How to cook gooseberry jam with orange. Gooseberry jam with orange - recipes for a delicious royal dessert

15.04.2023 Fish dishes

The treat will be a delicious addition to tea, you can serve fresh pastries and even ordinary bread with it. The noble emerald color of the product awakens the appetite of even the pickiest eaters.


  • 2 kg gooseberries;
  • 4-5 oranges;
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • tsp citric acid.


The berries are carefully sorted out, soaked in water for a couple of hours and cut off the tails. Throw it in a colander to drain excess water. Oranges are washed and cut into slices without removing the skin. The thickness of the slices must be at least 2 millimeters.

Using a blender or meat grinder, twist the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Sugar and citric acid are added to the mass.

The mixture is kept in the refrigerator or on the balcony for 3-4 hours, and then divided into sterilized jars and rolled up with airtight lids. The finished product is stored in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees Celsius.

On a note!

You can try the delicacy immediately after it has cooled a little.

What is not made from this amazing berry, jam, which is called royal, jelly, compotes, adjika, sauces for meat dishes.

Gooseberry blanks for the winter are very diverse. I want to present some recipes, simply because I grow this berry myself and love it very much.

Gooseberries for the winter, preparation

A large number of completely unusual and different gooseberry recipes provide for the correct preparation of the berry. There are recipes for which you can use "illiquid", slightly overripe or mashed berries. But most recipes require a good look and ripeness, because not only the appearance of the final product depends on this, but also its shelf life. After all, most likely, spoiled berries will cause fermentation faster.

It’s good when gooseberries grow in a summer cottage, when you can come and collect at any time. here you need to watch so that the berries do not overripe, do not become soft. Sometimes in extreme heat, in the sun, they “bake” quite quickly.

If you buy berries in the market, you should try to choose berries of the same size and ripeness whenever possible. Some simply interfere with several varieties, large-fruited and small-fruited. The time for heat treatment requires different things, small ones will already boil, and large ones will still be intact.

Collecting gooseberries is difficult if you have varieties with thorns, but now they are increasingly being abandoned. Gooseberries need to be sorted out carefully and carefully. There are berries with a worm inside, looking closely you can see the opening-entrance. When sorting through the berries, you need to remove both the tails and the inflorescences. I always use scissors for this, it turns out quickly and conveniently.

What to cook from gooseberries for the winter

Many people know royal or royal gooseberry jam. Even excellent compotes are obtained from the berry, it, like the other, can be frozen.

Jelly, jams, marmalade for lovers of homemade cakes do not remain “behind the scenes”. Someone loves original recipes, for example, pickled gooseberries. many people also know recipes for meat sauces from this amazing berry.

And you can also add gooseberries as an addition to pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers, even cook delicious adjika from it. so the berry is almost irreplaceable and you don’t have to think for a long time how to prepare gooseberries for the winter.

Gooseberry compote for the winter

The recipe is great for its speed and simplicity, I personally like to drink it not only in winter, it is very refreshing in summer, I add a little “zest” to it

For him, we will need to take:

  • Gooseberries, ripe berries
  • Sugar
  • sprigs of peppermint

How to cook gooseberry compote for the winter:

Everything is very simple and elementary. The main thing is to choose strong berries so that they don’t burst later and spoil the whole look, and fresh leaves of peppermint or lemon balm, why choose her? I just grow a lot.

At the very beginning, I soak the collected berries right in the bucket and at the same time, armed with scissors, cut off unnecessary ponytails. I immediately throw the berry into a colander so that there is excess water in the glass, because we don’t need it ..

I prepare jars in advance, mostly three-liter ones. In them I fall asleep berries by a third. I fill it with boiling water and let it cool a little, it takes about 15 minutes. I pour the water into the pan and now I know how much I spend on a jar.

