Cocoa: the benefits and harms of a drink from childhood. What are the properties of cocoa

14.08.2019 Winter blanks


Cocoa powder is obtained from finely ground cake of chocolate tree beans after receiving oil from them. It serves as the basis for the preparation of an aromatic chocolate drink.

Among the Indians, Maya was considered a sacred drink. He was drunk during important rituals. For example, at the conclusion of marriage. The scientific name of the beans is Theobroma, which means “food of the gods” in Greek.

Is there any benefit in using cocoa, than it is useful for different categories of people? We will discuss in our article!

How to choose a good product and check its quality

In stores you can find two types of cocoa:

  • powder to be boiled;
  • dry mix for instant cooking.

Natural powder is more beneficial for health.  It does not contain sugar or preservatives.

When choosing, evaluate the fat content(on packaging): it must be at least 15% in the product ,   shelf life.

The remaining quality criteria can be evaluated already with the purchased product. These include:

  • The smell of chocolate. It should be strong and clean, without any impurities.
  • There should be no lumps. Their presence indicates improper storage.
  • Grinding  He is supposed to be very small. To assess the quality, you can grind the powder between the fingers. Good cocoa should stick to the skin, not crumble into dust.
  • Color can only be brown.

Before cooking, a little product is advisable to taste.  Rancid or other unpleasant aftertaste indicates unsuitability for food.

REFERENCE! After preparing the drink, the suspension in the liquid should not settle before two minutes.

Composition and calorie content

The chemical composition of the product contains more than 300 organic substances.

The most significant among them:

  • theobromine, causing a feeling of happiness and euphoria, but without addiction.

    INTERESTING!  Theobromine is added to a new generation of toothpastes, as it prevents the destruction of enamel and the development of caries.

  • Theophylline, relaxing smooth muscles, normalizing respiratory function.
  • Phenylethylaminerelated to antidepressants.
  • Caffeine,  stimulating mental and physical activity. It belongs to psychostimulants, but the powder is contained in an amount not exceeding 2%.
  • Purine bases,involved in the synthesis of interchangeable amino acids.
  • Polyphenolsplaying the role of antioxidants.

Calorie content is about 300 kcal / 100 g of product.

Nutrition Facts and Glycemic Index

Sugar-free cocoa powder refers to foods with a low glycemic index of 20. This makes it suitable for the diet of patients and obesity.

Useful properties of the drink in water and milk

The product has a general strengthening effect on the body.. It invigorates, raises the mood, stimulates mental activity without depleting the nervous system.

Fragrant hot drink useful to drink in the cold season., since it has a warming effect.

The product is capable of:

  • stimulate lung function;
  • activate hemoglobin synthesis due to its content;
  • prevent tooth decay;
  • neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiationdue to the natural pigment melanin, which is part of the composition;
  • inhibit the development of cancer;
  • normalize blood pressure;

It has antioxidant properties, superior to and.

Cocoa brewed on water reminds taste of dark chocolate. It is recommended to drink it to people:

  • prone to diarrhea;
  • hypotension;
  • allergic to lactose.

French nutritionist Madeleine Gesta recommends drinking a drink made in skim milk with honey. It maintains strength even during tough diets.  due to a balanced combination of trace elements and vitamins contained in the ingredients of the drink.

Cocoa in plain milk, with or without sugar, is useful for people with mental work. It satisfies hunger without burdening the stomach, stimulating the brain.

Effect on the body

The product is a source of endorphins, hormones of happiness. It acts gently, not addictive and mood swings.

What is beneficial for adult men and women

In adults, with moderate constant use, strengthens the capillaries due to its flavonoids. Promotes wound healing, rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body.

It is good for men to maintain reproductive function. and contained in the drink, stimulate the body to actively produce male hormone - testosterone, improve the quality of seminal fluid.

Cocoa women are especially useful for hormonal disruptions. It balances the emotional state, softens the premenstrual syndrome.

Pregnant and lactating

Doctors do not recommend cocoa in any form for women expecting a baby, since it complicates the absorption of calcium by the body. But with severe toxicosis in the first trimester, drinking a drink in small quantities is allowed, twice a day, 50-100 ml. It relieves nausea, causes a surge of strength, preventing exhaustion.

