Varieties of delicious salads. Odessa kucheryavets salad

28.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Salads have long taken pride of place on almost every table. And for good reason. Healthy greens are not only suitable for decorating dishes, but also serve as a source of minerals and vitamins. Salads have also won recognition among gardeners, since they conquer not only with a variety of taste, but also with their decorative properties. If we are talking about the usefulness of this amazing plant, we will consider all its properties.

Salad composition

The salad is valuable because it is a low-calorie vegetable, 100 g of salad contains only 15 Kcal. It contains no heavy fats and carbohydrates. Salad varieties are varied, but everyone is valued for their vitamin and mineral composition, which includes vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H, P, as well as iron, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, sulfur, calcium, beta-carotene and several dozen more useful elements. Lettuce is a source of fiber and protein.

The benefits of salad

Including salads in your diet is a great opportunity to get rid of excess weight, as well as balance your diet for various diseases. Depending on the variety of salads, their vitamin composition changes. But they all improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a beneficial effect on vision, regulate the salt balance, and stabilize the heart and nervous system. The unique composition of the lettuce enhances lactation, increases the level of red blood cells, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol and improves sleep.

Varieties of spicy salads are distinguished by their antiseptic properties, have a diuretic effect and strengthen the immune system. Not spared the amazing properties of the salad and the fair sex, as they contribute to maintaining beauty. They are indispensable in cosmetic procedures - lotions, masks, as they perfectly tone and moisturize the skin, prevent hair loss.

Decorative properties

Salads will truly adorn any garden. You can grow different varieties of salads not only on your own, but also for decorative purposes:

  • creating flower beds;
  • ridges and labyrinths in which lettuce is formed with spirals, ornaments and patterns;
  • use as a plant separator;
  • as a border, and is also introduced as a source of outlandish color in mixborders;
  • grown in pots on terraces, balconies and window sills.

Culinary properties

Of course, the value of a salad is not limited only by its low calorie content. Due to its taste, it is used fresh in the preparation of snacks; it is good just with vegetable oil and with any sauce. Stews, of course, lose most of their vitamins, but such dishes differ in their taste.

Salad is used to decorate vegetable, fish and meat dishes, as an addition to sandwiches. In some national cuisines, salad is used as a dessert, sprinkled with lemon juice and yogurt.

Leafy salads

Salads of this type are distinguished by delicate leaves, which come with even and patterned edges. The color of the leaves is varied - from light green to brown. Regardless of the type of lettuce, the taste is slightly bland and so delicate that it is not cut, but carefully torn. Among gardeners, this type of salad is very common, as it is unpretentious in care, and it is sown from the beginning of April (under the film) to August.

Salads of this type are cold-resistant, they need bright sun. They love light, loose soil. Lettuce is planted with row spacing from 20 to 30 cm. The seeding depth is not more than 1.5 cm. After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear. In the early stages of planting, it is recommended to cover green salads. Varieties of this species are thinned out after the appearance of the third true leaf, since the plant grows strongly.

The salad needs to loosen the soil. Starting from the second week, weeds are removed and, as an earthen crust forms, they are loosened. Watering is carried out carefully, trying not to stain the leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out in order not only to keep the crop clean, but also to retain moisture. Harvested simultaneously with thinning or selectively, removing the entire plant. The best salad varieties:

  • Lollo Rossa presents several varieties, it is also called Coral and has a slightly bitter nutty taste. The leaves are soft and give the plant volume. This variety is good both by itself and in combination with sauces, hot appetizers, baked vegetables, fried meat.
  • Oaklif or oakleaf lettuce lives up to its name by the appearance of its leaves, very similar to oak leaves. This is one of the memorable salads for its color and delicate nutty taste. Oaklif goes well with avocado, mushrooms, smoked salmon. Add it to both and snacks. Croutons and croutons acquire an interesting taste with this salad. All sauces are suitable for salad dressing, with the exception of spicy sauces so as not to interrupt Oaklif's delicate taste.

Cabbage and half-cabbage salads

Salads that form rosettes of leaves are called cabbage salads. They are characterized by oily-crispy greens. They taste as tender as leafy salads. They are also used in cooking.

For harvest in June, salads are grown in seedlings. The seeds of the variety are sown on it in early March. Sow in open ground before winter and early spring.

