Ivan tea currant leaves. Currant leaf tea: what are the benefits and harms of the drink

03.08.2020 Restaurant notes

Ivan-Tea with currants is a delicious and aromatic drink, replenishing the lack of vitamins in the bodystrengthening the immune system. Currant tea is healthy for colds and infectious diseasesx, as well as for the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis, helps with anemia and atherosclerosis. This tea is especially useful for the elderly - it helps preserve eyesight, restores the cardiovascular system, supports brain activity.

Ingredients: narrow-leaved fireweed (Ivan-tea) fermented leaf, currant leaves.

IVAN-CHAY (Koporsky tea, fireweed)

IVAN-CHAI is an amazing drink that has been undeservedly forgotten lately. Due to its unique properties to heal the body and saturate it with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, this drink must be present in our diet every day. Ivan tea with currants is a doubly healing drink!

Currant in IVAN-TEA

The currant leaf, which is part of the tea, gives the drink a unique aroma, while saturating the tea with a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. Black currant is considered the queen of all the many currant species. Incomparable taste is combined in black currant with useful medicinal properties and rich chemical composition.

In black currant record amount of vitamin C, enough b vitamins, vitamin P (indispensable for blood vessels), vitamin K, as well as vitamin A, which is useful for vision... In addition, black currant berries contain fruit sugars, pectins, which remove all accumulated harmful substances from our body. There are also trace elements in black currant, such as iron, potassium and phosphorus.

In black currant leaves pantry of magnesium, there is silver, sulfur, copper and phytoncides that protect us from harmful microbes... The leaves also contain quite a lot of essential oil. They contain tannins, many fruit acids, succinic acid, flavonoids, amino acids and trace elements.

Black currant is a panacea for preventing many diseases of the heart and blood vessels... For the elderly, Ivan-tea with currants is a must-have every day. Scientists have proven that substances contained in black currant help keep your mind clear for a long time.

For diabetics this tea will be a good remedy to help cope with the disease. And as a prophylaxis of diabetes, currants in tea will help to avoid this terrible disease.

There are studies proving the effectiveness of black currant in the prevention of cancer.

Black currant good for the eyes.
Various blackcurrant preparations are used for removing stones from the kidneys and bladderi am. If you suffer from gout, you should regularly drink ivan tea with currants. In case of hypertension or atherosclerosis, this tea will also be a good remedy.
Black currant helps a lot from coughs and other manifestations of colds, acute respiratory and viral diseases... The phytoncides contained in currants will destroy harmful pathogenic microbes, and vitamin C help maintain immunity... If spring beriberi has manifested itself, then there is nothing easier how to get rid of it with the help of tea with currants.
If you have gastritis, brew ivan tea with currants and drink it daily. You will very soon notice that you have forgotten about stomach pains and discomfort. If you add bee honey to tea, you get an excellent remedy for sore throat and laryngitis.

Useful properties of IVAN-CHAY

IVAN-CHAI increases the protective functions of the body, restores immunity, and promotes longevity.

Possesses powerful antiphlogistic and antiseptic properties, is effective in the treatment of infections and inflammations.
due to the content of flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, vitamin C, organic acids, triterpenoids and microelements.

Due to the content of magnesium, B vitamins, flavonoids, it is an effective natural sedative, normalizes the psycho-emotional state - reduces nervousness, excitability, relieves headaches, and normalizes sleep. Reduces blood pressure.

It contains organic acids, which, together with magnesium, have a choleretic effect.

The reparative (wound healing) effect is achieved due to the presence of such elements as chlorophyll, tannins, carotenoids, which accelerate the granulation and epithelization of lesions on the skin.

Flavonoids and pectins of Ivan-tea leaves are natural adsorbents and cleanse the body of toxic elements and toxins, removing food poisoning, allergies. With regular use, it relieves alcohol dependence.

IVAN-CHAI is successful as an anticancer agent due to the antioxidant action of hangrol and other antioxidants. The narrow-leaved fireweed contains low-toxic and high-molecular substances that suppress the growth and emergence of cancer cells.

Prolongs the active life of the male body, maintaining and improving the function of the prostate gland.

Slows down the aging of the skin, making it elastic and firm, thanks to substances that stimulate the natural processes of collagen synthesis (phytosterols, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids and copper).

IVAN-TEA with currants contains essential oils, so all the beneficial properties are preserved in tea for up to three days, which allows it to be brewed up to 3-4 times, consumed cold or heated. Koporsky tea when brewed, it gives an aromatic drink of golden-amber shade of medium saturation.

How to brew IVAN-TEA:

2 teaspoons IVAN-TEA pour 600 ml of boiling water. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, then stir the infusion. And the tea is ready!
IVAN-TEA can be brewed up to 3-4 times without losing its healing properties, it only reveals its unique aroma!

