Muffin bakes pie print. Muffin and his cheerful friends

14.02.2024 Buffet

Hogarth Anne


Mafin is looking for treasure

It was a wonderful spring day, and the donkey Mafin was happily running around the garden, looking for something to do. He had already tried on all his ceremonial harnesses and blankets, ate breakfast, watched the carrots grow in the beds, and now dreamed of some miracle happening.

And the miracle happened.

The wind suddenly brought a crumpled piece of paper from somewhere. The leaf hit Mafin right on the forehead and got stuck between the ears.

Mafin took it off, carefully unfolded it and began to examine it - first from one side, then from the other.

Then he suddenly realized that he had not been breathing for a long time from excitement, and he let out the air with such force as if he were not a donkey, but a steam locomotive.

What a thing!.. But this is a treasure! Buried treasure. And this is the plan of the place where it is hidden.

Muffin sat down and stared at the piece of paper again.

Yeah! I guessed it! - he exclaimed. - The treasure is hidden under a large oak tree. I’ll run and dig it up now.

But at that moment a heavy sigh was heard behind Mafin. The donkey quickly turned around and saw the penguin Peregrine, who was also closely examining the plan.

Yeah, a treasure! - whispered Peregrine. - You don’t have to guess for a long time here. There is no doubt: this is a map of the South Pole. The treasure is buried there! I'll grab my skis and an ice pick and hit the road!

“Map of the South Pole? - Mafin repeated to himself. - South Pole? Hardly! I still think the treasure is buried under the oak tree. Let me take another look at the plan.”

Peregrine began to examine the map through a magnifying glass, and Muffin lay down on his stomach and stretched out his muzzle: he thought that it was better to examine the map while lying down.

Oak,” whispered Mafin.

“South Pole,” Peregrine muttered.

Suddenly someone's shadow fell on the map. It was the little black Wally who came up.

Why, this is the state of Louisiana in America! - he exclaimed. - I was born there. I’ll immediately pack my things and go find the treasure! Just wondering what is the best way to get there?

All three of them stared at the map again.

Louisiana! - Wally was happy.

“South Pole,” Peregrine muttered.

Oak,” whispered Mafin.

Suddenly all three jumped in place because pebbles crunched from behind. It was Oswald the ostrich. Stretching his long neck, he looked at the map and smiled.

Of course, this is Africa! - he said. - I once lived there. I'm heading out this very minute. Just first you need to remember the plan well.

This is Louisiana! - Wally exclaimed.

No, South Pole! - Peregrine objected.

Oak! Oak! - Mafin insisted.

Africa,” Oswald whispered. “That’s it,” he said, “I’m taking the plan with me!” - He craned his neck and grabbed a piece of paper with his beak.

At that same second, Wally grabbed it with his brown hand, Peregrine stepped on the corner of the card with a webbed paw, and Muffin grabbed the other corner with his teeth.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, puppy Peter came rushing in, flapping his ears and wagging his tail.

Thank you, Mafin! Thanks Oswald! Thank you Wally and Peregrine! - he cried, out of breath from running fast.

Everyone forgot about the map in surprise.

Thanks for that? - asked Mafin.

Yes, because you found my piece of paper! - said Peter. “She flew out of my mouth, and I already decided that she was gone.”

Your paper? - Peregrine muttered.

Well, yes, but I really wouldn’t want her to get lost. After all, without her I won’t be able to find my treasure!

What treasure?! - Muffin, Oswald, Wally and Peregrine exclaimed at once.

Don't you understand what is drawn here? Here is the path in our garden. Here are the bushes. And here is the flowerbed. And this is where I buried my favorite bone.

And Peter ran away, carefully holding the piece of paper in his teeth.

Bone! - Mafin groaned.

Flowerbed! - Oswald sighed.

Bushes! - Peregrine grumbled.

But we didn’t even realize it! - Wally whispered.

And all four, heartbroken, went home. But they were quickly consoled when they saw that tea and sweet cookies were waiting for them.

