How to ferment green tomatoes in a saucepan. Pickled whole green tomatoes in a saucepan

16.04.2019 Meat dishes

In winter, fragrant sour-sweet or spicy-sour tomatoes will be a wonderful addition to any side dish, especially to our favorite potatoes!
  Probably, lovers of pickled tomatoes can argue about what is better: pickle or sour, but, of course, pickled tomatoes are more useful if only because they do not undergo heat treatment. Their only drawback is the complexity of storage, you need a cellar or a refrigerator. In the absence of a cellar a lot you can not prepare them. But it is good to eat them at least in the fall. Fans manage to do them even in winter, because in supermarkets tomatoes and greens are there all year round, but you must admit, greenhouse greens are not exactly that or not at all like fresh summer.
  It is possible to boil tomatoes of any degree of ripeness, starting with dairy, only those who have finished sleeping are not suitable. The subtlety is one, that for souring in one pot you need to take all the fruits of one degree of maturity.

Let's do, for starters green pickled tomatoes. To do this, take on a three-liter jar medium-sized tomatoes of the milky degree of ripeness. It does not matter whether cream or not, such tomatoes are always quite dense, regardless of the variety. The main thing is not too large and the absence of disease and damage. We also need
  - 60-70 g of salt (this is about 2 tablespoons with a small slide, you can still measure 100 g with a cup, taking 2/3);
  - 5-6 peas of black and allspice;
  - 3-5 bay leaves; - a few cloves of garlic to taste;
  - Dill branch with flowers or seeds;
  - 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder; - to taste leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish, tarragon, celery leaf, parsley, bitter pepper - if you like spicy.

Most of the seasonings put on the bottom of the jar, then pour the washed tomatoes, tapping lightly with a jar on the table, on top of the remaining leaves and dill. Salt diluted in a liter of warm water. If there is a well or spring water - you can not boil it, boil tap water, pour tomatoes with cooled brine. Its quantity depends on the size of the tomatoes; the larger they are, the more it will be needed, so it is better to make it with surplus. Tomatoes should be left at room temperature for 1-2 weeks for fermentation. The bank should be put on a pallet, because the brine can leak during fermentation, and cover with gauze. After that, they need to be cleaned in a cool place: cellar or refrigerator. You can also make brown or green pickled tomatoes, the recipe is suitable for them. Tomatoes will decorate the everyday and festive table, including the New Year's table.

Pickled green tomatoes recipe 2

  Still green tomatoes can be fermented with carrots and lots of herbs. To fill, take the same 60-70 g of salt per liter of water. Banks are prepared in advance, they must be well rinsed with soda and dried. For the preparation of a three-liter can take 1.6 - 1.7 kg of green tomatoes
  - 1 large carrot;
  - big head of garlic;
  - A pod of bitter pepper;
  - Dill branch with seeds;
  - spices and herbs to taste, but quite a lot: allspice and bitter peppercorns of 4-6pcs, mustard seeds
  1 tsp, parsley, celery, tarragon, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants, bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  Cut tomatoes into large pieces of arbitrary shape. We carrot it on a grater, cut the peeled and washed garlic, cut the bitter pepper into pieces, mix everything. At the bottom of the jar we put spices and chopped herbs, then fill with the prepared mixture and pour boiled brine. We put the filled cans on the pallet and cover with one or two layers of gauze. Leave for a week to wander at room temperature. Then we clean the cellar or the refrigerator for another 3 weeks, after which the harvest can be eaten. A hearty salad goes well with tomatoes.

Red Pickled Tomatoes for Winter You can make this recipe. Take a 10 liter bucket of medium-sized and dense red tomatoes, so that it is incomplete about 10 centimeters to 10. Tomatoes need to be washed. In addition to the tomato, we need garlic and parsley and celery. My greens are not cut very finely, we clean the garlic, wash it and cut it into plates. Make a neat cut at the top of the tomato and put in a little greenery and a plate of garlic. Put the stuffed tomatoes in a bucket, so that everyone would look at the cut up. We make brine, for this we boil water, add salt and sugar in it at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water. On the bucket we need about 3 liters of brine. In the cooled brine we add table 9% vinegar, for 1 l of brine 1st. a spoon. Fill the tomatoes, cover with a clean cloth, put a plate on top and oppression. As a yoke, you can use a glass jar of water. Days after 7-10 lightly salted tomatoes will be ready. After that, you can put them in banks, cover them with plastic lids and put them in a refrigerator or cellar.

