How to marinate and grill eggplant. How much to fry eggplant on the grill

30.08.2019 Snacks

Excellent food prepared on the grill or grill is not only meat or fish. You can cook anything on an open fire: mushrooms, vegetables, fruits. At the same time, fruits and vegetables baked on charcoal do not lose juice, as well as vitamins, which distinguishes the kitchen on an open fire from other options for heat treatment of food.

One of the most popular “shish kebab” vegetables, of course, is eggplant. There are many simple ways to cook these vegetables on fire. They can be baked whole, fried, grilled on a wire rack or rolls with bacon or bacon.

The easiest and most common way is to cook eggplant on the grill.


For this simple dish you will need eggplants themselves in the amount of several pieces, a good piece of lard (better if it is cooked in Hungarian, with paprika) and some plain marinade.

Cooking Technique:

  • First you need to wash the vegetables, peel the stalk. Cut into “centimeters” washers, add salt, and place in a marinating container (dishes, bag, etc.).
  • After 20-30 minutes, add a couple of good spoons of sour cream to the dishes, chop several garlic cloves there (to taste). Marinate for about thirty minutes.
  • Immediately before cooking, we complete the skewers or wooden skewers (previously soaked in water). Alternate on skewers eggplant "washers" with pieces of bacon.
  • Grill kebabs on the grill on small coals, from time to time turning the skewers. Cooking time - about 20 minutes, because the "little blue ones" reach the readiness not quickly.

Grilled eggplant: an original appetizer

Grilled eggplant recipe looks much more “solid” and creative when vegetables are baked under “mozzarella” cheese or any other well-melting variety.

In addition to the blue and cheese, this dish will need champignons, garlic, herbs, sour cream for serving.

Cooking Technique:

  • Prepared eggplant is cut into "washers" one centimeter thick or thin plates along.
  • Pieces of eggplant, champignons, cut in half or whole, are laid out on the grill, salted, pepper.
  • For 10-15 minutes, vegetables with mushrooms are baked.
  • Next, the baked products are laid out on a dish, immediately sprinkled with pieces of mozzarella or other grated cheese.
  • Hot eggplant with mushrooms and cheese melting on their surface are complemented with chopped garlic and herbs. As a sauce to the dish, you can serve sour cream.

Bacon or bacon rolls

If you want to cook something non-standard from eggplant, you can pay attention to an excellent, quick snack in the form of rolls.

As a complement to them, bacon, bacon (anyway smoked, salted) are suitable. As well as tomatoes, sweet peppers, in general, everything that is at hand and will be well kept on skewers.

Cooking Technique:

  • Prepared eggplants need to be cut lengthwise into plates less than a centimeter thick so that they can then be easily twisted on a skewer.
  • Lard or bacon also cut thinner.
  • Eggplant plates are fried on both sides on a wire rack.
  • Next, lard, bacon, and other available ingredients are placed in the plates. The roll is rolled up and pierced with a skewer.
  • Before serving, rolls are sprinkled with herbs, grated cheese.
  • Sour cream or sauces with mayonnaise base can be served with the dish.

The rolls prepared in the described way can be used as an appetizing snack or as a main dish

Whole eggplant

Alternatively, you can cook whole eggplant on charcoal. To do this, you need ordinary food foil. In addition to eggplant, tomatoes, 100-200 grams of any hard cheese, about 100 grams of butter, garlic, and herbs to taste will also be used.

Cooking Technique:

  • Peeled stalks, washed eggplants are cut several times along, but not completely, thin plates. Each vegetable is revealed like a book.
  • Eggplants are salted, peppered.
  • A mixture of garlic butter is prepared. The cleaned cloves are passed through a press and mixed with pre-softened butter.
  • Eggplant is lubricated with this mixture inside.
  • Tomatoes and cheese are cut into thin slices and slices, which then need to shift in turn all the plates of each eggplant.
  • Vegetables prepared in this way are wrapped in foil.
  • So, in foil, they are baked on small coals until they become soft. From time to time, vegetables need to be turned over.
  • Cooking time is about twenty minutes.
  • The finished baked eggplant is then removed from the foil and served on the table. They can be sprinkled with herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro).

  Grilled eggplant in foil - a very simple dish, just perfect for cooking outdoors

For a change, you can cook eggplants as part of a large assortment of vegetables.

Eggplant is well complemented with onions, zucchini, sweet pepper, tomatoes, zucchini and other available vegetables.

Cooking Technique:

  • To begin with, all vegetables need to be carefully marinated, because just frying them is not enough: they come out tasteless and dry.
  • For the marinade, any acidic environment is suitable - vinegar, lemon juice, wine. You need to pickle for several hours. Various spices are suitable for flavoring the marinade: basil, thyme, rosemary, garlic and others.
  • Washed, dried vegetables are cut into circles and rings, marinated in a prepared dressing.
  • After a couple of hours, the prepared vegetables are laid out on the wire rack and baked until cooked.
  • Vegetables are served to the table with herbs, sour cream, sauces with a base of mayonnaise.

