Do not miss the boiling point so that the porridge does not rise in the form of a cap. Immediately reduce the heat, boil, stirring, 2 minutes, add cocoa, sugar, salt, stir, hold on the included burner for another 3 minutes.

Now you can add chopped banana, nuts in the dish, such food will appeal to even those who did not like oatmeal before.

What is the benefit of oatmeal

The benefits of porridge from oats is enormous. The rich content of microelements, organic acids and vitamins has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. The main benefits of oatmeal:

  1. Favorably affects the digestive organs. It is the first oatmeal is introduced into the diet after surgery, fasting diets, long abstinence from food.
  2. Contains coarse fiber. In ¾ glasses of dry cereal - the daily rate of dietary fiber (for an adult). Therefore, with regular use of oatmeal, you can forget about clogged intestines, constipation and all the resulting problems.
  3. Oatmeal proteins help build muscle mass.
  4. Reduces the risk of blood clots. The dish is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Slow carbohydrates - this is the right breakfast, which will give you satiety until the very dinner.
  6. It is recommended to use dishes from this cereal to schoolchildren, students and other people engaged in mental work. Porridge will relieve from sleepiness, will lift your spirits, help to concentrate.
  7. Oatmeal is often an element of diets and fasting days. Porridge boiled on water has a low calorie content and high nutritional properties, therefore it can be used for weight loss.

The benefits of oatmeal for the body is obvious. The product is actively used in diet and medical nutrition. Porridge is pleasant to the taste, available. Using supplements, you can give a dish different tastes.

Oatmeal: how to choose a healthy product

Store shelves are full of packages with different types of oatmeal. Cereals differ in appearance, flake and grain size, method and time of cooking. Main types:

  • instant oatmeal does not require heat treatment, or cooking lasts no more than 2 minutes;
  • hercules - the thickest and largest flakes, require cooking for 10-15 minutes;
  • oatmeal - flattened whole grains that require long cooking, which usually takes about 30-35 minutes.

Least of all nutrients and valuable substances contain instant oatmeal. The most useful are cereals from whole grains and rolled oats. They retain the maximum amount of fiber, valuable vitamins and trace elements.

How to cook healthy porridge

Oatmeal dishes are always viscous and slimy. When cooled, the consistency becomes much thicker than after preparation. Basic rules for cooking healthy porridge:

  1. Porridge boiled on water or milk. Groats are always poured into a boiling liquid.
  2. For a viscous dish of water, at least 150 ml per 50 g of cereal is added.
  3. If the dish is not intended for weight loss or cleansing, then salt is added to improve the taste.
  4. Refined sugar can be replaced with dried fruits, honey, berries and fresh fruits.
  5. The oil dramatically increases the calorie content of the dish, you need to add fat to metered.
  6. If the dish is prepared in advance, then the amount of cereal is reduced by a third.

To preserve the maximum amount of benefit in the dish, it is possible not to heat the croup. Enough to pour the oatmeal in a thermos, pour boiling water or milk, leave for 3 hours. This way they cook breakfast the day before.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Complex carbohydrates, which are contained in oatmeal, are digested slowly, do not give a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. One portion of the dish will give the body satiety for 3-4 hours. At the same time, the energy value of cereals boiled in water or skimmed milk is only 88-100 kcal.

The main advantages and properties of oatmeal:

  • suppresses sweets;
  • product common, affordable, inexpensive;
  • it goes well with different additives, which allows you to make the diet varied and useful;
  • even porridge with long cooking does not require much time for cooking;
  • it improves skin elasticity, which is very important for losing weight.

For weight loss on oatmeal, they organize mono-diets, spend fasting days, include in the system of proper nutrition. Mono-diet does not require thinking through the menu, you do not need to cook several different dishes, the minimum set of products: oatmeal and water. To taste porridge add cinnamon, pepper, ginger. A significant disadvantage of this diet is the complexity of exposure. Eat one week the same food can not every person. As after the other monodiets, the weight dropped is often rapidly returning.

It is much more useful to make porridge a daily breakfast on the system of proper nutrition. The dish is complemented with fruits, seeds, honey. Effective and useful fasting day in oatmeal. It helps cleanse the body, remove excess water, relieve from 400-800 g of weight.