  For those who do not have a cellar, and you don’t want to put a few cans to fill in, you can do something to save space. pickled tomatoes in a pan  according to the following recipe. Stocking red tomatoes. It may not necessarily be cream, but the fruits are small and with dense pulp. Of course, it is desirable to take the ground. The quantity should be selected based on the size of your container, so that it is a bit incomplete. It will take a lot of greens to get the taste of tomatoes saturated. Take the greens to your liking, but fresh, juicy. If there are leaves of cherry, currant, grapes, horseradish - great. In addition to greens, take chilli pepper, garlic, a little fresh horseradish root and dry mustard. Horseradish shavings, peel the garlic, large teeth can be cut into 2-3 parts. At the bottom of the pan pour a layer of greens with the addition of horseradish shavings, garlic and chunks of bitter pepper, on it - a layer of tomatoes.

Tomatoes need to be pricked with a fork near the stem. So alternate until the dishes are full. The top layer is green. Brine is prepared in advance, it should be cold. For brine, boil water and put 1.5 tablespoons of salt with a slide and 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar for 1 liter of pickle. At 10 liters pot, 5-6 kg of tomatoes and about 4.5 liters of brine are needed. The number may be different, it all depends on the size of the tomatoes. Greens need a few bunches. Fill the tomatoes with brine and pour the mustard powder on top (per 10 liters pot - 3 tablespoons of mustard powder). Top cover with a plate and press down with a load. It is possible to cover the container with a towel over the load. For a week, the tomatoes roam, after which they can be laid out in cans and put away in a cool place.

Savory pickled green tomatoes - this is a simple but very tasty snack that can decorate both everyday and festive table. There are many recipes for its preparation - with pepper, garlic, mint, horseradish, carrots, dill, currant, cherry, bay leaves and other ingredients. That is why this dish is not long enough to eat even the most demanding gourmets.

Classic recipe

For quick cooking pickled green tomatoes, you can use the classic recipe. According to him, it is necessary:

After that, a jar of tomatoes should be covered with a piece of gauze and put in a cool dark place. After 5 days, a snack can be served on the table.

Option with carrots and peppers

According to this recipe, pickled green tomatoes for the winter to cook a little more difficult than the previous one. However, with its help, even novice hostesses can create real culinary masterpieces. It is necessary to act according to the following scheme:

A pot of vegetables should be kept at room temperature for 4 days. After that, sour tomatoes can be eaten.

Mint version

This recipe for cooking snacks does not require significant time-consuming. In order to ferment at home green tomatoes with mint, you need:

Pot with tomatoes must be kept for three weeks in a cool place (in a cellar or a refrigerator). After that, vegetables can be eaten.

In the countryside, tomatoes are very often pickled with cucumbers. At the same time, the vegetables acquire a specific sour taste, a pleasant spicy aroma and remain crunchy until the end of winter. For simultaneous pickling of cucumbers and tomatoes it is necessary:

A bucket with a preparing snack should be kept for 8 weeks in a cold dark place. After that, pickled fruit can be served at the table.

For fermentation of unripe tomatoes by the dry method does not require brine. Appetizer can be prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • thoroughly wash unripe tomatoes (7 kg) and pierce each fruit in several places with a fork or toothpick;
  • make a mixture of 350 g of granulated sugar and ¼ cup of coarse salt;
  • chop the tarragon, celery and parsley (200 g of each type);
  • put vegetables in a wide deep basin, sprinkling each layer of them with a mixture of salt and sugar, chopped herbs;
  • cover the container with tomatoes with gauze, put pressure on it.

A bowl of tomatoes should be kept at room temperature until the fruit has let the juice flow. After that, the capacity with the snack must be rearranged to a cool place, protected from direct sunlight. After 2 weeks, tomatoes can be eaten.