Head salads prefer fertile loams and sandy loams. Heads of cabbage are formed only in good lighting. They prefer a temperature not higher than 20 degrees. Before sowing the seeds, the soil is thoroughly watered and the seeds are scattered to a depth of no more than 2 cm. After the appearance of 2 full-fledged leaves, the plant is thinned out.

Salads of this type need regular watering. 2 weeks after thinning or planting seedlings, the head lettuce is fed. The crop is harvested depending on the maturity of the heads: they should be about 8 cm in diameter. Head lettuce is quite common, its varieties are numerous. But I would like to highlight one.

Frize is a curly lettuce with light green around the circumference and white-yellow leaves in the center. Recently, this type of salad has become more and more popular, this is due to its taste with a piquant bitterness and decorativeness. In cooking, it is practically not used as an independent dish, usually in combination with others. The tickling bitterness of Frize salad perfectly complements fish and shrimp dishes, meat snacks and cheese. It goes well with mushrooms and bacon.

Romaine lettuce

This type of salad is known as Roman salad. It is easy to recognize it by the shape of the head of cabbage. Elongated, almost smooth leaves, arranged vertically. Romaine forms large heads of cabbage with dark green leaves. In cooking they are used not only in everyone's favorite Caesar salad, but also as an addition to sandwiches, snacks, sandwiches.

Romaine is cultivated mainly as an autumn salad, sowing seeds in mid-July. Prefers loams and intense lighting. The seeds are buried in the soil by 1.5 cm. After the appearance of several true leaves, the crops are thinned out. It is recommended to soak the seeds before sowing.

All Roman care consists in regular watering and obligatory weeding. Harvesting can be started 70 to 80 days after sowing. This species is neither cabbage nor lettuce, varieties (hybrids) - Remus, Wendel, Pinocio, Mishutka, Kosberg, Parisian green.

Romaine has a nutty flavor, slightly spicy and sweet. Delicious on its own, especially with yoghurt dressing. It is used in combination with other types of salads, in hamburgers, sandwiches. Add to and puree soup.


Arugula leaves look like dandelions. But it is absolutely inimitable in its taste: a spicy nutty, slightly pungent taste. It is used as a seasoning for many hot dishes. Excellent in combination with cheeses, vegetables, sauces and dressings.

Arugula grows fast enough. It can be sown from early April to August. Arugula is sown every 15 days. Not picky about the soil. But she needs intense lighting and a temperature of about 18 degrees. It is grown both in greenhouses and in the open field. Arugula seeds are slightly buried in the soil. They germinate very quickly, after about a week the first shoots appear. The crop is harvested in 2 weeks.

Arugula loves moisture, the taste of the plant depends directly on watering. It is recommended to spray it. To retain moisture, you can mulch plantings. The best varieties of salads: Rococo, Emerald, Corsica, Sicily.

By the way, as an additive to okroshka, arugula will add a piquant touch to this dish. It goes well with fish dishes and seafood. Here she, perhaps, has no equal. Arugula is also used in pickles. Warming up arugula greens in a frying pan with garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil for a couple of minutes - you get a sauce that will make any side dish flawless.


Miniature type of salad. It is famous for its decorative properties, but, above all, it gained popularity due to its unique mustard taste. A bright, aromatic and fast-growing salad can, in terms of its taste, compete with arugula.

The first sowing of watercress is carried out in early April. And they finish seeding every 10 days. Since watercress does not like heat and long daylight hours, you can take a break from crops in summer. Since in such conditions, the watercress will "go away" in color.

The necessary conditions for good growth are light soils and partial shade. The seeds are buried in the soil by 1 cm. It sprouts in a few days. After 3 true leaves, seedlings are thinned out. When sowing early, it is recommended to cover the plant with a film.

Watercress is a low-growing plant, it is recommended to mulch the soil to keep the foliage clean. Watercress loves moisture, gratefully gives off juicy tender greens when sprinkled daily. The crop is harvested in 2 weeks. The best varieties: Dansky, Amur, Vest.

In cooking, watercress is widely used. This is a great side dish for game and chops. Excellent taste is given to butter for sandwiches, a spicy addition to cheese snacks and salads.

Field salad

Marsh salad, corn, rapunzel - these are the names for field salad. Small rosettes of glossy dark green leaves. This is a very delicate salad with a spicy, tart taste and nutty flavor.

