We prepare delicious meat in French with tomatoes. French-style meat in the oven

04.02.2024 Snacks

When you want to cook something tasty and at the same time quick and simple, French meat comes to mind. This dish is very popular in our country. There are many options for cooking meat in French, I suggest preparing one of them - French meat with tomatoes.

In order to cook French meat with tomatoes and cheese in the oven, we will need: meat, tomatoes, cheese, salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise or sour cream, onions, garlic and herbs.

Let's start preparing the dish by preparing the meat. Wash the meat, dry it, cut it into slices 1 cm thick and beat it a little between two layers of cling film. Salt and pepper the chopped meat. Then place in a lightly greased pan. Cut the onion into thin half rings or quarter rings and place on the meat. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise (sour cream).

Place thinly sliced ​​tomatoes on top of the onion layer. Lightly pepper and salt them. Sprinkle with herbs and garlic passed through a press.

Now spread a thin layer of mayonnaise (sour cream) over the tomatoes.

Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes.

French cuisine is the quintessence of the art of cooking. This is a riot of colors, a feast of aromas, exquisite logic in adding ingredients and a variety of food processing techniques. Almost all culinary terms, from “salad” to “restaurant”, are borrowed from the French... But what am I talking about? Meat in French, in the form in which we know it well and love it dearly, has absolutely nothing to do with the culinary heritage of the Gauls. The prototype of this dish, Veau Orloff (“Orlov-style Veal”), was indeed prepared by an unknown Parisian chef for the famous favorite of the Russian Empress. But much later, with the light hand of resourceful Soviet culinary specialists, the overseas béchamel sauce turned into inexpensive domestically produced mayonnaise, pork easily replaced veal, and tomatoes appeared in the dish from nowhere. Almost nothing in common with the original. But we are only happy about this. It is difficult to find a simpler and more consistently tasty hot dish than French-style meat in the oven. A recipe with a photo of pork with tomatoes is a little hint for those who are preparing it for the first time. And then you can experiment to your heart’s content: you can add potatoes, onions, mushrooms, and even pineapples.


How to cook meat in French in the oven (step-by-step recipe with photos):

It is impossible to cook something tasteless from pork, tomatoes and cheese. These products go great together. The meat turns out juicy and tender, the tomato makes it even softer, and the cheese turns into an appetizing crust. It is almost impossible to spoil the dish. But it is possible. For example, if you choose the wrong piece of pork carcass. To bake in the oven, it is better to take pork of medium fat content - neck, ham, shoulder blade. This applies not only to French meat, but also to other cooking methods. This pork will definitely turn out soft and juicy. Divide it into slices 1.5-2 cm thick. Be sure to cut across the grain so that all the juice remains inside.

Lightly pound the meat pieces with a kitchen mallet to further soften the fibers.

Sprinkle the meat with salt and ground black pepper. Chop the peeled garlic or pass through a press. Rub the pork. To enhance the taste, you can use other spices traditionally used in French cuisine - thyme, rosemary, basil, etc. Grease a baking sheet or wide baking dish with vegetable oil. Place the meat.

Lubricate it with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices 1.5-2 cm thick. The tomatoes should be very ripe and fleshy. If you have time and desire, blanch them in boiling water and peel them. Place tomatoes on pork.

It would be logical if the meat was sprinkled with some cheese typical of French cuisine. But the catch is that in France they love soft cheeses and blue cheeses. But they don’t go well with pork and tomatoes in this serving. Therefore, we will make do with more traditional options - Dutch, Tilsiter, Kostroma, Pshekhonsky, etc. The only thing is, don’t take the Russian one. Once heated, it becomes almost tasteless. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the dish.

Place the baking sheet in the oven. Bake for 25-35 minutes until done. Temperature - 180-200 degrees. Serve the French-style pork with tomatoes hot. To make the meat more juicy, you can keep it under foil before serving. 5-7 minutes will be enough.

What else can you add?