When choosing green tomatoes for leaven, care should be taken to ensure that there are no stains, wrinkles, cracks, dents and other damage on the surface of the vegetables. It is important to remember that a tasty and healthy snack is obtained only from fresh and high-quality fruits.

Souring is one way of harvesting for the winter harvest., berries and fruits, as a result of which, in the process of physico-chemical moments, lactic acid appears, which is a natural preservative. Green tomatoes of kvass in brine (whole or in slices), or in personal juice (they are crushed, chopped, chopped), table salt is added, and fermentation (fermentation) occurs under the influence of lactic acid bacteria.

Salt is not considered an important ingredient, it affects the taste and inhibits the formation of pathogenicity. Salt for brine taken in the amount of 5% of the number of liquid, and for fermentation in personal juice in a ratio of 1.5-2% of the volume of vegetables.

What is different from salted and marinated?

Souring, like pickling, is a way of harvesting tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits for the winter. Although these types of conservation and perform the same function, that is, to preserve the products, they are quite different among themselves. With the help of souring keep products in brine. This is done to emit lactic acid, which is very useful for the body.

How to choose a vegetable?

Slightly brown and dense tomatoes are best used for souring. Also fit and very green. Most often, recipes use a sort of oblong tomato as a plum, as they are solid and will not lose their shape. Use better tomatoes of the same type. Do not put in a jar of colorful tomatoes, as well as ripe and not ripe.

Important!  Inside the vegetable should not be a rod having a white color.

Various capacities

So how and in what is better to ferment green tomatoes at home: in barrels or cans? The difference between these capacities is that:

  1. The jar needs to be sterilized, and the barrel just washed.
  2. In the barrel fit more tomatoes than in the jar.
  3. In a jar, tomatoes are cooked faster than in a barrel.
  4. Stored in a barrel longer than in the bank.

Benefit and harm

Sour tomatoes contain many minerals and vitamins. The main quality of this vegetable is that they contain lycopins. They help with cancer.

The elements necessary for a person will be preserved in pickled tomatoes, such as:

  1. Zinc.
  2. Iron.
  3. Potassium.

Note!  In tomatoes, a lot of salt - this can lead to water retention in the body.

Also, this vegetable contains fiber - fiber improves digestion. Kills the effect of alcohol on the body.

Do not eat tomatoes for people who are on a salt-free diet.

Multiple canning

If there are green tomatoes, they are well suited for fermentation. It is better to use slightly brown tomatoes. Green tomatoes contain:

  1. Trace elements
  2. Macroelements.
  3. Vitamins.
  4. Organic acids.
  5. Antioxidants.
  6. Flavonoids.

Cooking Instructions

With garlic in a barrel

So how to cook it?
  Ingredients for the most delicious recipe for pickled green tomatoes with garlic for the winter:

In addition to products, you must have:

  • Barrel of 30 liters.
  • Running water.
  • Three-liter jar or other container in order to dissolve the salt.
  • Cloth or gauze.
  • Plate.

Ingredients for brine:

  • 15 liters of water.
  • 0.9 kilograms of salt.

Method of quick cooking pickled green tomatoes:

  1. First you need to wash the tomatoes, wash and peel the garlic. Wash spices and inflorescences of dill. Wash with a cold water barrel of 30 liters.
  2. Lay vegetables in layers:
    • The first layer: half of a piece of horseradish, half a clove of garlic, three leaves of black currant, three leaves of cherry, one branch of tarragon, a strip of bitter pepper, 50 seeds of dill.
    • Second layer: put the vegetables very close to each other.
    • The third layer: half of a piece of horseradish, a rug of garlic clove, two leaves of black currant, two leaves of cherry, one branch of tarragon, a strip of bitter pepper.
    • Fourth layer: tomatoes.
    • The following layers lay out as the third and fourth layer.
  3. Next, pour the pickle tomatoes.
  4. Cover with a rag barrel.
  5. Put a plate on the cloth.
  6. Cover the plate with food film.
  7. Barrel close the lid.

On a note.  The barrel should be in a cool place. If the temperature in this place is like in a refrigerator, then tomatoes will be ready in 14-21 days.

Watch a video on how to make pickled green tomatoes in a barrel. Chef's recipe:

In banks

So, consider how to sour green tomatoes in jars.

