Sour cream dessert with gelatin recipe. Sour cream jelly - recipe

04.02.2024 Beverages

Hello, dear readers. It turns out that I was very modest by assigning the title to myself. My wife, having tasted sour cream jelly with fruit and succumbed to the magical spell of the fruit dessert, made an official statement that I am a little bit of a culinary god.

And he created a miracle out of literally nothing. Maybe this is true, of course. She knows better. But the fact that the jelly is really very tasty and impeccable in all respects is not subject to any doubt. I will try to convince you of this now. Or should you not do this? I'm sure you can guess the perfection from sour cream.

Close your eyes and... imagine the heat. All living things hide from the scorching rays of the sun under any object that casts a shadow. Droplets of sweat roll down from your temples. You walk into your home and immediately plan a route to the life-saving refrigerator.

Having opened it, your heat-weary gaze falls on a saucer on which snow-white jelly is trembling with coolness like a snow-white pyramid, and bright yellow pieces of fruit give it notes of summer morning freshness. You extend your hand. Use a teaspoon to separate a small particle from the most delicate jelly and, savoring it, absorb the long-awaited fruity coolness.

Moments of bliss flashed by imperceptibly, your saucer was empty. But you are dissatisfied, you want to experience these feelings again and again. You go to the computer and type Alexander Abalakov on the keyboard.

When searching the site, enter the phrase “sour cream jelly recipe” and here it is in front of you. O heaven! Now you too can create miracles in the kitchen and become a culinary god for your family. Congratulations!!!

For the royal nobility. It’s hard for me to imagine jelly any other way. Let's not waste time, I will make public the recipe for sour cream necklace.

Sour cream jelly recipe

  • 400 grams of sour cream
  • 20 grams of gelatin
  • 850 ml can of canned peaches
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • coconut flakes

The delicious jelly is trembling, you can see it’s afraid! He doesn’t want to be eaten like this, but with fruit it’s no longer offensive and it seems like it’s a trifle to take them into account. They are ready for a selfless sacrifice, and having dissolved in the food tract, a piece of weight was deposited as a picturesque one and began to be called the belly.

The history of jelly goes back several centuries, although it was only used in food in large quantities at the beginning of the 20th century. Previously, gelatin was obtained from boiled leftover meat products. Only by the end of the 19th century was its production put on a “big scale”: they began to make delicious desserts from it, one of which was sour cream jelly. The popularity of the dish was facilitated by bright advertising with photos of famous actresses. Today, various types of this sweet are present on the most exquisite holiday tables.

Unusual and very similar to the ice cream we loved since childhood is a delicacy made with sour cream. Let's talk about how you can prepare it.

This recipe can be made using simple and inexpensive ingredients. For jelly with sour cream you need to take:

  • sour cream of any fat content,
  • gelatin (preferably quickly dissolving),
  • sugar.

The quantity and ratio are not so important: each person implementing the recipe can choose the taste of the future sweetness by tasting it before putting it in the refrigerator. Gelatin should be taken at the rate of 20 grams per 400 grams of sour cream product.

To prepare sour cream jelly, add gelatin to a glass of warm water. Place sugar in sour cream and stir thoroughly so that no grains remain. Then combine both prepared mixtures and mix thoroughly. All components of the dish should be at room temperature. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden.

If desired, you can add a little cocoa to the recipe to make chocolate jelly with sour cream.

You can add berries or fruits to a simple recipe for making sour cream jelly. Strawberries are best suited for this.

For half a liter of low-fat sour cream you should take:

  • 0.2 kg fresh strawberries,
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 45 grams of gelatin.

Gelatin should be poured with water, sour cream should be mixed with sugar, then both mixtures should be combined. Peel, wash and cut the strawberries into pieces. Place strawberries and sour cream in a cup in alternating layers.

This recipe is not difficult to prepare, but it can easily replace store-bought ice cream in the summer heat. Its big advantage is its exclusively natural ingredients.

Add cottage cheese

To prepare this recipe, you will need to take:

  • 0.25 kg each of cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • 0.1 kg sugar;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 15 grams of gelatin;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Gelatin should be poured with milk and left to swell for an hour. Then heat and add vanillin. Mix the sour cream thoroughly with the milk mixture.

Now let's get to the cottage cheese. It must be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of lumps. After this, mix the homogeneous curd mass with sour cream. Divide the contents into molds and refrigerate. You can decorate the top with nuts or pieces of chocolate.