  1. onions or leeks, cut into thin rings. Place it between the meat and tomatoes.
  2. mushrooms. Cut regular champignons into slices and fry in vegetable oil until lightly browned. Be sure to add salt before adding to the pork.
  3. potatoes will make the dish even more satisfying. Cut it into as thin slices as possible and “hide” it under the tomatoes. Increase the baking time in the oven to 40 minutes.
  4. eggplants. A very tasty variation, but the French probably haven’t thought of this yet. Cut the “blue ones” into thin slices. Add salt. Leave at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. Drain the juice. Rinse the eggplants. Brown a little in sunflower oil. Place the eggplant rounds in front of the tomatoes so that they are saturated with juice. And don't forget to season them with garlic.

Bon appetit!

I hasten to surprise and please everyone that French meat with tomatoes and cheese- a product of exclusively domestic invention and production. The French had never heard of such a dish. Therefore, this fact makes us proud of our skillful housewives who produced such wonderful meat. For it, you can choose beef or lean pork. The choice of meat must be approached very responsibly. There is no need to choose dark-colored meat, as this indicates that it has been stale or aged, which is not suitable for us. By following all my advice, you will end up with a wonderful dish that you will cook again and again and treat to all your friends.

Necessary ingredients for preparing French meat with tomatoes and cheese:

  • 500-600 g lean pork;
  • One large onion;
  • 3-4 pieces of sweet pepper;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 150-200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 1 tube of mayonnaise;
  • a little butter to grease the pan;
  • a mixture of peppers and salt.

Cooking meat in French with tomatoes and cheese:

Wash the sweet peppers, pierce them with a knife in several places and place them in a frying pan in a hot oven.

Let it sit there for about 15 minutes so that you can easily remove the skin later. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the peel without much difficulty. Chop them into rings.

Rinse the meat, cut it with a knife across the grain.

Beat it with a hammer on one side to make it softer.

Add salt and pepper to your taste. Chop the onion into thin half rings.

Remove the skin from the peppers and chop into strips.

Let's start laying out layers in a certain sequence. Place food foil on a baking sheet and cut small pieces of butter. Next, lay out a bed of onion rings.

This will act as a kind of cushion for the meat to prevent it from sticking to the foil. At the same time, the onion will give it its juice. Place the meat tightly on top of the onion.

Add vegetables to taste. This composition is completed with a layer of grated cheese.

Place the meat in the oven to French bake for 45 minutes over medium heat. Serve piping hot to the table.

Cooking meat in French in the oven with tomato and cheese is much less troublesome than, for example, frying cutlets. And emotionally stable, because there will be no reason for frustration: nothing will burn or dry out. We beat the meat, pepper it, coat it in a coat of onions and tomatoes, sprinkle it with cheese and put it in the oven. After half an hour, the appetizing smell of baked meat will inform you that it is ready. So take note of this French meat recipe, an excellent option for a spectacular meat dish for the holiday table. You can diversify it to your taste: make a marinade, add mushrooms, potatoes, pineapples.

My version of French cooking uses lean pork. I also added fresh tomatoes to the standard combination of onions, mayonnaise and cheese for juiciness. It turned out very tasty, elegant and festive.


To cook French meat with tomatoes and cheese you will need:

  • meat (lean pork) – 4 slices, 150-200 g each;
  • onions – 3 heads;
  • fresh tomatoes – 3-4 pcs;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper – 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste (2-3 pinches per chop);
  • thick mayonnaise – 4-5 tbsp. l;
  • sunflower oil – 0.5 tbsp. l;
  • greens, lettuce leaves - for serving.

How to cook meat in French in the oven with tomato and cheese. Recipe

Lean meat from which chops are made is ideal for baking in the oven. It is very convenient when it is already cut into portions. If I buy a whole piece, then I cut it into slices 2-3 cm thick, not thinner. On one side there is usually a thin fat edge - there is no need to cut it off, the rendered fat will make the meat more tender and juicy.

Lightly beat with a hammer, covering with cling film. There is no need to be particularly zealous; the slices should retain their shape and remain almost the same thickness.

I add salt and pepper only on one side, on which the filling of vegetables, mayonnaise and cheese will be placed. I cover and leave to marinate while the oven preheats and the rest of the ingredients are prepared.