Seeds are sown from mid-April until frost (when sowing "before winter"). With late sowing, the plant is protected - covered with leaves, compost. Field lettuce is responsive to drained soils, loves good lighting, does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Sowing depth of seeds is 1 cm. Double thinning - first at a distance of 3 cm, then at 10-15.

Field lettuce is also grown through seedlings. Plant care is reduced to loosening the row spacing every 2 weeks and weeding in time. The crop is harvested 2 weeks after sowing. The best varieties of salads (from the photo above) - Impromptu.

Rapunzel is also called "nut salad". There are a lot of varieties of it - some of them are eaten like radishes. It goes well with trout, bacon, mushrooms. Field salad makes a wonderful pesto sauce.


This salad is similar in appearance to cabbage, as it forms dense heads of cabbage with light juicy leaves. Iceberg's taste is almost neutral, but no salad crunches as amazingly as it does.

The iceberg is sown both by sowing in the ground and through seedlings. Sowings are repeated after 3 weeks during the summer. Prefers lettuce on nutritious, well-drained soil and bright lighting. Withstands light frosts and loves the cool night. Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 1 cm. For early sowing, cover with non-woven material.

Iceberg loves constant humidity, but does not tolerate drafts. All plant care is to regularly loosen the soil. Watering the Iceberg is desirable in the evening. Fertilizer is applied only on poor soils. The crop is harvested as the heads of cabbage ripen. The best varieties are Lagunas, Argentinas, Gondar, Campionas, Fiorette.

The juicy crispy leaves of the Iceberg are quite widespread in cooking. Since the salad does not have a distinct taste, it suits almost all dishes. It is good in sour cream sauces and in salads. Exceptional as a side dish for meat, fish, seafood. Made with Iceberg leaves and cabbage rolls. The dense leaves keep their shape well - they serve cooked salads. Mix Iceberg, if desired, with other herbs.

There is no single classification of salads, they are mainly divided into categories: cabbage and leafy. You can also group them according to their taste - bitter and sweet, crunchy and soft, peppery and spicy. There are a lot of varieties of salads, and new varieties appear every year. This article discusses the most popular types of salads - frequent guests on our table.

Figs, figs, fig trees - these are all the names of the same plant, which we steadfastly associate with Mediterranean life. Whoever has tasted fig fruits at least once knows how delicious it is. But, besides the delicate sweet taste, they are also very healthy. And here's an interesting detail: it turns out that the fig is a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle lane or in a house - in a container.

Quite often, even experienced summer residents have difficulties in growing tomato seedlings. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings in an apartment. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Delicious vinaigrette with apple and sauerkraut - a vegetarian salad made from boiled and chilled, raw, pickled, pickled, pickled vegetables and fruits. The name comes from a French sauce made from vinegar, olive oil and mustard (vinaigrette). Vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine not so long ago, around the beginning of the 19th century, perhaps the recipe was borrowed from Austrian or German cuisine, since the ingredients for the Austrian herring salad are very similar.

When we dreamily sort through bright bags of seeds in our hands, we sometimes subconsciously believe that we have a prototype of the future plant. We mentally allocate a place for him in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will end up with the desired flower. I would like to draw your attention to the reasons due to which the seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work, and with the onset of warmth, changes in the garden occur rapidly. On the plants that were still asleep yesterday, buds are already beginning to swell, everything literally comes to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this is good news. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - insect pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clotterosporia, maniliasis, scab, powdery mildew can be listed for a very long time.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great start to the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce, which is seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of everyone's favorite snack - with feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. You need to start the day with positive emotions!

Perhaps every woman at least once received a blooming orchid as a gift. It is not surprising, because such a lively bouquet looks amazing and blooms for a long time. Orchids cannot be called very difficult to grow indoor crops, but not fulfilling the main conditions for their maintenance often leads to the loss of a flower. If you are just starting to get acquainted with indoor orchids, you should find out the correct answers to the main questions for growing these beautiful plants in the house.

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins prepared according to this recipe are eaten in my family in the blink of an eye. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, exactly the same as in childhood my mother or grandmother fried. If the raisins are very sweet, then granulated sugar can not be added at all, without sugar, cheesecakes are better fried and never burn. Cook them in a well-heated, oiled skillet over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their large counterparts not only in the small size of the berries. Many varieties of cherry are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato. Those who have never tasted such cherry tomatoes with closed eyes may well decide that they are tasting some unusual exotic fruits. In this article, I will highlight five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits with unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but you wonder how different the petunias of the past are from today's multifaceted hybrids! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - flavorful and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods, in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, a very nutritious snack is obtained, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with a sparkle, use hot chili.