Alternatively, you can make a wonderful salad from baked vegetables. To do this, mix in a deep dish ready-made vegetable platter with pine nuts or peeled pistachios, a small amount of soft cheese (mozzarella), olive oil.

  Ready salad needs to be acidified with a small dose of vinegar, stir and serve warm

In addition to the above methods of cooking eggplant on an open fire or charcoal, many others are popular. You can make an excellent casserole from eggplant and other vegetables. Gourmet and grilled stuffed eggplants are highly regarded. As a filling, meat or vegetable stuffing, garlic and cheese paste, eggs, herbs, spices are used here.

Grilled eggplant and other vegetables are an extremely tasty dish. Moreover, it is ideal for those who, for whatever reason, do not eat meat or poultry, or for easy addition to kebabs.

Today we will talk about how delicious and easy to cook grilled eggplant. In the season of this vegetable, they will be very handy.

How to marinate grilled eggplant

To get an unforgettable taste of vegetables on fire, you must marinate them in advance. The recipe for this marinade is ideal not only for eggplant, but also for bell peppers, zucchini, carrots and others. We need to take the following components:

  • 100 ml of olive oil, which is suitable for frying (you can take sunflower and olive in equal proportions);
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of white wine vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce of medium salinity;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • some dry basil or other aromatic herbs.

Grind the garlic. We warm the oil a little in a pan and add the remaining ingredients to it. Blue cut into fairly large pieces. Pour them with a mixture and cover the bowl with cling film.

The best option is to place the pieces in a bag and tie it tightly. So eggplant will pickle faster. If you have a pickle, use it. In this device, you can quickly pickle vegetables, meat and poultry.

Cooking eggplant on the grill

Today we will cook grilled eggplants seasoned with tomato sauce. Great snack for a picnic!

So, we start by pickling blue ones. Cut them into pieces of the desired size and leave in the marinade for at least an hour.

Grind tomatoes with a blender. It is better to remove the skin beforehand. To do this is quite simple - we cut the tomato crosswise. Steep boiling water pour it to the top and leave for a minute. Then fill the tomato with ice water. Now the skin can be easily removed.

Grind the pulp of a tomato in a blender bowl with garlic and salt. We take the eggplant from the marinade and lay it on the grill. There should not be an open fire, only ember coals! As soon as one side is browned, turn the vegetables over. Pour the prepared eggplants with tomato sauce, decorate with herbs and serve. You can also put rye toasts separately.

Blue recipe on the grill in the oven

Such a quick dish can be cooked at home quickly and easily. We will add other vegetables to eggplants - zucchini and bell pepper.

  • vegetables - eggplant, pepper and zucchini 1 each;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 1 tablespoon;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tablespoon:
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • hard cheese - 130 grams.

Time spent - 30 minutes. Energy value - 189 kcal per 100 grams.

Mix lemon juice and sea salt. Add vinegar and garlic, finely chopped. We cut the vegetables like this - zucchini and a blue little circles of medium thickness.

Peppers - in boats of similar sizes. Put them in the marinade for a couple of minutes. We spread vegetables on a greased grate.

Grate the cheese and sprinkle on eggplant, zucchini and pepper. We turn on the Grill mode and cook the vegetables for about 15 minutes.

We use a grill pan

Grilled eggplants can be cooked very quickly and simply. Choose the marinade from the recipes above. Cut the vegetable into circles and let it brew for about 1 hour.

In a hot skillet, fry the mugs until cooked. You can serve such a sauce to ready-made vegetables - sour cream is mixed with garlic and herbs.

Another dressing option is tomato paste with garlic, salt and spices. A more sophisticated version of the dish is to add the small cubes of zucchini, onion and tomatoes to the slightly fried blue.

Add a drop of water, cover and simmer until tender. It turns out great stew.

Harvesting for the winter

  • eggplant - 2 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • vinegar (9 percent) - 120 ml;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Time spent - 1 hour 20 minutes. Calories - 300 kcal per 100 grams.

Let's start with the little blue ones. Wash them thoroughly and cut into circles. We grill in the oven or outdoors until cooked. Finished pieces are stacked tightly in a jar. Put garlic on the bottom.

Mix the oil, vinegar, salt and spices. The mixture is brought to a boil. Then pour her our vegetables. Filled cans need to be sterilized for about 30 minutes, and then tightly rolled up the lids (sterilized).

In general, eggplants are very moody vegetables when preserved. Therefore, all utensils must be thoroughly sterilized.