I wash the mint under the tap and shake off the water, lay it out on a branch on a jar. I pour sugar into the water, the gooseberry is a sweet berry, so three-quarters of a glass is enough for a three-liter jar. I let the syrup boil for a few minutes and pour it directly on the berries, immediately close and put the jars with the lids down under the covers.

Gooseberry with orange for the winter

These are real vitamins, closed “alive” in jars. Absolutely everyone likes this dessert, very tasty, not to mention the mass of usefulness.

We will take:

  • A kilo of berries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • One medium sized orange

How will we prepare:

Beforehand, I prepare jars, small ones, I choose from under the baby puree, maybe a little more. I wash them with soda, then pour boiling water over them and fry them in the microwave. They must be sterile and dry.

Gooseberries, just like I always sort mine, here we can’t miss overripe or bad berries. Orange at first, too, my hot water with soda. Then I cut it into pieces together with the peel, only I remove the bones.

I put orange slices in a blender, berries and sugar there, and grind everything. Then stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. I pack it in jars and put it in the fridge.

Gooseberry jelly recipe for the winter

Another vitamin treat that I always have in the fridge. We sometimes dive into a jar, feast on a seagull.

To execute the recipe we need:

  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

We free the berries from unnecessary tails, wash them and put them in a container where we will cook them. Pour water into the same place and set the average temperature so as not to wait for boiling for a long time. Then we lower the temperature and let it boil for about fifteen minutes.

After the time has passed, pour out the sugar, do not add fire, because we do not need the jelly to boil. I sometimes raise the saucepan above the stove to let it cool down a bit.

So we boil for about twenty minutes, you will begin to notice how a thick film appears on the walls, which means everything is ready. Immediately pour the jelly into glass containers, which we previously prepared and store in a cool place, for example, in the cellar.

Gooseberry compote with oranges for the winter

I also really liked this version of a soft drink. Orange gives sour bitterness, which is lacking in a sweet berry, and gives aroma.

For compote we need to take:

  • Ripe gooseberries
  • Sugar
  • Orange

How to cook gooseberry compote with oranges:

Here, too, there is nothing super complicated, the main thing is to prepare jars, rinse the berries and orange well, since we will use it whole, along with the peel.

We fill the jar with berries, I mean a three-liter jar, so that it is filled by a third. I also spread the semicircles of the orange there. I fill it with cold water and immediately pour it into a saucepan, we just measured out how much water is needed. Pour three hundred grams of sugar onto a tehliter jar and cook the syrup, which we immediately pour into the berries, and roll up the lid. Let cool in a warm place, upside down.

Gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter

The jam is very fragrant and tasty. We tried it once and now we cook it all the time for the winter.

We will take:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • A couple of medium sized oranges

How to cook gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter:

We sort out the gooseberries and rinse them in water. Wash oranges very well, we need them with a peel. Grind everything with a blender, you can in a combine or scroll through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture into a special cooking container and mix with sugar, cook at medium temperature until boiling, then make it smaller and leave to cook for fifteen minutes.

The jam must be stirred all the time so that the sugar dissolves and it turns out homogeneous. We lay out the finished product in jars, you can close it with nylon or screw caps. Keeps well.

Currant gooseberry jam for the winter

We will need:

  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Half a kilo of blackcurrant
  • Pair of oranges
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

How to make this jam:

We sort and rinse all the berries, you can mix them right away. Wash oranges with peel, cut into pieces, free from seeds and grind with a blender. Mix orange puree with berries and sugar and cook at a not too high temperature for fifteen minutes. The foam must be removed. Ready hot pour into jars and close.

Gooseberry jelly with orange

I’ll say right away that it’s a lot of fuss, but it’s worth it to try. The jelly is very beautiful, we even decorate holiday cakes with it.

For this recipe you need:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • three oranges

How to cook gooseberry jelly:

I leave the berries for this recipe with tails, anyway, we will remove them later. I just rinse and dry. My oranges, peel the peel and all the films, pull out the seeds. I grind everything with a blender, all at once. Then I wipe it through a sieve in small portions, you can cook with the bones, it’s just that my daughter doesn’t like them.