All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here either - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or a private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - a propagator.

The Sanka tomato variety is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even faded yet. Of course, if you follow the growing recommendations and make an effort, even a novice grower will get a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that the efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM "Agroupech".

The task of indoor plants in the house is to decorate housing with their appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Leaving is not only about watering on time, although this is also important. It is necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, to make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers, there is nothing supernatural in this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

It's easy to cook tender chicken breast cutlets with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to cook juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, this is not so! Chicken meat contains practically no fat, which is why it is dryish. But if you add cream, white bread and mushrooms with onions to the chicken fillet, you get awesomely tasty cutlets that will appeal to both children and adults. Try adding wild mushrooms to your minced meat during mushroom season.

Several varieties of lettuce are known - plants differ not only in their visual, but also in taste characteristics. To date, many interesting varieties of leaf and head lettuce have been developed. Which ones deserve the most attention? What varieties will provide off-season harvest?

Types of leaf and head salads

They delight us with a variety of species. cabbage head arouses the active interest of gardeners - its even leaves form neat loose heads of cabbage. There is also a leaf form - leaf lettuce. The curly leaves of this plant form a rosette. They have a rather bland taste and delicate texture.

Ice lettuce (Iceberg) forms heads visually similar to collard greens. The leaves do not have a pronounced taste and crunch pleasantly when chewed.

Roman salad (romaine) forms loose, long heads of cabbage about 30 cm long. This variety stands out against the background of most salads with a spicy taste. The leaves are very juicy and tasty.

Salad chicory forms elongated heads of cabbage (their average length is 15-20 cm). Succulent leaves are yellow or greenish.

Red chicory or Radicchio forms small heads of cabbage. The leaves are purple, red, white and pink. They look beautiful in salads, but they have a bitter taste (you can get rid of it with the help of blanching).

One of the varieties of salad is and. The plant has a specific bitter taste.

Oak salad (oaklif) is a beautiful variety of salad with green or red-green leaves, carved like oak, and having a pleasant nutty flavor.

Lettuce varieties by ripening time

Early varieties of lettuce, such as Sandwich, Firebird, Lollo Biendo, Lollo San, Lollo Rossa, Moscow Greenhouse, Mischievous, Obzhorka, Fairy Tale, Truffle, Season of Miracles, Grand, Kitezh, Crunchy, allow to get greens 40-50 days after germination. vitamin.

The Lakomka variety is extremely interesting. Leaves with wavy edges are colored yellow-green. The taste is pleasant, the texture is crispy. The socket weighs about 200 g.

Of greatest interest are the following mid-season lettuce varieties: Eurydice, Odessa kucheryavets, Yeralash, Typhoon, Perseus, Yakhont, Fire. Late varieties are also known: Kolobok, Robin, Assol, Gnome, Dandy.

Gingerbread man is a variety that forms large green heads of cabbage (white veins are present on the leaves). Average weight of cabbages is 600 g. Taste characteristics are very good.

Leaf lettuce red

Red salad usually has a more pronounced flavor. In addition, the dark color indicates a high concentration of anthocyanins in the leaves - substances that provide our body with protection from the harmful effects of free radicals. Popular red species and varieties: Lolla Rossa, Palla Rossa, Radicchio, Oak leaf, Eurydice, Yakhont.

Fun - the leaves of this plant are colored bright red. They are quite large, oily in texture. Ripening period is average. The weight of the rosette of leaves is about 200 g. The variety is resistant to stalking and diseases.

Leaf and cabbage salads

As already mentioned, salads are cabbage and leafy. The first category includes varieties: Four seasons, Snow Queen, Rubin, Khrust, Limiono, Snezhana, Beata, Tarzan, Sumoist, Iceberg, Bona.

Iceberg is a high-yielding plant. Ripening of leaves takes 75-90 days. The crispy, bubbly leaves with wavy edges taste good and keep fresh for a long time. The plant is not prone to shooting. Heads weight - 300-600 g.

Leaf lettuce varieties are in great demand. Some gourmets believe that this variety is more interesting both in appearance and in taste. The best varieties of leaf lettuce: Moscow Greenhouse, Typhoon, Sandwich, Yeralash, Perseus, Grand, American Brown, Winter, Vitamin, Barbados, Abracadabra, Abrek.