To cook eggplants, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. When cutting, it is important to use only stainless steel knives. So the vegetables will not turn black much.
  2. The blue ones are washed first, and only then the stalks are cut off. Otherwise, the eggplant will absorb water.
  3. Bitter blue ones fall asleep with large or ordinary salt (plentifully). Let the juice run and thoroughly rinse the vegetables.
  4. Grilled eggplant is most often not cleaned. If you do not like the taste of the skin, then it can be easily removed if you bake the eggplant whole on fire. The procedure must be done carefully until the flesh has cooled. From such an eggplant, you can cook a warm salad of baked vegetables.
  5. When frying in a pan in oil, these vegetables absorb a lot of oil. To avoid this, you must first fry the pieces in a dry pan with a non-stick coating. Then add oil, garlic, spices and salt.

Now you know how to cook delicious eggplant on the grill both at home and in nature. Enjoy your meal!

Fried eggplant is a popular and deliciously delicious dish. But when frying in a pan, they absorb a lot of fat and as a result turn out to be excessively high in calories.

Grilling minimizes the use of fats, and cooked vegetables are no less tasty.

Grilled eggplant is used in the preparation of various salads and snacks, they are served with meat and fish. A selection of grilled eggplant recipes is a great reason to supplement the menu with healthy vegetable dishes.

Grilled eggplant - general cooking principles

It is possible to cook eggplant on the grill, not only having chosen the nature. A microwave or oven with the Grill mode, a special ribbed pan, as well as an electric grill, allow you to cook eggplants in an original way and at home. The taste of the vegetable does not get worse, the only difference is that its pieces do not have the characteristic smell of a fire. But this can also be fixed by a few minutes before being ready to sprinkle them slightly with liquid smoke.

When choosing a vegetable, pay attention to its appearance. The skin should not be wrinkled and dry. Brightly colored, shiny and smooth peel is a sign of a quality product. Do not take large eggplants; as a rule, they are overripe and contain a lot of seeds.

For grilling, the vegetable is cut into longitudinal plates or rings. To peel or not depends on the purpose for which grilled eggplant will be used. For salads, it is usually removed.

Most varieties of vegetables have a characteristic bitterness. There are several ways to get rid of it: soak in a strong saline solution or soak for a while under oppression, after pouring it with salt. In any case, after such a procedure, the eggplants should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Spread slices only on a well-heated grill, previously lubricated with vegetable oil. First, roast one side until golden, gently turn over and fry the other as well. Before baking and turning over, the side that will be exposed to heat is well moistened with oil. On average, each side will take no more than five minutes.

Often, before frying, chopped eggplant is kept in the marinade. Such a simple technique allows you to improve their taste. The recipe for a universal marinade, which, by the way, is suitable not only for eggplant, but also for other vegetables, is described below.

Grilled eggplant can be served as a snack on its own or with special sauces. They are ideal as a side dish for any meat and even fish. They, and other vegetables prepared in this way, are often used in salads and cold appetizers.

Simple grilled eggplant spicy appetizer


Eggplant, fresh - 600 gr.;

Four tablespoons of quality olive oil;

Fresh parsley, mint leaves;

Table 9% vinegar;

Half a pod of hot pepper.

Cooking method:

1. A thin layer cut off the eggplant skin. Cut the flesh with longitudinal plates, half a centimeter thick. We spread the slices on the grill and bake, turning on the reverse side, after golden coloring.

2. Prepare the sauce for vegetables. Pour olive oil into a small bowl or plate. Squeezing in a press, add two garlic cloves and finely chopped hot pepper. We put finely chopped mint leaves and parsley chopped in the same way, stir.

3. We put the cooled eggplant slices into a wide bowl, slightly add and fill with the prepared marinade. We pour everything on top with vinegar and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Grilled eggplant - "Spicy rolls with cheese"


Eggplant, large - 2 pcs.;

Olive oil - six full spoons;

340 grams of mozzarella;

Fresh basil;

Balsamic vinegar;

Four fresh tomatoes, varieties "Cream".

Cooking method:

1. Wash the eggplant and, without removing the peel, cut lengthwise into plates. We remove the extreme parts - there is practically no pulp on them. We spread the slices on the board and sprinkle with salt on top. After standing at room temperature for twenty minutes, rinse, thoroughly washing off the bitterness and residual salt. Then lay out on a towel, let it dry well.

2. We heat the grill to medium temperature. We cover the grill with foil, lay eggplants on it. Lubricate the surface of the vegetable plates with vegetable oil, cook for five minutes, then turn over and, after lubricating the back side, bring to softness.

