French scrambled eggs: description and methods of cooking. French classic scrambled eggs: recipe

07.04.2019 Bakery products

Read in this step-by-step recipe how to cook a delicate, silky French omelet with cheese, which flows from the fragile velvet of an egg womb with a warm molten mass.

How to cook french omelet with cheese? Of course, you can mix grated cheese into beaten eggs, but I prefer the warm, melted cheese mass flowing from the core of the omelet, so I put the grated cheese into the omelet before folding, immediately after I mix and level the egg mixture on the bottom of the pan.

The main thing in the preparation is that it should never be overcooked, its outer layer should remain cream-colored without traces of frying. The eggs should be barely set on the outside and slightly moist inside, if the omelet is shaken it should slightly jerk like fruit jelly. But do not forget that it should not be liquid and mucous. That is why we offer to cook omelet at home over medium heat. This will save the finished dish from overcooking and will not require high speed and stress during cooking.

Do not forget about that. that the pan is the most important component of success. Its non-stick coating should be impeccable. Even minor, obviously invisible damage can lead to disastrous results in the preparation of this dish.

See also:

French omelette with cheese recipe


  1. 3 large eggs
  2. Salt to taste.
  3. Freshly ground black or white pepper - to taste
  4. 30 grams of grated, well-melted cheese.
  5. 15 grams of unsalted butter.

Optional equipment:

  1. Pan.
  2. Plastic or bamboo fork.
  3. Clean dishcloth.

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs and season them with spices

  • Beat three eggs in a small cup with a plastic or bamboo fork. Beat eggs until visible large fractions of protein remain in the dishes. Season with salt and pepper. If you wish, you can add finely chopped herbs to the mixture, as in this recipe for making French omelet with fresh herbs.

Pour the egg mixture into a preheated pan.

  • Take a 20 cm non-stick pan and place it on medium heat. Add a tablespoon of unsalted butter to it and melt it. When the oil begins to foam a little, pour the beaten eggs into the pan and quickly mix them with a plastic fork. While mixing them, shake the pan at the same time so that the egg mixture is in constant motion and constantly. The eggs in contact with the hot walls and the bottom of your dishes will begin to fold into small curdled pieces. Be sure to scrape the grasped eggs from the walls and return them to the total mass.
  • Now the most important thing is to stop in time and not cook a talker. After 1-2 minutes, most of the mixture should set, but there should be enough liquid eggs in it to hold everything together in a single mass.

Spread the eggs evenly and add the grated cheese.

  • Carefully scrape with a fork all thin egg slices from the sides of the pan, and even out the eggs in an even layer. At this point, the upper surface of the omelet should be curd-cheesy, if this is not so and the eggs are still slimy and fluid, cook them for a few seconds. In a circular motion, as in the preparation of pancakes, disperse the liquid along the sides of the pan and use a fork to scrape the captured eggs into an omelet.
  • Pour grated cheese evenly on top

Roll up an omelet

  • After removing the pan from the fire, lift it up with the handle so that it is at an angle to the surface. Starting at the top edge, gently fold it in half with a fork. Then, very carefully slide the eggs to the edge of the pan so that the lower edge hangs slightly from it. Wrap the roll all the way to the end, and after lifting the hanging lower part, close it.

Gently place on a plate and serve

  • Holding the tilted pan over the serving plate, carefully turn it over, tipping the omelette, seam down. In appearance, your omelet should resemble a cigar or a very large almond kernel. If there are any flaws in the mold, correct the dish using a clean kitchen towel.
  • Serve immediately.
  • If you plan to cook another omelet, wipe the pan with a paper towel and get down to business.

Enjoy your meal!

Omelet is an original French dish prepared by a forester to Emperor Franz Joseph in the 19th century from what “God sent”: eggs, flour and water. Vladyka liked the new dish so much that he included it in the menu of his royal dinners. Since then, the recipe for a classic omelet has remained almost unchanged: only the composition of the dish has varied: in Provence they liked to cook with chestnuts, in the Alps in the Maritime Alps - with ham, in Savoy - with fried lard, in Poitou - with mushrooms.

