Cake on currant jam recipe. Currant jam cake

Cool, refreshing, beautiful and delicious black currant cake - a dessert for a festive occasion and a festive table! Three mousse layers, differing in saturation and forming a color gradient, look attractive, catchy and interesting, cleverly draw attention to themselves. The chocolate icing enhances the visual effect with appetizing smudges on the side surface, which makes the cake even more presentable.

A dense brownie cake is laid from below as a "foundation". Delicate mousses make up the bulk of the dessert, while the chocolate base only complements and supports the flimsy structure. The cake does not leave a feeling of heaviness - soft, without fatty cream and massive flour layers, it literally "melts in your mouth." A recipe for all lovers of mousse, souffle and jelly desserts, as well as for those who prefer an abundance of fillings and a minimum of cakes.


For brownie:

  • egg - 1 pc .;
  • flour - 60 g
  • butter - 60 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 30 g;
  • cocoa powder - 15 g;
  • baking powder - ½ tsp.

For the bottom (bright) layer:

  • black currant (fresh or frozen) - 150 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 180 g
  • icing sugar - 40 g;
  • powder gelatin - 6 g (+ 5 tablespoons of water).

For the middle (light) layer:

  • black currant (fresh or frozen) - 50 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 120 g;
  • mascarpone - 150 g;
  • icing sugar - 30 g;

For the top (white) layer:

  • cream 33-35% - 150 g;
  • mascarpone - 100 g;
  • icing sugar - 30 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • powder gelatin - 4 g (+ 3 tablespoons of water).

For glaze:

  • bitter chocolate - 70 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 50 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

Black currant cake recipe with photo

  1. Cooking brownie cake. Break the chocolate into wedges, throw it into a heat-resistant bowl. Next, add butter, cut into arbitrary pieces. Making a "water bath" - put a bowl on a pot / ladle with boiling water. Make sure that the liquid in the lower container does not touch the bottom of the upper container. Melt the chocolate mass, stirring all the time. We work strictly on low heat in order to prevent the chocolate from folding from overheating. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from the stove. Cool the chocolate until slightly warm.
  2. In another bowl, mix the egg with sugar. Beat with a hand whisk.
  3. Add sour cream and chilled chocolate. Stir.
  4. Mix the flour separately with cocoa powder and baking powder. For 2-3 doses, sift to the chocolate mixture. Stir until all dry areas are dissolved and a smooth, viscous mass is obtained. The dough is thick.
  5. Cover the form with a diameter of 20 cm along the bottom with parchment paper. We spread the chocolate dough and distribute it evenly over the entire area. We try to make the layer the same in thickness so that the cake is as even as possible. We send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-20 minutes. It is very important not to overdry the brownie! We check the readiness with a skewer or a toothpick. As soon as there is no raw dough on the stick, remove the cake from the oven!
  6. Cool the baked goods, remove from the mold. Put the brownies on a plate with the bottom (flat) side up. We put a high culinary ring, adjusted to the diameter of the cake. If there is no ring, you can replace it with a side from a split form - in this case, we lay a wide strip of parchment paper along the side with a margin in height (as in the recipe). Even if the top layer extends beyond the low side, the paper will hold the dessert in place.

    Bottom (bright) layer for black currant cake

  7. Pour all the currants for both the lower and middle layers (that is, 200 g) into a small saucepan. Let the frozen berries thaw completely. Grind with an immersion blender in mashed potatoes, then put on medium heat. Cook for 1-2 minutes after boiling and remove from the stove.
  8. Wipe hot currant puree through a sieve. Press with a spoon with effort, squeeze out all possible juice to the maximum. The more mashed puree is, the richer the color and taste of the finished mousse will be. Do not forget to scrape off the remaining mashed potatoes with a spoon from the back (convex) side of the sieve. The bones (cake) remaining after work are not required in the recipe - they can be used when cooking compote.
  9. Soak gelatin in 5 tablespoons of cold water. Leave to swell for 10 minutes or for the time recommended in the instructions on the package.
  10. We measure out the required portion of cold cream. Beat with powdered sugar until lightly thickened. When the relief from the rims ceases to float on the surface, we stop the mixer.
  11. Divide the cooled currant puree into two unequal parts - set aside 2 tablespoons for the next layer, and load the rest of the portion with the cream. Beat the cream until evenly colored.
  12. Place the bowl with the swollen gelatin in another bowl with hot water. By actively mixing the mass, we achieve complete dissolution of the powder. You can warm up the mass in another convenient way - on the stove using a "water bath", in the microwave. The only and mandatory condition is to prevent the composition from boiling!
  13. After cooling, pour in the dissolved gelatin in a thin stream to the creamy-currant mixture, whisking the cream continuously. We spread the gelled composition in a ring with a cake, level it. We put it in the refrigerator until the mousse "sets" (for about 1-2 hours).