3. Grilled eggplant lay out on a wide dish. On the edges of the plates we put a small slice of cheese, a thin slice of tomato and a leaf of basil. Wrap in the form of rolls and again place on the grill. Heat until the cheese begins to melt.

4. Before serving, grease the vegetable rolls with olive oil and lightly sprinkle with vinegar.

Grilled eggplant with sweet pepper under the balsamic marinade


Three fruits of sweet bell pepper;

Two medium eggplant;

100 ml of quality oil, sunflower or olive;

One lemon;

Soy sauce - a full spoon;

Two teaspoons of brown sugar;

Black, ground in a mortar, pepper;


A third of a spoonful of freshly ground coriander grains;

1/2 tsp mixes "Provencal herbs";

Three spoons of balsamic vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. In short, cut the stems of vegetables. We cut the eggplants along the entire length into plates, and the peppers into four parts and remove all seeds from them. Eggplant can not be peeled, it is enough to remove a thin layer of peel from only two opposite sides.

2. Sprinkle the vegetables with oil, slightly add. We spread it on a well-heated grill and fry on both sides until soft - first slices of peppers, and then slices of eggplant. Put fried vegetables on a plate.

3. Cooking the marinade. We clean three cloves of garlic and chop them finely. On a moderate fire, heat a little oil in a pan, lower the garlic. Stirring, fry for three minutes and add soy sauce. Add pepper, finely chopped chili, coriander and Provence herbs. We also squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour the vinegar and add sugar. After stirring well, bring the marinade to a boil and immediately, not letting it cool, water the vegetables to them.

4. Gently mix pepper with eggplant and marinade, then leave for two hours in a cool place.

Grilled eggplant in tomato and garlic sauce


Unripe eggplant - 4 pcs.;

Three fleshy large tomatoes;

A little fresh dill;

50 ml of refined oil;

A tablespoon of lemon juice filtered through cheesecloth.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the eggplants, dry them, cut into plates. Grind the tender greens of dill with scissors or a knife.

2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix it with oil. Add a little chopped dill and mix the marinade again well.

3. Preheat the grill and carefully grease the grill with oil. We abundantly cover one side of the eggplant with marinade and put the plates on the wire rack. Having browned one side, we turn over and fry the “inside out”. Before flipping, do not forget to grease the marinade.

4. Remove the finished eggplant from the grill, put it in a bowl, and place the tomatoes cut in half on a wire rack. Cook until noticeably softened.

5. From slightly cooled tomatoes, remove the peel and interrupt their pulp with a blender. It is permissible to grind with a meat grinder or rub on a coarse grater.

6. In the cooked tomato we rub through three graters of garlic through a fine grater. Add the pre-chopped dill and, slightly salted, stir well. Pour eggplant with this sauce and let stand for a while.

Grilled eggplant with feta cheese and herbs


Salted feta cheese - 200 gr.;

Three small eggplant;

A small lemon;

Non-aromatic sunflower oil;

Young parsley, dill or basil - at your discretion.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplant in circles of a centimeter thickness and lightly sprinkle with salt, lay in rows in a colander. We cover a plate with a suitable diameter and, putting a small load, put a colander on a pan or bowl - bitterness will flow into it. After about a quarter of an hour, wash off the remaining salt and bitterness from the vegetable circles, and dry them well with a towel.

2. Lubricate the grill of the grill heated to medium temperature with vegetable oil and lay eggplant mugs on it. Bake both sides until a uniform golden color.

3. Carefully spread the prepared vegetables on a flat plate and lightly sprinkle with lemon juice. Grease chopped garlic slices. Sprinkle with chopped greens on top and rub cheese with a coarse grater.

Grilled eggplant appetizers with garlic filling from Adyghe cheese


  "Adygea" cheese - 280 gr.;

Four large, not overripe eggplant;

20 ml of corn oil;

Fresh greens of dill;


A glass of thick yogurt without additives.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the vegetables, cut into circles and pouring with salt, place for a quarter of an hour under oppression. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

2. Spray or generously grease the circles with oil on both sides, and fry until soft on the grill. Turning over, grease the still not fried side with oil.

3. Rub the cheese into a bowl on a coarse grater. Squeeze three large garlic cloves into it and add finely chopped dill. Mixing well, season with yogurt.

4. On one circle of cooled eggplant, put a little filling and cover it with another circle. We lay out the appetizer thus formed on a plate and arrange it with parsley leaves.

Grilled eggplant marinade

In order to add a special touch to any dish from grilled eggplant, there is a reason to keep them in the marinade first. The recipe for the proposed marinade is universal, it is suitable not only for eggplant, but also for other vegetables, and snacks prepared from them will have a special taste.


Oil - a quarter cup of sunflower and olive;

Two tablespoons of wine, light vinegar;

Three large spoons of soy dark sauce;

Garlic - two cloves;

A third of a teaspoon of dried basil or other aromatic herbs.