It turns out a berry-orange mass, which must be poured into a cooking container and mixed with sugar. Jelly is usually cooked for twenty, twenty-five minutes. Then it must immediately be decomposed into banks. It won't be that thick at first. Only when it's cool.

Pickled gooseberries for the winter

Original, tasty, unusual. we marinate often, it is very suitable for meat dishes, so I recommend it.

For the recipe, we will take:

  • 0.8 kg of berries, with light greens
  • black currant leaves
  • Three carnations
  • Three peas of allspice
  • On the tip of a cinnamon knife
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • Three tablespoons of table vinegar

How to pickle gooseberries:

Gooseberries need to be freed from the tails and washed, poured into a jar. The first time, pour boiling water for twenty minutes. Pour this water into a saucepan and boil again to pour it again, five minutes is enough for the second time. Pour out the water again and add all the spices with sugar, cook the filling, add vinegar at the end. Pour over the berries and roll up immediately.

Gooseberry sauce for the winter

For it you will need to take:

  • Half a kilo of berries
  • five tomatoes
  • A couple of sweet peppers
  • One hot chili
  • big onion
  • head of garlic
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Two spoons of vinegar
  • Spices and salt to taste

How to make gooseberry sauce:

We wash the berries and vegetables, cut off the tails of the gooseberries. Cut large vegetables into pieces. We immediately put everything in a common bowl or other container. We begin to grind with a blender, you can scroll through a meat grinder twice. Immediately add oil, vinegar, salt and spices, stir well and pack in jars. It is better to take 0.33 and 0.5 liter. Then we put them in a pot of hot water and sterilize for ten minutes. Close with lids.

Gooseberry sauce with garlic for the winter

We will need to take:

  • 0.4 kg of berries
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Bunch of fresh basil
  • A spoonful of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

Sort and rinse the berries, spread on a towel to dry. Peel the garlic, wash the greens, dry and remove the stalks. Twist everything in a meat grinder twice. Add oil and spices, stir. Divide the mixture into sterile jars and refrigerate.

Gooseberry adjika for the winter, recipe

For her, we will take:

  • A kilo of gooseberries, preferably greenish
  • Three hundred grams of garlic
  • five chili peppers
  • spoon of coriander
  • a spoonful of salt

How to cook:

Wash the berries and cut off the tails, free the pepper from the seeds, peel the garlic. We pass everything through a meat grinder several times, add spices, stir and pack in sterile jars.

They can be very different. However, one cannot do without jam in the cold season. Gooseberries with orange are especially sunny, tasty and fragrant. The recipes for this tempting delicacy will be described in this article.

Gooseberry and orange jam. Ingredients

Homemade jam has long been a popular dessert both among the people and among the powers that be. For example, gooseberry was one of the favorites of Catherine the Great. It is especially good with various additives - spices, nuts, fruits, and other berries. Many find that gooseberries with orange are especially successful. Recipes for this dish will be useful to any housewife. In order to cook such a jam, you need the following products:

  • orange - 1 piece;
  • gooseberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

Gooseberry and orange jam. Cooking method

  1. First of all, you should wash and clean the gooseberries from the tails. Berries should be slightly unripe, firm and firm.
  2. Next, you need to cut the orange, peel it from the stones, pass through a meat grinder along with the peel and gooseberries.
  3. After that, the resulting puree should be covered with sugar, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and then cool and let it brew for several hours.
  4. Then you should put the jam on the fire a second time. Now it must be kept on fire for fifteen to twenty minutes, then removed from the stove and poured into jars. The dessert will turn out to be very thick, but after complete cooling it will become tasty, healthy and fragrant.

This is the recipe for gooseberry jam with orange. But this is far from the only way to prepare a dish.

