Achma from pita bread. Lazy Lavash Achma

30.08.2019 Fish dishes

Well, how delicious and varied the Caucasian cuisine is, what are Georgian pies and flat cakes made from unleavened dough with various fillings. Undoubtedly, many dishes require special skill, but culinary enthusiasts find ways to ease them, and the acma from thin pita bread with cottage cheese in the oven is a vivid example of this. You don’t have to juggle with sieve and slotted spoon during the cooking of the dough layers, and in just half an hour we can prepare the most delicious and satisfying treat.

Achma is a pie consisting of several layers of boiled dough, where any cheese product is used as a filling, starting from cottage cheese and ending with feta cheese.

Adapting the classic acma recipe

In the classic recipe for the filling, either pure suluguni or a mixture of suluguni and Imereti cheese in a ratio of 1: 1 is taken.

But today, the traditional version of this dish has undergone some modifications, and often in Russian adapted recipes you can also see Russian cheese, Gouda and other store-bought cheeses as a filler. Sometimes they are mixed with herbs and fresh vegetables, which in fairness should be noted, makes this cake only better.

Also, many culinary experts alternate different fillings in layers, using cheese, mushrooms, and minced meat for the pie.

Classical Achma is prepared from egg dough, which is rolled into the thinnest layers, after which it is boiled for no more than 5 minutes, and then it is rapidly cooled in ice water.

Such "cakes" require about 8-10 pieces per pie. This work is rather laborious and requires special skills from the cook so that soft cooked dough does not tear during cooking-cooling.

But today we want to offer an easier recipe for achma with cottage cheese or cheese (as you like) from Armenian lavash. On the face, saving both time and nerves.


  • Lavash thin Armenian  - 4 things. (0.3 kg) + -
  • Fermented baked milk or kefir  - 0.3 kg + -
  •   - 2 pcs. + -
  •   - 0.3 kg + -
  •   - 1 bunch + -
  •   - 1/2 tsp + -
  • 1/2 tsp or to taste + -
  • Cilantro (parsley)  - 1/2 beam + -

How to cook acchma at home

First, prepare the filling.

  1. To do this, add cottage cheese, pepper and mix with finely chopped herbs.
    If we decided to use cottage cheese as a filling, then you can add a little soda to the filling, literally ½ tsp, so that the cottage cheese melts like baked cheese during baking.
  2. Now prepare the impregnation for pita bread. In a deep container, beat the eggs with kefir and add a little salt to taste. The sauce is ready.
  3. It's time to prepare pita bread. We cut out two long cakes from the whole layer, the width of which is equal to the width of the baking dish, and the length is equal to the length of the baking dish x 2.
  4. The remaining pita bread is cut into large pieces and soaked in kefir-egg mass until it is soaked.
  5. We lay out the two largest cakes in a greased baking dish cross-wise so that their edges hang down. We will use the free edges to close the pie.
  6. Pour 4 tablespoons onto cakes kefir-egg composition, and spread it over the entire surface, after which we spread the first layer of curd filling.
  7. Then we cover the cottage cheese with soaked slices of pita bread and again lay out the filling. So we lay the cake layer by layer until we have finished the filling and the soaked pita bread.
  8. The last layer should be cottage cheese, which we pour half the remaining kefir sauce and cover with the hanging edges of pita bread, which we also grease with the remaining sauce.

Achma should be sent to the oven already preheated to 200 ° C and baked for about half an hour. When the top layer of achma gets a beautiful light brown blush, the pie can be considered ready and removed from the oven.

So, without much hassle at home, with our own hands, we were able to prepare a delicious treat. Achma turns out incredibly fragrant, satisfying, juicy and tender, directly melts in your mouth. And even when cold, this dish remains delicious.

Pita bread cheese with cheese

Cooking acchma step by step according to this recipe is even simpler, and even a video instruction is useless.

There is no need to soak the cakes, because the filling itself will be juicy - from feta cheese and sauce. This dish will definitely become your lifesaver in case of unexpected guests. It is hearty, very tasty. It can be served both as a hot dish, and in a cold form, and even for tea it’s not a sin to offer such an unearthly treat.


