What can you give to a person who loves coffee. How to choose a good coffee as a gift

20.04.2019 Blanks for winter

If there is an inveterate coffee lover in your surroundings, then the problem with gifts for him can be said to be solved. It is quite simple to pick up a gift for a coffee lover, especially if you read a new article about presents for lovers of invigorating drinks. We are sure that you will definitely like our ideas.

What to give a coffee lover

The best gifts for a good coffee connoisseur can be divided into two categories: coffee itself and everything to make it.

Coffee as a gift

  • Monograde. Recommended gift for those who are well versed in coffee. You can choose something traditionally high quality. For example, Kubo Turkino or Ethiopia Irgachipe.
  • Plantation coffee  - one of the novelties of recent years. It is grown on small coffee farms and sold at mini-auctions. Plantation coffee is not as famous as elite varieties, but it is always of high quality, as small planters are very careful about this indicator. We recommend to try the Brazilian varieties Ipanema Ruby or Ipanema Dulci.
  • Elite coffee. Suitable as a gift for someone who truly loves the drink. It is not necessary to buy the advertised fermented Kopi Lyuvak. You can start with Jamaica Blue Mountain or less expensive Tanzania Piberry, Java and the Brazilian Yellow Maragogype.

You can buy elite or monogrades in online stores or specialized coffee boutiques.

Accessories for making coffee

  • Turk. Brass, with a long wooden handle or ceramic, with a removable holder is a must-have in the kitchen of any coffee lover.
  • French press. An indispensable device for making a quick version of a drink, literally, in any conditions.
  • Drip funnel  for brewing coffee spillage. Another such device is called purover. Funnel supplemented with special filters, they are often included in the purchase package. Even the strongest supporters of making coffee using the classical method will not refuse to try something new.
  • Kemeks. Another alternative brewing method that has gained worldwide popularity. The device is relatively inexpensive, but it looks incredibly stylish.

Coffee Lover Set

If you decide to make a coffee lover happy with a whole range of useful items, then pay attention to the following options.

Turk and several types of coffee for brewing in it. The set is suitable for those who make the first steps in coffee making. This gift can be used immediately upon delivery.

Turkish coffee making set. It includes a small electric baking tray, sand, and two small Turks per 100 ml each. Ideal option to become the real master of coffee.

A set of flavored varieties. A good gift for inquisitive and creative people who love to try something new. Such kits are sold already in finished form or they can be assembled by yourself.

Turk, spoon for the Turks and a hand mill for coffee  - classic coffee genre. Everything you need to make the drink turned out to be of perfect quality.

Manual coffee grinder and a set of several varieties of coffee beans. Such a gift will please even the most sophisticated gourmet, especially if the grinder is a millstone type. Well proven products of the popular brand Tiamo, which specializes in coffee accessories.

A pack of coffee and a large bar of good chocolate. Here it is, simple coffeemanic happiness. Cost is relatively inexpensive and will provide a lot of fun.

Coffee maker for coffee in capsules and set them for the first time. Very interesting and unusual gift that will appeal to those who appreciate the new items. In addition, it is really a good way to get a cup of organic coffee quickly and almost without hassle. In stores most often there are two brands of such devices - Nespresso and Tassimo.

Cheap Coffeeman Gifts

What gift to choose as a memorable souvenir or just a nice, inexpensive present for a coffee lover?

  1. Good coffee famous brand. Pay attention to products under the brand name "Live Coffee", Jardin, Lavazza. They are sold in many supermarkets, have a low price and acceptable quality. The gift will cost about 320-400 rubles, depending on what kind of coffee you decide to buy.
  2. Spoon for the Turks. Beautiful brass spoon for the Turks in gift wrapping costs from 350 rubles. You can buy the same for 200 rubles and pack yourself.
  3. Coffee cup. They do not happen much, especially since for each recipe, in theory, we need our own dishes. Find a beautiful demitasse cup for espresso or Turkish coffee. It will cost from 100 to 300 rubles with a saucer.
  4. A set of magnets with sayings about coffee will cheer up even the most thoughtful coffee lover. One such magnet costs from 60 rubles, and if you decide to do it yourself, then it can be laid out and cheaper.
  5. Handmade soap with the smell of coffee. A great gift for girls who love coffee. A piece of this soap costs about 200-250 rubles, and if you search through the Internet, then for this amount you can find a small handmade cosmetic set - soap and bombs for a bath, for example.
  6. A book where the main character is coffee. For example, Max Fry's “The Coffee Book” or the detective story “Coffee with Pepper and Salt” by Sophia Roldugin.