Features of preparing sour cream jelly

The recipe for this sour cream jelly is simple and accessible to any housewife. This dish looks festive and elegant in any situation, as seen in the photo. However, to prepare a truly delicious dessert, follow these rules:

  • take low-fat sour cream, preferably store-bought;
  • take food only at room temperature;
  • mix the sour cream only with a whisk or blender (mixer): they will make the mass fluffy and airy;
  • be sure to soak the gelatin in water before adding it to the sour cream;
  • do not use kiwis and pineapples for sour cream jelly with fruits: their juice comes out quickly and makes the jelly watery;
  • if you need to prepare a layered dish, then wait until the bottom layer has completely hardened, and only then place the top one;
  • the sour cream delicacy with cocoa can be laid in liquid layers that will not have clear contours and will give a beautiful, fancy pattern.

The good thing about this dessert recipe is that it allows you to experiment a lot with taste and color. As a result, we can get a completely unexpected combination. Berries and fruits can be combined as an addition to the dish at your discretion. Both sweet and sour fruits go well with fermented milk products. They will add a special twist to the delicacy and add variety to the holiday table.

Video recipe for making sour cream jelly

Let's cook delicious sour cream dessert with gelatin and fruit according to a very simple recipe. It is very easy to prepare. If you use low-fat ingredients, there will be no harm to your figure. Well, the portions should be reasonable.

The benefit of such a tasty treat is that this dessert is prepared without baking, which means that the berries and fruits are not subject to heat treatment and all the vitamins and minerals in them are preserved to the maximum extent possible. Sour cream has good healthy fats of animal origin and lactic acid bacteria, which is also very good for the gastrointestinal tract. Gelatin is a source of collagen.

Remember - the sweeter the fruit, the higher its insulin index. This means that if you are losing weight, you should not use sweet fruits, it is better to give preference to sour ones. And if you are not losing weight, then you can eat almost any fruit and berries in reasonable quantities.

Sour cream dessert with gelatin, fruits and berries recipe without baking


  • sour cream 10%
  • water at room temperature - 500 ml
  • gelatin - 5 teaspoons full
  • sweetener - Fitparad or stevioside
  • fruits, berries - kiwi, orange, blackberry, currant, raspberry, strawberry, etc. - the more berries and fruits, the tastier and healthier it is.


  1. Prepare all the ingredients in separate containers: sour cream, berries, fruit, water. And also a mixer or blender, forms into which we will pour the mass, as well as a place in the refrigerator for this container.
  2. Pour 500 ml of gelatin with water at room temperature and dissolve in a heating water bath, stirring constantly. DO NOT bring it to a boil or seethe!
  3. Slowly add the resulting gelatin mass into the sour cream, stirring with a blender at low speed. Add sweetener. Mix everything until smooth. The mass sets very quickly, so we work quickly too)).
  4. Place berries and fruits in a container and fill with sour cream and jelly mixture. Gently mix everything so that the contents of the cake are evenly distributed in the container.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for at least three hours, preferably overnight.
  1. The berries are placed whole in a sour cream dessert with gelatin, and the fruit is cut into pieces.
  2. I use silicone molds. But you can also pour it into enamel or glass containers. In this case, it is worth considering whether you will take out the jelly cake and cut it into portions; if so, then before pouring in the jelly-sour cream-berry mixture, you need to lay out cling film so that the edges hang over the sides of the container. When the dessert hardens, pull these edges and pull out the cake.
  3. Such a dessert looks very impressive and beautiful in bowls, glasses in which the jelly cake with berries and fruits will already be portioned.

Sour cream dessert with berries

This is done in exactly the same way as the recipe above, but only berries are added, such as raspberries or strawberries. This option can be eaten when losing weight in the morning or afternoon, but consider the amount of fat in your diet per day for this goal.

One of the options when sour cream jelly cake with berries turns out great and suits everyone.

Save and share this recipe for weight loss with your friends on social networks.

Sour cream jelly is an amazing dessert that requires a minimum set of ingredients to prepare.

The taste of the delicacy is in no way inferior to store-bought cakes and pastries, but it wins in many ways.

Sour cream jelly is quick to prepare, contains natural products, is inexpensive and very healthy. There are also tons of dessert options, so you'll never get bored!

Sour cream jelly - general principles of preparation

Used to make jelly sour cream of any fat content. It is important that it is not too sour. The fresher the product, the better the dessert will be. Sugar or powder is added for sweetness. You can add substitutes to dietary desserts: natural or artificial. If granulated sugar is used, the mixture should be allowed to stand until the grains dissolve. Sour cream and powder can be used immediately after combining the ingredients.

