The best names for pubs. Original and beautiful name for a cafe - the best options

08.09.2020 Bakery

A great name for a bar is the key to the success of the establishment. People go to bars to relax, to have a good time with friends, to relax. Everyone is looking for “their” establishment: someone needs the most expensive and fancy places to treat themselves to an original cocktail, others are looking for small pubs where they can drink a glass of beer on the weekend and have a heart-to-heart chat with the bartender. Depending on your goals and audience, you should choose a name.

What, in our opinion, is successful? Undoubtedly, bright, memorable, unusual! It will be able to attract more customers, and together with the atmosphere of the institution, it will make them permanent.

Some interesting ideas to keep in mind: a name related to your main business (for example, you own a beer bar and brew your own beer, or offer various cocktails to visitors, or specialize only in wine); location (the name may be associated with a geographical location, for example, by a lake, or a location in a city, district, street); a good option is your name, for example, "Moe's Tavern". Most importantly, memorable.

Examples of bar names and logos

Industry keywords:

beer, pub, cocktail, pub, bartender, alcohol, whiskey, wine, tavern, pub, atmosphere, service, comfort, design, snacks, etc.

How to create a logo for a bar?

An interesting logo can be an excellent addition to the bar. The Logaster online service will help you create a logo faster than a bartender pours a glass of beer. Ready to start creating a logo? Click the "Create" button and enjoy the result in just a few minutes.

The choice of the name of the beer bar should be given no less attention than the interior or location of the new establishment. A bright and easy-to-remember name for visitors will contribute to the successful development of the business. The principles of forming the names of beer bars described in the article and examples of the names of existing establishments will help you make the right decision.

Principles of formation of names of beer bars

There are a large number of options for the names of the beer bar. The name of the institution can be almost any word, both related to the activity of the bar, and not associated with it. However, a detailed analysis of the names of existing organizations allows us to identify the basic principles of their formation. After reviewing them and with numerous examples, you can easily choose the best name for your own beer bar.

  1. Names with the word "beer". The most popular word used by the owners of beer bars to attract potential customers is, of course, the word "beer", including in a foreign language ("Beer House", "Beer & beer", "Bier burg"). Interesting phrases and bright sounds allow you to create many different options ("Beer Library", "Dad's Favorite Beer", "Johan Pivohan"). A sense of humor and a good play on words will help make the name original and memorable (“ChampIVOn”, “SheksBEER”, “Vybeerray”, “UnBeerLive”, “Beerloga”, “Beerocracy”).
  2. Names associated with a beer bar. The next group is represented by names that also evoke direct associations with a beer bar (“Dark & ​​Light”, “Good Hops”, “Golden Pint”). In addition, it is worth highlighting names that include keywords such as “bar” and “pub” (“Boroda pub”, “Bar Petra”, “Pitcher Pub”, “BarNalei”).
  3. Other original names. This group includes a wide variety of names that do not have an obvious connection with the scope of the beer bar. At the same time, thanks to their brightness, sense of humor, interesting phrases and puns, they can become an excellent option for the name of the future institution (“Barbara Waits”, “Guys from our yard”, “Rancho”).

Examples of beer bar names

1. Names with the word "beer"

beer pub taverna



BottleNeck Beer Authority

TAPROOM beer shop & bar

Gorky Brewery

Friends and beer

Johan Pivohan


Beer & Fish


beer culture

Beer Library

Beer Diet

beer ambush

Beer Map

beer culture

beer shop

Beer Territory

Beer House

beer house

Beer Stall: By the way!

beer island

Beer Cellar

beer paradise

Beer Etiquette

Pivnushka №1

Beer Brothers

beer mania

Soviet pub


Case of beer

2. Names associated with a beer bar

3. Other, original titles

Barbara is waiting

Belvedere Steal Grill




Big fish



Brodsky's dacha


To live well

copper bouillon

On Eyebrows

One mind is not enough

Cancer and pike

Cancer #1

Children from our yard

Red fox


Uncle Vanya


A good place

I want to go to Siberia

Chuck Norris

“We should definitely buy a bar. It will be called "Puzzle". Everyone will come up, look - why "Puzzles"? And therein lies the whole puzzle!”