Expensive gifts to the coffee lover

The coffee theme is truly inexhaustible, and allows you to make quite expensive presents. Here are some options for solid gifts.

  1. Espresso coffee maker. It is best to take the car of Italian manufacturers, for example, Gaggia. True, the cost of such a surprise is unlikely to be less than 40 thousand rubles.
  2. Cold Strait Coffee Maker. The thing is extremely original if only because the drink is brewed here with the help of ice. But the taste is just incredible. The cost of such a toy is from 13 thousand rubles.
  3. A set of coffee elite varieties. 250 grams of Mine Lyuvak and Jamaica Blue Mountain, and the value of the gift will exceed 10 thousand rubles.
  4. Crystal Turk and to her silver spoon. The set will cost about 9-10 thousand, although you can find these items and more expensive.
  5. Coffee set gift. Coffee pot and six small cups in the Oriental style with gold leaf and miniatures of color enamel. Such gizmos cost from 20 thousand, and can reach 100 thousand rubles.

You can offer hundreds of ideas that give a coffee lover. The main thing here is to know exactly what degree of "coffee" the recipient of the gift. The simplest case is a novice or medium representative. In this case, it is easy to meet the 1-2 thousand rubles, presenting a good variety of coffee or Turk. Well, if you yourself "in the subject", then just do not present instant coffee or Turkish stainless steel. In the case of an avid coffee lover much harder. Most of the devices and accessories he has already acquired. For coffee sorts, such people have well-established preferences, so gifts worth 10 thousand rubles are appropriate.

During the upcoming holidays, we all want to make our loved ones happy and, most importantly, with the right gifts. However, this is the very main problem that forces us to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying just a gift. Instead, we climb into the wallet and think: "Which bill will be the most desirable and such so that it would not be embarrassing?"

Each of us has a friend or at least an acquaintance who loves something of his own. It so happened that almost every second person on the planet either loves coffee, or simply cannot live without it! And a new problem is created - what can you give to the coffee lover and connoisseur? After all, most likely your friend has already managed to try all sorts of coffee from store shelves or already mixed coffee with different spices to get your unique aroma! How to please such?

During the pre-holiday days, we conducted a small study, examining the tastes of coffee lovers, as well as how you can really please them! Among the entire Internet OFFICEPLANKTON  identified 3 best, and most importantly useful gifts for true connoisseurs of coffee.

"Death Wish" - the strongest coffee in the world

Coffee is really unusual and is completely unlike any of the coffee you know: Jacobs, Nescafe, Jardin, Chibo and others. Translated from English, the name " Death wish"Translated into Russian as" Death wish”And not just like that, the fact is that“ Death wish ”is not the kind of coffee that you used to drink in the mornings, having bought in the nearest store.

“Death wish” is the strongest type of coffee in the world, the caffeine content of which is 2 times higher than in any other known coffee. This is not a joke - it really doesn’t invigorate it!


The most expensive coffee in the world  with an unusual name " Black cat»Is made (ATTENTION!) By elephants in Thailand and costs about 1,100 US dollars per kilogram.

Do you know how elephants make it? People collect the best beans of Thai Arabica at an altitude of 1500 meters and give them to elephants. Elephants willingly eat grains that come out of the elephant's body naturally, and coffee collectors get them out of elephant dung, and then dry them in the sun.

But this is not just such an expensive coffee, it has one unique flavor and it is not what you thought! The fact is that being in an elephant, the grains lose all the bitterness due to the enzymes of elephants. It is due to the low protein content of coffee beans and the lack of bitterness, the Black Cat coffee has become one of the most expensive coffee in the world.

Multifunctional coffee maker

Just imagine, waking up early on Monday morning and the whole work week ahead. Eyes stick together, sleep does not let go of the head, and the ears catch a sharp and irritable sound of the alarm. And then a cup of natural freshly brewed coffee that your second half carries you or that you can get rushes to help, pour water into the coffee maker, choosing the right mode and leaving the bathroom for a refreshing shower, and after enjoying the morning coffee, thanks to such a gift of civilization coffee maker.