Below are the necessary ingredients for the preparation of pickled green tomatoes for the winter in banks, similar in taste to the barrel:

  • Parsley.
  • A large head of garlic.
  • Three tablespoons of salt.
  • Dill.
  • The leaves of horseradish.
  • Water.
  • Tomatoes in a three-liter can.
  • Celery stalks.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind and put greens on the bottom of sterilized jars.
  2. Peel and divide the garlic into slices and flatten each of the slices.
  3. Spread evenly over the bottom of the jar of garlic.
  4. Boil a liter of water with salt.
  5. Allow to cool a little and pour to the green.
  6. Wash the tomatoes and put them in the jar.
  7. Pour the cooled boiled water into a jar of tomatoes and close with a capron lid.
  8. Put the jar in a cold place and in 20 days the tomatoes will be ready.

From the video you will learn the recipe for sourdough green tomatoes in a jar:

Quick recipes

With hot pepper

Consider one of the best recipes for pickled green tomatoes for the winter.
  Ingredients for a two-liter can:

Ingredients for one liter of brine:

  • One liter of boiled water.
  • One tablespoon of salt.
  • Two tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the tomatoes into two slices and chop the garlic.
  2. At the bottom of the pan put half: garlic, Lavrushki, greens, pepper, peppercorns.
  3. Close to each other put the tomatoes in the pan.
  4. Prepare the brine, to do this, mix water, salt and sugar and boil.
  5. Pour the hot pickle and put the remaining greens.
  6. Put a plate on the tomatoes and water in a jar on the plate.
  7. Cover with gauze and place for 48 hours in a warm room.

With cherry and greens


Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and pierce each with a toothpick.
  2. Prepare the pickle. To do this, boil water with salt, sugar, add lemon juice, laurel and pepper. Boil the water should be five minutes.
  3. Tomatoes with garlic and herbs to shift to the jar. Pour the marinade in the same jar. Close and leave the room for 24 hours.
  4. At night, put in the fridge and in the morning they will be ready. Not for long.

A photo

See below for photos of pickled green tomatoes for the winter.

What else to add?

Pickled tomatoes are perfect for such vegetables and fruits as:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Grapes

How to extend storage time?

The shelf life of tomatoes can not be extended. But best of all, they are stored in barrels for pickling.

Problems and difficulties

  1. For greater effect, tomatoes are cut into pieces and fermented as such.
  2. No need to worry about using a lot of salt when souring a tomato: thanks to the skin, the tomato will take as much salt as you need.
  3. Green tomatoes can also be stuffed with herbs and spices, cut in half.
  4. Store salted tomatoes at a temperature of 1 to 6 ° C in a refrigerator or cellar.
  5. If there are no such conditions, salted tomatoes can be preserved. It is done this way. 3-5 days after the start of fermentation, the brine is drained, and the tomatoes and seasonings are washed with hot water and placed in clean jars. The brine is brought to a boil. After that, tomatoes are poured with brine, sometimes repeatedly (pasteurization process), and rolled.
  6. So that the product does not turn sour and moldy, mustard powder must be diluted with vodka and poured into the brine. You can also put a rag dipped in vodka or a rag sprinkled with mustard on top of the tomatoes.

Where and how to keep?

You can store these tomatoes for eight months.  It is best to keep them in the cellar or refrigerators.

What can be done in the future?

  1. Salads
  2. Stew.
  3. Sauce.

How else to save for the winter?

Fresh tomatoes are usually not stored for a long time. Brown tomatoes will last longer. Can be stored in the refrigerator, here you can easily hold the desired temperature. But here they should be stored no more than 120 hours.

Pickled tomatoes are one of the most delicious snacks in our country. This snack will decorate any table and will delight guests and households. It is best to sour tomatoes in barrels and store in the cellar. If you do not have a cellar, then you can ferment green tomatoes at home in a regular jar of any size. In such barrels you can sour not only tomatoes, but also other vegetables and fruits.

Excellent options for making pickled green tomatoes at home - for the winter, with garlic, mustard, pepper. Delicious!