The main feature of French fried eggs is the lack of height; Overseas cooks are more likely to prepare the basis for the filling, so the omelet in France is traditionally cooked without milk and is rolled into a tube directly in the pan. The recipe for French scrambled eggs, as a rule, is supplemented by sliced \u200b\u200bcubes of unleavened bread - toast, which makes the dish more satisfying and original.

Secrets of French food

What you need to know to cook an omelet in the way that real French culinary specialists cook it?

  • Do not add milk to the omelet.  Despite the frequent deviation from the rules, the classic recipe excludes the addition of milk or cream. So the scrambled eggs get denser and resembles a “pancake”, in which you can wrap any filling.
  • Do not spare the butter.  Melted butter, as a rule, is added directly to the omelette mixture, which makes the dish softer and tastier. It is also desirable to fry the omelet in butter, preventing it from boiling.
  • Do not beat the omelet with a mixer.  French chefs don’t even use a whisk to mix the mixture: only a fork. A dish whipped in a foam is guaranteed to fall off after cooking.
  • Do not sprinkle liberally with spices.  Dried or fresh herbs, peppers, basil in large quantities can kill the original creamy taste of the dish. The classic omelet recipe, as a rule, does not even contain greens.
  • Do not overcook.  Omelet is going to the tube at the very moment when the proteins are just beginning to “grab”. As folding, the dish has time to cook and pleases with a delicate taste without a fried crust.

Fried eggs

Classic recipe

French fried eggs recipe often includes diced toasts, which in Russian cuisine can be replaced with wheat, rye bread or loaf. It is not forbidden to use dried or yesterday's bread - saturated with an egg mixture, it will only enrich the taste of the dish.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • loaf - 2 slices;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt.


  1. Dice onions, tomatoes and a loaf. Fry all the ingredients in vegetable oil for 4-6 minutes.
  2. Bring the eggs and salt to uniformity and pour them into the pan.
  3. Simmer the contents for about 8 minutes, then fill the dish with grated cheese and cook for another 2 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

French fried eggs recipe is simple. It can be cooked in a slow cooker: for this, fry onions, tomatoes and bread in the "Frying" mode for about 5 minutes, then fill the contents with egg mixture and cook in the "Baking" mode for 20 minutes. Add cheese 1-2 minutes before cooking is complete. In a slow cooker, fried eggs will be more magnificent and healthier than in a frying pan.

French omelet is traditionally cooked in an open pan, which prevents the dish from rising. A real fried egg from France is thin and fragile enough: so that it does not lose shape, it is quickly transferred to a plate and immediately cut into pieces.

In a toast

Eggs in toast is an original dish, which, due to its unusual serving, will become a good option for a romantic or children's breakfast. This variant of scrambled eggs is good as an independent dish in combination with cherry tomatoes or ordinary tomato, sliced, green onion and basil.

You will need:

  • toasts - 4 pieces;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • greens (parsley, dill) - 150 g;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt.


  1. Cut round holes in the center of the toasts. Fry the blanks in olive oil for 2-3 minutes on both sides.
  2. Gently pour the eggs into the center of the bread, add salt and fry for about 3 minutes on low heat. When the proteins lose their transparency, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and continue cooking until it melts. Decorate the finished scrambled eggs with chopped herbs.

To avoid scrambled eggs in toast, it is better to choose sliced \u200b\u200bbread with strong edges.

French omelet

Classic recipe

The secret of the classic French omelet is in its composition and method of serving. To prepare it, only eggs are required and the required ingredient is butter, which envelops the omelet during cooking (it should not boil). Its appearance resembles a pancake (with or without filling) wrapped in a roll. For a variety of omelettes, it is not forbidden to add champignons, onions, green peas, bell pepper.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper (white).


  1. Mix eggs, salt and pepper until smooth.
  2. Melt three quarters of the oil in a pan and, stirring constantly, pour into the egg mixture.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a pan and cook for 3-4 minutes, until the edges of the dish begin to whiten.
  4. Use a spatula to wrap the semi-finished omelet in a roll. After 1-2 minutes, put the dish on a plate with the seam down.

French omelet turns out porous, airy, with a delicate taste. When serving on a roll, you can make several cuts to make the filling appear beautifully. Enjoy your meal!

