How to brew fennel for adults and children? Prepare an infusion of fennel seeds. Tea with fennel helps in the treatment of diabetes

14.08.2019 Lean dishes

The problem of intestinal colic in newborns is known to many parents. The reason is the imperfection of the digestive system of infants, as well as the "acquaintance" with new products and methods of nutrition. To eliminate discomfort and ease the condition of the baby will help proven methods, which include fennel tea. The simple natural composition and effectiveness of such a recipe ensures the popularity of use, and our article will tell about the features of the use of fennel tea for newborns.

Causes of colic in newborns

Intestinal colic to one degree or another occurs in almost every baby, regardless of gender and individual developmental characteristics. Recognizing such states is fairly easy. The child is anxious, naughty and crying, in some cases, the attack can last a long time and is accompanied by a strong scream. Among the characteristic symptoms are bending of the legs in the knees, bloating and soreness even with light pressure.

Colic usually disappears on their own when the child reaches three to four months. In some cases, it will take about six months for the digestive system to adapt sufficiently to digest food. The frequency and duration of colic attacks is affected by the diet of a nursing mother and the individual characteristics of the body. For parents during this period, the priority is to help the baby and reduce the pain of such attacks. If there are no medical abnormalities that cause colic in the baby, the easiest and most effective way to eliminate colic is to give the child tea with fennel.

Why fennel helps with colic

The healing properties of this plant to normalize digestive function have been known for a long time. Fennel contains a valuable substance - inulin, which helps digest food and the production of digestive enzymes. That is why fennel tea is useful for both adults and children. Regular use will help get rid of colic, as well as provide additional benefits.

What else is fennel useful for children:

  • Promotes the absorption of nutrients from foods.
  • Strengthens bone tissue.
  • Excellent refreshing in the heat.
  • Stimulates the metabolism in the body.
  • Strengthens the immune system with regular use.
  • Soothes the nervous system, promotes healthy sleep.

Most pediatricians recommend the use of fennel tea for newborns. Such a drink will perfectly replace water, improving the process of digesting food. It is useful to give the child such a drink and as a preventive measure, because the natural composition and excellent digestibility contribute to the “training” of the digestive organs. Such tea should also be used by nursing mothers to prevent constipation, as well as to increase lactation.

The beneficial properties of tea with fennel are discussed in detail in the attached video.

How to make fennel tea

The range of modern children's products offers many options for ready-made mixtures for improving digestion in children containing fennel, for example, the widely known colic tea Hippwith fennel, Heinz (Heinz), tea fennel for newborns Grandma’s Lukoshkoother.

However, many mothers use exclusively independently prepared decoctions to be sure of the quality and safety of such teas for the baby. Cooking on the basis of fennel is not so difficult, especially using our proven recipes.

How to make tea with fennel for newborns:

  1. On a glass of boiling water, you need to take 2-3 grams of fennel seeds, crushed in any way convenient for you (in a coffee grinder, mortar, blender). Insist for at least half an hour, then strain and give the baby after feeding.
  2. Pour about 5 grams of fennel seeds or leaves into a glass of water and bring to a boil. Boil for at least five minutes, then insist in a thermos or closed container for about an hour. Give the child a warm strained broth.
  3. The stems and dried leaves of fennel can also be used for brewing. To do this, chopped mixture (tablespoon), brew a glass of boiling water and insist for about an hour. A filtered broth can be given to the baby from colic.

Tea from fennel for newborns helps relieve the child of intestinal colic, and also helps to strengthen immunity. This healing plant has long been known for its unique properties, especially as a carminative. Features of making tea with fennel at home, as well as basic recipes, are given in our information.


Greetings, everyone on mine. Today I’ll tell you about fennel tea.

Fennel - even the ancient Greeks noticed and used the properties of a wonderful herb in liberation from a variety of ailments. By the way, his second name - "plant marathon" - he owes it to the Greeks. Since then, fennel has remained a plant of success.

The ancient Saxons fennel was included in the list of nine sacred herbs that eliminate the nine root causes of disease. In the people, the grass is also called pharmaceutical dill and is used for a variety of purposes. Most often they use it in the form of tea broth.