I want to suggest you to try spicy pickled green tomatoes. Tomatoes are very tasty, spicy and extremely fragrant, ready to eat in 3 days. You can serve these tomatoes as a snack to strong drinks, you can add them dishes of roasted meat, potatoes, etc. I advise you to cook - it is very tasty!

  • green tomatoes (can be brown) - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc .;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill and parsley - 0.5 bunches;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt coarse - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l (incomplete).

Green tomatoes (better than medium size) wash, make cross-shaped cuts from above, but not completely.

Peel carrots and garlic, remove seeds from sweet pepper. Carrot and pepper cut into slices.

Grind carrots, peppers, garlic and chilli in a blender.

Add chopped greens to this mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Prepare the mixture of tomato sections with the prepared mixture and place them in a deep pan in layers. Top add bay leaf.

Prepare the brine: add salt and sugar to the water, bring all to the boil. Allow the brine to cool slightly (4-5 minutes) and pour tomatoes on it.

Place a small yoke on top of the tomatoes and leave them at room temperature for 3-4 days. After that, delicious, spicy pickled green tomatoes can be served. Store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: Pickled green tomatoes for the winter (with photo)

Pickled green tomatoes are a snack that many people like. At the same time, it is perfect for a festive dinner, and for a family snack.

The great advantage of such a snack is that it is very easy to cook at home. Kvass tomatoes in the capacity in which it is most convenient to do it. In the old days, such tomatoes are often sour in huge barrels, and nowadays hostesses prefer to do this in pots, in cans or in a bucket. There is not much difference in capacity, so you can sour green tomatoes where it is convenient.

Very often, tomatoes are kvass stuffed with greens and garlic, and they are also closed with cabbage for a quick recipe. This dish turns out very tasty and useful due to the fact that vegetables are not subjected to heat treatment. This allows you to save most of the vitamins and beneficial trace elements that help our body to work without failures during the cold season.

The most delicious pickled tomatoes are those that were picked in their garden. A quick and easy recipe for their preparation with step-by-step photos will tell you in detail how to prepare such a snack at home. You can add pepper and mustard if you like spicy dishes, but do not overdo it so as not to spoil the billet for the winter.

  • green tomatoes - 500 gr
  • dill - 3 umbrellas
  • black pepper peas - 8 pcs
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 1 tbsp.

Prepare the amount of green tomatoes you need. You can take very small fruits, if you want to ferment them entirely. Large tomatoes will have to be cut into two or four pieces to compactly put them in a jar.

Tear off the stalk, wash your tomatoes thoroughly, and then begin to cut the largest fruits into several pieces. Try to take a sharp knife, so as not to damage and crush the tomatoes, otherwise they will not be so pleasant to the touch.

Now start to put all the ingredients you have in the jar that has been pre-washed with soda. Do not tamp tomatoes, so as not to turn them into porridge. They should lie in the jar free. Add greens, seasonings and salt, as well as garlic cloves.

Fill the contents of the bottle with cold boiled water so that it does not reach the top of the jar by 0.5 - 1 cm.

Cover your green tomatoes with a nylon cover and place in a dark warm place, after shaking the jar, to allow salt and spices to be evenly distributed over the vegetables.

After that, you need to wait four or five days to ferment the pickle and the tomatoes are fermented. After the required time, your pickled green tomatoes will be ready to eat.

Recipe 3: green tomatoes pickled in jars

The recipe for pickled green tomatoes is very simple, and they have an unusual taste. If you like barrel pickles, then this method of preparation will appeal to you. Pickled green tomatoes will be ready in two weeks, but if you want faster, cook yellow ones. These tomatoes have a sweeter taste and are prepared much faster, the recipe is the same.

  • Tomatoes green, brown or yellow - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1-2 pcs
  • Salt large - 40 gr
  • Dill Seeds - Pinch

Harvesting pickled green tomatoes for the winter is one of the easiest ways to make pickles. Green tomatoes are often left on the beds and many are simply thrown away, but you can make a wonderful snack from them. If you bought soaked unripe tomatoes or you just want to indulge yourself with a delicious salty snack, you will love this recipe for its simplicity and accessibility.

If you do not have green tomatoes, you can replace them with yellow ones - this variety is very tasty in itself, and in a salty form it will be even tastier.