Gelatin for dessert you can use powder or sheet. Most often, the first option, since it is more accessible, it is easier to dose, it is indicated in most recipes and there is no need to recalculate the amount per sheet. Gelatin is pre-soaked in liquid, the amount of which is also taken into account in the recipe. If an instant product is used, then 10 minutes is enough for swelling. For regular gelatin you need at least half an hour. The swollen product is heated to dissolve the grains, but under no circumstances boil.

What else can you add to sour cream jelly: fruits and berries, chocolate and cocoa, milk, cottage cheese, nuts, coconut flakes. Vanillin, cinnamon, syrups, essences, and zest are added for flavor.

Recipe 1: Vanilla sour cream jelly

Classic recipe for sour cream jelly with vanilla. It can be used as a dessert or for filling pastries, cakes, including fruit ones. The recipe uses vanilla sugar, which can be replaced with essence or pure extract.


2 spoons of gelatin;

400 grams of sour cream;

100 grams of powdered sugar;

1 packet of vanilla sugar;

50 grams of water.


1. Combine clean water and gelatin. Leave to swell for half an hour.

2. Add powder and vanillin to the sour cream and whisk everything together until the small grains dissolve. The consistency of the mass will become thinner.

3. Place the swollen gelatin in a water bath and melt the grains. There is no need to heat it up too much.

4. Pour gelatin into the sour cream in a thin stream, constantly stirring with a whisk.

5. Pour the prepared mixture into the prepared dishes and place it in the refrigerator to cool for 4 hours. You can’t put it in the freezer, your wife shouldn’t turn into ice.

6. Decorate the finished dessert with whipped cream, pieces of fruit, berries or coconut flakes.

Recipe 2: Striped sour cream jelly with chocolate

Striped jelly with sour cream looks great in transparent glasses or stemmed wine glasses. The dessert will consist of creamy and chocolate layers.


20 grams of gelatin;

80 grams of water;

600 grams of sour cream;

100 grams of dark chocolate;

150 grams of powder;

1 packet of vanilla.


1. Pour in the gelatin and let it swell.

2. Mix sour cream with powder.

3. Melt the gelatin, add it to the sour cream, stir and divide the mass into 2 unequal parts.

4. Take white jelly from the larger part and put 3 spoons into glasses, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

5. While the first layers harden, you need to melt the chopped chocolate pieces. This can be done in the microwave or in a bath after gelatin.

6. Add chocolate to a smaller portion of sour cream.

7. Take the glasses out of the freezer, add a chocolate layer and put them away to cool again.

8. Repeat the procedure until the jelly is gone. If you are short on time, you can make a two-color dessert. If suddenly the total mass begins to harden before putting it into glasses, you can warm it up a little.

Recipe 3: Jelly with sour cream and bananas

An exquisite dessert with an amazing aroma. Sour cream and banana jelly is best placed in stemmed glasses. This amount of food will make 5 medium servings.


600 grams of sour cream;

15 grams of gelatin;

30 grams of chocolate;

2-3 bananas;

120 grams of powdered sugar;

Vanilla optional.


1. Pour gelatin with 100 grams of water and leave for 15 minutes. Then melt it in a bathhouse, or in the microwave. The main thing is not to let the solution heat up.

2. While gelatin is preparing, mix sour cream with powdered sugar, you can add a pinch of vanilla, the aroma will be brighter.

3. Peel the bananas, cut each one lengthwise into two parts, then cut them into slices crosswise. You should end up with half circles.

4. Place banana pieces in glasses.

5. Combine sour cream with gelatin mass, mix and pour over dessert.

6. Grate the chocolate, sprinkle on top and refrigerate the glasses. After 3 hours we take it out and enjoy the most delicate dessert!

Recipe 4: Sour cream and cocoa jelly

Airy and light sour cream jelly with chocolate flavor. You can use any cocoa, but it is better to use powder without added sugar. If you want to get a richer chocolate taste, you can add more powder. You can also use a mixture of cocoa and coffee.


800 grams of sour cream;

1 glass of powder;

40 grams of cocoa;

20 grams of gelatin;

40 grams of chocolate;

70 grams of water.


1. Dissolve gelatin in cold water and let it brew.

2. Mix the powder with cocoa powder.

3. Combine sour cream and dry mixture, take a mixer and beat for 5-8 minutes. We keep an eye on the crowd. If small grains suddenly appear, stop whipping immediately, otherwise there will be oil.