    Medium (light) layer for black currant cake

  14. As soon as the first mousse hardens, prepare the next one. Whip a portion of cold cream for a light layer with powder until thickened. Soak gelatin in 3 tablespoons of cold water, leave to swell. Add the mascarpone and the remaining portion of grated black currant to the whipped cream.
  15. Beat lightly at the lowest speed - just until the ingredients are combined into an evenly colored cream.
  16. We warm up the gelatin, as for the previous mousse. Pour into the cream with continuous, but short beating. We spread the mass on the frozen mousse, level it. We return the dessert to the refrigerator until the new layer has set.

    Top (white) layer for black currant cake

  17. After waiting for the next solidification, we form the final layer. Whip cold cream with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Soak gelatin in water again.
  18. Add mascarpone to the creamy mass, beat slightly.
  19. Warming up the swollen gelatin and cooling it down, pour it into the white cream, working with a mixer. We spread the white layer, level the surface and send it to the refrigerator until it finally solidifies.
  20. With the blade of a knife, carefully draw in a circle. Remove the ring from the finished dessert.

    Frosting for black currant cake

  21. Melt the chocolate with butter for the glaze in a "water bath" (proceed as in step 1 when making a brownie cake). Heat the cream until hot and pour it into the melted chocolate mass. Mix the glaze vigorously, cool at room temperature.
  22. Apply the cooled chocolate mixture to the cake, gently nudging the icing along the edge with a spoon to create smudges on the side surface. We put the dessert in the refrigerator. As soon as the chocolate crust hardens, you can decorate the top with berries and start drinking tea.
  23. The cake with black currants is ready! Beautiful and whole, and in the context, the dessert tempts with its appetizing appearance!

Have a nice tea!

Every year for my birthday I make a cake with berries, but I never know in advance which ones. On the one hand, during this period there are many different berries, but on the other, it is not always possible to buy what you want. So this year, too: initially a cake with raspberries was planned, but due to the cold weather, it was not possible to collect the required number of berries for the cake. I went to the market, saw a black currant, bought it and decided to make a cake with it. Several years ago, I was making a cake with two types of currants, and then everyone really liked it, so I had no doubt about the taste of the cake.

The cake with black currants turns out to be light: a tender biscuit soaked in currant juice with liqueur, a creamy layer and jelly with currants - just a heavenly delight!

We will prepare the necessary products from the list for the cake.

Let's start making the cake with a biscuit. Recently, I deviated from the classics and began to cook a biscuit with yogurt. In a bowl, mix dry ingredients: sift the cocoa flour, add salt, sugar and baking soda.

Melt butter in a ladle, cool, add vegetable oil, yogurt and egg to it. To stir thoroughly.

Add liquid ingredients in portions to the dry mixture, stirring with a spoon.

Stir the dough until smooth.

At the very end, add vinegar to the dough.

Lay the bottom of the mold with parchment and pour out the dough. My form has a diameter of 22 cm, but in this case you can take 24-25 cm.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the biscuit for 40 minutes, until a dry match. When pressed from above, the biscuit should spring.

Cool the sponge cake on a wire rack, turning the form upside down.

Next, the biscuit needs to be soaked. Any syrup, compote or juice will do. I have a liquid mass of black currant, grated with sugar, to which I added a little berry liqueur. I did not take out the biscuit from the mold.

Pour gelatin with 60 ml of cold boiled water and leave for 15 minutes. Then dissolve in a water bath and allow to cool. In the bowl of the food processor, beat the cream and sugar until thickened. Without stopping the combine, introduce the gelatinous mass.

Pour the creamy mass onto the biscuit and put in the refrigerator to set. My mass froze in an hour.

