How many calories are in a small piece of cheese? Russian cheese

05.12.2023 Bakery

Russian cheese is a well-known domestic product. It has a delicate taste and a pronounced, unique pattern called “fine lace.” It is prepared from pasteurized milk, which is coagulated and then pressed using rennet and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria. The variety of varieties depends on the fat content of the milk and the method of preparation.


Russian cheese has an elastic consistency, a beautiful creamy, slightly yellow color and small holes of different shapes. The taste is pronounced, sour, traditional for semi-hard and hard varieties. After 70 days of aging from the moment of production, the dairy product goes on sale. Its cost is not too high, which makes the cheese even more popular.

This variety first appeared on the shelves in the early 60s. During the manufacturing process we used milk from the Uglichesky State Farm. The variety has found wide application in cooking: it is used for making sandwiches, salads and snacks, grated and added to hot dishes.

Russian cheese is used to bake meat, fish and vegetables, and prepare pizza, pastries and casseroles.

Nutritional and energy value

Calorie content andBJUper 100 grams:

55% fat content is often found in processed Russian cheese, which is highly not recommended when following a diet.

Composition and benefits

Natural, high-quality cheese contains:

  • pasteurized cow's milk;
  • salt;
  • calcium chloride;
  • annatto extract;
  • rennet extract.

The product contains vitamins A, B, D, E, PP and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. A large amount of calcium contributes to the normal functioning of the myocardium, improves the health of teeth, nails, and the musculoskeletal system.

Russian cheese is the most nutritious because it contains a large amount of calories. It contains a lot of high-quality protein that the human body needs. Most of the protein is in soluble form, making it easy to digest.

The increased fat content and caloric content do not allow consuming the product in large quantities, as this can lead to undesirable consequences and excess weight gain. It is recommended to eat a daily portion not exceeding 80 g. You can only eat fresh product.

Cheese is an excellent and tasty product both for dessert and for everyday use. There are cheeses for the general public, and there are gourmet cheeses, which can be aged for up to two to three years. The most popular types of cheese come from Holland, Switzerland, Italy, and France.

Cheese belongs to the category of food products that are obtained from milk using lactic acid bacteria and clotting enzymes. The beneficial properties of cheese have been known for 70 centuries. And today this wonderful product is present in the kitchen of almost every person.

Cheese can be so different that it’s even hard to imagine! It can be hard and completely tender, it can be salty, sweet, spicy, absolutely accessible and incredibly expensive. Nevertheless, this product is very popular. So popular that Salvador Dali (at least it is he who claims) said: “If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the end of its rope.” It is clear that every patriot, hearing these words, will definitely go to the nearest supermarket to study the domestic cheese market.

The history of cheese

They say that cheese has come to us from pre-primitive times. Most likely, it was not invented, but was discovered by observing milk: left in a warm environment, it curdles. Perhaps this was the beginning of the technological production of cheese.

Archaeologists suggest that people knew how to make cheese already in the Neolithic - this is somewhere around 5,000 years BC, i.e. cheese has been known to people for over 7,000 years! Most researchers believe that the birthplace of cheese is the Middle East. Nomadic tribes, trying to preserve milk during long searches for pastures, curdled mare's milk and dried it in the sun.

Over time, man discovered that if milk was curdled in goat or sheep bags
stomachs, the resulting product acquired very special properties: it “ripened” longer, but at the same time acquired the ability to retain its properties for a long time. Particularly famous was Greek cheese from the island of Demos, which was exported even to Rome in the 1st century AD. Although later the Romans developed their own varieties of cheese, for example, moon cheese. And in England, the first recipe for making cheese is considered to be one found in a cookbook from 1390, which belonged to the cook of King Richard II.

The heyday of cheese making came in the Middle Ages, when monks noticed this amazing product. It is difficult to say what prompted them to make cheese: perhaps they had nothing to occupy themselves with while waiting for the wine to ripen, or perhaps they were looking for a product that would best combine with wine, but, one way or another, it was the monks who had the honor of creating the majority currently known varieties of cheese. Moreover, it is generally accepted that it was since the Middle Ages that the words “cheese” and “wine” became inseparable.

