Poppy should be soaked before baking. Poppy seed filling for fragrant buns and delicious rolls

18.09.2019 Snacks

Dry small seeds without a pronounced taste and smell can surprise a novice cook with their unattractiveness as a culinary ingredient. But with a little skill and the right approach, poppy turns into a real delicacy with unique, incomparable, flavor characteristics. And then donuts, buns, pretzels with poppy seed filling instantly “fly away” from the table.

How long does poppy boil

In order for poppy seeds to be well stored, they are carefully dried. It enters stores in the form of a dry bulk product. To prepare the filling, poppy should be made juicy. Otherwise, it will crunch unpleasantly on the teeth, and will not be able to give up its flavor. Poppy is cooked in several ways for a very short time - 15 minutes. But first it is poured with boiling water and allowed to swell.

For the filling, poppy seeds are boiled in water, milk, honey solution, sugar syrup. After boiling, it is squeezed out of moisture and used for cooking. Or they prepare a rather viscous paste by grinding already softened seeds in a mortar, adding honey, condensed milk or powdered sugar.

Large blue poppy seeds can simply be poured with boiling water, allowed to stand for 1.5 hours, squeezed and used.

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook poppy seeds for filling

In order for the poppy seed filling to retain its aroma, plasticity, and peculiar structure, it must be prepared immediately before use.

Boiling in water

Take 2 cups of water per glass of poppy seeds. Pour boiling water over the grains, cover tightly, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Bring the mass to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Dry small poppy seeds can take longer to cook. Readiness can be determined by biting the grain with your teeth. It should be pliable, with a soft internal texture, a pronounced nutty flavor.

Throw the boiled poppy seeds in a colander and let dry.

Cooking in syrup

Take a glass of water for a glass of poppy seeds. Pour the grains with boiling water, let it swell. Drain half the water, put the saucepan on the fire, add 0.5 cups of sugar. Once boiling, reduce heat to low. Don't forget to stir regularly. Cook until the syrup thickens slightly (15-20 minutes).

Cooking in milk

With this method of cooking, the taste of poppy seed filling is more delicate. First, the poppy must be poured with boiling water and allowed to swell. Drain the water. Pour poppy seeds with milk (in a ratio of 2: 1), add sugar, a spoonful of butter and put on fire. The mass must be stirred. Cook until viscous. To make the filling plastic, 5 minutes before the end, you can add an egg yolk.

For the preparation of complex fillings, a blank is often used from dry poppy seeds, ground in a coffee grinder to a homogeneous fraction.

poppy seeds

The simplest filling is made from poppy seeds and sugar. Boil poppy seeds in the first way, let the water drain, put the grains in a mortar, grind into a homogeneous mass with the addition of sugar. The filling acquires a slightly whitish hue and a slightly spicy aroma.

The classic filling can be modified with other ingredients.

Stuffing for roll


  • A glass of poppy seeds, ground in a coffee grinder;
  • A glass of milk;
  • 2 spoons of semolina;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 50 g chopped almonds;
  • A pinch of vanilla.

Pour prepared poppy seeds into boiling milk, boil for 2 minutes, add semolina in a thin stream, add sugar and vanillin. Cook until pasty, add almonds. If you do not plan to serve pastries to children, you can flavor the filling with a spoonful of cognac.

Poppy honey filling


  • A glass of boiled poppy;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey.

Boiled poppy rub in a mortar. Mix with honey until smooth. This filling has a viscous texture and is ideal for gluing dough in rolls. To make it more convenient to apply it to the dough layer, fill the pastry bag with the filling and deposit the mass of the desired thickness.

Poppy cream


  • A glass of boiled poppy seeds;
  • 100 g of water;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • Egg yolk;
  • A spoonful of semolina.

Wipe the poppy in a mortar. Dilute condensed milk with water, add poppy seeds, add egg yolk and dry semolina, put on fire. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The mass should have a delicate creamy texture.

Simple recipes with poppy seed filling

Tasty and fragrant poppy seed filling is used in rich confectionery. This is a great option for everyday and festive family tea table.