  • Armenian lavash - 6 pcs.;
  • Milk - 170 ml;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Brynza - 0.4 kg;
  • Spices - to taste;

Cooking homemade acma from pita bread

First, prepare the cakes, leave one pita bread for the base of the pie, and put the remaining cakes in a stack and cut out circles (squares) from them according to the size of the baking dish.

Now let's make the filling

Grated feta cheese with a grater with large holes, mix with milk (125 ml \u003d ½ tbsp.), Eggs (3 pcs.) And spices to taste.

In general, feta cheese is pickled cheese and its salt should be enough, but if someone is not enough, then you can salt the stuffing.

Putting acma in shape

  • On a greased or margarine form, line the whole pita bread so that the edges extend beyond the sides of the mold.
  • And on the bottom we distribute the first layer of the filling, which is then covered with lavash cake and again apply the cheese filling, and so on, until we have finished the cheese and egg mass.
  • From above, we cover the pie with the free edges of the pita base and coat it with a mass of milk residues and 1 egg. This is necessary so that the top cake does not dry out and does not turn into a cracker. In addition, the egg will give the cake a beautiful golden appetizing color.

Bake Achma with feta cheese should be no more than 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

During baking, the cheese will melt and stretch, causing all those present to have a genuine appetite. All yummies will appreciate such a yummy, even if there are real gourmets among them.

At first glance, this multi-layered Georgian pie frightens off the complexity of cooking, however, pita bread with cottage cheese, feta cheese and many other fillings is prepared quite simply and quickly.

Simple and delicious pie recipes

How to deliciously cook Georgian acchma from pita bread with cheese and cottage cheese. We cook quickly, at home according to a step-by-step recipe with photo and video instructions

45 min

175 kcal

5/5 (1)

Achma  - This is a dish of Georgian cuisine. In fact, it is flaky pie with cheese curd filling.
  If you cook this dish according to a traditional recipe, then first you need to knead the dough and prepare the filling. Then roll out the dough, form a cake and bake it in the oven.
  But if I have very little time, I cook this baking using pita bread. It is much faster and no less tasty than acma cooked according to the classic recipe. I call this dish lazy acma.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchenware:  silicone brush, grater and rectangular baking dish.


How to choose the right ingredients:

  • Pita bread is best bought not in stalls, but in supermarkets. There is less likelihood that pita bread was baked in unsanitary conditions. Do not buy  this baking in plastic packaging. In it, lavash can not "breathe" and from the emitted condensate quickly fades. Color of quality pita   pale beige. It should not be brown, this indicates the presence of margarine, and this is a deviation from the recipe. Only dough bubbles can be brown; when baking, they touch the tandoor.
  • Curd must be cooked only from milk. But not all manufacturers remember this elementary condition. When buying cottage cheese, look at the markings. If it is indicated that it is a dairy or cottage cheese product, then vegetable fats are present in it. Firstly, such cottage cheese is not very tasty, and secondly, it can even be harmful. It is not known which vegetable oil was added to this product.
  • Suluguni can also be selected by composition. In him must not be  starch, dyes and any synthetic ingredients. Shop cheese will be white, as it is made from less fat milk. Suluguni, bought on the market, happens with yellowness, this is a sign of fat content.
  • We need kefir   with a fat content of 2.5%.  In general, the fatter the kefir, the better.

Cooking sequence

Such a pie can be served with vegetables. Also, this dish is suitable salad, which includes cheese or feta cheese. Achma is suitable for serving various drinks, such as tea or juice.

Video recipe

If, after reading my recipe, you still have questions, watch this video. It details how to cook this pastry.

Recipe Options

If you want to make pita bread do it yourselfnothing is easier. Use the recipe

Salted pies

lavash acma

1 hour

150 kcal

5 /5 (3 )

Achma is an amazingly delicious layered pie with salted cheese. This is a dish of Georgian national cuisine, but it is adored all over the world. It turns out that it’s not difficult to prepare acchma at home. Moreover, today I propose to prepare a lazy achma.

She is lazy because she does not have to bother with the dough for a long time. Instead of thin cakes, which in the original cake recipe must be boiled in hot water and immediately cooled in cold, we use thin pita breads soaked in kefir, and guaranteed to get an incredible, delicious cake.

For the filling, I use suluguni and cottage cheese. Cheese can be replaced by Adyghe, mozzarella or feta cheese (a mixture of cheeses). The cake will consist of two layers of filling. If you do not have 4 pita bread in the package, like mine, but five, then make a pie in three layers, and accordingly distribute all the ingredients. It is convenient to bake Achma in a round form or a baking sheet with high sides.

