Borodino bread recipe. How to bake Borodino bread

02.04.2019 Healthy food

Borodino bread is prepared at the brew with the addition of spices. It will take a lot of time and attention, but the result will surprise everyone. Homemade bread will turn out the same as in the USSR.

Classic Borodino bread in the bread maker

Everyone knows and remembers the aroma and taste of this bread. It is difficult to prepare it. To get it the first time, you should carefully follow the recommendations for cooking. Borodino bread in the bread maker is prepared much faster and easier than in the oven.


  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • rye flour - 170 g;
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 190 g;
  • instant coffee - 1 tsp;
  • leaven - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa - 1 tsp;
  • dry milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • black tea - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  • rye flour - 1 cup;
  • yeast - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. For the starter mix the products and pour water. It should make a watery dough.
  2. Leave the room for 19 hours. Cover with a towel. Then clean in the cold (enough for several servings).
  3. Place the products in the bread maker, perform the steps as indicated in the attached instructions to the oven.

Oven Cooking Recipe

Bread cooked on rye flour turns out fragrant, tasty and healthy.


  • cumin - 3 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 350 g;
  • coriander - 3 tsp;
  • rye flour - 250 g;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • warm water - 350 ml;
  • sugar - 3 tsp;
  • yeast - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • malt - 5 tsp.


  1. Pour into a bowl a portion of warm water, pour in yeast, sugar. Stir.
  2. After 10-15 minutes, fill the flour. Add malt. Pour the rest of the water.
  3. Knead a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour coriander, salt, cumin.
  5. Knead the dough again.
  6. Sprinkle lightly with flour. Cover package. Clean in the heat.
  7. After two hours to form the bread.
  8. Place on baking sheet. Leave for half an hour.
  9. Rearranged in the oven.
  10. Set the oven at 200 degrees. Cook for a quarter of an hour. Switch 180 degrees. Hold for half an hour.

And for the appetite some interesting facts about the Borodino bread.

According to one of the romantic versions, this bread appeared thanks to the love of Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov.
Margarita came from the princely family of the Naryshkins. Her husband, Alexander Tuchkov, was a colonel. For five years after the wedding, Margaret followed her husband in all military campaigns, until in 1811 she gave birth to a son. The birth of a child forced the princess to stay at home. According to legend, she had a dream in which she heard the words “Your fate will be decided in Borodino!”. However, Margarita had never heard of such a place.
   In September 1812, the decisive battle with Napoleon's army, which attacked Russia, took place in the village of Borodino. It was in this harsh battle that her husband was killed, whose unhappy body Margarita was looking for on the battlefield. The search turned out to be in vain, and the grieving wife had the idea to build a church on the spot where her beloved husband was killed. Soon the church was built, the construction was completed and the Holy Cross was illuminated in 1820. Margarita moved to the temple after the death of her son, becoming abbess of the Spaso-Borodino monastery. At the monastery there was its own bakery, in which a recipe for bread made from rye flour was developed. This bread was not stale for a long time, it had a rich taste, a glossy surface and sprinkled either with cumin or coriander, which could symbolize a canister. This bread was called "memorial", and only at the end of the nineteenth was it called Borodino.

There is another version of the appearance of Borodino bread. According to this version, Borodino bread was invented by the famous Russian composer and chemical scientist Alexander Porfirievich Borodin. According to legend, the idea to create a Borodino bread scientist came after a trip to Italy with a group of chemical chemists. Nevertheless, this version is rejected by historians, since rye does not grow in southern countries. Therefore, rye bread is delivered from Russia to many foreign countries where Russian emigrants live.

Or maybe “Borodinsky” simply comes from the word “fermentation” and has nothing to do with Borodino or Borodino?

Be that as it may, it is only known for certain that the formulation of the current Borodino bread was developed in 1933 by the Moscow Bread Trust. According to this recipe, one of the ingredients of the bread was coriander. Until 1920, there is not a single reference to the name of bread “Borodinsky” in any literary source devoted to breadmaking, so it is quite possible that the name of bread appeared along with its modern recipe.

Borodinsky refers to custard bread. Brewing a portion of the flour in a bread recipe is a very old method, and was known to Egyptians and Greeks in "prehistoric times", but in Russia, before the revolution, the use of brewing was considered a method so precious and special that brewing technology brewed in secret. For the first time, traditional brewing techniques in Russian bread recipes were made public by nine Moscow bakers in 1928-1930, and in the 1930s and 1940s, they were studied in detail by scientists, classified into 6 classes and formalized as GOST for brewed bread and liquid yeast (yeast on welding).