To add satiety omelette, it is not forbidden to add potatoes to the dish: 3 or 4 tubers are triturated on a coarse grater, let in a pan for 2-3 minutes and then added to the omelette mixture. In a potato omelette, it is good to combine onions and meat products.

With cheese and tomatoes

French omelette recipe with cheese - a simple dish with a creamy taste and a spicy nutty note. A quick omelet is not only suitable for a regular breakfast, but can also be a great treat for unexpected guests. In addition to nuts, cheese and tomatoes, it can be supplemented with vegetables and olives - in this case, the taste will be brighter.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • walnuts - 3 pieces;
  • salt.


  1. Mix eggs with salt.
  2. Dice the tomato, grate the cheese, chop the walnuts.
  3. Pour the omelette mixture into a pan and cook for 4-5 minutes. When a little liquid remains on the surface of the dish, put the tomatoes, cheese, walnuts and roll the omelet into a tube. Done!

The recipe for a French omelette, as well as scrambled eggs, is simple, and the dish is original, mouth-watering and vibrant. And from the usual ingredients. Using classic and unusual dishes, you can nourish, impress and please guests and loved ones. Try it yourself!

French chefs are known for their originality. The dishes prepared by them differ not only in excellent taste, but also always look quite impressive and presentable. For example, fried eggs in French is a real work of culinary art. And you can cook it in different ways.

Simple option

Interesting recipes for fried eggs are found in national cuisines of different countries. The French have their own opinion on this. Everyone knows their unconventional approach to cooking. So, the simplest fried eggs in French require the following ingredients:

  • cups of sour cream:
  • salts;
  • 5 eggs:
  • spices.

Detailed instructions:

  1. First you need to heat the pan well over a fire, and then pour sour cream on it. Oil or some other fat should not be added.
  2. As soon as all the liquid has evaporated from the sour cream, it is necessary to beat eggs into it arbitrarily. No special care is required here. It’s not scary if even the yolk is damaged.
  3. Salt and add the selected spices.
  4. Cover the pan and extinguish the flame.

The dish should reach readiness as it cools. It only takes a few minutes. Tender and very delicious fried eggs in French can be the perfect breakfast for those who do not have time in the morning to bother with food for a long time. This category includes most modern people.

Custom approach

In French cuisine there is another original recipe. With the help of simple changes in cooking and serving, instead of the usual scrambled eggs, you get just a unique dish. You don’t have to be a cooking guru or an extra class chef.

Grocery set:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 35 g olive oil;
  • 4 slices of loaf (or bread);
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • one onion;
  • salt;
  • fresh greens.

The original fried eggs are prepared in French using the following technology:

  1. Peel the onion, cut it into cubes, and then lightly fry in olive oil. You have to wait until the pieces become almost transparent.
  2. Add randomly chopped tomatoes. Continue heating until the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Grind the bread (or loaf) with straws or cubes. Pour it into the pan and continue to fry the products together.
  4. Beat eggs separately in a bowl with a whisk or fork, and then pour them over bread and vegetables.
  5. Sprinkle with grated cheese and keep under cover until tender.

Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

French omelet

In France, they love to make all kinds of egg dishes. Local chefs have achieved this perfection. In addition to scrambled eggs, a classic omelet in a pan is especially popular. Moreover, the French make it without flour and dairy products.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 20 g butter;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper.

Practical part

Break the eggs into a bowl, and then beat them with pepper and salt for about 30 seconds. In this case, the proteins with the yolks should mix well.

Heat the oil in a pan and wait until the resulting foam gradually disappears.

Pour beaten egg mass onto it.

During heating, the pan several times sharply tilt in opposite directions. So the edges will not burn.

Tilt the pan slightly and gently transfer the omelet to a preheated plate. Roll the still hot mass.

The finished dish can be sprinkled with any fresh herbs.

Sometimes experienced chefs use an ordinary fork to roll an omelet in a pan into a roll. But this requires some skill and, of course, practice.

Fried eggs in bread

There is another original option. This is french fried eggs in bread. This dish looks very unusual. In this case, the eggs are fried in a special form made from toast.

Grocery list:

  • 2 eggs;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • 2 slices of white bread (or loaf);
  • salt;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 20 g butter.