I cut one onion into large rings - this will be a pillow for the meat. The rest I chop into quarters of rings or small cubes.

When I cooked meat in French for the first time, I baked it on a baking sheet, placing onion rings under each piece. As a result, the onions burned and gave an unpleasant aftertaste. The next time, I covered the baking sheet with foil and, in the same way, first laid the onions and the meat slices on it. The result is soft, fat-soaked onions and tender meat. So I recommend my proven method. I cover the bottom of a baking sheet or mold with foil, grease it with oil, and place a layer of onion rings.

I place the marinated pork slices, pepper side up, on a vegetable bed.

Advice.If possible, leave space between pieces so that the meat cooks evenly, and then it is easier to divide into portions.

Sprinkle with a layer of chopped onion. I season it with a little pepper and add some salt. You can add more or less onion - cook as you like.

I grease the onion layer with mayonnaise. I have homemade mayonnaise, thick, slightly spicy. If you use a ready-made product, choose one with high fat content and no flavoring.

There is no need to peel tomatoes. I cut into large slices (or circles, if small), and place the tomatoes on the chops. I also sprinkle it with pepper and add a little salt. Try to lay it out so that the cut is on the inside, and the part with the skin on it is on the edge.

I grate the cheese through a coarse grater and sprinkle generously on each portion. Considering that French-style meat will spend at least half an hour in the oven, you should not skimp on the quality and quantity of cheese. You need to take proven varieties with a fat content of at least 50%, such that it melts well. The cheeses or cheese product will not melt and will only ruin the entire dish.

Pork is a popular meat in our latitudes; it is not surprising that there are so many recipes for its preparation: chops, baked ham, steak, kebab, cutlets and many others. However, it is hardly possible to find a housewife who has not cooked or dreamed of cooking pork in the oven in French.

Although in France this recipe is called “bekeoffe” and it is not very similar to ours (they use pears there) - in our country the dish has taken root under the name “pork in French” or “meat in French”.

The recipe has only 4 main required ingredients: meat, mayonnaise, onion and grated hard cheese (or feta cheese). All others are added in different versions of the recipe in accordance with the tastes and capabilities of the cook. The basic rule is to lay the components in layers.

And yet, if in order to cook pork or ham, pork meat must be marinated, then pork in French can be cooked by skipping this step. However, due to the fact that the meat is first beaten and then baked under a delicious pillow, the meat will be juicy and tender, as if it had been marinated beforehand.

For those who like tender marinated meat, there are options with marinade at the end.

We offer several recipes for pork in French, traditional, well-known and variations of the preparation of this dish.

Pork with tomatoes and cheese in French

In this version of the French pork recipe, you need to add tomatoes to the main ingredients. Both adults and children like this baked pork. The meat is prepared in a dietary way - baked in the oven without a drop of fat, so if you replace the mayonnaise used in the recipe with low-fat sour cream or yogurt, even people on a diet can eat a piece. Our option also involves preparing it in portions, which will greatly simplify serving.


  • Pork (balyk) – 600 g;
  • Fresh tomatoes – 2 pcs or 300 g;
  • Hard cheese – 100 g;
  • Onions – 2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • Ground pepper – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • Parsley - for decoration.

How to cook French pork with tomatoes and cheese

Pork balyk (or boneless loin) is perfect for this dish; it is moderately fatty and convenient to cut into equal slices. It is worth saying that fresh meat is preferable, since it contains more juice and the result will be juicier and softer. So, cut a piece of meat into 1 cm thick slices. You will get six servings.

Cover each piece of meat with cling film or a regular plastic bag (so that the juice does not splash around the kitchen) and beat on both sides to a thickness of 0.5 cm. Salt and season with pepper, place each piece on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.

Cut the onion into half rings very thinly so that it has time to cook. The more onions, the juicier your French-style meat will be. Place the onion on top of the meat, spreading it over the entire surface.

Next - tomatoes. If you have fresh tomatoes, wash them and cut them into rings 0.5 cm thick. I use frozen tomato slices, which I prepare in the summer and store in the freezer. After defrosting, they differ little from fresh ones. Place the tomato rings on top of the onions (no need to defrost them).