Muffin bakes a pie

Standing in front of the mirror, Mafin put on his chef’s cap on one side, tied on a snow-white apron and walked into the kitchen with an important look. He decided to bake a pie for his friends - not just any pie, but a real holiday pie: with eggs, apples, cloves and various decorations.

He laid out everything he needed on the kitchen table. It turned out that such a pie requires a lot: a cookbook, a bowl, butter, eggs, sugar, apples, cinnamon, cloves, and a lot of other things.

Now, if they leave me alone and no one pesters me, I will bake a nice pie!

But as soon as he said this, a loud buzzing sound was heard outside the window and a bee flew into the room. She looked very important, and in her paws she was carrying a jar of honey.

Our queen sent me! - said the bee, bowing. “She heard that you are going to bake a sweet cake, and therefore she respectfully asks you to take some honey.” Try how wonderful this honey is!

“Certainly,” said Mafin. - Thank your queen. But the recipe doesn't say anything about honey. It says: “Take sugar...”

Hey! - the bee buzzed angrily. - Her Majesty the Queen Bee will not accept refusal. All the best pies are made with honey.

She buzzed so annoyingly that Muffin agreed to take honey and put it in the dough.

I will convey your gratitude to Her Majesty! - said the bee and, waving its paw, flew out the window.

Mafin sighed with relief.

OK! - he said. - I hope such a drop of honey will not harm the pie.

Yes, yes, my boy! Are you baking a pie? Good-r-good.

It was Poppy the parrot. She flew through the window and sat down on the table.

So-so. Very good. But you need fresh eggs! I just laid an egg in this cup for you. Take it, and everything will be fine, my dear!

Muffin was horrified, but he always tried to be polite to Poppy, because Poppy was very old and irritable.

“Thank you, Poppy,” he said. - Just please don’t worry: I already have eggs for the pie. Chicken eggs.

Poppy was very angry: how dare he think that chicken eggs are better than parrot eggs!

I'm not joking at all, young Muffin! - she shouted angrily. - The best pies always contain parrot eggs. Do as I tell you and don't argue! - And, leaving the cup with the egg, she flew away, muttering something angrily under her breath.

“Okay,” Muffin decided, “one small egg cannot harm the pie. Let it go into the dough along with honey. And then I’ll do everything from the cookbook.”

And Mafin went to the buffet for sugar. But then a cheerful laugh was heard, and, turning around, Muffin saw two little Indians, Wally and Molly. They fussed around the bowl of dough: throwing a little of this, a little of that, a pinch of this, a piece of that into it and stirring the dough, without even looking at the cookbook.

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Muffin bakes a pie
(Anne Hogarth)

Standing in front of the mirror, Mafin put on his chef’s cap on one side, tied on a snow-white apron and walked into the kitchen with an important look. He decided to bake a pie for his friends - not just any pie, but a real holiday pie: with eggs, apples, cloves and various decorations. He laid out everything he needed on the kitchen table. It turned out that such a pie requires a lot: a cookbook, a bowl, butter, eggs, sugar, apples, cinnamon, cloves, and a lot of other things.

Now, if they leave me alone and no one pesters me, I will bake a nice pie!

But as soon as he said this, a loud buzzing sound was heard outside the window and a bee flew into the room. She looked very important, and in her paws she was carrying a jar of honey.

Our queen sent me! - said the bee, bowing. “She heard that you are going to bake a sweet cake, and therefore she respectfully asks you to take some honey.” Try how wonderful this honey is!

“Certainly,” said Mafin. - Thank your queen. But the recipe doesn't say anything about honey. It says: "Take sugar..."

Hey! - the bee buzzed angrily. - Her Majesty the Queen Bee will not accept refusal. All the best pies are made with honey. She buzzed so annoyingly that Muffin agreed to take honey and put it in the dough.

I will convey your gratitude to Her Majesty! - said the bee and, waving its paw, flew out the window.

Mafin sighed with relief.

OK! - he said. - I hope such a drop of honey will not harm the pie.