4. Dissolve the gelatin solution in a water bath or simply put it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.

5. Pour into whipped sour cream, stir.

6. Place in glasses or molds and refrigerate to harden.

7. As soon as the top layer begins to set, grate the chocolate, sprinkle the dessert with the resulting shavings, and put it in the refrigerator to harden completely. For sprinkling, you can use either white or dark chocolate.

Recipe 5: Sour cream jelly with cottage cheese

Another version of sour cream-based jelly, this time with cottage cheese. Any fat content of products. It is better to use soft cottage cheese with a creamy consistency. If the product has a lot of lumps, then it needs to be rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a food processor.


250 grams of cottage cheese;

250 grams of sour cream;

200 grams of milk;

130 grams of sugar (you can take powder);

15 grams of gelatin;

1 gram of vanillin.


1. Combine milk with gelatin and leave for 30 minutes. If instant gelatin is used, then 10 minutes is enough.

2. Combine cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. Beat the mass well to give it fluffiness, it is better to dissolve the sugar. Finally, add vanillin to the cream.

3. Melt the mixture of milk and gelatin.

4. Add cottage cheese and sour cream to the cream, stir thoroughly.

5. Place the future dessert into molds and let them harden. You can decorate this jelly with any berries, fruits, or sprinkle with chocolate shavings.

Recipe 6: Sour cream jelly with egg whites and butter

The peculiarity of this dessert is its airiness and lightness. Jelly with sour cream and egg whites tastes like bird's milk, but is much simpler and easier to prepare. You will also need a little butter, which it is advisable to place in heat in advance to soften.


400 grams of sour cream;

20 grams of gelatin;

150 grams of sugar;

100 grams of water;

100 grams of butter.

If desired, add vanilla, lemon juice, cinnamon, or any essence for flavoring.


1. Pour gelatin into a bowl, add water, let the grains swell. Instead of water, you can add any juice or milk.

2. Combine sour cream with sugar, add vanilla or any other source of flavor. Mix well.

3. Place the egg whites in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and beat until stiff peaks form.

4. Melt the gelatin solution, combine with sour cream, add butter softened in heat and mix vigorously.

5. Carefully introduce the protein foam, mix with a spoon from bottom to top, trying not to precipitate the mass.

6. Place the dessert in pre-prepared containers and set aside to harden. The same mass can be placed between two biscuit layers.

Recipe 7: Sour cream jelly with fruits and/or berries

A stunning dessert that can be simply poured into glasses, made into molds and then placed on plates, or made into an excellent jelly cake. For sour cream jelly, you can use any fruits and berries, but it is advisable to use dense products that do not release juice and hold their shape well.


600 grams of sour cream;

250 grams of powder;

20 grams of gelatin;

100 grams of milk;

400 grams of fruits and berries.


1. As usual, we start by soaking the gelatin. Just combine the powder with milk and let it swell for at least 15 minutes.

2. Beat sour cream with powder. There is quite a lot of it, since a large amount of fruit is added. But if sweet fruits are used, for example, bananas, cherries, strawberries, then the amount of sugar can be reduced.

3. Melt gelatin and add to sour cream, stir. Now you need to put the mass in the refrigerator for 10 minutes so that it cools down, but does not set.

4. Berries and fruits need to be washed and dried, cut into beautiful pieces.

5. Take out the cooled sour cream mass, add prepared berries and fruits to it, mix.

6. Place in molds. You can use small, large, simple or shaped containers. It is convenient to use silicone molds for cakes.

Gelatin should never be melted or heated in an aluminum container. Also, do not prepare cream in it. Otherwise, the dessert will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and may even darken.

It is very important not to let the gelatin boil, otherwise the mass will not thicken and will remain liquid. In order for the grains to dissolve well even with slight heating, you need to soak the powder in advance and let it swell well.

If the dessert is intended for adults, then you can add a little liqueur, wine or cognac to the sour cream. The taste of the jelly will become richer, deeper, and the color will also change from red wine.

Can't get the jelly out of the mold? Dip the container in hot water for a few seconds and the dessert will easily part with it. But you need to be careful with glass forms, which can burst due to temperature changes.

Striped jelly will look impressive if you make a thin layer of chocolate between color transitions. And in order not to constantly melt it, just place the container with the product in a saucepan with hot water. As it cools, you can add boiling water or turn on the stove.

Unfortunately, we still have not appreciated all the advantages of such a wonderful dessert as jelly. But among other delicacies, jelly is distinguished not only by its exquisite taste, but also by its low calorie content. And it’s much easier to prepare than the same pastries or cakes. For jelly you only need the starting product and gelatin. For example, let's try to make sour cream jelly. Yes, not just one, but in different versions. So, let's choose a recipe...