During lactation, the product must be resolutely abandoned  to avoid sleepless nights and impaired calcium metabolism in the baby.

Is it harmful to children

Children can drink cocoa from three years old. It is better to accustom your child to a natural product with a minimum amount of sugar. It is necessary to introduce the drink into the diet carefully, in small portions, since it can cause allergies.

Especially useful is a delicious drink for children after illness, during exams to increase their overall tone and mood.

For the elderly

With the onset of age-related changes in the human body, perestroika begins, which is accompanied by emotional decline, depression and depression.

Cocoa can support older people:

  • activating the blood supply to the brain;
  • improving memory;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • increasing the strength of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • gently removing from a depressive state.

Special categories

They also note the benefits of the product for asthma sufferers.. It relieves spasm of the bronchi, facilitating the well-being of the patient.

Potential danger and contraindications

Cocoa is a food that can trigger allergic reactions.. The main contraindication is individual intolerance.

The product also can not be consumed:

REFERENCE!  Despite the tonic effect, cocoa helps to normalize blood pressure to all those suffering from its drops. It is advisable for hypotensives to drink it on the basis of water, and for hypertensives - milk.

Major suppliers of cocoa beans for powder production - Africawhere chocolate trees are treated with pesticides and insecticides. All toxic substances are removed during the processing of beans at the stage of oil extraction.

But improper storage of raw materials before processing can harm. Therefore, it is better to purchase the product in large supermarkets from manufacturers worthy of your trust.

Since cocoa has the properties of energy, it is better to drink it in the morning to get a charge of vigor for the whole day. A drink on water is combined with cheese or boiled, and on milk - with and honey. Elderly and debilitated people can drink cocoa in milk during the day or early evening.

Sugar-free cocoa in milk is good for athletes, 20-30 ml with an interval of 15 minutes, starting an hour after training. You can prepare a drink in advance and pour it into a thermos.

Safe daily dose of the drink - two cups of 200-250 ml each. To prepare one serving, take 2 tsp. product.

ATTENTION! It is advisable for hypertensive patients to limit themselves to one cup of a fragrant drink in the morning. Patients with asthma - on the contrary, you can drink 3 cups per day.

In cooking

Used for making chocolate sauces, pastries, glazes, etc.

Pancake Sauce


This unique taste ... A brown drink with foam has been familiar to us since childhood: we drank it in kindergarten, at school, and now we are unlikely to refuse to sip it. Of course, this is cocoa. Since ancient times, drinks made from cocoa powder have been valued for their aroma, extraordinary taste and airy foam. "Divine drink" - so our ancestors called it. "Cocoa - the benefits and harms in one bottle" - as they call it now. Yes, it really is about that drink. Is Cocoa Healing? The benefits and harms of it were identified by scientists after careful research of the powder. It turns out that a harmless drink from childhood is quite even harmless. So what qualities does this powder have? Let's try to figure it out together.

Cocoa - the benefits and harms in one bottle

There really is a benefit and quite serious. For example, a drink can cheer up and tone up. Also, the hormone of joy, that is, endorphin, is stimulated plus everything. Beans include antioxidants. Thanks to them, the person who drank this drink normalizes blood pressure and viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. The use of this miracle powder with the addition of water or skim milk does not increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, since it includes 15% of fat, consisting of stearic, oleic and palmitic acids. Due to the content of theobromine and phenylethylamine, the powder has a diuretic effect and is also an antidepressant and stimulant. The cocoa powder contains serotonin, it helps fight stress. The drink includes manganese, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, vitamins, magnesium, in a small amount it also contains caffeine. It turns out that this is a liquid that invigorates the body, relieves weakness and fatigue, fights stress, normalizes sleep, stimulates the immune system, heals wounds, helps smooth wrinkles, but, despite all the pluses, this drink has opponents.