She does everything for you: and counts the right amount of coffee, she mixes herself, cooks and pours into a cup. You do not have to stand over the stove and make sure that the coffee takes the desired consistency or watch when the kettle boils and you pour boiling water into a cup of dry coffee. For business people who can’t imagine their morning without a cup of coffee and keeping track of time, a coffee maker will be just a necessary gadget in the kitchen.

Just make a few clicks of the buttons, you set up the machine for the desired type of drink and after a minute you get a well-deserved cup of coffee. Among the coffee makers, which focus on coffee lovers, the company really deserves the attention of Saeco. Saeco Coffee Makers  distinguished among other competitors by the quality of assembly, advanced technologies in the automatic operation of the machine, as well as multifunctionality, which itself determines how many grains you need for a cup, how much milk, grind grains itself and pour fresh and aromatic coffee in time for you. However, due to the large number of competitors, online stores are constantly arranging sales of coffee makers, selling them much cheaper than their value and thanks to the shares, which can be found by clicking on the link http://m.ua/kata/95/saeco/

In conclusion of our review, I would like to say that we did not choose the presented gift options for coffee lovers. All three gifts will be an original surprise for your loved ones and acquaintances, so shake your mustache and hurry to please your loved ones for the upcoming holidays!

Already quite a bit more and at home, coffee houses will be decorated with Christmas decorations and lanterns, holiday songs will be heard more and more often, more and more mandarin flavors and fir trees will envelop each of us. And we will peacefully and happily consider the days of the calendareau of the onset of the beloved holiday - the New Year. Some of us will hold a cup of tea in our hands, warming ourselves on a cold winter morning, while others will make plans for the coming year and make a cup of their favorite coffee in the morning.

Our current post is dedicated to this large and vigorous population of the planet: Gift ideas for coffee lovers. So, if you, your friend, beloved person or mother, get into this list, then rather sit back, grab a pen and paper and start planning with us "What to give?". Let us call the guide “5 gift ideas for a coffee lover” so many of them have accumulated that we decided to divide our guide into three parts, gift ideas for:

“Those who are addicted to coffee. For a long time. Maybe even addicted. "

Here, of course, you have to surprise your coffee lover with your present, because most likely this person understands the drink completely, can distinguish several degrees of acidity in coffee, will long argue about how best to brew coffee in a funnel and how to spill water. In the arsenal already has at least one device for alternative brewing and most likely dreams:

Part Three

Gift ideas for those who want to make a coffee lover smile and laugh a little!

New Year is the time for smiles and fabulous mood, so why not make people around rejoice and shine from the gift of coffee?

Interesting gifts to embellish the mood can be:

Cup holderswhich are mounted on the side cushions of the sofa. Simple and convenient. He made himself a little crow, you sit and enjoy your favorite movie, and the cup with a drink is always at hand.

Capes on the pillows with the words "Coffee during the day, whiskey at night". Perfectly suited for the beautiful half of humanity, which has long dreamed of diversifying its coffee space with a share of humor.

Coffee cup holder on the bike.  Very convenient for cycling enthusiasts who are not threatened by any weather.

The gun for drawings from milk foam in the 3 D format.  Here, of course, you can give free rein to fantasies and emotions for the whole family, and having prepared lattes in a Staresso coffee machine, you can start building teddy bears from milk foam.

New Year's bustle, shopping, shopping, work and endless household chores can drag you down in a string of panic and lack of time to choose a worthy gift for a coffee lover. We solved and solved the problem with care and love quickly and easily by preparing two limited sets that will be a joyful and colorful gift for any coffee lover!

You can leave a request for ordering sets to our manager on Instagram or by ordering a callback. Delivery to the door is possible! Ship on the day of order. Give coffee, New Year Magic this year!

And it does not matter what group of coffee fans you are) Super pros, lovers or just beginners. This drink you just need to be able to enjoy, experiment, try and brew as you like, and no matter what method and method. It is important that with love and a little magic! The holiday is very soon!

Well? What will give a coffee lover? Leave your comment below!

Life is better with coffee.

On the subject of "coffee as a gift" there are two important mutually exclusive facts:

  1. Coffee is a good giftwhich suits a wide circle of people, and for a variety of reasons: whether it is the New Year, February 23 or March 8.
  2. Moreover, if the birthday man drinks something a level higher than instant coffee or from the Turks, then you can specifically “fly by”, because with a high degree of probability he already has his own taste, and he simply will not use the unsuitable birthday present.