Simple sour cream jelly

Sour cream with sugar is delicious on its own. However, you can’t just serve it as a dessert. But the recipe for sour cream jelly rightfully claims to be a real light, tender and tasty dessert.


  • 2 cups of low-fat sour cream;
  • 6 tablespoons sugar;
  • A packet of vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin;
  • A tablespoon of gelatin (instant);
  • 3 tablespoons water (approx.)


Pour the gelatin into a bowl and fill it with cold boiled water (see the amount of water on the package). While the gelatin swells, mix the sour cream with sugar and vanilla and beat using a mixer or blender. Beat long enough until the sugar is completely dissolved. The result should be a kind of sour cream mousse: airy and delicate. Dissolve the gelatin in a water bath or put it in the microwave for one minute (oven power - 300 W). When the gelatin dissolves, gradually pour it into the sour cream, stirring constantly.

Pour the jelly into a suitable container and put it in the refrigerator. Place the container with the frozen jelly in boiling water for two to three seconds, cover it with a plate (bottom up) and tip it onto the plate. Carefully remove the form. Drizzle the jelly with caramel or fruit syrup and decorate with pieces of fresh fruit or chocolate chips.

Jelly "Zebra"

An original recipe for making not only tasty, but also very beautiful sour cream jelly.


  • 2 cups sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder;
  • Partial glass of sugar;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • Glass of water.


According to the instructions on the package of gelatin, fill it with cold boiled water and leave to swell. This usually takes from ten to forty minutes. However, you will see when it swells: it will become translucent and increase in volume three to four times. Now we put the gelatin in a water bath and dissolve it until it is completely dissolved. The main thing is to never let the gelatin boil! Let the gelatin cool.

Meanwhile, combine the sour cream with granulated sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved: it will definitely dissolve, it will just take a little time. After this, add the cooled gelatin to the sweet sour cream and mix everything well again. Divide the mixture into two equal parts, put cocoa powder in one of them and mix the sour cream and cocoa thoroughly.

We prepare portioned dishes for jelly (cremankas, bowls) or use a baking dish with split sides for this. In the second case, we will simply have to transfer the jelly to a plate and cut into pieces, like a cake. So, we begin to pour the jelly into the prepared dishes: alternately pour in two tablespoons of white and chocolate jelly. Pour it exactly in the center, pour contrasting jelly also in the center, directly on the bottom layer. Under the weight of the upper layers, the jelly will begin to spread across the mold, forming a characteristic striped pattern, and the stripes will go in a circle.

Now take a toothpick and draw rays: from the center to the edge, after which we put the jelly in the refrigerator. After an hour and a half or two, our jelly can be served.

Sour cream and banana jelly

An excellent recipe that is suitable for a children's holiday table and will successfully replace the ice cream so beloved by children.


  • 2 cups sour cream;
  • Half a can of condensed milk;
  • 2 very ripe bananas;
  • 3 sachets of gelatin.


Prepare the jelly mold in advance. We dilute the gelatin with cold boiled water and let it swell. Then dissolve the gelatin in a water bath so that it completely dissolves. Important! Do not allow gelatin to boil! Mix sour cream with condensed milk and lightly beat with a mixer or whisk. Peel the bananas, cut them into small pieces, grind them into puree and mix with sour cream. We do everything quickly so that the bananas do not have time to darken. Pour gelatin (cooled) into sour cream, mix and pour this mixture into the mold. Place the jelly in the refrigerator until the dessert has completely hardened.

Sour cream jelly with fruits

Sour cream jelly combined with fresh fruit... This recipe will appeal to both lovers of light treats and fans of fruit desserts.


  • 2 cups sour cream;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 3 bags of gelatin;
  • Any fresh fruit or berries.


Prepare the sour cream in advance by placing it in a colander lined with gauze and leaving it overnight. The colander needs to be placed so that there is somewhere for the whey to drain from the sour cream. Beat the finished sour cream with sugar until it is completely dissolved. The result should be a very fluffy mass - sour cream. We prepare gelatin according to the instructions (look at the packaging): fill it with water, let it swell and dissolve it in a water bath. Mix the slightly cooled gelatin with whipped sour cream, wash the fruit and cut into small pieces. Place in prepared pans or portioned molds in layers: fruit, sour cream, again fruit and sour cream. We put the form in the refrigerator. Decorate the finished jelly with fresh fruit and grated chocolate.


Do not use kiwis and pineapples for jelly: they prevent the jelly from hardening.