Fasting day on oatmeal

For a fasting day, porridge is cooked in water without adding salt or sugar. It is allowed to add spices for a change. You can also sprinkle unsalted spices: ginger, black pepper or paprika.

Porridge Recipe

1 cup of cereal pour 3 cups of water, cook ordinary viscous porridge. The resulting dish is divided into 5 equal parts by the number of meals. It is advisable to use every 3 hours. Last admission - 3 hours before bedtime. In the intervals between meals, clean water must be used. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters.

Tip!  If by the evening of the fasting day you feel a strong hunger or the stomach begins to actively boil, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat one green apple. These products have a low calorie content, they will not allow to break and eat something harmful.

Video: How to diet on oatmeal

Oatmeal for intestinal cleansing (oat scrub)

Fiber-rich oatmeal will help gently clean the intestines, normalize stools. Due to this, the stomach will become more flat, the complexion and skin condition will improve, the immunity will increase. Cleaning is recommended for people with acne on the face and body, suffering from high fat skin. It is possible to use boiled porridge for oatmeal scrub, but raw flakes work much more efficiently.

Scrub recipe for bowel cleansing

  Oatmeal flakes - 2-3 tbsp. l
  Water - 50 ml
  Milk - 1 tbsp. l

  An intestinal scrub needs to be prepared the day before. Oatmeal pour cold boiled or purified water, add a spoonful of milk, which can be replaced with cream. Mix thoroughly, put in the refrigerator.

In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of water, after 15 minutes, eat a cooked scrub. In porridge, you can add a teaspoon of honey or nuts, but one thing. Salt and refined sugar are prohibited. A full breakfast is recommended 3 hours after eating oatmeal. Scrub cleansing course - 30 days.

It should be remembered: Cleaning procedures are recommended from 6 to 8 am. It is at this time that the work of the digestive tract begins, the body awakens after a night's sleep.

Oatmeal for constipation

Constipation brings great harm: disrupt the digestive system, poison the body with toxins, interfere with the normal blood supply. Congestions are harmful at any age. There are many medication and folk remedies to combat constipation. Oatmeal - one of the most affordable and safe. It is allowed to use children from 7 months of age, provided there is no allergic reaction to gluten and other ingredients of the dish.

Recipe for cereal from constipation

  Oatmeal - 0.3 cups
  Water - 1 cup
  Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  Prunes - 3 pcs.

Cooking:  In a saucepan on the stove, cook an ordinary, viscous cereal porridge. Rinse prunes, cut into small cubes, add 3 minutes before the end of cooking. The finished dish is filled with vegetable oil: sunflower, linseed or olive. It is important that the product is unrefined. Salt and sugar can be added, but in small quantities. It is recommended to use porridge on an empty stomach in the morning as the main breakfast.

Oatmeal for beauty

Oat flakes contain vitamins of group B, K and E. When using meals from this cereal, the condition and color of the skin improves, elasticity rises, acne occurs due to problems with the work of the digestive system and intestines. Nails and hair become stronger, grow better.

Oatmeal can be taken orally and used externally. In cosmetology, only natural flakes with long cooking are used, containing the maximum amount of useful substances. At the same time, it is not necessary to heat the croup. Usually boil the porridge with boiling water, insist, then use as a scrub, masks on their own or with the addition of other ingredients: honey, coffee, dairy products, cosmetic oils.

Video: Oatmeal for beauty in the program "About the most important"

The harm of oatmeal: who can not eat

Porridge oatmeal is beneficial to the body, but do not make it the basis of the diet. At the use of a product in a large number and absorption of vitamin D and calcium is for a long time broken. It is caused by the accumulation of phytic acid. This leads to a weakening of the skeletal system.

The main contraindication is gluten intolerance (celiac disease). But you also should not forget that instant oatmeal without cooking and flavored sachet dishes do not have any benefit, they can cause allergies, digestive disorders, thereby causing harm to the body.