Everyone knows that in Africa there is complete unsanitary conditions, and cocoa powders bring us from there. Therefore, in these products there are sometimes ground insects, but recently manufacturers have begun to treat the sorting of beans with special care. Experts say that the presence of caffeine, theobromine, phenylethylamine in the drink is not good, because people with migraines can cause headaches. Although the powder does not raise cholesterol, it can be the culprit of overweight, and this, as a rule, causes problems of the cardiovascular system. And the substance phenylethylamine affects the opiate receptors of the brain and acts like a drug. Copper entering cocoa powder may be related to the appearance of tumors. Benefit? Its somehow small, compared with the minuses, right? But it is fair to say that all these hypotheses are not proven, but are the subject of debate by many scientists. Therefore, they should not attract serious attention. What you really need to fear is instant powders. Now you decide whether to drink cocoa. The benefits and harms of this drink are described above.

Cocoa is a drink that is known to everyone, but not everyone knows about its beneficial properties. Drinking a cup of cocoa daily enhances health and prolongs life.

The composition of cocoa beans includes proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, dyes, organic, aromatic, minerals, as well as caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine has an exciting effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, and theobromine reduces spasms of the brain and blood vessels of the heart. Cocoa is a record drink for the content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The beneficial properties of cocoa have been known for quite some time. Cocoa powder contains proteins, valuable fatty acids that normalize blood cholesterol. It also contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, and most importantly, folic acid.

Cocoa has the ability to increase vitality and improve mood, thanks to its positive effect on the production of endorphin - the “hormone of joy”. Scientists have found that this product contains biologically active substances that increase efficiency and stimulate mental activity. Cocoa beans contain the antioxidant flavanol, which improves blood circulation in the brain and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, cocoa is recommended for people suffering from hypertension. A sufficient amount of flavanol is also found in dark chocolate. Scientists have found that excessive consumption of cocoa and chocolate adversely affects the body, so it’s better not to abuse healthy foods. Even if a cup of cocoa per day prolongs life and maintains health, you should not drink more than two cups of a nutritious drink.

Many people believe that cocoa, like chocolate, can harm the figure. However, this is not true. The weight gain is not due to the presence of cocoa in the chocolate, but because of saturated fats, which contain 20 grams per 100 grams of chocolate, while only 0.3 grams in one cup of cocoa. Yes, cocoa is a high-calorie product, but you should not be afraid of obesity, because it is impossible to abuse a cocoa drink, since even a small portion of it already causes a feeling of fullness. People engaged in active mental activity, it is useful to eat cocoa daily, preferably in the morning, as a cocoa drink is considered an energy product. In the afternoon, he will give energy, but at night he should not drink it, since a cup of cocoa contains 5 mg of caffeine, which can lead to insomnia.

The mineral composition of cocoa is rich and diverse. It contains a lot of iron, zinc, and it also contains the natural pigment melanin, which has the ability to absorb heat rays. Melanin protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, which can result in sunburn and sunstroke.

Cocoa is a valuable raw material for confectionery factories, has tonic and healing properties. It has found its application in the pharmaceutical, perfumery and cosmetic industries. Cocoa contains procyanidin, which helps to relieve stress, improves skin tone and elasticity, and also protects it from premature aging. A mask of cocoa helps with peeling and tightness of the skin. To do this, you need to take a small amount of cocoa and dilute it with milk to make it look like a paste, then add a little vegetable oil. Apply the paste on the face and neck for 20 minutes, remove with a cotton pad, and then with water. After such a mask, the skin becomes very soft and tender.

Probably, not everyone knows where cocoa comes from, how to grow it correctly, collect it, and whether everyone is allowed to consume it.

It turns out that cocoa grows in Latin America on a tree called "chocolate." The height of the tree reaches almost ten meters, so it’s not easy to see the fruits at that height. In addition, cocoa is extracted from the pulp of the fruits of the chocolate tree. They contain many useful substances that can bring both benefits to humans and harm.

Composition and benefits

Cocoa beans contain many useful substances, in particular, such trace elements:

  • vegetable protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • dietary fiber;
  • sugar.

In addition, cocoa has enough vitamins and minerals:

  • b vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins PP and E;
  • fluorine, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, etc.