Cheese has been known in Russia for a long time, especially by the peoples of the Caucasus, although as such there was no tradition of cheese making in Russia until Peter I. But on the other hand, “cheese curd” was known - a product obtained by natural coagulation of milk, and researchers claim that the Slavs even managed to pay tribute with their cheese.
Peter I, as befits a reformer, invited Dutch master cheese makers to Russia, and from that moment on it is customary to count the history of cheese making in Russia. (By the way, they say that it was then that the term “Dutch cheese” appeared.) However, the first cheese factory was created only at the end of the 18th century, on the estate of Prince Meshchersky, and the beginning of industrial cheese production in Russia dates back to 1866. And although cheese production was a very labor-intensive process that required a lot of manual labor, nevertheless, by 1913, almost 100 varieties of cheese were produced in Russia, many of which were successfully exported.

Cheeses according to the nature of preparation

Fresh cheeses similar to cottage cheese. They have a soft structure, a large amount of moisture and a short shelf life. The most famous varieties: Italian mascarpone and mozzarella.

Uncooked pressed cheeses, as the name implies, is prepared by curdling milk at a moderately warm temperature, followed by short pressing. The cheeses are aged for 9 to 22 months at a temperature of 4°C and acquire a yellow rind. The most famous cheeses in this category are cheddar, gouda, edamer, pecorino.

Pressed boiled cheeses prepared from evening milk, to which a little morning milk is added after settling. After curdling, the milk is heated (burnt) to 50–60° C and the resulting mass is pressed. Parmesan, Beaufort, Emmental and Gruyère are prepared this way.

Soft cheeses with edges washed with salt water have a fairly wide range of taste from mild to very spicy. Salt water, which is used to wash the surface of the cheese, prevents the penetration of ordinary mold and creates conditions for the appearance of red mold, for which this type of cheese is valued. The most famous varieties are Munster, Livaro, Epoisse and Limburg.

Soft cheeses with moldy rind very popular in France. They are often prepared with unpasteurized milk, which allows a thick layer of white noble mold to form. The cheese mass can often be runny, like condensed milk. The most famous: French brie and camembert.

Blue cheeses with mold obtained by piercing a cheese head with a special needle infected with spores of a special type of noble mold. Thanks to mold, cheese acquires a specific taste and aroma. Among these cheeses are bleu d'orven, gorgonzola and roquefort.

Processed cheeses is obtained by heating mature cheeses to a temperature of 80 ° C, adding various additives, and then increasing the temperature to 130–140 ° C, at which special salts are added.

Types of cheese and their calorie content

Let's look at the varieties and calorie content of some popular cheeses:

These are the cheeses that quite often appear on consumers' tables. They are used for sandwiches, casseroles, and salads. All these cheeses can be included in limited quantities in a weight loss diet.

Calorie content of Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese, whose calorie content is 240 kcal per 100 grams, has an amazing property: when the product is stored (and most often its period is limited to 30 days), all its beneficial properties are preserved. This type of cheese has the consistency of soft cottage cheese and the taste of curdled milk. Of course, traditional Adyghe cheese is made from sheep’s milk, but now they have almost completely switched to production from cow’s milk, fermented using rennet. After all treatments (heat and cold), the cheese is sprinkled with salt.

Calorie content of suluguni cheese

This type of cheese is soft, it has a curd structure and a soft creamy taste. This option is great for dietary nutrition, because it contains only 285 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, the composition includes 19.5 g of protein and 22 g of fat, which suggests low fat content and comparative balance of the product.

Calorie content of blue cheese

There is a wide variety of blue cheeses, but not all of them have gained popularity. If we consider the classic version of blue cheese, for example, Roquefort, then we cannot help but note the large amount of fat in the composition - 28 g. There is also a lot of protein - 21 g, but there are also carbohydrates - 2.34 g. The total calorie content of the cheese is 353 kcal. You can use it during a diet, but in limited quantities.