Cooking process:

  1. First, in the middle of each piece of bread you need to remove part of the crumb. As a result, a hole is formed. Moreover, its shape may be different.
  2. Toast bread on both sides.
  3. Gently break the egg so that it goes straight into the cooked form. With a fork, you can stir the protein a little so that it is better fried. But the yolk should remain intact.
  4. Fry until necessary. Everyone has their own taste here. The main thing is not to dry the toast. Otherwise, it will be difficult to figure out.

The dish looks very elegant on the plate. For its design, you can use slices of fresh tomatoes and herbs. Such fried eggs in itself are very satisfying and perfect for a full breakfast.

Fried eggs with cheese

Experienced cooks argue that scrambled eggs do not have to be cooked in a pan. You can even use an oven for this. There is a very interesting way by which you get amazing fried eggs in French with cheese. The original version requires a minimum set of components, namely:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • salts;
  • ground black pepper.

To prepare the fried eggs, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Beat the eggs. Moreover, the proteins must be collected in one container. In this case, it is better to put the yolks in separate saucers.
  2. Cover the baking sheet with parchment.
  3. Beat the whites well with salt. The result should be a dense, stable foam.
  4. Divide the resulting mass into two parts and lay them on a baking sheet in the form of small nests.
  5. Sprinkle the workpiece with grated cheese in advance.
  6. Gently shift the yolk in the middle of each of them.
  7. Send the baking sheet to the oven for 6 minutes, preheating it to 230 degrees.

A dish in such an original design will be a real decoration of the table. From the side, it seems as if the yolk is in a small nest of delicate fluff.

Magic envelope

The French have another very unusual dish. Some consider it an omelet. However, it is a real fried egg in French. The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple. For work, you will need the most ordinary products:

  • 4 eggs;
  • salt;
  • butter;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • hard cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped walnuts.

The method of preparation of fried eggs:

  1. Pour the tomatoes over boiling water, peel them, and cut the flesh into cubes.
  2. Heat oil in a pan. It should warm up well. For those who like golden crusts, you can advise not to take butter, but any vegetable oil.
  3. Beat eggs with salt.
  4. Pour the mass into a pan and fry until golden brown.
  5. When there is very little moisture left, put chopped tomatoes, nuts on the surface and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  6. Bring the dish to readiness under the lid.
  7. Fold the fried eggs with an envelope and sprinkle with herbs.

If desired, the finished mass can be wrapped with a roll or simply folded in half. In this case, nothing depends on the appearance.

Many of you probably already know how to cook omelet, but today we will share with you the recipe for French omelet.

First of all, you should know a few rules: French omelet is prepared from 2 to 4 eggs, which need to be well beaten and properly fried. Omelette filling can be very diverse. We advise you to try chives with goat cheese.

Among the fillings you can find chicken liver, ham, spinach sauté, ratatouille and many different cheeses.

Chefs and food lovers take omelet preparation very seriously: it should be small and properly cooked. There are even separate pans for scrambled eggs.

See the photo, read the text and cook with us!

Our French omelet recipe:

  Take 2 to 4 eggs in a mix with salt.

Heat the pan to medium-high heat. You can use refined butter or any other. Melt the butter in a pan.

As soon as you pour the eggs into the pan, start actively stirring them in the pan with a rubber spatula. Thus, your omelet will turn out to be very airy.

As soon as you see that the eggs have acquired a certain structure, but they are still soft and sticky, lower the temperature, add the filling and begin to roll the omelet in the form of a roll directly in the pan.

There are many ways to roll a French omelet, however this technique is the simplest: first, grab a plate and place it next to the pan. Take the pan by the handle from underneath and tilt it slightly.

Tilt the pan, and with a spatula, curl the edge of the omelet, which is closer to the handle of the pan, and thus the omelet itself will begin to roll directly onto the plate in the form of a roll.

The main thing is that you don’t have it in the form of a plate.

Of course, you can use your own methods. Bon Appetit!

The French are said to know a lot about wine and women. And also in various dishes. Well, about the frog legs, we will probably be ignorant this time, but with pleasure we will prepare and try a very successful national version of the omelet.