By caloric content, this product is superior to many other plant products. Just 100 grams of crushed cocoa contains from 200 to 400 kilocalories. Moreover, carbohydrates and the amount of fat in one cup are much less present than in a small piece of chocolate.

A drink made from cocoa powder (excellent quality!) Is able to saturate the body, energize, and without burdening with calories. This means that ladies who are on a diet can safely drink one cup of cocoa per day. And it is advisable to drink it in the first half of the day in order to recharge your batteries for the whole day.

The benefits of cocoa in medicine

Many do not even suspect, but cocoa can relieve many ailments, including. If the drink is prepared correctly, it will "work" as an expectorant, antitussive and thinning sputum, medicine. In addition, cocoa butter is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • broncho-pulmonary.

It is not difficult to prepare the medicine: a little cocoa butter is added to a glass of hot milk (not more than 40 degrees), dissolved and drunk warm. Of course, the taste of such milk will be unusual, with a characteristic “oil” film, but for the sake of well-being it is worth to be patient.

In addition to ingestion, cocoa butter lubricates the nasal mucosa, it helps fight viruses during colds.

Also, with the help of cocoa they treat such diseases:

  • heart failure and other heart diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • remove cholesterol, bile;
  • stomach diseases.

Let us consider in more detail how cocoa affects the functioning of the heart. In one part of cocoa, 70 percent are bioactive nutrients that help block platelet adhesion. In addition to such a useful function, in terms of its antioxidant properties, cocoa surpasses by many times such products as apple, orange juice, as well as tea, both green and black. And flavanols contained in cocoa help prevent vessels from damage and affect metabolic processes on the positive side.

If you drink a cup of aromatic cocoa drink, the fruits of which did not pass the heat treatment, then the muscles recover after a hard day and hard work.

In addition, a special substance is present in the fruits of the chocolate tree, which helps stimulate endorphin, the hormone of joy. That is why, after drinking a glass of hot cocoa, a person feels more cheerful, his mood rises.

But the substance in it, such as elicatechin, helps to reduce the risk of diseases such as:

  1. Stroke.
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  3. Heart attack.

Through experiments, scientists discovered cocoa as a substance that can rejuvenate the skin. Beans contain a special substance that restores the skin's healthy appearance and increases its elasticity. And melanin, in turn, will protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Cocoa during pregnancy

Despite the great benefits of cocoa, it turns out that it is undesirable for women who are expecting a baby to consume it. Doctors recommend giving up the drink altogether or not consuming it often. This requirement is due to the fact that cocoa retains calcium in the body and does not allow it to be absorbed. And this is fraught both for the health of the mother, and for the full development of her baby.

In addition, cocoa is an allergenic product and can trigger an allergic reaction.

If a pregnant woman really likes this drink, then she can afford a cup of weak cocoa once a week.

About harm

Chocolate beans contain a little caffeine, so this should not be missed when preparing a drink for children. Doctors say it is undesirable to give children caffeinated products and be careful with those babies who are strictly forbidden caffeine.

Cocoa harm is also noted in the following: when large plantations of the chocolate tree are grown, it is fertilized and processed from pests. And cocoa is subjected to intensive processing. In addition, the collected beans are again treated with radionuclides in order to destroy pests, and then this cocoa is sent to factories for the production of chocolate. It turns out that 99 percent of such chocolate is consumed by the population of the whole world!

  1. Children under the age of three.
  2. People suffering from diseases such as sclerosis, diabetes and.
  3. Fat, fat people.
  4. In stressful situations.
  5. With diseases of the nervous system.

Limit the use of the drink is necessary for people suffering from kidney failure and.

How to choose and where to apply

And even despite the fact that manufacturers of raw materials for chocolate claim that cocoa is thoroughly cleaned, in fact, it is impossible to determine which cocoa powder you got.

The market has several types of cocoa, namely:

  1. For industrial production. This type is grown using various fertilizers.
  2. For industrial production - organic grown without fertilizers. It is considered the most valuable.
  3. "Live" product, collected from wild trees by hand. It has a unique property.