Cooking method:

1. We put a frying pan on medium heat. Pour both types of vegetable oil into it and warm it well. Dip chopped garlic into fat and fry for a minute, stirring.

2. Add basil, pour soy sauce. Bringing to a boil, introduce wine vinegar and immediately remove from the stove.

3. Pour eggplant prepared for frying with hot marinade. Pull the film over the bowl and set it aside.

4. Before placing the vegetables on the grill, wipe the remaining marinade well. Eggplant oil is no longer required to be lubricated; they have sufficiently absorbed it from the marinade.

To prevent the flesh from drying out and grilling well, cut the eggplant into slices up to a centimeter thick, with a minimum of half this size.

Eggplants aged in marinade with oil do not require additional processing before grilling.

If the vegetable has previously been frozen, removing bitterness from it is not required. It will come out with water when thawing.

Eggplant readiness can be easily determined by puncture with a match - if this happens easily, then the vegetable is ready.

Everyone knows an amazing dark blue fruit called eggplant. Whether grown independently or bought in a store, this vegetable (which, incidentally, is actually a berry) has many useful properties and a unique, refined taste. There are many ways to cook “little blue ones,” and one of them is grilled eggplant.

Little secrets

Benefits of Grilled Eggplant

As already mentioned above, such a dish has one undeniable advantage: it is prepared without the content of vegetable oil (or with its minimum amount). Consequently, no harm to health from the presence of chemicals and preservatives in the oil will occur. In addition, this method of cooking involves the almost complete preservation in vegetables of all the useful trace elements and vitamins that the human body so needs (and there are a lot of “blue” ones: potassium, pectin, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins of the groups B, C, PP, as well as anthocyanins).

Thanks to all these substances, the “little blue ones” (both fresh and grilled) are of great help to a person: they lower cholesterol, are good for the heart, and prevent oncological diseases. And yet, since this is the most dietary dish of all possible variations, it is actively advised by nutritionists. For this reason, grilled eggplant is so dearly loved by all of us.

Real jam!

There are plenty of ways to cook grilled eggplant. Experienced chefs say that you can do this on the grill, and on skewers, and in the oven. And in the presence of a special frying pan - also on the stove! In any case, it will turn out very tasty and unusual - this is evidenced by numerous reviews of this dish.

Before the beginning

Before starting to bake, it is very important to prepare the vegetables in advance: thoroughly wash them all, dry them, eliminate the stalks (notabene: wash first and only then remove the stalks, and not vice versa). The reviews of the hostesses indicate that, compared to other fruits, eggplants (however, like zucchini or peppers) take longer to cook, therefore, when planning to combine the “little blue” and some other ingredients, this moment should be taken into account. You can either whole (if they are very small), or cut into pieces (in this case, do not make slices too small).

For grilled eggplants on a wire rack or skewers, you should take care of the fire in advance, so that by the time “X” it will already burn out. By the way, when planting vegetables on a skewer, you should be very careful, since juice can leak from the fruits. Eggplant should be baked on the wire rack for no more than ten minutes, and if they are cut into pieces, even less. The main thing is not to forget to turn the vegetables.

Recommendations for cooking grilled eggplant in a pan include the following nuances: fry the fruits before they appear streaks of golden brown color, and before putting the “blue” ones on the pan, it is best to grease it with olive oil. But just a little bit! And the pan itself is better to take with a Teflon coating.

Bake in the oven

Judging by the reviews, it turns out very tasty if you bake eggplant and zucchini together on the grill, and you can add sweet pepper to them. All vegetables should be cut into rings (pepper - strips) and placed in a pre-prepared marinade (a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of sea salt, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, chopped garlic clove). Leave for ten minutes. Grease a baking sheet with butter, put vegetables, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for fifteen to twenty minutes at two hundred degrees. Grilled eggplant in the oven is ready!

Cooking on the grill

The grilled eggplant recipe on the wire rack is very simple: cut the required amount of “blue” (prepared for use) obliquely into circles to make them large enough. Salt, put on the grill (you can take skewers instead) and bake over hot coals. This dish goes well with hot garlic sauce.

And you can cook eggplant on the grill or on the grill, after pickling them. For the marinade you will need sunflower or olive oil (you can take both in equal proportions), wine vinegar (no more than two tablespoons), not too salty soy sauce, garlic and spices to taste. Garlic needs literally two or three cloves, which should be chopped. Together with vinegar, soy sauce and spices, garlic should be added to the oil in a pan heated. And then put eggplant sliced \u200b\u200binto rings in this mixture. You can put them in a plastic bag and tie, or you can leave them in a dish under a film. The further process of cooking grilled eggplant on the grill is no different from the above, you just need to wait until the “little blue ones” marinate (about an hour or two).