In general, the recipe for making sour cream jelly is universal. The recipes differ only in the various additives or lack thereof. And the additives can be anything. Here you will find fresh fruit, prunes with dried apricots, chocolate, any syrup, and even marmalade or pieces of colored jelly.

By the way, sour cream jelly can be perfectly combined with fruit jelly. Then pour different jelly into the mold in layers, allowing each previous layer to harden. Sour cream can be whipped with sugar or powdered sugar, mixed with condensed milk or yogurt. And, by the way, sour cream jelly can be prepared not only as a dessert, but also used for fish aspic. Naturally, in this case, sugar needs to be replaced with more suitable seasonings, herbs and salt.

These different jelly can be prepared using the usual sour cream. Choose a recipe, cook with pleasure, and bon appetit!

Any mother is always ready to please her child with something delicious, made with her own hands, to be sure that there are no chemicals. Unfortunately, most women work, and they rarely have time for complex cakes and pastries. In any case, less often than children want to feast on. And here a dessert made from sour cream with gelatin and fruit can come to the rescue. It is done quickly, except that you have to wait until it hardens. The taste can be greatly varied, so children will not soon get tired of such sweets. And they look beautiful too!

tricks and secrets

Like any dish, dessert with sour cream and gelatin has its own subtleties in preparation. If you know them, you will be 100% successful in getting the delicacy.

  1. The sour cream should be as low-fat as possible - this way it will whip up more fluently. Make a conclusion: homemade product is saved for other dishes, but for dessert you need to buy store-bought.
  2. All ingredients must be warm. So you need to take them out of the refrigerator in advance before cooking.
  3. You won't be able to beat the sour cream with a fork - it's at the wrong speed. You will have to work with a whisk for quite a long time. It is best if the household has a blender or mixer.
  4. Gelatin must be completely dissolved, but under no circumstances should it be boiled.
  5. When you prepare a dessert from sour cream with gelatin and fruits, you can use any fruit except pineapples and kiwi. With them, the jelly will not harden, since juice is released abundantly from them. But other fruits can be used even frozen.

Armed with the necessary knowledge, let's start cooking!

Fast and easy

As always, we move from elementary recipes to the heights of culinary art. To prepare the simplest dessert from sour cream with gelatin and fruit, take a glass of sour cream and beat thoroughly with half a glass of sugar and a pinch of citric acid. 20 grams of gelatin are placed in half a glass of cold water and left to swell. This will take 20-30 minutes. Then the container is placed in a water bath and heated, after which its contents are poured into whipped sour cream, and the mass is carefully kneaded. Any fruits are placed on bowls; if they are large, then they are beautifully cut in advance. The vases are filled with the mixture and placed in the refrigerator. When the dessert of sour cream with gelatin and fruit hardens, you can sprinkle it with candied fruits or grated chocolate.

Striped dessert

The recipe is not much more difficult than the previous one, it just requires a lot of effort. But it will turn out to be a very beautiful, chocolate-flavored dessert: sour cream, gelatin, fruits are complemented with cocoa. First, 25 grams of gelatin are dissolved in a glass of water along with a pinch of vanillin and a glass of sugar. Then the liquid is heated until the gelatin swells and is poured equally into two containers. Cocoa is poured into one of them (two spoons without a slide) and mixed. Half a liter of sour cream is whipped fluffy and divided between bowls. Both masses are mixed. Pieces of fruit are placed at the bottom of the mold (or portioned bowls), a layer of the same color is poured on top, and the future dessert is placed in the refrigerator until it thickens. Then the second color is carefully poured onto it, and again into the refrigerator. This is done until both masses are gone. When the last layer hardens, the delicacy is sprinkled with pieces of fruit or berries.

Curd and sour cream jelly

It comes out very airy and fruity if you add cottage cheese to it. Just need to take a grainy one, not a “wet” one - excess water will prevent the jelly from setting. The gelatin base is prepared in the standard way: a spoonful of powder is soaked in a glass of water with half a glass of sugar and vanilla, and brought without boiling until it swells. Separately, a quarter kilogram of cottage cheese is broken into a fluffy puree using a blender. When the desired airiness is achieved, the same amount of sour cream is added and the process is repeated. The mass is mixed with gelatin, pieces of fruit and berries are added to it (small ones can be placed whole), carefully mixed for even distribution and placed in molds.