Raw gooseberry jam with orange. Ingredients

Raw puree or jam without cooking is becoming increasingly popular these days. It cooks quickly, retains the taste and smell of berries better. Raw jam retains up to 70 percent of nutrients. You can also cook gooseberries with orange without cooking. The dessert recipe involves the use of the following products:

  • ripe gooseberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1.2 kilograms;
  • orange - 1 piece.

Raw gooseberry jam with orange. Cooking method

  1. First, the gooseberries must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of the stems. Next, it should be dried so that it does not ferment during storage. After that, it must be poured into an enamel basin.
  2. Then carefully washed oranges must be peeled from the skin, films, seeds and passed through a meat grinder along with gooseberries.
  3. Now the resulting puree should be combined with sugar and thoroughly rubbed with a wooden pestle. After that, the future orange and gooseberry jam should be left to infuse for ten to twelve hours.
  4. Next, the dessert must be poured into pre-sterilized jars and closed with nylon lids.

So you can prepare raw gooseberries with orange for the winter. The recipes for creating this dish say that the jam should be stored in a dark and cool place. So that it does not deteriorate, when cooking, two kilograms of sugar should fall on one kilogram of fruit and berry raw materials.

Orange peel and gooseberry jam. Ingredients

Sometimes this dessert is called royal. In order to find out what delicacy was served to the table of the august persons, you will have to stock up on the following products:

  • fresh orange peels - 2 pieces;
  • gooseberries - 1 kilogram;
  • water - half a glass;
  • sugar - 1.2 kilograms.

Orange peel and gooseberry jam. Cooking method

  1. To begin with, gooseberries need to be washed, freed from ponytails, pierced with a fork in several places, covered with sugar and left to infuse for six to eight hours.
  2. Then the bowl with future jam should be put on fire, mix gently, pour water into it, let it boil, remove from heat and cool.
  3. After that, the dessert must be put back on the stove, boiled for ten minutes after boiling, removed from the heat again and allowed to cool.
  4. Next, you need to put the jam on the fire for the third time. Now it should add chopped orange peels, previously soaked in cold water for two hours. After that, the dessert must be cooked until fully cooked.
  5. Then the hot dessert should be laid out in sterilized jars and covered with parchment paper. After it has completely cooled down, it is necessary to close it with nylon lids.

So you can prepare gooseberries with orange for the winter. Recipes with a step-by-step description will help to master the preparation of this dish even for an inexperienced hostess.

Gooseberry jam with orange and lime. Ingredients

Another way to create a fragrant treat. In order to cook it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 1.3 kilograms;
  • gooseberries - 1 kilogram;
  • orange - 2 pieces;
  • half of one lime.

Gooseberry jam with orange and lime. Cooking method

  1. First you need to clean the gooseberries from the stalks and dried inflorescences, grind in a meat grinder or using a blender.
  2. Then the top peel should be cut off from the oranges and finely chopped, peeling the white part of the peel and discarding it.
  3. Next, you need to remove the seeds from the fruit, put the pulp in the blender bowl or the cavity of the meat grinder and also grind it well.
  4. Now in the puree you need to add half the lime. Its skin is thin, so you can grate it and squeeze the juice without removing it.
  5. After that, grated lime, orange and gooseberries should be placed in a large container for jam, add sugar to them, mix everything carefully, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. Next, remove the foam from the future jam and let it boil for five minutes. Then it should be set aside to infuse.
  7. At this time, it is necessary to prepare and sterilize the jars.
  8. After that, the jam should be heated again, brought to a boil, boiled for five minutes and poured into glass containers.

So our mashed gooseberries with orange are ready. The recipe for creating a dish is simple, but requires painstaking work. However, the excellent result will justify all your efforts.


Now you know how to cook gooseberries with orange. Recipes for preparations indicate that fruit and berry raw materials should never be digested. Short-term boiling of the product on fire will allow you to save most of the useful properties in it. This is very important, because gooseberries are full of vitamins and have a good effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Remember this, and enjoy your meal!