Kitchen appliances: some deep bowlswhisk, terka, shape, diameter 28 cm,oven.


Step-by-step recipe with a photo of lazy lamb achma

  1. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

  2. Combine cheese with cottage cheese and mix a little. If you use a non-salty type of cheese, then the filling can be slightly salted.

  3. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt. Add kefir and mix well to get a homogeneous mass.

  4. Melt the butter in a water bath or microwave.
  5. All products are prepared, proceed to assembly. Put two pita breads in a round cross-to-cross shape so that the edges hang slightly.

  6. Lubricate the pita bread with melted butter (about 2 tablespoons will be needed).

  7. Lay out half the curd cheese filling and gently smooth.

  8. Pour the filling with kefir mixture (half a cup) and a little oil.

  9. Further we will use not dry pita bread, but dipped in kefir with an egg. Dip pita bread in kefir mixture and put on the filling. It will turn out a little rumpled, "accordion", but this is normal. Close with this pita bread the whole filling.

  10. Put the remaining filling, pour kefir and butter and cover with pita soaked in kefir.

    The last layer will be pita bread, and you need to leave a little oil and kefir.

  11. Raise the hanging edges of pita bread up, as if covering Achma.

  12. Lubricate the top with kefir and oil so that there are no dry edges.

  13. Bake acma at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes.
  14. Remove the prepared acma from the oven and allow it to cool. Then she easily gets out of shape. Serve warm.

Thin pita bread can make a thousand and one dish. It turns out very interesting and original. You can also cook excellent whip.

What is served with Achma?

In Georgia, Achma is traditionally served with cool yogurt, eating a pie with little bite. If this original dairy product is not at hand, use others. Kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk are perfect. Also, the pie can be served with a cup of fragrant freshly brewed tea or coffee, with a decoction of fragrant herbs, ginger tea or rose water.

Lavash acma video recipe

In this video, a detailed recipe for cooking achma. Make sure that in this version the dish is prepared very simply, and by all means try!

ACHMA instant cooking

Achma, a delicious Georgian pie, but unfortunately it takes a lot of time to prepare. I propose to prepare a simple version of achma, using Armenian lavash. On the taste, such a replacement is not reflected much, and the cooking process simplifies at times. This version of khachapuri can be quickly prepared for dinner or surprise unexpected guests.

  Cottage cheese 5% - 500 gr.
  Suluguni cheese - 500 gr.
  Egg - 4 pcs.
  Kefir - 500 ml.
  Butter - 100 gr.
  Armenian pita - 4-5 pcs.
  Salt to taste




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Cooking options

Write if you liked our lite Achma recipe.  Did your cake turn out to be as tasty and appetizing as expected? We are waiting for your letters with comments, comments, additions and suggestions. Cook with love.

Achma in many ways resembles khachapuri, but has a more delicate taste. Thus, this Caucasian dish provides many opportunities for culinary recipes.

What is acma?

Georgian achma with cheese is a layer cake, in the context of which a beautiful lace dough of soft yellow color is formed. Its unusual taste is recognizable thanks to lean unsweetened filo dough and salty cheese. There are many versions of what kind of cuisine Achma really belongs to. Now it is universally called the national Georgian dish and is prepared all over the world. In the culture of other Caucasian peoples, you can find your own adaptation of Achma.

Classic recipe

Cooking real acchma is not so simple, but as a meal made from simple products at home, it can be an unusual snack even at a big feast.

It is necessary to prepare these ingredients:

  1. Wheat flour - 1 kg or more
  2. Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Frozen Butter - 1 Briquette
  4. Young Soft Caucasian Cheese - 500 g or more
  5. Water 2 tbsp
  6. Olive or vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  7. Salt - a pinch

Suluguni is traditionally used, but it can be replaced with any other cheese: Imereti, Adyghe, low-fat cheese. For those who do not like too salty or fatty varieties, it is recommended to use feta or mozzarella. All of these varieties can be easily mixed together. In combination with soft varieties, hard ones are added: Russian, Galandian and other varieties. Mixing cheeses provides an exquisite taste, more complex and multifaceted compared to a dish made on the basis of only one variety. If desired, you can add meat, potatoes or tomatoes.