A bit of history

A kind of "ode" to Fennel tea was written and published in Prague in the distant 1563 by P. A. Matiol, the court physician of Ferdinand I. The treatise was called "The Power and Effect of Fennel."

In the work, he cited all the healing properties of the plant known at that time, which are still recognized and find application in scientific medicine, homeopathy, and very widely in traditional medicine.

If we shift the work into a modern language, we get the following:

fennel helps with inflammation of the eyes, nervous anxiety, bloating, indigestion, insufficient lactation. Fennel tea is especially good for coughing, asthma and whooping cough, lung diseases and headaches.

Let us consider in more detail where and what application of this miracle plant will be indispensable.

Fennel tea for newborns.

The drink for the child, first of all, should be pleasant to the taste, otherwise the baby will simply refuse to drink it. Tea made from fennel will appeal to all children, without exception, it is very tasty

In addition, its use will perfectly strengthen the child’s immune and nervous systems, eliminate a very unpleasant and common phenomenon in infants from the first days of life - gas formation and intestinal colic

The natural natural ingredients that make up tea make all digestive processes normal. The intestinal muscles relax, the cramps go away.

In pharmacies, special children's fennel tea is being sold to help parents of newborns. In its composition, to normalize the work of the intestine, the prebiotic inulin is present.

The drink does not contain sugar, preservatives or dyes. But it has a lot of useful and necessary vitamin C. If the baby is more than three months old, such tea can be given.

In addition to normalizing the processes in the gastrointestinal tract, tea contributes to the fact that calcium is absorbed by the body well, therefore, the bone system of a small person is correctly formed.

As for adults, the infusion is also good for any digestive problems: gastritis, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome. It has a mild laxative effect.

Pour boiling water on one or two teaspoons of fennel seeds with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, the tea is ready.

Fennel for weight loss.

We decided to get rid of extra pounds, and fennel will help in this matter.

If you chew fresh or dry plant seeds, your appetite will decrease significantly. In addition, the seeds will remove excess fluid from the body.

Fennel strengthens, improves the liver and pancreas, helps to process fats and sugar.

It is no secret that for any organism, diet is stress, so it is important to maintain peace of mind during such a period.

Possessing a sweet and spicy pleasant aroma, fennel tea helps to relax the nervous system and calm it down. And this is already half the success in the fight against weight.

If losing weight is not part of your plans, and it doesn’t hurt to relieve nervousness, you can safely make yourself fennel tea.

It’s easy to cook. You just need to crush about twenty grams of seeds, pour them with a glass of boiling water, put on fire and let it boil for four to five minutes. Remove from heat, insist for half an hour, and then drink, lose weight, calm down.

Fennel tea for the eyes.

Centuries ago, people firmly believed in the ability of fennel to heal from blindness. Such miracles may have happened, but we are not aware of this.

Here lotions of fennel tea are good for washing dry and sore eyes, with conjunctivitis. During a vacation in countries where the sun is especially active, when for a long time you have to be under its rays and in salty sea water, lotions from tea will be most welcome.

Burning and all painful symptoms will go away. The infusion sometimes cleanses the skin of fungal infections. Therefore, collecting luggage on the road, do not be lazy, grab a bag of dry fennel in a suitcase, it will help you out more than once.

It will be enough to pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, allow them to cool and rinse their eyes or apply cotton swabs for five to ten minutes.

Fennel for women's health.

Traditional medicine, from time immemorial, used infusions from fennel to normalize the woman’s cycle and increase the flow of milk from a nursing mother. “Is this also true?” You ask. Imagine yes!

Numerous studies have confirmed these plant properties. The thing is that it acts like female sex hormones - estrogens, due to which lactation and the female cycle are regulated during the use of fennel infusion.

Fennel tea is made by brewing one or two small spoons of seeds in a glass of boiling water. With insufficient milk production, a woman is recommended to drink three to four glasses.

During menopause in women, which is also known to be associated with hormones, the drink will facilitate the course of not the most pleasant period in a woman's life.