I always look forward to the ripening of the royal berry, which means that I will be provided with delicious desserts for the winter. Today I propose to cook gooseberry jam with oranges according to simple recipes. Even if you've never cooked it, take a chance, it's incredibly easy to make.

Why with oranges? The dessert turns out bright, elegant, amazingly appetizing. Very fragrant, fragrant! Storage does not require special conditions.

How to cook delicious gooseberry jam with oranges

For novice housewives, I will explain a few subtleties of the correct preparation of gooseberry jam.

  • You can cook a delicacy from berries of any variety - green, red, black gooseberries.
  • For the winter, jam can be prepared in two ways, with and without cooking, the so-called raw or live jam.
  • Select ripe berries, because a dessert without cooking from an unripe berry will not last long.
  • If you want to achieve a thick consistency, add gelatin crystals when cooking.
  • If you like, add other berries or fruits. For example, raspberries that ripen at the same time. An interesting dessert is obtained with kiwi, a relative of the gooseberry, and lemon, a relative of the orange.

Gooseberry and orange jam with cooking - recipe through a meat grinder

Guaranteed to last all winter without exploding. Dessert according to this recipe is rarely made from whole berries, more often mashed jam is prepared. Cooked according to the principle of five minutes in two steps.

You will need:

  • For a kilogram of berries, take the same amount of sugar and one large orange.

Step by step cooking recipe with photo

Collect, wash gooseberries. Remove the ponytails at the crown. You can pluck with your fingers, but it is much more convenient to cut with small scissors, a knife.

Grind fruit with an immersion blender or punch through a meat grinder. The result is puree.

Pour in sugar, stir.

Cut the orange randomly, select the seeds. Grind in puree, send to the berries.

Set to prepare. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, remove from the stove and do other things. Dessert should be infused for 4-5 hours.

Make another brew. After boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes. Let it boil strongly and distribute it among the banks.

Delicious jam with orange and lemon

I want to shade any sweet berry with sourness. Add lemon to orange and gooseberries, and the taste of winter harvesting will be much enriched. You can cook jam from whole berries of red and green gooseberries.


  • Berries - 3 kg.
  • Lemon.
  • Oranges - 3 pcs.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Sugar - 3 kg.

How to weld:

  1. Wash gooseberries and citrus fruits. I advise you to chop the berries in several places, then when cooking they will be filled with syrup and remain intact. Sprinkle them with sugar, pour in water.
  2. Put on the burner. Bring to a boil.
  3. In parallel, cut the lemon and oranges directly with the zest into small cubes (about the size of a gooseberry).
  4. Throw the citrus fruits into the pot. Turn the gas down to minimum. Boil for about an hour. Then set aside for a few hours to cool and infuse.
  5. If desired, you can grind the mass. But I like to go the classic way to make jam, not jam, so I don't grind.
  6. Spend the second cooking, on low heat. How much to cook? 40 minutes, bringing the syrup to the desired consistency. Distribute among banks, put away for permanent storage in a cellar or pantry.

Video recipe for cold gooseberry jam without cooking

Keep a step-by-step recipe for making a "live" dessert. Without cooking, all the vitamins are preserved in the delicacy, and in addition to delicious sweetness, you will also benefit.

A simple and tasty delicacy for winter tea parties - gooseberries with orange! Simple ingredients and interesting recipes.

Jam, but without cooking. "Raw" gooseberry jam with orange - a chic aroma and taste, a maximum of vitamins.

For 2 liters of "raw" jam:

  • Gooseberries - 1 kg
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1-1.1 kg and 4 tbsp. spoons

How to prepare gooseberries with orange for the winter: wash the gooseberries, remove the tails.

Pour boiling water over orange, wash well. Together with the peel, cut into slices and remove the seeds.

Grind the gooseberries with an orange in a blender into a smooth puree.