Attention! When buying cheese in a store, test it by clicking on the surface and observing how the shape is restored. If water is released during deformation, not whey, then purchases should be avoided.

From the list of kitchen equipment you will need:

  1. A baking dish with a diameter of 25-30 cm (round or rectangular) and high sides
  2. 2 medium pans
  3. Bowl for kneading dough
  4. Proof for rolling (optional, you can roll on the table)
  5. Wooden spoon or other passer tool
  6. Colander
  7. Confectionery brush - if any
  8. Towels for dipping dough - optional


The whole step-by-step process will take place in 3 stages, as in the photo:

  • Kneading Raw Filo Puff Pastry

After the flour is sifted through a fine kitchen sieve, it should be sprinkled into a rather deep bowl. In the middle, you need to make a small hole and add raw eggs, oil, salt and water. Gently stir the eggs into the flour: if you do this insufficiently thoroughly or too quickly, lumps will appear and this will significantly affect the quality of the finished dish.

The resulting consistency should be semi-liquid, but such that it does not spread in the hands.

  Continue kneading on the board, constantly adding flour. It must be stopped adding when the total mass becomes an elastic solid ball. Such a bun is wrapped in a film and infused at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

  • Layers rolling

The resulting mass must be divided into 9 parts: 8 of them should be approximately equal in size, and the ninth should be at least twice or three times larger than the remaining particles. Strict cutting in shape is not necessary, if the slices differ in thickness - this is also fearless.

Starting to roll out the dough, make movements from the center to the edge of the cake. Do not forget to add flour and try to roll out the dough as thinly as possible. Ideally, dough for acchma transmits light well, through it you can see in detail the details of the interior, see the fonts in the book.

The size of the rolled layers should exceed the length and width of the mold by 3-4 cm.

  • Cooking

There should be 2 pans on the stove: one with hot water already boiling, the other with cold. The temperature must be constantly maintained. In a cold pan, you can constantly add ice or just change the water.

  Place each of the rolled layers for 1-2 minutes, first in a hot pot, then in the one in which cool water is poured. Then, you can simply strain the original cakes in a colander, however, according to the original recipe for preparing achma, still used in Georgia, each of the layers should be spread on one and then another towel for complete drying. It’s better to use a colander at home.

Attention! If layers are torn when pulling out the dough, then there is nothing wrong with that. The less smooth they are, the more lacy the achma will turn out when cut.

Only 8 layers need to be cooked (or another amount that you have adapted to the inside of the cake). The bottom and top layers should remain moist, as shown in the video.

Cooking Achma

After the preparation of the test is completed, you can proceed to the following steps shown in the photo:

Rubbing cheese

All the prepared mass of cheese should be grated on the finest grater or minced. This stage coincides with the method of preparing khachapuri. The consistency of grated cheese should resemble cottage cheese.

  • Melting butter

For the melting of butter, almost the entire briquette is useful, you will need to separately prepare about 50 g to coat the top layer. It is best to do a water bath, as This is the most economical way, not spoiling the properties of the oil.

  • Laying pie

On the bottom layer, lay the raw layer, coat it with melted butter and lay out the filling. Then lay the filling, cover with a new "cake" (already cooked) and repeat the steps until the dough ends. Tuck the top layer around the edges and place the frozen butter on top.

  • Roasting

Before sending the cake into the oven, cut it into portions and coat with the remnants of melted butter. Achma is cooked in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. The cake should only be browned, there is no need to achieve thorough baking.

Serve guests sliced \u200b\u200bacchma as in this video. At home, it can be repeatedly warmed up in the microwave without loss of taste.

Lazy Lavash Achma

There is another way to cook acchma with less labor. It simplifies the preparation of dishes using the second traditional dishes for Armenian cuisine - pita bread.

The following ingredients will be needed:

  • Thin sheet pita bread - 3 pcs.
  • Kefir, milk, yogurt, etc. - 200 g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Young soft Caucasian cheese - 500 g
  • Sour cream - 50 g
  • Butter - half briquette (about 100 g)
  • Greens (dill or parsley)

Attention! It is necessary to use a sheet of pita bread, as in the photo. Pita bread in the form of rolls can not be applied here.