"Broken glass"

A very beautiful and tasty delicacy! Many of the older generation have known it since childhood. And for those who are not in the know, we will present Sour cream and gelatin are prepared, in principle, in a standard way. The base is half a liter of sour cream; If you want to make a whole cake in a large bowl, count the number of ingredients. In addition to sour cream, you will need to buy three bags of jelly in different colors. They dissolve according to the instructions on the package, only in a little less water so that the mass becomes more solid. When the jelly hardens, it is cut into arbitrary, rather large pieces and placed in vases. Each one must have all the colors. Then the bowls are filled with sour cream and sent to the refrigerator. This dessert looks especially tempting in transparent glass bowls.

I grew up eating desserts with gelatin. From regular jellies made from fruit juice and water, to puddings, sour cream jellies and even more exotic options.
Today I prepared a dessert with a sour cream-gelatin base, took a photo, and I suggest you try it too.

500 gr. sour cream
1 tbsp. sugar (preferably powdered sugar)
4 tablespoons gelatin (about 30 g)
any nuts, fruits and berries (except kiwi and pineapple, regular gelatin does not harden with them)

Pour 400 ml gelatin. cold boiled water, stir, leave for 40-60 minutes to swell.

Then heat until the gelatin dissolves, stirring continuously, but DO NOT bring to a boil (do not boil!)

Take sour cream, powdered sugar and vanillin.

Beat for 5 minutes.

Pour gelatin into the sour cream mixture and beat with a mixer for another 5 minutes.
Sour cream is ready.

Now we randomly chop the fruits, chop the nuts, and place them in vases (moulds, bowls, cups), pouring them with sour cream and gelatin mixture.
For example, like this.
We poured a little mixture into the bottom and threw in some fruit.

You can put it in the refrigerator for a while so that the layer sets, or you can continue straight away.
They threw in more fruit and filled it up again.

And so on to the very top.
Well, we already decorate the top of the dessert according to our imagination and the available fruit.

We put the finished decorated desserts in the refrigerator until they harden (usually 4 hours is enough).
But that's not all I want to offer you. :)
Even such a simple dessert can be significantly varied!
For example, we filled a couple of molds with our sour cream and gelatin mass, and then added a couple of tablespoons of strawberry cocoa to the mass...

Whisk and we get a pink dessert mixture!

And if you add a couple of tablespoons of regular cocoa, you will get a sour cream and chocolate dessert!
And just like that, experimenting with different additives, you can get more and more new desserts!

Another tip. If you make the dessert immediately in portions, in small bowls (moulds), then it is better to cut the fruits smaller so that they get into every spoon of the dessert when eaten.
But if you are making dessert in a large wide form, so that you can then beautifully cut it and serve it on saucers, then it is better to place the fruit in large pieces

It will look beautiful when cut.
And it’s very good to sprinkle walnuts on top - it goes wonderfully with sour cream.
It is from this dessert that the beautiful piece in the title photo of the recipe was cut out.

Well, a couple more photos of the finished dessert as ways to serve it on the table, and to tease you :)
Option with cutting from a large form:

Option with a small bowl

Bon appetit!!

Of course, the preparation and photographs are mine.

Sour cream jelly can confidently be called a festive dish. The dessert is attractive in appearance, tender and very tasty. It is boldly served at the table along with gourmet dishes. The calorie content of the dessert is low, which is also its advantage. Contrary to popular belief that it is necessary to use homemade full-fat sour cream for its preparation, we recommend: use store-bought low-fat sour cream. To get a delicious dish, a product with a fat content of up to 15% is suitable.

Features of preparing sour cream jelly

To prepare a good dessert, it is not enough just to follow the recipe for sour cream jelly. You should know several subtleties of the dish, which we will now tell you about.

  • The less fatty the sour cream, the better it will whip. This means that store-bought sour cream is much better suited for the dish than homemade.
  • To ensure that the products are well mixed and the sugar is completely dissolved, it is necessary to use components at room temperature. Therefore, if you plan to prepare a dessert from jelly and sour cream, remove everything you need from the refrigerator in advance.
  • Whip the sour cream with a whisk, then you will get a fluffy mass reminiscent of a soufflé. It is ideal to use a mixer or blender. Unfortunately, working with a fork or stirring with a spoon will not provide a decent result.
  • Be sure to prepare gelatin for jelly with sour cream. The recipe excludes the possibility of simply pouring the powder into the mass, otherwise it will not harden. The correct technique for working with gelatin is to soak the powder in cold water until it swells (the required volume of liquid is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). When the lumps increase in size by about 3-4 times, it is necessary to heat the gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved. You can do this in the microwave, only setting the minimum time, for example, starting with 15 seconds, and stirring the gelatin well each time. You cannot let it boil and leave it undissolved, since in each case it will not thicken the mass.
  • If you are preparing sour cream jelly with fruit, remove the crusts and seeds from the latter. Almost all fruits and berries are suitable for this purpose, except for exotic kiwis and pineapples. They actively produce juice, and the mass will turn out watery. By the way, for fruit dessert you can use not only fresh, but also frozen ingredients.