Scalded bread to taste is very specific and its preparation is not so difficult as it takes a lot of time. Therefore, today, in conditions of constant time trouble, both the factories and the owners of bread makers at home bake not so much the "real" Borodino as its analogues, for example, coriander bread. Instead of ferment, store yeast and vinegar are taken, instead of malt, dry kvass, instead of brewing, special preparations, etc. And in order for breads to be more thicker, taller, they increase the proportion of wheat flour from 0-15% to 50% and more. As a result, the bread turns out sweet and sour and coriander, and therefore - "Borodino"! But if you try real Borodino bread at least once, you will feel a huge difference! Borodinsky is a very soft, thin-bodied, never stale, very rye, tender bread to bite. Easy to prepare, if the tea leaves are set to be saccharified at night. And quick to prepare if you have a starter with good lifting power and it is possible to ferment the dough and dough at 30 * C.

Borodino bread is useful to everyone without exception - both healthy and sick. It is recommended for people with high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, people suffering from constipation. This bread does not harm the figure at all, that's why we are so loved and demanded by people who are overweight. Many women use Borodino bread as a natural cosmetic for hair and face skin.

And for the appetite some interesting facts about the Borodino bread.

According to one of the romantic versions, this bread appeared thanks to the love of Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov.
Margarita came from the princely family of the Naryshkins. Her husband, Alexander Tuchkov, was a colonel. For five years after the wedding, Margaret followed her husband in all military campaigns, until in 1811 she gave birth to a son. The birth of a child forced the princess to stay at home. According to legend, she had a dream in which she heard the words “Your fate will be decided in Borodino!”. However, Margarita had never heard of such a place.
   In September 1812, the decisive battle with Napoleon's army, which attacked Russia, took place in the village of Borodino. It was in this harsh battle that her husband was killed, whose unhappy body Margarita was looking for on the battlefield. The search turned out to be in vain, and the grieving wife had the idea to build a church on the spot where her beloved husband was killed. Soon the church was built, the construction was completed and the Holy Cross was illuminated in 1820. Margarita moved to the temple after the death of her son, becoming abbess of the Spaso-Borodino monastery. At the monastery there was its own bakery, in which a recipe for bread made from rye flour was developed. This bread was not stale for a long time, it had a rich taste, a glossy surface and sprinkled either with cumin or coriander, which could symbolize a canister. This bread was called "memorial", and only at the end of the nineteenth was it called Borodino.

There is another version of the appearance of Borodino bread. According to this version, Borodino bread was invented by the famous Russian composer and chemical scientist Alexander Porfirievich Borodin. According to legend, the idea to create a Borodino bread scientist came after a trip to Italy with a group of chemical chemists. Nevertheless, this version is rejected by historians, since rye does not grow in southern countries. Therefore, rye bread is delivered from Russia to many foreign countries where Russian emigrants live.

Or maybe “Borodinsky” simply comes from the word “fermentation” and has nothing to do with Borodino or Borodino?

Be that as it may, it is only known for certain that the formulation of the current Borodino bread was developed in 1933 by the Moscow Bread Trust. According to this recipe, one of the ingredients of the bread was coriander. Until 1920, there is not a single reference to the name of bread “Borodinsky” in any literary source devoted to breadmaking, so it is quite possible that the name of bread appeared along with its modern recipe.

Borodinsky refers to custard bread. Brewing a portion of the flour in a bread recipe is a very old method, and was known to Egyptians and Greeks in "prehistoric times", but in Russia, before the revolution, the use of brewing was considered a method so precious and special that brewing technology brewed in secret. For the first time, traditional brewing techniques in Russian bread recipes were made public by nine Moscow bakers in 1928-1930, and in the 1930s and 1940s, they were studied in detail by scientists, classified into 6 classes and formalized as GOST for brewed bread and liquid yeast (yeast on welding).

Scalded bread to taste is very specific and its preparation is not so difficult as it takes a lot of time. Therefore, today, in conditions of constant time trouble, both the factories and the owners of bread makers at home bake not so much the "real" Borodino as its analogues, for example, coriander bread. Instead of ferment, store yeast and vinegar are taken, instead of malt, dry kvass, instead of brewing, special preparations, etc. And in order for breads to be more thicker, taller, they increase the proportion of wheat flour from 0-15% to 50% and more. As a result, the bread turns out sweet and sour and coriander, and therefore - "Borodino"! But if you try real Borodino bread at least once, you will feel a huge difference! Borodinsky is a very soft, thin-bodied, never stale, very rye, tender bread to bite. Easy to prepare, if the tea leaves are set to be saccharified at night. And quick to prepare if you have a starter with good lifting power and it is possible to ferment the dough and dough at 30 * C.