Tomatoes, it is desirable to take the whole, not damaged. Put them in a colander and wash well in running water.

To make the tomatoes well salted and juicy, you need to make a cross-cut with a sharp knife.

Pickled green tomatoes for the winter will be ready faster if they are even pricked with a fork or toothpick on the side of the stem.

Yellow tomatoes are slightly softer, so they just cut them on top.

Sweet pepper to wash, remove the stalk with seeds and cut into smaller pieces. You can chop the pepper in a meat grinder.

Chop parsley or dill greens and mix with pepper. If you use dry dill seeds, they can be immediately poured into jars.

Peel the garlic, divide it into cloves and chop finely with a knife or grate.

Pepper and garlic mix and put these vegetable mixture in lots.

Stuffed with this mixture of tomatoes put in jars - it is best to take a liter or enamel pan.

Prepare the pickle. Add 40 grams of salt per liter of water, mix well and pour tomatoes with this brine. You can heat the pickle, then pickled green tomatoes will be ready for use in 10 days. Yellow tomatoes will be ready faster, you can try in a week.

Tomatoes pour brine and put the jars or saucepan in a warm place. You can leave the workpiece in the kitchen - the temperature should not be below room temperature.

In a few days, the tomatoes can be rearranged to a cooler place.

Salted tomatoes in this recipe can be served at the table in two weeks, but they will be the most delicious in about a month. To preserve pickled green tomatoes until winter, it is advisable to put the jars in a refrigerator or a cool cellar. If you have a balcony, this is also a good place to store your homework.

Yellow tomatoes are different from green and red high content of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, you can always save a few pounds of these amazing vegetables if you prepare this magnificent preparation. They can be served as an independent snack. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: Pickled Green Tomatoes in a Pan

Sour green tomatoes, like in a shop in Soviet times, are a recipe that not everyone knows and can cook.

  • 1 kg of green tomatoes,
  • half hot chili peppers,
  • fresh dill,
  • 2 leaves of bay leaf,
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic,
  • 7-8 black peppercorns,
  • 1 tables. l salt,
  • 1 tables. l sugar without slides,
  • 1.5 liters of water for the marinade.

Wash tomatoes, pierce with a toothpick in one or several places. Fold in an enamel pan. Also a glass container is perfect as the glass does not oxidize and does not spoil the vegetables.

Boil the water, then cool slightly until warm. Pour salt, sugar, folded dill sprigs, finely chopped garlic, chili peppers, black peppers allspice and laurel leaves. Mix everything so that the bulk powder is completely dissolved in the marinade. Now the marinade is completely cold and you can continue to cook.

Fill the green tomatoes with marinade. Marinade should already completely cool down and become room temperature.

Cover the pot with a lid and leave it in the room for 2 days for fermentation and fermentation. After two days (on the surface of the tomato, a small froth and bubbles will appear) put in the cellar or in the refrigerator for another 4-5 days.

When the fermentation time comes out, you will see that the marinade has become cloudy, and the tomatoes have become softer. I deliberately didn’t put oppression on tomatoes so that they preserved not only a pleasant appearance and did not shrink, but also remained juicy inside. You can certainly crush the tomatoes with a yoke, but their shape will become shriveled and not so attractive. Due to the fact that they made the toothpick punctures, the tomatoes fermented very well inside. In Soviet times, tomatoes were always squeezed and shriveled, but to taste my tomatoes and store ones are no different.

Pickled tomatoes served at the table as a snack and not only. Who tried these tomatoes in stores in the Soviet era, those will overcome nostalgia for the past. Now take the recipe for service.

Recipe 5: Pickled Green Tomatoes with Mustard

I propose a recipe for how to prepare green tomatoes with mustard in a cold way.


  • green tomatoes - 10 kg,
  • garlic - 3-4 heads,
  • horseradish leaves
  • dill,
  • mustard - 100 grams,
  • cherry leaves.

For brine in a bucket of water:

  • salt - 1 cup,
  • granulated sugar - 2 glasses.

After we have prepared all the ingredients we need, we proceed to the preparation of a delicious preparation. Horseradish leaves and dill pour water and rinse well. We take out and shake off the green water residues.