TV series "How I Met Your Mother"

The heroes of the popular series decided to buy a bar, and the idea for the name arose by itself. Such cases are extremely rare. Successfully naming an institution is not an easy task. The competition among bars in Moscow is high. The name should at the same time be different from the rest, and convey the main idea, and attract guests.

Want to know what the name of the bar is? What mistakes in names should be avoided? Read about it in the article. We list the basic principles of naming, consider best titles bars and less successful options.

How to come up with a bar name: the basic principles of naming

What needs to be done so that guests come to your bar? Attract their attention, interest their originality. The name is the first thing visitors learn about a bar. Therefore, its selection must be approached consciously.

Stick to the basic naming rules:

  • Brevity. The title should contain no more than 2 words.
  • Uniqueness. There are more than 1000 bars in Moscow. If your name is the same as others, you risk losing customers, they may simply mix up the establishments.
  • euphony. A complex name will quickly be erased from memory.
  • Associativity. When mentioning the name, your visitors should imagine a place with a pleasant environment. Negative associations scare away guests.

The name is the face of the institution's brand

The first thing to do is to think through all the nuances of the brand of your bar. Beerhouse in German, British, Czech style, youth bar with live music, tavern, sports bar. The style of the institution dictates the interior, menu, nature of the service and the name. Sometimes the opposite happens - the name becomes a source of inspiration when developing the concept of the institution.

Think over how your institution will be decorated, work out every detail of its brand. The more original the image is formed, the special atmosphere of the bar, the more interest it will arouse among the guests. In Moscow, the audience is sophisticated, so you have to come up with something truly original.

For example, a British-style bar can be called "Queen", "Scotland Yard", "Becker Str.", German - "Munich", "Stirlitz", "Frau Müller".

If you are looking for a name for a loft-style bar, use the words industrial sphere. Examples are "Floors", "Manufactory", "CheerDuck".

Play with existing titles

Establishments named after literary characters or taken from feature films are very popular. For example: “Coyote Ugly” (film “Coyote Ugly Bar”), “Duhless” (Sergei Minaev’s novel “Duhless”), “Leaky Cauldron” (from the cycle of Harry Potter novels), “Sherlock” (from the cycle of novels about Sherlock Holmes), "The Prancing Pony" ("The Lord of the Rings").

Try to take as a basis the name of a literary character or the name and transform it to fit the specifics of your institution. Good example- the name of the beer bar "Harry Porter". The guests have an association with the famous hero of books and films. At the same time, "porter" is a type of dark beer.

Bad bar names

Beer is the most requested drink in bars. But you don't have to dwell on this word. "Pivko", "Pivo-Vody", "Pivnaya zapravka", "Beer Kingdom", "Champion" - all these names evoke a strong association with a cheap beer establishment where marginal personalities gather. The name creates a reputation.

There are names that are ambiguously evaluated by visitors. For example: "Honey, I'll call you back", "Where am I?", "I love you, life!". Such names for bars are original and funny at first glance, but often cause bewilderment and rejection.

Name as a way to increase profits

What does the visitor evaluate? Level of service, pricing policy, quality of food and drinks, interior. There is no name on this list, but it is the name that encourages people to visit the bar.

When creating your own business, the choice of an original name for a business is often put almost the last item on the list of tasks. Of course, the most beautiful name of the cafe will not be able to compensate for flaws in the organization of work, the development of methods for attracting customers. But if you choose it correctly, you will be able to avoid many problems and improve the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, promoting your services.

Café name selection criteria

One of the easiest and most profitable options is to open your own cafe. In some respects, such a catering and recreation establishment is similar to a restaurant, but has a limited assortment, can work in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shops, etc. In addition, it requires less investment to open, lower requirements are put forward service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a big or small city, village), you need to consider the basic criteria:

  1. Do not cause ambiguous associations, unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. Harmonize with interior design, customer service form, service level.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the institution.