For pouring the top layer, you can use ready-made jelly or prepare a concentrated compote. I used ready-made jelly as there were few berries. Dissolve a pack of jelly in a glass of hot water, stir thoroughly and cool.

Rinse and dry the currants, cut off the antennae at the tips of the berries. Arrange the berries on top of the creamy layer.

Put the cooled jelly in the refrigerator so that it grabs a little, otherwise it can simply seep through the mold and ruin not only the cake, but also the refrigerator. Pour the jelly that has begun to harden over the berries, preferably with a tablespoon, so that the entire surface is evenly covered.

Remove the cake with black currant in the refrigerator until it solidifies. Before serving, walk along the edge of the form with a sharp knife, remove the ring and carefully move the biscuit onto a plate. Serve the cake directly to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

Bright, delicate and aromatic mousse cake with black currant

Some housewives hesitate to prepare mousse cakes, considering them very difficult. In fact, making mousse desserts is not as difficult as it sounds. The classic mousse cake consists of a sponge or shortbread crust, a mousse layer and a coating. We offer you a recipe for a cake with black currant mousse. This cake is not only very tasty and healthy, it is also very beautiful. Black currant makes the dessert bright without any dyes.

For the cake:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 80 g
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • Baking powder - 1/2 tsp

For mousse:

  • Black currant - 300 g
  • Sugar - 140 g
  • Cream 35% - 200 ml
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g
  • White chocolate - 50 g
  • Gelatin - 10 g

For glaze:

  • Gelatin - 5 g

Step 1: Beat eggs with sugar

Beat eggs with a mixer. Add sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat until the mass expands.

Step 2: add flour

Mix flour with baking powder and sift through a sieve. Add flour to the dough, stirring gently from bottom to top.

Step 3: bake the cake

Cover the form with parchment paper. Pour the dough into a mold. Bake the biscuit for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool the finished biscuit.

Step 4: melt the white chocolate

Melt the white chocolate in a water bath.

Step 5: Prepare the currant puree for the mousse and glaze

Put the currants with sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Pour the syrup through a sieve and rub the berries. 3-4 tbsp Set aside the puree for the glaze.

Step 6: Soak the Gelatin

Pour gelatin with 3 tablespoons. cold water and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Step 7: prepare the mousse

Add gelatin to the currant puree. Heat the puree, but do not bring to a boil. Cool it down. Add cottage cheese and white chocolate to the puree. Whisk everything. Whisk the chilled cream separately and gently add to the currant mass. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Step 8: spread the mousse on a biscuit base

Place the biscuit base in a mold. Put currant mousse on the cake, smooth. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Step 9: prepare the icing

Soak the gelatin. Combine currant puree and swollen gelatin. Warm up well and cool. Pour the icing over the frozen surface of the cake and refrigerate overnight.
Even currant mousse cake is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Blackcurrant mousse cake turns out to be very tasty, delicate, airy and fragrant. The dessert looks very bright. You will not need dyes, we will do everything ourselves. Such a cake will definitely cheer you up. You can cook it at any time of the year, without waiting for the season of fresh berries, as you can use frozen currants.

Such an uncomplicated cake has several analogues in various parts of the world, although it is most famous among the post-Soviet population. When, during the years of perestroika, food disappeared from store shelves, mothers and grandmothers, trying to diversify the menu and please household members with inaccessible sweets, baked such a miracle. Who came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bbaking jam cake - history is silent, but in the mid-90s it was a very popular dessert.

What is the name of the black currant cake?

As soon as it was renamed: "Currant" and "Negritenok", "Black broker" and "Five minutes for tea" - the essence remained the same: dark layers of the cake, smeared with cream and sprinkled with nuts on the sides, cooking in a matter of minutes and inimitable taste.

Some replaced black currants in the cake recipe for blueberries, mulberries or even bird cherry - after all, currants were not available to everyone, and they wanted to keep the cake's identification mark (color). This is how new versions and interpretations were born, names changed, but the dessert did not lose its originality and availability. Any jam is taken from the cake, it can even be a little fermented or candied - everything will fit and will not spoil the taste at all, thanks to the magical effect of soda.

Ingredients for the cake

For the test:

  • Blackcurrant jam - 1 glass.
  • Kefir, sour cream or fermented baked milk - 1 glass.
  • Three eggs.
  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.