Currant - a delicious Russian berry that everyone knows from childhood. Ivan tea in combination with currants acquires a juicy taste and a bright aroma of currant leaves. Stimulates brain activity, invigorates and restores strength. With every sip, the taste of a wonderful berry accumulates. When harvesting currants, they practically do not lose their beneficial properties, which allows you to receive vitamins and pleasure throughout the year!

How tasty, fragrant and healthy our favorite berry is - currant!

This wonderful berry is known to everyone. Perhaps, in Russia there is no such summer resident who would not grow currant bushes on his site.

Currant berries and leaves are famous for their wonderful strong aroma!
The currant got its name for its aroma. Previously, the word "stench" meant any strong smell, the word "curd" is related to it - to emit a strong aroma that is pleasant to a person. Every part of the currant is fragrant: berries, leaves and twigs, so the tea from it is simply excellent!

  1. How do you like the name "monastery berry"? Not usual, right? Previously, currants were grown in all monasteries, so it got this name.
  2. In the epics we meet the Smorodinka river. Researchers have an assumption that this is the name of the Moskva River, because bushes of our favorite berries grew along its banks.
  3. For the content of vitamins, the currants were nicknamed “the pharmacy from the bush”.

Composition of currant berries and leaves

Black currant berries contain vitamins C, B, P, provitamin A, organic acids (citric and malic), glucose and fructose, glycosides and flavonoids, pectin, tannins, anthocyanins (cyanidin, dolphinidin) and nitrogenous substances. Mineral composition: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. All 20 currant berries and your body gets the daily intake of vitamin C!

Black currant leaves have a very high content of vitamin C, they are also rich in carotene, phytoncides, essential oils.

Ivan-tea with currants is a wonderful refreshing drink, very tasty and full of vitamins. The benefits of Ivan-tea with currants are undeniable. Thanks to the abundance of various healthy substances contained in Ivan-tea and currants, you get an amazingly tasty and healthy drink.

Ivan tea, freeze-dried berries and dried currant leaves harmoniously add to each other. Such tea tones, restores strength, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves immunity and appetite.

Useful properties of Ivan tea with currants

  • Vitamin C and antioxidants contained in Ivan-tea with currants are necessary to prevent malfunctions in the human body and strengthen the immune system. Ivan tea with currants allows you to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body!
  • Ivan tea with currants allows you to quickly recover from seasonal diseases. Drinking currant tea has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, which is extremely necessary in the treatment of ARVs, flu and sore throats.
  • Ivan tea with currants will help with sore throat and inflammation of the oral cavity.
  • Currant tea with added honey and sugar is often used to relieve severe coughing attacks.
  • Currant and Ivan-tea, separately, can remove radioisotopes from the body (the effects of radiation), and in tandem they act twice as strong!
  • For the elderly, Ivan-tea with currants is a unique find, it contributes to the preservation of memory and a clear mind.
  • Helps maintain cardiovascular health, purifies blood and increases blood clotting.
  • A good memory and a clear mind are the best helpers in learning, so we recommend drinking Ivan-tea with currants not only for adults, but also for children, to make it easier to endure the stress at school.
  • Currant tea improves metabolism and helps to overcome diseases such as hypertension, anemia, gastritis.
  • Ivan tea with currants has an amazing ability to cheer up a tired person.
  • Ivan tea contains the amino acid thiamine, which contributes to concentration. In addition, there is no caffeine, which overloads the nervous system, therefore, on the eve of difficult exams, it is much more useful for students to consume not coffee, but Russian tea with currants.

Ivan-tea with currants from the company "Vologda Ivan-tea"

The specialists of the Vologda Ivan-Chai company have developed an amazing tea drink, which contains fermented fireweed leaves (70%), dried currant leaves (20%), freeze-dried black and red currants (10%), which retain their shape and nutrients. All products of the "Vologda Ivan-Tea" company are natural, high quality, environmentally friendly. This is a 100% natural tea, without colorants, flavors and preservatives. A cup of fragrant tea with currants will help restore strength, protect the body from colds and viral infections. This tea is especially useful for the elderly.

With regular use of Ivan-tea with currants, if there is no individual intolerance, you will certainly feel an improvement in your well-being and an increase in efficiency. Notice how much easier your body has become to cope with seasonal illnesses and other common ailments. Ivan tea and currants in a bright, beautiful package with high-quality natural Russian tea can be a wonderful gift! A gift with health benefits!

Ivan tea with currants is highly appreciated by our customers and is in constant demand. In addition, our tea drink received flattering reviews from experts and was awarded Gold medals for taste and quality at the largest Russian and foreign exhibitions of drinks and food products - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Paris, Dubai, Shanghai!

How to brew Ivan tea with currants correctly?