Secrets of making jelly in layers

How to make layered sour cream jelly? There are 2 techniques.

  1. Laying the liquid mass. Place a couple of spoonfuls of the first layer into the mold, focusing in the center. Then a layer of a different color is placed on top, also exactly in the center. Each subsequent layer of multi-colored jelly with sour cream makes the previous one spread over the form. In this case, a characteristic pattern is formed without clear lines - the layers are smooth and seem to flow into each other. In this way you can prepare jelly from sour cream and cocoa.
  2. Laying on a thickened layer. In this case, each layer is kept in the refrigerator until it hardens, and only then the next one is laid. The preferred method is for puff sour cream and strawberry jelly and for any fruit dessert, as it allows you to preserve the location of pieces of fruit or berries.

Sour cream jelly recipes

We invite you to try making sour cream jelly with cocoa, berries or cottage cheese. With our recipes it won't be difficult!

Jelly from sour cream and cottage cheese

You will need:

  • cottage cheese and sour cream - 250 g each;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • milk (can be replaced with water) - 200 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g.


  1. Soak gelatin in milk (water) for 1 hour and dissolve.
  2. Add regular and vanilla sugar to the hot gelatin mass and stir until smooth.
  3. Mix sour cream with gelatin mass.
  4. Grind the cottage cheese (wipe through a sieve or chop with a blender), mix with sour cream and gelatin mass.
  5. Transfer to a mold or bowl and leave in the refrigerator until hardened.

Sour cream and cocoa jelly recipe

You will need:

  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 150 g (partial glass);
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Soak gelatin in water, leave to swell, and then dissolve.
  2. Add sugar to sour cream and beat until completely dissolved.
  3. Mix sour cream with gelatin, stir.
  4. Divide the mixture into 2 parts, mix one of them with cocoa powder.
  5. Place layers into portioned bowls with a spoon, allowing them to spread in a circle. This will give you a zebra effect. You can also lay out a layer of one color first, for example white, let it harden in the refrigerator, and then lay down the brown one. Then you will get a two-layer jelly.

Sour cream jelly with strawberries

The beauty of this recipe for layered sour cream jelly with strawberries is that the berries can be replaced with absolutely any fruit. And get a new taste every time!

Jelly is a wonderful dessert, tasty and bright. Preparing jelly is not at all difficult, and what scope for creativity... There are ready-made dry mixes for jelly on sale, but making such a dessert yourself is much more interesting. For jelly, use gelatin or good quality agar-agar.

Today we will prepare a sour cream dessert with gelatin. You can take sour cream of any fat content, it’s even better if the % is lower, then the sour cream turns out fluffy and airy when whipped. You can use berries or pieces of fruit at your discretion, but I don’t recommend taking too juicy ones, such as pineapple, because the juice may prevent the jelly from hardening. Today I have my own frozen raspberries. For the "chocolate" layer, use cocoa. Or you can add nothing at all; a sour cream dessert with gelatin will still be very tasty.

First, soak the gelatin in cold water according to the instructions on the package.

Pour 100 ml of water over the berries and add 75 g of sugar (adjust the sweetness to your taste). Put on fire and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Beat the sour cream with the remaining sugar in a mixer or blender until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Divide the sour cream into three parts - leave two parts white, and add cocoa to one. Heat the swollen gelatin, stirring, until completely dissolved, but do not boil under any circumstances. Cool slightly and add in a thin stream to the sour cream, stirring well, about 1/4 of it. If you don't plan to add anything else to the sour cream dessert, just mix all the gelatin and all the sour cream with sugar.

Strain the raspberries through a sieve and cool slightly. Add some more gelatin to the raspberry syrup and mix well.

Let's prepare bowls, cups, glasses or any other forms for dessert. Let's pour the first layer into them - sour cream or raspberry. Let the jelly harden in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

If by the time the first layer hardens, your mixtures have thickened, it’s okay, you can quickly warm them up a little in the microwave. Fill the second layer in the same way and put the jelly back in the refrigerator. While the second layer hardens, warm the gelatin a little and add it to the “chocolate” mixture and the remaining sour cream. In this way we will fill all the shapes with layers. The sour cream dessert with gelatin is ready, please serve it!

The jelly turns out very tasty, tender and beautiful. Bon appetit!