The technology will be the same as in the classic recipe with the only difference that you do not need to knead and cook the dough. Immediately proceed to lay out the cakes from the pita to the bottom of the form.

  First you only need to mix the liquid on a kefir, milk or sour cream basis, so that the lazy achma turns out tastier and more tender. This liquid must be mixed with grated cheese and chopped herbs (dill, parsley, etc.): this mixture will be the filling. Kefir can be replaced with cottage cheese, yogurt or any other dairy product. The main thing is that the filler for the pie should be sufficiently liquid and sticky.

A step-by-step recipe looks like this:

  • Put the largest sheet on the bottom. If a rectangular pita is not suitable for a round shape, then cut it or simply tear it off with your hands.

  • Lubricate the pita bread with melted butter and put the filling
  • Continue to lay on pita sheets and repeat the steps from point 2

  • Fold the top layer according to the shape that it was folded in the store bag so as not to disturb the structure of the cake when baking

  • Put the pie in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Baking temperature - 180 ° C.

After the baking comes to an end, the achma should cool, despite the fact that it is customary to serve warm. If you start cutting it very hot, then the filling inside will spread and the cake will be difficult to eat. When it cools in a natural way, it holds well the shape given when baking. You can take such a snack with you in the container anywhere: for study and for work. At home, it can also be repeatedly heated in the microwave.

Achma is truly a universal dish, because it can be constantly adapted to your needs. If there is not enough cheese, then you can always add it with potatoes, tomatoes, meat or mayonnaise. Although Achma is the national cheese cake, nothing prevents you from changing the recipe the way you want.

Lavash Achma - For some time now, this is one of my favorite recipes. Especially if the guests suddenly stopped by and needed to feed a big company, or if you wanted something cheesy and satisfying. The recipe is really very simple, I would even say the simplest, but the result is very interesting, satisfying and tasty.

In the near future I plan to experiment with this recipe and turn achma into something cheese-meat, or in extreme cases, diversify the cheese with herbs, I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200bthis dish;)

Choose cheese

In the traditional version, suluguni cheese in its pure form or with the addition of Imereti cheese is used to make achma. Often there are options in which, instead of the traditional Imereti cheese, cheese is added or young cheeses, such as Adyghe.

Depending on the mood, or the availability of products at hand, I use one of two options: suluguni + feta cheese or suluguni + mozzarella - I can not resist, I really like the combination of these two cheeses and cheese viscous tapes in the finished dish.

Both options are very tasty, although they are slightly different from each other. Whichever filling option you choose, I'm sure the result will please you.

There is one more nuance that pleases me in this dish - it is non-waste production :) Even if you did not use all the milk when lubricating pita bread, or if you have a little beaten egg left, you can safely pour all this from above, directly into the mold. The taste and structure of the finished achma will not suffer at all, it will only be juicier.

By the way, sometimes I use whipped milk with egg to lubricate pita bread - it also turns out very tasty. In the traditional recipe, the layers of the dough are smeared with melted butter, but in my opinion, in combination with pita bread it turns out too greasy.

And the best part about this is that no one can guess which dough I use. Just a word to no one! It's a secret! ;)

Ingredients for Lavash Achma

How to make acma from pita bread

  1. Grind cheese on a coarse grater.

    If you use feta cheese, then you can just tear it into small pieces with your hands.

  2. Combine both types of cheese and mix well.

  3. Expand the sheet of pita bread and grease it with milk.

    Pita bread can be greased with whipped egg milk.

    You can also use melted butter for lubrication, but in my opinion, such a cake is very fatty.

  4. Sprinkle pita bread evenly over cheese.

    Depending on the manufacturer and size of the pita bread, you may need 2 to 4 lozenges. On average, focus on the total weight of the package, we are interested in those that weigh 200-220 g.

  5. Lavash twist into a roll.

  6. Repeat the procedure with the remaining cakes.

  7. Grease the mold with butter (5 g). I have a shape with a diameter of 22 cm.

    If desired, the form can not be greased with oil, but covered with parchment paper, but then it is better not to pour the milk on top of the pie.

  8. We turn the first roll with a snail and place it in the center of the mold. The remaining rolls are also stacked in a circle forming a snail.

    The remaining milk can be poured on top of the mold.

    It is better to stack rolls so that they cover the joints of the previous layer.

    Even if the rolls crack in the process of forming the cochlea, this is not scary.