Borodino bread is useful to everyone without exception - both healthy and sick. It is recommended for people with high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, people suffering from constipation. This bread does not harm the figure at all, that's why we are so loved and demanded by people who are overweight. Many women use Borodino bread as a natural cosmetic for hair and face skin.

The harm and benefits of this popular product in Russia will be discussed a little further. We will also tell you about the calorie content of this product and what ingredients are included in its composition.

General Product Information

What is Borodino bread, the harm and benefits of which are known not to all consumers? This is the most common variety of black in Russia and CIS countries.

The exact origin of this bread is unknown. In this case, experts issue several versions. One of them says that the product in question was coined during the famous battle of Borodino. Another legend says that the widow of a soldier who fought in the Battle of Borodino was first baked.

When did Borodino first appear, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of controversy among many chefs? Experts say that the recipe for modern flour products was developed by the Moscow Bakery Trust back in 1933.

The composition and caloric content of black bread Borodino

What components does Borodino bread contain? The harm and benefits of this product are inextricably linked to its composition.

Like any flour product, the bread in question consists of flour (rye and peeled). Also, manufacturers claim that the composition of this product includes some wheat flour (second grade).

It should be noted that yeast is added to black bread. By the way, earlier instead of them, various starters were used.

In addition, the Borodino product contains ingredients such as salt and sugar, malt and molasses, as well as starch.

Is it possible to gain weight by regularly eating Borodino bread? The benefits and harms, calorie content of the product must be taken into account by those who are on a strict diet. According to experts, 100 grams of the product in question contains about 205 kcal. Nutritionists report that this is not very much, but Borodino bread is not a dietary product. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to use it for people with obesity.

Useful properties of the product

What properties has black Borodino bread? The benefits and harms of this product must be known to all consumers.

Due to the fact that the mentioned product contains only natural ingredients, it includes a sufficient amount of vitamins and other elements, which makes it very useful.

Borodino bread is rich in vitamins B1 and B2, and therefore it is especially recommended to use for breakfast. After all, it is at this time of day that the human body requires a large amount of energy. It should also be noted that with the use of this product, consumers can get nutritious and very tasty sandwiches that do not pose any danger.

Despite the fact that Borodino bread is not a dietary product, in some cases it is still recommended to use it during a therapeutic diet. In this case, you should forget about fresh pastries and any other wheat products.

What is the use of rye products?

Why is Borodino bread so popular? The harm and benefits of this product will be considered right now.

Rye flour that is contained in this product is very useful for the human body. This is due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of fiber and various vitamins, including vitamins PP, E and group B.

It can not be said that the product in question contains much more protein than other types of flour products. This makes it very nutritious.

Rye flour is a dietary ingredient. It contributes to the normalization of the digestive processes occurring in the body, and also helps the absorption of other products. In addition, this component is extremely useful in the presence of arterial plaques formed in the cardiovascular system.

Product features

What is remarkable Borodino black rye bread? The benefits and harms of this product are well known to many professionals. They claim that another unique and interesting substance that is part of this product is malt. This ingredient contains a lot of minerals. They are necessary and essential for human health.

It should also be noted that the component in question is a source of unrefined sugar. He is much more useful than his refined fellow. This ingredient improves the digestive processes, normalizes the stomach and intestines.

As for the bran of which Borodino bread is made, they are also very useful. Bran has a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis, which is especially important for people suffering from constipation or other gastrointestinal problems.

Thus, we can safely summarize that Borodino bread is extremely useful for digestion. In addition, it has a good effect on those who have various cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, gout, etc.).

Product Harm

Does Borodino contraindications? The benefits and harms of this flour product are described in this article.

About contraindications of the product in question should be known to all its consumers. This will avoid serious health problems.

Experts report that Borodino bread is not recommended for persons with increased acidity of gastric juice. What is the reason for this? The fact is that the composition of black bread contains yeast. This component may be incompatible with the aggressive environment of the main digestive organ.

It should be noted that the use of Borodino bread should be reduced to those who suffer from high blood sugar, and those who are prone to diabetes. Otherwise, the considered black flour product remains one of the most useful products ever created by human hands.