Add sugar at the rate: for 1 kg of fruit and berry mass - 1.1 kg of sugar. To stir thoroughly.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 2 liters of gooseberry with orange were obtained. Leave for 1 hour for the sugar to dissolve.

Arrange gooseberries with orange for the winter in clean sterile jars. So that mold does not form on top and the workpiece is better stored, pour 2 tbsp into each jar. tablespoons of sugar (you can do the same with any jam). Close tightly with sterile lids. Store in the refrigerator for about a year if not eaten sooner.

If desired, gooseberries with orange can be boiled and stored at room temperature or frozen for the winter in doses, while also maintaining a maximum of vitamins, as well as without cooking.

Recipe 2: gooseberries for the winter with lemon and orange (step by step)

  • Berries - 1.5 kg;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Orange - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Wash the fruits, remove the debris and cut off the tails with scissors. Wash citrus fruits too and cut into pieces along with the peel, remove the seeds.

Pass the prepared berries and fruits through a meat grinder or blender. You can add some sugar.

Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan, add sugar and mix. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil contents for 15 minutes.

To cook jam, you need to use an enamel pan or a cauldron with a thick bottom so that the contents do not burn.

Hot treats need to be rolled up in sterile jars.

Recipe 3: gooseberries with orange for the winter through a meat grinder

  • 370-375 grams of gooseberries,
  • half orange,
  • 375 grams of sugar.

We wash the gooseberries well and sort them out, removing all the tails and twigs, and pierce each berry with a needle (so that it is better saturated with sugar). If a large specimen is caught, we cut the berry a little from the side and squeeze out the seeds. By the way, it is better to use slightly unripe berries for such jam.

We also wash the orange. The peel can be cut off, but I like it better when it remains - the taste of jam becomes more refined. If you leave the peel, just dip the orange in boiling water for 15 minutes and the bitterness of the topmost layer of the peel will go away. Cut off the desired amount of fruit and remove the seeds.

Orange cut into small pieces.

We twist the whole gooseberry and orange together through a meat grinder. You can use a blender.

Pour sugar into a ladle or bowl with berry mass, mix everything, put on medium heat for 15 minutes, constantly stirring the jam.

We sterilize jars and lids in advance.

Remove the finished jam from the heat and pour hot into jars. We roll right away.

As you can see, there is not much to mess around with - gooseberry jam with orange is ready!

Recipe 4: mashed gooseberries with orange for the winter

We offer you an excellent recipe - gooseberry jam with orange and lemon for the winter, fragrant and thick. Citrus peel, well boiled in berry puree, gives the finished dessert an exquisite taste and aroma. The jam is so thick that it is worth a spoon. There is nothing tastier with a cup of morning coffee than toasted toast or sweet croutons with a thick layer of butter and thick homemade jam.

Spend some time harvesting in the fall so you can enjoy your garden gifts in the winter.

It will take 60 minutes to prepare, from the indicated ingredients you will get 1 liter.

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

I advise you to delegate the laborious part of gooseberry processing to younger family members. Armed with scissors, you can quickly cut the berries on both sides - cut off the dry tails and stalks.

Rinse the peeled gooseberries thoroughly with cold water under the tap.

Then we place the berries in a blender bowl or pass through a meat grinder. You need to get a homogeneous berry puree, and since the skin is quite dense, a pestle or a potato masher is not helpful in this case.

Then add the lemon sliced ​​​​in small slices to the blender. There are soft-skinned lemons that can be cut whole. If the skin is rough, cut it off and add only the pulp to the blender.

Wash oranges with a washcloth with an abrasive layer, pour boiling water over them to wash off fruit wax and pesticides, which are often treated with citrus fruits. Cut the oranges into cubes, add to the blender to the rest of the ingredients.

Grind berries and fruits until a homogeneous puree is obtained.

We spread the puree in a saucepan with a thick bottom and high sides, add granulated sugar, mix.