The Sandwich variety ripens early. The leaves are crispy, green, tender. The edges of the leaves are wavy. The average weight of the outlet is 180 g.

Early ripening varieties of lettuce for greenhouses

In greenhouses, leafy varieties are most often grown. The Moscow Greenhouse variety is widely known. It takes 30-40 days to reach technical maturity. The rosette of leaves is large. Light green leaves (14-18 cm long) have smooth edges. The leaves are juicy, tender, sweetish, without a bitter taste. The mass of the socket is 100-200 g.

The following varieties are also successfully grown in greenhouses: Emerald lace, Parliament, Athlete, Manul.

  • Salad varieties for the Moscow region

The most widespread in the Moscow region were the following varieties: Azart, Bona, Vitamin Listovoy, Gourmet.

The Moscow region variety belongs to the category of medium early (41-73 days). Head plant, rounded, medium density. The weight of a head of cabbage can reach 200-255 g. The variety gives rich and stable yields. The consistency of the leaves is oily. Good taste characteristics. The variety is not prone to stem stemming.

  • Lettuce varieties for Siberia

In the south of Western Siberia, the following varieties are grown: Kucheryavets Semko, Stanislav, Krispino, Holodok, Iceberg, Parma, Vyacheslav.

The Kucheryavets Semko variety forms heads of cabbage weighing 200-400 g. It takes about 60 days to reach technical maturity. The leaves have a pleasant taste. The plant is light-loving, resistant to stemming.

Leafy and head salads, the varieties of which we have considered above, have earned recognition in our country. The range of varieties is increasing due to plants of foreign breeding.

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Any climatic conditions are suitable for growing lettuce. It is important that the place for sowing the lettuce is sunny (otherwise nitrates_ will accumulate in the leaves and the soil will be loosened to a great depth. When grown in early spring, only early lettuce varieties should be used, later, summer ones, respectively.

Salad varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

Iceberg lettuce, characteristic

New fruitful variety of crispy head lettuce. From the moment of germination to technical ripeness, 75-90 days pass. This variety is intended for spring and summer cultivation. Resistant to shooting.

The heads of lettuce are large, dense, weighing 300-600 grams. The leaves are corrugated, with wavy edges, juicy, bubbly, crispy, keep fresh for a long time. The taste is high.

Leaf lettuce Sandwich

Excellent variety of early ripening salad. It is grown in open and protected ground. Lettuce leaves are light green, tender, crunchy, with a high content of vitamins and mineral salts.

Lettuce Lettuce Sandwich is ideal for fresh consumption, making sandwiches, salads, decorating dishes.

Eurydice salad

Mid-season, half-cabbage salad variety. Grown in open ground and film greenhouses.

The rosette of leaves is medium-sized, semi-raised, compact, about 35 cm high, about 33 cm in diameter. The leaf is large, dark green in color, bubbly, with a wavy edge, of a crunchy consistency. Possesses excellent taste.

The mass (average weight) of an adult plant is 450 grams.

Leaf lettuce Firebird

An early ripe variety of lettuce, the harvest of which can be harvested within 45-50 days from the moment of emergence. The plant forms large rosettes of intense ruby \u200b\u200bred color, with delicate, crunchy leaves. Lettuce Leaves Firebird contain an increased amount of vitamins and mineral salts.

This variety of lettuce is suitable for year-round cultivation in open and protected ground throughout Russia.

Advantages of the variety: resistance to flowering, fast growth at any length of the day, excellent taste.

Odessa kucheryavets salad

Mid-season (68-75 days from germination to harvest), semi-cabbage type. The plant forms a loose medium-sized rosette, 24-32 cm in diameter, weighing up to 200 grams. The leaf is fan-shaped with a corrugated edge, crispy texture, excellent taste.

The Odessa curler is grown in open ground and film shelters. For continuous harvest from June to autumn, sowing in open ground is carried out from April to August. The seeding depth is 1-2 cm.

For seedlings, lettuce seeds are sown in March-April, plants are planted in May-June.

Salad yield: 2.7-5.0 kg / sq.m. The variety is resistant to flowering.

Leaf salad Grand

Early ripening variety of lettuce. It takes 45 days from germination to harvest. The plant forms a large, succulent leaf of light green color with pronounced curliness.