Yes, yes, my boy! Are you baking a pie? Good-r-good.

It was Poppy the parrot. She flew through the window and sat down on the table.

So-so. Very good. But you need fresh eggs! I just laid an egg in this cup for you. Take it, and everything will be fine, my dear!

Muffin was horrified, but he always tried to be polite to Poppy, because Poppy was very old and irritable.

“Thank you, Poppy,” he said. - Just please don’t worry: I already have eggs for the pie. Chicken eggs.

Poppy was very angry: how dare he think that chicken eggs are better than parrot eggs!

I'm not joking at all, young Muffin! - she shouted angrily. - The best pies always contain parrot eggs. Do as I tell you and don't argue! - And, leaving the cup with the egg, she flew away, muttering something angrily under her breath.

“Okay,” Muffin decided, “one small egg cannot harm the pie. Let it go into the dough along with honey. And then I will do everything according to the cookbook.” And Mafin went to the buffet for sugar. But then a cheerful laugh was heard, and, turning around, Muffin saw two little Indians, Wally and Molly. They fussed around the bowl of dough: throwing a little of this, a little of that, a pinch of this, a piece of that into it and stirring the dough, without even looking at the cookbook.

Listen! - Mafin shouted angrily. -Who makes the pie, you or me? I have a special recipe and you'll ruin everything! But Wally and Molly just laughed.

Books for children

Muffin and his cheerful friends

Muffin bakes a pie

Anne Hogarth

Standing in front of the mirror, Mafin put on his chef’s cap on one side, tied on a snow-white apron and walked into the kitchen with an important look. He decided to bake a pie for his friends - not just any pie, but a real holiday pie: with eggs, apples, cloves and various decorations.

He laid out everything he needed on the kitchen table. It turned out that such a pie requires a lot: a cookbook, a bowl, butter, eggs, sugar, apples, cinnamon, cloves, and a lot of other things.

Now, if they leave me alone and no one pesters me, I will bake a nice pie!

But as soon as he said this, a loud buzzing sound was heard outside the window and a bee flew into the room. She looked very important, and in her paws she was carrying a jar of honey.

Our queen sent me! - said the bee, bowing. “She heard that you are going to bake a sweet cake, and therefore she respectfully asks you to take some honey.” Try how wonderful this honey is!

“Certainly,” said Mafin. - Thank your queen. But the recipe doesn't say anything about honey. It says: “Take sugar...”.

Hey! - the bee buzzed angrily. - Her Majesty the Queen Bee will not accept refusal. All the best pies are made with honey.

She buzzed so annoyingly that Muffin agreed to take honey and put it in the dough.

I will convey your gratitude to Her Majesty! - said the bee and, waving its paw, flew out the window.

Mafin sighed with relief.

OK! - he said. - I hope such a drop of honey will not harm the pie.

Yes, yes, my boy! Are you baking a pie? Good-r-good.

It was Poppy the parrot. She flew through the window and sat down on the table.

So-so. Very good. But you need fresh eggs! I just laid an egg in this cup for you. Take it, and everything will be fine, my dear!

Muffin was horrified, but he always tried to be polite to Poppy, because Poppy was very old and irritable.

“Thank you, Poppy,” he said. - Just please don’t worry: I already have eggs for the pie. Chicken eggs.

Poppy was very angry: how dare he think that chicken eggs are better than parrot eggs!

I'm not joking at all, young Muffin! - she shouted angrily. - The best pies always contain parrot eggs. Do as I tell you and don't argue! - And, leaving the cup with the egg, she flew away, muttering something angrily under her breath.

“Okay,” Muffin decided, “one small egg cannot harm the pie. Let it go into the dough along with honey. And then I’ll do everything from the cookbook.”

And Mafin went to the buffet for sugar. But then a cheerful laugh was heard, and, turning around, Muffin saw two little Indians, Wally and Molly.

They fussed around the bowl of dough: throwing a little of this, a little of that, a pinch of this, a piece of that into it and stirring the dough, without even looking at the cookbook.