Dor blue cheese calorie content

This is a spicy blue cheese that is distinguished by its sophistication, and German masters still keep its recipe a secret. Per 100 g of product there are 21 g of protein and 30 g of fat, which gives a total energy value of 354 kcal. Not the best option for a diet, but quite acceptable.

Parmesan cheese calories

The hardest type of cheese is Parmesan. Before reaching your table, this cheese matures for 12-36 months before it reaches the desired consistency. Depending on the manufacturer, such cheese has a calorie content of 380 to 390 kcal per 100 grams. It is difficult to call this product dietary, so when losing weight it is better to turn to other varieties, or consume it in very limited quantities.

Mascarpone cheese calories

This soft, delicate, surprisingly tasty cheese is often used in the preparation of delicious desserts. But its calorie content is incredibly high: 412 units per 100 g of product, of which proteins and carbohydrates are represented in the amount of 4.8 g, but fats - 41.5 g! If you are trying to lose weight, this product should be excluded from your diet, even if you love it very much.

Calorie content of processed cheese

Processed cheese, whose calorie content is 300 kcal per 100 grams, has enormous advantages compared to hard cheese, one of which is the ability to be completely absorbed by the body. In addition, processed cheese is a nutritious product, useful for humans due to the presence of large amounts of phosphorus and calcium. Another essential substance in processed cheese is casein, or the highest quality milk protein.

Blue cheese varieties

Roquefort. This famous creation of French cheese makers is extremely popular in our country. It is worth noting that real Roquefort must be made from sheep's milk. A little fungus penicillium roqueforti, which grows on rye bread, is added to the cheese mass. The crumbling pieces of cheese are riddled with veins of blue mold. This cheese is also called aristocratic. Its calorie content is 332 kcal per 100 grams.

Gorgonzola– a worthy competitor to Roquefort cheese. The cheese is very famous and is produced only in Italy. Its body is soft, semi-solid, calorie content is 310 kcal per 100 grams.

Camembert- French cheese, found quite rarely in Russia. Now it is made in France. Cheese connoisseurs are convinced that the best Camembert is made in Normandy. The calorie content of this product is 291 kcal per 100 grams.

Bree- famous French cheese. Its taste is very subtle, with a nutty flavor. Calorie content is 291 kcal.

About the benefits of cheese

When talking about the benefits of cheese, the first thing that comes to mind is the huge amount of minerals and vitamins it contains. Which not only has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole, but also helps to cope with certain diseases. Cheese on average contains up to 32% fat, 26% protein, 2.5 - 3.5% organic salts, vitamins A and B, and most importantly, during the ripening process of cheese, its protein becomes soluble and therefore is almost completely (98.5%) absorbed by the body. This feature of cheese makes it one of the best, healthiest and most valuable food products.

The benefits of cheese are priceless for humans; thanks to its properties, it is easily and completely absorbed in the body. Doctors strongly advise children, pregnant women and the elderly, as well as those suffering from bone damage and tuberculosis, to regularly consume this wonderful product.

About the dangers of cheese

In addition to the beneficial qualities, they often remember the possible harm of cheese. People with urolithiasis, stomach diseases, acute pyelonephritis, gastritis with high acidity and colitis are advised to consume cheeses in minimal quantities or avoid them altogether.

Cheeses are a living product. It consists of a concentrate of milk solids and is obtained by coagulating milk followed by specific processing of the curd. Some types of cheese require at least 8-9 months to ripen, and its shelf life can be up to a year.

Cheese is a high-calorie product. Its calorie content directly depends on the milk fat it contains (from 20 to 60%) and ranges from 300-400 calories per 100 grams. Cheese has a lot of protein - up to 28-30%. During the ripening process, proteins are partially processed by bacteria and are better absorbed by the body. Also, during the ripening process, various biological active substances are formed.

Cheese is rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains a very large amount of calcium and phosphorus.

