Oven baked cod, easy recipe with potatoes, mushrooms and vegetables. Oven baked cod, easy recipe with potatoes, mushrooms and vegetables Oven baked cod with mushrooms

08.08.2020 Fish dishes

As in the case with other salads popular in our country, there is no single correct recipe for "gluttony" either. Everyone prepares this salad to their taste. Although the most common version of the cooking is beef and fried onions and carrots. Someone uses boiled or smoked chicken instead of beef, adds fried mushrooms and pickled cucumbers.

Lazy stuffed cabbage

Lazy cabbage rolls differ from ordinary cabbage rolls in that you do not need to fiddle with cabbage leaves for a long time, but their taste remains the same. I love this particular version of cabbage rolls more, although I would not call them "lazy". Still, the cooking process takes no less than an hour and a half. There are many recipes for lazy cabbage rolls, someone just fries all the ingredients together in a pan, someone makes cutlets and then stews them, but I prefer to bake the cabbage rolls in the oven with a fragrant vegetable sauce. This is just the perfect meal for a family dinner.

Potato gnocchi with basil and mushroom sauce

This gnocchi recipe is a free interpretation of a popular Italian dish. I'm not sure about its authenticity, but I'm sure about its taste. Potato gnocchi are prepared in a standard way, but I added fresh basil to the dough for flavor. Mushroom sauce, in my opinion, is the best addition to gnocchi, it is quick and easy to prepare. Only dough can be difficult, but as practice shows, it will get better every time. Many people say that gnocchi are just our dumplings or dumplings. I disagree, because the technology of their preparation is still different, in any case, they cannot be prepared without parmesan.

Chicken and pineapple salad

This is one of my favorite salads. There are many recipes for chicken and pineapple salad on the Internet, but I did not find this one. I think that such a salad will decorate any table, but it is not difficult to prepare it. You just need to boil the chicken in advance. You need to take canned pineapples, because I have no idea how fresh pineapple will look in this salad. And garlic is a must, without it it is not at all the same.

Apple pie

The recipe for this pie is somewhat similar to charlotte, but there are still differences, so I just called it apple. It's very easy to prepare and doesn't require any fancy ingredients. The only difficulty is to make sure that it bakes well and does not burn during baking. To do this, you need to keep it on the top shelf in the oven at a low temperature. The pie is sweet enough so it can be eaten with unsweetened yogurt, sour cream, or whipped cream to compensate for the sweetness.

Crab stick salad

Another very popular salad with us, it is prepared both for holidays and on weekdays. More often this salad is simply called "crab", but everyone knows that instead of completely inexpensive crabs, the main ingredient in it is crab sticks. There are many salad recipes, or rather its varieties, but the most famous recipe includes, in addition to crab sticks, rice, corn and eggs. In my version of this salad, there is also a fresh cucumber, and I replace onions with green ones. In my opinion, this is how it becomes fresher and more interesting in taste.

Mimosa salad

There is no unambiguous recipe for Mimosa salad, in every family, every housewife has their own "signature" method of preparing this salad. Some add rice, some potatoes, some green cucumber. Onions are replaced with green ones, the top layer is made from cheese or yolks. Perhaps only one component of this salad is not controversial - canned fish. But even here there is no unequivocal opinion which is better: salmon or saury. My recipe for Mimosa does not claim to be originality, but one thing is for sure: it is delicious, and all its ingredients are perfectly combined.

Yeast pancakes

Defrost the cod fillet, cut into medium-sized portions and marinate in lemon juice. To do this, cut the lemon in the middle and squeeze out the juice with a fork or juicer. Sprinkle each piece of fish with juice on both sides, lightly salt and add a little allspice to taste. Leave the prepared cod to marinate for 10-15 minutes.

Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.

Fry onion with mushrooms in a pan until light golden brown for 5-7 minutes, then put vegetables on a baking sheet or baking dish. Put the pieces of fish on top of the mushrooms, sprinkle with fresh herbs and put in the oven.

Bake the cod with mushrooms and onions for 30 minutes - so that the fish is not dry, you can cover the baking sheet with a piece of foil.