Listen! - Mafin shouted angrily. -Who makes the pie, you or me? I have a special recipe and you'll ruin everything!

But Wally and Molly just laughed.

“Don’t be angry, Mafin,” they chattered. - We are born cooks, and everything works out naturally for us. We don't need cookbooks, scales, or measurements. We add a little bit of everything and stir it well to make it tasty. There you go, Muffin! Wonderful! Now put it in the oven and it will turn out to be a gorgeous pie. Goodbye, Mafin!

Wally and Molly ran away, still chirping happily and licking the sweet dough from their sticky brown fingers.

Now I have nothing left to do with this test! - Mafin sighed. - All you have to do is put it in the oven and monitor the correct temperature.

Temperature? - came the creaky voice of the penguin Peregrine from behind. - I didn’t hear, young Mafin, did you say “temperature”? Do you understand the meaning of this word? Of course not! But I will help you... Don’t worry and let me act!

Poor Muffin had to wait quite a long time while Peregrine fussed around the stove, measuring the temperature, checking the switches, muttering some words Muffin did not understand: “measuring scale”, “mercury”, “overheating”, “heat”. Finally he put the pie in the oven and, slamming the door, deftly turned the switch.

Well, - said Muffin, - although they didn’t let me make the pie myself, I will decorate it myself.

He ran into the garden, and then suddenly a brilliant idea came to his mind: shouldn’t he decorate the top of the pie with carrot tops? She is very beautiful and looks like feathers.

But when Muffin picked a green bunch of tops from the garden bed, he suddenly noticed a young purple thistle. He picked it too and, cheerful, ran home with his bouquet.

Entering the kitchen, he was stunned. Peregrine was not there, but Oswald the ostrich came. Oswald pulled the pie out of the oven and leaned over it. Muffin hid and watched. Oswald decorated the pie with feathers from his tail... Muffin's nostrils fluttered, and a tear slowly flowed from his right eye. Was this the wonderful pie he dreamed of?

Oswald looked up and saw a donkey.

Come here, Muffin! - he exclaimed cheerfully. “I found out that you were baking a pie and decided to take a quick look at it.” I'll take it to the table and we'll all drink tea together.

Okay, Oswald!.. - Muffin said sadly, dropping his wonderful bouquet on the floor. - So be it. I'll be right there. I'll just take off my chef's hat...

Then he moved his ears and suddenly discovered that there was no cap on his head. Where could she have gone? He looked out the window, looked under the table and even checked to see if it was in the oven. Disappeared! Mafin sat down out of chagrin.

Oh! - he said. - I remembered! The hat fell off my head into the bowl, but everyone was so busy preparing my pie that they didn’t notice it, and I forgot to take it out. “You know, Oswald,” he added, “I don’t feel like eating at all.” But I hope you all really enjoy the pie. I'll go for a little walk...


Anne Hogarth (07/19/1910-04/09/1993). When she was in school, various prizes were given out for public speaking. She was very inspired by this and soon decided to become an actress. Anne studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She then became a manager (someone who manages other employees) at the Playhouse in London. At the theater where Anne worked as a producer (a person who organizes concerts, filming, etc.) there was a puppet lover, Ian Bussell. In 1932, he and Anne created their own puppet theater, the Hogarth Puppets.

Donkey Mafin was one of the heroes of the puppet theater. However, he soon began to appear not only on stage, but also on television, thanks to the efforts of Anne Hogarth. She herself wrote the script for the TV show and it was the first children's show. Soon it turned into a separate program in which other heroes of the future book appeared - Sally the seal, Louise the sheep, Peregrine the penguin, Oswald the ostrich. All dolls were designed and made by Anne Hogarth.

In just 11 years, more than three hundred episodes of the program were released. Donkey became a real TV star.

Then, Anne Hogarth processed the stories about Muffin and published some of them in a small book. Then Ann collected all the stories and they were published in one book, “Muffin and His Merry Friends.”