Apply a generous amount of mayonnaise on top. This high-calorie sauce can be replaced with any other sauce of your choice. It’s very tasty if you use the famous French bechamel (see the cooking method below).

The last ingredient of our future dish is hard cheese. I use sheep's cheese, it is very salty and therefore I do not salt any other ingredients except the meat. Grate the cheese onto a coarse grater and sprinkle the shavings evenly over the meat.

Bake French pork with tomatoes and cheese in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30-35 minutes. When the cheese is browned, you can take out the dish. Leave it on the baking sheet for another 5-7 minutes, the meat will rest and retain the juices.

Serve the meat hot with any side dish. I serve it with a fresh vegetable salad.

Pork in French with mushrooms in the oven

Mushrooms go well with pork. If you use mushrooms as one of the layers, the dish will receive a traditional touch. The calorie content of French-style pork with mushrooms in the oven will not increase too much, but at the same time the dish will become more satisfying.

For this recipe, you can use fresh champignons or boiled and frozen mushrooms (any forest mushrooms, very tasty with white ones).

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Meat (pork balyk) – 400 g;
  • Mushrooms (frozen or fresh) – 350 g;
  • Hard cheese – 200 g;
  • Onion – 90 g;
  • Salt, pepper – 1/3 tsp each;
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing.


  1. Rinse the meat under running water and dry it, cut it into portions, the thickness of the piece is up to 1 cm. Then we beat each piece on both sides, add salt and pepper. Leave it on the board for 10-15 minutes. We need it to be soaked in salt and pepper.
  2. If the mushrooms are frozen, defrost them and let the liquid drain. If the champignons are fresh, then cut them into slices.
  3. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  4. Now grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the meat tightly. Place the mushrooms on top of it, spread the onion over the mushrooms in an even layer.
  5. Then we make a dense mesh of mayonnaise. Ideally, everything is evenly (but thinly) covered with a layer of mayonnaise. Place shredded coarse hard cheese on top.
  6. Bake in the oven on the middle shelf, at 200 C. A golden brown crust should appear on top (this will take 35–45 minutes). Then leave to cool for 15–20 minutes, remove from the pan and serve hot.

Advice: those who like meat with a sour taste, try adding steamed and cut into strips mushroomsprunes.

As a rule, the side dish for this version of meat is boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes, carrots, or fresh salad.

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Pork in French with pineapples in the oven

The combination of pineapple and pork meat is tender and flavorful. To make the taste richer and more original, I suggest marinating the meat in garlic sauce. Your French-style pork with pineapples in the oven will not leave anyone indifferent.

This recipe is worthy of being presented to the most demanding guest.

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • Pork (fresh) – 0.5 kg;
  • Pineapple (canned) – ? banks;
  • Onion – 150 g;
  • Hard cheese – 100 g;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil – 30 g;
  • Milk – 1/3 cup;
  • Salt, pepper - 1 tsp each.


  1. First, we marinate the meat. It needs to be prepared: washed, cut, grated with salt and pepper and beaten on both sides.
  2. Then prepare the marinade: pass the garlic cloves through a press and mix with milk.
  3. Now add the prepared pieces of meat and pour in the marinade. The marinade should cover the meat completely. If this does not work, turn the meat every half hour so that the top is down. Place the pork in the refrigerator to marinate for 2-3 hours.
  4. Open the pineapples, add the marinade, and let the remaining liquid drain out. If they are cut into cubes it is good, but the circles are better cut into strips.
  5. Chop the onion into thin rings and place in an even layer on a baking sheet (don't forget to grease it with oil).
  6. When the meat is ready, place it on a baking sheet, on top of a layer of onions. Place them tightly and make a thin mesh of mayonnaise on top. This is where a loose and thin mesh is appropriate.
  7. Place pineapples on the meat and cover everything with a layer of cheese.
  8. Place in a hot oven (180–200 C) for half an hour (up to 40 minutes). When a golden brown crust appears, the meat is ready.
Pork in French with onions and cheese

This recipe is a classic combination of basic ingredients. Its highlight is in the sauce. I suggest using béchamel sauce for dressing, and marinating the meat itself in wine sauce. Your French-style pork with onions and cheese will get a real French twist. The meat will be juicy, with a tart taste and aroma of herbs. Onions will add completeness to the flavor composition.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

for the sauce:

  • flour – 20 g;
  • with butter (butter) – 20 g;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • nutmeg, salt - on the tip of a knife.