These parameters are relevant when choosing. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics depending on the format of the institution or a Russian word, one syllable of which should be made in Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the establishment, interior, service features, assortment;
  • the creation of neologisms - words or phrases, you can combine the Russian and foreign bases;
  • choosing an easy-to-pronounce, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing around with words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words that have a strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, No worries). You should be very careful when choosing names that are tied to historical figures (Cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), films or works of art (At the Pokrovsky Gate, Gentlemen of Fortune, The Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hatiko, Turandot) , geographic areas, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in case of 100% combination with the concept of the institution, so that the original name does not seem too pretentious and does not harmonize with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Beryozka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of the word for an alpine rural house and the already boring name Beryozka is not a very good solution. More examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Mu-Mu, Cat and cook, Spark). And, of course, you should not choose banal, boring names: Troika, Birch, Barberry, Marzipan, Yunost.

Advice: choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not occupied by competitors, not patented. You can view the list of existing institutions on specialized portals.

Cafe naming examples

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners, visitors, easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Usually, such a task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, you can choose the original name yourself. We provide the following options beautiful names for a cafe (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

Advice: if you can’t open your own fast food restaurant, you shouldn’t despair, there are many more interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, the creation of a business for the preparation and sale of herbal tea, the manufacture of handmade soap, the cultivation of mushrooms (reaches $ 500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel the fine line that you should not cross, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the institution, it will be positively perceived by visitors (Seven cockroaches bistro, Hannibal, Los Vegas cafe, diner You Uhu Eat?, Clockwork eggs). You should not opt ​​for double-valued options or those that can cause ambiguous understanding: Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of barbecue. When creating a neologism for the name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Dozhor, BuhenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep Throat, KhZ cafe - stands for “good institution”, but causes ambiguous associations).

St. Petersburg bars and coffee houses have always stood out for their atmospheric character. Instead of the classic "Moscow" and "Natalie" - biting phrases that evoke double feelings. Against the background of super-originality, many names are so boring that I would not even notice them if it were not for my laughing friends from other cities.

It translates as "I am grateful for today." The meaning is great, but the pronunciation is just tin. It's like getting a foreigner to say "welcome". While you are trying to pronounce it, you just want to leave these attempts and say - don't care, let's go to Zoom. They say that complex names are abbreviated in simple speech. Among my friends, this is "a bar on the corner of a pea and a fountain", or "the one where the window sill is on the pavement." I can't say anything bad about the bar itself: good food, delicious coffee.

My mother told me that if I licked the plate clean, sooner or later I would be accepted into the society of clean plates. Didn't cheat. In the bar stylish interior and delicious cocoa.

Pun: either a family restaurant or hyper-friendly. Inside, the interior is homely, the food is inexpensive, you can safely sit down with a laptop or fill up with friends.

There was so much noise around the name that it was impossible to pass by. It offended someone, someone doesn’t care, someone considers it an excellent marketing ploy. I consider this a provocation, but I have nothing against the institution.

"Larisa Vannu I want"

When I saw the name, a Georgian spoke in my head. Directly from the movie "Mimino". But the cuisine is obvious: if the voice in your head speaks with a Georgian accent, then there is samsa and barbecue.

Lebedev is not on them. The bold rule of leadership was that & should not be placed between Russian names. The logo is a flying pig on a fork, transforming into a sausage. Almost a mermaid. The restaurant specializes in a huge selection of beers and homemade sausages. There is some associative logic here.

"What people"

Simple expressions are often chosen as names. “Hi”, “How are you”, “What people!”. The facility is good. True, I expected that every time someone comes in, everyone exclaims the name of the bar in unison. It would be stupid, but funny.

Every normal guy has his own hit parade of favorite drinking establishments - you can argue about them almost endlessly. Although this is exactly what we are going to do - however, we will make up the hit parade from establishments where none of us will be able to visit anyway. So, just in time for the premiere of the film "Armegeddets" about a bar trip - ten drinking establishments from cinema and literature.