Cheeses have firmly entered our diet due to their taste and nutritional properties. But for a person who watches his figure, the amount of cheese should be limited. It is best if you use so-called pickled cheeses such as Suluguni and Chechil. They are lower in calories and easier to digest. The calorie content of Chechil cheese is only 140 calories per 100 grams, which is almost three times less than the calorie content of Parmesan cheese.

Cheeses are often used in protein diets, such as the Kremlin diet, the Dukan diet, because they contain a minimal amount of carbohydrates with a significant protein content. The exception is processed cheese, in which 24% is carbohydrates.

But not all cheeses are equally healthy. A large number of various products are produced under the guise of cheese, which have nothing to do with real cheese.

It’s one thing when the technology for making cheese is violated - it could be a violation of ripening dates, excessive humidity, or poor-quality raw materials. This cheese loses most of its beneficial properties. But when milk fat is replaced in cheese with vegetable fat and soy protein is introduced into the composition, it is a completely different product. Therefore, be careful when purchasing this tasty and healthy product.

Cheese calorie table per 100 grams






Adyghe cheese



Altai cheese



Alpine cheese


Amber cheese


Appenzeller cheese




Biysky cheese




Cheese Bongrain Fall Epi



Brie cheese


Brynza cheese (made from cow's milk)




Brynza cheese (made from sheep's milk)




Cheese Brynza Serbskaya




Cheese Vyrussky


Gouda cheese


Dutch cheese



Gorgonzola cheese


Cheese Mountain




Grana Padano cheese


Gruyère cheese


Danish cheese



Cheese Village



Cheese Dzhugas


Homemade Cheese



Cheese Dor Blue


Dor Blue cheese a la creme


Cheese Dorogobuzhsky


Camembert cheese


Cheese Cantali




Fermented milk cheese


Goat cheese




Smoked sausage cheese


Smoked Cheese




Kostromskaya cheese




Lambert cheese




Lambert cream cheese




Cheese Lambert Tilsiter


Cheese Maasdam



Mascarpone cheese



Cheese Mondzeer



Mozzarella cheese


Oltermani cheese


Parmesan cheese


Processed cheese





Cheese Polessky



Cheese Poshekhonsky



Cheese Pribaltiyskiy


Cheese Raclette



Ricotta cheese


Cheese Rochischio


Roquefort cheese


Russian cheese




Cheese Smetankovy



Cheese Stepnoy



Sulguni cheese


Cheese Tilsiter



Uglich cheese




Cheese Favita


Farmer's cheese




Chees Feta


Philadelphia cheese


Cheese Hollender


Cheddar cheese


Cheese Chechil



Chechil cheese brine smoked



Swiss cheese




Edam cheese


Smoked Edam cheese



Emmental cheese




Amber processed cheese



Jarlsberg cheese


Cheese Jarlsberg Light calorie content of dried fruits and other calorie content tables.

Nika Sestrinskaya -specifically for the site site

“A meal without cheese is like a one-eyed beauty,” said the unsurpassed French culinary specialist Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, and he was somewhat right. We are all accustomed to this product: for breakfast it is the basis of a tasty and nutritious sandwich, at lunch it makes an excellent cream soup, and in the evening what else, if not it, to snack on exquisite red wine?

But the time comes to get rid of extra pounds, and everyone begins to ask nutritionists with longing and hope in their voices, is it possible to eat cheese while losing weight - well, at least a little? The question is justified, because the calorie content in this product is simply off the charts and amounts to 300-400 kcal per 100 g. This is clearly a non-dietary indicator. However, a loophole can be found.

Is it possible?

Many people hesitate to eat cheese while losing weight. For different reasons:

  • high-calorie;
  • does not apply to ;
  • contains a lot of fat;
  • Expensive;
  • is not the basis of mono-diets;
  • in a number of diets it is included in the list of prohibited foods.