Infusion can be used with sediment. Although there is an opinion that fennel eliminates toxicosis during pregnancy, it is worth giving up drinking this tea, or drinking it sparingly, within reasonable limits.

We drive away the flu, colds, coughs.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract can also be treated with fennel. The property of the infusion to clear the airways of mucus is used quite often.

I caught the flu by surprise, tortured a cough - make tea from five grams of crushed seeds in a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about ten minutes, cover it, strain and heal for health.

Smaller doses of the drink will serve as an excellent prevention of any cold and flu. It is enough to drink only fifty milliliters a day to always remain in service. They can also gargle with pain and hoarseness. The antimicrobial properties of the plant are on the list of its advantages.

The combination of fennel with coltsfoot, anise is a powerful expectorant, indispensable for dry bronchitis and pneumonia.

Sand, gall bladder - all this is a continuation of the list of ailments subject to fennel.

Perhaps fennel tea was once in your kitchen or you saw it on a shelf in a store. They pay almost no attention to him; they speak little and know little about him.

Tea with fennel is easily recognizable by seeds with a brownish-green hue. The saturation of the tone prevails in favor of green or brown. A long-forgotten plant was famous for its properties. Now, we will reveal its secrets, useful and harmful properties, so that a new generation of tea connoisseurs will learn more about why it is worth drinking an undeservedly forgotten and healing drink.

What is fennel?  Plant named Fennel  common people call "Dill pharmacy". It spread from the Mediterranean, finding connoisseurs around the world. It is used in cooking, medicine. The taste of the seeds is similar to anise. In its pure form or oil from them has long been used in traditional medicine of the East. In order to increase breast milk, fennel was prescribed by Greek doctors to nursing mothers.

The way to make tea with fennel is simple: you need to fill the seeds with boiling water. This will make it possible for essential oils to enter the water, saturating the drink with useful substances.

What is in the composition?

What is the use of fennel tea? The usual dill for us contains:

  • vitamins of group A;
  • complex B, C, D;
  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • and other compounds.

Some of them stimulate digestive systemother increase immunityaffect the condition organ of vision. In India and China, it was used even for treatment after venomous snake bites. In order to strengthen the body, it was used by Olympic athletes in ancient Greece. From what has been said, it becomes clear that fennel must be present in our diet.

16 Benefits of Fennel Tea

Let us consider in more detail the effect of fennel on humans.

  1. Improves the digestive tract

    The ability of dill seeds to relax muscles, stimulate the outflow of bile provides a reduction in pain, improving the quality of digestion of food. A simple spice allows you to remove gases, affecting the deliverance of a person from flatulence. The studies of Persian scholars speak in favor of this. Being a source of fiber, fennel normalizes the work of the small and large intestines. An additional plus is the stimulation of blood circulation in the digestive organs, which also positively affects the process of digestion of food. Numerous evidence points to the use of dill in irritable bowel syndrome.

  2. Contributes to weight loss

    Improving the digestive tract allows you to improve the absorption of food by the body, and, therefore, facilitate the work of the digestive system. This has a positive effect on the replenishment of organs and systems with useful substances and weight loss. It is recommended when cleansing the body of toxins, while removing excess water from the cells, to reduce hunger.  The glucose lowering property is good for diabetics.

  3. Respiratory Disease Treatment

    In Egypt, fennel has been used for centuries as a cure for the treatment of colds. It is effective for the upper respiratory tract, with a runny nose. With spasms of the respiratory system, the plant helps to reduce their intensity, to strengthen the removal of sputum from the bronchi. Studies in Ontario Veterinary College show a decrease in the incidence of colds in horses. The data of Portuguese researchers also confirm the effectiveness of fennel in bronchitis and chronic cough.

  4. Strengthens the cardiovascular system

    Influencing the quality of food assimilation, dill normalizes the liver, which destroys bad cholesterol, thereby improving heart function. Fiber protects against cholesterol reabsorption, while preventing heart disease. The presence of potassium in the composition affects the effect of sodium, which has a positive effect on blood pressure and the prevention of hypertension.