Then we sort the green tomatoes and choose whitened or brown fruits. We wash them in a large amount of cold running water. Send the fruit to a fine sieve mlm just a colander. Give water to drain.

The capacity in which our green tomatoes will be salted is well washed. Scald with boiling water. Then the bottom and the walls of the container are thickly covered with the most common mustard.

Lay out a layer of greens (dill, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves) at the bottom of the barrel or pans. Tightly laid prepared tomatoes. Pour them with peeled garlic, washed cherry leaves and dill. Prepare the pickle. To do this, dissolve salt and granulated sugar in cold water. Stir thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved in the sugar. Then pour the container filled with tomatoes ready cold pickle. Put the circle with the load on top. Leave tomatoes at room temperature for about 2-3 days. We wait until the fermentation process begins. Then move the container to a cool place. Remove the sample.

And now I boldly declare that our preparation for the winter of mustard green tomatoes is ready!

Recipe 6: green tomatoes pickled with garlic

Green tomatoes with greens and garlic - this is a very tasty snack, not to cook which in the fall, in the period when green tomatoes appear on the shelves, is a sin! It turns out very spicy, spicy. The taste is really amazing! You can put such a snack on the everyday table, or on a holiday. Green tomatoes with greens and garlic wonderfully go under vodka. However, these tomatoes have a pronounced garlic smell, so if you are going to work or, say, on a date, you better not eat them. In other cases, they are not contraindicated.

The recipe for pickling green tomatoes stuffed with garlic and greens is very simple! It is only necessary to prepare the filling, and then stuff it with tomatoes. Next, green tomatoes should be fermented in a special brine for three to four days. After this time, the appetizer will be ready, and it can be included in its menu.

If you are not indifferent to green tomatoes stuffed with greens and garlic, and you want to enjoy this wonderful appetizer prepared by yourself, then first learn a step-by-step photo recipe of their preparation, which is given below. Accurately follow all instructions, and then soon you will be able to please your household with a very tasty autumn dish.

  • green tomatoes - 3 kg
  • 1-2 carrots
  • chopped parsley - 3-4 tbsp.
  • crushed dill - 3-4 tbsp.
  • bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc
  • bitter pepper - 1 pc
  • horseradish leaves - 1-2 pcs
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pieces
  • garlic - 10-12 cloves
  • edible salt - 2 tbsp. per liter of water
  • sugar - ½ tbsp. per liter of water

Starts cooking snacks with a selection of tomatoes. They must have a sufficiently dense skin, and the fruits themselves must be strong. Tomatoes brought home should be thoroughly washed from all contaminants, and then dried with paper towels. Then each fruit must be cut cross to cross, but not until the end. Tomatoes should not fall apart.

We clean the carrots and wash them thoroughly, and then grind them (best grated on a coarse grater). Then take a sweet bell pepper. It is necessary to remove the stem and seeds. Then the pepper will need to be cut into small pieces. After that, mix the chopped vegetables.

Grind hot peppers and garlic, and then mix them.

Carefully wash the herbs (dill and parsley), dry it, and then chop.

Chopped greens, garlic, carrots, as well as sweet and hot peppers mix in one pot. The resulting "stuffing" stuffed green tomatoes. For brine, dissolve in the boiling water the required amount of salt and sugar. Stuffed green tomatoes laid in a saucepan and shift them with laurel leaves and horseradish leaves, and then pour the previously prepared brine.

The pickle should completely cover the tomatoes. It is advisable to install on top of any cargo. For example, tomatoes can be covered with a plate, and a half liter jar filled with water can be placed on it.

Soak green tomatoes stuffed with greens and garlic, in this state for 3-4 days. And then you can include them in your diet: they will be ready!

Recipe 7, step by step: pickled green tomatoes in a bucket

I offer you a recipe for a delicious snack! The tomatoes in this recipe are stored for a long time, but they are so tasty that the whole barrel disappears unnoticed!

  • Tomato (5 kg)
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Hot red pepper to taste
  • Leaf celery to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf - to taste
  • Dill - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Prepare all the ingredients. Wash the tomatoes.