Calorie content plays a decisive role, but it is precisely this that turns out to be the easiest problem to solve. Cheese can be eaten as part of most diets, because it does not interfere with weight loss because:

  • at one time you are unlikely to eat more than 1-2 pieces, the weight of which does not exceed 20-30 g, respectively, it will be only 60-80 kcal;
  • Those on a vegan diet can enjoy tofu;
  • There are varieties with a low percentage of fat;
  • the same tofu is not so expensive;
  • there is no cheese mono-diet, because this product cannot provide the body with all the necessary substances;
  • prohibited only in certain diets: vegan, raw food, low-fat, vegetable. And allowed in all others.

And one more huge plus in favor of cheese as a dietary product: almost all its varieties have a low GI. For comparison:

  • tofu = 14 units;
  • cheese = 0 units;
  • suluguni = 0 units;
  • cottage cheese = 29 units;
  • durum varieties = 0 units.

We conclude: when losing weight, you can eat low-calorie cheese, rich in proteins and low in fat, observing the daily norm. This will not harm your figure, will allow you to diversify your diet and improve your health.

Did you know that... Do the French consider a day when they haven't tasted a piece of cheese a wasted day?


If you regularly include cheese in your diet while losing weight, it will have the most positive effect on your health, as it has a number of beneficial properties:

  • improves digestion;
  • is a source of potassium, calcium and proteins;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • increases performance, gives a boost of vigor and energy;
  • activates cellular respiration;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to cope with stress, thereby reducing the production of cortisol, which promotes fat deposition and stimulates appetite;
  • normalizes the processes of growth and development in childhood and adolescence;
  • increases erectile capabilities in men;
  • Promotes visual acuity and prevents eye diseases.

It is not surprising that it has such a complex effect on the body. After all, it is a storehouse of easily digestible proteins, milk fat, amino acids, mineral salts, water- and fat-soluble vitamins (A, B1, B5, B12, C, E, D, PP).


According to production method

  1. Fresh is cottage cheese, which in many countries is considered a cheese product.
  2. Soft - has a crust made of mold: with a washed crust (it is treated with alcohol) and fluffy (with mold).
  3. Semi-hard and hard: boiled (Parmesan, mozzarella) and uncooked (Gouda, cheddar).
  4. Brine: feta cheese, suluguni, feta.
  5. Blue - with mold (Roquefort).
  6. Fused: orbit, viola, friendship, amber.
  7. Smoked: sausage, braid.

Based on this classification, it is recommended to eat fresh and hard cheeses when losing weight. Those with mold are expensive and require getting used to their smell and taste. Despite the low calorie content of pickled varieties, they contain too much salt, which disrupts the body's water balance and promotes the formation of edema, which is unacceptable when losing weight. Processed cheese contains too many additives, dyes and flavors, so you should be careful with them. It is also not recommended to use smoked ones, since this method of preparing products is prohibited both in diets and in proper nutrition.

By raw materials

  1. Cow: more than 85% of varieties.
  2. Goat: chevroux, manchego.
  3. Sheep: feta cheese.
  4. Kobyliy: kurt.
  5. Mixed: feta (sheep + goat milk).

The healthiest one comes from goat's milk, but it is far from dietary, as it contains a large amount of fat. Sheep and mares are difficult to obtain. Therefore, all that is left for losing weight is cow.

  1. Dietary (10%).
  2. A quarter fat (20%).
  3. Bold (30%).
  4. Three quarters fat (40%).
  5. Bold (45%).
  6. Very fatty (50%).
  7. Creamy (60%).
  8. Maximum creamy (85%).

Many varieties have a similar gradation. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the packaging and buy cheese with no more than 40% fat content. The best option is lean.

By type of starter

  1. Whey (ricotta).
  2. Rennet.
  3. Fermented milk: grated (green), curd.

Fermented milk is the most natural, made from skim milk, which is fermented using lactic acid starter. It can be safely eaten on any diet.

According to the presence of additives

  1. With nuts.
  2. With greens.
  3. With onion.
  4. With sugar.
  5. With mushrooms.
  6. With salmon.
  7. With chocolate.
  8. With ham, etc.