Dairy bar Korova

Novel and film of the same name A Clockwork Orange

What is served there

"Milk plus" or "Milk with knives"

Who goes there

"pussy" and "real guys"

What is there to do

fight, find yourself a "kitty", get stoned

Korova is a collective image of a club for a young and radical audience. If something prevented you from enjoying endless nights in such establishments in your younger years, go this coming weekend so you don't miss the moment. It is impossible to walk in such places for a long time, but they have the most important thing - energy: you can dance like the last time all night until dawn, take part in a fight, get drunk on cheap and meaningless alcohol, talk to girls who cannot connect two words, and better all at once. Korova in this regard is just what you need.

"Milk-plus" stands for "milk plus some kind of additive" (most often narcotic or psychotropic). To the delight of the local youth, in “Korova” you can drink “good old milk” with veloset, sintemesk, drencrom and “something from the things that make quiet baldiozh come from, and for fifteen minutes you feel that the Lord God himself with all his sits like a holy host in your left shoe, and sparks and fireworks jump through the brain. "Milk with knives" - milk with narcotic additives; not only gives peace, but also inspires new achievements. The composition of "Milk with Knives" is unknown, but the effect is known - "it came from tortsh, and I wanted dratsing, I wanted to gasitt someone in full, one with the whole caudle."

Bar Titty Twister

Film "From Dusk Till Dawn"


tortillas, Chango beer, whiskey, tequila, absinthe and all the spirits that keep you going until morning


bikers, truckers, bandits and vampires


order a beer or whiskey, play billiards, fight or just sit with a bottle in the corner and look at the wriggling female bodies and, in fact, “twisted boobs”

A bright and noisy oasis, open from dusk to dawn, is decorated with a neon girl with gigantic breasts, illustrating the name of the bar. At the entrance, the inscriptions “Girls, girls, girls” glow. Inside - everything that the signs promise. Titty Twister (in the Russian version it should be called "Twisted Tits") resembles a cave in which they put a bar, a stage for musicians, tables for the hungry and pool tables. Half-naked women dance on all horizontal surfaces. The previous five sentences sound like another dream bar, right?

This place has a laid-back atmosphere of impending sacrifice. A drunken half-naked disco here sooner or later turns into a fun shootout - a favorite thing for all peoples in North America. For one peso you can rent a girl here, or even two. In general, everything is on the verge - what you need.

Tito & Tarantula

Founded in 1992, the band is best known for performing the song "After Dark" in the film From Dusk Till Dawn. However, fans of Latin rock love her not only for this. In their almost 20-year history, Tito Larriva and company have recorded five albums, as well as three songs for the soundtrack to Rodriguez's Desperate.

Robert Rodriguez, like Quentin Tarantino, is not a fan of product placement, so he prefers to come up with trademarks for his films. In "From Dusk Till Dawn" there is his favorite beer - Chango, whose yellow label was also lit up in "Desperate" and "Sin City".

Al's Backyard Bar

novel by Hunter S. Thompson The Rum Diary


beer (25 cents per bottle) and rum (serving - 10 cents, with ice - 15), as a snack - hamburgers, which are deftly prepared by the negro Gutalin


journalists of all stripes, sportswriters, proofreaders, typesetters and their poorer friends


take a picture of the pianist Otto, swindle the last cents, meet the local revelers

Ex-jockey Al Arbonito set up a bar on his patio - and at first it was a windswept establishment where you could throw up very cheaply. In addition to favorable prices, "Backyards" have a picturesque location - on the top of Calle O'Leary hill. After Al expanded the bar, putting his own house into business, the place was transformed. Now "At Al's" consists of two parts - a cocktail room and a patio with wooden tables and umbrellas. Neatly in the middle between these zones is a piano, which is played by "a skinny person with a sad face named Nelson Otto."

Girls - bypass Al's patio a mile away, better - closer to expensive restaurants or casinos, where there are well-earned people in expensive suits. Tourists should stop by for a while, take a picture of pianist Otto clattering keys and escape to a more respectable place. For anyone who wants to squander the last cents or meet the most seasoned and degraded journalists in Puerto Rico, the doors of the Backyard are open around the clock.