Grade Grand is distinguished by high uniformity of rosettes.

Advantages of the variety: resistant to blooming, marginal burns and necrosis.

Crispy vitamin salad

A medium early variety of lettuce. 38-45 days pass from germination to ripeness. The plant is compact, about 15-18 cm in diameter, with green, crispy leaves (openwork along the edge).

The Crispy Vitamin salad variety contains many vitamins and beneficial acids. It is recommended to sow several times during the season. Advantages of the variety: high yield, crispy leaf consistency, long shelf life, resistance to stalking and low light.

Leaf salad Kitezh

An early ripe variety of lettuce. Forms an erect rosette 20-25 cm high and about 25 cm in diameter. Leaves are medium-sized, oblong, reddish with a strong anthocyanin color, slightly bubbly, wavy along the edge, with incisions in the apical part. The consistency of the leaves is oily. The taste is excellent.

Yield Kitezh salad - 2.5 kg / sq.m.

Royal lettuce

High-yielding early ripe salad variety. Forms large rosettes of corrugated leaves, light in the center and dark green at the edges.

It is characterized by a long period of consumer suitability, does not shoot, is very decorative. Recommended for growing in open and protected ground.

Gourmet salad

Early ripening variety of lettuce. The period from germination to harvesting is 40-45 days. Leaves are yellow-green, slightly wrinkled, with a wavy edge. The average weight of one plant is up to 200 grams.

Lettuce variety Lakomka is intended for growing in open and protected ground. Sowing outdoors from late April to mid-July. In unheated film greenhouses, sowing / planting in the 3rd decade of April - 1st decade of May.

Landing scheme: 20 × 20 cm.

Lolo Biendo salad

An early ripe variety of lettuce. From the moment of germination to technical ripeness, 40-45 days pass. Leaves are yellow-green, curly, fragrant, juicy and crunchy. The socket is compact, rounded, weighing 200-300 grams. The leaves are curly, fragrant, juicy and crunchy, yellow-green in color, delicate in taste, form a compact rounded rosette.

The average weight of one outlet is 200-300 grams. The variety is suitable for year-round cultivation in open ground and greenhouses.

Lollo San Salad

An early ripe high-yielding variety of lettuce. The period from germination to maturity is 40-45 days. The leaves are green, very decorative, corrugated. The socket-head is loose, 15-20 cm in diameter.

The variety is resistant to shooting.

Lollo Rossa salad

The most popular variety of lettuce. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 40-55 days. The plant is tall, erect, 15-20 cm in diameter. The leaves are delicate, wrinkled, curly, light green in color with a wide reddish-pink edge.

Advantages of the variety: good taste, resistance to shooting, decorative. Lollo Rossa salad is often used to decorate flower beds.

Leaf salad Yeralash, characteristic

Mid-season high-yielding salad variety. The average weight of one plant is 150-200 grams.

Advantages of the variety: resistance to marginal leaf burn, high palatability.

Moscow greenhouse salad

Early ripening variety of lettuce. Only 35 days pass from germination to harvest. The leaves are pale green, tender, juicy, with excellent taste.

The Moscow Greenhouse salad variety is ideal for fresh consumption, making sandwiches, salads, decorating dishes.

Cabbage salad Kolobok

New late-ripening cabbage variety of lettuce. From germination to technical ripeness takes from 55 to 75 days.

It is grown in open ground and in film shelters. Heads of cabbage are large, weighing up to 600 g. The leaves are red with white veins, very juicy, with a piquant taste.

Fresh heads of cabbage are rich in vitamins and minerals and are recommended for making salads.

Obzhorka salad, photo and description

An early ripe variety of curly lettuce. 40-42 days pass from germination to technical ripeness.

The plant forms a raised rosette with a diameter of 25-28 cm, the leaves are reddish, large, strongly wrinkled, juicy and tender. Socket weight up to 160 grams.

Leaf salad Naughty

An early ripe variety of lettuce. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 39-43 days. Rosette of green, bubbly, strongly wavy leaves along the edges.

The average weight of one outlet is 150-160 grams. The consistency of the leaves is crispy.

Robin leaf salad

A late-ripening variety of lettuce. Ripening period 50 days. Recommended for growing in various climatic zones, outdoors and in winter greenhouses.

The variety is resistant to flowering.