Today we will get acquainted with one of the works about the donkey Muffin, which is called “Muffin bakes a pie.”

Open your textbooks to page 65.

Guys, take a pencil and as you read, underline the words that you are not yet familiar with. (The teacher begins to read the first paragraph)
- What were Mafin’s plans?
- Who did he want to bake a pie for?
- What did he need to bake the pie?

The child continues to read. (until the moment - certainly, said Mafin). The other child continues reading to the end of the page.
- Who flew to Mafin?
- Why did she fly to him?
- Why didn’t Mafin want to take honey?

Have you come across unfamiliar words in the text?
The next student reads (until the moment - the muffin was horrified), then the next one (until the moment - I’m not joking at all). Trail (until the moment the muffin went...)
-Who then came to Mafin?
- What did she bring Mafin?
- Did Muffin want to take the egg?
- Why?

Have you come across unfamiliar phrases in the text?

How did Mafin react to this?
- Did you encounter any unfamiliar words in the text?

How did Mafin react to this?
-Have you come across any unfamiliar words?

Was he able to find her?

Anne Hogarth's fairy tale "Muffin Bakes a Pie"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Muffin bakes a pie"

  1. Donkey Mafin, very kind and reliable. I couldn’t defend my point of view and the pie was ruined
  2. Mafin's friends are very kind, but annoying. We wanted to do the best, but it turned out the other way around.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Muffin bakes a pie"
  1. Muffin is going to bake a pie
  2. Bee brings honey
  3. Parrot brings an egg
  4. Little Indians
  5. Perigrine and temperature
  6. How to decorate a pie
  7. Where is Muffin's hat?
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Muffin bakes a pie” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. Muffin is going to bake a unique pie according to a special recipe
  2. The bee brings him honey, and the parrot her egg.
  3. Little blacks mix all the ingredients
  4. Perigrine monitors temperature
  5. Muffin wants to decorate the pie with tops and thistles, but Oswald decorates it with feathers
  6. Muffin remembers where he dropped his hat and doesn’t want to eat the pie.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Muffin bakes a pie"
Each person should mind his own business, and not interfere with another’s doing his business.

What does the fairy tale “Muffin bakes a pie” teach?
This fairy tale teaches us not to interfere if someone is busy with their own business. Teaches you to respect other people's opinions and not interfere with stupid advice. Teaches us to give advice or help only when we are asked for it.

Review of the fairy tale "Muffin bakes a pie"
Like all the fairy tales about the donkey Mafin, this tale is both edifying and entertaining. The donkey really dreamed of baking his own pie, but they helped him so persistently that the pie turned out to be anyone’s, but definitely not Muffin’s. That's why the donkey was upset. You should never be too pushy, even with your friends.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Muffin bakes a pie"
Good help at the right time.
What is good for one is bad for another.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale “Muffin bakes a pie”
One day the donkey Muffin decided to bake a delicious pie according to a special recipe. He prepared all the necessary ingredients and got ready to bake the pie.
But then a bee flew in and gave Mafin honey from the queen bee. Muffin didn’t want to take honey, but the bee said that the best pies are made with honey. Mafin took the honey, deciding that a drop of honey would do no harm.
Then the parrot Polly flew in and brought a fresh egg. Muffin said that he already had chicken eggs, but Polly said that the best pies are baked with parrot eggs. Muffin took Polly's egg.
Muffin went for sugar, and when he turned around, he saw that the little negros Willie and Molly were throwing a little of everything into the dough and mixing it. Muffin got angry, but the little blacks said that they were born cooks and knew how to bake the best pie.
When Muffin began to put the pie in the oven, Perigrine appeared and began to control the process, sprinkling mysterious words.
Finally, Muffin decided to decorate the pie and picked carrot tops and thistles from the garden. But when he returned, Oswald the ostrich was decorating the pie with his feathers.
Muffin was completely saddened and discovered that he had lost his chef’s hat. He remembered that it had fallen into the bowl of dough and decided that he would not eat the pie.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Muffin bakes a pie"