Yeast pretzel with poppy seeds

  • Put a sweet yeast dough.
  • Prepare the poppy seed "stuffing for the roll" in the manner described earlier.
  • Divide the dough into pieces of 300 g.
  • Give the shape of a sausage, and then knead with your hands to a thickness of 0.5 cm. You should get an oval elongated dough blank.
  • Using a pastry bag, pipe the poppy seed filling in the center, along the entire length of the dough.
  • Fasten the edges of the dough over the filling and from the edges so that the poppy seeds remain inside the dough. A long "sausage" with poppy seed filling inside.
  • Stretch slightly in length, then gently fold in half and wrap in a tourniquet.
  • Shape into a round pretzel. Send the product for proofing in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  • Lubricate the pretzel that has grown in size with a mixture of water and yolk.
  • Bake until golden in the oven at 220°. Ready to sprinkle with powder.
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1. Pour dry poppy into a deep container. Some housewives pre-grind dry grains with a coffee grinder before steaming. So the further cooking process will be faster.

2. Pour boiling water over the poppy seeds in a ratio of 1:2. Cover the dishes with a lid so that the grains steam well and leave them until the liquid cools completely. During this time, the poppy will absorb some of the liquid.

3. After this time, the water will become cloudy white.

4. Carefully drain it so that the poppy remains in the container. Do a similar procedure three times: steam with fresh boiling water, close the lid and leave to cool. After each steaming, poppy seeds will increase in volume. As a result, the original volume of poppy will increase three times.

5. After the last steaming, drain the water and add sugar to the poppy seeds. It can be used in half with honey. But then add honey to poppy seeds at the very end of cooking.

6. Take a blender and interrupt the poppy as thoroughly as possible.

7. The grains will grind with sugar and gradually begin to release poppy milk, from which the mass will acquire a blue tint. As you see such a characteristic color, it means that the poppy is ready for further use. At this point, you can put honey in the mass and scroll a few more times with a blender. To taste, you can add butter, steamed raisins, dried apricots, citrus zest, dried fruits, and beaten egg white to the poppy seed filling. Experiment!

Note: to grind poppy, you can use a coffee grinder, or use the grandmother's method - twist the grains through a meat grinder or grind with a rolling pin in a mortar.

Properly prepared poppy seed filling is simply delicious. It can be used both for buns and for pies, pies. It should be noted that there are several options for processing the presented product. We will tell only about the simplest and fastest.

Poppy Stuffing: Step by Step Recipe

Before you start preparing such a filling, you should think about what kind of baking you want to use it in. If you need to make a closed pie or a delicious one, we recommend using the recipe below.

So, you will need:

  • butter or margarine cream - about 120 g;
  • sand-sugar - a full cup;
  • fresh large egg - 2 pcs.;
  • iodized salt - ½ small spoon (can be omitted, if desired).

Cooking method

From the poppy should be moist and even slightly runny consistency. To do this, dry grains must be put in a coffee grinder and ground to a powder state. Then they should be put aside and start preparing the second part of the filling. To do this, you need to place a piece of cooking fat in milk and add sand-sugar. Next, the products must be placed in a water bath and heated until the sweet product is completely dissolved. After that, they need to introduce beaten eggs and stir continuously. These actions should be carried out until the entire mass is partially boiled.

Final stage

After the creamy-milk mass thickens slightly, it is required to pour the previously prepared poppy seed powder into it and mix well. The resulting slurry should be heated for about 3-4 minutes. At this point, poppy seed filling is considered fully cooked. It can be used immediately for baking dessert or placed in the refrigerator (after cooling). It is permissible to store such a product in the cold for a week.

Quick poppy seed filling for buns

To make delicious or buns, in which the poppy seed filling should be spread on top of the dough, it is advisable to use honey and lemon. It should be noted that such desserts are not only very tasty, but also quite beautiful in appearance.