Leaf salad Fairy Tale

An early ripe variety of lettuce. Ripening period 46-49 days. The rosette of leaves is large, weighing up to 250 grams.

Advantages of the variety: resistant to shooting, fast growth at any length of the day.

Typhoon salad

A new mid-season lettuce variety. The leaf is large, green, slightly bubbly, wavy along the edge, with a crispy texture, juicy and delicate in taste.

Advantages of the variety: resistant to flowering, fast growth at any length of the day.

Truffle salad

Medium early salad variety. The leaves are tender, crispy, corrugated, due to the reddish-burgundy edge, they look very impressive and are indispensable for decorating dishes.

The Truffle salad variety is suitable for year-round cultivation in the open field and in winter greenhouses.

Leaf lettuce Season of Wonders

An excellent early ripening variety of lettuce. The plant forms a large rosette, 25 cm high and 25-40 cm in diameter. The mass of one rosette is about 150 g.

The leaf is medium in size, dark red, wavy at the edge, juicy, curly, bubbly, crispy texture. The taste of fresh leaves is excellent, delicate.

Salad Mix Multivitamin

A wonderful mixture of fast growing salads, with a growing season of 40-45 days.

Plants form large rosettes of exclusively decorative leaves. The leaves are tender, crispy, juicy, with a good taste.

The mixture is suitable for year-round cultivation in open and protected ground.

What kinds of salad do you think are the most delicious? What varieties of lettuce without bitterness, with delicate leaves, would you recommend planting to our readers?

Your feedback on lettuce varieties and additions will help many gardeners choose the best varieties of green, red, lettuce and head lettuce for planting.

If possible, attach a photo of the salad you have grown to your reviews. Thank!

Spring is the earliest. They can be grown in open beds and indoors such as greenhouses or greenhouses. Summer varieties tolerate heat well, they are sown from May to late July July. Autumn varieties perfectly tolerate a cool climate and lack of light, are not susceptible, even if they grow in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Early ripening varieties:

  • Asterix - belongs to the oaky type, green leaves, delicate taste, erect rosette.
  • Bohemia - leaves are green, wavy, wrinkled, oily. Ripens in a period of 30 - 40 days.
  • Critset - leaves of a light bright green color, delicate taste without bitterness. It tolerates heat well.
  • Gourmand - leaves are yellow-green, wavy at the edges, wrinkled, leaf tissue is oily. Ripens in 40-45 days.
  • Lollo-Biondo - leaves are corrugated, juicy, crunchy. Can be grown all year round.
  • Lollo-Rosa - leaves are brownish, burgundy, curly. Loves moisture, otherwise it may acquire a bitter taste.
  • Moscow greenhouse - leaves are pale green with a slight yellowness, juicy, rosette up to 27 cm in diameter. A fairly common variety.
  • An early ripening delicacy - the leaves are pale green, with a medium-bubbly surface, excellent taste.
  • Furor - the leaves are wrinkled, large, along the edges of the "wave", buttery pulp.
  • Relay - leaves with a reddish tinge, strong "wave" around the edges, bubbly, excellent taste.

Mid-season varieties:

  • Azaria - leaves are green, round, bubbly, large, along the edge of the "wave" with small incisions, the taste resembles young green peas.
  • Apex - leaves are rounded, large, greenish at the root, purple to the edges, bubbly, oily flesh. Low rosette about 12 cm.
  • America - triangular leaves of a dark red hue, pleasant to the taste.
  • Athlete - leaves are oily, rounded, purple. The rosette is slightly raised, similar to a loose head of cabbage.
  • Vitamin exercise - great taste. Not afraid of low temperatures and lack of light.
  • Green Manul - leaves are oily, rounded, wavy.
  • Dachny - leaves are oily, thick, wrinkled, wavy at the edges, yellowish. Taste without bitterness.
  • Dionysus - leaves are oily, even, oblong.
  • Dubrava - belongs to the oaky type, the leaves are light green, large, the leaf surface is folded, the pulp is oily, delicate taste.
  • Fun - oaky type, leaves are large, dissected, anthocyanin color, buttery flesh, excellent taste. It is characterized by high productivity.
  • Emerald - the leaves are dark green, medium-bubbly, with a glossy surface, the pulp is oily. Great taste.
  • Creed - large leaves, dark green, oily, pinnately dissected, delicate taste. Easily tolerates heat. It belongs to the oaky type.
  • New Year's - the leaves are green. medium-bubbly, grown indoors, can be grown on a windowsill. High yield - about 3 kg of lettuce are harvested from one square meter.
  • Riviera - similar to oak leaves, dissected, dark purple hue, large, buttery flesh.
  • Northern blush - bubbly leaves, light green with purple blotches, excellent taste.
  • Creator - leaves are light greenish, wavy at the edges, fan-shaped, oily.
  • Tornado - leaves with green with a yellowish tinge, wavy edge, crunchy, excellent taste.
  • Fire - leaves are large, slightly bubbly, red, wavy edges with small incisions, buttery flesh, excellent taste.