It is not so easy to immediately understand which cocoa variety is on the store counter. How to distinguish a quality product:

  1. You are holding a pack of cocoa powder. Read the composition, the fat in it should be at least 15 percent, then the product will be considered the most useful.
  2. The color of natural cocoa is brown.
  3. If you grind the powder in your hands, it should not crumble and slide into lumps.
  4. When cocoa is brewed with boiling water, it is necessary to check whether a precipitate has formed. If the product is of high quality - it will not be.

Pay attention to the manufacturer. Ideally, this should be a country in which chocolate trees grow. If this is another country, then perhaps the raw materials were overbought and the production technology was violated.

How to cook correctly

To brew a tasty drink, you must strictly observe the proportions. To make a drink, MirSovetov recommends:

  1. Take three large spoons of cocoa (use only a dry spoon (!).
  2. Mix the powder with sugar (one teaspoon).
  3. Boil a liter of milk.
  4. Pour the mixture of powder with sugar to milk and mix.
  5. Cook over low heat for no more than three minutes, stirring occasionally.

Another cooking method:

  1. Cook cocoa, sugar, milk, water, a whisk, or a mixer.
  2. Boil water and add cocoa and sugar to it.
  3. Shake with a whisk or mixer.
  4. Add hot fat milk.

With this method, an airy, aromatic cocoa foam is formed in the beverage.

In addition to making a hot drink, cocoa is added to baking and used in the manufacture of sweets and other sweets.

And finally, MirSovetov wants to warn readers against acquiring Chinese-made cocoa. According to gourmets, Chinese purchasers acquire rotten beans and process them by aromatization. Such cocoa will not be useful, but may harm. Be carefull!

Many people since childhood love an invigorating brown drink with a delicate foam. Its aroma and sweet taste evoke pleasant memories. Not only children but also adults enjoy cocoa. This drink appeared in Europe in the 16th century and even then became popular. After all, Europeans liked the invigorating properties of cocoa beans, and adding sugar and cream to the drink, they also made it tasty. And only in the 19th century the harm of this product appeared and are still being studied, and many doctors argue whether it can be given to children.

For many years, cocoa has been the main drink in all kindergartens and schools. And indeed, it has not only a pleasant taste, but also many other advantages. Cocoa powder is now used to make the drink. The benefits and harms of it for children are still being studied. But this drink is still very popular.

Cocoa Benefits

Already with the advent of cocoa beans in Europe, people noticed their invigorating effect. This product improves body tone, performance and accelerates recovery from illness and heavy physical exertion. The content of biologically active substances in cocoa that stimulate the production of endorphins leads to the fact that it improves mood and is a strong antidepressant. In addition, it not only helps to combat stress, but also increases concentration and activates thinking.

The composition of cocoa powder can tell a lot about the benefits of this drink. Besides

the content of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in it, scientists have discovered many other useful substances in cocoa. For example, tryptophan helps in the treatment of depression, theobromine reduces cough and relieves caffeine increases tone, and antioxidants help rejuvenate the body. Polyphenols normalize pressure and decrease, which helps in the treatment of hypertension.

And this is not all the benefits that cocoa powder brings. Its properties in wound healing, tissue regeneration and increased skin elasticity contribute to the widespread dissemination of this product in cosmetology. Especially important is the ability of this drink to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

But not everyone can consume this product seriously studied. And despite many advantages, an invigorating aromatic drink can bring big problems.

Cocoa Harm

Due to the caffeine content in it, you should not drink more than two cups of the drink per day, as this can cause overexcitation, anxiety and even addiction. Cocoa powder contains many purines, so it is undesirable to use it for kidney diseases. In addition, often this product causes allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that during its production, insects are processed together with cocoa beans, which cause allergies in people.

Soluble cocoa powder is the most harmful because it contains many emulsifiers, flavors and other artificial additives. Therefore, you need to buy only a natural product from well-known manufacturers.

For the preparation of many dishes, cocoa powder is used. The benefits and harms of it are known to a few, but almost every housewife has this product in the kitchen. It is added to pastries or cereals. In addition, it is so pleasant to have a cup of aromatic hot cocoa in the morning.