  1. Put 8 grams in 1 liter of water (4 grams for 0.5 liters)
  2. Bring water to a boil
  3. Pour boiling water over Ivan-tea with currants and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Pour tea into cups
  5. The tea leaves are left to steam, and can be brewed 3-4 more times.
    At the same time, the drink will not lose its taste, aroma and useful properties!
  6. You can drink Ivan-tea with currants both hot and cold.
  7. Have a nice tea!

Both currants and ivan tea separately are wonderful sources of vitamins and other useful substances. And their combination creates the basis for a healthy drink of rich color and taste with a pleasant aroma.

Beneficial features

Fragrant and delicious Ivan tea, supplemented with currant leaves, is capable of:

  • Replenish the lack of minerals and vitamins.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Help you recover faster from infections and colds.
  • Accelerate the cure for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
  • Maintain vision in old age.
  • Improve brain activity.
  • Maintain cardiovascular health.
  • Avoid the development of diabetes mellitus or help treat it.
  • Remove stones from the bladder and kidneys.
  • Improve metabolic processes.


The drink should not be taken in case of individual intolerance to any of its components. Also contraindications to the use of ivan tea, supplemented with currant leaves, include a hyperacid form of gastritis, hepatitis and a tendency to thrombosis.

Vitamin and trace element composition

A drink made from currants and narrow-leaved fireweed is especially rich in ascorbic acid, but also contains vitamins K, PP, A and group B. Among the micro- and macroelements, this tea contains a large dose of iron, phosphorus and potassium. Copper, sulfur and silver are also present in currant leaves.

Cooking method

Ivan tea leaves begin to be harvested from the end of May and harvested during the entire flowering period. The collected leaves are left to sag for several hours so that they become softer. They are then either rolled by hand or minced with a meat grinder to release juice from their leaves. The raw material is put into a container with an enamel coating with a layer of 10-15 mm and left for fermentation. As soon as the leaves change their smell and darken, they are dried in the oven, oven or dryer.

Collecting currant leaves is carried out in good weather in June - after flowering, but before the appearance of fruits.You need to pluck medium intact leaves. Dry them by spreading them out on a cloth or paper, in a shaded place until the leaves become brittle. You need to store a mixture of willow tea and currant leaves in hermetically sealed glass jars.

Ivan tea with currants will delight not only with its taste and aroma, but also strengthen the immune system

Tea brewing method

The raw material is placed in the teapot, counting 1 teaspoon for each cup of drink. The tea leaves are filled with water, not brought to a boil (temperature up to 90 degrees). The kettle is closed and left for 15-30 minutes. The tea leaves can be reused up to 4 times. In addition, such tea can be drunk chilled, since it can stand for 1-2 days and will not lose its usefulness and taste.

The currant bush is a popular plant prized primarily for its amazingly tasty and aromatic berries. But not everyone knows that its green leaves are no less valuable and saturated with useful substances. What properties they have, and whether tea from currant leaves is beneficial and harmful, let us consider in more detail.

Currant leaves are not much inferior to plant fruits in terms of the amount of biologically active substances and mineral salts. This is a real storehouse of magnesium, lead, sulfur, silver, copper ... They have been used for a long time as a preventive and therapeutic agent in the fight against many diseases.

Vitamin C present in the leaves acts strong antioxidant, which protects the cells of the body with weakened immunity and prevents aging. That is why currant tea is a real salvation in the autumn-winter period during exacerbation of seasonal epidemics, since it is a storehouse of vitamins that are so necessary for the body. In the fight against inflammatory processes, it is not inferior to drug treatment.

Phytoncides help:

  • deal with colds;
  • recover from illnesses;
  • relieve hoarseness and lower the temperature.

Elderly people appreciate currant leaves for their ability to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. Tea with currant leaves cleanses blood vessels well, restores their elasticity. The broth stimulates mental activity and helps to maintain mental clarity.

Taking this drink can help lower blood pressure naturally. Tea promotes the elimination of uric acid, which is important for the development of rheumatism and gout.

According to research by scientists, the substances contained in this product are capable of neutralizing dysentery bacillus. Tea currant decoctions enhance the effect of antibiotics. Doctors of Tibet advise to use tea with black currant in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and urinary diseases.

The main advantage of currant leaves is that valuable substances are completely preserved in a dried state. Therefore, in winter, on their basis, it is possible to brew aromatic healthy tea.

The benefits of currant leaf tea

A decoction of currant foliage is a traditional remedy known among the people, it is a natural stimulant. The presence of essential oils in the leaves makes the drink prepared from them healing and unusually aromatic.

Tea affects:

  • increased appetite;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

Due to its diaphoretic action, blackcurrant tea effective in renal diseases... It helps to get rid of puffiness without much difficulty.

Scientists have been studying the healing properties of currant tea for a long time. Recent studies have shown that currant green tea is used to prevent cancer and Alzheimer's disease. It is prescribed for diabetes mellitus.