  Oats  quite popular cereal in cooking. Same oats dishes  in the kitchens of different nations were prepared differently. Unfortunately, not everybody got to modern man. recipes with oats. However, now, opening a cookbook, you can find some good recipes with this product.
  In Europe from oats  make muesli, cereals and instant cereals. Oats recipes are recommended to use not only in this capacity. For the preparation of products from oatmeal, if we cook at home, we need a lot of patience and culinary imagination. For example, in Sweden, pretzels, donuts and fragrant breads were served. France has long appreciated the beneficial properties of oat grains.
  This cereal contains a large amount of starch, which increases the nutritional value of this product. Therefore, the feeling of satiety comes faster. The French are very fond of oatmeal soups. Just a plate of this soup will provide the body with a charge of strength and vigor for several hours.
  It is also impossible to imagine Scottish cuisine without oats. The national dish of Scots - brouz, made from oatmeal. Oat pancakes stuffed with vegetables are also popular in Scotland. Kissels from this cereal and oat tinctures are equally popular.
  Even alcoholic beverages can be made on the basis of oat grains. For example, one of the popular varieties of Irish beer is prepared with the addition of oats. It turns out stronger and more fragrant, but less sweet. In Germany, boiled white beer made from oats, wheat and barley.

Oatmeal porridge, thistled in a pot

The composition of the recipe dishes

Whole Oats TM "PEOPLE'S DOCTOR" - 250 grams

Water - 1 liter

Butter - 70: 80 grams

Salt - to taste

Sugar - to taste

Cooking method:
  Preparing porridge from whole oats, stewed in a pot for this culinary recipe, you will pleasantly surprise your relatives. Traditional cooking porridge - is to torment her in a pot in a hot oven, naturally in the absence of the oven. Such porridge is obtained by abolishing compared to the porridge that was cooked in a saucepan on a gas stove. Porridge in the pot turns out to be much more fluffy, crumbly. If, of course, it is correct to determine the ratio of the volume of water and porridge, and what is important - the temperature regime. To cook porridge in the pot, according to this culinary recipe, we sort out the whole grain oats, rinse, and put it in the pan. Fill with boiling water and cover with a lid. Leave in this form for about 8 hours at room temperature. After these 8 hours have passed, we place the oats with the water in a clay pot and put the pot in the oven preheated to 100. Keep the pot in the oven for about 2 hours. Then take out the pot and add salt, sugar and mix thoroughly. And if you are not on a diet, put butter there. With dietary purposes, you can fill porridge with yogurt. It turns out great food for breakfast.

Whole grain cereal

The composition of the recipe dishes

: 0.5 cups wild rice

: 0.5 cups of oats TM "PEOPLE'S DOCTOR"

: 0.5 cups pearl barley

: 0.5 cups wheat cereal

: orange peel 1

1-2 tablespoons of sugar

: 14 tsp salt

: 0.5 cups of dried fruits (raisins, cranberries, cherries, etc.)

For decoration: nuts, maple syrup, strawberry, banana.

Cooking method:

All ingredients pour 5 cups of water and leave overnight.
  Cook porridge in the microwave or on the stove.
  Whole-grain porridge served warm with nuts or maple syrup.


Ingredients recipe dishes:

1. Oats soak overnight in 0.5 liters of water.

2. The next day, boil it in the same water (about 45 minutes). Leave to cool in water so that the kernels swell.

3. Peel the Italian dill roots, rinse and cut into slices, and finely chop the fennel leaves. Apples wash, wipe, cut into four parts, clean out the middle, sprinkle with lemon juice.

4. Mix the grains of oats, apples and dill.

5. Gorgonzola cheese grind with cottage cheese. Add milk and calvados, season with salt and pepper. Mix with green onions and dill.

6. Pour over salad and mix well.

Cooking time about 2 hours.

Enjoy your meal!

folk doktor.rf


Breakfast is considered the main meal, so it should be healthy and nutritious.

Oatmeal meets these requirements, however, not everyone is ready to put it on their table every morning. The reason is that many people do not want to eat equally from day to day. However, oatmeal can be cooked in different ways, you only need to know the recipes.

Eating oatmeal has a positive effect on metabolic processes and the digestive system. Also, oatmeal helps to eliminate toxins and toxins and helps to normalize the water-salt balance.