  5. Strengthens the immune system

    Ascorbic acid and selenium in fennel is involved in the body's immune responses. Antimicrobial properties provide cell resistance, enhancing protection against the negative effects of microorganisms.

  6. Used to improve vision.

    Fennel seed extracts use in the treatment of glaucoma. Tea from it is used as a tonic, drops, compress. Iranian scientists studying this issue respond well to the effect on the organ of vision. The presence of vitamin WITH  useful because of the high metabolic rate in the eyes. The University of Oregon has published information according to which dill extract is a source of such an amount of vitamin C that covers the need for it for the eyes of people using contact lenses. This reduces the risk of cataracts. In general, an important organ and all its structures under the action of funds from fennel seeds are strengthened and become resistant to inflammatory processes.

  7. Normalizes hormonal balance

    Studies by Italian scientists suggest that natural fennel phytoestrogens provide a balance of hormones in the human body. US studies confirm their effectiveness in therapy for polycystic ovary  in women about to become pregnant. This tea also normalizes the hormone progesterone, which is important for problems with the thyroid gland and other glands.

  8. Relieves Arthritis Symptoms

    This fact is due to the antioxidant properties of the plant, affecting the reduction of the inflammatory process. The information is confirmed by studies of Iranian scientists.

  9. The benefits of fennel tea for women

    Dill relieves painful cramps, helps get rid of weakness, nausea during this period. The statement is confirmed by Iranian scientists who have conducted numerous studies of this problem.

  10. Strengthens the gums

    Being an antimicrobial agent, dill pharmacy has a therapeutic effect in case of inflammation in the oral cavity.

  11. The mild laxative property of dill tea helps to remove worms and their eggs from the body. The ability to euthanize worms, according to some studies, prevents their reproduction.

  12. Tea with fennel helps in the treatment of diabetes

    An Indian study found that fennel is among the top ten products that alleviate the condition of diabetics. It does not have starch, which affects the low glycemic index. According to other sources, only a glass of dill tea lowers the level of glucose in the blood of rats with deviations similar to humans. The presence of a high concentration of vitamin C and other substances is effective for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and in their formation of a dietary menu. The sensitivity of potassium to insulin, the presence of magnesium, is also useful for diabetics. Scientists at the University of Maryland conducted a study on a group of 2,000 people. As a result, it was found that normalizing the amount of magnesium in your diet prevents the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  13. Reduces the risk of cancer

    This fact is confirmed by American scientists in studies of the prostate gland. The multicomponent composition, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the transformation of human body cells into malignant. The biologically active components contained in the plant also affect this. quercetinpossessing anticancer activity. This contributes to the powerful content of fiber. A report by a representative of the University of Tennessee talks about suppressing the growth of cancer cells in the lungs, large intestine, and restricting the activity of the protein, which is responsible for many inflammatory processes, including cancer. An antitumor effect is noted in relation to cancer cells of the liver and mammary gland. Fiber and vitamins also help with the risk of colorectal cancer.

  14. The benefits of fennel tea for men

    Fennel improves the sexual qualities of men, prolongs orgasm. In addition, it alleviates the condition in case of problems with the genitourinary system.

  15. Acne treatment

    The presence of essential oils (anethole, myrcene, limonene) in the composition has an anti-inflammatory effect, which was evaluated by cosmetologists in the treatment of skin diseases, in particular acne. In addition, fennel removes water from the skin, which stimulates the appearance of blackheads.

Important!Before you start taking tea from fennel for children, it is best to consult a pediatrician.


Consider the dosage options for tea with fennel, recommended for daily use: an acceptable dose for a person - 5 -7 grams per day, brewed in the form of tea. Exceeding the dosage of 500 mg per kilogram can lead to loss of appetite and piloerection.

Fennel Tea with Caraway and Coriander


  • 1.5 cups of water;
  • 2 small spoons of fennel seeds, coriander, caraway seeds.

Cooking rules

  1. pour seeds into hot water;
  2. cover the container, leaving for 5 minutes;
  3. strain and drink.

Tea with fennel and mint


  • 2 small spoons of peppermint;
  • Half a small spoon of dill.