Want to lose weight without giving up cheese? Then it’s better not to buy it with additional flavors: to extend its shelf life, manufacturers add a lot of preservatives to the product.

It is a fact. Until now, no one can calculate how many varieties of cheese are produced in the world today. The largest review of this product was made by André Simon, a French cheese maker. His treatise “On the Cheese Business” mentions 839 types; he wrote it over 17 years.

Calorie content

Since to lose weight you need to choose the lowest-calorie cheeses, this table will show you in comparison which of them are dietary and which are better not to abuse.

Calorie content in the table is presented in ascending order, i.e. the lowest calorie varieties are in the first positions.

Low calorie

High calorie

According to this table, the leaders are:

  1. The highest calorie is Mascarpone, the lowest calorie is Tofu.
  2. The highest protein content is Parmesan, the lowest protein content is Mascarpone.
  3. The fattest is Mascarpone, the least fat is Fermented Milk.
  4. The most carbohydrate-rich one is Omichka.

From the world of stars. Salvador Dali's favorite cheese is Camembert.


You should refrain from this method of losing weight if you have the following conditions and factors:

  • obesity (we talk about methods of combating this disease);
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • tendency to edema;
  • pancreatitis;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • cholecystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney diseases;
  • children under 2 years of age.

Naturally, one piece 2-3 times a week will not worsen the listed diseases. However, if you plan to include cheese in your regular diet, the presence of these diseases will prevent you from doing so.

In addition, do not forget that each variety also has its own list of contraindications. For example, those with mold are prohibited to eat during pregnancy. But tofu can be consumed by people suffering from lactase intolerance. So each case requires separate consideration and consultation with a doctor.

This is interesting. The shelf life of some varieties is very limited, and after it expires they can be poisoned. This, for example, is brie.

Ways to lose weight

Fasting day

The daily dosage is no more than 200 g, i.e. approximately 40 g for each meal (2 plates/pieces). For this purpose, you can choose tofu, Fitness Cheese (semi-hard rennet), curd or Serbian cheese, as well as any hard varieties. Green tea and water are allowed. You can't eat anything else. The result is minus 1 kg. You can repeat it only once a month.

Cheese diet

Type: low-calorie, protein. Duration: 1 week. Results: 3-4 kg. Difficulty: medium.

Recommended for weight loss during intense training. All low-fat protein foods are allowed (chicken breast, fish, fermented milk drinks, egg whites, legumes). The main condition is to eat a slice of low-fat cheese three times a day. Nutritionists recommend mozzarella, ricotta, almetta, Philadelphia, Adyghe. It is advisable to include different varieties in your diet.

Interesting fact. The French are passionate about cheese. They consider it not only dietary due to the minimal amount of carbohydrates, but also prolonging life and giving the joy of love (an aphrodisiac).

How to choose a quality one?

Calorie content should be no more than 300 kcal per 100 g of product, fat content should not exceed 40%. The lower these indicators, the better the weight loss results will be. The composition should contain only natural ingredients: sourdough and milk, possibly adding spices. Don't forget to look at the expiration date. The wax coating must be smooth, solid, uniform in color, without blisters, damage or white deposits.

Color - milky, with a yellowish tint. The smell should not be sour or pungent. It squeaks on the teeth - it contains starch, it’s better not to buy it. A sticky consistency indicates a violation of manufacturing technology. The taste of a quality product is salty with a creamy tint.

When is the best time to eat?

The optimal time is for breakfast. According to scientific research, in the morning the stomach is able to fully absorb all the nutritional elements of cheese. For lunch, you can use it as an ingredient in a dietary dish (cream soup, julienne, vegetable salad). For dinner, you can eat a small slice, since, according to the principles of proper nutrition, the last meal should be protein. But late in the evening, at night, it is not recommended to eat it either when losing weight or with a normal diet. Proteins and fats will weigh down your stomach and slow down the digestion process.

In any form?

Exclusively fresh. A baked cheese cap and a viscous mass of creamy soup are the height of culinary sophistication, but they are of little use. During heat treatment, the protein is destroyed and the amount of fat increases. And try not to eat it cold. Cut a piece and keep at room temperature for at least half an hour.