So, poppy seed filling for buns requires the use of products such as:

  • dry poppy seeds - 2 full cups;
  • low-fat milk - 1 cup;
  • sand-sugar - 2/3 cups;
  • any honey - 5 large spoons;
  • large fresh lemon - 1 pc.

fruit processing

Before making the filling of poppy seeds for buns, the sour fruit should be processed. Lemon must be washed well, and then dried thoroughly and grated on a small grater so that it is completely left without zest. If there is a desire, then the peel can first be cut with a knife, and then also chopped.

The process of making the filling

After it is ready, you can begin to prepare the entire filling. To do this, milk of low fat content should be poured into a saucepan, and then pour sand-sugar into the same place and mix everything thoroughly. Putting the dishes on a slow fire, you must wait until the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved. Next to the products you need to lay out dry poppy seeds, honey and lemon zest.

How to use?

The poppy seed filling, the recipe of which we reviewed above, is used only in open pies and buns. It must be applied to the surface of the dough with a spoon or a culinary brush. To prevent poppy seeds from burning during the heat treatment of buns, it is recommended to additionally grease the formed products with a beaten chicken egg. In this state, semi-finished products should be placed in a preheated oven and baked for 40-55 minutes. As a result, you will get a very tasty and beautiful dessert that will appeal to both adults and children.

Making the stuffing from raisins and poppy seeds

Poppy and raisin filling is a great option for rolls and although you will need a little more time to prepare such a product than in the above recipes.

So the ingredients are:

  • dry poppy seeds - a full cup;
  • pitted dark raisins - 1 cup;
  • sand-sugar - 2 large spoons.

Preparation of ingredients

To make the filling of poppy seeds and dark raisins viscous and very tasty, you should prepare all the ingredients in advance. First you need to sort through all the dried fruits, removing putrefactive elements, twigs and other debris. Next, put the raisins in a colander and rinse well under warm water. After that, it must be moved to a bowl and poured with boiling water. In this state, the product is desirable to withstand for half an hour. In the future, it should be rinsed again under tap water.

In exactly the same way it is necessary to process dry poppy seeds. They need to be put in a bowl and scalded with boiling water. After the product swells a little, it should be filtered and rinsed again.

The final stage in the creation of the filling

After all the described actions, it is necessary to lay out sand-sugar to the poppy seeds, and then grind them thoroughly with a pusher. Having received a homogeneous sweet mass, it should be mixed together with raisins and used for its intended purpose, that is, to cook various rolls, pies, etc. By the way, dried fruits can be further chopped with a sharp knife or in a blender. In this case, you will get a more uniform and viscous filling.

The fastest poppy seed filling

If you have neither the ingredients nor the time to make poppy seed filling for pies, buns and other products, we recommend using the cooking method described below. For it, we need only two main ingredients:

  • dry poppy seeds - 1.5 full cups;
  • liquid honey - 1 cup.

Step by step cooking process

How to make poppy seed filling at home? To do this, the grains should be thoroughly washed until the water is clear. Next, the poppy needs to be poured with boiling water and left in this state for several minutes. As a result, you should end up with fairly swollen seeds. After that, they should be deprived of all moisture as much as possible by shaking vigorously in a fine sieve or squeezing with gauze. At the end, the product must be placed in a bowl and crushed using a pusher. Add liquid honey to the poppy. You should get a fairly viscous and very fragrant mass. It can be used not only to fill rolls and closed pies, but also to decorate buns, cake layers, cakes and other products.

Summing up

Now you know several recipes for making poppy seed filling. You can use them in the process of creating any home baking. It should be noted that this filling makes flour products very fragrant and tasty. Moreover, it can serve as an excellent confectionery decoration. To do this, poppy seeds can be sprinkled with already baked buns, which should be pre-lubricated with any glaze. Also, poppy is often added to creams for cakes, giving them a special aroma and taste, as well as a beautiful structure.


Date: 25 01 2015


Poppy filling is widely used for making rolls, pies, pies, bagels, strudel, as well as a very common one. I already introduced you. Today I would like to dwell on how poppy seed filling is prepared.