Decoctions from the leaves of this plant are widely used in cosmetology.... They are added to baths to combat skin diseases, they wipe the face, and are used when bathing babies. It is noticed that the decoction is effective in diathesis.

Currant leaves: contraindications

Despite the fact that currant tea has been tested for centuries by traditional medicine, planning to use it for a long period, you should consult a doctor, since in some cases there are contraindications:

  • with high acidity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of individual signs of intolerance;
  • with high blood clotting.

The leaf broth is allergic. For this reason, it should be used with caution in children and pregnant women. If the expectant mother has a need to take herbal tea so that to reduce attacks of toxicosis, it is better to drink the broth in small portions.

Currant foliage tea recipes

To obtain a healing drink, the leaves of the plant are brewed both in pure form and as an additive to green tea. Dried currant leaves are added to ready-made herbal teas and herbal preparations.

To get a fragrant and tasty drink, dried leaves are placed in a teapot at the rate of one teaspoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. Ideally, it is better to use hot water, which has reached 90 ° C, rather than boiling water for brewing. This will preserve the healing properties of the dried plant, allowing them to open up. Infuse the drink for 15-30 minutes. Drink it warm or chilled.

To obtain a complex effect, currant leaves are combined with other herbs that have beneficial properties. A striking example of this is a drink made from ivan tea with the addition of currant foliage. He is capable of:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • remove stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  • accelerate the cure of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • improve brain activity.

Such a two-component tea will be a good remedy for atherosclerosis and hypertension, and will also help in the fight against gout. Pectins and tannins present in Ivan tea can eliminate heartburn, constipation and restore microflora imbalance.

The presence of the natural component of chlorophyll in the plant makes it a universal wound-healing agent that activates granulation and promotes the early epithelialization of damaged areas of the mucous membrane and skin.

Since ivan tea with currants contains a large amount of essential oils, the beneficial properties of the brewed drink last up to three days. It can be consumed both cold and warmed.

Narrow-leaved fireweed, or Ivan tea, as many call it, has been known in Russia for many centuries. This plant has long been used to prepare a tasty and healthy drink. Now many residents of our country return to their origins and remember traditional herbal natural drinks and ancient recipes for their preparation. But, unfortunately, residents of megalopolises cannot prepare willow-herb leaves themselves.

Ivan tea recipes are various. Drinks made from narrow-leaved fireweed will delight everyone, without exception. So, for example, green tea lovers will appreciate the bright taste and aroma of fermented willow tea.

For such a drink, the leaves are harvested at a special time - during the period of active flowering of fireweed. Fermentation of Ivan tea occurs as follows: the leaves crumple or curl, as a result of which their original state is disturbed. From them juice is released, which is rich in vitamins and enzymes. That is why fermented tea is more aromatic, healthy and has a richer aroma.

These traditional processing methods allow not only preserving, but also increasing the beneficial substances that fireweed contains. ... In the production of fermented willow tea, artificial preservatives are not used, thereby all the natural properties of the product are independently and maximally revealed.

Fermented ivan tea with currants Is not just a drink, but a storehouse of useful elements for the whole organism!

Ivan tea contains a large amount of vitamin C in its leaf, which is an excellent antioxidant. It helps the body fight diseases, helps resist colds and viral infections. And also this vitamin charges with vivacity and energy for a long time. Vitamin C helps to restore strength, beat hangovers and maintain youth and beauty.

In addition to vitamin C, fireweed is famous for its high content of copper and iron. These elements are essential for our body at any age.

In the winter and autumn seasons, when colds become more frequent, Ivan tea is recommended for adults and children as a means to increase immunity.

They are rich in tannins, mineral salts of copper, manganese and magnesium, in addition, black currant is famous for its high content of vitamin C. This vitamin is an excellent antioxidant. It helps the body fight diseases, helps resist colds and viral infections. And also, this vitamin charges us with vigor and energy for a long time.

Drinks with black currant leaves help to cope with bronchitis, sore throat and acute respiratory viral infections, restore strength after long-term diseases, and prevent premature aging. Currant leaves are especially useful for aged people, since this plant is able to support the brain, the correct rhythm of the cardiovascular system and help maintain vision. Homeopaths claim that currant leaves, due to their composition, are able to fight cancer.

Replace your morning coffee with a portion of fragrant fermented willow tea with willow tea flowers and you will soon notice the difference. The body will get stronger and you will feel more invigorated, but not because of caffeine, but because of the nutrients that will come to you in the right quantities.



Altai Bouquet (Barnaul)

In detail

Fermented Ivan tea with currants has a bright aroma with a tart note and a pleasant honey aftertaste. The refreshing drink not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also quickly restores weakened immunity. Fermented tea can be consumed both hot and cold: it is equally tasty and healthy! A hot drink warms up in winter, while iced tea is refreshing in summer.