How to store it correctly?

On the top shelf of the refrigerator for no more than a week. As soon as mold appears on it, it becomes hard, covered with a yellow crust or droplets of liquid, do not risk your health - throw it away.

With the world - one by one. The leader in production is America. The leader in consumption is Greece. The best product is made in Switzerland. The experts are French.

Review of the best

  • Adyghe(264 kcal)

Homeland - Cherkessk. It is prepared from cow's milk with the addition of fermented whey and is pasteurized at high temperatures. Refers to soft dietary varieties. It has a sour-milk, spicy, slightly salty taste, and is distinguished by a delicate, dense consistency. Contains amino acids, vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, H, PP, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, copper.

  • Fetaxa(251 kcal)

Homeland - Mediterranean. It is prepared from sheep's milk based on rennet starter by coagulation. Refers to the brine processed varieties. It has a specific, spicy, slightly salty taste, somewhat reminiscent of Philadelphia, and a cottage cheese smell. Rich in vitamins E, D, C, B, A, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, iron. Recommended for dietary programs, as it normalizes intestinal microflora. Good in vegetable salads.

  • Suluguni(286 kcal)

Homeland - Georgia. Produced from cow and buffalo milk by pasteurization based on rennet starter. Made entirely by hand. No machine technology is used in this process. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a sour milk, slightly salty taste. It has a dense, layered consistency. It contains vitamins from group B, amino acids, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. Can be used as part of weight loss, as it solves problems associated with the circulatory system.

  • Ricotta(147 kcal)

Homeland - Italy. Refers to soft, curd varieties. Made from cow's or sheep's milk. It is based on whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses, with the addition of rennet. It has a sweetish taste, without a sour odor. Contains phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, D, E, K. Stimulates brain activity, quenches appetite, blocks hunger attacks.

  • Feta(264 kcal)

Homeland - Greece. Made from sheep's milk with the addition of goat's milk. Refers to soft cheeses. It has a slightly salty taste and spicy aroma. Contains calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin. Improves the psycho-emotional background, preventing overeating (you can learn how to cope with irresistible gluttony and what it leads to).

  • Mozzarella(253 kcal)

Homeland - Italy. It is made from black buffalo milk (the classic version), but in stores you will only find cow’s product. Refers to hard boiled cheeses. It has a delicate but fresh taste. Rich in protein, fatty acids and monosaccharides. Used for weight loss due to its low calorie content and improved digestion.

  • Brynza(262 kcal)

Produced in different countries. Made from sheep, goat and cow milk. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a sour milk, moderately salty taste. Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals. Calcium in feta cheese is absorbed much better than from any other type of cheese.

  • Sirtaki(231 kcal)

Homeland - Greece. Made from cow's milk. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a specific salty taste. It contains protein that is well absorbed by the body, so sirtaki can be eaten for dinner without fear of stomach problems. Improves digestion and blood circulation.

  • Tofu(85 kcal)

Produced in different countries. Made from soybeans. Has a neutral taste. This is the healthiest cheese for weight loss, as it contains many bioactive substances and a minimum of calories, and can be included in the diet of any diet (including vegetarian), as it is of plant origin. It can be hard (dense) and soft (silk).

For comparison. Everyone wonders why tofu stands out from all other varieties with its low calorie content and low price. It won't seem like a miracle after you know the following numbers. It takes 10 liters of milk to make regular cheese; the same amount of tofu requires only 600 grams of soybeans.

So you can eat cheese while losing weight, the main thing is to choose the right variety and not exceed the daily intake.

What is the calorie and fat content of Russian cheese, how to use it correctly when losing weight. The benefits and harms of the product, how to choose quality cheese.

Russian cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk. This product usually contains 50% fat in dry form. There are also less fatty varieties - 45% dry matter. The lower the fat percentage, the lower the calorie content. Despite the fat content, the product is an irreplaceable source of calcium. Just 100 g can meet your daily calcium requirement. But how many grams are you allowed to eat per day so as not to harm your figure? First, let's look at the chemical composition.