Eggplant in a pan with caraway seeds

“Little blue ones” should be cut into rings, salt on both sides and left to soak for about twenty minutes. During this time, chop the garlic (or take dried ground) and sprinkle the eggplant. Sprinkle each slice lightly with lemon juice.

Mix caraway leaves with a small amount of vegetable oil and ground black pepper, dip each eggplant ring into the mass. In a grill pan, eggplant should be fried on both sides until cooked.

Fresh mint dish

For a quick breakfast for a family of three to four people, the following recipe is perfect: two relatively large eggplants must be cut lengthwise (pieces should not be very thin or very thick). Heat the grill pan and put the “little blue ones” on it. Salt at this stage is not necessary! Fry until cooked on both sides, put into prepared dishes, add olive oil, salt, add chopped garlic clove and mint leaves. Shuffle - and you can eat!

Grilled eggplant with tomatoes and cheese

First of all, “blue” ones are prepared - cut into elongated rings, they are fried in a pan on both sides. Then laid out in the right dishes. Tomatoes (medium-sized) must be cut into two parts, fried on both sides and chopped with a blender (you can also use a meat grinder). Pour the resulting tomato mixture onto eggplant rings, sprinkle with greens (any to your taste) mixed with lemon juice. To salt. Add small pieces of mozzarella.

Grilled eggplant is one of those dishes that, no matter how cooked, will always be delicious. Therefore, it is worth experimenting. And Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step eggplant recipes on the grill in halves and slices, with bacon, minced meat

2018-05-03 Marina Vykhodtseva and Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 g

2 gr.


   4 gr.

45 kcal.

Option 1: Classic eggplant on the grill halves

Eggplant very well absorbs not only oil, but also aromas. This is an ideal vegetable for cooking on the grill. It is saturated with smoke, quickly fried, but it does not become greasy, can be used for diet food. Often, eggplant is baked whole and then various snacks are prepared. Here is the recipe for the halves, which can become a side dish, served with meat kebabs or make an independent dish.


  • 4 eggplants;
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • salt and pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for classic eggplant

Such eggplants do not need to be marinated, so you can immediately light and grill. We need the same hot coals as for ordinary meat kebabs. Additionally, you need a grill. It can be a barbecue shop that closes. But you can just throw a grill on the grill and spread the products. The first option is more convenient, it is easier to turn over.

We cut the green tip from the eggplant, then divide it in half lengthwise to the very end. We try to choose the same sized vegetables so that they are cooked evenly. With a sharp knife, we make incisions in the form of a mesh on the skin. Just not deep. Then we turn over and also cut the flesh of the eggplant. Salt, pepper from the side of the slice.

Grease the eggplant with olive oil, send to the wire rack and cook until it is rosy. As soon as the vegetables are soft, remove from the grill. Serve hot or cold to the table, use for other dishes.

Previously, there were always instructions in recipes for soaking eggplant. But now, many varieties are simply not bitter. If young and fresh vegetables are used, then they also did not have time to collect corned beef; they do not require soaking. If the eggplant is bitter, then we fill it with salt for 15 minutes or fill it with salted water, then rinse it and squeeze it.

Option 2: A quick recipe for eggplant on the grill

Another way to cook eggplant on the grill, which does not even need to be pickled. Yes, and they are fried in a few minutes, as they are cut into small pieces. Additionally, for such a dish you need oregano seasoning or just take a mixture of Italian herbs.


  • 2 eggplants;
  • 0.5 tsp oregano;
  • 20 ml of oil;
  • salt.

How to cook eggplant quickly

We cut the eggplant in circles of 1.5 centimeters, not too thin. Mix oregano and salt, sprinkle the slices, rub it a little with your hands and sprinkle with oil. It is convenient to use a special atomizer, a lot of fat is not needed.

We spread the slices on one side of the double lattice, cover with the second part, snap and send to the brazier. We’re not going anywhere. Over hot coals vegetables are cooked very quickly. After a few minutes, turn over, then remove.

These eggplants can be served just like that, or you can make a well-known snack with tomatoes. Just grease the cooked slices with garlic and sour cream, lay the pieces of tomatoes, parsley.

Option 3: Eggplant on the grill with bacon

The eggplants themselves are very tasty, and if you add bacon to them, you just get a fairy tale. You can use any fat for this dish, but we cut it very thinly. Additionally, you need garlic and some herbs. Eggplant will be fried on skewers.


  • 3 eggplants;
  • 120 g of bacon;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 4 branches of dill;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.

How to cook

We wash the eggplants, move the green leaves, so as not to remove the excess, cut off the tip. Then with a knife we \u200b\u200bmake cuts through each centimeter, but we do not reach the end. We make a kind of accordion.