On low heat, bring to a boil, cook, stirring, 40-45 minutes. The finished jam will turn out thick, it will boil evenly. If foam remains at the end of cooking, it must be removed.

We pack the mass in dry sterilized jars, after complete cooling, close tightly.

We store in a dark, dry place, for example, in a pantry or closet away from heating appliances.

Recipe 5: gooseberry jelly with orange for the winter

Gooseberry jelly with orange for the winter must be prepared without fail, if only so that winter preservation does not seem so monotonous. It is not enough just to prepare a healthy gooseberry for the winter, you need to decorate it, give it new shades of taste and aroma. This is exactly what we will do in today's step-by-step photo recipe, which will colorfully and clearly tell you how to make refreshing jelly from gooseberries at home. Just think about what an unusual gooseberry is in itself: having a fairly transparent and dense skin, it is liquid or even jelly-like inside. By the way, these very insides of the gooseberry also look structured, perhaps all this is due to the stripes on the berry.

Among other things, the gooseberry is also incredibly useful, so it is mandatory to close it for the winter and no matter in what form. In today's recipe, we will not use water at all, only gooseberry and orange juices. That is why the jelly as a result will turn out to be incredibly rich and concentrated in taste. As for hardening, due to the high content of pectin in berries, you will definitely not have problems with this process. Ready-made jelly can be served in small bowls or spread on freshly baked bread. Orange, on the other hand, justifies the money spent on it only thanks to the high content of vitamin C in its zest. Let's start cooking gooseberry and orange jelly at home for the winter.

  • gooseberries - 1.5 kg
  • orange - 3 pcs
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg

How to cook gooseberry jelly for the winter, or rather, where to start? First of all, you need to collect all the necessary ingredients, rinse them thoroughly in cold water and carefully sort out the berries for spoiled ones. Also, during this process, you need to carefully remove a thin green tail from each gooseberry berry. Oranges are just enough to rinse well, because we will cook jelly with zest.

Prepared not too large and sweet oranges cut into slices as shown in the photo. At this stage, it is necessary to twist the prepared fruits and berries, so we pour a portion of the gooseberries into the combine, add a few slices of orange there, chop and mix the ingredients. You can also use a stainless steel meat grinder for grinding. Try to grind the ingredients so that the mass is as homogeneous as possible. Pour the resulting thick mass into a pan of a suitable volume, heat it, add granulated sugar along the way and carefully knead it with fruit and berry puree. On a low heat, prepare the dessert for 20-25 minutes after boiling. Do not forget to stir the puree regularly and do not let it burn to the bottom.

During this time, you can sterilize the jars as follows: we wash the selected glass containers in hot water, then dry it and send it to the oven for 15 minutes, we also do the same with tin lids. Pour still hot jelly into prepared jars of small volume, tightly roll them up with lids. Leave the preservation at room temperature until it cools completely, and then put it in the cold.

After complete solidification, the jelly can already be served at the table as an independent dessert. If you eat jelly right away, then it will look more like jam. Gooseberry jelly with orange according to the simplest recipe for the winter is ready.

Recipe 6: Gooseberry Jam with Orange (with photo)

Many hostesses surprise all family members with fragrant gooseberry and orange jam. It is done quickly enough, the main thing is to prepare the berry in advance. Orange gives the jam a citrus flavor, making it more piquant.

  • Gooseberry
  • Orange
  • Sugar

The ratio of gooseberries and sugar should be 1:1, while adding two large oranges for every kg of gooseberries.

First, rinse the berries and clean them from the tails. Then you will need to pass everything through a meat grinder. Grind the orange along with the peel. Stir the whole mixture well so that it is homogeneous. Now add sugar to it and put on fire.

So that the jam does not burn, boil it in a bowl with a thick bottom. Keep in mind that it is important to retain at least some of the gooseberry nutrients, so the jam should be cooked for about 15 minutes after boiling.

Pour hot jam into prepared jars and roll up.