Nelson Otto and his instrument

“The old cabinet piano, light gray in color, was covered with a special shellac so that the salty air would not eat through the polish, and seven nights a week, all twelve months of the endless Caribbean summer, Nelson Otto sat at the keyboard, stirring sweat into the bleak chords of his music.”

"San Juan Daily News"

A Puerto Rican newspaper founded in 1955 by a communist named Lotterman, which has seen in its ranks "both wild young extremists, and genuine talents, and honest people, and terrible degenerates, and Paul Camp (Thompson's alter ego. - Note. ed.)».

Restaurants and bars for the gods

animated film "Spirited Away"


apples, pork, sushi and rolls, sliced ​​squid, roast poultry, gigantic fish heads and seafood of all sizes and types, compeito


Japanese gods, spirits and ghosts from all over the Earth, people with magical abilities


if you are a god or a spirit, you can taste the best dishes in the world; people without superpowers to eat better not to touch

This food court made the list at least for its approach to targeting audiences. The restaurant chain is owned by the sorceress Yubaba, who runs everything in a small town. Located under a sloping roof and looking like a souvenir shop, each restaurant hides an abundance of outlandish delicacies. In general, during a long bar trip, such a place would definitely be worth visiting.

Club "At Cady's"

graphic novel by Frank Miller "Sin City"
film of the same name by Robert Rodriguez


beer and spirits


hitmen, psychopaths, whores, old drunkards, rich boys, losers of all kinds, and lovers of French prostitutes


get drunk, forget yourself and look at naked female bodies

Like most locations in Sin City, Cady's shemale place looks like the worst kind of pub, but people come here not for the atmosphere, but for good music, beer and naked beauties. A classic bar counter, small round tables that can hardly fit two, and a stage for dancers in cowboy hats, jeans, short shirts, or even no clothes at all.

Club visitors enjoy listening to country music: not “You put me on a natural high”, but songs by Twitty Conway, Merle Haggard, Emmylou Harris and Tammy Wynette. The musical accompaniment is somewhat unusual for a city with such a history, but here they even dance striptease under country music. In the film version of Rodriguez, something more club-like plays in Cady's.

The star of the institution - Nancy Callahan - at the age of 11 was almost raped by the only son of Senator Roark, who holds Sin City under his heel. The girl was saved by police officer Hartigan, for which he paid the price. Nancy tried to prove to everyone that her deliverer was innocent, but lost. Having retained warm feelings for Hartigan, the grown-up idealist became a dancer, in which she was extremely successful.

Dining on Tatooine

Star Wars: A New Hope by George Lucas


"Steal, kill, but don't be a robot" is the motto of this establishment; in fact, he determines the policy of face control

What does it look like

the longing for ancient vaulted ceilings is combined with a love of high-tech drinks, and the simplicity of the interior is combined with a frightening variety of visitors.

Representatives of all races, faiths and ages gather on Tatooine. In fact, this institution is an analogue of the same Titty Twister, but transferred to another planet and another universe. The audience is worse, but the rules are about the same: do everything that has enough eggs.

While the visitors fill their belly, their ears are delighted by the analogue of the Tito ensemble - the group Figrin D "an and the Modal Nodes. All members of the group are representatives of the race of bits, highly developed humanoids with an elongated skull. Talented musicians use instruments of the future that resemble a cross between a laser sword and a bagpipe , then with a flute.

Texas Chili Parlor

Death Proof by Quentin Tarantino


Shiner Rock beer, Bombay Sapphire gin, Wild Turkey whiskey


local boys with clogged sleeves, machos, mexicans, truckers


drink, put your favorite song on the jukebox

Outside, it's just a plain gray wall with a neon sign, like a lonely bored garage. But inside there are mirrors, an abundance of drawings, photographs or posters on the walls and, of course, a jukebox. For those who come to eat here, there is a special dish on the menu - "Nacho Grande", but only the most desperate stuntmen eat from this bowl.