French omelet - general principles of cooking

French omelet is prepared only by pouring mass into a pan. It must be covered with a non-stick coating, but if there is a massive cast-iron frying pan with sloping edges, then there is no better option for dishes. For a serving of such an omelet of three eggs, a pan with an internal diameter of about 20 cm is suitable.

The peculiarity of the French version of the omelet is the correct composition of the egg mass and its frying in a pan.

Omelette mass is prepared only from eggs. Milk or other products are rarely added to it. The eggs are seasoned with ground pepper, then salted and thoroughly shaken. They do not need to be whipped until foam, the main thing is that the base is uniform.

French omelet is fried with minimal heat, pouring the egg mixture into a well-heated butter. Often, part of the oil is introduced into the omelette mass. In the process of cooking, the pan is not covered with a lid, otherwise it will turn out something more similar to a magnificent souffle.

A French omelet is considered ready when its edges begin to lighten, but the center of the dish remains slightly liquid. At this moment, they roll it up and put it on a plate. If the dish is prepared with the filling, then the dish is fried stronger, and be sure to make sure that its bottom does not burn.

In the French omelet filling you can put any products that are harmoniously combined with each other: vegetables, fish, fresh herbs, sausages and mushrooms. The filling is laid out in the center of the finished omelette "cake" and free edges are wrapped on it. Any stuffing is always sprinkled with chopped cheese.

Wrapped omelette is slightly warmed up so that the cheese melts well and only after that it is transferred to a plate, laying seam down. Garnish with fresh vegetables.

A simple recipe - classic French omelettes


50 gr butter;

Three eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Put butter in a suitable size and wall thickness pan and place on low heat. The oil should melt completely, but should not be warmed up strongly.

2. While the butter is being heated, break the eggs into a small bowl and blot well. Beat to lush foam, it is not necessary, it is enough to bring to a uniform consistency.

3. Intensively stirring the eggs, pour almost all the oil into them with a thin stream. A little melted butter should be left in the pan, it is useful for frying.

4. Pour a little salt into the egg mass, slightly pepper and mix thoroughly.

5. Pour the prepared mixture into the pan in which the oil was left, and set the minimum heat.

6. When the edges turn white, lift with a spatula for one, the lightest edge and carefully wrap in the form of a roll.

7. Carefully lay the rolled omelet on a plate, laying it with the seam down, and serve.

French omelette stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms


50 gr bacon

Half a bell pepper;

Small tomato;

50 gr cheese - “Russian” or “Dutch”;

Four small champignons;

Half of the middle onion;

Small clove of garlic;

Three feathers of green onions;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

72% butter - 40 gr.

Cooking method:

1. In a frying pan over low heat, heat thin slices of bacon until the fat is melted out of them.

2. Add lightly chopped onions and lightly let it simmer over low heat.

3. Without waiting for browning, put mushrooms cut into small cubes and chopped pulp of bell pepper in the same way to the softened onion.

4. Slightly salt the stuffing, season with white ground pepper, squeeze the garlic into it with a press and, constantly stirring, bring to readiness, softness of mushroom and vegetable slices.

5. In a separate pan, slowly (at a minimum of temperature) melt the butter and gently pour the eggs, which are mixed with salt, into it.

6. Bring the omelet over low heat to lighten its edges and center the cooked roast.

7. Sprinkle finely shredded cheese on top of the filling and wrap the free edges on it.

8. Carefully transfer the finished dish over the edge of the pan to the dish or plate and serve hot to the table.

French omelet - "Hostess", with champignons


Two eggs;

25 ml of pasteurized milk;

A large spoon of butter;

Fresh champignons - three small mushrooms;

Leek - 1 pc.;

Three leaves of lettuce;

Quarter of red bell pepper;

  "Dutch" cheese - 40 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the leek into thin rings and the mushrooms into slices. Grind cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Thoroughly rinse the lettuce leaves with water and wipe dry with a towel.

3. In a dry frying pan over low heat, simmer the onions for a couple of minutes, then add the mushrooms, wait for the complete evaporation of the juice released from them, and put everything in a plate.

4. In small thin strips cut one lettuce leaf and pulp of bell pepper.

5. Beat eggs and milk, add a little ground pepper to the mixture, add salt to your taste. Pour the chopped lettuce to the eggs and mix thoroughly.