For meat:

  • Pork (balyk) – 400 g;
  • Hard cheese - 200 g;
  • Onion – 100 g;
  • Salt pepper - to taste;
  • Sunflower oil - for the baking sheet;
  • Mayonnaise – 100 g.

For the marinade:

  • Red wine (tart) – 250 ml;
  • Herbs (Provençal or your favorite) – 1 tsp;
  • Garlic – 1 clove.


  1. Let's prepare the sauce. To do this, pour milk into a saucepan and heat it very much, but do not let it boil. Then put the butter in another bowl and melt it over low heat. Add the flour to the butter that has begun to melt and stir everything well and very quickly. Then put the milk back on the fire and pour in the mixture of butter and flour. Leave everything on very low heat and stir constantly. So, let it sit for 5 minutes (the mass will begin to harden), add salt and nutmeg to it and stir everything. Our sauce should not boil under any circumstances, but should have the consistency of liquid sour cream. Remove from heat and leave for now. As it cools, the sauce will become thicker - that’s how it should be.
  2. Let's take care of the meat: it needs to be washed, cut into pieces (1 cm thick) in portions, rubbed with salt and pepper and beaten, and marinated in the marinade.
  3. The meat for this recipe can be marinated in wine. You need to take red (tart) wine, add crushed garlic (1 clove per glass) and herbs (Provencal), let the mixture boil, and then cool and marinate the meat for 2-3 hours.
  4. Meanwhile, peel the onion and cut it into half rings.
  5. Now put the pieces of meat on a warm, greased baking sheet, evenly place the onions on top and cover everything with our sauce.
  6. Then distribute the grated cheese evenly throughout the meat.
  7. Place everything in the oven for 50–60 minutes. Fire 180 C.


  • Very often this recipe is supplemented with thin strips of potatoes. Potato placed underneath, under the meat, seasoned with salt and pepper. Typically no garnish is required for this recipe.
  • If you don’t want to fuss with the sauce, then use half and half mayonnaise with sour cream.

The basic recipe can also be supplemented with a layer of fresh tomatoes (to go with the potatoes), or the layers can be laid in two tiers (then the cooking time will increase to one and a half hours). It all depends on your preferences and capabilities.

French mustard is a good seasoning in this case. Any vegetable side dish and fresh salads are suitable here.

  • Many housewives ask about which part of pork is best for French meat? It is best to use the part that can be divided into portions and beaten off, i.e. carb or tenderloin. The meat should not be too fatty, otherwise your pork will drain while in the oven.
  • If you are not yet confident in your abilities, this dish can be prepared in foil, but then you need to cook without cheese, as it will remain on the foil. Do this: layer the ingredients in foil and bake the meat in it for 20–25 minutes. Then open the foil, place the grated cheese on top in a very thin layer, and again (without covering the top) put the baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes. You won't have a golden brown crust, but the meat will be well cooked and with melted cheese on top.
  • Be sure to place the meat closely, leaving no gaps between the pieces (otherwise it will burn).
  • You can check the readiness of the dish using a toothpick. Pierce the dish all the way through. If it is ready, the juice will be clear. If the dish is not ready yet, and the cheese on top is burning, carefully, without pressing the crust, cover the baking sheet with foil and leave it in the oven for 10 minutes.
  • To understand how long to cook pork in French, you should remember that it will take 30 minutes to prepare a thin layer of pork and another 10 minutes for each layer of vegetables. The thicker the layer, the longer the baking sheet should be in the oven. On average, the cooking time for French-style meat in a 3-layer oven is 40–45 minutes.

  • If you decide to marinate the meat (it turns out juicier), then you must put chopped, salted and peppered pieces into the marinade (or add salt and pepper to the marinade). You should marinate for at least one and a half hours. Otherwise, the meat will not have time to soak in the marinade.