In this article I will try to give advice on how not to miss a gift to a coffee lover, or just to a coffee lover. If you really, really do not know the tastes of a person, then immediately rewind to a universal coffee gift.

The main thing: to know the passions and tastes

This is generally universal advice on presenting any person with anything. But how much he is banal, and so important. With regard to the coffee theme, it is worthwhile to find out at least the type of coffee drink that the “hero of the occasion” prefers: instant, from the Turks, geysers, Americanas, espresso, cappuccino, etc.

The second question is what kind of equipment he already has: a Turk, a geyser, a drip, a rozhkovy coffee maker, a grain coffee machine.

The combination of answers to these questions usually hides a clear clue what to give. Find a gift to a coffee lover whose tastes are known to you easily and quickly. Below are some specific case studies.

Ready gift ideas for coffee lovers:

1. Turks and everything related to them. For example, a person likes Turkish coffee, and he does not have a normal Turks - we give a copper Turk! A person likes Turkish coffee and has a Turkish one already - we give an electric car, not for home, so it will be useful for trips. If the budget allows, then you can donate a Turk with auto power off - this is almost an automatic coffee machine for Turkish coffee.

Quality Copper Turk

2. Geyser coffee makers / Italy / classic.Maybe the namesake told how he liked the coffee from the geyzernaya coffee maker, which he drank in Italy? Or just loves Italian culture and everything related to this country? If he does not have a geyser yet, we give a geyser coffee maker.

3. American, alternative, black coffee in large portions.  A man loves the American, and makes it anyhow, in a cup, he makes ground powder, for example. As an option - you can give a good drip coffee maker, this is the most correct apparatus for preparing such a drink.

If a person loves the American and drip coffee maker he has - we give accessories for alternative methods of brewing. In this case, excellent coffee gifts are: a funnel / hario / purover, a kemex (solid!), Or an aeropress (yes you are a connoisseur!). Will try new facets of a familiar drink and develop a barista talent.

Heaped drip coffee maker from a proven brand

Naturally, the same things are suitable for as such lovers of alternatives. But usually they already have such tools. Spare options in this case - or for uniform spillage.

4. Espresso / cappuccino / latte.

  • A person loves espresso, but due to the lack of equipment he buys it in coffee shops.  There is a huge choice, from relatively inexpensive rozhkovy coffee makers, to cereal machines for 200,000 rubles. As a matter of fact, it’s my website that is dedicated to the choice of coffee machines and coffee makers, so I’m sending you to the rating of inexpensive but good coffee machines for home and business.
  • The shooter loves espresso, and he already has a carob coffee maker.  Giving accessories to her. First and foremost - coffee grinder, here we must additionally find out if there is any. If not, then the grinder will be a delightful gift. In fact, a coffee grinder is a great gift for fans of any coffee drinks. Cooking freshly ground grains in any way is a serious step forward. Coffee grinder is not in favor, only if the person has a coffee machine.

  • If the espresso lover already has a rozhkovy coffee maker and a coffee grinder, then there are still enough options in the spectrum of choice: tamper (but you need to know the diameter of the horn or at least the model of the coffee maker, they are not universal), but-box, pitcher (if they like milk drinks).

Coffee cups are generally a universal gift for a coffee lover., but still the tastes of the person bestowed should be known, because for different drinks you need different cups and give, for example, a mug for the American to an espresso lover. Therefore, the ideal option would be, for example, this set of coffee dishes of different sizes from Delonghi of double-walled glass:

But I think it is better not to give a capsule coffee maker.  You are thereby, possibly against his will, tying a person to specific capsules, but they are not suitable for everyone, plus in the long run they also eat out the budget, be healthy. A capsule unit is generally not a very versatile thing for the house; you need to come to it yourself, appreciating all the pros and cons. At the same time, if a person already has a capsule coffee maker, and he uses it, then the annual supply of capsules of a suitable system will be appreciated, do not hesitate.

And here the reader will ask me: “what, just can not give coffee?”

With coffee, the situation is as follows. Finding addiction to this level is usually more difficult. I mean specific varieties / roasting, or at least firmly / sour / floral / candy, etc. If you know this information, then what is the question, coffee always goes with a bang, if you get a taste. But I personally was a repeated witness when people gave a kilo of good, expensive coffee from the bottom of their hearts, and the birthday man then cooked it only to the guests, he did not drink.