Chemical composition

Nutrients contained in 100 g:

Substance Content
Squirrels 25 g
Fats 28 g
Carbohydrates 0.25 g
Cholesterol 90 mg
Amino acids 14 g
Essential amino acids 8.5 g
Saturated fatty acids 16 g
Omega-6 0.7 g
Omega-9 7 g
Vitamins Content
A 0.28 mg
E 500 mcg
WITH 700 mcg
IN 1 40 mcg
AT 2 300 mcg
AT 6 100 mcg
AT 9 0.02 mg
AT 12 1.6 mcg
RR 6 mg
Macro- and microelements Content
TO 87.9 mg
Sa 881 mg
Fe 1.05 mg
Ph 501 mg
Cu 51 mcg
Na 809 mg
Zn 3.52 mg
S 233 mg
Mg 34.9 mg

Calorie content of Russian cheese

A large proportion of the calorie content of the product is fat; the higher the percentage, the higher the calorie content of the cheese. Below is an example of caloric content in two fat contents per 100 g.

Benefits and harms

Cheese is especially useful for pregnant and nursing mothers; a rich complex of macro- and microelements will help maintain health, bone and muscle structure, and calm the nervous system. Also, the content of folic acid and pyridoxine helps the proper development of the fetus.

It is known that it is not fats that are the main enemies of diets, but carbohydrates, which are practically absent in cheese, only 0.25 g of lactose - milk sugar. But the product still contains cholesterol, although in small doses it is not at all harmful. However, you need to be careful when consuming cheese; it has a fairly high calorie content.

A piece of cheese weighing 50 g has the same energy value as a whole bowl of vegetable salad. Consequently, this is not the most correct ingredient in the diet menu, but in any case it cannot be canceled, the main thing is to use it correctly.

Use in dietary nutrition

Many nutritionists are big opponents of mono-diets; the trend in menu planning comes down to allowing you to include your favorite dishes in your diet, and Russian cheese is no exception. Giving up high-calorie and favorite foods, according to nutritionists, will lead to excess weight gain. Sooner or later, those who are losing weight will return to their previous diet, and this will threaten the deposition of fat from foods that have not been eaten for a long time. It is better to eat a small piece once a week and not bring the body to a state of stress.

Cheese is present in many diets based on protein nutrition, but their calorie content should not exceed 30% and, unfortunately, Russian is not one of them. But there are diets, for example Japanese, in which no more than 15 g of fatty cheese is allowed.

A cheese diet has also been developed, in which, in addition to the main ingredient, protein products predominate - meat, eggs, dairy products. In this case, carbohydrates are completely excluded; this diet is designed for ten days. Tea and coffee are allowed.

Each diet has its own disadvantages and contraindications; it is better to eat right, combining foods in the right quantities. For the best effect, it is worth adding physical activity, this will increase the consumption of excess energy.

An important condition for losing weight if you have cheese in your diet is to reduce your daily caloric intake, and the lower the caloric intake, the faster the body will begin to waste energy from fat. That is, it is necessary to create a deficit of incoming energy. Of course, when eating 1200 kcal per day, consuming 100 g of cheese is not worth it, because a piece will constitute a fourth of the total calorie content. One small slice is enough.

How to choose a good cheese

There is a huge list of manufacturers, but how not to make a mistake and choose a quality product, here are some tips:

  • carefully check the expiration date; a spoiled product can seriously harm your health;
  • choose products without palm oil and other cheap impurities;
  • the cheese should not be slimy in appearance or have a foreign odor;
  • The more expensive the product, the higher quality raw materials were used in production.

To learn how Russian cheese is made, watch the video:

No matter how useful the product is, to maintain your normal weight or reduce it, keep an eye on its calorie content and composition. Cheese is really good for the body and is practically harmless, with the exception of individual intolerance to dairy products. Eat healthy, exercise and enjoy food.

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