Jukebox playlist:

Smith - Baby, it's you

T.Rex - Jeepster

Eddie Floyd

Pacific Gas & Electric - Staggolee

Joe Tex

The Coasters - Down in Mexico

Bar "Colorado"

STANLEY KUBrick's eponymous film


bourbon, Old Fashioned and other American classics, but in the most authentic versions


Jack Nicholson

What does it look like

perfect for the American provincial who wants to get the best service during their holidays - velvets, burgundy chairs, expensive chandeliers and "Lloyd, the best bartender from Timbuktu to Portland, Maine"

When anti-tobacco laws win a landslide victory in all countries of the world, the Colorado bar will become a Mecca for cigarette lovers. Here, visitors are waiting for "gleaming Formica tables, each with an ashtray, each ashtray with a box of matches." Further, as they say, a matter of technology. Order a glass of bourbon (Jack Daniel’s is optional) and watch Lloyd the bartender serve you shot after shot with obliging indifference. As a first toast, you can talk about the burden of a white man, and continue with chatter about problems in the family. Or drink silently, groaning with pleasure, but always grumbling old-fashioned nonsense under your breath.

First of all, demand a normal room from the owner so as not to meet a hangover morning near the cattle trough. You can not worry about food so zealously - they will optionally bring the best. After all the bales and personal belongings are hidden from prying eyes, you can go down to the main hall to chat with travelers and locals. Everyone will speak in unison, so do not be shy and choose an interlocutor.


"Sweet galenas", "halfling leaf", "grass of the people of the West" - everything is about the same. Hobbits were the first to think of stuffing their pipes with them and taught everyone this art. In order to enjoy this Middle-earth tobacco, pipes made of wood or clay are usually used. Rumor has it that smoking a pipe clears the mind and allows you to be more loyal to the opinion of the interlocutor.

11 pubs and "Armageddian"

final film of the trilogy
"Blood and Ice Cream" - "Armageddian" by Edgar Wright


Winshire Brewery beer


locals, youth, robots


drinking one pint in each pub, move towards the intended goal

12 pubs make up the legendary alcoholic route - the "Golden Mile", which is crowned with a mug of frothy drink in the World's End ("End of the World", or just "Armageddian") establishment. Most pubs have fallen victim to globalization and look like twins: a bar, a few tables, darts, a menu written in chalk on a blackboard and, of course, a TV to watch football matches. However, each subsequent pub becomes more fun and original. True, it will be possible to finally assess the quality of these establishments only after the premiere of the film this Thursday. Perhaps the "Winchester" from the previous part - "Shaun the Zombies" - will be more pleasant.

P.S. The editorial list of ten establishments is only our subjective choice. Send your options in the comments, we will argue.

In order for a cafe or restaurant to make a profit and attract customers, it is not enough just to build a business correctly. It is very important to come up with a good, interesting, catchy and memorable name. This article proposes to explore 30 options beautiful names, one of which may be your cafe, restaurant, club or other private enterprise:

1. "Rendezvous" - in other words, a meeting. This is a very good and memorable name.
2. "MEETING" - the same as the Rendezvous, only in the Russian way.
3. "PROVENCE" is a great, modern and fashionable name for, for example.
4. "TENDERING MAY" - nostalgia of the Soviet times.
5. "BRIGANTINA" - will always be heard.
6. "HUMMINGBIRD" - a small bird. Light and simple name, suitable for both an ordinary cafe and a children's one.
7. "PENGUIN" - which can also be duplicated as "GwinPin". Very simple, but at the same time not a common name.
8. "SCARLET SAILS" - a phrase known from school. Suitable for the name of a youth cafe.
9. "BE READY" - this name will be just right for a youth cafe or nightclub.
10. USSR - quite suitable for a cafe, bar with paraphernalia and symbols of the Soviet era.
11. "VICTORY" - an interesting and memorable name for a cafe of any type.
12. "RED SQUARE" - this name is especially suitable if the cafe area is decorated with red paving stones.
13. "COLUMB" - an unusual but memorable name.
14. "SUBMARINA" - the interior of the cafe is made in the form of a submarine.
15. "Thumbelina" - this name is suitable for a children's cafe.
16. "GOLDEN KEY" or "BURATINO" - also suitable for a children's cafe.
17. "BAIKAL" is a deep and rich name for any public institution.
18. "LEOPOLD" - a cheerful and positive name for an adult and for a children's cafe, bistro.
19. "GOLDEN KHOKHLOMA" - an interesting name for a cafe, erected from wooden bars with a corresponding painting inside the room.
20. "TORTILA" - for children and adults, where a lot of sweets and various goodies are offered.
21. "JUBILEE" - a very common name that is suitable for a mini cafe.
22. "PIONEER" - nostalgia for the Soviet era.
23. "PEGAS" - a simple and luxurious name.
24. "FAMILY" - an appropriate name for a family-friendly cafe with a large assortment of inexpensive dishes.
25. "BANIFACIO" - the name for a children's cafe.
26. "GLOBUS" - an unusual and interesting name for a restaurant or cafe, which is located in a resort town or near a reservoir.
27. "NORTHERN LIGHTS" - a magnificent and colorful name.
28. "MIRAGE" is an appropriate name for a 24-hour cafe.
29. "ICEBERG" - the name for nightclubs or restaurants located on the sea coast.
30. "GULLIVER" - a sonorous name for a children's cafe.
Here are some names for your new cafe.

Yes, as you call the ship, so it will float. To name the store correctly means a lot!

A pub is a special beer bar where guests are looking for a special atmosphere, great beer, leprechauns with gold and English lords. The pub is neither new nor unique. What's more, patrons are very conservative when it comes to decor and naming the pub.

A modern Moscow pub should look exactly the same as it looked in Ireland and Britain a hundred years ago. Declaring that the format of your establishment is a pub, you subscribe to this rule.

The name of the beer pub: where to get inspiration

The names of pubs in England are quite limited thematically. To name a place like in Britain, think like an Englishman. A typical Briton loves the queen, the royal family, folk literary heroes, valor, courage and hunting.

Pub names: examples from the British head

The name of the beer pub based on English literature: Cheshire Cat, Oliver Twist, Dickens, Humpty Dumpty. Get out a British textbook on literature and feel free to use it. Of course, the name should be familiar to Moscow visitors.

English pub names associated with the monarchy: Queen's head, Victoria, Red lion, Crown and scepter, King's hands. Titles associated with royalty are a weakness of the British. But choose options that will not overlap with the theme of the Russian Empire. After all, these are two completely different formats.

Name after historical figures: Captain Flint, The Beatles. One of the popular British pubs is called Mc Daids. Although now no one will remember who this person was, the name sounds very atmospheric. It is possible that the name of the fictitious Mr. Bradley will bring you real profit.

How to name a pub inspired by hunting: Bear, Fox and Goose, Dove, Horse Racing, Royal Hunt. The main thing is to keep the line and not wag the name in the direction of the tavern.

Bloodthirsty names of English pubs that the British are crazy about: A bucket of blood, Hanged and quartered. These and similar names have a historical explanation. If a chilling story helps develop a Moscow pub, use the idea!

Irish pub names may indicate geographic location or folklore: Saint Patrick, Dublin.

The name of the beer pub: what to avoid

The name for the pub should reflect the culture of the Victorian era. This is exactly what visitors want. Therefore, creative names will be perceived badly by the public and will not be remembered.

Examples of not the most successful naming: Himself am take, Pyatok, Fifth Ocean. Naming with a "Soviet smell" will also negatively affect the reputation of the pub: Khmelnaya, Pivnoff, Mosproekt. If you want to impress guests with creativity and a fresh approach to the concept and naming, it’s better to designate the format as a “beer restaurant”.

From Britain with love

Pub, in fact, the same brasserie. The difference is in the audience and the presentation of the institution. To make your pub profitable, follow the established rules of the game. Guests are waiting for a real piece of Britain. Do not deceive their expectations!