Late-ripening varieties:

  • Ballet - leaves are dark green, strongly wavy along the edge, large, crunchy. It tolerates cold and lack of light well. The socket is flat. From the moment of germination to maturation, it takes about 34 days.

All of the listed varieties of lettuce are resistant to the formation of flowering stems (stemming), with the exception of the variety Apex and Moscow Greenhouse. All varieties can be grown both indoors and outdoors.

Lettuce should be planted in well-lit beds in loosened, fertile, non-acidic soil. Lettuce requires a lot of potassium and nitrogen.

Before the salad in the garden, you can grow zucchini, cucumbers, and other plants that require a high content of organic fertilizers.

Prepare the salad area in the fall.

If the soil was not fertilized, then when digging into it you need to add 1 sq. meter half a bucket of compost, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of potash. If the soil is acidic, add ash. In the spring, to retain moisture in the soil, it must be loosened. Five to six days before sowing, loosen the soil again to a depth of about 12 centimeters, add ammonium nitrate (1 teaspoon per 1 square meter), level the beds, crushing large lumps.

In greenhouses, lettuce is best grown between or along the edges of beds occupied by or. It is recommended to plant lettuce in the greenhouse two to three days before planting the main plants.

Lettuce is propagated in open beds, occasionally -. You can sow lettuce starting in April and ending at the end of August, with an interval of fifteen days. In summer, it is recommended to sow late-ripening varieties that are resistant to the formation of flowering stems.

For planting, make furrows about 1.5 cm deep and about 15 cm apart.

The gap between (plants) must be at least 5 centimeters. When the salad is cramped, the leaves become coarse. For better growth, you can add granular superphosphate (0.5 per 1 m2) when planting. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, roll the soil. Leaf lettuce can be sown between rows: it protects it well from the sun, and by the time the cabbage gets stronger, the lettuce can already be harvested.

Leaf lettuce does not require much maintenance - you need to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds. To form a good rosette, thin out the seedlings.

The lettuce loves moist soil, but it suffers from fungal diseases from excessive moisture, while the quality decreases. Water a lot, but not very often, to avoid over-wetting the soil. At the same time, do not dry out.

The salad is very resistant to cold weather, it is not afraid of frosts down to minus 3 degrees.

If sockets (heads of cabbage) have formed, even up to minus 6 degrees. Autumn varieties can withstand the cold of minus 10 degrees. Lettuce varieties with pigmented leaves are the most resistant to low temperatures. If the plant does not grow well, when two or three leaves appear, it must be fed with ammonium nitrate (0.5 tsp per 1 sq. M). It is important to remember that lettuce absorbs nitrates, so do not use fertilizer unless necessary.

Temperature range:

  • For shoots, lettuce has enough temperature plus 2 degrees, for full development + 5 ° C.
  • The best growth is achieved at plus 16-18 ° C during the day and 12-13 ° C at night.

Leaf lettuce tolerates a lack of moisture and heat worst of all. The leaves are small, rough, bitter. In hot climates, lettuce throws out arrows and leaves no leaves. Lettuce grows well under long good light, especially for early ripening varieties. When daylight hours are reduced, the formation of arrows slows down. The salad should not be planted thickly, as it stops developing.

Harvesting should be done in dry weather in the morning or evening.

Rinse the roots, the leaves themselves do not need to be washed - they will quickly rot. In the refrigerator, the salad can be stored up to fifteen days, at room temperature - no more than a day.

You can not pull out the rosettes with the roots, but cut off the leaves. Then new ones grow in their place, and the fruiting period increases. You will get more than one harvest from one site. Wonderful lettuce, the presence of varieties of different early maturity allow it almost all year round.

More information can be found in the video.