6. Melt the butter in a frying pan well and carefully pour the eggs mixed with greens into it.

7. When the edges of the omelet change color, and its middle is still slightly liquid, put the mushroom filling in the center and gently smooth it to the edges.

8. Sprinkle mushrooms with coarsely grated cheese. Lay out the remaining lettuce leaves from one edge of the filling. Gently lay strips of sweet pepper on them and fold the omelet in half.

French ham omelette


Four eggs;

60 grams of hard cheese;

50 grams of boiled ham;

A tablespoon with a slide of butter or heavy cream.

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and pierce the yolks with a fork. Pour a little salt and shake the egg mass well, making it even. For flavor, you can add a little freshly ground black pepper in a mortar.

2. Cut the ham in centimeter cubes, grate the cheese on a medium or large grater.

3. Put oil in a pan and set it to simmer on low heat.

4. When the fat begins to crackle, pour the loosened eggs into it and leave to cook on the previous heating.

5. During cooking, periodically move the already baked portion from the walls of the pan to the center.

6. When the whole mass is well baked, sprinkle half of it with a portion of crushed cheese. Lay the ham cubes evenly on it and cover with the remaining cheese chips.

7. Cover the ham stuffing with the free part of the omelet, soak the dish in the pan for another half a minute and transfer to a plate.

8. When serving, a hot dish can also be sprinkled with cheese on top.

French omelet with red fish and tomatoes


Lightly salted red fish - 50 gr.;

Three large eggs;

30 grams of “Russian” cheese;

Medium-sized fleshy tomato;

30 gr cream or butter;

Fresh greens for serving - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut red fish and tomato into small cubes, the size of the ribs no more than 0.5 cm, rub the cheese on a fine vegetable grater. Combine the fish with cheese and tomatoes, mix.

2. For eggs broken into a bowl, pierce the yolks. Season the eggs with ground pepper, add a small pinch of salt and chat.

3. Pour non-boiling, well-melted butter into the egg mixture and mix thoroughly with a fork, bringing to uniformity.

4. Pour the mixture into the pan on which the butter was heated and place it on moderate heat.

5. When the upper part is firm enough, and the lower one is well grasped, put on its center a strip of fish mixed with tomatoes and cheese.

6. Gently lifting the free edges with a spatula, wrap them on the filling, warm the omelet for at least 30 seconds, so that the cheese starts to melt and transfer the omelet to a plate.

7. Garnish the dish with fresh herbs and serve.

French omelet stuffed with feta cheese, vegetables and mushrooms


Fresh milk (or just very fat) - 100 ml;

Four eggs;

50 gr salted feta cheese;

Three branches of fresh dill;

  Kostroma cheese - 50 gr.;

Small tomato;

Four young champignons;

Three tablespoons of frozen oil;

Small bell peppers;

Spices to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Release the eggs into a deep bowl and pierce the yolks. Add a tea of \u200b\u200brefined oil, pour in all the milk, season with spices, lightly salt and thoroughly shake.

2. Pour the oil into the warmed up speed, evenly distribute the fat throughout the bottom, pour the egg mixture on it.

3. At a low temperature, without covering, bake until fully cooked and carefully transfer to a plate.

4. Grate cheese and hard cheese into small chips, chop finely chopped fresh herbs. Finely chop the cubes, chop the tomatoes, finely chop the onion and pulp of the bell pepper.

5. Sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms in small slices, along with pepper, fry in warmed vegetable oil.

6. Put all the components of the filling into half an omelet, and cover with its free half.

7. Carefully transfer to a pan and heat it at a minimum temperature on both sides, for three minutes each. It is advisable to cover the pan with a lid so that the cheese melts better.

French omelette - cooking tips and tricks

It will be easier to bring the egg mass to homogeneity if you pierce the egg yolks with a sharp tableware, such as a fork or knife, before loosening.

To make the French omelet fried more evenly, move the ready-made part from the sides of the pan to the center during frying.

The cheese in the filling to melt is better and much faster if warmed up under the lid.

Do not pour the omelet into boiling oil in a pan; the dish is guaranteed to burn.