Benefit due to the rich composition:

  • phosphorus - strengthens bones, the musculoskeletal system, teeth;
  • potassium - ensures the vital activity of all soft tissues;
  • manganese - takes part in the development of cells;
  • fluorine - strengthens bones, is involved in the formation of enamel and hard tooth tissue;
  • iodine - participates in the metabolism of proteins and fats, regulates the metabolism of vitamins, the rate of biochemical reactions;
  • iron - helps to transport oxygen from the lungs to the muscles and organs, stimulates the production of hemoglobin, regulates body temperature;
  • zinc - strengthens the immune system, is involved in the metabolism of cells, the formation of collagen, protein synthesis;
  • magnesium - promotes proper bone development, regulates heart rhythms, normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • calcium - strengthens teeth and bones;
  • amino acids - slow down the aging process, stimulate the immune system;
  • vegetable fats - prevent thrombosis and inflammation, stimulate the immune system, promote digestion;
  • proteins - stimulate recovery processes, improve immunity, ensure the transportation of nutrients to the systems;
  • fiber - cleanses toxins, has antioxidant properties, lowers sugar levels;
  • b vitamins - are involved in the metabolism of cells, activate the work of brain cells;
  • vitamin A - regulates the process of protein production, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, strengthens the immune system;
  • vitamin E - activates the enrichment of blood with oxygen, contributes to the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Nutritional value of oatmeal

In 100 g of Hercules contains 352 kcal. The energy ratio of protein, fat and carbon is 14% / 16% / 70%.

Energy value of oatmeal:

  • proteins - 49 kcal;
  • fats - 56 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 247 kcal.

Types of oatmeal

Oatmeal is divided into types according to the method of processing:

  • “Hercules” - top grade grits (0.7 mm);
  • Petal - grain of the highest grade (0.5 mm);
  • "Extra number 1" - whole grain (less than 0.5 mm);
  • "Extra number 2" - cut grain (less than 0.5 mm);
  • "Extra number 3" - fine grain (less than 0.5 mm).

The most useful is porridge made from whole grains, cooked in water. It is undesirable to use oatmeal on milk, since milk fat removes dietary fiber of oatmeal from the intestine.

How much to cook oatmeal and in what proportions

Porridge will be the most delicious, if one part of the cereal to take 3-4 parts of the liquid. In addition, you can add a pinch of salt to improve the taste. Some hostesses add some honey or maple syrup to milk porridge, which is a worthy alternative to sugar.

It is also important not to digest oatmeal and do not turn off ahead of time. To determine how much to cook oatmeal, you need to know the type of flakes:

  • "Hercules" - 20 minutes;
  • Petal - 10 minutes;
  • "Extra" - 1-5 minutes

How to cook wholegrain oatmeal

First you need to sort out the oatmeal and remove all damaged grains. Then wash the grits 3-4 times. After that, you can start cooking porridge.

Recipe for wholegrain oatmeal on water:

  1. Pour 2 cups oatmeal with cold water and leave for several hours. Better soak all night.
  2. Drain and wash the oatmeal.
  3. Pour 4 cups of cold water and cook over medium heat. Boil.
  4. Reduce heat and simmer another 10–15 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and cover with lid.
  6. Insist 10-15 minutes.

Recipe for whole grain oatmeal with milk:

  1. Pour 2 cups of oatmeal with cold water. Leave overnight.
  2. In the morning drain and rinse the oatmeal.
  3. Pour into a saucepan 4 cups of milk and boil.
  4. Salt, put oatmeal and cook over medium heat until boiling.
  5. Cover and cook on low heat for 15–20 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat and stand for 5 minutes.

Cooking oatmeal on milk

Oatmeal porridge cook faster and easier, because it does not require pre-soaking. Preparation Procedure:

  1. Take milk / water and cereal in a ratio of 3: 1. You can mix water and milk in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Put the pan with the liquid on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Start pouring flakes, stirring constantly.
  4. Cook porridge for 2 minutes.
  5. Insist a few minutes under the lid closed.

How to cook oatmeal

You need to be ready at once that it takes a lot of time to cook oatmeal. Such porridge will not be able to quickly cook for breakfast, especially in the absence of free time.

Oatmeal porridge is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour 2 cups of oatmeal cold water.
  2. Soak for 1.5–2 hours.
  3. Drain the water.
  4. Pour into a saucepan 4 cups of water and boil.
  5. Pour the cereal and bring to a boil.
  6. Turn off the stove, cover the porridge with a lid and wait 2–3 hours until the croup swells.
  7. Put the cereal in a colander and make sure that the water is glass.
  8. Put the cereal in boiling milk, add salt and boil until the porridge thickens.