Poppy filling is one of my favorites. With her, I cook my most “signature”. Poppy filling in our stores you can buy ready-made - in banks. But, it still cannot be compared with cooked at home. I usually use blue Czech poppy - it is usually clean, without sand. The filling from it turns out juicy and tasty. In the Czech Republic, farmers grow poppies legally and exclusively for adding to confectionery and national cuisine. A mixture is made from poppy seeds with sugar, which is sprinkled on homemade noodles - a dish that is very popular here in Transcarpathia. In fact, just crushed poppy seeds with sugar is already the simplest poppy seed filling.

Poppy seed filling for rolls, pies, strudel, buns, bagels

Basic Recipe

Poppy 400 grams

Milk 200 grams

Sugar 350-400 grams

Lemon zest from one lemon

Raisins 80-100 grams

Poppy grind in a coffee grinder or pass through a special mill. Another option is to grind in a blender or other grinder. It is advisable to purchase a special kitchen "device" - the mills of the Soviet era have not yet invented anything better.

Well, even makitra is a good thing. Do you have a makitrochka? That's it!

Poppy mixed with sugar, pour hot milk,

cook, stirring, for 5-7 minutes until thickened and a viscous filling is obtained. Peel the zest from one lemon

rinse and put raisins in the filling.

Mix properly. In almost the same way, the filling is prepared not only from poppy seeds, but also from nuts. Poppy filling should be used after cooling.

My remarks:

Poppy and halva stuffing

Poppy 400 grams

Halva 350 grams

Milk 170-200 ml

Raisins 80 grams

Lemon juice from half a lemon

Lemon zest from one lemon.

Poppy grind in a mill or grind in any way possible. Pour hot milk into the prepared poppy seeds, cook, stirring, for about 10 minutes over very low heat. Then put the washed raisins, lemon zest, squeeze the lemon juice. Halva crush or grate on a coarse grater. Thoroughly mix the mass of poppy seeds and halva - the filling is ready!

My remarks:

  • This filling is best suited for rolls, buns, shortcrust pastry pies.
  • Halva can be taken any that you like. I prefer ordinary, from sunflower seeds.

Poppy and chocolate filling

Poppy 500 grams

Milk 170-200 ml

Chocolate 100 grams

Cocoa 100 grams

Sugar 100 grams

Cognac 50 ml

Orange zest from one medium orange

Candied oranges 80 grams

Grind poppy in a special mill, grind in a coffee grinder or chop with a blender. Put poppy seeds in a saucepan, add sugar, cocoa, zest, candied fruit. Cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes, make sure it doesn't burn! In the cooled mixture of poppy seeds with additives, put chocolate, broken into pieces, pour in cognac, stir, cool. The filling should remain sticky.

Poppy seed filling can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, and in the freezer for up to three months.

Today, under the sound of the January rain, I wanted to listen to the lines born in the corners and corners of the soul.

Not everyone knows how to properly prepare poppy seed filling for baking. Each housewife has her own recipe for making poppy seeds for fillings of pancakes, pies, rolls. In India and Pakistan, housewives prepare sweet poppy paste, which is consumed as a separate sweet dish. To prepare this paste, poppy seeds are first washed with warm water, then the water is squeezed out and ground in a mortar with sugar until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained. How to prepare poppy seeds for filling?

Some of our housewives simply pour poppy seeds with boiling water, and then rub them with sugar or honey, some boil them over low heat to make it soft, then rub it with sugar or pass it through a meat grinder with a fine mesh a couple of times - also with sugar.

Cooking poppy or not is a matter of taste for each person, and for lovers of experiments, you can try several recipes for cooking poppy seeds and choose the most suitable and tasty one for yourself and your family.

Poppy fillings can be prepared with sugar, honey, raisins, nuts, candied fruits, cinnamon. But how to make a delicious poppy seed filling, in what order to add components to get a more delicious poppy seed filling.

Poppy seed filling recipes for rolls, pie, pancakes:

1. Poppy is first boiled in milk with honey or sugar. Then rubbed, or passed through a meat grinder (or crushed in a blend).

2. Poppy needs to be ground - DRY, in a blender or coffee grinder. And then boil with milk and sugar, it turns out such a poppy jam. Doesn't crumble. Doesn't squeak on teeth. Doesn't come out. It is good to add raisins, nuts and flavor with lemon or cinnamon.