In some recipes, an inadequate amount of soda is indicated: a tablespoon is too much, so much is not needed. The dough will acquire a characteristic "soda" taste, which will spoil the overall impression.

Preparation: a step by step recipe with a photo

The cake is prepared quickly, quite easily, but it turns out to be very tasty and unusual in appearance.

Pour jam into a deep bowl, add sugar and soda, mix. The mass will begin to bubble, hiss and increase in size - we are not afraid: this is how it should be, this is the interaction of jam acid and soda alkali. Isn't it a chemistry lesson?

After ten minutes, add eggs whipped with a blender to the sweet mass, mix slightly and add the sifted flour. Knead the dough until smooth, being careful not to delay the process, and pour it into a greased silicone baking dish. Send the form to the preheated oven (200 degrees) and bake until tender, on average 30-40 minutes, checking the readiness with a wooden toothpick: pierce the dough with it to the bottom and touch it with your hands - if dry, then the cake layers are ready. At the same time, it is better not to open the oven for the first twenty minutes so that the dough does not settle.

Also, there is no need to rush to get the cake out of the oven and from the mold - let it stand with the door open for 15 minutes, then the same amount in the mold.

Allow the cake blank to cool, then cut it lengthwise with a sharp knife into two thin layers, grease them with cream, fold on top of each other. Coat the top and sides of the black currant cake with the remains of the cream, you can sprinkle with crushed walnuts, peanuts or cookie crumbs.

Cake cream

Po with black currant can be impregnated with several types of cream:

Even without cream, just in the form of a cake sprinkled with powdered sugar, this uncomplicated miracle dessert is very good with freshly brewed tea or fragrant compote of dried fruits.

How to decorate?

In the photo, the cake with black currants looks very creative, especially if decorated accordingly. Cover the top with chocolate icing and melted white chocolate, paint curls, or make a fun lettering.

You can sprinkle it with almond petals or chocolate chips, mixed with finely chopped dried fruits - it will be incredibly tasty and unusual. If the cream for the cake is used from cream, then feel free to plant the flowers from it, only slightly tint the cream with food dyes.

Also, for decoration, you can use pieces of marmalade, fresh fruit, lined with a pattern, or, if there is no time or mood, just cover the sides and top with broken cookies. There is plenty of room for creativity, since spoiling the cake is quite difficult.

Photo of a cake with black currant in a cut

The characteristic dark color of soft cakes (they look like buttery biscuit) looks rather unusual if you have never met this type of dough.

It is clearly seen that it is not cocoa that gives the color, so initially the cake is discouraging - why is it of such a shade? It is also not always clear to the taste which ingredient gives the unusual taste and berry note. Imagine the surprise of inexperienced confectioners when they find out that the main constituent product is black currant jam.

So, let's knead the dough and bake the cakes.
Put the egg and sugar in a deep form,

Beat everything until smooth. I do it straight with a regular fork, for 2-3 minutes. I like the result very much.

Next, pour the jam. Of course, it can be replaced with something else, but it seems to me that this cake should contain only black currant jam with such a slight sourness.

Then pour the soda into a glass with kefir, it is better to take fatter kefir. Let stand for 2 minutes.

And pour the contents of the glass into the mold.

And there remains flour, it is not necessary to sift it, the cake will learn and so magnificent.

Mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be a little thick.

Pour the dough onto a greased baking sheet.

The crust can sometimes stick pretty well to the bottom, so I would advise you to put baking paper on the bottom of the form so that you can easily reach the crust.

We put a baking sheet in a preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees or until tender.

Take the finished cake out of the oven, let it cool slightly and cut into two parts and form a cake.

Preparing the cream.
Mix sour cream with 1 glass of sugar.

We spread the bottom cake and cream on it.

Spread the cream evenly. Leave the cream literally 1 tablespoon to grease the top.
And cover everything with the top cake and grease it with cream.
You can sprinkle everything on top, for example, with chocolate, which I will do, sprinkle the top of the cake with bitter chocolate.

We put the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to soak. And we serve it to the table.

The cake turns out to be airy, fluffy, very tasty and always in demand!

And it's quick and easy to cook!
Thank you for your attention, I wish you many new and delicious recipes.

Time for preparing: PT01H10M 1 h. 10 min.

Estimated Serving Cost: 120 RUB