How to cook porridge - four options

Everyone has certain eating habits, so there is no universal recipe for oatmeal. Also, from time to time I want diversity, which is also a reason to fill up the piggy bank with recipes.

Porridge on milk

  1. Pour 2 cups of milk into the pan.
  2. Bring over medium heat to a boil.
  3. Pour 1 cup oatmeal into boiling milk and mix.
  4. Simmer for 10–15 minutes.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove and cover with a lid.
  6. Insist 10 minutes.

On the water

  1. Pour 2 cups of water into the pot and boil.
  2. Reduce heat to medium and salt out water.
  3. Add 1 cup oatmeal.
  4. Simmer gently.
  5. Turn off the stove after 5-7 minutes.
  6. Put the butter and mix.
  7. Wait a few minutes until the porridge thickens.

Diet Bunting

  1. Preheat pan.
  2. Pour out 1 glass of oatmeal. Do not add oil.
  3. Cook for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Pour 3 cups of water into the pot and boil.
  5. Pour flakes into boiling water.
  6. Simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Add a handful of dark raisins.
  8. Boil another 5 minutes.
  9. Remove from heat and let it brew.

For a child

  1. Pour 100 ml of water into the pan and add salt.
  2. Boil.
  3. Reduce heat to medium and put 7 boil in boiling water. spoons of cereal.
  4. Add 250 ml of baby milk when oatmeal boils.
  5. To cover with a lid.
  6. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes.

Additional methods of cooking oatmeal

Optionally cook oatmeal on the stove. You can cook a dish in a slow cooker, microwave or double boiler. In this case, the process takes less hassle.

Cooking technology in the slow cooker

  1. Put 150 g of oatmeal at the bottom of the slow cooker.
  2. Add 750 ml of milk 2.5%, 20 g of butter. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  3. Stir all the ingredients and close the multicooker lid.
  4. Press the “Cooking” button and install the porridge program.
  5. Click on the "Set Time" button and select 25 minutes.
  6. Click on "Start".
  7. After cooking, open the multicooker lid and mix the porridge thoroughly.

In the microwave

  1. In a dish for the microwave put 4 tbsp. l oatmeal, as well as salt and sugar to taste.
  2. Pour ¾ cup boiling water and mix.
  3. Turn on the microwave at full capacity and put the porridge for 3 minutes.
  4. Take out the porridge, mix and add ½ cup of milk or cream.
  5. Put in the microwave for 90 seconds.
  6. Take out the porridge from the microwave and leave for a few minutes.
  7. Add butter.

In a double boiler

  1. Put in a bowl 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 glasses of hot milk, 2 tbsp. l Sahara.
  2. Put the bowl in a double boiler.
  3. Cook porridge 25-30 minutes.
  4. After the time to extract, add butter and 1 tbsp. l honey

In the mornings, there is not always time to make breakfast, so you can consider instant cereal as an option. Pouch bag with porridge to pour into a plate and pour hot water or milk. After a few minutes the dish will be ready for use.

This porridge is not considered the most useful because it contains various additives, so it is more suitable for travel when there really is no time or place for cooking.

How to cook porridge without cooking, described in the video.

What to add to the oatmeal for taste

Porridge will get more delicious and nutritious, if you add the following ingredients:

  • berries;
  • pieces of fruit;
  • maple syrup;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruit puree;
  • nuts;
  • jam;
  • jam;
  • jam;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • fried onions and carrots;
  • greenery;
  • cinnamon;
  • turmeric;
  • condensed milk;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • white cheese;
  • meat (chicken, beef);
  • olive oil.

Storage conditions

Oatmeal is recommended to be stored in a dry and dark place. After opening the package, pour the contents into a container with a tightly screwed cap.

Ready porridge can be stored in the refrigerator. Pre-place oatmeal in a bowl with a tight-fitting lid.

Porridge on the water must be consumed within 2.5 days, oatmeal in milk - within 2 days.

Oatmeal is a tasty and healthy dish that can be cooked in different ways. In addition, dried fruits, honey, or fresh fruits and berries are added to the oatmeal, which makes the taste more pronounced.