If you are not afraid for your figure, you can cook cod baked with mushrooms and cheese. To do this, you will need to take a piece of hard cheese and grate it.

Before putting the fish in the oven, sprinkle well with cheese on top, if desired, you can add finely chopped fresh herbs.

Mushroom cod can be cooked in a variety of ways - with potatoes, tomatoes, cheese and other additional ingredients. If you are adding vegetables that take longer to cook, you will need to add some water and cover the fish with foil. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Enjoy your meal!

Cod is one of the types of marine fish that lives in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

I bring to your attention, my dear reader, an easy recipe. The dish I cooked will turn out to be tasty and healthy with a minimum of time spent.

Now you will learn how to deliciously bake cod in the oven with mushrooms, potatoes and other vegetables. For this we need the following products.

Ingredient List:

While I am preparing cod and vegetables for baking, I preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

My defrosted cod fillet under running water, cut into small portions, salt, sprinkle with seasoning and black pepper, coat with sour cream sauce "Maheev".

While the cod fillet is marinating for a few minutes, I am preparing the vegetables.

I peel and rinse the potatoes with water, as well as tomato, bell pepper, garlic.

I pour vegetable oil into a Teflon baking sheet.

I cut medium-sized potatoes into circles, because they always cook in the oven longer than the rest of the ingredients. I cut a tomato, bell pepper, and crush garlic. Fry mushrooms with onions in a pan until golden brown for 20 minutes until the water boils.

I begin to lay out all the ingredients on a baking sheet in layers.


Fried mushrooms with onions

Sweet pepper

I put cheese sauce on top of all the ingredients, cook it in the same way as in my article "Summer cheese casserole with zucchini, eggplant, chicken and vegetables", for this I mix crushed garlic, chopped herbs and grated cheese with Maheev sour cream mayonnaise.

I put the finished ingredients in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Cod with vegetables, potatoes and mushrooms is being prepared, and you can see the calorie table for this dish.

Calorie content is of little interest to me, I think in a certain number of years this newfangled hobby for counting calories will go away. Eat to your health, enjoy the taste of your dish and everything will be fine.

You need to eat when you want, when you feel hungry, and not because there is no mood and you want to seize the absence of it with something tasty.

As one clever man named R. Bach said: “Your whole body is actually thought, embodied in form. By breaking the fetters that fetter your thought, you will break the fetters that fetter your bodies. ”

There is a book by Lissi Moussa "Let's Make a Figurine from a Carcass". This book refutes all diets, it has a new approach to the problem of excess weight and this book costs only 109 rubles.

A little more about cod. This fish contains many substances useful for our body, such as protein, a set of amino acids that restore the body, minerals and vitamins, and all this remains unchanged in the baked cod. It has been proven that cod contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, as well as magnesium, sodium, which prevent the occurrence of heart disease.

After 40 minutes, the oven-baked cod dish with vegetables is ready.

It all started when I bought a cod. And I didn't know how to cook it to make it tasty. Fry the usual way? The result is dry, not juicy fish. It's not for nothing that there is a saying - thin as a cod ?! And I decided to bake it. And to quickly solve the problem with a side dish - bake cod with potatoes and mushrooms! And it turned out, I must confess to you, a wonderful tandem.

Clean the fish, rinse under running water and cut into portions. Put in a bowl, season with salt, pepper, lime juice, add mustard and onion, cut into rings. Mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, salt and put on the bottom of the dish in which the dish will be baked. Lubricate the mushrooms with mayonnaise on top. While the fish is marinated, wash, peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Prepared potatoes need to be salted, pepper, lightly sprinkled with ground bay leaf, seasoned with mayonnaise and mixed.

Place potatoes on top of the mushrooms, and on top of it put pieces of cod. For each piece of fish you need to put a small piece of butter. We put the dish to bake in preheated to 200 degrees. oven for 30 minutes. Then we take out the mold and grease the fish on both sides with ketchup and put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes to brown the fish.

All! We get a hearty and healthy dish. The classic combination of potatoes and mushrooms is always a winning option in home cooking. And the cod turned out to be juicy, aromatic, slightly spicy and very tasty!