But here will be advice. If all of the above options you did not like / did not fall into the budget / it is difficult or late to search, then you can make a cup of coffee, but by following these recommendations.

It is still desirable to focus on tastes. For lovers of espresso, geyser or Turkish, it is better to take a universal mix of arabica / robusta in the ratio of 80/20 medium or dark roast or 100% arabica coffee of neutral tastes like Brazil / Colombia, but dark roast. You can shikanut to Cuba or the Dominican Republic. Fans of American and alternatives are better to give a light roast 100% Arabica from the same countries (Brazil / Colombia), plus, probably, Guatemala, Costa Rica. Mexico, Ethiopia and Kenya, I am afraid, may be much sour.

But the main thing - to give freshly roasted coffee. Because in this case, even if they flew with taste, a person will be able to evaluate and understand for the future that these particular countries in terms of coffee beans are not for him (no good). I have a catalog of Russian fryers on a separate page. And store rusks still almost never show anything characteristic. But if you still decide to take a pack from the store, then try to choose no older than 2-3 months. For example, for a New Year's coffee gift it is better to look for coffee with a release date not earlier than September-October.

As the famous French writer of the XIX century Gustav Flaubert said: “The taste of coffee is beautiful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love him, only under this condition you can enjoy it to the fullest with ecstasy. ”

Among your friends there is someone who could know all the facets of coffee taste? Then our top 10 will help you find the right gift to turn daily coffee preparation into a mysterious ritual, and each cup of espresso will turn into a source of pleasant memories of you!

What we used to call, in the original called "cezve". From time immemorial this vessel has been used to make coffee in an oriental manner, and during this time it has never changed: the same narrow neck and a consistently long handle. Drinking instant is a shame for a coffee lover! A real thick and aromatic coffee, which retains all its properties, can be prepared only in a Turk!

A charge of cheerfulness for every day - with a home coffee maker is possible! Capsule coffee maker is a perfect gift for those whose rhythm of life does not allow to spend precious minutes waiting for coffee to be ready in the Turk: such a device does not take much space and time. And if the ritual of warming and boiling coffee is still important - then the geyser can easily replace the retro version with the Turk.

What to give to the coffee lover, who has all the devices for its preparation? Take a closer look at the interior of his kitchen: maybe there are not enough original ones? There are many interesting design ideas: cups with saucers instead of dials and hands in the form of spoons, inverted glasses with spilled coffee and much more!

Espresso is a tonic coffee drink that is popular all over the world. It is distinguished by a small volume (literally a couple of sips), a rather bitter taste and special ones in which it is served. And the choice of the latter is so great that such a set can be selected for any event: with snowflakes and deer - for the New Year, with spring flowers - for March 8!

Original lamp

Another unusual option for the interior -. Cute cups and colored glasses - such a nice little thing can be put on the bedside table, so that each time it serves as a reminder that the time has come for coffee.

So cute, when the morning cup of cappuccino smiles, and the foam latte greets you with a fun phrase. There is nothing impossible, and in order to create works of art in a circle, it is not necessary to be a professional barista - it is enough to have for coffee.

The known device for brewing hot drinks, which is especially popular for the preparation of fruit and berry and herbal teas. It is also useful for coffee: we take coarsely ground coffee, fall asleep in a French press, pour boiling water over it. A special feature of the French press is a special lid with a filter, which, after 5 minutes of infusion, is lowered down and pressed down on the coffee grounds. So the coffee will reveal all its taste properties, becoming even more saturated and fragrant.

Coffee Massage Certificate

Coffee is not only a tasty and healthy drink, but also a favorite tool in the cosmetics industry. Due to the healing antioxidant properties of coffee beans, it is regularly used in spa centers and massage rooms. So give your friends an unforgettable relaxation in the form of a professional - what else is needed for a coffee lover who is tired after long working days?

There is one accessory that is simply necessary for a loving couple of coffee lovers! Coffee in bed - an option that brings romance, and now it is possible not only in the series! for breakfast and coffee - the perfect gift for an event dedicated to a round date relationship.

Those who do not feel sorry for the time for the coffee ceremony, in retro style will obviously have to taste. There is nothing better than freshly ground coffee beans without impurities and treatments. In addition, this is an excellent reason to invite friends for a cup of coffee - it is much more interesting to independently engage in the process of preparing a drink, controlling it at all stages.