Cooking rules

  1. grind the mixture;
  2. add hot water;
  3. cover, leave for 5 minutes;
  4. strain, drink.

Tea with fennel and ginger


  • 2 small spoons of fennel seeds;
  • one spoonful of fresh ginger and dry lemon verbena.


    grind the seeds to form an oily substance;

  1. pour into a container, add water, heat 90 degrees;
  2. languish for 10 minutes;
  3. cool and drink.

Where to buy tea from fennel

Natural fennel tea is sold in online stores and pharmacies. Convenient packaging in bags makes cooking easier, because you don’t have to filter it and monitor the dosage.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Like any product, fennel, in addition to useful properties, also has contraindications, ignorance of which can harm the human body. Among them are the following:

  • individual intolerance. People allergic to carrots, wormwood, celery, also belonging to the family Umbrellas, are at risk of allergies to fennel. Characteristic symptoms include dizziness, swelling of the face, shortness of breath;
  • risk of burns. The use of dill tea increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun, which can lead to burns;
  • undesirable effects for pregnant women. Women "in position" are at risk of bleeding, miscarriage. It should be carefully used by nursing mothers;
  • use with caution to children. According to one of the sources of information, there was a case when 2 babies were injured after using the described drug. To prevent such an incident, it is important to consult a doctor before taking;
  • negative effect on the endocrine system. If a person has a disease associated with the endocrine system, the use of fennel tea should be avoided due to the high concentration of phytoestrogens of plant origin.

Drug Interactions

Fennel tea when used together with certain medicines may interfere with their metabolism. These include drugs containing ciprofloxacin, fluoroquinolones. In this case, tea should be avoided or withstand a break of at least 2 hours.


Fennel tea is a healthy, affordable, easy-to-use product. It has many advantages, but before use it is important to take into account the particular effects of the plant on the human body.

Sometimes, everything simple can be special and take its rightful place on a shelf in the kitchen cabinet.

What else is useful?

After birth, babies need a reverent and respectful attitude, and sometimes pharmacy support. All mothers know that the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract is sterile and bacteria that cause pain and colic immediately begin to enter. Tea with fennel comes to the rescue, the usual “dill water”.

Beneficial features

Fennel is a medicinal plant from the celery family, which has been actively used in ancient Greece. It is often called sweet dill. It has healing properties and contains the necessary components for the body: rutin, carotene, anethole, essential oils, ascorbic acid. Fennel seeds contain essential vitamins and minerals.

Tea strengthens the immune system and the nervous system, normalizes digestion, helps to absorb the calcium necessary for the formation of the skeletal system and relieves your baby from pain, cramping, colic and bloating.

Tea also has a therapeutic effect, it helps with diseases of the respiratory tract, cleansing them of mucus. Fennel is an effective expectorant, suitable for the prevention of colds.

Terms of use

Tea belongs to the methods of traditional medicine. Despite the apparent simplicity and harmlessness of dill broth, you should be aware of the rules for its preparation and use.

How to brew

  • crush a teaspoon of fennel seeds, pour 1 cup boiling water;
  • cover the tea leaves and leave to brew for 50-60 minutes;
  • the resulting drink must be filtered from seeds and diluted with boiled water (200 milliliters).

Do not add sugar, honey or other products to tea, it will lose its beneficial properties.

You can buy ready-made custard bags, which are very convenient to use. The brewing process occurs in the same way as regular tea bags. The granules contained in paper packaging dissolve very quickly.

From what age

Colic is a problem of newborn children, so it can be given to a child from almost the first days of life. Ready-made formulations are sold in the pharmacy; on the box, the manufacturer indicates the age of the child from whom it can be used.

How much to give

A drink made from fennel is considered safe for the baby, but it is worth giving it reasonably, because too large dosages can cause allergic reactions and digestive disorders. For the first dose, it is recommended to start with 1 teaspoon to look at the body's response to the decoction. Further, the dosage rises to 3-6 tablespoons. Up to a year, a child can drink no more than 50 milliliters of tea per day, and from a year, the permitted dose is 100-200 milliliters. And to this dose you also need to go gradually.