Four liters of salt are put in a liter of cold water, dissolve and dip eggplant. Something needs to be pressed so that they do not pop up. Leave for fifteen minutes. Then we take out and leave for draining water in a sieve for another fifteen minutes.

Let's get stuffed. Peel and chop the garlic. In the process, add dill. We chop actively until the mass becomes very moist, fine paste. After that, transfer to a large bowl. Cut the bacon into pieces that fit between the eggplant slices. Pour into the garlic mass, stir thoroughly with your hands.

As soon as water drains from the eggplant, we transfer them to the board. In each section we put a piece of bacon in garlic. Immediately take the skewer, pierce the vegetable in cent from the beginning to the very tip. We do all this with the remaining eggplant. Lubricate the top with nothing.

Cooking ordinary coals in the grill, as for poultry or meat. As soon as the fire burns out, lay out the skewers with eggplant and start cooking. Scroll regularly to the other side so that the dish is baked evenly.

Remove the finished eggplant from the grill, you can leave it on the skewer or gently pull the accordion on a plate. For decoration we use greens, slices of fresh vegetables, olives, you can sprinkle with grated cheese.

If the peel on the eggplant is stiff, then it can be carefully removed with a sharp knife. In this case, the vegetable will be baked on the grill even faster, it will be softer, you need to carefully monitor it.

Option 4: marinated eggplant on the grill

Above all the eggplant recipes on the grill without pickling. This is a completely different option. The vegetable will need to be soaked in advance in homemade sauce, which will give an unusual taste. Here the option is just slices on skewers. But you can pickle and circles, grill on the wire. Or make halves, as in the first recipe, cook in this way.


  • 2 tbsp. l wine vinegar;
  • 70 ml of soy sauce;
  • 2-3 eggplant;
  • 60 ml of oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp Italian herbs.

Step by step recipe

We wash the eggplants for such a recipe, cut lengthwise into two parts, removing the green tail, and then divide each half into 2-3 pieces. We leave it on the board for now. If the vegetable is bitter, then you can soak it just in cold water, but do not salt it, since soy sauce is present in the marinade.

We chop the garlic very finely, add Italian herbs to it, then soy sauce, pepper if desired. Pour it all with good oil, stir. It is better to take a large container right away. Dip eggplant slices into it, stir, close.

After half an hour, you need to mix the eggplants or just turn the container upside down. The marinade flows down and saturates the remaining pieces. After this, you can begin to prepare the barbecue and coals.

We eggplant string on rods or skewers, can be laid out in a double lattice. Cook over the coals for 5-7 minutes on each side, focus on color.

The same marinade can be used to prepare other vegetables on the grill. It is perfect for zucchini, pepper, mushrooms are very tasty, usually small greenhouse mushrooms that do not open the hat are used for baking over coals.

Option 5: Eggplant on the grill with meat

Just a magical dish on the grill, which you need to try at least once. For the filling you need minced meat. He will be wrapped in eggplant. You need to cook such rolls in a lockable grill.


  • 1 kg of eggplant;
  • 3 tablespoons teriyaki sauce;
  • 0.45 kg of minced meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper, salt.

How to cook

We cut the eggplant into long plates half a centimeter thick. Dip in steep boiling water for two minutes, then send to a sieve. Let the water drain, the slices cool.

Grind onions and garlic, add to minced meat, pepper and salt. You can add a little fat to the filling, if the meat is without fat.

Lubricate the eggplant slices with teriyaki sauce with a brush, spread in front of us. We distribute the filling, put on one edge. Twist the rolls. On top, also lightly grease the sauce. We shift to the lattice, close.

Install the grill with rolls on the grill. Cook for about 7-9 minutes on each side. No need to turn over often, just once.

You can use minced chicken or fish for such rolls, with which eggplant is also combined. The lazy option is to wrap slices of sausages, sausages, chicken in plates. It will also turn out a tasty and satisfying dish.

Option 6: Grilled eggplant without marinade

Another way to cook eggplant on the grill, which takes very little time. The marinade is also absent, and slices of the vegetable are prepared in just a few minutes. It is very convenient when you need to quickly fry vegetables to a meat dish, it does not even have time to cool.


  • two medium eggplant;
  • half a teaspoon of oregano;
  • a tablespoon of baked butter;
  • salt.

How to quickly cook eggplant on the grill

Rinse the eggplant with water and dry it with paper towels. Cut into circles, but not too thin, about 1.5-2 cm each.

In a cup, combine salt and oregano, stir. Rub the eggplant circles thoroughly with this mixture. Sprinkle them with oil - it’s very convenient to use the culinary nozzle with a spray gun.