3. Pour poppy seeds with boiling water, let stand until the boiling water cools or longer, then drain the water and grind the poppy seeds well in a mortar, it becomes slightly whitish, add sugar, walnuts to taste.

4. 1 cup poppy seeds, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons honey, 1/2 cup almonds, chopped and mixed with lemon zest (1/2 lemon), 1/4 cup raisins, 1/4 cup granulated sugar, 1 grated sour apple. We mix all the ingredients, except for the grated apple, and put on fire. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add sugar to taste, remove from heat and set aside. Add grated apple or jam. Mix thoroughly. The filling is ready.

5. 200 g of poppy seeds, 200 g of sugar, 3/4 l of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed crackers, 100 g of butter, vanilla or vanillin. Rinse poppy seeds in cold water, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over and leave for several hours. Then drain the water, crush it well and cook in milk together with crushed crackers, sugar and vanilla, stirring all the time until the mixture thickens. Add butter and leave for a while, let cool. You can add raisins or grated lemon zest.

6. 1/2 cup milk (360 ml/), 80 g butter, 2 tsp. vanilla essence, 3/4 cup sugar (150 g), 1/2 cup honey, 400 g ground poppy seeds, 3/4 cup ground almonds, 2 eggs Pour milk into a saucepan, add oil, vanilla essence, sugar and honey, mix and bring to a boil. Stir in ground poppy seeds and almonds and cook for about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and beat first one and then the other egg into the mixture, mixing thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Allow to cool and place in refrigerator until use.

7. A delicious poppy seed filling recipe. An excellent filling for poppy seed cakes, rolls, and other poppy products. 375 ml milk 250 gr. grated poppy seeds 2 tbsp. semolina 2 sachets of vanilla sugar 2 tsp. rum (you can cognac, brandy, liquor) 100 gr. raisins 75 gr. almonds (or nuts) 1 poppy egg chop in a blender, or in any other way. Bring milk to a boil, pour poppy seeds, semolina, sugar into it in a thin stream. Bring to a boil 2-3 more times. Remove from heat, add the rest of the ingredients, at the end of the egg. Now every housewife is armed with various ways of preparing poppy seed filling, and each of you knows the secret of preparing poppy seeds for filling.

How to steam poppy seeds for baking?

Probably everyone loves homemade cakes, especially confectionery with poppy seeds. In order for the poppy seed filling in pies or rolls to be tastier, you must first properly prepare the poppy seeds. Every housewife should know how to steam poppy seeds for baking, because this secret will make her pastries even tastier. To steam poppy seeds you will need: - poppy seeds - 1 glass - water - 1 glass - sugar or honey - to taste How to steam poppy seeds for baking? 1. Rinse the poppy with plenty of water. You can pour it into a small satiety to rinse or carry out this procedure in a bowl. 2. Pour a glass of poppy seeds with boiling water so that it is steamed. After 10 minutes, drain the water, or leave the poppy in the water until it cools completely, this will not harm it in any way. At the same time, a certain consistency is provided (it becomes softer and juicier) and the taste characteristics of poppy seeds necessary for confectionery. 3. Grind the poppy seeds in a special earthenware dish. If this is not available, you can also grind it in a blender or coffee grinder. 4. When rubbing the poppy, add sugar, vanillin, sour cream, honey or jam to taste. 5. After that, you can add raisins, candied fruits or nuts to the poppy seed filling, if you wish. Now you know how to properly steam poppy seeds and what to do it for, and you can please your family with poppy products - pies, rolls, pies, pancakes, and many other goodies.


So one day you went to the store, or to the market, bought a poppy, came home, and found that the poppy was bitter. This situation is familiar to every hostess. It's a pity to throw it away, and I want to somehow rectify the situation. To remove (or at least reduce the bitter taste), it must be steamed or boiled. The poppy is steamed so that it becomes soft and the taste of bitterness leaves it, and instead a characteristic poppy aroma appears.