When to drink

Fennel tea can be offered to the child in between meals as water. You can also drink 40-50 minutes before feeding, 20-30 minutes after.

How to choose tea

Tea for newborns should not contain sugar and other flavors.


The composition of this product includes only fennel seeds, it can be given to the baby after a month. Hipp does not contain sugar and additives that can cause allergies in the baby. The product comes in the form of sachets that are convenient to brew.

Grandma’s Lukoshko

This herbal tea can also be given from a month old. It will relieve colic and swelling, it is applicable as a mild laxative, therefore, it is important to observe the correct dosage, according to the age of your baby.


It dissolves quickly and contains not only fennel, but also dextrose. It can be given to children from one month. Up to a year, it is better to dissolve one spoon in 100 milliliters of water, after 12 months you can brew 2 teaspoons.

Humana (Humana)

A product that includes not only fennel, but also caraway seeds. It is given to children over one month old. Tea is sold in packaging, but in the form of a loose mixture, without separation into bags. It should be steamed in a proportion of 1 teaspoon per 100 grams of boiling water. A pack of tea should be enough for 50 servings. Cumin, maltodextrin and lactose are present. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the reaction of the body and start taking it with minimal doses.


You can not take tea with individual intolerance. Allergies are extremely rare. Also, it is worth abandoning the product for epilepsy.

For several years, fennel tea has been very popular with breastfeeding mothers.

This drink is not only useful for the body of a woman, but also for babies. Many of our compatriots consider the infusion and tea with fennel to be a real elixir of health, since this is the best preventive measure against many ailments.

It is likely that this is just an ordinary desire to wishful thinking, to find a truly unique medicine that could cure all ailments. Scientists claim that the plant and tea with it is able to really fight many diseases.


From this article you will learn:

Today, more and more people are of the opinion that drugs based on chemical compounds are very harmful to the human body. There is an opinion that they can cause very serious harm. Do not stick to the majority opinion, but rather rely on your own experience, especially when it comes to plant-based drugs.

As for tea with fennel for children, its distinguishing feature is the absence of any artificial ingredients, so that even babies can drink the drink. Tea contains a large amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, as well as all kinds of extremely useful for a growing body. The original composition is a restorative drink.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of tea with fennel are achieved only if it is regularly consumed. An extremely important aspect is that it is better to use a plant collected independently, and not its artificial analogues in the form of finished products.

  Tea with fennel seeds is often used:

  • with regular insomnia;
  • with flatulence;
  • to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the stomach;
  • to enhance the production of enzymes in the pancreas;
  • with colic in the intestine;
  • to enhance the lactation of milk in the body.

Tea with fennel has always been useful, because the drink is known for its analgesic abilities for intestinal cramps. Fennel is an effective remedy for gastritis. The plant has always been known for its mild laxative effect. Tea with fennel seeds will help the fair sex, who have irregular and painful menstruation. Even a small cup of tea can charge the body with vigor and optimism.

Brew Features

The recipe and method for brewing tea with fennel is quite simple: you need to take 1 teaspoon of the seeds of the plant and pour them with a glass of boiling water (180-200 ml). He must insist for at least 10 minutes. After filtering, the tea is ready to drink.

However, if you pin certain hopes on the drink in terms of treating ailments, then consider the following recommendations:

  • proper effect can be achieved only if it is regularly used;
  • with bloating, it is better to use an infusion;
  • when coughing, it is better to sweeten the drink with a small amount of honey;
  • the best option is to drink by analogy with ordinary tea.

Tea with fennel for weight loss

Tea has a light diuretic effect; in addition, it helps to reduce appetite, stimulate digestion. Therefore, if you follow a diet, you can drink tea with fennel.

To get rid of the desire to eat, you just need to chew the seeds of the plant in a small amount. Tea is known for its soothing ability. Experts strongly recommend adding a few leaves of lemon balm or tea.


The main contraindications of tea with fennel are quite traditional for drinks with plants:

  • pregnancy;
  • predisposition to epilepsy.
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