Spread round slices in half of the wire rack in an even layer. Cover with the other half, snap and put on the brazier. You need to carefully monitor the dish, because the vegetables are cooked very quickly. After 2-3 minutes, turn the grill to the other side, fry exactly the same amount and remove from heat.

Eggplant can be served as an independent snack, or you can lubricate it with a mixture of sour cream, garlic and fresh herbs - you will get original sandwiches.

Option 7: Eggplant on the grill with minced meat

Having prepared eggplant over flaming coals, it is possible with minced meat, turning a vegetable snack into a hearty dish, very aromatic and tasty. Eggplants can be cut into cups, and instead of pulp, fill them with minced meat filling, or you can use the method presented below.


  • four medium eggplant;
  • a pound of fat minced meat;
  • bulb;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • favorite seasonings;
  • 100 gr. any cheese;
  • fresh greens;
  • tomato sauce.

How to cook

Rinse the eggplant in water, dry with a towel. Make uniform cuts along the entire length, not reaching the end. Between the incisions should be about a centimeter.

Salt the incisions, gently revealing them with your hand, and leave the eggplant accordions aside for half an hour.

Peel onion and garlic and chop finely with a knife. You can use a blender, but do not turn vegetables into porridge.

Minced salt, if necessary, add spices and ground pepper. Combine with onion and garlic, mix thoroughly so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed with each other.

Stuff the minced meat carefully into the cuts of the eggplant so that it does not fall out. Put stuffed accordions on the grill over the coals or gently put on the skewer, passing it under the incisions. Cook over the coals until the vegetable is soft and the meat is ready.

Grate the cheese with medium holes and sprinkle eggplant on it as soon as they are removed from the grill. Sprinkle finely chopped greens on top.

Serve the appetizer with tomato or any other sauce, cut them into several portions.

Option 8: Eggplant on the grill in the marinade

If you soak the eggplants in a special marinade before cooking on the grill, you will get a completely unusual taste and aroma. You can cut the vegetable as you like: in squares, circles, or just along two halves.


  • 40-45 gr. wine vinegar;
  • 3.5 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • two or three eggplants;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • a teaspoon of Italian herbs.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the eggplants, dry with napkins from the remaining moisture. Cut lengthwise into equal halves. Cut the stalk and divide each part of the vegetable into two or three parts. If the eggplant is bitter, then it can be soaked in cold water, but not salted.

Chop the garlic finely and mix it with Italian herbs. Pour soy sauce; ground black pepper can be added if desired. Add flavourless quality oil and mix all the ingredients well.

Fold the eggplant slices in a deep, wide-bottomed cup and pour in the aromatic marinade. Stir so that the vegetable is completely saturated with the mixture. Soak eggplant for about an hour.

Pieces of eggplant strung on skewers or put on a wire rack, placing it over the coals. Cook for about 6-7 minutes. Each side of the vegetables should be coated in a uniform brownish color.

Serve the baked eggplant until it has cooled. Together with them, you can bake fresh champignons and flavor them with sour cream sauce with fresh herbs.

Option 9: Eggplant on the grill with garlic and bacon

Baked eggplant is a tasty dish in itself, and if you add a bacon to them, you will get a real culinary masterpiece. Instead of bacon, you can use lard, but you need to cut it very thinly. For cooking, it is best to use skewers.


  • three medium eggplant;
  • 120-130 gr. bacon
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • several branches of fresh dill;
  • five cloves of garlic.

How to cook

Rinse the eggplants in running water, allow the moisture to drain or dry with a paper towel.

Cut green stalks from vegetables. Use a sharp knife to make cuts on the eggplant, with a depth of just over half. The distance between the cuts - about a centimeter - should get a kind of accordion.

Pour 1-1.5 liters of cold water into a deep cup, pour 4-5 tablespoons of fine salt and stir until all the grains are dissolved. Put eggplant under water, and gently press down on top with some kind of weight so that vegetables do not float to the surface.

After a quarter of an hour, remove the eggplant from the water and transfer it to a sieve to glass the water.

At this time, peel the garlic and finely chop. Wash dill, dry and chop with a knife. Mix with garlic and cut the mixture again until moisture is released from it. Transfer to a deep cup.

Cut the bacon into pieces so that they can fit in the cuts of the eggplant. Transfer them to a cup with dill and garlic and mix everything thoroughly with your hands.

Put eggplant, from which glass water, onto a cutting board. In the cuts, put slices of bacon, boiled in garlic with herbs. Immediately pierce the skewers vegetable from the base to the tip.

Cook the usual coals, as for barbecue. Put skewers over them and cook, occasionally turning to the coals on the other side, so that the vegetables bake the same.

Carefully remove the eggplant from the skewer on a flat dish and garnish with cheese or fresh herbs.

Enjoy your meal!